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“They Unrolled Anti-Russian Campaign in Record Time” – Putin: Skripal Poisoning Was Planned (Lada Ray Predictions)

The Skripal scandal and Transatlantic expulsion of Russian diplomats was a very bad move on Theresa May/Boris Johnson’s part, simply reeking of false flag and coordinated attack against Russia by the collective West.


Read my lips: UK is about to have big problems, of its own making. Between BREXIT problems (as I predicted in ESR12 in June 2016!!) and the Skripal scandal, how long has May/Johnson government left? The big capital is fleeing UK, as I shared with you in my recent post – and that’s the death of the UK financial foundation.

Sure they’ll do everything to cover up the truth about Skripal flase flag, as well as many other such cases, and they’ll fight tooth and nail, accusing Russia of everything. But the truth has a funny way of showing up when needed.

The whole Europe is standing on a threshold of huge shifts! The funny thing, all these globalist elites in charge of Europe have no idea what to do. And it’ll get even funnier going forward.


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Russia, as has been proven time and again, is the only rational country and Putin is one of the very few rational leaders.

Putin speaks about the Skripal case in Ankara, during joint press-conference with Erdogan:

See more posts later, on additional hot topics and breaking news!


Putin meets Marine Le Pen in Moscow

By meeting in person with Marine Le Pen in the Kremlin Vladimir Putin basically endorsed her. The meeting in Moscow was an unusual step by the Russian President. Reportedly, he made an exception following personal request and introduction by the Russian Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. Volodin was the one who invited Le Pen to Russia pre-election in the first place.

Why did Putin meet with Le Pen – a step almost unprecedented in Russian history? Contrary to the Western accusations of interfering in the US and EU elections, in fact, neither Russia nor the USSR made a habit of meeting major foreign opposition presidential candidates before elections. The US and EU, on the other hand, play such subversive role all the time: interfering in other countries’ affairs is their traditional MO.

But the situation is changing. The stakes are unusually high, as we go through the Great Earth Shift. The rebalancing act Russia – The Great Balancer is trying to execute is very delicate indeed. Under such conditions old rules go out the window. New moves have to be adopted. Russia begins taking the leaf out of the USA’s book.

As we recall, a year or so before US presidential election 2016, in response to a journalist’s question who Putin preferred as US president, Clinton or Trump, Putin replied almost casually, ‘Trump, but,’ he added immediately, ‘it is for the American people to decide.’

That single phrase served as a catalyst for Trump personally and for his electorate, helping alter the dynamics of US elections and tipping the balance in favor of Trump.

​(As you know I predicted Trump victory, as well as the fact that he would experience pressure to conform and betray his election promises, resulting in a ‘straight jacket’ for him and his administration. (Links to relevant Trump ESR16, Webinar and FREE YT videos – if you are new, it is recommended you listen to them.)

When the US Congress, CIA and FBI contend Russia hacked US elections, they are right – it really did happen… by Putin uttering that one phrase. This just goes to show how powerful of an influence Vladimir Putin and Russia – The Great Balancer are on world affairs, no matter how much various forces attempt to isolate or demean Russia’s role.

A simple mention of Trump in a favorable light helped him win. Therefore, a bolder move with France and Le Pen was logical. Le Pen’s visit to Russia and audience with Putin put a nice amount of wind in her wings and helped mobilize her electorate.

However, this time the opposing camp of globalists was prepared. First they twisted into a pretzel the No. 3 finisher Francois Fillon (20%), by compromising him and threatening to bury his entire career. This wasn’t an idle threat – we have seen some years ago how a promising anti-globalist candidate Dominique Strauss-Kahn was literally buried alive as a result of a sex scandal. Then, they introduced their own golden boy, Emmanuel Macron. Created by brilliant image makers and PR specialists, Macron is a very good actor. He fools easily all kinds of potential voters.

Donald Trump also threw his support behind Marine Le Pen. To counter that, Obama, who is (believe it or not) very popular in France, called Macron to congratulate and endorse him.

After the first round, Fillon (20% of votes) and fifth finisher, a pretend ‘socialist’ Hamon (6%), both threw their support behind Macron. Only the fourth finisher, left-wing candidate Melenchon (19% of votes) abstained from any endorsements, suggesting his people should vote as their consciousness dictates.

The Brussels bosses and heads of various EU states hastily joined the fray by praising Macron and urging the French to vote for him. After all the attention and praise, Macron couldn’t be more golden if he tried. During his campaign, he hardly outlined any definitive program, instead borrowing the lines from both Le Pen and Fillon, and occasionally from Melenchon, in order to steal their electorate. Macron doesn’t need to have any coherent program – puppets never do. His puppet masters have the program he is to carry out.

The globalists have unlimited resources, including global media, finances, PR, enormous political and economic leverage, global clandestine intel and surveillance, governments and EU bureaucratic apparatus. They can swing elections the way they want through all these obvious and secret means.

By contrast, Marine Le Pen’s resources are much more limited. However, it is clear that people both in France and all over the West are awakening. A proof that people do decide their destiny and their future, regardless of how much powers that be try to manipulate them into continuing to live in an outdated matrix, is the nearly 8 million votes Le Pen received in the first round.

Therefore, Trump and Putin endorsing Marine Le Pen was done to try to even out the playing field at least somewhat.

Let me explain something about Trump. I did predict he would succumb to pressure, start making deals and dilute, if not forget altogether his campaign promises. The ‘straight jacket’ means that Trump and his admin will operate on survival mode going forward. The tunnel within which he has to act is very narrow. In fact (again, as we discussed in WEBINAR 1 on Trump) he has to constantly throw the bone to the hawks and war mongers at the Pentagon, CIA and Congress. It is akin to a growling dog: if you want to pass, you tread softly past the growling dog, while constantly throwing him some food so he wouldn’t bite you.

While Trump caved in quickly (too quickly for most people’s taste), he still has a limited amount of leverage in his position. His calling Marine Le Pen to congratulate her on getting into round 2 of elections is one of those leverages. Through this gesture, Trump has tried to show that he’s at odds with the EU leaders. But just consider how little power Trump really has: the moment he made that call to Le Pen, Obama in turn called Macron to congratulate and wish him victory! Talk about the bifurcation of the elites in the US and EU!

You’ve read an excerpt from the new



BANNER French election Le Pen Macron

Among many other things, ESR18 discusses whether Maine Le Pen is ‘the Trump of the EU.’ Included is Lada Ray’s comparative analysis of the characters, values and baggage of both. Who is Mr. Trump? Who is Marine Le Pen? and CRUCIAL DIFFERENCES between them. Lada explains how these differences will have a critical consequence for the French election and EU as a whole.

Donate and read this report!



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The Plot Thickens! Who’ll Win French Election: Marine Le Pen, Macron, Fillon or Melenchon?

French Presidential Elections 2017 dates: 1st round – April 23; 2nd round – May 7.

According to polls, the winners of the first round are projected to be: 1. Marine Le Pen (National Front), who is against illegal immigration, for strengthening of the French national borders and culture, against EU, for recognition of Crimea as part of Russia and for improving and strengthening relations with Russia; 2. Emmanuel Macron (En Marche!) — pro-EU, represents the Rothschilds and globalists, the darling of Western MSM and neo-liberal establishment.

In my 2012 Year of the Elections Predictions I said the following:

Jan 12, 2012: “French elections will happen at the most inopportune time for Sarkozy. Openly right-wing, he’s deeply disliked in his country, and will lose.”

March 3, 2012: “French elections, April–May 2012 – Nicolas Sarkozy. No change in my prediction. He’ll still lose the election – more emphatically so!”

April 28, 2012: Finalized French election prediction: “On May 6, Nicolas Sarkozy will lose the election. The next President of France, breaking with the long-standing French tradition of allowing a president 2 terms in the office, will be… Francois Hollande.

Most importantly, with the new man at the helm, the direction of French politics will undergo a certain change. However, I wouldn’t expect TOO MUCH of a change at this time. Real change will come later. Some change to the emigration policy from the poor countries, which is a big problem in many European countries. The European countries will attempt to coordinate their emigration policies and certain border controls will be introduced very soon. But the emigration mess will take a very long time to sort out.

Perhaps most notably, with the new president France will change some of its foreign policy. For one, France will stop playing, forgive the expression, “The French poodle” to the US foreign policy, the role it’s been playing during Sarkozy’s neocon tenure. France will re-acquire its more independent stance on foreign affairs, which it used to enjoy under various other presidents since Charles De Gaulle. And hopefully, France’s policy will acquire a more peaceful flavor, as support for invasions and bombings of other countries wanes.

