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Heads Up! NEW FREE LADA RAY REPORT COMING! + Anti-Isolation Amazon Worldwide SALE on Lada Ray Books EXTENDED to May 1!

Hey friends,

Per my predictions: this is the time of the Earth Shift and transition into the lower 4D virtual world.

The 4D enterprises, like Amazon, benefit from this period. While many brick and mortar stores are closed during quarantine, Amazon is up and running, and very actively distributing its products all over the world.

If you’ve been with me on LADA RAY PATREON

and/or if you’ve followed my EARTH SHIFT REPORTS and EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS,


you are ahead of everyone else and know how it works.


Some of the basics are explained in:

Also explore:

My books are sold on Amazon worldwide, and during this difficult for many people time, I made possible a worldwide sale of up to 57% off on both my ebooks and paperbacks!

And great news! This sale has been extended till May 1!

In order to take advantage of it, go to my Author Site and click on


You’ll find a number of direct links to and other country/regional hubs for each of my books. On you can buy my paperbacks if you live in the US, or ebooks if you live in the US  and worldwide. I also have direct links to many other Amazon country/regional sites, where you can shop for paperbacks and ebooks. If your region/country isn’t listed in my bookstore, keep in mind: Amazon has about 12 regional markets in which it sells.

Therefore, simply go to your closest Amazon site, such as: for Australia, or for Japan, or for Brazil, or for India (these are examples – there is also a number of others) and type in my name, Lada Ray. All my books they sell will come up. Or copy and paste the title of the book and my name, and specific book will come up.

This sale is worldwide, and all my books have been priced the same everywhere!

Also, explore my books on Author Site!


In addition!




Check out what’s going on by clicking on



HEADS UP! New Lada Ray Report is coming your way!

Lately, I have been publishing a lot of reports, articles and podcasts on LADA RAY PATREON, which generated a very active discussion, opinion and info sharing, as well as interesting insights! My Patreons are actively involved and we have a thriving and interesting community of intelligent, highly calibrated and curios people.

Some of my latest reports and podcasts were made available to general public / non-members for free, so you could all sample my in-depth material and participate in our vibrant community.

The upcoming free public report is entitled:

75 Years Later, Nazism Won in Europe? Czechia Demolishes Monument to Russian Marshal Konev, Liberator of Auschwitz & Prague! (LADA RAY REPORT)

You can read it today on LADA RAY PATREON if you become our member on any level.

Or, you can sample this full report FREE tomorrow, if you become LADA RAY PATREON FREE follower. How to do it and what you get? CLICK TO FIND OUT:






Introducing new blog on Lada Ray site!

Access it by going to and clicking on BLOG tab on top!

Or bookmark it for your convenience!

Then new blog doesn’t require a subscription, but you can – and are very much encouraged – to post your comments, as well as Facebook likes and Tweets (buttons will be below each post)!








our past, present & future…beyond the obvious

I opened FT in 2013, and started regularly posting in 2014. Between 2014 and 2019 I authored over 1000 free original articles, written especially for FuturisTrendcastincluding my geopolitical analysis and futurist predictions.

I also wrote on my advanced projects and systems: Quantum Calibrations, Multidimensional Universe, Forbidden History & Linguistics, and of course, the Earth Shift. If you are new, find out more by clicking links on HOME or LADA’S WORK pages.

For nearly 7 years, FuturisTrendcast 1.0 educated, revealed, awoke, predicted and instilled calm and reason in the midst of the raging global storms. Thank you to all who supported it! It will now become the largest archive of Lada Ray articles – over 1000 in total – written between 2013 and 2020, plus a universal portal for announcements and links to new Lada Ray works posted elsewhere.

Please stay subscribed to FuturisTrendcast 1.0! Going forward, you’ll continue being able to explore all those articles I wrote in previous years. And you’ll stay in touch with everything I’ll do going forward!



