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Full Red Square Parade Dedicated to 75th Anniversary of Great Victory in WWII, June 24, 2020, Moscow + My commentary!

This is the first full LIVE video – just video, no commentary, from Zvezda, the channel of the Russian Army. I’ll see if I can post the parade only with commentary, when it shows up.

What’s on this video + a bit of my commentary and impressions!

First 19+ minutes – arrivals of foreign heads of state and Putin greeting them. With spectacular views of the Kremlin and Moscow.

The drone view of the Red Square @ 19:35

**Just notice those clear blue skies!

In between they also show the behind the scenes Kremlin, with waiting/toasting heads of state.

Spasskaya Tower Clock & Red Square, parade-ready @ 24:50

They actually aren’t wearing face masks, including parade participants, vets and dignitaries. The parade rehearsals showed everyone wearing face masks. As I see they let the participants go without masks. Good idea since otherwise it would be pretty hard to breathe. It was said that the parade participants were selected this time for their immunity to COVID, among other things.

@25:30 Putin and heads of delegations on foot head to Red Square

@27:30 Putin greeting vets on Red Square

Red Square #Victory75 Parade begins @ 34:30

Putin’s anniversary speech and Russian anthem @ 49:11 – 59:49

Main parade starts @ 59:53

Parade starts with a historic part: it’s a recreation of the first June 24, 1945 parade commemorating Victory in WWII / Great Patriotic War. A splendid recreation of the Russian uniforms of that era.

Next, foreign regiments participating. Nice uniforms. Just look at that Chinese contingent, so flawless like they are jointless! How do they do it? And a very unusual performance by the Indian contingent.

The contemporary Russian Army troops and tech – amazing as usual.

My impression: the parade is more laid back than usual. No pressure associated with May 9, more casual than it would be on actual Victory Day.

@1:14:00  – Russian girls, marching to Katyusha 🙂 and lots more.


Aerial show closes the Red Square Parade 2020

Brief but touching overview from RT hosts – watch what the girl says: her grandmother was a part of the female company that fought side by side with the Soviet Red Army to liberate Belarus, and she was Polish. There were decent Poles too…

After the parade, Putin and heads of foreign states lay wreaths to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Also read: Vladimir Putin Shocks the West! The Munich Betrayal and The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II (Putin’s Article in The National Interest Magazine, USA)

A full list of Victory75 Marathon posts is under this article!



The 75th WWII Victory anniversary concert was held in the evening of June 24 in a highly unusual setting, on Mamayev Kurgan, Volgograd – former Stalingrad. This is an incredible by its impact memorial complex, dedicated to heroes of the battle of Stalingrad.

“To Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” at Mamayev Kurgan 

 Mamayev Kurgan is a dominant height overlooking the city of Volgograd in Southern Russia. The name in Russian means “tumulus of Mamai”. The formation is dominated by a memorial complex commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad. Wikipedia 

Mother Russia Calls, Mamayev Kurgan’s dominant monument – world’s one of a kind. And yes, this giant statue is carved out of stone, as is the entire complex:

Other monuments on Mamayev Kurgan:

The main concert of the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII has been held with this spectacular backdrop!

I’ll share it here, on FT when it is released.

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Vladimir Putin Shocks the West: The Munich Betrayal and The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II!


Is Putin Trying to Pull a Yalta 2.0 or Reform the UN before the Inverted Collapse of the West? New Analysis & Predictions!


If Your Motherland Was Invaded, Would You Fight/Kill? The Real Reason Russians Defend Their Country! Why Russians Always Win!







Red Square #VictoryDay Parade Livestream. #ПарадПобеды на Красной площади #Москва 9 мая 2019

UNCUT! Full Livestream of Victory Day Parade on Red Square, Moscow, Russia, May 9, 2019 (Russian). 

Includes rare per-parade inside look and interviews with soldiers participating in parade, plus, Putin, Shoigu, Lavrov, and full parade.

Frist couple of hours: inside scoop and various interesting bits

Troops greeted by Shoigu & parade kicks off: 3:04:00

Shoigu reports to Putin, and Putin’s speech: 3:13:00

Parade begins: 3:26:00 – uncut version, followed by Putin talking to the vets and then Putin and others laying flowers to the tomb of the unknonw soldier.

Putin spoke – among other things – on how some shamelessly lie and attempt to re-write history (Reference to the many lies perpetuated by Kiev junta, ex-Soviet republics and some in the West)

**Example of how lies are perpetuated is a comment posted by someone to recent post “So many? Really?” Germans do not know how many Russians were killed by their ancestors – and see our rebuttals and clarifications. I had to delete a number of even more disgusting neo-nazi trolls’ comments. The re-writing of history is becoming lately more and more disturbing!


Парад Победы на Красной площади посвященный 74-летней годовщине Победы во Второй Мировой Войне. Москва. 9 мая 2019. Прямая трансляция

#ДеньПобеды  #VictoryDay

#Парад #Победа #Россия24




SUBSCRIBE TO LADA RAY YouTube channel for more


WE ARE RUSSIANS, GOD IS WITH US! Song, Amazing International Reactions & Poem About Putin!

On February 23 Russians celebrate the Day of the Defender of the Motherland, also known as the Day of the Russian Army.  HAPPY HOLIDAY!


‘We are Russians, God is With Us!’ Or: ‘Russians Are Coming’! Remember the American film under this name?

Who would’ve known, turns out this famous phrase was coined in 18th century, by Russian Marshal Alexandr Suvorov! The words ‘Russkie idut’ or ‘Russians are coming’ are the refrain of this song.

This is a very inspired clip, the song is set to the Russian Army Victory Day parade on Red Square. What also impresses me are the many inspired international reactions to this video on YT. They truly are very telling and I couldn’t resist adding them here, with my translations, including some very cool poetry about Putin in the end. Check it out!

The song is simply great. It’s mind-boggling that its surprisingly relevant to today lyrics was written nearly two and a half centuries ago by Marshal Suvorov, probably the biggest military name in Russian history, who never in his very long career lost a battle, who is credited with defeating the Ottoman Empire and liberating entire Black Sea coast and part of the Balkans. Among other places, he liberated what would become my native Odessa, which was at the time the Ottoman fortress Khadzhibei, plus Bessarabia and the Danube estuary, Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) and Moldova.

Suvorov was also credited with being the most humanistic of the world’s generals, who ate simple foods together with his soldiers and cared deeply for them. His training methods included the protection of his troops and preservation of their lives. The lyrics talks about the Russian Army, protector of truth, freedom and motherland, and the honor of serving in it. How little has change since those days!

**On the video note at 3:50: a little boy wearing a marine cap that says ‘Odessa.’ This just warms my heart. Thank god Odessa and other places the ukro-nazis are trying to subdue, aren’t forgotten in Russia! One day they’ll all return to motherland, like Crimea did! A notable thing is that February 23, or the Day of the Russian/Soviet Army, is still celebrated secretly and often openly in Ukraine and other post-Soviet states, despite all desperate attempts to ban it.**


Мы Русские…С нами Бог!


Comments with my translations. Poem about Putin in the end.

Сергей Майоров
Русский поэт,Сергей Есенин , написал в одном из стихотворений : ” Если кликнет рать Святая : кинь ты Русь, живи в раю, я скажу ,не надо рая, дайте Родину мою ! “
Russian poet Sergei Yesenin wrote: ‘If the god’s messengers ask me to exchange Russia for heaven, I’ll say I don’t need heaven, I choose my motherland.”
Valentina Busova
Я русская ,живу во Франции. Россия – это Сила. Россия- жизнь.
I live in France. Russia is Power. Russia is life.
Aleksander Amieljanowicz
Я, рожденный в СССР, Привет Всем из Польши!!!
I was born in the USSR, hello from Poland!