However, if Francois Hollande fails to fulfill these deep-seated hopes of his electorate, the French people will likely vote him out of the office five years from now. In that case, Marine Le Pen, the rising star of the French politics, emphasizing pride in France, its roots and culture, who’s anti-emigration and anti-war, is likely to win the following elections in 2017.”



When I predicted all the above, the French president was still Nicolas Sarkozy and no one believed he could lose to Francois Hollande. I was told that ‘this won’t happen because the French traditionally allow their president two terms.’ A month later Francois Hollande won French Presidential Elections 2012.

But my predictions continued coming true. In 2016 it became clear that Hollande indeed lost so much support that he was forced to withdraw his candidacy from 2017 elections. Still obscure in 2012, Marine Le Pen became the 2017 election frontrunner.

Many have asked me whether my predictions for her have changed since 2012, based on a new reality. Indeed, a number of new faces emerged that weren’t in the picture in 2012… and the plot has thickened.

Conservative Francois Fillon announced a balanced platform, including being in favor of improved relations with Russia. As part of his agenda, he vowed to make sure that there is no new cold war between Russia and the West. His views reminded the French of Charles de Gaulle and the pre-NATO stance of France as a more or less neutral moderator between the West and Russia. As a result, Fillon briefly shot up to No. 1 spot in polls. We know what happened next: an attack designed to bring down Fillon via a corruption scandal implicating his wife and himself. This cost Fillon dearly and his rating plunged to under 20 percent.

Meanwhile, out of nowhere a new face emerged: Emmanuel Macron, who styles himself as an ‘independent.’ Former Rothschild banker, backed by MSM, shadow interests and global corporations, he announced his pro-EU, pro-immigration and pro-NATO stance. He began blaming Russia for hacking and interference in French elections, although when asked for proof, he was unable to present any. Macron also became known for stealing the lines of other candidates, notably from Marine Le Pen and Fillon, and saying whatever his audience wanted to hear at any given moment. This was done in order to undercut rival candidates and confuse voters. The strategy has partially worked and according to latest polls, Macron climbed to No. 1 spot and one point ahead of Marine Le Pen, just one day before the 1st round of elections. His rating hovers more or less in the 24 – 25 percent range.

According to polls and MSM, Macron and Marine Le Pen are most likely to make it to the run-off in May. According to polls, Macron in the second round will beat any other candidate, regardless who it is, Le Pen, Fillon or Melenchon.

Macron has two major advantages: 1. He is the darling of MSM, EU, globalists and shadow forces, with all their unlimited resources and ability to swing elections. 2. He is very young, still in his 30s. During this Period 8 a younger man may have an advantage.

But three factors raise red flags in the rosy picture painted by MSM and establishment on behalf of Emmanuel Macron:

1. In 2016 US Elections, polls and MSM also proclaimed a substantial Hillary’s advantage over Trump, yet Trump won. Are we seeing a similar case of media and establishment collusion to deceive the people?

2. Until several months ago Macron was a nobody in politics. He was built up by a very talented and expensive team of political image makers, whose job it was to create a candidate who would undercut Le Pen’s new French revolution and Fillon’s traditional reason, somewhat akin to Gen. De Gaulle’s, thus allowing the globalists to perpetuate their usual agenda.

3. Since he was slapped together as a candidate pretty hastily, he had no time (nor possibility) to solidify his support. Therefore, Macron’s base is very fluid and undecided, and it can swing to the other side very easily.

All this gives hope to Marine Le Pen, although the newly emerging left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon has gained dramatically in the past month. Melenchon is touted by some as a French Che Guevara. He has some seemingly radical views, such as exiting EU and taxing the rich. Although lately he softened his stance on EU and he now proposes to ‘reform the EU’ instead of exiting it. This just goes to show how easily politicians proclaim slogans in order to gain votes. What they say during campaign and what they will do later more often than not does not correlate. Just look at Trump before and after. (Listen to my ESR16 and Trump Webinar where I predicted all this would happen. Also there are several good analytical FREE vids on Trump on LadaRayChannel).

The only French candidate who has been honest and steadfast since day one and who has not changed her stance on issues, despite enormous pressure and violent threats, is Marine Le Pen. Love her or hate her, she is the only candidate of the four who has a very stable and loyal base.

Another thing about Marine Le Pen is that, just like Trump, she is most definitely underpolling. In other words, she is not given a fair opinion poll rating, while Macron’s numbers are inflated. Same happened in the US between Hillary Clinton and Trump, which was done to create confusion and attempt to stir voters towards voting for the global establishment’s chosen candidate, Clinton.

Marine Le Pen has withstood all the attacks on her character and all attempts of implicating her in a corruption scandal. Unlike Fillon and his wife’s illegal salary scandal, Le Pen has not lost any voter support as a result of MSM claims of her connection with the Kremlin. Instead of killing her political career, this orchestrated attempt to disparage her may have solidified her support base.

The brave Le Pen even went to Moscow, where she was received by Vladimir Putin. A very bold and unusual move indeed; I don’t recall Putin ever meeting with any major Western presidential candidate before elections. It turned out that such meeting helped Le Pen to shut up her critics.

Another point about Le Pen: apart from the usual nationalistic, anti-terrorism and anti-immigration right-wing conservative crowd, she may surprise by drawing her support in unusual places. For example, according to latest polls, her support among LGBT community increased from 9% to 16.5% as a result of terrorist acts and attacks targeting gays in the US and EU.

Yet another segment overlooked: analysts suspect that Le Pen is likely to be supported by the silent majority of women.

In general, even if we assume that polls are not manipulated, it is most likely that during such polls most people would not answer truthfully who they’d vote for, for fear of retribution. But when the polling day comes, they may end up giving their vote for Le Pen or for another dark horse, Melenchon.

At this time, I am operating under an assumption that there will be an attempt to manipulate this French presidential election. Will it succeed? This will depend on how closely the election is watched and by how large the gap between candidates is.

I agree with polls that Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will be the first round’s 1st and 2nd finishers (not necessarily in this order). As a matter of fact, it would be better for Le Pen to finish the first round in second position.

Therefore, Le Pen and Macron will face off in the second round on May 7.

I usually don’t change my predictions, once they’ve been made. However, let’s remember that when I initially made Le Pen 2017 win prediction in 2012, none of the present candidates were there, Macron generally having come out of nowhere. Such confusing and fast-evolving political and geopolitical scene is typical of the times of great change — typical of the Great Earth Shift.

Who will be the next French president and what can we expect from her or him going forward? Will France exit EU and NATO? Can we expect an improvement of relations with Russia? Perhaps I’ll discuss all this in the follow-up.


We have previously discussed that Quantum and Geo Calibrations are the best tool for quantifying and comparatively analyzing the energy manifested in our 3D reality.

In EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16 I calibrated both Trump and Hillary before the elections, and based on those calibrations I confirmed what I’d predicted since 2015, that Hillary could not win US presidential election 2016, no matter how many falsified poll results were shoved in our faces.

In Webinar 1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM? I calibrated Trump’s wife Melania and Jackie Kennedy, to illustrate a point. Below you can see links to other Quantum Calibrations and Geo Calibrations works of mine.

Today, in the run-up to French election, I want to calibrate the French presidential candidates.


Quantum Calibrations – QC; Chi level – CHI; Heart Chakra – HC

Marine Le Pen 

QC  409 (reason); CHI  200 (confrontational courage); HC  280 (neutrality/friendliness)

Emmanuel Macron

QC  180 (pride); CHI  191 (yearning/striving); HC  180 (pride)

Francois Fillon

QC  195 (yearning/striving); CHI  190 (yearning/striving);  HC 150 (anger/bitterness)

Jean-Luc Melenchon

QC  141 (greed/desire); CHI  280 (neutrality/friendliness); HC 181 (pride)

(Find complete legend & calibration value interpretations in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17 Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations)


Marine Le Pen calibrations are by far the highest and they are all at, or above, the minimum positive level of 200. Le Pen’s HC value is unusually high for a major Western politician, in fact I’ve never seen this in a Western presidential candidate. If such politicians appear at all, it is indicative of a hopeful shift in the political reality of the West. Based on all this, Le Pen should win this election (recall my 2012 prediction!) unless a voter manipulation and/or fraud takes place!

