Trump at His Best at NATO Summit: The Ultimatum to EU, Russian Gas Scandal and Rift With Merkel!

Don’t miss my BIG Earth Shift Report, where I talk about Trump-NATO debacle, May-Brexit fiasco, Putin-Trump Summit, and much more — from my unique signature perspective!




(Special Multidimensional Astrology & 4D Geopolitics Report)


Today, I thought we all would benefit from these telling video episodes from the NATO Summit in Brussels, where Trump gave his allies an ultimatum, and where his confrontation with Germany/Merkel reached a new level. All this confirms many of my predictions and things we usually talk about.

From RT: Trump-Stoltenberg tense talk at NATO summit (video below)

Trump gives a public thrashing to NATO and Germany. Look at NATO chief’s utter discomfort and how tense and unsure he is of himself. I also simply adore this telling symbol: the EMPTY plates in front of everyone, while they argue with each other about money!

Trump: ‘You want US to protect you from Russia, but you buy Russian gas, not ours.’

Stoltenberg: ‘But… we are stronger together…[against Russia].’

Sure, Germany and Europe will buy the expensive US LNG gas, not a much cheaper and higher quality, non-fracking, better for the environment, Russian gas, just to please Trump… Should’ve said it was all about money and power, NOT about democracy, and NOT about that bad meanie Russia.

I start liking Trump better and better, that Earth Shift agent extraordinaire. He is so good at creating a rift within the Western world, and facilitating THE GREAT EARTH SHIFT!

Video #2 with translation is from Vesti News… Russia gets deterrence and a dialogue, Europe gets increased military expenses. These are the results of the first day of the NATO summit. After a public G7 conflict in Canada, Europeans didn’t expect much from meeting with the US President in Brussels. They were right. Donald Trump has arrived to accuse his allies of being unfair and to demand that the other members raise their defense spending.




(Trump/NATO, Putin-Trump Summit, Brexit, Ukraine, and more)


This may be the eclipse season, but at 


​Stay tuned for next Earth Shift Reports on hottest topics of this millennium, and beyond!

Coming next week! New Earth Shift Report:




Get sister ESR! Earth Shift Report 19 (written): 
Global Banking & Financial System Shift: Saturn in Capricorn 2018-2020 Predictions


About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on July 12, 2018, in 1) Earth Shift Live, 5) Behind Dark State, EARTH SHIFT, Empire Collapse, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. I’m sure the other leaders of NATO are muttering under their breathe, go away President Douche….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When talking about the Russian Gas ‘Scandal’, it may be worth while to mention that there’s no real alternative. Before we bought Russian gas through the Ukraine. That gas was stolen by the Ukro nazis and the deal only enriched the gangsters so they could buy more weapons to kill citizens in eastern Ukraine. That made Europe responsible for genocidal attempts. The only other way for Germany and Europe to get the gas they need to get through their cold winters would be to buy gas from this other gangster state: Turkey. Or do you consider Erdogan to be a democratic leader and all Turks to be law obiding friendly neighbours? Have we forgotten about the Ottoman Empire? Erdogan dreams of becoming the next Sultan of a new Ottoman Empire and expand his territory from the Iranian borders to the Balcan peninsula. And that Turkish gas is … Russian, of course. Trumps dogma is competition. I don’t subscribe that view. The Russians are our neighbours. THe USA is not. NATO should disappear as the cold war fossil that it is since the Warschau pact, its counterpart, has also been ended since 1991. Then Trump could no longer ask for compensation from the allies for the money that the US invests in NATO.
    EC from Belgium


    • ‘When talking about the Russian Gas ‘Scandal’, it may be worth while to mention that there’s no real alternative.
      The only other way for Germany and Europe to get the gas they need to get through their cold winters would be to buy gas from this other gangster state: Turkey. Or do you consider Erdogan to be a democratic leader and all Turks to be law obiding friendly neighbours? Have we forgotten about the Ottoman Empire?’

      You must be new and wandered into FT by accident. Recommend you look into my many other articles, Earth Shift Reports and Webinars, to find out that I’ve talked about all that and much more for years.



      • Thanks for your message. I am a faithful reader of your colums since years. I know what your stance is and I subscribe that. I do not recall reading about Erdogan’s dream to become the sultan of a next Ottoman Empire though. My comment, therefor, was oriented towards your readers, not necessarily yourself. The EU, blinded in so many ways, so desperately wants to be friends with Turkey and the US throw money at anyone who wants to pull the Russians down. Cfr.: the Kroatian football team after their win against Russia. It is all so childish and low. And the Polish … refusing Russian gas! I meet with Polish people often and they never subscribe that official Polish stance. ???? Many of them are pro Putin.
        So who is behind all these lies? Leftists! The same kind of leftists as the Dems in the US today in their absurd fight against Trump. And I resent people who call him a ‘Douce’. His social skills may be underdeveloped, but he is a great leader for America, probably better then all his predecessors since Reagan.
        One more thing. The leftists in Europe are losing big on all fronts. Europe is in a proces of turning to the right and the left is losing key people in all kinds of places. As is happening with the supreme justices and the board of governors on the FRB in the States. Trump will replace them with right wingers.
        So it is just a question of time until we can start to turn back all the wrong that has been done in the last five or six decennia.
        I am afraid that the many immigrants will be the dupe. Especially the Islamic ones. They are the victims of abuse by the leftists for their satanic games. Well at least many of them.
        I fear the bloodshed that it may bring.

        You seem to have a more optimistic view. That’s what I like about you most!

        Greetings, Eric


  3. Either pay up or shut up about Russia. All else is hypocrisy.
    Now, what is going to happen? Europe will declare independence truly from the U.S. and shut up about mean ole’ Russia. Or the U.S. is going to make a lot of money on gas for Europe and our environment will be fatally downgraded and Nato will blow all the money spent on expensive gas. The game of playing idiot will go on by the West.
    Trump is only being logical and forcing their hand with something he has to force it with in his hand. I hope we see the end of NATO, period.

    Liked by 1 person

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  2. Pingback: How Putin Took Away Trump’s Initiative & Led the Helsinki Summit in New Direction (& more on the Mystery of Trump, Earth Shift Agent Extraordinaire) | Futurist Trendcast