Vitez sa Vozdovca
Мы, сербы всегда будет с России!!  Бог с нами !! Привет из Белграда!
We Serbs will aways be with Russia! God is with us. Hello from Belgrade.
Владимир Петров
Спасибо РУСЬ великая. Славяне должны быть вместе.
Thank you, the Great Russia. Slavs should be together.
Слава России!! Привет из солнечной Испании)) Я всегда восхищался русским народом. Надеюсь когда-нибудь смогу получить гражданство РФ и жить там, так как на мой взгляд запад уже мёртв (дегенерация, иммиграция без контроля…). Я начал изучать этот прекрасный язык полтора года назад, так что если вы найдёте какую-либо ошибку, ничего страшного. РУССКИЕ, С ВАМИ БОГ!))
Glory to Russia! Hello from the sunny Spain. I always admired Russian people. Hope to soon receive Russian citizenship and live there, as in my opinion the West is dead. I started studying Russian 1.5 years ago. Russians, god is with you!
gena poli
Адекватный Киев с Россией!!!!!
The normal Kiev is with Russia!
юрий штейников
Украина Беларусь Россия Сербия мы один народ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia, we are all one people!
Igor Pascari
привет из Молдовы!! молдованин из русского мира!
Hello from Moldova! True Moldavian who’s part of the Russian World!
Viktor Ivanov
Тысячи и тысячи русских,поляков и литовцев с Россией!Привет из Литвы!
Thousands and thousands of Poles and Lithuanians are with Russia! Hello from Lithuania!
севастопольский медведь
А ещё Суворов сказал – ” Мы русские – какой восторг!” Храни Бог Россию и весь наш интернациональный народ!
Also Suvorov said, “We are Russians, how sublime!” God bless Russia and our entire multi-national people.
Елена К.
Люблю тебя Россия!
I love you, Russia!
Ден Шульц
живео Србия! мы с вами брат, здрав будь друже
Serbia with you, brothers!
Самый великий, не победимый и добрый народ! Горжусь что живу в этой стране!
The greatest, never-defeated, kind people. Honored to live in this country!
Вася Васильев
Придёт время и к Русским потянутся все, кто не продал душу дьяволу. Мы-Русские , прикроем, а если нас кто достанет, тех накроем, Сирия тому пример.
Time will come when everyone who hasn’t sold their souls to the devil will come to us. Syria is example.
Mix Vocni
You are Russians, and we Serbs are with you!
Татьяна Уханева
Как сильно я люблю свою Родину,люблю свой хороший,честный и мужественный народ!
How much I love my Motherland, love my good, honest and courageous people!
Алексей Габдурахманов
Я из Алма-Аты. Мы с вами!!!!
I am from Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan). We are with you!!
ludmil asenov
Привет из Болгарии! Да здравствует Россия!
Hello from Bulgaria! Long Live Russia!
Джо Дассен
Я горжусь, что я русский, я горжусь тем, что я отдал два года жизни армии моей страны СССР. Я горжусь этими ребятами.
Proud that I am Russian and that I served in the Soviet Army for two years. Proud of these guys.
God bless Russia and Russian people! Long live Putin! He is the only hope of the whole world.

Russian poem

Стоит моя Россия гордо!

А как весь запад ликовал, Когда амбал с пудовой мордой, как рубль Россию пропивал.

В угаре беспробудной пьянки Давал понять-мы все пропьем!

И потирали руки янки-Еще немного и добьем.

Но невысокий с ясным взглядом, С молитвой к Богу подошел

“Иди вперед. Я буду рядом”- Сказал Господь. И он пошел.

Он попросил у Бога силы. Без шума, пыли, болтовни,

Взвалил убитую РОССИЮ На плечи сильные свои.

Так Мать-Россия возрождалась, И становилась все сильней!

Но завопила, завизжала, Вся свора западных “друзей”.

Скрипит Америка зубами…Да,им, убогим , не понять,

Что НИКОГДА вот этот парень Не посрамит Россию-мать.

И возвышается над миром С улыбкой светлой и простой

Непобедимый князь Владимир- Достойный сын РУСИ СВЯТОЙ!!!

English translation

(Sorry, can’t adequately translate the poetic rhyming and Russian rhythm, but the content is there)

My Russia again stands tall,

But how the West had rejoiced when huge gorilla siting in the Kremlin drank the country into oblivion (LR: Yeltsin),

The drunkard was ready to sell it all, and the yanks were looking forward to Russia’s demise,

And that’s when a bright-eyed slight man came to god with a prayer.

‘Go, I’ll be with you,’ said god. And he went.

He asked god for strength, and quietly, with no noise, dirt, or drama,

He hoisted the nearly dead Russia on his strong shoulders.

And Mother Russia was reborn, and she grew stronger every day.

And immediately the howling and yelling came from the Western ‘friends.’

What those poor souls will never get is that this man will never betray his Russian land.

Above the world’s arguments and fights his simple smile shines.

He is the invincible Knyaz Vladimir, the true son of sacred Russia.








Russian MoD CONFIRMS: S-300s Already in Operation in #Syria, SAA Troops in Accelerated Training!

How funny! The news of Russia supplying S-300s to Syrian army stopped cold turkey the bombings and threats to bomb Syria by Israel, US and their cronies. Russia tried very hard to work with Western ‘partners,’ as Putin calls them, only to see backstabbing in return.

US/Israel tried to find out how to outsmart S-300s, through Kiev’s new betrayal of Russia, by buying old Soviet S-300s from Ukraine. Kiev eagerly assisted by welcoming Israel/US pilots and jets to test how S-300s work in Ukraine. All this trouble, only to find out that those are NOT at all the same S-300s Syria is getting today. The secret is in electronics and control systems, where the new Russian designs are light years ahead.

The training of Syrian army specialists in accelerated. For the time being, the S-300s in operation already are manned by Iranian specialists, under Russian army instructors’ supervision.

My complete analytical report on Patreon:

Stakes Are Up! Russian S-300 Close Skies Over Syria, But USA/Israel/Ukraine Collude! (Very Important Intel!)

Also read: FREE Post! Trump vows to pull US out of nuclear arms treaty with Russia (Lada’s Commentary)


#Russia – #China Relationship Leap as a result of Joint Vostok-2018 Drills (#Putin #Shoigu)

The largest military exercise in the history of modern Russia, Vostok-2018, has concluded. The participants in these maneuvers are returning to their home bases. Almost 300,000 soldiers and more than 1,000 airplanes, helicopters, drones, and armored vehicles, as well as about 100 ships, took part in the exercise.





Lada Ray YouTube


Syrian Child False Flag Actor Asks USA to Protect Him from ‘Bad’ Russians (with revealing photos)

‘Poor’ boy, wherever he shows up, having first been very heftily compensated by you know who, it’s those bad Russians who start bombing him… again.

Last year he was a ’15-year-old resident of E. Ghouta,’ suffering from the ‘inhumane Russian bombings.’ This year he is suddenly a ’16-year old resident of Idlib,’ begging president Trump to protect him and ‘hundreds of thousands of other children’ from Assad troops and of course, from those horrible Russian bombings.


Are you still wondering who and why needed the Skripal poisoning spectacle?








Ten years since Georgia attacked South Ossetia and Russia: The Truth about Olympic War 08.08.08 & Russia’s New Army

Wednesday, August 8, 2018, marks exactly a decade since the infamous war of 08.08.08.  when Georgian leader Saakashvili, armed by the US and prodded personally by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, shook world politics and ushered in a new era of antagonism between Russia and the West. The lies about that war continue to abound in Georgia and the West. The truth in this video.

The shock of that event created a pre-destined Earth Shifting consequence: it woke up Russia the Great Balancer and forced Russians to re-organize the army to respond to new challenges. In 2008 the Russian army was forced to defend Tskhinval against the much better prepared and US trained/equipped Georgian army. It was not an easy victory by any measure, but within 5 days the Russian peacekeeping mission was over, just short of entering the Georgian capital Tbilisi and deposing Saakashvili.

That event reminded Russians not to trust the West and to always be prepared. Russians never looked back. The Russian army we see today, the army that delivered victory in Syria, and the one from 2008 are two completely very different armies and that difference is staggering. Russian Army is stronger than ever. By trying to provoke Russian through Georgia, the US created a self-fulfilling prophecy.

That 5-day war was also called the ‘Olympic War.’ It was a precursor and in many ways, a warning of what was to come in Ukraine. The reason the Ukraine Maidan and coup in 2014 were orchestrated so deviously was in part due to the fact that after the Georgia war fiasco the US realized it couldn’t weaken Russia head on.

Read my 2014 article: Striking Geopolitical Parallels: Georgian War – Beijing2008 and Ukraine – Sochi2014.



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The Importance of Victory Day, The Immortal Regiment, St. George Ribbon – AND GLOBALIST PLAN FIASCO!

animation den pobedy



This is an important analytics + intel + info post!


I am inspired to write yet another Ask Lada, in response to the astute comment by Robert. See latest: EARTH SHIFT: Why Those Who Profit from the Old System Don’t Realize the Game’s Up?)