Macron calibrations are all below the minimum positive level of 200 and they are a match to those of the EU, Merkel and globalist forces who are behind him – no wonder he is their chosen candidate. Compared to Le Pen’s they are way too low and he can win only if fraud and results manipulation takes place. His CHI at 191 is indicative of how much he is yearning and striving to win this election in order to prove that his bosses bet on the right horse. They further show that he is not for real: he is a made-up candidate, with no real voter support and he runs on an illusion created for him by his image makers and MSM.

Fillon calibrations indicate how much he is striving to get out of the bad situation into which he was plunged by the engineered corruption scandal, and how much he wants to prove that he remains a worthy candidate. His HC calibration is bad, but understandable due to his anger and bitterness as a result of the corruption accusation resulting in damage to his political career. While a tad higher than Macron’s, these calibrations are all below 200 and are insufficient to win, if honest election is conducted.

Melenchon QC is very telling – at the level of desire: there is a lot of desire (you can call it greed) to get to that coveted spot, which allows one to get to round 2, or at least, to put one on the political map. HC is only at the level of pride, and this is average for Western politicians. Therefore, if Melenchon won French elections, I wouldn’t trust him or his promises any more than I’d trust those of Merkel (more or less on par with her QC), or those of Obama. The CHI level is remarkably higher compared to other 3 candidates. The CHI calibration denotes Earthly Energy Manifestation. His higher CHI level explains why Melenchon suddenly shot up in ratings, gaining on other candidates after his successful debate and social media appearances.

All in all, Marine Le Pen should be a clear front-runner, as I first predicted in 2012. However, I will not predict how dirty and manipulated this election may become. In this regard, all bets are off.

Wishing the best of luck to the people of France.


EARTH SHIFT REPORT 18 (written report)

Lada Ray French Election Predictions: Le Pen – Macron Face-off & What it Means for the EU

BANNER French election Le Pen Macron


About QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS, with Calibrations Scale & definitions

Watch free videos explaining Quantum Calibrations on LadaRayChannel 

EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17 Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations

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Additionally, read:

Trump and US Syria Attack: Hate to Say I Told You So!

Per My 2012 Prediction! French Elections and the Rise of Marine le Pen and National Front


TODAY, we are continuing our new series in which we provide FREE Follow Up answers to the most popular questions from the recent Lada Ray Webinar, WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM?

Please read the intro for this series here: IS STEVE BANNON A TROJAN HORSE FOR THE TRUMP WHITE HOUSE? LadaRayWebinar1 Q1

Listen to full Lada Ray YT video for STEVE BANNON on YouTube

Although our TRUMP WEBINAR Q&A lasted 1.5 hours, we were unable to cover all participant questions. We are offering you a value added new series of FREE Ask Lada videos in which we’ll answer the most interesting and popular webinar questions.



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ANNOUNCEMENT: the final results of  FuturisTrendcast Reader Poll: What topics do you want Lada Ray to discuss in 2017? are in. In my opinion, they were quite enlightening. Thank you to all those who participated in the poll. Due to our scheduled daily Trump Webinar follow up Ask Lada videos this week, the poll results will be published next week.


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COMING IN MARCH! Lada Ray Webinar on the Future of Europe!

COMING SOON! New Earth Shift Report on the Future of Ukraine!



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Also from Lada Ray:

THE POWERFUL 8: abundance energizing report

Your Personal Feng Shui Empowerment & Success Report

Lada Ray’s Life-Shifting Rituals & Cures


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Why Trump Was Forced to Sacrifice His National Security Adviser Michael Flynn

Below are my thoughts on why Trump was forced to sacrifice Michael Flynn. I am posting them here along with an excerpt from The New York Times. The NYT bit is posted as a mere record of what is floating out there, so don’t hold me to it. Whether the sequence and content of the events described by NYT is true (most likely, these are half-truths) or not… one thing is for certain. What you will read below is yet another spectacular confirmation that Trump is being put in that proverbial straight jacket I’d predicted in October 2016. It also confirms my other prediction: that he will be forced to make deals, dilute his original agenda and toe the line – all this per my 10/2016 EARTH REPORT 16!

Notice that a conversation between newly appointed by the US president Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador was wiretapped by FBI!

I also want to point out that The New York Times, this ‘most democratic’ of MSM outlets in the world’s ‘most democratic’ country, styles the apparent attempt of Trump and Michael Flynn to reach out to Russia for a compromise and reconciliation as a big crime and cause for shame. Trump, Flynn and Trump’s staff are being forced to justify their every step. As I predicted back in October 2016 in EARTH REPORT 16 and reconfirmed in the recent WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM? WEBINAR, Trump’s life is, and will continue being made difficult. His assassination or impeachment risk is high (see TRUMP WEBINAR for his exact timeline). For survival’s sake, this forces him to dilute his initial agenda and give up many of his initial goals, especially when it concerns Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia.

At this time, to avoid a continued full-scale attack and early impeachment (make no mistake, this is what they want!) Trump is forced to sacrifice his key adviser Michael Flynn. Unfortunately, that’s how they’ll continue weakening him: make him sacrifice anyone who is of any significance, while the rest of his surrounding will be forced to toe the line to survive. On top of that, much of his government is not on the same page as him, having been formed as a very unstable compromise.

The shakeups and shakedowns in the USA will continue for a while, resulting in huge changes and facilitating cataclysms. This we will discuss later this year in the future webinar on the USA Collapse timeline.

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Watch FREE the latest: IS STEVE BANNON A TROJAN HORSE FOR THE TRUMP WHITE HOUSE? LadaRayWebinar1 Q1. Three more video answers to the webinar questions coming in the next few days! Stay tuned!

Read: What, you didn’t like the truth about Trump? and Will Trump really manage to improve relations with Russia?


‘The Timeline of Michael Flynn’s Phone Call With Russia: Who Knew What, and When’

‘What happened behind the scenes and what was known publicly’ (excerpt from NYT)

Nov. 18, 2016 President-elect Donald J. Trump appoints Michael T. Flynn as national security adviser.
Dec. 25 Mr. Flynn sends a text extending holiday greetings to Sergey I. Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States. Mr. Kislyak replies.
Dec. 29 President Barack Obama announces sanctions against Russia for trying to influence the November election through cyberattacks. Around the same time Mr. Flynn discusses sanctions with Mr. Kislyak in a phone call, according to officials who have seen a transcript of the wiretapped conversation.

Dec. 30  President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia says he will not retaliate against the sanctions.

Dec. 30 Mr. Trump praises Mr. Putin’s response on Twitter: “I always knew he was very smart!”

Jan. 12 News organizations first report on the call between Mr. Flynn and Mr. Kislyak.

Jan. 13 In a conference call with reporters, Mr. Spicer confirms the phone conversation

between Mr. Flynn and Mr. Kislyak, saying it had “centered around the logistics” and
had “never touched on the sanctions.”

Jan. 14 Mr. Flynn informs Vice President Mike Pence that he did not discuss U.S. sanctions against Russia with Mr. Kislyak in the phone call.

Jan. 15 In several televised interviews, Mr. Pence states that Mr. Flynn and Mr. Kislyak did not discuss sanctions.

Jan. 15 In an interview on NBC, Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, also states that Mr. Flynn and Mr. Kislyak did not discuss U.S. sanctions against Russia.

Jan. 22 Mr. Flynn denies talking about the sanctions with Mr. Kislyak to Mr. Spicer.

Jan. 23 Asked about Mr. Flynn’s phone call at a press briefing, Mr. Spicer again states that U.S. sanctions against Russia were not discussed.

Between Jan. 23 and Jan. 26 F.B.I. agents interview Mr. Flynn regarding his conversation with Mr. Kislyak.

Jan. 26 The Justice Department notifies the White House counsel, Donald F. McGahn

II, that Mr. Flynn had not been truthful about his interactions with Mr. Kislyak and that he could be at risk for being blackmailed by Russian intelligence. Mr. McGahn then briefs Mr. Trump. In the following days Mr. McGahn reviews the events surrounding the phone call and conducts several interviews with Mr. Flynn. Mr. McGahn later determines that there

are no legal issues related to the call.

Jan. 28  Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin conduct an hourlong telephone call, attended by Mr. Flynn.

Feb. 8 Mr. Flynn denies discussing sanctions with Mr. Kislyak in an interview with The Washington Post.

Feb. 9 The Washington Post and The New York Times report that Mr. Flynn discussed American sanctions against Russia with Mr. Kislyak, contradicting previous statements about the phone call.

