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THE SHIFT: China in Syria; Iran Hosts Russia at Hamadan Base; Iraq Opens Skies to Russian Bombers

The Shift:

Iran Hosts Russian Bombers at Hamadan Base,

Iraq Opens its Skies to Russian Bombings of Terrorists in Syria

& China sends troops to Syria to assist Assad government!

Photo from RT: Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bomber at Hamadan airfield, Iran

Russian bomber at Iran Hamadan base

BREAKING NEWS! Iraq announced that it has opened free passage through its airspace for strategic Russian bombers flying to bomb Daesh terrorists in Syria. I’ve just heard this and decided to share a few of my initial thoughts.

Just a day prior, Iran announced that it now hosts Russian troops at Hamadan Base.

Moscow and Tehran sign deal allowing Russian jets to use Hamadan airbase:

First video of Russian bomber at Iran’s Hamadan & at work in Syria:

While Russia has bases in Syria, the airfields there aren’t equipped to host Russian heavy strategic bombers. Up till now, these bombers had to fly from Russian territory. By flying from Hamadan airfield and directly through Iraq territory, Russian heavy bombers cut down by 60% on fuel and flight time.

So, a true coalition to deal with ISIL is finally being formed by Russia? Shouldn’t US rejoice Russia is finally doing what USA’s fake 40+ country coalition was ‘unable’ to accomplish for two years?

US called the whole thing’ unfortunate.’ Another sign, as pointed out in ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR that US Empire is starkly out of options in the Middle East.

US goes on hypocrisy overload! US State Dept calls the Russian use of Iran base to fly anti-ISIS missions ‘unfortunate’:

Iraq has been angling to ask Russia for meaningful help with fighting ISIS on its territory since Russia’s first successes in Syria, but Iraq was forbidden to seek Russia’s help by the US. The reason Iraq is suddenly so audacious, is the one I outlined in ESR13: the US elections distraction.

As I also explained in ESR13 and in my latest piece Explosive Consequences of Putin-Erdogan St.Petersburg Meeting and Earth Shifting Changes it Foretells!, Erdogan has been insistently offering its flagship Incirlik Air Base, presently occupied by US/NATO, to Russia.

Related from Newsweek‎: U.S. nukes at Turkey airbase at risk of falling into hands of “terrorists”: report

Earlier, in February 2016 Cyprus offered its territory for the Russian jets bombing Daesh in Syria. In other words, there is a stampede to side with Russia. And this is just the beginning.

Putin never does anything just for the sake of just sending one message, even a message as important as the one of new alliance with the Iran-Azerbaijan axis. The deal with Iran was a secret part of multi-directional practical negotiations Putin conducted with Iranian president on 8/8/16 in Baku, Azerbaijan: for complete details and my analysis read ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR. As it so often happens lately, US again has been embarrassingly caught, excuse the apt American expression,  with its pants down. They simply had no idea both Iran and Iraq could pull this off, just like previously US completely missed Russia’s Syria move.

The inability to analyze and anticipate the moves by USA’s main ‘threat’ and No. 1 ‘enemy’ – their words, not mine –  is yet another sign of the slowly rotting death of the failing US Empire. 

The side benefit of mega-proportions Iran gets from hosting Russian base is that now Iran is 100% protected from any possible aggression by US and/or Israel. Obviously such Russian operation on its territory requires Russia’s cutting-edge full-scale surveillance and protections in place.

Now, Iraq next door is drooling over this. Their biggest dream is to somehow boot out the entrenched US military and host Russians on their territory instead – not much of a ‘thank you for liberating us from Saddam’ is going around those parts. Incidentally, Afghanistan government and military, as was hinted on many times, is dreaming of same.

We are going through a monumental Earth Shift. Get ready for a lot more changes you’ve never dreamed were possible!

P.S. China announced that it’s sending its troops to help Syrian government and Russians/Iranians in Syria. A true coalition is forming in front of out very eyes, and a true cooperation is afoot – something US has refused to do for years. The latest announcements by Iran, Iraq, China and Turkey are yet another loss of face for US and yet another sign of how weak and useless NATO is.

If you haven’t yet, make sure you read my highly acclaimed,Ira bestselling Earth Shift Report 13, where all this is spelled out!

ESR13 Erdogan's War

Read full Earth Shift Report 13:


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The related subject of Ukraine’s attack against Crimea, the changes it foretells for Ukraine, Europe and the world will be discussed in the upcoming Earth Shift Report: THE CRIMEA FACTOR. The activity around Crimea and Ukraine is heating up again. Putin announced the cancellation of the previously agreed upon meeting in the Normandy4 format with Hollande, Merkel and Poroshenko on the sidelines of the Beijing G20, and called on junta/Poroshenko’s Western handlers to control their patsies. Hollande and Merkel just had an urgent telephone conversation with the scared to death Poroshenko and there are persistent rumors that Poroshenko is on his way out.

Meanwhile, what really happened during Kiev’s attacks on Crimea between August 5 and 7, 2016 and who’s really behind them? What changes does it foretell and how long have really the Kiev junta and Poroshenko got? Where is Crimea going and what’s really happening on the mysterious Russian peninsula? Are the long-anticipated changes to the status of Donbass/DLNR finally coming and how they will materialize? Will Russia punish Ukraine and how?

All this & much more will be discussed in the new ESR: THE CRIMEA FACTOR.

Stay tuned for its release next week!


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What’s the right term: Isis vs. ISIS vs. ISIL vs. IS? Is Assad Good or Evil?

I am pleased to announce that I am starting a new TESTIMONIALS page on

The best testimonials & reviews re. ESRs, FT articles and more, will be posted on this page: LINK.

Here is one such testimonial/review for ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR, which I greatly appreciate:

  1. I want to thank you for taking time to present your insight and worldly view in such a clear, concise manner. I am a Pennsylvania (USA) and as our nation wakes up and realizes the extent to which we have been lied to and manipulated, your voice presents the story the rest of the world already knows. You should be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize for fostering understanding (not that I don’t now know how rigged all these accolades truly are). At a bare minimum your are an Ambassador of Peace and Understanding to our world. Thank you again. Teresa D. Preston

New Ask Lada episode based on reader feedback to Lada Ray’s 

Earth Shift Report 13: ERDOGAN’S WAR

  1. These ESRs just get better and better. Thirteen is definitely a smart bomb, as in bombshell report. This is really good intel and presented in a cogent and highly interesting manner. I trust Erdogan as far as I can throw him but I’m confident that Putin will handle him just fine.
    Now we wait for the next set of dirty tricks from the West. I bet the coding on those nukes at Incirlic is changing every 24 hours now. So… I want to know more about Syria… especially the presidente and his beautiful wife. Are they bad guys or are they doing good for Syria like Qaddafi was doing for Libya? Thanks, Lada; super job on this report.

Lada’s response

  • US nukes in Turkey 

    Yes, it is becoming dangerous to keep US nukes in Turkey, that’s why Erdogan has so much leverage over US & NATO, which I expect him to use. He’ll be playing double game, as I explained in ESR13. Basically, US/NATO are his hostages and this will eventually end badly. Definitely expect more events in Turkey, such as terror acts, Kurds’ uprisings, etc. But Erdogan isn’t a dummy. If provoked, he’ll retaliate vs. US/NATO, as he demonstrated already. Eventually this will lead to breakup. For now, it’ll continue weakening and eroding NATO.

    Who is Assad; is he good or evil?

    Every country deserves its president. Not everything had been smooth in the past, and the word ‘tyrant’ sounded now and then in regards to Assad’s father, Hafez al-Assad. There were accusations of supposed chemical attacks, ‘autocratic rule’ and ‘slaughter of the innocents’ against Hafez, and more recently, Bashar al-Assad, by ‘Syrian opposition.’ However, knowing who finances said ‘opposition,’ we should take anything they say with a giant rock of salt.

    There may have been tyrannical tendencies by Assad Sr. But Bashar al-Assad isn’t like his father; he is a pretty mild-mannered man, a physician by trade, who didn’t want to be at the helm of the country. Sounding strange for a Western or Russian ear, in the Middle East the term ‘president’ is in fact psychologically equated with a hereditary sultan. In such circumstances, shall we say, destiny called him to duty.

    I can tell you confidently that he was meant to be where he is. Assad is just what his country needs right now; he’s the only person capable of uniting Syria and its multi-national, multi-confessional population. He clearly enjoys a large majority support.

    The so-called opposition can only be this aggressive and this demanding that he should step down because US supports and encourages it. Take away US support and financing and the opposition won’t have nearly as much pull. That said, a certain amount of opposition and healthy criticism is good for any country, and should be present to keep powers that be in line.

    However, what’s happening in Syria is clearly foreign-induced, by entities whose interests are contrary to the interests of the people of Syria. Assad has some vicious Middle East neighbors, specifically Saudis and Qatar, who try to use weaknesses to arm those who oppose him; and of course there’s the US factor, bent on regional destabilization at all cost. Assad’s biggest crime is that he didn’t succumb to US/Qatar/Saudis pressure and maintained his sovereign, friendly to Russia and Iran, stance. For this he is being punished.

    If we knew nothing else about Assad, if we just knew that he didn’t succumb to threats or bribes of the US and Saudis/Qatar – that alone would be enough, in my opinion, to form a positive opinion of him.

    Considering he didn’t even want to be at the helm of the country, his steadfastness, presence of mind and quiet courage are phenomenal. And yes, his wife, Asma al-Assad, is very lovely; she is definitely the queen material – and I mean not by birth, but by her aura and poise. I believe she is the right person to stand by him, and from the energy I perceive, she is, in big part, the one who gives him courage to withstand the enormous pressure. They both have demonstrated that they are made of a lot sturdier and quality material than many anticipated.

    I had previously compared Assad to Qaddafi. The problem with Qaddafi is that he naively and short-sightedly believed he could bargain with the US/West. Assad never did. Another problem: Qaddafi failed to make friends and that was what in the end got him killed. Assad made sure he had some very serious friends, as Syrian events have shown. Much of Qaddafi’s problems apply to Saddam, who didn’t believe till last moment the West could begin a full-scale war against him. Incidentally, Russians warned Saddam, but he brushed these warnings aside! He also bet on the wrong horse. This is the crucial difference between Assad and the other two.

    Till recently, Turkey was among those who attacked Assad and demanded his resignation. But soon after August 9 Putin’s meeting with Erdogan, we’ll see a drastic turnaround in Turkey’s attitude towards Syria.

    Read about Assad and Syria in detail in ESR5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER, including the role and interests in Syria of US, Saudis, Qatar, Russia, Iran, Turkey and Israel. More Syria updates are in ESR7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM.  And of course, lots of Lada’s valuable intel, unique analysis and predictions in latest ESR13!