As Robert correctly pointed out, it’s time for the iconic Russian Ribbon of St. George (Rus: Georgievskaya Lentochka)! It really is the time to order it (see some links below) if you want to show solidarity with Russia and honor the Victory Day on May 9! But there is so much to the story, and so much can be learned by contemplating everything that is happening around the symbolism of this simple gold and black piece of fabric! Behind it is the story of our lives, and much more! Read on to learn the BIG scoop!

As I do every year, I’ll have a small event here on FT in honor of May 9, 2018.

Why do I do this? Very simple: I personally don’t need a reminder of the truth of the Russian/Soviet sacrifice to rid humanity of its biggest plague: fascism and Nazism. But it appears many people do. I am inviting you to join me for the May 9th events and honor those who died, those who sacrificed their families and their country to allow you to live freely today.

MY theme for this year is #IRemember

This year’s posts will focus around the positive: I’ll share some wonderful songs, the parade and a few more surprises. Today is the first of them!

If you want to see my big posts from previous years, explaining WWII history and truths that were previously falsified or silenced, go to CATEGORIES — WWII & Great Victory.

Among those posts you’ll also find videos of Victory Day Parade, the Immortal Regiment March and images of the St. George Ribbon. One example: #VictoryDay Parade on Red Square and Moscow V-Day Fireworks May 9, 2017.



A new notable Victory Day (RUS: Den’ Pobedy) tradition, which emerged as the Russians’ awesome spontaneous response to the West’s Russophobic sanctions and Kiev Maidan is the Immortal Regiment March ( RUS: Bessmertny Polk). An what a brilliant response it was: peaceful and highly positive! I don’t think we as humans have fully appreciated yet the sheer importance and magnitude of this game changer!

The new Immortal Regiment tradition began in Siberia in 2014, as a grassroots response to Western sanctions and Russophobic Kiev Maidan. Once the initiative was announced, before anyone knew, millions joined in ALL cities and villages of Russia, and in many locations abroad. Putin personally walked with a photo of his ancestor in the Moscow march. The march keeps growing every year as more countries and groups around the world join in. People carry WWII photos of their ancestors, the iconic Victory Banners (RUS: ZNAMIA POBEDY), and of course, they wear the St. George Ribbons. 

The Immortal Regiment Marches will again be taking place all over the world on or around May 9, 2018. If you live in Russia, most of the post-Soviet space, China, US, almost anywhere in Europe, Canada or Australia I’m sure you can find one to join near you – just check local bulletin boards or online resources. It should be a safe and fun event everywhere (let’s hope), except a few places. I don’t know what the situation may be in the following countries, which are rabidly Russophobic: Poland, Estonia and Latvia – Immortal Regiment may be banned there (check locally). Although, come think of it, such grassroots peaceful initiative could be hard to ban, considering the enormous number of people who care about it, and considering these ‘european’ countries still pretend to play the farce of democracy, and very badly too.


I never got the chance to mention previously what’s happening in Latvia. The US and NATO are shipping more and more troops and hardware to all of the Baltics, notably, to Latvia. At the same time, Latvian Russophobic and pro-Nazi elements forced the new ‘education law’, according to which Russian language is being squeezed out Russian schools, mandating classes being taught in Latvian only, with just 3-4 hours a week allowed for Russian language! This basically amounts to forceful conversion of the Russian-speaking population in Latvia. To give you an idea, the Russian-speakers in Latvia constitute anywhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the population. My intel says that this new draconian law was closely coordinated with the Kiev junta; Poroshenko and ukro-nazis are directly behind it.

Latvia isn’t the only one succumbing more and more to darkness, as its economic situation worsens… The rest of the Baltics is going the same way. Moreover, as we speak, in Armenia we have a new Maidan, although in Armenia it’s hard to use anti-Russian slogans as the population is largely pro-Russian – so far… But those who organize these things are relentless, just look at Ukraine. This is a story worthy of a separate article – stay tuned for more soon.


But it’s only in Ukraine where people directly risk their lives and freedom to participate in the Immortal Regiment March and wear the St. George Ribbon! Based on the new draconian law citizens are forbidden and can be arrested if they dare to wear St. George Ribbons. Moreover, everyone who comes out to participate in the march risks being attacked and injured, or even killed, by ukro-nazis – we had terrible examples of that in Nikolaev last year. Activists and march organizers in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, etc., were killed or driven out of the country in previous years.

There were bizarre incidents, caught on camera and shown on YT when ukro-nazis who took over the poor Odessa were stopping passing cars and beating up/humiliating people heading from Moldova to Russia via Odessa, only because they had St. George Ribbons on their cars – a very common symbol in Moldova, where they haven’t lost their minds as completely as in Ukraine. One of the disgusting incidents involved a group of crying Moldavian women who were threatened and made exit their car, then forced to publicly sing ukro-nazi anthem, take off the ribbon and apologize, while the huge, arms-bearing ukro-nazis laughed and humiliated them. All this was recorded and posted on YT by ukro-nazis themselves. The disgusting video of course was later taken down by YT, but only after over a million people saw it. Such videos from Ukraine appear regularly on YT. I try not to look at those – too filthy and disgusting.

And this is your new EURO-ASSOCIATED MEMBER and new best friend, dear Europeans! And dear Americans: this is where your tax dollars are hard at work – to allow this filthy ukro-nazi scum to proliferate, while humiliating women, injuring, killing and stealing from their compatriots, and while driving their disintegrating country into the stone age! What do you think is keeping the sinking ship of the Kiev junta still afloat? The secret infusions from the US, Canada and EU, of course. And this is all done for the sake of keeping a Russophobic thorn in Russia’s side.

So, keep working hard and diligently pay your taxes, so the Dark State/deep state/globalists could grow more regimes like this! Just look at the Maidan 2.0 developing in Armenia; just look at what’s happening in Latvia!

But if you disagree with how your tax dollars/euros/pounds are being spent, do something about it! Write to your representatives, vote the likes of McCain, May and Macron out of office, and vote in better people! Finally, support THIS BLOG, tell others, and share this post! And – wear (or post on your blog/site) the Ribbon of St. George!

Got to give it to Ukrainians! Despite all the threats and dangers, normal people still come out on May 9 by the thousands in Kiev, Odessa and elsewhere! The Kiev junta and its Western handlers tried very hard to squash any genetic memory on the territory of former Ukraine, but as we see, it didn’t work as intended. There is hope for Ukraine yet!


The Victory Day theme begins today, with this post! I’ll have two or three more in the run-up to May 9, including the culmination on May 9!

On FT, under WWII & Great Victory. you can find my previous years’ posts, including the Immortal Regiment March in Moscow, which alone gathered nearly 1 million people. Previous years’ marches gathered as much as the enormous 14 million+ worldwide annually.



The sudden appearance and unbelievable all-Russia and global grassroots response to Bessmertny Polk was a HUGE shock to all globalist and anti-Russian forces. Let me remind you that at the time (we are talking 2014) the collective West worked hard trying to oust Putin and execute regime change in Russia through isolation, sanctions and scaring the Russian people into submission. They tried to force a color revolution in Russia in response to a popular discontent they judged would take place if sanctions, Soros attack against the ruble and international isolation made the lives of ordinary Russians harder.

ALL OF THIS BACKFIRED VERY BADLY —  as I predicted since the beginning of the whole saga in 2014! As a result Putin and Russia only got stronger, having engaged more actively worldwide, forging a much closer Russia-China alliance, unheard-of new Russia-Turkey-Iran alliance, building Nord Stream-2 and Turkish Stream, on the fly modifying the structure of Russian economy and substituting exports for domestic production, building up Crimea, and emerging victorious in Syria. Oh, yeah – and voting for Putin in unprecedented numbers!


As a result, just four years after what could on the surface seem as the US/EU globalism’s crucial victory in Ukraine against Russia, the opposite appears true. Today we live in a completely different world, but it is much further from the ultimate globalist dream, and much closer to the EARTH SHIFT and a more equitable distribution of global resources. It is a big fiasco for NWO, US/EU and various anti-Russian forces.

And it is a BIG VICTORY for all of us – those who saw what they were trying to do and who successfully prevented their worst dream scenario from materializing!


