WE ARE RUSSIANS, GOD IS WITH US! Song, Amazing International Reactions & Poem About Putin!

On February 23 Russians celebrate the Day of the Defender of the Motherland, also known as the Day of the Russian Army.  HAPPY HOLIDAY!


‘We are Russians, God is With Us!’ Or: ‘Russians Are Coming’! Remember the American film under this name?

Who would’ve known, turns out this famous phrase was coined in 18th century, by Russian Marshal Alexandr Suvorov! The words ‘Russkie idut’ or ‘Russians are coming’ are the refrain of this song.

This is a very inspired clip, the song is set to the Russian Army Victory Day parade on Red Square. What also impresses me are the many inspired international reactions to this video on YT. They truly are very telling and I couldn’t resist adding them here, with my translations, including some very cool poetry about Putin in the end. Check it out!

The song is simply great. It’s mind-boggling that its surprisingly relevant to today lyrics was written nearly two and a half centuries ago by Marshal Suvorov, probably the biggest military name in Russian history, who never in his very long career lost a battle, who is credited with defeating the Ottoman Empire and liberating entire Black Sea coast and part of the Balkans. Among other places, he liberated what would become my native Odessa, which was at the time the Ottoman fortress Khadzhibei, plus Bessarabia and the Danube estuary, Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) and Moldova.

Suvorov was also credited with being the most humanistic of the world’s generals, who ate simple foods together with his soldiers and cared deeply for them. His training methods included the protection of his troops and preservation of their lives. The lyrics talks about the Russian Army, protector of truth, freedom and motherland, and the honor of serving in it. How little has change since those days!

**On the video note at 3:50: a little boy wearing a marine cap that says ‘Odessa.’ This just warms my heart. Thank god Odessa and other places the ukro-nazis are trying to subdue, aren’t forgotten in Russia! One day they’ll all return to motherland, like Crimea did! A notable thing is that February 23, or the Day of the Russian/Soviet Army, is still celebrated secretly and often openly in Ukraine and other post-Soviet states, despite all desperate attempts to ban it.**


Мы Русские…С нами Бог!


Comments with my translations. Poem about Putin in the end.

Сергей Майоров
Русский поэт,Сергей Есенин , написал в одном из стихотворений : ” Если кликнет рать Святая : кинь ты Русь, живи в раю, я скажу ,не надо рая, дайте Родину мою ! “
Russian poet Sergei Yesenin wrote: ‘If the god’s messengers ask me to exchange Russia for heaven, I’ll say I don’t need heaven, I choose my motherland.”
Valentina Busova
Я русская ,живу во Франции. Россия – это Сила. Россия- жизнь.
I live in France. Russia is Power. Russia is life.
Aleksander Amieljanowicz
Я, рожденный в СССР, Привет Всем из Польши!!!
I was born in the USSR, hello from Poland!