    Oli Gulliver

    Again an interesting journey into the realms of geopolitics, social psychology and the prediction of developments. You’re gifted with so many talents and a heartfelt sympathy for the common people, so I’m very thankful for your contributions and for your fighting on the right side. The coup in Turkey is explained by you in a convincing way.

    Btw, could you please substitute the term “ISIS” (it’s better to say Isil, IS, Daesh). “Isis” is an old Egyptian and Greece goddess. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic. Words matter …

Lada’s response

I can certainly understand the indignation at the usage of ISIS, which sounds just like Isis. It reminds me how Hitler usurped Swastika, the beautiful ancient symbol of our sun/galaxy, as well as the word Arian, turning both evil. There are other similar cases in history.

I sympathize with the emotional response of those who follow the Isis worship. It seems doubly unfair that a word symbolizing the sacred feminine is seemingly usurped by an extremist anti-women’s rights, Islamist sect. Like others, I also emotionally dislike that such nice words have been tarnished by darkness.

However, in my geopolitical and multi-dimensional analysis I invite you to get beyond emotions and to the very core of the truth.

Words are just tools, much like a hammer is a tool; they are neutral. Hammer can be used to build a lovely home, or it can be misused to inflict bodily harm. Same with words.

Alas, dark entities and deeds may turn words evil that have been neutral, or formerly carried a positive meaning. Look how evil entities managed to turn the formerly lovely Ukraine into a terrorist state, making the word ‘Ukraine’ highly undesirable, and even hated. The very words ‘evil’ and ‘darkness’ did not originally carry any negative connotation. It were humans who assigned them such connotation to fill the gap within the third-dimensional reality of duality and contrast.

Therefore, rising above third-dimensional duality, ISIS is an abbreviation, not a word, and it is the most accurate term. It’s unfortunate that it coincides with the name of goddess Isis. ISIS means Islamic State of Iraq & Syria. 

IS – Islamic State – is not accurate since it may be confused with any random legitimate Islamic state on the planet, and I can see many objecting to that. Besides, it’s also what ISIS calls itself: why would you want to indulge the terrorists and call them their preferred name?

ISIL is equally inaccurate: it means Islamic State of Iraq & Levant. Levant is an outdated British colonial term, referring to the large territory, including Syria, Libya, Lebanon and Egypt. Hence, it refers to Western colonialism, plus, it implies the enlarged territory of ISIS. Instead of shrinking it, which should be everyone’s goal, ISIL assigns it more territory, in concurrence with USA’s goal in the Middle East. Therefore, ISIL is a subtle mind-manipulation, and so is IS.

You may have noticed that I usually qualify it by calling it ISIS/Daesh/Al Nusra, therefore there can be no mistake that I am NOT referring to the ancient goddess, but to the Islamist terrorism phenomenon.

Hope my comprehensive explanation is sufficient to put this issue to rest.

Afterthoughts + Announcements

The world continues going through a tectonic Earth Shift, and everything around us is accelerating. I can’t believe that it’s been barely three days since I published ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR! So much has happened since, and continues happening!

On August 9 Putin hosted Erdogan and scores of Turkish military, politicians & business people, who were eager to get back on track and begin making deals. Huge turnarounds in various spheres are already happening, big announcements are being made (at least by Turkish and Bulgarian sides) in regards to Turkish Stream/South Stream, NATO bases and US precarious position in Turkey, plus the new page in Russia-Turkey-Syria relations. As you’ve read in ESR13, just before Erdogan, Putin met with leaders of Azerbaijan and Iran. The next day after Erdogan, Putin received the president of Armenia. All these events, following each other in close proximity, are interconnected. New, just recently unimaginable, alliances are starting to materialize. As predicted in ESR13, all this is a huge win for Russia and a huge loss for the US.

I’ve promised you all an update on Erdogan – Putin St. Petersburg meeting, the surrounding events and their Earth Shifting consequences. Those who have purchased ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR will be able to read the update first: it’ll be posted as ADDENDUM at the bottom of the report this Saturday. Later, the update will appear as free article on FT.

As Erdogan and Putin were preparing to meet, Ukraine attempted to attack Crimea twice in 2-3 days. Fire was exchanged, Russian Federal Security officer and a serviceman were killed, and a number of trained Ukrainian terrorists, complete with explosives and terror equipment, were taken prisoner by FSB.

You may not be surprised to learn that this attack is connected to Erdogan’s visit. But connections are much wider than that. This attack has direct bearing on US presidential elections and Russian Duma elections in September. It also comes after Russian government has announced that Crimea would become part of a larger Federal District.

The implications of the attack are far-reaching. Minsk and Normandy negotiations formats are affected; LDNR (DPR/LPR) status may change in a very positive way – I’ll discuss that in the forthcoming report; and the near future of Ukraine may become even more unstable. Who is behind this desperate attack, which could have never succeeded, who benefits from it and who gave the order?

Meanwhile, a coup to unseat Poroshenko is brewing in Kiev. Will he survive it, and what happens if he doesn’t? Lots of questions and they demand answers. I’ve been planning a new ESR: CRIMEAN AGENDA, but it has been on back burner. This may be just the time to release it! Stay tuned for more info!

Last but not least! UK PM Theresa May and Vladimir Putin had a phone conversation, in which they agreed to a personal meeting. This is good news. The events following Brexit vote have been developing just as I predicted in ESR12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU. I’ve been meaning to release a follow-up, with a broader outreach. The working name for the new ESR is BREXIT DOMINO EFFECT. Stay tuned for details!

Read ESR 13


(Consequences of Erdogan-Putin Meeting 8/9/16)

ESR13 Erdogan's War


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How easy is it to read Merkel? Flip-flop on terrorists smuggled into Europe amid refugee flow

German Chancellor Angela Merkel flip-flops to finally admit: terrorists are smuggled into Europe amid refugee flow.

I had warned about it since 2014-15, and so did others who understood the situation properly. But Merkel stubbornly refused to acknowledge the well-known fact: uncontrolled flow of migrants and refugees to Europe encourages the infiltration and growth of terrorist sleeper cells. She has begun singing a different tune now.

Below is an RT report, summarizing well Merkel’s attitude and its consequences. I disagree with one point: Peter Oliver’s conclusion that Merkel is always hard to read and no one knows what she’ll do next.


On the contrary, Merkel is very easy to read. She was toeing the neoliberal/neocon globalist agenda for as long as she could, which included the unabated flow of migrants into Europe. She did that until German people started seriously rebelling and her rating dropped precipitously. Presently in Germany there are revolts and rallies demanding her impeachment, which was unthinkable a year ago.

This is why Merkel has to flip-flop to appease her electorate and to try to forestall a mutiny in her country and her political class, which is already brewing. She is hanging by a thread and all she can do is to try and calm down the Germans in order to buy time, while attempting to maneuver out of the worst case scenario for her departure. For that she has enough smarts and cunning. Can she fool her people long enough to allow herself a more or less dignified departure? She is so slippery, and Germans have become so subdued that it’s possible. In fact her policies, especially as it concerns the Middle East and Turkey have been utter disaster. Before that, she supported the Kiev Maidan and regime change. When it became clear that ukro-nazis and civil war in Donbass were an embarrassment to the EU, generating mutiny in her own party and on the street, only then she began to take steps to support the peace process and reigning in on Poroshenko. These are just two examples of her latest fiascos.

‘No one knows what she might do next’? That’s because she has no backbone and no convictions of her own. As they say, she just sways in whatever direction the wind blows, or wherever necessary for her own survival and benefit.

I predicted this since 2014. Recall how many times I said that Merkel was the convenient and familiar ‘Frau next door,’ suitable for Germany during quiet and fat times. She is, however, completely unsuitable for Germany or EU amid today’s challenges and turmoil. She is also completely unsuitable as one of the world leaders and the leader of the EU. Let’s just say: she is not the EARTH SHIFT material and should be out.

This is my solid recommendation for Germany: just about anyone would be better than Merkel.

Can she be unseated and is it possible for Germans to elect someone who will steer the country well? That is a big question and I foresee a problem there.

Let’s face it, Merkel isn’t alone. None of the ‘leaders’ presently in power in the EU and the West in general are good enough, or suitable enough. This is why a major change of the guard and a change of power is necessary; it is coming to all Western countries soon. 

Incidentally, I discuss what Merkel really is in: 

Special Predictions Video ESR 12
(BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts) 

1 predictions ESR12



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Russian Helicopter in Syria Downed by ISIS from American Stinger

This video posted by ISIS shows the militants’ jubilation over shooting down a Russian helicopter near Palmyra. The Russian-made helicopter belonged to the Syrian army, while the crew consisted of two Russian pilots, who flew this mission at Syrian govt’s request. Both Russian pilots died.

RT: Islamic State militants have downed a military helicopter near Palmyra, Syria, killing two Russian pilots on board. The helicopter had been attacking the advancing terrorists at Damascus’ request when it was taken down, according to the Russian defense ministry. READ MORE:

The most important detail, not shown on the video, is the weapon with which the ISIS terrorists shot down the helicopter and killed the Russian crew: an American Stinger handheld missile launcher.

According to Syrian minister of information, since May 2016 several dozen such Stingers were delivered to ISIS in Syria through Turkey. Now ISIS-Daesh has the capability of shooting down aircraft it previously could not.

You decide who and why supplies such weapons systems to Syrian terrorists! 

US weapons system FIM-92 Stinger produced by Raytheon:

A perfect weapon for any terrorist!

The FIM-92 Stinger is a Man-Portable Air-Defense System (MANPADS) that operates as an infrared homing surface-to-air missile (SAM). It can be adapted to fire from a wide variety of ground vehicles and helicopters (as an AAM). Developed in the United States this weapon system entered service in 1981. It is manufactured by Raytheon Missile Systems.

ratheon stinger weapon system


 During the Soviet war in Afghanistan, the CIA sent 2,300 Stinger missiles to various mujaheddin outfits throughout Afghanistan:

A Mujahideen fighter aims an FIM-92 Stinger missile at passing aircraft, Afghanistan, 1988 2

Also read:

Stay tuned for the new surprise EARTH SHIFT REPORT,

which will address  

Russia’s new secret weapon to counter NATO!



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Hot Earth Shift Report on the way! ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN: Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union?

Due to the hot news from Kazakhstan and other EAEU/post-Soviet areas,

I am releasing a new surprise Earth Shift Report 9!

6/11/2016 update: IT’S HERE! CLICK LINK TO WATCH NOW!