THE ST. GEORGE RIBBON – Lada’s inside intel! Just don’t tell anyone 😉

Obviously tell everyone – this is an awesome way to show you care! Feel the awesomeness you can be a part of by  wearing this very simple gold and black striped ribbon:

1. Some around the world began considering the St. George Ribbon as a new anti-globalist and anti-fascist symbol.

2. If you agree with what the Russian Army is doing in Syria to prevent the spread of ISIS and terrorism and to stop the US/UK/French aggression, you can also wear the St. George Ribbon to demonstrate your support for the Russian Army!

Den Russskoy Armii Den Zaschitnika Otechestva

3. On May 8-9 in Russia and many other countries (incl. US and EU) in some cities they give out St. George Ribbons for free on streets, and also before the march! This is Moscow:

70 anniversary of great victory 5

4. ‘I found that Amazon Uk is selling order of St George ribbons if anybody wishes to join in Russia’s victory celebration in May. Best wishes, Robert

Amazon does sell them and it’s time to order if you want to get it on time! The links below are for Amazon US – you may want to do your own search in your country. These are just examples, NOT endorsements (I don’t know these sellers and don’t vouch for their quality). But I might buy something from one of them.

Found this economical 50-count (US)

Or if you just need a few – seems like better length

I found this modest May 9 T-shirt with Georgievskaya Lentochka

This T-shirt is cute and comes in different colors

Apr 26-May 9, 2018

 FuturisTrendcast Blog
​Click hashtag #IRemember!​​​

Also on



This year I plan to prominently feature the Ribbon of St. George / Georgievskaya Lentochka on both FT and!

My Victory Day 2018 hashtag: #IRemember

If any of you want to copy and paste on your site or your avatar the banner I’ll custom-create for the occasion – you are very welcome!



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Lada Ray @LadaTweets

Predictor, futurist, geopolitical author and creator of QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & EARTH SHIFT System  & 

Place: Planet Earth


Joined March 2011



BREAKING! Russia will retaliate if attacked! Are Washington and London maniacs trying to start WWIII or is it bluff?


Are the maniacs and idiots in Washington and London really trying to start WWIII? Or is this just a desperate bluff out of fear and confusion?

You’ll recall I predicted this. I said: Before Russian Election on March 18, there would be false flags, provocations and escalations. Less than one week to Russian Election and my predictions are being fully confirmed.

As a side note, also recall that in my prior posts on Geopolitics of Sport & Olympics we discussed more than once that one of the goals is to orchestrate the boycott of the FIFA World Cup in Russia this summer. Nothing else has worked. They are now trying to kill 2 birds with one stone: 1. Disrupt Russian Election (not that it’ll work) and 2. Orchestrate last minute boycott of the World Cup (this may partially work), or at least poison it as much as possible for their own fans, as well as for Russians.

Look for my upcoming post on the UK spy scandal and Scripal nerve gas poisoning, in which I’ll explain much more!

Eastern Ghouta is one of the expected provocations, targeting Russian Election and Putin personally, bus also targeting World Cup. By extension, this vicious plan aims to undermine Russia’s relations with many other countries, including much of the EU and Germany in particular, which only now started showing first signs of thawing after the Ukraine coup of 2014.

US representative to the UN Nicki Hayley threatened new USA’s attack based on the chemical false flag in Syria.

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Your complete intel and overview of what is happening in Syria/E. Ghouta in

NEW Earth Shift Report 20Earth Shift Battleground SYRIA

Also, it has to be noted that the newest crazy escalation of the Russophobic rhetoric in the US and UK (NOTE! SIMULTANEOUSLY!) is clearly due to Putin unveiling new Russian weapons, which are 2-3 generations ahead of what the US/NATO possesses. Don’t miss my exclusive full report on Patreon: Putin’s Global Reset: Russia’s New Secret Weapons Against US Aggression & Final Warning to the West!

Russian army responded to the threat of a new attack by the US with the announcement that retaliation will follow.

BREAKING: Russian Army Issues Warning to US – DO NOT ATTACK OUR TROOPS, We WILL Respond


Exclusive Serialized Earth Shift Report 21!


(Challengers, Vision for Russia & Last Warning to the West)

Comes with complimentary ESR11

GREAT BALANCER WEEKLY: How Russian Spetsnaz (Special Operations Forces) Works in Syria


The legendary Russian Spetsnaz is participating in some key Syrian ops. Spetznaz is Russian abbreviation for ‘Special Forces.’ Syria ops demo:

EXCLUSIVE: Report On Russian Spetsnaz (Special Operations Forces) In Action:



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New Developments! Truth on Russia, USA, Turkey, Iran, Israel, China – regional & world powers clash! Can Syria lead to WWIII?

Throughout this extensive report the exclusive intel from Russia, Syria, Turkey and Israel is revealed, complete with Lada Ray exclusive predictions on Syria, the Earth Shift evolution and the future of Russian vs. US influence in the key Mediterranean – Middle East region!

Some of the important points discussed: Why Russia as a peacekeeper and peacemaker is desirable and acceptable to ALL parties in the Middle East, while US isn’t?  Can Syria trigger WWIII? Latest update on E. Ghouta, insider intel and much more!




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First webinar will be released on March 8




  1. We have begun a new experimental series of LADA RAY CASE STUDIES. First has gone up yesterday: LADA RAY CASE STUDY: THE FUTURE OF MONEY & BANKING
  2. Tomorrow we are starting on Patreon the Russian Presidential Election 2018 Marathon!

Putin Makes Surprise Visit to Syria in the Company of Su-30 Jets to Declare Victory and the End of Op

Russian President Vladimir Putin paid surprise visit to Khmeimim Airbase in Syria’s Latakia province on Monday, December 11. As he prepared to land, he was met by an escort of Su-30SM fighter jets.

During this unannounced visit Putin met with Syrian president Assad and made an important announcement regarding partial withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria following the defeat of ISIS. Putin added that if terrorists reappeared in Syria, Russian troops would be back.

Russia’s Enormous Victory & End of ISIS

Russian Syria op is one of the most successful military ops of all time. As a result of Russian BKC (Russian joint military-space forces) involvement along with Syrian ground troops, ISIS has been squeezed out of all cities in Syria, leaving only some straggling groups in the country, with which Syrian army is still dealing on the ground. Syrian government today controls most of the country’s territory. When Russia got involved in Syria 2 years ago, Assad and Syrian army controlled 14% of the country’s territory, rebels were located as close as 8 kilometers from Assad’s palace, Syrian army was on its last legs with deserters leaving in droves. It was expected that any day Assad would lose power and Syria would be torn to pieces by warring factions and foreign powers.

The task the Russian Army had in Syria seemed insurmountable and extremely complex. Not only it was of a military nature, but it was diplomatic, moderating and peacemaking as well.

During the past 2 years of Syrian involvement, in military operations Russia hasn’t lost a single jet, except the Turkish provocation with the downing of the Russian Su. One single flying regiment took part in operations; overall Russian troops in Syria numbered no more than 4-5 thousand. This relatively small number of troops managed to make 30,000 flights and destroy most of the ISIS top commanders, and most of the Islamic State terrorists’ infrastructure, including arms depots, training camps, factories, oil transports and money laundering rings. Estimated combined ISIS losses are 32,000 troops. Russian instructors re-trained and turned around the demoralized Syrian army in such a way that it began winning. The most important Syrian army operations were developed and executed under the command of Russian higher officers. The result of such operations was the liberation of all major Syrian cities, securing of oil fields and the majority of the country’s territory.

The political, diplomatic and peacemaking results have been equally impressive. Only Russia managed to sit down at one table the seemingly irreconcilable enemies, including Iran, Turkey, Syrian government and opposition/ rebels/ various factions. Political process is taking place and elections are coming, which was unimaginable just recently. Syria today is day and night compared to what it was just two years ago.

All this is especially impressive if you compare it to the staggering fiasco of the US/EU/NATO’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as Syria. Incidentally, it has been brought to my attention that following Russia’s astounding victory in Syria, US and France are trying to steal this victory, declaring it theirs and ignoring the reality. This is also nothing new — remember WWI and WWII and the re-writing of history!

For more on Russian Army read Poll: Russians Trust Most Russian Army, Putin and FSB, and distrust…

Of course, this is far from being the end. The new strategy for securing the rest of the country, maintaining peace and squeezing US out of Syria has to be implemented, political changes have to take place. But the active military phase is over.

After the surprise Syria stop-over, where he thanked the troops, met with Assad and declared the end of Syria op, Putin in the same day visited Egypt and Turkey.