Feb. 9 Mr. Flynn tells The Washington Post that “while he had no recollection of

discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up.”

Feb. 10 Aboard Air Force One, Mr. Trump says he hasn’t seen new reports about Mr.

Flynn’s conversations with Mr. Kislyak.

Feb. 13, during the day Kellyanne Conway, a counselor to the president, says that Mr. Flynn misled Mr. Pence about the phone call, but that Mr. Flynn still “enjoys the full confidence of the president.” Mr. Spicer says the president is “evaluating the situation.”

Feb. 13, evening Mr. Flynn resigns as national security adviser.


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Soros – Clinton’s biggest financial backer. Can Wikileaks sink Hillary?

‘George Soros is Hillary Clinton’s biggest financial backer – email leak that goes underreported.’

Good quick overview by RT of Soros financing Clinton, color revolutions in post-Soviet space, EU refugee crisis and more!

Wikileaks Warns That Coming Material May Sink Clinton Campaign:

In an exclusive interview with Megyn Kelly on the “Kelly File,” Julian Assange, the founder and editor-in-chief, of Wikileaks said there are more Clinton emails coming. He said his team is ‘working around the clock’ on a lot of material and the findings are ‘significant’. “People…have the right to understand who it is they’re electing,” Assange said.

And for desert:

GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE! 😉 The mastermind and main advocate of Brexit Nigel Farage is in the US helping out Donald Trump. Farage has said exactly what I’ve been saying since 2015. To paraphrase: ‘I can’t tell you who to vote for, but I wouldn’t vote for Hillary if they paid me.’ Video (Rus):


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Hillary Clinton is Crazy, Dangerous Conspiracy Theorist! Russians Are Coming! (Watch movie!)

If you want to see the most dangerous and crazy conspiracy theorist alive, look no further! It’s US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party, wife of ex-president Bill Clinton, ex-US Secretary of State, and US Empire’s globalist extraordinaire, Hillary Clinton!

To become convinced this is a fact, all you have to do is listen to her accusations of the Russian President Vladimir Putin being the ‘godfather of far-right Western nationalism’ and ‘mastermind of Brexit.’ According to Clinton, Brexit’s Nigel Farage is the Kremlin agent, while American billionaire Donald Trump is – well, who else – also the dreaded Kremlin agent!

Brief & well-put together RT report: Clinton accuses Brexit mastermind of Russian ties for appearing on RT

I am looking forward to the next step in this typical US hysteria: yells that ‘Russians are coming,’ accompanied with a crashing sound of the breaking windows, as various Clintonites and US globalists start throwing themselves out of New York skyscrapers, as American generals once did in 1950s-1960s.

Do you know why Clinton has to resort to such hysteria? Because she already knows she cannot win US elections honestly. This is a desperate last-ditch effort on Clinton’s campaign part to reverse the negative publicity deservingly pouring at her from all directions. I can proudly say I put in my timely few cents: recall that I’ve predicted since 2015 that Democrats will lose this election and advised people to vote for anyone but Hillary Clinton! (Links to relevant articles below.)

Too bad for Hillary… we live in different times when, rather than falling for her silly conspiracy theory, the awakened Americans will think it positive that Trump wants to be friends with Russia. Only dumb and backward Americans would think that Hillary’s belligerent and hateful towards Russia strategy will have any future whatsoever.

Read my original analysis & predictions

Latest: Soros – Clinton’s biggest financial backer. Can Wikileaks sink Hillary?

Lada Ray’s First US Presidential Elections Prediction: REVOLT IN REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PARTIES

Original prediction on US election 2016 outcome (scroll towards the end for PREDICTONS):

Explosive Consequences of Turkey Downing Russian Su-24 Jet in Syria – Complete Analysis and Predictions!


Surprised? Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton and Ends His Run

Wikileaks Clinton-DNC collusion revelation: Did Russians hack DNC to help Trump?

Should Bernie Supporters Reject Hillary Clinton and Vote Green?

For desert! 

Ah, but no craziness is new under the moon! This had already happened on people’s living memory!

I highly recommend you watch this gem of a comedy, created by a Canadian-American director in 1966, at the very height of anti-Russian hysteria. The Canadian director was invited to Russia for the film’s screening. He recounted later that famous Russian directors, such as Sergey Bondarchuk, approached him saying they wished they’d thought of such a brilliant movie idea. The idea was indeed very timely. When the director of The Russians Are Coming! tried to fly back to Hollywood, he was denied entry into the US and had to revert to Canada, having been branded ‘the Kremlin agent.’ Now this film is a classic.

The Russians Are Coming!

(1966) with Carl Reiner, Eva Marie Saint, Alan Arkin

Full movie was just posted a few days ago on YouTube. Many of you may have watched it a long time ago, but today it remains a great comedy and very timely reminder (sorry for the YT quality). I recommend you watch it very fast as there is no guarantee how long YT will allow it to stay. When it disappears, you’ll know why.

ADDED 8/28/16:

Our wiz Maddie from 1EarthUnited Blog has succeeded in posting excellent full copy of The Russians Are Coming! film on Veoh, and it works so far! Click to watch it free HERE!




Coming soon! Stay tuned for the upcoming Earth Shift Report:


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Wikileaks Clinton-DNC collusion revelation: Did Russians hack DNC to help Trump?


Of course, Russians are to blame…

This is a quote from Washigton Examiner (thanks to Akaida):

“Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager said Russian hackers stole tens of thousands of emails from the Democratic National Committee as a means of helping Donald Trump in the election.

Robby Mook, during an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” told host George Stephanopoulos that although Russians had claimed responsibility for hacking the party’s internal servers and stealing the information, their motive may not have been just to help their state leaders.

“It’s troubling that some experts are now telling us that this was done by the Russians for the purpose of helping Donald Trump,” Mook said without naming his sources. The Clinton aide claimed the Republican nominee has become “pro-Russian” since last week, indicating he may be on board with the Russians who oversaw the hack.

“I think that what’s troubling is how he praised Vladimir Putin,” Mook said about Trump’s remarks during his convention speech Thursday night. “It’s troubling how last week he said NATO should not protect Eastern Europe allies.”

I just think it’s so adorable! Of course Russians are to blame for DNC/Hillary corruption! When in doubt, vilify Russia and Putin and hope to distract the public.

Nevertheless, for Clinton it’s too late. The revelation of the Democrats’ collusion to push Clinton to the top and to sabotage Bernie Sanders just a few days before the Democratic National Convention is PERFECT!

It’ll be very hard for Clinton to get the delegates psyched and to rally the troops at the convention, as was planned. The timing of the sudden resignation of the Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a confirmation of the veracity of these damning revelations. Rats are abandoning the ship.

Will Sanders execute a last minute coup during the convention, as some suggest? Oh, that would be very nice, and I would be all for it. As I’ve been saying since 2015 there can be no one worse than Hillary Clinton! But as I answered to a couple of comments to my previous post on Bernie Sanders’ endorsement of Clinton, I don’t think it’s possible after he’s made a deal and endorsed her, therefore, in the eyes of all he swore allegiance to the party line. If Clinton somehow gets sidetracked or indicted, Sanders could become a nominee, but I suggest you don’t expect too much if he does. He is a ‘company man’ now (as I’ve said before: I’d be happy to be wrong on this one, but I don’t see it).

What will definitely happen is this: there will be a lot of fights and confusion during Democratic Convention, just like during the recent Republican Convention. Many won’t accept Sanders’ endorsement of Clinton, nor will they accept Clinton – as I already predicted in Surpised? Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton and Ends His Run.

(ADDED: Also, read the comment section of the above-linked post, where I replied to a reader that Sanders did indeed endorse Clinton – strangely, there appears to have been some doubt among Bernie supporters hoping for the best – and not to expect any miracles at the convention. As I just learned, Bernie urged his voters to vote for Hillary at the DNC convention, drawing boos from the crowd: LINK)

Such tectonic split within the society should be expected during the times of EARTH SHIFT, signaling great change when old structures fall to the wayside and new ones must emerge. Further, a major polarization in a society is normal during the process of a breakdown of any empire. As US Empire slowly collapses, we’ll see more of that.

A word on Russian hackers and whether Russians really are behind this Wikileaks document dump on Clinton and DNC. If Russians are indeed behind it (notice: I’m very cautious in how I phrase this ;)), then all I can say is: BRAVO! Good timing! After what US, with the direct OK of the Obama administration, did to Russian athletes; after what US did to Ukraine; the Maidan attempts in Armenia and Kazakhstan – what did they expect, a medal?