ESR9 – Attack on Kazakhstan: Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union?

(PLUS! Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Caucasus & Central Asia: intel from Armenia, Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)


Everything you ever wanted to know about the color revolution attempt in Astana, Almaty and other Kazakh cities on May 21, 2016. I’ve dubbed this attempted Kazakh Maidan: ‘The Agricultural Color Revolution.’ Find out why and how China is involved, but most importantly, how Ukraine, Turkey, ISIS, Soros, NGOs and US are involved.

We will also talk about the latest Aktobe terror attacks on June 5, 2016 and why specifically Aktobe was targeted. Who and why is sending a chilling message? Who’s pulling the strings and who’s the REAL target? How all this affects Russia and EAEU?

Kazakhstan is still on high alert and many shops and other organizations remain closed after the shocking attacks of June 5 in this country, previously considered one of the world’s most stable.

As usual, we’ll look at both: on the ground, local Kazakh intel, and the all-Eurasian and global situation.

For the first time in this report I will reveal certain crucial things about Russia and Kazakhstan’s role in Eurasia. This is brand new material, which is part of my EARTH SHIFT Theory, and of which I’ve never talked previously!

All this will give you the complete picture of what’s really going on!

The report contains a number of eye-witness videos straight from the source, interactive maps and pics and lots of rare intel, complete with my analysis. Lots of goodies in this one!

This is the surprise part: the format of this report is new, different and quite fresh. I think you’ll enjoy it very much. But you’ll have to see for yourself!

Watch now on! 


Also read related

ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Is Astana KZ New NWO capital?



LADA RAY REPORT: Putin Announces Russian Troops Withdrawal from Syria – Reasons Revealed!

Putin Announces Troops Withdrawal from Syria.

Russia’s Accomplishments and Withdrawal Reasons Revealed!

Putin is the most unpredictable politician in the world: he always tells the truth.

As many times before, Putin openly pre-announced Russian objectives in Syria and said that once they have been achieved, Russia will withdraw. It appears the West was under a complete impression Putin was lying. No wonder: that’s how they themselves behave, and they expect the same behavior from others. Their feeble minds can’t fathom that there are few out there who actually tell the truth.

FILE - In this Sunday, March 4, 2012 file photo, Syrians hold posters of Syrian President Bashar Assad, far left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, second left, during a pro-Syrian goverment protest in front of the Russian Embassy in Damascus, Syria. In ramping up its military involvement in Syria's civil war, Russia appears to be betting that the West, horrified by Islamic State's atrocities, may be willing to tolerate Assad for a while, perhaps as part of a transition. (AP Photo/Muzaffar Salman, File)

What were Russia’s main objectives? Let’s hear it directly from the horse’s mouth.

This special talk show Evening with Vladimir Soloviev of March 15, 2016, dedicated to Russian withdrawal from Syria (Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым. Спецвыпуск от 15.03.16), includes an excerpt from the televised October 2015 interview with President Putin. Incidentally, Evening with Vladimir Soloviev is my top recommended Russian political talk show.

I have translated the interview snippet. Soloviev (S), President Putin (P).

On this video, the October 2015 Putin interview recording starts at 23:12 and ends at 24:50: 

S: What are our real goals in Syria and what are the criteria of our success?

P: First, let me re-confirm what is already a well-known fact: we have advised in advance our American and many other partners, as well as the countries in the region, of our plans and intentions. Some say we did it too late, but let me remind everyone that no one ever advises us of their plans or actions in operations of this kind. Yet, we did it.

S: Show of good will?

P: Yes, out of good will, together with common sense. But also to show that we are open to cooperation.

S: Syrian army began advancing. What are their chances of success?

P:  This primarily depends on the Syrian army and Syrian leadership. We can’t assume any excessive responsibility upon ourselves, and we never did. I said from the start that the active phase of our Syrian operation will be limited in time by the term of the advancement of this same Syrian army. To return to your first question: our goal is specifically to stabilize the legitimate power in Syria and to create the conditions for the political dialogue and compromise.

That was said in October 2015. The whole Russian plan, timeframe and intentions were laid out clearly, for all world to hear.

Video (Putin at 23:12 – 24:50 – RUS):

LR: To add to the above, Putin and Russian Army command announced from the start that Syrian op would last 5-6 months. There were tons of doom-and-gloomers everywhere, including Russian opposition from Zhirinovsky’s LDPR to pro-West anti-Putin liberals. These predicted that Russia would get stuck in Syria, like US did in Iraq and Afghanistan, that it will be Afghanistan 2.0 for Russia, that casualties would mount…

The active phase of Russian Syrian op actually ended in 5 months! There were only two operation-related military casualties, due to Turkey’s downing of the Russian jet and rescue helicopter. Unfortunately, there were civilian casualties: terrorist act against Russian plane over Sinai, Egypt, with 224 people dead.

On March 14-15, 2016 Putin Announced Russian Troops Withdrawal from Syria. The West is in shock. They are so used to their own lies, as well as the world around them based solely on lies, that they can’t fathom how Putin can actually promise something and keep his word. As we know, the White House, Pentagon, US State Dept and NATO were completely unprepared and didn’t know what to say or how to react to the news.

I will talk much more in-depth about Putin’s strategy and style, which – I predict – will continue to surprise and stomp his adversaries, in the upcoming EARTH SHIFT REPORT FEATURE: THE PUTIN ENIGMA. You can always check the main EARTH SHIFT REPORT page on for release dates of each report.

In my bestselling Earth Shift Report 5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER, released in October 2015, and in a number of other pieces, I said time and again that Putin would outplay them all. He will make his next move when no one expects it, and he will always be one, two, three moves ahead of the next guy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2015 (SPIEF 2015) in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 19, 2015. Putin said on Friday Russia was doing well in tackling its economic crisis, aggravated by Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis and a fall in global oil prices. REUTERS/Grigory Dukor

Main reasons for Russian troops withdrawal from Syria revealed!

I didn’t call Earth Shift Report 5 SYRIA GAME CHANGER by accident. What Russia did in Syria in the mere five months truly was a total game changer and a complete turnaround.

Below is a long list of objectives of the Russian Syria campaign that have been achieved in five months. (I challenge you to compare this list of things promised and delivered to what the multi-year US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq have done to those countries; what NATO bombings have done to Libya; what the US/EU 2-year+ interference in Ukraine has turned the country into!)

Important things to remember:

Let’s recall that Russia announced from the start that there will be no ground operation. It was clear that Russia doesn’t want to repeat Soviet and US mistakes in the Middle East.

Also, let’s remember that this withdrawal is partial. This is a gesture designed to send a specific message to all parties involved, and to the global community in general. What this message is – we’ll discuss below.

Russia merely announced the end to the active phase of Syria operations. There are two bases and sufficient number of troops/crews left. Russia still controls the Syrian sky. S-400 systems remain there, which means that any flights over Syria have to be coordinated with Russia.

Additionally, it has been hinted that Russian jets, troops and ships can be returned back within hours, should necessity arise. In fact, Vladimir Putin announced that starting March 22 Russia may re-start operations against those who attempt to break the truce. This remark had a fabulous response. Those groups who thought they could begin fighting with Assad troops again once Russia left, got back to negotiations table.

Russia spent on Syrian operation $450 million. That’s all. This constitutes less than 1 percent of the Russian defence budget.

I don’t have handy the Pentagon or NATO budget numbers, but isn’t it something like their weekly allowance? Incidentally, let’s compare this to how much US spent in Iraq and Afghanistan.

syria map2

Russian accomplishments in Syria and associated withdrawal reasons: 

1. ISIS oil infrastructure – destroyed or weakened; ISIS military and terrorist infrastructure – destroyed or weakened. Multi-billion investments of ISIS/Al Nusra/ Muslim Brotherhood’s sponsors Qatar, Saudis and Turkey – destroyed. ISIS, Turkey, Saudi and Qatar oil – synthetic drug – slave – artifact smuggling ring broken, which means that the financing of terrorist activities has been dealt a major blow.

2. What really goes on in Syria has been exposed for the whole world to see. Before, the Western propaganda had a monopoly on Syria stories, presenting its usual false narrative. Now, with Russian direct footage and access given for the Western press to Russian bases and battle ships patrolling Mediterranean much of the false narrative changed dramatically. Having seen the truth, US and EU became unable to accuse Russia or Assad of various actions they didn’t commit. The Western propaganda ring has been broken and the tide has been reversed.

3. Some of the potential new recruits have been scared away from joining ISIS-Daesh and other terrorist organizations by Russian Syria campaign. The idea that they would be bombed by Russian jets, should they join, stopped many. Therefore, the lives of some of the young, lost people residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, EU and various Muslim counties, have been saved.

Per Russian statistics, about 5,000 Russian citizens joined ISIS, mostly Muslims from Caucasus, Siberia, Volga Tatars and Crimean Tatars. Also thousands joined from Muslim ex-Soviet Central Asia and Azerbaijan. These were recruited through mosques and infiltrated propagandists. The flow of ‘fresh cannon fodder’ has been at least slowed down, if not stopped.

One of pre-announced Russian goals was to prevent the already trained ISIS militants from being able to return back home, which they could do with their Russian passports. The official Russian statistics is that out of 5,000 ISIS militants with Russian passports 2,000 have been killed as a result of Russian raids.

4. Another Russian goal was to keep Syria secular and inclusive of other religions, in other words, prevent Syria from turning into another Muslim fundamentalist state. There are many Christians (both Orthodox and Catholics) that lived in Syria in peace for millennia; Assad government was always respectful of other religions. These Christians and their cities received one of the biggest blows during the invasion by ISIS. Result of Russian campaign: secular Syrian state re-affirmed, made stronger and more consolidated. Assad has been re-affirmed as national leader, at least in the interim.

5. Syrian army was able to advance and take back a number of territories, which they were unable to re-take on their own. Now the Syrian government controls about 1/2 of Syria. Just six months ago it was only about 20% of Syrian territory.

7. The trend of Syrian opposition (dubbed by US ‘moderate’) fighting Assad government troops has been decidedly reversed. Truce achieved and holding; moderate opposition has been taken out of the fight mode with Assad and is now working with Assad against ISIS. Moreover, the number of groups and bands in truce with the government continues growing daily. Altogether, there are thousands of such groups and they are all trying to secure a place for themselves in the future of Syria. All this, thanks to the skilled combined effort of the Russian military and diplomacy.

Russia opened a Center for the Syrian dialogue in Moscow, where different Syrian opposition groups can register and speak up.