This whole 1-day, 3-country Middle East turbo-tour is the continuation of Putin’s restructuring and rebalancing of the Middle East, as discussed in my recent interview A New Tsar Arrived. But the timing is also such that this Middle East tour serves as Putin and Russia’s response to Trump’s decision to consider Jerusalem the capital of Israel and to move the US embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.

Why did Trump make such announcement right before Holidays? It has already met with much condemnation around the world and generated a new wave of violence and anti-US hatred. There are calls for the 3rd Intifada (Palestinian resistance war against Israel). This announcement is also likely to create new waves of terror attacks in US, Israel and other countries. Just yesterday we had terror attack attempt at the Bus Terminal in Manhattan, and more are expected during Christmas/New Year. Politicians and lay people alike have dubbed Trump’s decision ‘irresponsible and short-sighted.’

The reason Trump saw fit to make such an announcement is very simple and in line with my original predictions from the Trump ESR16 and ESW1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM. Trump is in a ‘straitjacket’ and in a fight for survival, being criticized and threatened by various forces. This is by no means a justification of his actions, but merely a reminder that I predicted this since 2016, before the US election outcome was even known.

Trump is trying to avoid impeachment with all his might. In this survival mode he, in a typical American fashion, doesn’t care how his words or actions will impact the world. He is simply thinking about himself. If he were a private citizen, that might be at least understandable, if not forgivable. But it doesn’t work at all if one calls himself a US president.

The Israeli/ Jewish lobby in the US is one of the most powerful. Therefore, for Trump it is crucial to have it in his corner. It is as crucial as having Pentagon and US army in his corner, or at least neutral so they wouldn’t support his impeachment. To appease Pentagon/US army Trump does constant saber-rattling against N. Korea, threatening to begin a nuclear war. If it’s not N. Korea, it is Iran, Syria, or whatever enemy is next in line.

And to appease the Jewish/Israel lobby Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. All very logical actions from his standpoint — and the hell with the rest of the world. This yet again demonstrates how unfit the USA, this ‘exceptional nation’ and ‘sole super-power,’ is for the role of the global leader.

This is where Russia the Great Balancer comes in. Putin’s announcement of Russian troops withdrawal from Syria stands in stark contrast to Trump/USA’s bullying position.

By contrast with Trump, Putin announced during meetings with Egypt’s el-Sisi and Turkey’s Erdogan that only the joint negotiations between Israel and Palestine should decide the status of Jerusalem. This measured and reasonable position yet again shows who the true world leader really is; who brings peace to the Middle East, and who provokes wars.

Putin is confirming what I often talk about: Russia is the unifying, balancing and pacifying force in the Middle East and globally. This role of Russia the Great Balancer will continue intensifying during the ongoing EARTH SHIFT.

We talk about this at length in recent URGENT NEW INTERVIEW! A New Tsar Arrived: How Putin is Squeezing US out of NEW Middle East.

I discussed in detail the situation in the Middle East, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and more in these Earth Shift Reports: ESR5, ESR7 & ESR13.




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Another recent interview: The Putin Enigma and The Coming Western Perestroika


Poll: Russians Trust Most Russian Army, Putin and FSB, and distrust…

Can you imagine what this poll would look like in your country?

The latest comprehensive poll revealed very interesting findings as to who and what organizations Russians trust and distrust most.

Moscow 3 Cropped


1. The Russian Army (Russian: BKC) – approval rating 90%

It is clear why, especially in view of Russia’s brilliant operation and a sweeping victory in Syria.

For details listen to my latest interview discussing Russia’s Syria victory: URGENT NEW INTERVIEW! A New Tsar Arrived: How Putin is Squeezing US out of NEW Middle East

Since he first came to power in 2000, Putin, understanding that this is one of the two first priorities if Russia is to survive and rebuild as The Great Balancer, invested a lot of energy into rebuilding the Russian Army, Navy & Fleet, torn to pieces by Gorbachev & Yeltsin.

Credit also goes to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who turned it around, based on the foundation built by others. Shoigu is so effective that the going joke in Russia is that he should be cloned to replace other ministers.

‘Russian Army’ or the ‘Russian Armed Forces,’ are the old names. It is presently officially referred to as:

Russian: BKC — spelled out as Voenno-Kosmicheskie Sili; Eng: Army & Space Forces.

Russia as the Great Balancer & great power cannot exist without exceptionally strong BKC.

Listen to Lada Ray TimeMonkRadio Interview: The Putin Enigma and The Coming Western Perestroika


2. Vladimir Putin – approval rating 82%

Ever since he came to power in 2000, Putin never had a rating below 50% and for the last several years it was always above 80%, jumping to over 90% in 2014 and after Crimea reunified with Russia.

Despite constant character defamation and personal attacks, as well as insidious 4D hybrid wars and relentless attempts to compromise Putin’s support groups, the population’s support for Putin never dwindled. After it was understood that Russians could not be influenced through direct attacks on their leader and through trying to provoke him to react rashly and without considering consequences, a switch was made to trying to harm what Russians consider dear to their hearts, such as the Russian sport, Russian flag and anthem. MY QUESTIONNAIRE ~ share your opinion on Russia ban from 2018 S. Korea Winter Olympics! 

Putin’s 82% trust rating is very good news before March 2018 elections. Make no mistake, attacks will continue and intensify before elections — I’ll have my analysis article on the Olympics ban / Russian Elections / Putin some time next week. We’ll also have a big interview in time for the Russian Elections next year.

I have made extensive predictions about what Putin will do, and what his focus will be in the next 6 years, once elected. And if you think you know, you may be surprised!

For predictions and for the whole Putin story listen to EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA!

3. Russian MSM — approval rating 64%

This was a surprise for many. You all know how much the Western MSM is distrusted.

This is also interesting since the USSR’s government media was rather distrusted during the years I grew up – 1970s-80s – and many young people, such as myself, rebelled against it. Only later we all realized that it was propaganda, yes, but a lot more honest than what the West has always spewed. We realized that what the USSR news told us about the West was largely and usually true.

Central Russian MSM, such as VGTRK (holding company for Channel1 Russia), as well as RT, are rather well trusted. Many of you know RT, and now you know why there is trust — they report the truth.

Note, this trust is assigned specifically to the State-owned media outlets, and NOT to privately-owned media!

VGTRK, by far the biggest Russian media holding, has already announced that they will not broadcast 2018 Winter Olympics without Russian team’s participation. I will talk more about the implications next week.

4. Russians at large trust FSB (former KGB).

We must go back to the point I made above. Russians have learned their lesson since the breakup of the USSR. They now get it how important FSB is for Russia’s defenses. The personal reputation and trust of Putin, ex-KGB officer, also plays a role.

This may have been a surprise for many. Not for me. I’ve been following the progress of this organization for a long time. There had been some criticisms and even minor scandals. I’ve said this before: it almost seems that some of these criticisms and scandals are artificially blown out of proportion in order to make FSB seem less effective than it actually is.

Why? We are talking Russia’s ultimate defense against terrorism, spies and saboteurs. This activity was always relentless against Russia The Great Balancer, in any manifestation, even when Russia was totally dysfunctional in the ’90s. Back then such forces simply dictated their rules to the country.

Ever since 2014, terrorism and anti-Russian spying and sabotage activities intensified 10-fold. This happened in connection with the Kiev junta coup, Crimea, and of course, Russia’s Syrian success. Moreover, all this is multiplied by the fact that we are in the new era of an especially devious 4D hybrid war.

Hence, FSB has to be especially devious in return. One of the tactics that worked well was to make adversary underestimate you, which makes them relax and act bolder, thus making it easier to reveal the perpetrator.

In reality, FSB has been unbelievably efficient and effective in countering various threats. In the past 3-4 years I heard almost weekly, sometimes daily, of such and such terror group or spies apprehended in various parts of Russia. The majority of terror groups were temporary workers from post-Soviet Central Asia (and they were a part of Islamist jihad/ISIL). Many terror groups, especially in Crimea, as well as a great deal of spies, were from Ukraine.

Exact numbers are unknown, but in my estimates, FSB managed to prevent over 100 terror acts since 2014. Russia is more secure than it has been for a long time.

5. Russian government-made or -built objects and state projects 

In Russia, anything that is government-built and or state-owned is much more trusted than private-made or private-owned.