Vitez sa Vozdovca
Мы, сербы всегда будет с России!!  Бог с нами !! Привет из Белграда!
We Serbs will aways be with Russia! God is with us. Hello from Belgrade.
Владимир Петров
Спасибо РУСЬ великая. Славяне должны быть вместе.
Thank you, the Great Russia. Slavs should be together.
Слава России!! Привет из солнечной Испании)) Я всегда восхищался русским народом. Надеюсь когда-нибудь смогу получить гражданство РФ и жить там, так как на мой взгляд запад уже мёртв (дегенерация, иммиграция без контроля…). Я начал изучать этот прекрасный язык полтора года назад, так что если вы найдёте какую-либо ошибку, ничего страшного. РУССКИЕ, С ВАМИ БОГ!))
Glory to Russia! Hello from the sunny Spain. I always admired Russian people. Hope to soon receive Russian citizenship and live there, as in my opinion the West is dead. I started studying Russian 1.5 years ago. Russians, god is with you!
gena poli
Адекватный Киев с Россией!!!!!
The normal Kiev is with Russia!
юрий штейников
Украина Беларусь Россия Сербия мы один народ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia, we are all one people!
Igor Pascari
привет из Молдовы!! молдованин из русского мира!
Hello from Moldova! True Moldavian who’s part of the Russian World!
Viktor Ivanov
Тысячи и тысячи русских,поляков и литовцев с Россией!Привет из Литвы!
Thousands and thousands of Poles and Lithuanians are with Russia! Hello from Lithuania!
севастопольский медведь
А ещё Суворов сказал – ” Мы русские – какой восторг!” Храни Бог Россию и весь наш интернациональный народ!
Also Suvorov said, “We are Russians, how sublime!” God bless Russia and our entire multi-national people.
Елена К.
Люблю тебя Россия!
I love you, Russia!
Ден Шульц
живео Србия! мы с вами брат, здрав будь друже
Serbia with you, brothers!
Самый великий, не победимый и добрый народ! Горжусь что живу в этой стране!
The greatest, never-defeated, kind people. Honored to live in this country!
Вася Васильев
Придёт время и к Русским потянутся все, кто не продал душу дьяволу. Мы-Русские , прикроем, а если нас кто достанет, тех накроем, Сирия тому пример.
Time will come when everyone who hasn’t sold their souls to the devil will come to us. Syria is example.
Mix Vocni
You are Russians, and we Serbs are with you!
Татьяна Уханева
Как сильно я люблю свою Родину,люблю свой хороший,честный и мужественный народ!
How much I love my Motherland, love my good, honest and courageous people!
Алексей Габдурахманов
Я из Алма-Аты. Мы с вами!!!!
I am from Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan). We are with you!!
ludmil asenov
Привет из Болгарии! Да здравствует Россия!
Hello from Bulgaria! Long Live Russia!
Джо Дассен
Я горжусь, что я русский, я горжусь тем, что я отдал два года жизни армии моей страны СССР. Я горжусь этими ребятами.
Proud that I am Russian and that I served in the Soviet Army for two years. Proud of these guys.
God bless Russia and Russian people! Long live Putin! He is the only hope of the whole world.

Russian poem

Стоит моя Россия гордо!

А как весь запад ликовал, Когда амбал с пудовой мордой, как рубль Россию пропивал.

В угаре беспробудной пьянки Давал понять-мы все пропьем!

И потирали руки янки-Еще немного и добьем.

Но невысокий с ясным взглядом, С молитвой к Богу подошел

“Иди вперед. Я буду рядом”- Сказал Господь. И он пошел.

Он попросил у Бога силы. Без шума, пыли, болтовни,

Взвалил убитую РОССИЮ На плечи сильные свои.

Так Мать-Россия возрождалась, И становилась все сильней!

Но завопила, завизжала, Вся свора западных “друзей”.

Скрипит Америка зубами…Да,им, убогим , не понять,

Что НИКОГДА вот этот парень Не посрамит Россию-мать.

И возвышается над миром С улыбкой светлой и простой

Непобедимый князь Владимир- Достойный сын РУСИ СВЯТОЙ!!!

English translation

(Sorry, can’t adequately translate the poetic rhyming and Russian rhythm, but the content is there)

My Russia again stands tall,

But how the West had rejoiced when huge gorilla siting in the Kremlin drank the country into oblivion (LR: Yeltsin),

The drunkard was ready to sell it all, and the yanks were looking forward to Russia’s demise,

And that’s when a bright-eyed slight man came to god with a prayer.

‘Go, I’ll be with you,’ said god. And he went.

He asked god for strength, and quietly, with no noise, dirt, or drama,

He hoisted the nearly dead Russia on his strong shoulders.

And Mother Russia was reborn, and she grew stronger every day.

And immediately the howling and yelling came from the Western ‘friends.’

What those poor souls will never get is that this man will never betray his Russian land.

Above the world’s arguments and fights his simple smile shines.

He is the invincible Knyaz Vladimir, the true son of sacred Russia.








About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on February 22, 2019, in 1) Earth Shift Live, 2) Great Balancer Weekly, Books, EARTH SHIFT, Forbidden History, Geopolitical Trends, Lada Ray Recommends, Russia and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Glory to Russia! I dream about being a russian citizen too… And thank you to the drunkard who picked our invincible Knyaz Vladimir 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Lada for a great post! I loved reading the comments and I LOVED the poem! So positive and so inspiring.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Glory to Russia!!! Putin is a very good man.. Bad rep here in America. I hope that trade restrictions come down a little bit. the bullion game is something I wish to trade back home to my family. These deals are excellent! https://bullionexchanges.com/deals

    Thank you futurist, your long time follower,


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