Russia also put together a list of those opposition groups that want to be taken out of harms ways. If you are on the list, then you agree to the truce and to stop fighting against Assad troops. Everyone on the list agrees to fight only against ISIS. In exchange, they are guaranteed not to be bombed by Russian jets and to be included in Syrian political process.

All the above has been achieved within five months. It’s in stark contrast to the destruction and chaos US/EU and their ME allies achieved through years of inciting wars, hatred and violence.

In fact, Russia reversed the trend of US and allies encouraging ISIS and other terrorist organizations to grow like a tumor. Certainly, it’s too early to talk about ISIS/Al Nusra/Muslim Brotherhood being dealt a deathly blow. We are still very far from a true resolution of the Middle East problems and crises. If you recall, my prediction last year was that the Middle East would suffer from violence and various conflicts for a long time due to many millennial issues that have remained unresolved. Resolution will take a very long time.

But what Russia has shown in Syria is that resolution is possible; that a very discerning and targeted surgical intervention, aiming at stabilizing the country, while isolating and taking out of the equation the destructive forces, can lead to hope of a better future. The smart leaders and countries will heed this and follow the example. 

8. In the eyes of various groups in Syria, and in the eyes of the entire Middle East, Russia is now the main peacemaker and the go-to country for all grievances and deals.

A pilgrimage of various Syria opposition groups to Moscow doesn’t cease. Similarly, every week and month there are leaders of various Middle Eastern countries visiting Moscow for negotiations. Russia received leaders of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan UAE, and everyone in between, including those, like Qatar, who just recently tried to undermine Russia, and who were implicated in the Russian passenger plane downing over Sinai, Egypt. Not that Qatar or SA would stop their undermining activities, but at least for now they have to negotiate.

Leaders of the Kurds from Syria, Iraq and Turkey have been visiting Moscow and meeting with Russians. Kurdistan’s first representative office has opened in Moscow.

Incidentally, as described in SYRIA GAME CHANGER, Israeli PM Netanyahu was one of the first to visit Moscow before the start of the Russian Syria incursion in 2015. Back then I said that Israel, with the usual Jewish shrewdness, knew who to ‘call.’ Let’s say that Israel knew ‘the right phone number’ and understood how to position itself before Syria events. This is why Israel was first to sign a Syria cooperation and intel sharing deal with Russia. I said back then that Israel knows where the wind is blowing and is re-orienting itself towards Russia, Eurasia and SCO. Also read ESR6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE? for a perspective on the true Israeli spread and future direction.

 For those who want to hear me out: I said many times before that we are going through a massive Earth Shift in all areas of life on the planet. I am your guide in this tectonic Earth Shift.  Those who read my FREE articles, Earth Shift Reports  and materials on, especially LADA RAY OMNIVERSE section, will be well prepared for the Shift to come.

8. As a result of years of USA’s failures, especially compared to Russia’s success, US influence in the Middle East is waning fast. Russian influence is growing just as fast.

Non-ISIS/non-Al Nusra opposition is now much less likely to look to the US and much more likely to go to Russia for advice and direction.

US clout in the Middle East is extremely low, even in the countries fully dependent in them. Saudis consider themselves betrayed by the US and continue giving signals to Russia that they want closer cooperation (frankly, I wouldn’t trust them for a moment, but a situational alliance might be useful). Iraq and Afghanistan continue attempting to ask Russia for assistance in fighting ISIS on their territory, while US continues blocking these requests. Russians signaled they would help Afghanistan and Iraq, if asked formally by their governments. One of the big reasons to help is that terrorists and smugglers from those two could potentially infiltrate Central Asia and south Caucasus, from where they can get into Russia proper through porous ex-Soviet republics’ borders.

The latest on that: Russian military signaled that they have secured the Central Asian borders in Tajikistan through the newly expanded base and that infiltration isn’t possible any more. 

9. Russia achieved its goal of securing bases in Syria / on the Mediterranean coast. Russia now has two bases, which will continue being maintained. All this will be secured by diplomatic documents that will hold under international scrutiny regardless of what government comes after Assad.

10. Russia got US to take off the table its demand that ‘Assad must go’ – a MAJOR win for Russia and a major show of US weakness.

11. Syria elections – another achievement. This means that Assad has been legitimized in the eyes of the West and Syrian opposition. They all now have to work with Assad, whether they want it or not.

If Assad is reconfirmed as the national leader by elections, they will have no choice but to recognize him. If he isn’t reconfirmed, then there will be new government, which, unlike Libya, destroyed by the US and EU interference, will have to be secular and inclusive, under Russian and international supervision.

12. I wrote about this in SYRIA GAME CHANGER. Federalization of Syria and the Kurds is possible. I consider this a good outcome, if done correctly. Kurds announced they are forming a federation (aka, autonomy) within Syria. At the very minimum, this means they are not trying to secede, further destabilizing the region. This announcement, so far not recognized by Assad or internationally, puts a lot of pressure on Erdogan and Turkey, who are bombing and killing Kurds on their own territory. For the Turkish Kurds now there is an inspiring example in Syria. This weakens Erdogan. I have talked at length in ESR5 and ESR7 about Erdogan, Davutoglu, ans the issue of the Kurds.

In ESR5 I said that Syria needs to move to federalization. Russia, the world’s largest federation, can help Syria like no other.

Assad is afraid to recognize Kurdish autonomy as well, fearing this will lead to further destabilization of the country. He is partially right: US/West/Saudi/Qatar/Turkey’s interference in the affairs of decentralized, autonomous regions will be that much easier. But Assad may have no choice. In the end it all depends on how skilled his diplomats and politicians are. Russia will lend a hand in negotiations.

As a matter of fact, it has been recognized by various opposition and pro-government forces that Russia is the one and only power to talk to. As one Assad’s opponent said, ‘now Russia is again seen as the only peacemaker in the region by all forces in Syria.’

13. Withdrawing at the time when Kerry and Lavrov have decided on the framework on Syria negotiations and when the main list of Syrian ‘moderate’ opposition’ groups has been compiled underscores Russia’s commitment to peaceful, diplomatic solution of Syrian conflict.

Since Geneva negotiations between government and opposition began, the withdrawal and cessation of Russian bombings sent all the right kinds of signals to the parties involved: Russian Army has done its job. Now it’s time for Russian diplomacy to do theirs.

Putin reconfirmed this signal when he met on March 14th with both Russian FM Sergey Lavrov and Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu. The message was very strong and unmistakable: the army has done what was needed to stabilize Syria, now let’s pass the baton to our diplomats, who will deepen and solidify this success.

Video (ENG translation):

Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu 3/14/16

Russia: Troops arriving home from Syria given hero’s welcome

Russia: Troops can be deployed back to Syria ‘in mere hours’ if necessary – Putin

14. Last, but not least, by announcing partial withdrawal, Russia sent a message to Assad. The message is that Assad shouldn’t rest on laurels; that he can’t think that Russia was there to support him personally.

Russia sent a message, understood fully by all political and military groups in Syria and beyond: we won’t always be in Syria to bail out Assad. He needs to find his own stride for reconciliation. We are here to establish pre-conditions for political process by stabilizing the country and allowing the fair and equal voice to the people. What does this kind of message do? It puts the fire under Assad, making him agree to elections and national dialogue. It also restrains honest opposition from further armed clashes with government forces, making them see the light in the end of the tunnel – the light of possible peaceful resolution and political change in the interests of the country.

The Russian Syria withdrawal timing is genius:

All in all, Russia took away from the West and their Middle East vassals the possibility of escalation of anti-Assad rhetoric and, therefore, escalation of Syria conflict, leading to further destabilization of the country and region.

1. UK is now in a difficult position. Its attempt to build a new army and invade Syria through Libya now makes it look like a bully and invader in the eyes of own citizens.

2. Turkey was preparing its own invasion of Syria. Russian withdrawal announcement was a cold shower to Erdogan. Now US/NATO are forced to restrain Turkey from rash actions. In fact, the entire Russian op put a huge harness on Turkey’s ambitions to chop off a chunk of Syria, promised to him by US/Qatar and Saudis in late 2000s. It also dampened Erdogan’s ambition to resurrect Ottoman Khalifate. Read all about that in ESR7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM.

3.  This move by Russia also restrains US actions in Syria, together with those of Saudis and Qatar. Now their hands are tied and they can’t continue trying to unseat Assad, otherwise they look like bullies. Of course, to make this happen Lavrov and Russia first made US admit that negotiations were the way to go, remove from the agenda ‘Assad must go’ mantra and compose a list of opposition forces ready to negotiate. Being tied into the negotiations framework makes it impossible for US to start invading Syria willy-nilly.

4. Besides that, Russia ingeniously timed Syria op, negotiations and withdrawal to the US presidential elections year. Obama and democrats desperately need to show some kind of international successes. This is why they suddenly began playing nice with Cuba, sat down with Iran last year and this is why they are ready to negotiate in Syria.

5. Another reason Russia announced partial withdrawal: sand storm season has begun, which makes flights difficult to impossible for a couple of months. Again – good timing.

6. US has recently gone into Syria, while Russia is already out. This again demonstrates that US continues scrambling to catch up to Russia. Read: Why Is Obama Scrambling to Catch Up to Putin?  In ESR5 I said that Syria 2015-16 reminds me of WWII and 1944. It was in 1944 that US/UK suddenly saw the light and opened second front against Hitler, but only after they realized that USSR could take Berlin and liberate Europe all by themselves.

As I said, Putin is always several steps ahead. This is especially true after the devious US game in Ukraine.

Let me tell you something: the fact that Russia was not playing devious games in Ukraine was perceived by US and EU as a weakness and an opening to go in. As usual, they are unable to conceive that there are some who don’t play devious games not because they can’t, but because they are above it.

It’s not dangerous, but actually good – not for the US,  but for Russia and the rest of the world – that US is stuck on the ground in yet another conflict in the Middle East. US troops are on the ground in Syria – Russian are not; US has already given a commitment they will fight ISIS, after they were shamed by Russia into doing so (as explained in ESR5). Good, let them finally live up to their promises and do something useful for a change!

Meanwhile, Russian reputation and clout in the Middle East is growing, while US is waning. US is playing a humiliating catch-up, while Russia continues leading.

In fact, I think that in part this Russian withdrawal has been timed so to demonstrate how slow and ill-equipped US and EU are for the modern strategic operations. Sort of: ‘see, we’ve accomplished everything we said we would, and are already out, while these dinosaurs are only getting in.’ The world isn’t blind and can see what’s going on.

When US showed to the whole world that it was absolutely unwilling to respect Russian interests, Russia and Putin began showing that in fact they are very capable of playing games, and much better than the West – if they want to.

