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‘Huffington Post Terminated Me For Questioning Hillary’s Health’ (w. Truth and Quantum Calibrations!)

To me it’s something very symptomatic of how the US reality today continues evolving into degradation. I’ve decided to use this example as a case study for my Great Earth Shift Theory and Quantum Calibrations.

I follow this guy, David Seaman, on YouTube to keep in touch with the news on Bitcoin and Ethereum.  He just posted a video about how ‘Huffington Post terminated him for questioning Hillary Clinton’s health.’ The poor guy has completely freaked out and I understand how he feels (that said, I can tell him that he can relax – I don’t think anyone’s coming for him, as he implies in the vid). Have a quick listen:

The Great Earth Shift Reveals Hidden Truths and Exposes Lies!

Frankly, I have no idea why he is so surprised. This had to be anticipated. This kind of behavior by various power structures and entities in the West, starting with the White House and Congress and all the way down the food chain to publications like Huffington Post, is very symptomatic of the Great Earth Shift that we are experiencing. It is the time when old structures and stereotypes crumble and the truth of who these entities really are becomes visible to all.

It had been very easy and convenient to pretend there was ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘democracy’ in the US when all went well and it was possible to print dollars, while dictating to the rest of the world. But times have changed: no amount of petrodollars can save the US economy, the world has grown tired of the US, and even former allies are rebelling. And to add insult to injury, they simply can’t push through their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, no matter how hard they try. If it’s not #DNCleak, or Wikileaks, then it’s her health.

They simply don’t know what else to do as the reality slips between their fingers. It’s under such extreme stress and duress that the real face of such entities becomes visible.

Lada Ray Quantum Calibrations

I never had any illusions about Huffington Post because all I had to do was calibrate their level of consciousness and Chi using my Quantum Calibrations, which tell me the whole picture. That, plus I always knew of their profound Russophobia. All I ever needed was this two-prong litmus test – and the rest was crystal clear. This is why I never even attempted to offer my articles to Huffington Post, although they were looking for authors. Absolutely no point.

Examples of how I calibrate:

Huffington Post calibrates at: 100 (fear); Chi 110 (also fear).

In fact, Huff Post exudes an absolutely hideous energy, which, incidentally, is a norm for Western MSM. The minimum positive calibration on the Quantum Scale is Courage at 200. A very long way to go from 100; in fact, the positive level can never be achieved by an entity such as Huffington Post.

For comparison’s sake here are the energy/ consciousness calibrations for RT (Russia Today):

Calibration 280 (neutrality/friendliness), Chi 198 (yearning/striving). They could use a tiny bit of help with raising their Chi level, but even as is, it is much higher than any of the rest. RT’s calibration level is simply unheard of for a major global MSM outlet!

What about other MSM outlets? You don’t want to know!

Quick example:

CNN calibrates at: 85 (grief), Chi 185 (pride). Ouch, just ouch! VERY Bad! What kind of fair, unbiased coverage can one expect from an outlet with such awfully low calibration? And they are all like that! This is why I practically never look at Western MSM, with very rare exceptions.

Level of Consciousness rule of thumb: The lower the calibration, the less of a truth there is in a subject. The lower the calibration the less you can trust someone to be fair, unbiased, reasonable, balanced, peaceful, loving, etc, etc. For MSM this kind of low calibration automatically implies a profoundly non-sensical and biased position on issues. This spells disaster for a society relying solely on such MSM to find out what’s happening in the world. And unfortunately, it’ll only get worse.

Thank goodness for the alternative and citizen media. Alas, the alternative media is also getting more and more corrupted, more and more biased (I talked about this problem in my past articles re. hoaxes and targeted info dumps). So, as always, be careful who you listen to, try to calibrate and use your inner guidance/intuition.

Incidentally, I calibrate using my Chi Kinesiolgy method (based on David Hawkins’ Power vs. Force). I have greatly expanded and enriched David Hawkins original scale, creating my own system in the process. Read about it, with scale, examples and videos on

In the future, I plan to begin releasing books expanding on my Earth Shift System and Quantum Calibration method. Please stay tuned for more news on this front!

All seeing Eye and Space

P.S. Thought I’d add these two links from RT that just appeared, confirming everything I previously warned about (and predicted since 2015) about Clinton:



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