Russian response has just only begun. More to be expected in the future! They’ve sown the wind – now they shall reap the storm.

Clinton is finished one way or another, as I have warned and predicted since 2015. Coupled with Brexit, her end signals the beginning of an end to NWO and Anglo-American globalist takeover.

Let me remind you what I predicted back in 2015:

The Democrats will lose US Presidential Election 2016! 

The original prediction is in 11/24/15 post:

Explosive Consequences of Turkey Downing Russian Su-24 Jet in Syria – Complete Analysis and Predictions!

You may have guessed why I phrased that prediction so cautiously: I just said who would lose, but never said who would actually win. The reason is I didn’t want to tip the scale in a specific person’s favor, or tip off that early in the game the wrong people about that person’s possible win. You now know who that person is!

As you know, I am a political atheist and don’t belong to any party. My objective is to give you a well-balanced, truthful analysis and predictions. Both Bernie and Trump have some good and bad points, both have good things to contribute, but neither is 100% on the mark. Tipping too far to the left or to the right equally signifies a certain imbalance, which is what both of them display in different ways. 

A word of caution for my passionate readers who are pro-Bernie (same applies to Trump supporters, although relatively speaking, Trump will definitely be a better deal):

I realize how emotional a time this is and I do understand how much you all want your favorite candidate to win, hoping he’ll bring a much needed revolution. Just recall how many naive people hoped 8 years ago that Obama would bring the much needed ‘change.’ And what do we have now? Bush seems like an innocent little boy compared to how much Obama managed to wreck in our world in the course of his 8 years. Don’t fall so easily for the impossible dream!

And don’t kill the messenger. I’m here to share with you what I foresee. I share the truth and I do this solely to educate and show the way, out of the goodness of my heart and because I care for the people.

My complete prediction for US elections & the future of America will come later this year as a new 


Stay tuned!


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How easy is it to read Merkel? Flip-flop on terrorists smuggled into Europe amid refugee flow

German Chancellor Angela Merkel flip-flops to finally admit: terrorists are smuggled into Europe amid refugee flow.

I had warned about it since 2014-15, and so did others who understood the situation properly. But Merkel stubbornly refused to acknowledge the well-known fact: uncontrolled flow of migrants and refugees to Europe encourages the infiltration and growth of terrorist sleeper cells. She has begun singing a different tune now.

Below is an RT report, summarizing well Merkel’s attitude and its consequences. I disagree with one point: Peter Oliver’s conclusion that Merkel is always hard to read and no one knows what she’ll do next.


On the contrary, Merkel is very easy to read. She was toeing the neoliberal/neocon globalist agenda for as long as she could, which included the unabated flow of migrants into Europe. She did that until German people started seriously rebelling and her rating dropped precipitously. Presently in Germany there are revolts and rallies demanding her impeachment, which was unthinkable a year ago.

This is why Merkel has to flip-flop to appease her electorate and to try to forestall a mutiny in her country and her political class, which is already brewing. She is hanging by a thread and all she can do is to try and calm down the Germans in order to buy time, while attempting to maneuver out of the worst case scenario for her departure. For that she has enough smarts and cunning. Can she fool her people long enough to allow herself a more or less dignified departure? She is so slippery, and Germans have become so subdued that it’s possible. In fact her policies, especially as it concerns the Middle East and Turkey have been utter disaster. Before that, she supported the Kiev Maidan and regime change. When it became clear that ukro-nazis and civil war in Donbass were an embarrassment to the EU, generating mutiny in her own party and on the street, only then she began to take steps to support the peace process and reigning in on Poroshenko. These are just two examples of her latest fiascos.

‘No one knows what she might do next’? That’s because she has no backbone and no convictions of her own. As they say, she just sways in whatever direction the wind blows, or wherever necessary for her own survival and benefit.

I predicted this since 2014. Recall how many times I said that Merkel was the convenient and familiar ‘Frau next door,’ suitable for Germany during quiet and fat times. She is, however, completely unsuitable for Germany or EU amid today’s challenges and turmoil. She is also completely unsuitable as one of the world leaders and the leader of the EU. Let’s just say: she is not the EARTH SHIFT material and should be out.

This is my solid recommendation for Germany: just about anyone would be better than Merkel.

Can she be unseated and is it possible for Germans to elect someone who will steer the country well? That is a big question and I foresee a problem there.

Let’s face it, Merkel isn’t alone. None of the ‘leaders’ presently in power in the EU and the West in general are good enough, or suitable enough. This is why a major change of the guard and a change of power is necessary; it is coming to all Western countries soon. 

Incidentally, I discuss what Merkel really is in: 

Special Predictions Video ESR 12
(BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts) 

1 predictions ESR12



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Dear readers & fans

A few days ago I’ve released my newest comprehensive video Earth Shift Report 9: 


In case you are new to FuturisTrendcast and to Earth Shift Report, or if you’d like a review,

please allow me to share a few important details and updates!

This is direct link to the main EARTH SHIFT REPORT page!

Here is how Earth Shift Report works:

Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Reports are supported exclusively by reader donations. Your donation will be used to continue delivering FREE content on and YT, on site/blog security, and to purchase recording equipment for Lada Ray YT channel.

Click on each report banner on the general Earth Shift Report page or on home page to donate and read or watch!

As of today, there are 9 published Earth Shift Reports. Most of the 9 reports are written, complete with maps and pics to fully illustrate the point. Sometimes throughout the report included also are additional supporting videos (oftentimes they are in Russian or in other language, with my translation). I know my readers love the written format. However, the video documentary format often offers more visual interest and flexibility.

Two of the reports are video-based:



I am presently preparing the next surprise ESR, which should be out next week!

Click on title to watch the latest



(Color Revolutions in Central Asia & Caucasus)


New ESR9 format:

While new for Earth Shift Report, ESR9 format is much like the style of my free video reports on Lada Ray YT channel. It’s pretty straightforward and includes my narrated analytics, intel and predictions, plus, as usual, maps, pics and images, helping me illustrate my point in a dynamic, more interactive than reading, format. You have the flexibility of watching videos accompanied by images, or simply listening to audio.

These are ESR9 stats:

FULL VIDEO REPORT LENGTH: 3 hours 6 minutes. 
This one of a kind comprehensive video report includes narrated analysis and hot intel by Lada Ray, complete with supporting mini-documentaries, pics and maps.
For your viewing and bookmarking convenience and so you could easily return to it any time you wanted, Lada Ray’s narrated video report has been divided by topic into 6 self-containing segments, ranging in length between 16 and 46 minutes. Included also are 2 mini-documentaries (7 and 13 min in length). 

Earth Shift Reports are Copyright Lada Ray. The videos are hosted by Vimeo and password protected. 

NOTE: while the report length is substantial, it is rather easy to listen to. My style is informative and engaging. I guarantee this report will open your eyes to knowledge you’ve never known, and perhaps, you’ll even get entertained in the process. Besides, as mentioned above, the videos are divided into smaller segments for your convenience. You can always watch incrementally, by topic. Just bookmark the report page and return to it later. Should you forget how, you can always email us using private contact form and we will happily connect you with the right link!

I received a question as to how Vimeo works and why I use it for video hosting. In case any of you have the same question, here is what I replied:

‘Vimeo is an alternative to YouTube with customized, secure and private features for video hosting. I began using it for Earth Shift Reports due to the fact that ESR4 was stolen from YT and illegally distributed; I had to file copyright violation claims, etc.

Have you been able to watch ESR9 videos yet? It’s super-easy! Once you’ve donated, you’ll be directed to the report page, as usual (see details on how it works on ESR9 donation page). Once inside the report page, all you have to do is cut and paste password provided onto each video (where it says ‘password required’) and click on video (as you’d usually do on YT) to watch right there on the ESR9 report page! We have full screen option for your viewing pleasure!

As to my two mini-documentaries included with the report – just click on each screen – no password needed for those!


Let me know if you need further clarification and happy watching!:)

How payment / donation works

To read or watch your ESRs, please click on Donate button on top of that particular ESR payment page. You can donate any amount (suggested min. donation is between $5 and $25 US for most reports, but greater donations appreciated); all credit or debit cards and PayPal accepted. It’s easy, private and secure! Your info is never shared with anyone for any reason!

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NOTE! PayPal will take you directly to the report page. If you can’t access the report after you’ve donated: one of the potential problems may be your Pop-up blocker or Adguard. Please disable these on your computer when you donate and access the report. If you still have difficulty accessing report, please email us.