Finally, here are two other good reasons for the timing of this withdrawal:

7. March 15th was one day before the 2nd anniversary of the Crimean referendum, which returned Crimea to Russia. This was part of the holiday present for March 16-19, the dates when Crimea and Sevastopol were officially accepted as two new subjects of the Russian Federation. Russia is clean and out of any conflicts on foreign soil – was the loud and clear message.

8. Now, being out of Syria, Russia can deal without any distractions with Ukraine and other problems close to home, such as Central Asia and Caucasus. This also includes Turkey and all of Black Sea.

(Read most recent related article: Breaking! Suspicious #Flydubai Boeing-737 Crash in Rostov-on-Don Raises Red Flags.)

The above, brand new material is being added to the updated and expanded original

 Earth Shift Report 5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER

If you purchased it previously: as usual, you can read both original and this update by accessing ESR5 report page via your saved link.

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ESR5 Syria Game Changer 2


This brings us full circle back to the upcoming Earth Shift Reports!


Projected release will be next week, Wedn-Thursd, March 30-31, 2016



Tentative release mid-April, 2016



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Are We About to Witness Another US Failure in the Middle East? ISIS Theatens to Blow Up Syria’s Strategic Dam

Are we about to witness yet another US failure in the Middle East?

ISIS holes up at Tabqa Dam to avoid airstrikes and to blackmail US if they attempt to take Raqqa!

Part of ISIS – Daesh has holed up at Tabqa, Syria’s strategically most important dam, where they use high value hostages to shield themselves from bombings. The dam, if breached, will flood and devastate large parts of eastern Syria, creating massive humanitarian disaster for this long-suffering country.

Remember my prediction in ESR5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER? US would do everything to avoid colliding with Russia in Syria. This prediction is now playing out.

Russia primarily covers Syria’s long Mediterranean coast, up to the Turkish border. It is along the coast where the capital Damascus, Assad government, most of the population and Russian base are located. Slowly but surely, the territory controlled by Assad is expanding, thanks to Russian air support and efforts of Syrian army.

Important Syria update for the readers of Earth Shift Reports! 

The newest stats from Russian analysts are:

Assad army numbers: 200-250 thousand troops, including various local self-defence and international volunteer units.

All armed opposition, including ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, etc., numbers 150,000. This number also includes what US insists is ‘moderate armed opposition.’ However, by all accounts, real bandits and militants change coloring depending on who pays more at any given moment, or to save their lives: today they are Al Nusra, and tomorrow – ‘moderate opposition.’ In reality, political opposition in Syria doesn’t have serious military muscle, while the majority of those who have aren’t moderate.

There is a small quantity of ‘moderate’ bands that decided to cooperate and are now sending intel to Russians and Syrian army as to the locations of ISIS/Al Nusra and others. Such turncoats, per Russian military, are one of the best sources of ground intel for their operations.

The above numbers don’t take into account the significant factor of the Kurds. The Kurds in all this have been a neutral force, concentrating on defending their own land, but not interfering in the general Assad vs. opposition fight. However, the Kurds have reached the autonomy agreement with Assad and now are gearing towards siding with him – as I predicted in SYRIA GAME CHANGER! This is a very hopeful development. However, Turkey/Erdogan are trying to sabotage it by insisting on excluding the Kurds from the Assad – opposition negotiations process.

For an in-depth look into all the above, read ESRs: SYRIA GAME CHANGER and TURKISH CONUNDRUM – links to both at the bottom of this article!

USA in Syria

When US realized they had to get in before the victory over ISIS was claimed without their participation, they concentrated on plans to capture Raqqa, the so-called capital of ISIS, located inland, in the eastern part of Syria, where Russian aviation and Syrian army haven’t reached yet.

It has to be noted that, according to Syrian government sources, Syrian army is now only 40 km away from Raqqa and is planning to take it soon. However, it is common knowledge that Syrian army is tired and is moving slower than Russians would like them to. At least they are moving, taking over town after town, under the Russian Airforce’s cover.

In the situation when Russians said they definitely would NOT put any troops on the ground, US announced that it would increase support for local resistance in order to capture Raqqa. The resistance they are talking about are non-ISIS militants and Syrian opposition. Per reports, they also began helping the Kurds, who really are the only well-organized force in the area, able to resist ISIS.

Most interestingly, US announced they would be sending American ground troops as well.

There is talk of 100,000 coalition troops, consisting of 10,000 American; the rest is supposedly from SA, Qatar and other USA’s Middle Eastern allies, although there is much doubt as to how they will fill the quota (I described the whole spread and doubts surrounding this issue in SYRIA GAME CHANGER). The whole thing resembles more of a PR noise than the real thing. This reminds me of how an animal or a bird, when threatened, puffs up fur or feathers to seem bigger.

The latest announcement from the US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter: US is sending one of its divisions with substantial Iraq experience. It appears the division he’s referring to had previously sustained heavy losses in Iraq. Is that what Carter means by experience?

So, the ‘Nobel Peace Prize Laureate’ Barack Obama is sending American troops to yet another country, but only after Russian Airforce and Syrian army did most of the work.

The irony isn’t lost on anyone. The whole thing reminds me – a painful similarity noted by many analysts – of 1944, when USA hastily opened the second front, but only after it became clear that Russians could easily roll through all of Europe, claiming single-handed WWII victory.

In this case, US is too late to the strategically important Mediterranean coast, where 70-80% of the population resides, where Assad government is located and where the ports and bases are. The coast is covered by S-400 and Russian Airforce.

On the other hand, Raqqa, located deep inside the country, controls Syrian oil fields. While Russian bombings destroyed a large number of ISIS oil fields, pipelines, oil depots and oil convoys to Turkey, there are some oil fields that still remain around Raqqa. US, together with Qatar and Saudis, will try to prevent the area from reverting to Assad government; they want to attempt establishing their control over these fields.

Additional reason for targeting Raqqa is to save face – after all, Raqqa is the supposed ‘capital’ of ISIL, even if it’s just in their warped imagination. This, again reminds me of WWII and 1945: couldn’t take Berlin back then – let’s at least take Raqqa, before Russians and Syrian army get there.

With this cowboy logic US may cause yet another disaster in the Middle East — as if Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the creation of Al Qaeda and the very ISIS itself weren’t enough! The list can be expanded well beyond the Middle East – look at the disaster US interference created in Ukraine within just two short years! Everyone knows what US had done to Vietnam in the ’60s.

The list can be expanded far beyond these vivid examples, and I’m sure you all know dozens of other US-created disasters. The trail of direct and collateral damage follows USA wherever they show up.

ISIS has holed up at the dam not just to avoid bombings. This is a very smart, if morbid, blackmail. They threaten to blow up the dam and kill hostages, if Raqqa is taken. The result will be further devastation of Syria.

Let’s see if US has enough wisdom and military know-how to avoid yet another regional disaster of their making!

Judging by their past failures, don’t hold your breath… Unless they give up and ask Russians for help, but don’t hold your breath for that either as this again will mean losing face.

However, this situation does give Russia some negotiations advantage, and not only in Syria; in Ukraine and Caucasus as well.

Read about Syria, US, Russia, Turkey, Qatar, Saudis, Israel — all the games & players: 




The upcoming ESRs:


will expand further on the convoluted and volatile situation in the interconnected regions of the Black Sea/ Balkans/ Eastern Europe/ Caucasus and the Middle East.

Stay tuned for the ESR release announcements!

Video with Tabqa Dam and Raqqa stats and geography:





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Money Trail: Who Organized the Flood of Middle East Refugees to Europe?

This is an exceprt from my latest EARTH SHIFT REPORT 7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM, which sheds the light on who, how and why organized the flood of Middle East refugees and migrants to the EU.

Turkey conundrum 2


Money Trail: Who Organized the Flood of Middle East Refugees to Europe?

Incidentally, in all this, do you notice another party that has almost the same interests as Turkey? Putting a wedge between Russia and EU to prevent them from getting closer economically and politically; preserving its own empire by dividing and conquering; attempting to pit EU and Russia against each other while being safe on the other side of the Atlantic, so both EU and Russia look the other way, while enriching itself and executing a crawling invasion of Asia and Europe… Who might that be?

That would be the US.

In turmoils that are shaking up Europe, Ukraine, Russia and the Middle East, USA and Turkey happen to be two very twisted allies. It doesn’t have to be this way as US should be aligning with Europe. But unfortunately, US has taken the course on weakening the EU in order to shove down its throat TTIP and in order to prevent the formation of the Eurasian Partnership, which would unite Europe, Russia, China and Asia.

Event No. 2 is tied directly to the above. It is the situation with Middle Eastern refugees streaming into Europe from Turkey. There are presently over 2 million refugees from Syria in Turkey, at least according to Turkish government. Some of them are in fact from Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, as well as Pakistan and Africa. About one million or more of these refugees have already crossed into Europe.

What struck investigative journalists following the European refugee crisis was the incredibly high level of organization of the entire exodus. By no means it was a spontaneous and sudden move of the masses across the Mediterranean. Initially, Turkey loaded ships full of refugees and sent them to Greek shores, where they were unloaded. This feat alone is very expensive and logistically difficult.

Let’s recall that we are talking people completely unfamiliar with Europe, its way of life and terrain, and speaking no local languages. How did they magically organize themselves into large groups, how did they know exactly which border crossing to go to and what to do there? It turned out that text messages were sent to them telling them where to gather. Each person was assigned a specific group. Tips on how and where to cross, where to stay, where to find taxi and trains were sent daily.

The interesting thing that struck everyone was that the majority of the refugees staunchly wanted to reach Germany. Not only that, but they were given the exact route to take: through Greece or Bulgaria, on to Macedonia, Serbia and into Hungary. Then through Austria to Germany. When Hungary closed its borders, the whole crowd quickly reoriented itself by turning towards Croatia and then onward through Slovenia.

Then there is a very sticky issue – that of money. How and from where did all these people get the money to cross most of Europe? You have to feed yourself and your family, you have to find a place to stay and buy at least basic necessities. Transportation is very expensive. Many of these refugees used taxis to get to Serbian-Hungarian border. I listened to an interview with Serb taxi drivers and they said that a trip from Serb capital Belgrade to the border with Hungary cost 200 euro per person. That’s a tiny fraction of the entire journey. How many such little segments did the refugees have to cover? Where did the money come from?

I recall the footage where Hungarian police was trying to give some bottled water to ‘refugees’ that took over the Budapest train station. Several athletic-looking young refugee men took the crates full of bottled water placed by the police on pavement and threw these crates with disdain onto train tracks. While at it, their whole attitude indicated that they didn’t need anything from the ‘infidels.’ Besides this being a pollution and hazard for passing trains, someone had to go later onto those tracks and clean up the mess.