I’ve heard from a large number of people who moved to Russia from Kiev, Lvov, Dnepropetrovsk and elsewhere in Ukraine after 2014. Based on the old Soviet stereotypes, and based on propaganda, Ukrainians still think that in Russia there is as much mayhem, stealing and lawlessness as there is in Ukraine, just ‘better disguised by Putin.’ They think so until they cross the border… They are always extremely shocked as to how efficient and organized everything is in Russia compared to Ukraine (and I daresay compared to many other countries, as well).

It is interesting to note that in some ways Russia took the good example of Singapore, drawing on its experience on how to organize and manage the country in the 21 century. Singapore’s organization is much respected in Russia. There is still much work to be done, but progress is amazing, especially compared to the ’90s.

And that gives us a hint as to why Putin really is so popular and why Russians trust the government at large. Perhaps they have just been doing a good job?

Example: a young family from Kiev looking for a good apartment to settle down in Kazan’ with their 2 young children was shocked to find that all locals recommend state-built and operated apartment complexes, as opposed to those built by private companies. In Ukraine it’s just the opposite, they say. People trust private-built and distrust anything having to do with state, considering it low quality. State in Ukraine = thievery.

Ukrainians are so used to bribery and tax evasion that they are very shocked to find that in Russia you need to abide by law and do things by the book. Once you do, the state leaves you alone and you have much personal freedom.

When Crimea re-joined Russia it was a shock for many Crimeans used to tax avoidance in Ukraine, that in Russia you actually have to pay taxes to be in good standing. Incidentally, Russia’s income tax continues being one of the lowest in the world, at a flat rate of 13%, but those who avoid it get punished.

Certainly, the level of life-enjoyment and happiness in Russia is very high, and that’s despite sanctions and a hit Russians’ incomes took because of that, despite Olympics scandal and constant 4D hybrid attacks against Russia. I can tell you Russians are much happier and life there is much more agreeable than, say, in the US.

Meanwhile, Ukraine, which did very well during the USSR, was recently rated as the most unhappy country in Europe and one of the 3 most unhappy in the world. Ukraine is stuck in the worst version of the destructive ’90s, and plunging deeper to self-destruction due to choosing the wrong path.

At the same time Russia has made a huge leap forward since the near destruction of the ’90s. We discuss all that, why and who must be credited in EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.


1. Police. Despite much effort and no spared expense to re-invent its image and looks, the police is still not very trusted in Russian society, although overall the trust rating has improved compared to the absolute distrust there was several years ago. The all-out fight against corruption and some among police going to jail has helped.

2. Russia’s various political parties.

To find out more about Russian political system listen to Earth Shift Report 11: THE IMPORTANCE OF 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS.

3. Some of the Russian ministers, particularly those who are responsible for the economic policies — the so-called ‘economic block of the government.’ This applies also to Russia’s Central Bank, still dependent on the FED and Western banking system.

This is a universally important topic. We discussed the future of the Western and global monetary system, plus the FED, in ESW3: THE FUTURE OF MONEY.

We discussed Russian Central bank and the ruble situation, why universally disliked ministers are still working in Russia, and when this situation will change, in ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.

4. Private business, especially big private companies and ex-oligarchs.


Dear friends,

Just a reminder that the Webinar Scholarship Program is now over. We have awarded more Putin Enigma scholarships than originally planned. Thank you for your applications. Please do not send any more scholarship requests!

Those who have been loyal monthly contributors, long-time especially loyal FT supporters (you know who you are as we have contacted you with thanks & offers before) and those who have been very loyal and regular Lada Ray donors (you also know who you are as we also corresponded with you) can apply for a $20 off discount for ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA or 10% discount for the whole 6-WEBINAR SERIES. Please email us to request yours!




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Tribute: The Unforgettable Music of the Aleksandrov Red Army Choir – RIP


I was offline for a few days. When I came back, one of the first news I heard was about the terrible and senseless Tu-154 tragedy over Black Sea on December 25, 2016. This catastrophe took the lives of 92 people on board, including 64 leading members of the Aleksandrov Red Army Choir (referred to in Russia as the Aleksandrov Ensemble). The Ensemble includes the celebrated male choir, orchestra and ballet troupe. This means that 1/3 of the entire Aleksandrov Ensemble has perished, with many big names among them. The current choir conductor, Valery Halilov, was among the passengers. A two-star general of the Russian army, Halilov became the Aleksandrov Ensemble conductor in 2016. He was also charged with directing the live singing and music during Victory Day Red Square Parades. Halilov was the artistic director of the annual Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival on Red Square.

To understand the magnitude of the loss, all needs to be said is that the Red Army Choir was the elite of Russian and world music. For 85 years, since its founding, the Red Army Choir mesmerized audiences in 70+ countries with its talent and mastery.

This unique music collective is considered a national treasure of Russia. Especially well-cherished by older generations, it is also the Russian Army’s trademark and single most internationally recognized military band of all times. The biggest international music names sang together with the Red Army Choir.

The Choir’s repertoire is very extensive. Most compositions are military, patriotic and Russian traditional songs, sung with filigree and precision. But the Choir equally shines with its international repertoire. The voices are academic and classically trained.

During the height of the Cold War the members of the Aleksandrov Red Army Choir served as Russian ambassadors of peace in military uniforms. Through their mesmerizing voices and masterful singing they melted hearts and destroyed walls. As such, in some countries the Red Army Choir was – and continues being – revered, and in others feared.

I am preparing a piece in which I’ll discuss what I believe happened on December 25, 2016, and how it’s all connected to other recent events.


Today I want to celebrate the amazing art and global contribution of the Red Army Choir.

KALINKA (one of the Red Army Choir hits). (MULTI-SUBTITLES): Russian, Serbian, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Arabic, English, Czech, French, Hebrew, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, German, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese, Interlingue (Transliteration) and Macedonian. Click on Settings – subtitles language.

Another trademark song: Смуглянка (Smuglyanka) – Red Army Choir (2016). (MULTI-SUBTITLES): Русский, Српски (ћирилица и латиница), tiếng Việt, Català, Еspañol, Português, English. Click on Settings – subtitles language. Traditional concert at the Hall P. I. Tchaikovsky, February 23, 2016. Soloists: Viktor Sanin and Yevgeniy Bulochnikov (Виктор Санин и Евгений Булочников)

Live Aleksandrov Red Army Choir at Eurovision Song Contest 2009, Moscow [HQ]. “Kalinka” “Katyusha” “Dark Eyes” by Aleksandrov Red Army Choir and Dance Ensemble, with Military Music School drummers, tATu, and Gypsy Theatre ‘Roman.’

Live Red Army Choir – Moscow Nights (MULTI-SUBTITLES): Russian, Serbian, Chinese, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, German and English. Concert in Paris, December 2003.

Aleksandrov Ensemble (Red Army Choir) – Whole Concert, 2014

Nabucco – Va, Pensiero – Russian Red Army Choir in Vatican (MULTI-SUBTITLES)

Live Red Army Choir – Katyusha (Катюша). Paris, December 2003. MULTI-SUBTITLES: Serbian, Russian, Czech, English, French, Greek, Dutch, Italian, Catalan, Hungarian, German, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

Live in Paris: another Red Army Choir trademark – A Partisan’s Song (MULTI-SUBTITLES)

The Dance troupe of the Aleksandrov Ensemble: Russian dance

R.I.P. all those who perished in the Tu-154 catastrophe. R.I.P. Aleksandrov Red Army Choir conductor and artistic director, Valery Halilov (Khalilov). On this video from May 9, 2015 Victory Day parade he conducts the amazing closing song – Russian soldiers sing on Red Square. See Gen. Halilov at 1:25 and 2:05:

I have more of the Red Army Choir songs here: Legendary Soviet Music Hits

Also see this FT post for another song from the Red Army Choir: Show Must Go On! Russian Army Choir Performs Queen with a hint for the Anniversary of the Soyuz19-Apollo Space Handshake

Please visit this post’s comments to see more videos from FT contributor Nemo1024, plus poetry and other touching comments!

Ukrainian Army Can Any Moment Turn on Kiev

Below is a video interview with expert, Oleg Chagin, Director of the Institute of Social Anthropo-genesis (in Russian). To summarize, he talks about a dire situation in Ukrainian army. Some in the army still do believe the Kiev propaganda that Russia is the aggressor against whom poor Ukraine has been fighting for two hard years. But many don’t. Meanwhile, the army as a whole has been demoralized to the core. It has been lowered to the role of a terrorist organization, bombing civilians and country’s own citizens, to boot. Some in the army, perhaps without realizing it, are in fact sabotaging orders of their command.