What if you are unable to use PayPal or what if your country’s government is blocking payments?

I’ve received worrying emails from two Japanese fans who complain that they are unable to donate via PayPal. Then we discovered that Japanese government is creating obstacles for its citizens’ international transactions. A new article on that is coming! 

There are other countries that may do something similar.

We intend to keep PayPal because we find it so very convenient for most countries’ transactions (and remember, in many countries you usually don’t need a PayPal account!).

But for those who cannot do it through PayPal for whatever reason, we are currently looking into secure and reputable alternatives! I’ll admit, I’ve been asked by many fans and readers to set up Bitcoin button for my Earth Shift Reports and Consultations, but – sorry to say – was too lazy to get it done; and then there are these pesky little things we usually call ‘life.’

I solemnly promise that this time I’ll take it seriously. We are looking into setting up the Bitcoin payment alternative, as well as other potential alternatives (such as Qiwi, which is an international Russian service: Wikipedia) for all ESRs and Consultations.

To the above list, soon we also plan to add our new SHOP & Lada Ray online WORKSHOPS. All that will be posted on

I’ll have a separate announcement soon! Stay tuned for the news on the donation/payment options front!


It takes much time & effort to produce each Earth Shift Report!

Please donate and watch ESR9, and read other Earth Shift Reports!

This will tell me that you want me to continue creating them!


As always, my sincere gratitude for all those who support my work regularly, and who read & watch my Earth Shift Reports! This means a lot!


Here is the full list of topics discussed in VIDEO ESR9


(PLUS! Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Caucasus & Central Asia. Hot intel from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)

PART 1: Kazakhstan’s ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution

Analysis of the Foiled Kazakhstan ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution of May 21, 2016 (my term).
Explained: Kazakhstan’s Land Reform and proposed sale of agricultural lands to foreigners as the pretext to ignite tensions and set population on fire. (Recall Kiev Maidan slogan of ‘getting rid of oligarchs and corruption.’)
China’s supposed involvement
How I see it: the real situation with China vs. hyped-up fears

Who is really behind this color revolution: Soros, US NGOs (Endowment for Democracy, USAID, etc.), social media IP addresses traced to the US, etc.
Ukraine, Turkey and ISIS involvement
How it was done: no apparent leaders – most subversive ‘news’ and announcements made via YouTube, Twitter & Facebook. Molotov cocktails, subversive literature, money, weapons, vodka stashes

PART 2: Aktobe terror attacks. Why Kazakhstan was chosen for color revolution & attacks.
Hot Russia & Central Asia Intel

On the border with Russia: Why Kazakhstan’s fastest growing city of Aktobe (Aktyubinsk) was chosen for terrorist attacks on June 5, 2016. I put you in the middle of the action and explain in detail, with maps and specifics, why.

The attack on Pallada gun shop and killing of the Ukrainian-Russian salesman, plus, the mourning and funeral – with pics.

Attack on the military/national guard barracks, bus hijacking, etc.Why was specifically Kazakhstan, with its stronger military and central power, singled out for the color revolution and terror attacks? Why not a weaker Central Asian state such as Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan?

How Russia is key to everything that goes on in the region: all about Russia’s interests, involvement, role and more.

Hot Central Asia intel: the real situation in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Mini-documentary 1: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan

Footage includes security op by authorities, arrests and found weapons (cut metal rods, grenades, Molotov cocktails), subversive literature, vodka, money, etc. This is a part of the documentary aired on Kazakh central TV. It directly names the culprits of the color revolution attempt: Soros, Endowment for Democracy, USAID and other US NGO’s, as well as US government. Other connections named in the documentary are: Ukraine’s fascist ‘right sector’ Islamist fundamentalists and ISIS. Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that Kazakhstan ‘won’t allow ‘Ukraine Maidan’ scenario in the country,’ thus indicating he knew very well where the wind blew from and was prepared to deal with it.

My EXCLUSIVE eye-witness mini-documentary 2: AKTOBE ATTACKS 

Complete, packed with action, on-the-ground coverage of what went on on June 5 in Aktobe. Several terrorist groups were involved, some of which attacked 2 gun shops, others – the military installation, yet others hijacked a bus with hostages and a police vehicle.
Panic in the city: note that this amateur footage was shot from different vantage points from lay people’s windows, balconies and from ground level. The whole thing is especially troubling because everything is happening in densely populated areas, where civilians could have been easily hurt, which, thankfully, didn’t happen.
The footage shows the gunmen, attack on gun shop Pallada, the hijacking of the bus with hostages, etc. The opening footage was uploaded on YT by the terrorists themselves. It shows them in one of the hijacked vehicles, being chased by and shooting at police.

Part 3: Nazarbayev & Kazakh elites. Response to color revolution

President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s tough response: we won’t allow ‘Ukraine scenario.’
Authorities reaction to the color revolution and Aktobe attacks.
What was used as a pretext for riots.
Kazakhs aren’t fooled as to who’s really behind color revolution attempt.
Police, intelligence and national guard preparedness & actions during attacks and color revolution.
Russian advice?

Global downturn and why Kazakhstan’s Agricultural Land Reform was really planned.
Backtracking on the Agricultural Land Reform, firing/reprimand of ministers and placating of the population.

Nazarbayev and Kazakh elites.
The fight of Russian-speaking Kazakh elites vs. Kazakh-speaking elites.

The issue of the Russian-speaking, Christian population (Russians, Ukrainians and Russian-Germans). Past problems and what’s happening now.

Part 4: Complicated Game: War against Russia.
Russia as Global Balancer & why Kazakhstan is so important to Eurasia

This part contains my brand new EARTH SHIFT MATERIAL, never previously discussed in public! (Read about EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and Russia as the Great Balancer!)

How the global seesaw works.
Russia’s role as Global Balancer & Stabilizer – explained in pics & examples.
Why those who want to keep the world destabilized desperately need to do away with Russia.

Rocky relationship and falling out: US Empire vs. globalist elites (yes, you’ve heard me right!).
US – the globalist elites’ super-tool gone rogue.
War on several fronts and the breakup of the old world structures.
Would globalist elites actually prefer Russia to get stronger to curb US appetites?

Russia’s support system and the Eurasian armchair arrangement – explained in pics & examples.
Crucial importance of Kazakhstan and Belarus for Russia & Eurasia.

Russia/EAU-ASEAN Sochi Summit and how it’s related to the timing of Kazakh events.
Why did Putin go to Astana? Real reason EAU leaders gathered in Kazakhstan just after the foiled color revolution.

Eurasian Union, its development, goals & global role.
Who wants to prevent EAU from being built and why difficulties should be expected.

Part 5: Color Revolution Technology & 4 Armenia Destabilization Attempts.
Caucasus Intel: Armenia destabilization; Nagorno-Karabakh war; Azerbaijan conundrum; Georgia as US colony; (+ latest intel from Tajikistan)

Armenia’s many problems. One of the two newest EAU members and four attempts at Armenia destabilization.
Full analytics: Electric Maidan, anti-president Sargsyan protests and a change to ‘parliamentary republic.’
Karabakh war and Russia-Armenia relations.
4 day April, 2016 Nagorno-Karabakh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia – qui bono?
Russia’s role in quelling the conflict.
How Putin played peacemaker between Armenia and Azerbaijan and why Armenians are peeved at Russia.
LA connection – who influences Armenia?

Azerbaijan: which way now: Russia vs. Turkey/ US? Prospects for joining EAU.
Georgia: US patsy. Will there be changes?

PLUS: let’s return to Central Asia.
On the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan: Tajikistan’s precarious position.
Republic or monarchy? President Rakhmon wants to pass his power to his son.

Part 6: The Devilish Poker. Wrap-up & Conclusions

Copyright June 11, 2016 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.



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Who’s Really George Soros and How He Hides His Billions Offshore


American hedge fund billionaire George Soros is back in the headlines for two things: his most recent funding projects and new revelations that the shadowy political donor has been hiding his fortune from US regulators with Mossack Fonseca, the firm behind the Panama Papers leak. Soros has a total of three offshore companies through Mossack Fonseca alone (certainly more to be revealed in the future).

Brief video report:

As we know from earlier revelations, Soros financed a large group of journalists (about 400 in total), who were hired to dig up offshore dirt on Vladimir Putin and various other heads of state and celebrities, using the Panama papers leak.