Can you imagine refugees behaving this way? Being this ungrateful and contemptuous towards the hosts who are trying to give them water? Not being afraid of getting arrested or deported on the spot? The impression from the footage was that they came to Hungary as conquerors, not as refugees.

The biggest problem that I see here is the fact that refugees in dire straits should need every help they can get, since they would have very little money, having spent a lot while on the road and needing more to settle down. These had so much money they could afford to throw perfectly good bottled water away?

I want to stress that among these people there were legitimate refugees from Syria, with families, who really needed protection and shelter. But it has been established that only 25% were in fact Syrians. The majority either bought fake Syrian passports or was from elsewhere. Incidentally, it has been leaked that a fake Syrian passport costs anywhere between $250 and 350.

It has also been noted that 80% or more were young and strong men traveling alone.

After a public outcry and criticism that mostly young and strong men were among the refugees, who tended to push away women and children in order to get themselves a better spot, miraculously, more families with women and children began appearing in the footage shown on TV. It was as if an invisible hand painted into the picture additional families to allay suspicions.

So, we are back to the issue of money. Where did all these masses of people (over one million in total!) get the money to the degree that they would throw away the drink or food offered to them? Credit cards? But didn’t they run away from a war in Syria or Iraq? Credit cards aren’t commonplace in these countries, especially if these people came from the refugee camps.

Cash? How much cash can one carry across several borders when only limited amounts are allowed? And what about robberies? How can one carry a lot of cash while having to sleep in tents and on the road in unknown countries? If it’s cash, then you would carry certain limited amounts, which need to be periodically replenished. So, how does one do it?

A German journalist did his own investigation, attempting to retrace the steps of refugees. It turned out that six months prior to the wave of refugees, a whole slew of Western Union offices suddenly sprang up in Bulgaria, on the border with Turkey. How did Western Union know to open a bunch offices in that specific location just prior to the refugee wave hitting Bulgarian shores? It’s probably a safe bet to assume that all these Western Union offices will close down again once the wave of refugees subsides.

Therefore, Turkey, Saudis and Qatar organized and financed exodus of refugees to Europe. And we all know who is behind Western Union, as well as most financial flows around the world.



For complete information and to gain clarity on this and other related topics, read


The Battle For Eurasia: TURKISH CONUNDRUM





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Putin Authorizes Gas Supply to Freezing Genichesk, Ukraine, After Kiev Cuts Off Own Citizens – Implications and Predictions!

The city of Genichesk, pop. over 100,000, located in the long-suffering Kherson Oblast near the border with Crimea, has been living with very limited gas supply for weeks. Cooking and heat are gas-based in this region. But in the past several days gas pressure dropped precipitously in the pipes. While the weather in Ukraine was unseasonally warm in the past month, suddenly the brutal cold at -20 Celsius returned. That’s when gas all but disappeared; the citizens have been freezing for 3 days.

The Mayor of Genichesk tried in vain to contact the Ukraine gas suppliers, and when no one replied, he desperately tried to call everyone in the Kiev government, including Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk. Again no response.

The only reply came in the form of a mocking post of one of ‘Ukraine’s leaders’ on his Facebook page. The citizens of Genichesk were advised to warm themselves up by speaking Ukrainian and singing Ukrainian songs.

The mayor of Genichesk then turned to the country his own now proclaims to be Enemy #1 – Russia. He contacted the Crimean supplier, Chernomorneftegas (Черноморнефтегаз) and asked them to send some gas from Crimea. Here is interview with Chernomorneftegas CEO re. the volume of gas supply to Genichesk – 20,000 cubic meters. He says that the volume is negligent for Crimea and won’t affect Crimean citizens: Черноморнефтегаз назвал объемы поставляемого российского газа в украинский Геническ.

Chernomorneftegas CEO contacted the Head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov (Сергей Аксенов), who in turn contacted Vladimir Putin, who gave final authorization.  Interview with Sergey Aksenov: Сергей Аксенов: Жители Украины не должны страдать из-за решений своего правительства – Citizens of Ukraine should not suffer because of bad decisions by their government.

Reactions of the citizens of Ukraine’s Genichesk after they received gas from Crimea in this interview: Россия начала поставки газа в украинский город Геническ, жители которого страдают от сильных морозов. Citizens reactions range from: ‘Thank you to Putin, who saved us’ to ‘I know nothing about anyone and don’t care who did what, but thank god we have gas again.’

After the scandal received a wide-spread resonance, Ukraine govt immediately flooded the media with denials that Russia stepped in to supply gas to Genichesk. Chernomorneftegas CEO replied that it’s foolish to deny the obvious: the pressure in Genichesk gas pipes increased by 2.5 times as a result of Russia’s humanitarian aid.

In December 2015 Ukraine’s gas contract with Russia ended. Ukraine failed to renew it and pre-pay for the following period. Based on that Russia announced that gas supplies to Ukraine would stop. In response, Yatsenyuk announced that Ukraine didn’t need any more of Russian gas because they found cheaper suppliers in Europe.

In fact, Yatsenyuk (who has zero approval rating) is lying. See related post where Yatsenyuk and his friend Avakov are publicly and violently accused of stealing and corruption: Ukraine Scandals: Transatlantic Boss Joe Biden and Ukraine’s Spiders in a Jar. According to Ukrainian energy expert Dmitry Marunich, Kiev is buying reverse gas from Slovakia, Hungary and Poland – the same gas these countries previously bought from Russia. This gas, because of longer transport routes, is more expensive than direct Russian gas.

In fact, Ukraine can’t ensure sufficient supplies of gas, coal and nuclear fuel to its stations. The situation with energy in Ukraine is nearing catastrophic, and it will worsen in years ahead. It is especially disastrous for the citizens of remote from Kiev’s perspective areas, like Kherson and Genichesk, as well as Odessa and Nikolaev. Kiev doesn’t care about these areas and would let own citizens die, especially because they consider them pro-Russian.

The irony is that it is here, in Kherson Oblast and not far from Genichesk that Kiev ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis blew up strategic power lines in December, thus leaving the entire Crimea without power for weeks. Just a few days ago Crimean citizens in a poll said NO to further power supplies from Ukraine.

Now, Crimea gets all supplies it needs only from Russia. And yet, when asked for help from the Ukraine side, Crimeans said YES.


The scandal with Genichesk gas supply is only the first in what promises to become a norm in Ukraine. The country is falling apart because of inept and crazy ‘leadership’ beholden to the US and EU, who only care about sucking Ukraine dry, while breaking all life-giving ties with Russia.

Recall my original Feb. 2014 predictions: Ukraine will start turning around in 2016 and by 2018 it will turn back towards Russia. Alas, by the time the turn occurs and due to the crazies at the helm, Ukraine’s economy will be destroyed entirely. The process will be slow and painful with the economic situation worsening gradually. See PREDICTIONS on top bar and early 2014 articles on Ukraine for more.

I also said that Russia would remold the situation slowly in her favor, while letting Ukraine citizens decide their future and act on it.

This process is unavoidable, however certain forces in Kiev, Turkey, EU and US/Canada try to stop it.

Here are new Ukraine predictions for 2016-17!

We are already beginning to witness how it will unfold. City by city, oblast by oblast, local authorities will be seeking ways to survive as Kiev sabotages its own population. Unilateral and secret economic agreements with Russia by separate oblasts and towns will continue intensifying into 2016-17. This will slowly eat into the amount of power Kiev has.

Incidentally, the same process is actively unfolding in the neighboring republic of Moldavia (Moldova), where central power is just as weak, albeit not as violent, and where local authorities are far ahead of Ukraine in making private deals with Russia to benefit their citizens. I’ll have some very juicy intel for you from Moldova and surrounding areas in the upcoming ESR9: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

A great example of what’s going on is Kherson Oblast, which is experiencing an invasion of ukro-nazis, Crimean Tartar Mejlis terrorists (the same who cut off power to Crimea), and most alarmingly, Turkish extremists and ISIL-Daesh militants. All the dregs of global society seem to have descended on Kherson Oblast in order to threaten the connecting Crimean Peninsula. These thugs terrorize, rape and burglarize the population.

Local citizens, having been left to suffer and die by Kiev authorities, are now organizing self-defence units to help those in need and to drive the roaming terrorists out of their villages and towns.

Eventually, ukro-nazis and their international terrorist cronies will be driven out of many areas of Novorossia by locals, be it Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa, Zaporozhie, Donbass, Dnepropetrovsk or Kharkov. The result will be that they all will swarm on Kiev and western Ukraine, while others will go to Europe. It won’t be pretty.

Meanhwile, the gradual distancing of different areas of what is today Ukraine from Kiev will be happening slowly but surely, while Kiev will eventually lose its tax base and the support of much of the army and law enforcement.


Within the scope of this one article I can’t begin to tell you how many crucial Earth Shifting events, with potentially far-reaching consequences, are quietly taking place around Crimea and Black Sea, including Kherson, Odessa, Moldavia, Gagauzia, Pridnestrovie, and of course, what’s left of Ukraine; Caucasus: Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan; Balkans: Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro. Those parts are erroneously considered quiet backwaters and events there often are disregarded or deliberately silenced by world MSM. There are very few to no sources to find out what’s really happening around Black Sea. Meanwhile, this is precisely the part of the world which will help tip the world balance soon.

If you want to know the truth and be ahead of the curve in preparation for the change, read my upcoming Earth Shift Reports: CRIMEAN AGENDA and BLACK SEA GAMBIT, where all will be spelled out!





Projected release for both: throughout January 2016. As usual, reports will be posted on and announced on FuturisTrendcast. Stay tuned!




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Earth Shift Report 7: The Battle for Eurasia! TURKISH CONUNDRUM



Earth Shift Report 7


Erdogan, Davutoglu & New Ottoman Empire

Turkey conundrum 2


Read in this report:

Maps of the Ottoman Empire at its peak, Present day Turkey, decline of Ottoman Empire by country and year.

Is Erdogan trying to resurrect Ottoman Empire?
Has he lost his mind
or is confrontation with Russia a well-thought out strategy?
Is Ahmet Davutoglu Erdogan’s Gray Cardinal, or is he the real puppet master?

Can Turkey Block Black Sea straits?
Who is wagging whom: US Erdogan or Erdogan US?

What will Russia do?

The region is boiling over and may blow up at any moment. Everything that is happening in this region, however unconnected it may appear, is invisibly orchestrated from one and the same center. In this report we’ll connect all the dots and form the full picture!