Chagin goes on to say that it’s impossible to divide Russia from Ukraine and vice versa. The tragedy is that many of the officers would have friends and comrades on the other side, aka, in DNR and LNR, or in Russia. They don’t want to fight against those they consider their closest people. He says that 40% of Ukraine army officers have not passed the lie detector test and are now subject to dismissal.

Yes, you’ve heard me right: Ukraine army now administers a lie detector test to all its officers. The main question asked is – what do you think? – whether Russia is the enemy and whether they would fight Russia with all their might. 

Guess not.

Can you imagine the tragedy of these officers, who once signed up to protect their country, and who are now made to prop up a rotten foreign occupation regime, who have families they need to feed, who may not have any other profession on their hands and who, when eventually the war crimes tribunal is on, may be branded war criminals. From this perspective, those who get dismissed now because they’ve failed a lie detector test will likely be better off in the long run, when this junta is kaput.

Chagin also mentions the fact anyone with any sense has understood since 2014: if the Russian Army were indeed involved in Donbass, if Russia really did want to take over Ukraine, the whole thing would have been over in 1-2 weeks tops. By the end of this term, Russian Army would have been in Lvov (western Ukraine). To date, Donbass confrontation has lasted 2 years.

Chagin believes that the army is at the end of its tether and that it could turn against the Kiev regime at any moment.


Олег Чагин – военный эксперт, директор НИИ социального антропогенеза – о деморализации и деградации армии Украины, которую опустили о уровня совершения терактов.

I can add to this that IF Russian army indeed entered Ukraine, it would have been greeted as liberators in most of it; moreover, at the sight of Russian Army most of Ukrainian army would gladly change sides, the way it happened in Crimea.

In 2014, the very beginning of Ukraine events, I’d talked about the fact that Ukraine army would have a hard time taking orders from this Kiev junta, that allegiance to Russia and Russian tradition would take precedence. In Crimea, this is exactly what happened. Elsewhere in Donbass and Ukraine it was a mixed bag, but overall, there is evidence that this is the case in increasing numbers. However, frankly, I was hoping both officers and soldiers of Ukraine army would have more courage, dignity and honor than they’d shown so far. The fact that they meekly allowed themselves to be used as cannon fodder and terrorists within their own country just shows how much Ukraine has degraded in the past 25 years of ‘nezalezhnist’ (Ukr: independence).

Despite degradation, there are still plenty of those who refuse to fight, try to defect, or simply quietly sabotage orders. All of the above is extremely dangerous because the army is watched at all times by national guard and the right sector, who are given orders to shoot to kill, should they notice anything suspicious. Many cases are known when soldiers or whole companies tried to defect, but were killed en route.

When Crimea returned to Russia, only 2,000 out of 20,000 Ukrainian troops stationed there chose to return to Ukraine. They were all allowed to leave with their weapons. These 2,000 were relocated to Nikolaev. It is turning out that, having compared what it was like to remain in Ukraine, these officers are now defecting and trickling back to Crimea. Many of them have semi-legal status and no jobs, but they still prefer Crimea to continuing to serve in Ukraine.

A very similar situation is happening with Ukraine police. Many old police hands also didn’t pass the lie detector test (meaning: deep down they don’t really consider Russia an enemy and western Ukraine fascist Bandera their hero). A large percentage of experienced policemen were dismissed from the force. Some of them try to make their way to DNR/LNR, others to Crimea; yet others try to migrate to other parts of continental Russia. Some stay in Ukraine, and you can imagine how passionately all these people, skilled with weapons, wish Russian Army did roll into Ukraine; how much they are all itching to act!

My opinion is that, while the army is every bit as demoralized and fed up, it lacks organization and leadership to do something as big as mutiny. However, the longer this situation lasts, the more of the army this regime will lose. If not mutiny per se, there will be mass defection, which eventually may turn into all-Ukraine civil war of everyone against everyone, simply because there will be no place for these people in society, where there are fewer and fewer jobs. Most likely, 2017 will be the year of a turn around in Ukraine – and it won’t be pretty.


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BUK Manufacturer Almaz-Antey Investigation: MH17 was shot down by Ukraine BUK Missile

Russian defence contractor and BUK launch system manufacturer Almaz-Antey completed its own investigation into the MH17 downing in Ukraine in July, 2014. Ukraine denied the responsibility for the attack on the civilian plane en route from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, blaming intermittently the Donbass self-defence and Russia. Nearly 300 people died as a result of the tragedy.

The BUK manufacturer has released the results of its independent investigation, which show that the 9M38-M1 surface-to-air missile from the M1 BUK system was used to shoot down the plane. The missile was produced until the 1990s and Almaz factories discontinued it in 1999. The Almaz-Antey CEO Yan Novikov confirmed that M1 BUK missiles were not delivered to anyone in the 21st century. Moreover, the Russian Army has long retired these older missiles, having been equipped with the new generation weapons. However, M1 is precisely the kind of BUK that is abundant in today’s Ukrainian armed forces.

The Almaz-Antey investigation also confirms that the trajectory of the missile is consistent with the location which at the time of the shoot-down was under Ukrainian (aka, Kiev junta) control. The missile was shot from the neighborhood of the Zaroshchenskoe village, controlled at the time by Kiev. This means that the Donbass self-defence was telling the truth that they had nothing to do with the tragedy.

Almaz-Antey has passed its findings to the MH17 international investigators. In response, Ukraine continues denying its involvement, putting all the blame on the Donbass self-defence and present leadership of the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics.

To prove its findings in action, Almaz-Antey proposes a real-life demo reconstruction of the event. The CEO of Almaz also notes that two US satellites were flying above the sector of E. Ukraine in question during MH17 shoot-down; however, to this day US refused to release the footage in its possession.

The Almaz investigation notes that MH17 could have been additionally damaged by the air-to-air missile from the flying nearby Ukrainian attack aircraft SU-25.

Western double standards: Almaz-Antey has been under EU and US sanctions since MH17 tragedy, based on Ukraine and USA’s accusation that Russia and Donbass self-defence shot down the Malaysian Airlines plane.



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New Exclusive Video Earth Shift Report 4. ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS


Intro by Lada Ray

The United States of America undoubtedly has the largest, best equipped and best financed army in the world. USA spends more on military than the rest of the world combined. USA seems to dominate in every type of conventional warfare, be it on land, air, or sea.

Per the accepted global geopolitical theory, world powers are divided into sea, hybrid and land ones. USA today, like the British Empire before it, is the dominant sea power. As is fitting for such super-power, USA’s Navy is the most powerful, and by far the largest, in the world. Until recently, the US Navy, it seemed, owned our planet’s oceans and seas.

Since mid-2000s a rumor circulated that the reason US never attacked Iran from the sea was because they knew Russia could disable the entire US Navy fleet. What mysterious weapon could have been used for such purpose?

While usually Russian defence programs are very secretive, recently, Russia started coming out publicly with more and more breakthrough designs, such as the world’s most advanced Armata tank first presented during the May 9, 2015 Victory Day parade on Red Square.

For a few years now, some Russian politicians have been urging the government to reveal new designs so that the West wouldn’t get any ideas about attacking Russia, like it happened in 1941. The need to make them understand that Russian Army is fully ready to defend the country became especially pressing after the USA and EU’s direct interference in Ukraine, including supplies of weapons, mercenaries and military advisors. As the smell of potential new world war intensified, Russia made a decision to begin showcasing the technology that was kept under wraps all these years.

As my readers and listeners know, I have predicted in the beginning of 2014 that Russia would NOT send any troops to Ukraine, instead ‘gradually remolding the situation in her favor using all quiet and peaceful means at her disposal.’ I said that there would be NO direct confrontation between USA and Russia and that there would be NO hot World War III. I also said back then that the hidden global war would continue raging, be it diplomatically, economically, financially, electronically, or as spy and propaganda war.

This is exactly how the situation has been developing for the past one and a half years. It will continue developing the same way, until the massive EARTH SHIFT we are going through is complete (read more in PREDICTIONS).

Some call it a hybrid war. I call it 4D warfare.

It is beyond the fully incarnated, physical 3D reality. It’s often fought by computer geeks, masterminds, and invisible operators. It can only be gleaned if you know behind which curtain the wizard is hiding.