It is clear to me that all others were a smoke screen, while the actual target was Vladimir Putin and Russia, as part of the escalating hybrid 4D info war. This is especially undeniable because all Western, especially British, publications, plus Al Jazeera, came out with big portraits of Putin, implying he was the biggest money launderer, whereas his name wasn’t even mentioned in the leaks.

For more read:

#Panamapapers Leak and MSM as Weapon of Mass Disinformation: Info War vs. #Putin, #Russia, #BRICS Escalates

#Wikileaks: ‘PanamaPapers funded by US/Soros against Putin and Russia’

Almost immediately the questions arose how come there were no Americans mentioned in the leaks at all. However, Fox News did its own investigation and discovered that in the 11.5 million Panama papers, there were multiple mentions of the leaks’ mastermind himself, George Soros.

The journalists he hired to implicate Putin and Russia said that ‘they had no idea Soros was in the papers.’ Oops!

Why would Fox, not really known for its wonderfully progressive and honest stance on things, want to out Soros? Aren’t Fox and Soros supposed to be parts of the same globalist machine? Good questions!

The answer lies in the upcoming US presidential elections. Soros is the biggest donor to Clinton campaign, something between $8 and $13 million. That’s official. Multiply that by, say, ten (or more), using various unofficial channels and proxies. Meanwhile, Fox is a very conservative, right-wing channel.

If you ask me, there is really very little difference between Hillary and Fox: they all are Russophobic globalist hawks. But as always, during elections American ‘right’ and ‘left’ are ready to trash each other for a seat in Congress or a place in the White House. In this case that’s good, because in their ardent desire to harm an opponent, they help us – the people – to find out the real truth, whether it’s their intention, or not.

In this specific case, Fox News is bent on not allowing Hillary to be elected. I have to say, I am with them on that, probably the only thing I would ever agree on with Fox. This is why they will continue dragging out of the closet Hillary’s skeletons, and she’s got plenty of those. The new scandal ties Hillary to Soros and his excessive campaign donations, along with his tax avoidance and shady offshores.

In conclusion, let me answer the questions I received from readers at various times:

Who is really George Soros and whom does he represent?

Does Soros work for CIA? Who does he ‘report’ to?

George Soros is not a CIA asset, although he works with CIA, US State Dept and Pentagon, as well as Wall Street, to coordinate when necessary. He really doesn’t report to anyone per se, at least not the way humans normally understand it.

As you know, I don’t often use the word NWO. Soros is NWO pointman, or as I prefer to say, the globalist elites pointman. I call him ‘the visible face of the globalist elites,’ most of whom are well hidden and shy away from cameras.

His agenda is two-fold:

1. Russophobia – he’s hard-wired as a quintessential Russophobe;

2. Globalist takeover based on the US-style imperialistic capitalism.

Both are intrinsically connected.

Soros uses America and US dollar as convenient tools to fulfill his agenda. He is absolutely disinterested in what happens to America or Americans (or anyone on earth, for that matter), as long as the ultimate globalist agenda is achieved.

Read related pieces:


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Beware of Wikipedia, a Tool in Global Info War!

Here is a great example of how little you can trust Wikipedia to obtain any truthful information concerning Russia, Ukraine, post-Soviet space, or any Eastern European country. The list goes on, and includes anything to do with China and many historic events and countries.

I was looking up the date of the DNR/LNR elections and found this: Wikipedia,_2015

Check it out and you’ll see what I mean!

Because of how search engines are designed, when you put in a search, Wikipedia is always the top entry. This makes it an extremely valuable propaganda tool.

Reading this entry it’s easy to see that someone, most likely in Canada or US, judging by how it’s written, is sitting and typing in these kinds of twisted entries in order to promote a specific political agenda.

This is an example of how propaganda works in our internet world. Taking advantage of the fact that most international internet is English-speaking, they usurp such free-for-all, unverifiable sources, made popular by the search engines. This puts the countries with non-English-speaking cultures at a huge disadvantage. The most disadvantaged in this info war are China and Russia, who always have been the main target of info war attacks in the first place.

But the biggest victims of the global info war are the people of Western, especially English-speaking countries, who are denied access to the truth, while being bombarded with informational falsehoods.

I generally try not to look at Wikipedia, unless I have no choice, since it is being hijacked daily by all kinds of unscrupulous forces.

Once I stumbled upon an entry about WWII Odessa’s occupation by Romania, in coalition with Hitler. The entry about Odessa’s occupation by a foreign country(!) glorified Romania, asserting that Odessans were happy under their rule, that they were ‘nice occupiers’ and that Odessans couldn’t wait to get rid of the cruel Russian rule! Now, who do you think wrote that Wikipedia entry, and for what purpose?

It is well know in those parts that Romania would really love to get their hands on all of Moldova, Pridnestrovie and Odessa oblast, and that their entire propaganda is targeted to that goal.

Needless to say, I went in and deleted the paragraphs that were overt lies (did you know that ANYONE can edit Wikipedia entries?) and added a few words from myself, this time containing truth about Odessa and WWII. Another time, I saw an absolutely horrible and slanderous Wikipedia post about one of Russia’s foremost poets of all time, Pushkin and his work. The tone of that entry was so disgusting that I felt nauseated.

But of course, who has the time to police all the millions of entries out there. I don’t – so I just ignore Wikipedia.

Clearly, one needs a dedicated, well paid staff that would go through Wikipedia with a fine tooth comb and edit; who would add hoaxes and targeted info dumps to existing articles, thus diluting the truth and creating new untruths to promote a specific agenda.

Wikipedia, whether those who started it intended it or not, has long become one of the dngerous weapons in the global info war.

So, beware! Try to avoid Wikipedia at any cost. As we have already discussed in past articles… in our time of brutal info wars trustworthy sources become rare and very precious. If you want to preserve such rare sources that do tell the truth, make sure you support them!


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News from Lada Ray Blog:

Those who do not follow me on Lada Ray Blog, you may still be interested:

I have recently posted a short story, Princess Lila and I. Today, I posted my brand new short story, Princess Lila’s Last Gift: Lola and her Kittens. It’s a beautiful and inspiring story, which is part of the Lilechka Tribute Series. It is also my contribution to the global Remember Me Thursday #LightForPets, which is today. If you are an animal lover, you will enjoy my stories. If you enjoy nature, you’ll also like my recent photographic post about Beautiful Cornell Plantations.



The New Khazarian Khaganate Earth Shift Report is coming out soon. I plan to release it next week.

I also plan a few surprise Earth Shift Reports. One of them will be about the new geopolitical faultline ripening in the Black Sea area. I will explain the dangerous games being played in Odessa, Pridnestrovie, Moldova and Romania, Odessa being the epicenter of the new scheme. More info coming in the following post!

Go to for all Earth Shift Report links

Urgent: Fast Track to WWIII? “USA’s Goal Is to Overturn Putin.”

Note: this is analytical article based on current events, as well as a warning about how events may turn out if the wrong course of action is taken. For my actual long-term predictions on the topics below go to PREDICTIONS.

This is the follow-up to: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Boeing 777 Catastrophe in Ukraine

The last post was in response to a very interesting comment by a reader named Paul, which you can find by clicking on the link above. Paul Plane is incidentally the host of The Plane Truth Show on the Time Monk Radio. We just recorded a new interview, which will be posted in a couple of days – stay tuned.

In response to my latest article, Paul posted a new comment, which I again found so interesting that I decided to post some additional thoughts. To keep it brief, I won’t post Paul’s comment here; to see it, please go to comment section in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Boeing 777 Catastrophe in Ukraine.

Lada’s reply to Paul’s latest comment: 

I understand Paul’s frustration. In part, he is right – there is the Russian elite issue, but not as much as it is portrayed to be. I have to disagree with Paul in part. And I must caution everyone who consider themselves friends of Russia and friends of humanity as a whole. I believe it’s best to remain positive here.

I think I explained some of it in the previous article, as well as in our upcoming interview on The Plane Truth.

This is not just another crisis. We are dealing with those who are trying to start a full-scale hot war in Europe. Putin’s caution is understandable, and frankly, so is the caution of the EU leaders. 300 people were just sacrificed to the mad attempt to start WWIII. This has to be absolutely clear. I am convinced that some on the ground actually thought they were shooting Russian Presidential plane! Think about it, it would have been so much easier to convince some angry (at Russia and Putin) Ukrainian to shoot down Putin’s plane than a plane full of innocent bystanders from the EU!