Who controls whom? What does the body language tell us? 
Can you tell by these images? Photo album of Erdogan with Davutoglu, Obama, Putin and Assad. They tell quite a story! With Lada’s body, eye and hand language interpretations.

Full list of topics discussed in this report:

The Great Earth Shift, tectonic change and human society
New Turkish provocation – Russian destroyer fires warning shots against Turkish boat

The money trail: Who organized the flood of refugees to Europe?
ISIL oil = Turkey’s bounty
About the ‘free’ market hoax and how oil prices are formed
Qatar: Terrorist State Extraordinaire of the Middle East
Al Jazeera Network – at the service of ISIL and Turkey
Who ordered the Russian passenger plane catastrophe over Sinai, Egypt
The invisible link between Qatar and Turkey
How Russia spoiled Turkey, Qatar and USA’s game
It’s 1944 all over again. What are US/Germany/UK/France doing in Syria
What is Turkey’s army doing in Iraq?
World’s largest ethnos without a state: the wild card of the Kurds
​ERDOGAN’s Turkey
Who gave order to shoot down Russian Su-24 jet?
Is Erdogan mad or is this a part of a well-though-out plan?
Devolution of Erdogan and Turkey
Bulgaria in the dark: from Ottoman Empire to NATO and EU
Russia – Turkey relations
Ahmet Davutoglu – Erdogan’s Gray Cardinal or the Hitler of Turkey?
Neo-Ottoman Pan-Turkism and Resurrection of the Ottoman Khalifate
How Turkey infiltrated post-Soviet space
The real reason Russia agreed to enter WWI
How Russia was swindled of Constantinople and Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits
Erdogan and Turkey – stepping on Saakashvili and Georgia’s rake?
The volatile issue of the Black Sea Straits – Can Turkey close Bosphorus and Dardanelles?
Will Russia press for the transfer of the Black Sea Straits?
The 1992 Black Sea Straits incident
Deja Vu: Who benefits from the destruction of Turkish – Russian relations?

P.S. 12/15/15: What does Kerry want in Moscow? Lavrov and Putin: Turkey, ISIL, Syria, Iraq, NATO rift, ground troops negotiations on likely talks agenda

Stay tuned for next ESR: BLACK SEA GAMBIT – it’ll take over where TURKISH CONUNDRUM left off! A preliminary list of explosive events surrounding Black Sea inside this report!

Copyright December 15, 2015 Lada Ray

Read ESR7:

The Battle for Eurasia! 



Read this report in conjunction with:



Russian Submarines Target ISIL (Daesh) in Syria from Mediterranean. What Does it Mean?

This just in!

I very rarely post videos with direct weapons usage on my blog. But this is one exception. I thought this impressive video was worth posting as it demonstrates clearly how the conflict in Syria is developing. It also shows that Russia is serious about both dealing with ISIL – Daesh and with showing who is in control of the situation.

In ESR5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER we’d discussed the surprise Russian cruise missile strikes from Caspian Sea. This is something new and it sends another signal. What is this signal, and what’s really going on around Syria and Turkey?

I have received many requests from readers to address what is happening and how to interpret that UK, Germany, US and others have sent troops and/or suddenly decided to bomb Syria. There are reports of the US bombing Syrian government troops (deaths reported) under the pretext of bombing Islamist ISIL/Daesh. On another note, Turkey began illegal ground invasion of Iraq, citing the ‘protection of Kurds’ and infuriating the Iraqi government.

All these aren’t isolated accidents. One of our readers suggested it reminded him of the 19th century Crimean War, where Turkey, UK, France and other Western powers ganged up on Russia.

To me it’s much more like the 1941-1945 Great War (Western: World War II). What do I mean? All to be explained in the upcoming ESR7!

The connections between all of the above, plus the downing of the Russian jet in Syria and Russian civilian plane’s bombing in Sinai Egypt, are clear. Together with what’s happening in Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Armenia, Turkey, Central Asia and the Balkans, these are all parts of the huge battle for the control of Eurasia. The biggest battles are fought in several historically volatile energy knots: Middle East, Balkans, and Caspian – Black Sea basins. All of these areas are in fact next to each other and are historically inter-connected.

I see them all as one large planetary tension center. Together they constitute the most vulnerable point, or what is called the ‘soft underbelly of Russia.’ In addition, these areas target the destabilization of China and India.

This is why the world’s biggest geopolitical and military shocks will continue in these parts, and this is why peace that we all hope for will be difficult to achieve in these parts for a while. In fact the crisis will deepen – it’ll get worse before it gets better.

As we have observed, the crisis has spilled into the most well-to-do and quiet areas of Europe in the form of the refugee crisis. But someone is orchestrating this crisis. If you think it’s Erdogan and Turkey – that’s only on the surface.

All this and more to be discussed in:

Earth Shift Report 7


Erdogan, Davutoglu & Ottoman Empire

Coming Sunday, December 13! 
Stay tuned!

Turkey conundrum 2


This new report should be treated as the continuation and logical progression of ESR5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER. It’ll pick up where the former left off.

ESR5 Syria Game Changer 2


It is also a logical development of ESR6: UKRAINE – NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE?


THE BATTLE FOR EURASIA may become a new series of reports. We’ll see how my readers like this one. If you do enjoy it, please write testimonials on FT after you’ve read it, and perhaps in future ESRs I’ll be able to reveal the clandestine developments and convoluted games played in other important areas of Eurasia!

I plan to release ESR7 by the end of this week (early next week the very latest), so you all have plenty of time to read and digest it well before the holidays.

Let’s hope that nothing extremely terrible happens during this holiday season and we can at least relax and have a nice Christmas/New Year’s celebration with our families!




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Good and Bad News: New Power Bridge Links Crimea to Russian Power Grid Ending Blockade; Crimea/Kherson Terror Act Warning

Good news: New Power Bridge Links Crimea to Russian Power Grid, Ending Energy Blockade

On December 2, Putin announced that Crimea was officially linked to the Russian United Power Grid via the newly built Power Bridge from mainland across Kerchensky Strait. First line of the bridge was completed ahead of schedule by Chinese and Russian contractors. The first line of 200 megawatt greatly alleviated the electricity shortage following Ukraine blowing up power lines to Crimea. Second line, adding another 200 megawatt is expected by December 15-20, allowing Crimeans to greet New Year’s in light and warmth. Crimeans are already reporting heat and lights being back.

Three weeks ago, ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis had blown up four strategic long-range transformers in Kherson Oblast, Ukraine, supplying power to Crimea. Details: Ukraine Blows Up Power Lines, Leaving Crimea Without Electricity.

By May 2016 two more lines of the Power Bridge (Rus: EnergoMost) will be built, for the grand total of over 800 megawatt between four lines, surpassing the amount of electric power previously purchased from Ukraine. In 2017-2018 the new power station will also be built, in order to accommodate the needs of Crimea’s growing economy.

The auto-rail multi-directional bridge will also be completed by 2017-18. This will signal the 100% independence of Crimea from the neighboring Ukraine.

Crimeans are rejoicing that life is returning to normal after almost three weeks of energy blockade, and thanking Russia and Putin. More than ever, they also feel that last year they had a lucky escape from Ukraine.

Putin announcing opening of the Power Bridge:


Still, this is bitter-sweet news.

I grew up in those parts; I remember how it used to be. It’s a terrible pity that Ukraine has chosen this kind of confrontational route to nowhere. The Kiev junta, oligarchs, ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis, aided and directed from abroad, are to blame for the unnatural division between people who had always been friends and closest relatives. I feel sorry for the people on both sides: Crimean and Ukrainian. Many have family living on the other side, and many have close friends across the border. All these people are now divided due to hateful Ukrainian propaganda and hideous acts of violent and unscrupulous individuals, supported by greedy foreign interests.

If you recall my predictions, Ukraine will have to hit rock bottom in order for people to truly wake up and start changing the disastrous situation they allowed to fester in their country. Unfortunately, Ukraine still has some way to fall before the bottom can be reached. It will be a tedious next year, and as Ukraine falls, it will attempt to drag Crimea, Russia, Pridnestrovie, Moldova and EU with it. Tension and uncertainty will continue and more problems are expected.

Bad news: Kherson Oblast and Crimea Terrorist Act Warning

One of the problems is the spread of rampaging thugs, violent nazis, together with extremist Mejlis terrorists supported by Turkey and Daesh. These are taking over the country as corrupt central power in Kiev both shows its complicity and its utter weakness.

Alexey Zhuravko, the man who warned about terrorist act against Crimean power supply one month before it happened, is warning of more terrorist acts planned by ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis backed by Turkey. He warns that 16 more strategic transformers may be blown up. He also warns of a threat of terrorist acts against telephone lines and chemical pipelines to Crimea. There are plenty of those running through eastern and southern Ukraine. Zhuravko warns about possible techno-ecological catastrophe around his native Kherson as well as Nikolaev, reaching into Crimea.

He also warns about Mejlis/ukro-nazis threatening a reign of terror, such as blowing up of Crimean Power Bridge, as well as the regular bridge to Crimea.

I will discuss in detail many seemingly unconnected events and threats forming all around Black Sea, including Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), Russia, Crimea, Odessa, Moldova, Pridnestrovie, Bulgaria, Balkans, especially, Serbia and Montenegro, and of course, Turkey and the straits. The region is boiling over and may blow up at any moment. Everything that is happening in this region, however unconnected it may appear, is invisibly orchestrated from one and the same center. We’ll connect the dots and form the full picture in the two upcoming reports: ESR7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM and in the following ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

Coming next:

Earth Shift Report 7


Erdogan, Davutoglu & Ottoman Empire

Coming Sunday, December 13! 
Stay tuned!

Turkey conundrum 2

Recommended reads:




Related FT Articles:

Russian military reveals details of ISIS-Turkey oil smuggling


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Russian military reveals details of ISIS-Turkey oil smuggling

Erdogan promised he would resign, should Russia be able to prove that Turkey supported ISIL (Daesh) terrorists and was involved in ISIL oil scheme. This, of course, was no more than simple lip service.

Russian Defence Ministry is calling Erdogan’s bluff with undeniable proof, and there’s more where that came from.

Oops… Now it’s Erdogan’s turn to live up to his promise!

On another note, Russia has initiated a UN Security Council resolution regarding ISIL financing and Turkey. Let’s see how US dares to veto it, thus revealing whose side it’s really on.

Video of Russian revelations – Eng translation:

Russian Defense Ministry holds news briefing on new findings related to counter-terror activities – READ MORE

URGENT: Massive truck flow through Syrian-Turkish border at Reyhanli checkpoint

Combat cam: Russian warplanes target ISIS oil facilities in Syria


For the whole Syria spread, read 


Related FT Articles:


Earth Shift Report 7

Erdogan, Davutoglu & Ottoman Empire

Coming Sunday, December 13! 
Stay tuned!