One of the main reasons the world will NOT go through the physical carnage of another devastating world war is Russian preparedness. This is the best deterrent against any possible aggressor. It falls to Russia, as the Great Balancer of our planet, to become the Sacred Shield and Sword against any global aggression.

As such, Russia always has to be ready. This is why the image of a soldier, protector and Defender of the Motherland, is so important to Russians.

We all recall the strange case of the USS Donald Cook, dubbed ‘Donald Duck,’ which had to urgently retire from the vicinity of the Crimea and the Black Sea after it was buzzed by the mysterious Russian device called KHIBINY, rendering the world’s most sophisticated electronic AEGIS system onboard helpless. What is referred to as KHIBINY is an older Soviet device. If you know about KHIBINY, believe me, you know nothing yet!

In this program we will see for ourselves how target cloning works; how Russian subs confuse and disable attack and spy planes; how a single, ordinary-looking all-terrain vehicle can create an invisible shield to protect the entire city against blanket rocket fire; how to make ballistic missiles explode before they reach target, or better yet, how to prevent them from taking off in the first place, thus rendering any missile system obsolete; how a bullet-proof vest could make the bullet change its trajectory and how a target can vanish from radars.

The program includes Russian Army’s inside footage and, until recently top-secret, demos and live tests; interviews with designers; until recently classified, real names of producers and real names of new Russian weapons, designs of the future, and much, much more!

What appeals to me most is that all designs and weapons you will see are of defensive, or non-offensive, nature. These are not aggressive attack weapons most military documentaries might showcase.

Another thing worth mentioning is the fact that they all seem straight out of Star Trek or a movie about aliens.

Finally, I want to draw your attention to two episodes. One mentions “an undisclosed conflict several years ago.” Per the narrator, throughout that conflict, the Russian army didn’t lose a single plane or helicopter, despite incessant blanket fire from the adversary’s BUK systems. What conflict are they talking about? And how did they avoid any losses?

KHIBINY and the Donald Cook episode are also mentioned, while some interesting details are revealed.

But why don’t you find out for yourself!

Click to watch this video report!

(New Earth Shift Reports are donation based. Donate any amount to watch/read.) 



Video program stats: Length 40 minutes.
In Russian, with English subtitles. Authored opening article, English translation, English annotations and ESR trademark: COPYRIGHT Lada Ray. CLICK to read full copyright notice!



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Real source of Victoria Nuland’s Russophobia: ‘Exceptional’ American in 1982 Odessa

This is an excerpt from Earth Shift Report 3: OLIGARCH WARS

Click to read full report:



Nuland giving out cookies in 3

Nuland giving out cookies in Kiev

2014 Photo Op. Victoria Nuland, Assistant US Secretary of State in charge of Eurasia, gives out cookies to anti-Yanukovich euro-maidan protesters in Kiev – a direct interference of a foreign official in the affairs of a sovereign country. Yanukovich is to be soon unseated as legitimately elected president of Ukraine and forced to flee as a result of the February 22, 2014 coup. 

nuland_pyatt_ukraine 14

Kiev, 2014. Victoria Nuland and US ambassador to Ukraine Pyatt give out bread and hamburgers to Ukraine’s Berkut police. Just a few days later these same policemen will be burned, beaten and humiliated by ‘peaceful euro-maidan protesters.’ In December of 2013, Nuland famously bragged to the Washington Press Club that US spent $5 billion to ‘subvert Ukraine’ in its bid to weaken and sabotage Russia.


Nuland and McCain with Ukrainian politician Oleh Tyahnibok (top, lower left; Russian: Oleg Tyagnibok), direct follower of Hitler and heir to ukro-nazis Bandera and Shukhevich.


I left, perhaps the juiciest (and for me, the funniest) bit for last. To many people out there, Victoria Nuland, the woman who arrogantly and carelessly admitted in December 2013 that US spent $5 bln to subvert Ukraine and create anti-Russia out of it; the woman who orchestrated the Kiev maidan and violent coup; the woman who with a flick of her wrist dismissed and appointed Ukraine governments; the woman who said ‘f*ck Europe’ – is one scary American Zionist and neocon. To most, she is known as Assistant US State Secretary in charge of Eurasia. Her job is to go around subverting countries, organizing violent coups and instigating color revolutions.

But very few realize that she is in fact a small-minded, stuck up little b*tch who never grew up and who always enjoyed humiliating others. Oh, you know I wouldn’t say something like this lightly. I’ve known she is exactly that due to the energy she emanates and due to her calibration, which to some people seems too esoteric. Now I’ve got tangible proof – and it’s to die for!

You heard me right! Just like in the case of Poroshenko and his criminal daddy, it all goes back to Odessa, the city of my childhood. The story below references a well-known international young pioneer camp in Odessa. Summer camps for children were called ‘pioneer camps’ in the USSR. The camp was called Molodaya Gvardia (English: The Young Guard, reference to the young Komsomol/Communist members during the 1918 Civil War, who fought bravely). I knew that camp: it was located on the beach at the far-away outskirts of the city. I’ve never gone there myself, since I grew up five minutes from the beach and since I always preferred to travel and explore for my summer vacation. The story below mentions semechki, which means ‘roasted sunflower seeds’remember I once mentioned on FuturisTrendcast that semechki is Russians and Ukrainians’ favorite snack. Like popcorn for Americans, albeit healthier.

Russian author, Inna Metelskaya-Sheremetyeva, tells this story:

“It happened in 1982. I worked as a children’s camp guide (Russian: pioner vozhataya) at Molodaya Gvardia in Odessa. Sorry to say, but I had a huge fight in which blood was drawn, with one American girl. She was also a camp guide who came from the US as part of an exchange program. I once caught her entertaining herself by throwing semechki in the dirt under her feet and laughing when little Ukrainian kids picked up and ate these dirty semechki. I remembered forever the name of that b*tch. She was called Vicky. For that fight I received a public Komsomol reprimand and they threw me out of camp.

Earlier today, I read with great surprise in Nuland’s bio that she worked in 1982 in Odessa’s Molodaya Gvardia as pioner vozhataya, being part of the exchange program, and that her impressions of the USSR were of the most negative kind. I always thought I did the right thing giving her that thrashing. I haven’t regretted it then and don’t regret today. Not enough though; should’ve given her more.”

For video with this admission, and much more, go to: 




Read related: NEW for March 7, 2016! ‘Peaceful’ protest In Kiev, Ukraine: Ukro-Nazis attack Russian embassy twice in 24 hours


Read the UKRAINE Earth Shift Report TRIO together!

ESR2 NEW & expanded triple feature+



Breaking News!

Dear readers, I am preparing a great surprise and a real treat! You will be pleased to know that I am finishing my translation of a very special video documentary with materials until recently considered top-secret, and real demos until recently seen by only a few people in the world.

Due to language and other barriers, these materials may never reach the Western audiences, except through my Earth Shift Report. The materials I will present are so important and so juicy that I decided to take a detour from my usual written reports in order to make this material accessible to you. Remember the USS Donald Cook Black Sea incident and the mysterious Russian ‘khibiny’ that disabled the advanced US electronic systems? Read the whole story: Mystery Revealed: What frightened the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?

If you’ve heard about ‘khibiny,’ believe me, you’ve heard nothing yet!

UPDATE! This explosive and mind-bending documentary, with my foreword, is now available on It is in Russian with English subtitles (my authored translation). Click on banner to donate and read!



Stay tuned for upcoming 2016 releases:








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Full Putin 10th Annual Press Conference (Eng/Rus versions) and Other Important News

(NEW thoughts and links added)

The most important events and noteworthy interviews of the past few days, accompanied with my thoughts and comments.

This event doesn’t need introduction – Russian President Vladimir Putin has conducted his 10th traditional annual live Q&A. As I stress every year it happens, I’d like to see any Western leader to pull a 4 hour live event, with un-anticipated questions directed at you. I can tell you with absolute confidence – none of them is capable of anything even remotely close. As it stands, ALL Western heads of state are terrified of direct and unsensored communication with their citizens and global public opinion. Just picture what would happen IF Obama, or Merkel, or…. fill in the blank – attempted this kind of feat. Would the whole world finally see that ‘the king is naked?’ You decide.

  •  Putin Q&A 2014 (FULL PRESSER) English translation


    English transcript of Putin’s press conference can be found here.

    Итоговая пресс-конференция Владимира Путина 18 декабря 2014