If Putin’s plane were to be shot down – it would mean immediate declaration of war! We know who desperately wants this to happen, and who doesn’t! Of course, Putin’s security would never allow the plane to be flown over Ukraine, but someone there was told/thought it was the case. THEY want Russia to start a war with Ukraine, plain and simple!

For those who haven’t yet, read Blatant #FalseFlag: #Ukraine Missile Targeted #Putin’s Plane – Hit Malaysia #MH17 Instead!

It is also clear that downing a plane with primarily EU citizens on board is a direct attempt to further divide Russia and EU. Who benefits from such scenario? USA and Kiev junta only, the same parties who want to start Russia’s war with Ukraine, which is planned to become a full-scale hot war in Europe, smoothly transitioning into World War III! Of course the kiev shmucks are not privy to the real plans of washington and anglo-american elites (lc deliberate – LR).

Is it any wonder after everything that happened, and keeps happening, that Putin is showing a strain? Can any of us even imagine the pressure he is under from all sides? Including – sadly – the sides that should be his allies, his friends, but keep nudging him to start a war, which I know, and he knows, will lead to global catastrophe?

It just occurred to me that Paul’s words resemble what Russian geopolitical analyst Alexander Dugin, a former advisor to Putin, has been saying. I don’t follow Dugin; he is a smart man, but I think his attitude is very angry and unhelpful to the resolution of this difficult situation. Actually, with his constant criticism of late of Putin’s actions, and calls for Russian intervention in Ukraine, he has angered a lot of people in Russia. It is counter-productive when analyst of such level forgets cold reason and starts running on emotions. For those who want to follow Russian analytics, I recommend the always in control and logical, as well as reasonable, Nikolay Starikov. This is Starikov’s latest video blog, where in the beginning he answers the Boeing 777 question. There are other interesting answers as well. Sorry, I can’t translate it at this time, but please try to use Google translator, if you need to.

And I can assure you all, there is SO MUCH MORE that goes on behind the scenes. Can you imagine if you just learned US via their Kiev proxy tried to shoot down your plane? Clearly, this was a warning for Putin, an attempt to intimidate him, and ALL OTHER WORLD LEADERS. “Stop resisting our globalist agenda, or your personal plane is next.”

We are talking trying to save the world from the ultimate war – because this war will be the last one.

Short of accepting the escalation leading to WWIII, the only course of action Putin has right now is to SHIFT EUROPE away from the US. This is the only possible way to save Europe from war – and this is what Putin is busy doing. I said this in many, many of my previous articles; I explained it many times that it is Europe that decides the outcome; I also said on more than one occasion that the responsibility is on Merkel and Germany, as the political leader of Europe, to say no to what’s going on. Only Europe can put the end to this craziness peacefully (this is the key operational word here) by refusing to play on the side of the US and by siding with Russia. When Kiev nazis see they have no support from those they are trying so desperately to join, this whole house of cards will collapse and US warmongers will find themselves isolated.

On the other hand, villas on the French Riviera by the Russian elite may play some role here. However, largely Russia wants to be, and Russia MUST BE, friends with Europe for the same reason it is friends with China – they are very close neighbors and partners. Russia is also close friends with South America for example, and that’s much further from the Eurasian continent. Russia would happily be friends with the US as well, the moment US stops trying to destroy Russia. Then I could happily stop writing these kinds of articles and go to Tibet to meditate.

The view Russia (or at least Putin) takes, and so do I: we ALL share one space, we have one planet, and we should live in peace and cooperation on this planet.

Please, everyone, think very deeply about what I just said. I explained it in so many previous articles already, that I think this is the last time I am going to explain it as there are so many other topics for me to write about.

It is up to Europeans to engage and restore balance and justice, if you want it done quickly and peacefully! Europe, by its harmful and unnatural position of siding with the US warmongers against Russia, which against all odds is trying to keep world peace, is what is allowing this conflict to escalate. IF Europeans didn’t happily acquiesce to the subservient symbiosis with the US, many of the atrocities in Ukraine could have been avoided, and many lives could have been saved. IF EU didn’t support and encourage the Kiev junta, Kiev oligarchs wouldn’t be this bold and US wouldn’t dare escalate the situation so openly. Look what happened in Syria when the EU refused to participate! 

Russia can continue fighting this alone, but it will be a long and arduous journey. Unless you, Europeans, make your governments act in YOUR best interests!

Last but not least, I want to remind everyone not to confuse non-confrontation with weakness. See, US and NATO understand the difference very well, and this is why they won’t dare attack Russia directly. They know how it will end for the attacker.

Read this article in conjunction with: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Malaysian Airliner Catastrophe in Ukraine


The events are evolving very quickly. As I am writing this, new info keeps surfacing. Unfortunately, I hear that the EU is threatening Russia with new sanctions because of the Boeing 777 catastrophe. Before any investigation has begun? Based on the accusations of Kiev and USA, the only two parties that stood to benefit from the tragedy and the two parties that are well-known for their lies?

Should I forget everything I said previously that Europeans have some sense and reason? Well, I can tell you all: if Europe does initiate a new round of sanctions against Russia based on false pretense, they may break even Putin’s staunch, undying resolve for peaceful resolution.

Then help us all god, or perhaps I should say – humans will get what they deserve? Perhaps humans don’t deserve peace; perhaps they can only learn from war. I do understand Paul’s frustration better and better. Let’s just remember: this kind of reaction to their provocations is EXACTLY what the US wants. And since we are almost exactly 100 years into the future from the start of WWI in 1914, let me remind you all that this is exactly how escalation to WWI happened! And this is exactly how escalation to WWII happened. The brainless British Empire and USA kept bullying, provoking, appeasing and buying off Hitler, despite Stalin’s attempts for years to create and anti-fascist alliance with the West. They kept nudging Hitler to attack USSR, hoping their two biggest rivals – Germany and Russia (USSR) will destroy each other. The escalation that lasted several years, culminated in WWII.

Incidentally, the above warning to humanity similarly sounds loud and clear in my top-rated mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER, which you can find on Amazon and BN.

Today, USA and Anglo-American elites want to pit Russia and EU against each other for the same purpose!

Those who don’t know history are on fast track to repeat it.


In conclusion, here are the links to the important brand new videos – some in Russian, some in English. Please use google translation, if necessary.

Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin drops bombs at UN Security Council! Ukraine track record: Russian plane was downed by Ukraine in 2001, 78 dead and despite international investigation concluding it was Ukraine’s fault, to this day Ukraine didn’t admit responsibility. Ukraine credibility: Kiev lied and falsified info re. Boeing 777 downing on 7/17/2014: 1. the tape of Donbass self-defence commanders discussing downing of a plane turned out a fake slapped together from 6 different conversations, some that happened before this catastrophe; 2. footage of a BUK system supposedly belonging to Donbass self-defence and retreating towards Russia turned out to be filmed in the area of Ukraine controlled by Kiev government and far from positions of Donbass self-defence. Watch video.

1. Игорь Коротченко: Объективные факты Минобороны РФ по Boeing 777 _ 21 07 2014 -Russian Ministry of Defence expert Igor Korotchenko: Objective facts re Boeing 777.

2. Минобороны России представило данные Генштаба относительно крушения Boeing 777 на Украине – Ministry of Defence data re Boeing 777 crash

3. ‘Burden is on Russia’: Barack Obama’s MH17 crash speech1984, anyone?

4. Must see! ‘Why did Ukraine SU-25 fly same path as MH17, simultaneously at same altitude?’ – Russian Military English

5. Russian hospital: Wounded Ukraine army soldiers cross to Russian territory, where their ENEMY takes care of them in hospitals, since their own army either finishes off the wounded, or just leaves them behind. Footage of actual wounded Ukraine soldiers in the Russian hospital: Раненые украинские солдаты проходят лечение в России

6. Бородай: Мы намерены передать «черные ящики» с Boeing 777 специалистам из ICAO – Donetsk head Borodai: we will transfer black boxes to ICAO only

7. Ожесточённые бои вокруг Донецка #NoKievNazi #SaveDonbassPeople 21 07 2014 – out of control attacks by Kiev junta military on Donetsk

Incidentally, Kiev used the Boeing downing to take the initiative away from the Donbass self-defence (who were gaining), to regroup and re-start their offensive. So, who benefitted from this catastrophe? – LR. 

8. Must see! Malaysian Airlines plane crash: Russian military unveil data on MH17 incident over Ukraine! FULL press conference! English

9. Must see! Pravda: “Целью США является свержение Путина” – USA’s goal is to overturn Putin