Turkey conundrum 2

Stay tuned!


Perfect Storm? Will NATO mobilize in Wake of Paris Attacks?

paris terror attacks 11 13 15

Paris attack sites:

Bataclan concert venue, 50 boulevard Voltaire, 11th district – gun and suicide bomb attacks

Stade de France, St Denis, just north of Paris – explosions near venue as France played Germany in football friendly

Le Carillon bar, 18 rue Alibert, 10th district – gun attack

Le Petit Cambodge restaurant, 20 rue Alibert, 10th district – gun attack

La Belle Equipe, 92 rue de Charonne, 11th district – gun attack

La Casa Nostra restaurant, 2 rue de la Fontaine au roi, 11th district – gun attack

What we know

From BBC: Busiest time

The attack on the 1,500-seat Bataclan hall was by far the deadliest of Friday night’s attacks. Gunmen opened fire on concert-goers watching US rock group Eagles of Death Metal. The event had been sold out.

The series of attacks not far from the Place de la Republique and the Place de la Bastille struck at the heart of the capital when cafes, bars and restaurants were at their busiest. Customers were singled out at venues including a pizza restaurant and a Cambodian restaurant.

The other target was the Stade de France, on the northern fringe of Paris, where President Hollande and 80,000 other spectators were watching a friendly international between France and Germany, with a TV audience of millions more. The president was whisked to safety after the first of three explosions just outside the venue to convene an emergency cabinet meeting. Three attackers were reportedly killed there.

As the extent of the bloodshed became clear, Mr Hollande went on national TV to announce a state of emergency for the first time in France since 2005. The decree enables the authorities to close public places and impose curfews and restrictions on the movement of traffic and people. Within an hour, security forces had stormed the concert hall and all four attackers there were dead. Three had blown themselves up and a fourth was shot dead by police. Another attacker was killed in a street in eastern Paris, reports said.

Speaking after arriving at the concert hall, President Hollande said the attackers would be fought “without mercy”. US President Barack Obama spoke of “an outrageous attempt to terrorise innocent civilians”. UK PM David Cameron said he was shocked and pledged to do “whatever we can to help”. Paris Mayor Ann Hidalgo announced that all schools, museums, libraries, gyms, swimming pools and markets would be shut on Saturday.

Image below: Spectators flooded the pitch of the Stade de France after the France v Germany football match as news of the attacks spread.

paris attacks 11 13 15 stadium


As of this hour, it appears there are at least 150 people dead in several coordinated Paris terror attacks. Western media already pinned it on ISIL and it was reported that at least one of the attackers supposedly yelled, ‘for Syria.’

Related RT interview and video analysis:

First of all, RIP all the victims and deepest condolences to their families.

Unfortunately, the Paris events are a direct and easily predictable consequence of the NATO/US/West’s actions and meddling in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, as well as elsewhere in the Middle East. ISIL (aka, Daesh or ISIS) is staffed in big part by former Saddam Hussein’s officers, who are Sunnis and who had been dismissed by the US after they took over Iraq. The rest of ISIL is formed from the armed opposition left over after Libya was destroyed by NATO (including French) strikes, parts of Al Qaeda, and other Islamist rebels financed by US, Saudis and Qatar.

Also, we never had the chance to officially say RIP to the 224 victims of the Russian Kogalymavia Airbus320 flight from Sinai, Egypt. From my FT team and myself personally: our most sincere condolences to the families of all victims.

I have some serious intel about who benefitted from blowing up the Russian Airbus320 in Sinai. An article is coming as soon as I get the chance.

The attacks in Paris and the Russian Egypt flight catastrophe are directly related to Syria, Assad and Russia’s successful anti-ISIL operation.

France has declared a state of emergency, closed down the airport and borders. This may signal the turnaround in the EU’s policy of open borders. This also may signal a turnaround of the EU policies towards refugees and migrants that are flooding Europe.

The attacks in Paris, already blamed on ISIL and refugees, may trigger a tough response from the French government. The closure of other EU countries’ borders is also possible.

The most worrisome is that if it is classified as an attack on one of the NATO members, this may become the signal for NATO mobilization. We all know how much criticism NATO has drawn in recent years, some calling for its disbanding as an organisation that has outlived its usefulness. This is a perfect storm for NATO. Such situation may confirm their usefulness and provide justification for their existence. It appears that there is already a groundwork for such NATO mobilization being prepared by MSM and Obama.

Considering the above, the attacks in Paris may have been a false flag designed to provoke NATO mobilization. The attack on the Russian Airbus320 in Egypt may have been orchestrated for the same purpose, among others: to make NATO countries agree to mobilization and intensification of bombings of ISIL in Syria and Iraq.

These things are often designed to be multi-prong. This may have also been a warning to Hollande to toe the line.  At the time of the attacks Hollande was at the stadium watching a match in close proximity to the explosions. Another thing that strikes me is that the match was between France and Germany. This effectively means that the warning was a hint to Germany to toe the line as well.

A similar warning took place previously when German plane Germanwings crashed in France. This happened immediately after Hollande and Merkel dared to defy the US in how they approached the Ukraine crisis, working with Russia on trying to stop war in Donbass. It also has to be noted that Russian plane blown up over Sinai was of the French manufacturer Airbus.

This effectively means the following:

After Russia’s successful bombing campaign in Syria, it was proven how ineffective (or how corrupt) the US/West’s bombings were. Thanks to Russian air support, Syrian army is now advancing on four directions at the same time, having gained control over half of the territory previously controlled by ISIL, with attack on their capital planned in the near future. Such miraculous turnaround was absolutely impossible to imagine just a few short weeks ago, before Russians went to Syria.

If it keeps up, Syria will be ISIL-free in a few months. I wrote in Earth Shift Report 5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER that Russian jets would squeeze US and NATO airforce planes out of Syrian airspace because they wouldn’t risk colliding directly with the Russians. And it has happened in the exact way predicted.

All Russia needs is for the US and West to get out of the way and let them do their job. This seemingly started happening with Obama/Kerry changing their rhetoric, talking negotiations and intel sharing. However, I fear that one thing is being said to Lavrov’s face and something entirely different behind the closed doors. I never thought that US/NATO/Pentagon would just accept the humiliation of being outplayed and sidetracked in Syria. They would do everything in their power to make Russia’s job as difficult as possible.

This possibility could arise out of Paris attacks. If NATO countries mobilize, NATO planes may crowd into the same air space as Russian planes, creating dangerous and volatile situations. To avoid collisions, they may insist on no-fly zones (remember Libya no-fly zone that led to the destruction of the country?). NATO airforce is completely ineffectual compared to the Russian airforce in a combat situation. However, I’m afraid they may be very effective at interfering/getting in the way of Russia doing her job.

And should any countries, such as France or Germany, attempt to conduct their own independent policies, they will be sent reminders.

The biggest concern of mine is that they may be able to tie up Russia’s hands in Syria, like they did in Ukraine, creating a zone of permanent frozen conflict and preventing Russia from resolving it. This will tie up Russian resources. It is undoubtedly one of the goals.

Besides, US still wants to unseat Assad and they are peeved that Syrian ‘moderate’ opposition is meeting in Moscow, discussing peaceful elections, new constitution and power sharing with Assad. Syrian opposition started sharing intel on ISIL locations with Russia and joining Assad’s army to fight the Islamists. In other words, Moscow managed to achieve in two months what the US/West couldn’t (or rather wouldn’t) in years.

There is another consideration why US and their NATO vassals desperately need to orchestrate a return. US is losing its grip on the Middle East, including Iraq, where they still have troops. Iraq government they themselves had brought to power, had created a joint Russia-Iran-Iraq anti-ISIL center in Baghdad. Somehow, US didn’t notice that at first. But when Iraq president and parliament tried to ask Russia for help in bombing ISIL on Iraq territory, US had a hysterical response. My prediction was that US wouldn’t let Iraqis ask for Russian help (read more in ESR5: Syria Game Changer). Iraqis are frustrated with the fact that US is not even trying to fight ISIL. US has to put them in their place. Mobilizing NATO could indirectly serve this purpose.

Worst case scenario: should US/NATO leaders turn out to be complete maniacs (and from what I am seeing, they may be), this can generate a situation of no return, leading to the new World War.

I thought I’d publish this warning. In truth, I believe that Putin and Lavrov will be able to defuse the situation and to create a more cooperative solution for all. Unfortunately, these two are the only adults in the room, with Western ‘leaders’ being not up to the task. However, hopefully, the sense of self-preservation of the Europeans will be enough to keep them on the side of reason.

On another note, personal attacks are taking place on Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu and Sports Minister Vitaliy Mutko, together with the entire Russian sport. All these simultaneous attacks are designed to disorient, destabilize and tie up Russian resources, as well as to distract from real problems in the West, Middle East and Ukraine. I will talk about the latter attacks in the upcoming article.

Read full analysis in ESR 5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER!

ESR5 Syria Game Changer 2









CONSULTATIONSQuantum Calibrations — Earth & Personal Shift — Predictions — Feng Shui


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Earth Shift Report 5.​ ​SYRIA GAME CHANGER: What do Russia, US, Iran and Israel really want?

Newly published!

Earth Shift Report 5​


What do Russia, US, Iran & Israel really want?

ESR5 Syria Game Changer 2

Click on link to donate any amount and read!


Putin and Russia’s diplomacy efforts
Russian air strikes of ISIL/Al Qaeda positions
The real reason for the surprise Russian cruise missile strike from Caspian Sea

Russia in Syria: analysis and overview
Turkey’s role in Syria
The international nature of ​ISIL, Al Qaeda and other extremist organizations 

Risks to Russia and the entire region

The issue of Kurds
New Israel – Russia agreement – Why Israel likes Russian presence in Syria
How US, France, Turkey, Israel and NATO are being squeezed out of Syria
​Syrian army and other forces resisting ISIL, Muslim Brotherhood and other rebel groups on the ground
What territory does Assad control?
ISIL (aka, ISIS or Daesh) financing: its sources revealed
Russian Tartus Naval Base and the new Russian military doctrine
Iran Gambit (what Iran, US, Russia, Israel and Syria want)
​Israel’s role in Syria. Russia and Israel relations – You may be surprised!
PREDICTIONS: The future of the Middle East, multi-polar world and Russia’s role
Bonus: two interviews + 2 videos – Syria intel by Yakov Kedmi, ex-head of Israeli Nativ security services



All Earth Shift Reports


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All about Lada Ray EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS – Chi Kinesiology