The UPGRADE time has come! MEET:


The new FT2.0 continues the lofty FT1.0 traditions, but it goes much further and feels freer. The major advantage of a blog located on my site is that it’s sovereign from anything a blogging platform decides to change on a whim, without asking me. 

This sovereign blog possesses a new, fresh energy, which makes me enthusiastic for posting more than before. There are many exciting things awaiting my loyal readers and followers, and I hope you follow me here! You’ll be able to get a glimpse of the advanced content I do on LADA RAY PATREON.

I also want to give you a better glimpse into my higher-dimensional creative process and new breakthroughs in my Earth Shift, Multidimensional Universe, Forbidden History & Linguistics projects and theories. Last, but certainly not least, through this blog and my YouTube channels, I plan to introduce you to my practical advisory works.







YT channels





REDESIGNED! Official Lada Ray Site & Author Site Have the New Look!


Visit redesigned HOME PAGE and many other pages of my OFFICIAL SITE LADARAY.COM

Check out the main directory and drop-down menus!


Check out the new pages and drop-down menus!

New cool pages added, with guides and info!



Check out new pages!

Amazon Lada Ray Author Page

Reviews & Excerpts

Ebook guide

Paperback guide

Accidental Spy series

The Earth Shifter



Hey friends, I received this comment:

“sandersong Your links never work.”

I can’t believe I have to say this over and over, sorry to sound like a broken record, but in case you have this problem, here’s my reply that explains it all!

Lada Ray 

Hello, my links work perfectly, I just checked each of them. Sorry to hear you have a problem. This could be due to certain settings in your computer, such as adblocker. It could also possibly be because of insidious shadow banning of my work by google and other engines out there. That I have no control over. I recommend turning off your adblocker or similar security devices you may have and see if it works.

When all else fails, just type in and you will go directly to my site. From thereon you can find all my other links!

Or copy and paste my urls:

Official site:

author site:

It’s very easy really – best of luck and blessings!



Amazing Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Upstate NY! Rare, Beautiful Images & Higher-Dimensional Thoughts From My Travels

I have a huge and very informative article about my recent visit to the Russian Monastery, the main seat of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad! It is a mystical, deeply hidden from the public’s eye place.

This is a large, in-depth article, with many amazing images and my unique higher-dimensional perspective on truth you won’t find anywhere else! You will get an inside scoop, which you also won’t find anywhere else!

This extensive piece was published exclusively for my patrons, but I decided to make it FREE and available to public on LADA RAY PATREON SITE!

Check it out while it’s available, and join our wonderful community on Patreon, where you’ll find much more!



Amazing Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Upstate NY!

Rare, Beautiful Images & Higher-Dimensional Thoughts From My Travels



LadaRayPatreon Info and latests Articles HERE!


Visit official site


I will be sharing more images on INSTAGRAM! Follow me @ newladaray


On FuturisTrendcast Nice Guys Finish FIRST! 2-Webinar Scholarship to Soul Sister from California


Dear Lada, 

It’s very hard for anyone to inspire me to cry, but you did. I am very touched that you have chosen to give me a love gift from your Heart. And not one, but TWO of your webinars! (I am so excited to listen to them!!) I am always deeply touched by the kindheartedness and generosity of spirit that you possess. It is so rare in the world these days. Thank you sooo much! I will honor you by graciously accepting your gift, with heartfelt gratitude. ~ By the way, I did not initially apply for a scholarship because I thought there surely must be others who were more deserving of assistance. I didn’t want to maybe take a rare opportunity away from someone else who might need it even more than me.

LOL, you are bang-on as usual, Lada! My Angelic friends tell me that sometimes. I have to laugh at them. You don’t get through 3D without some scrapes and bruises. They know my long history and what kind of insanity I grew up with this lifetime (talk about starting in the cellar ~ LOTS of negative energy to transmute!), and then my adult life (MORE negative energy to transmute on behalf of the planet!) They have been there guiding and patching me up through all of it. Most of them have never incarnated. I tell them to get a body and try living as a human and see how well they do! Then we all laugh.

Yes, I do have difficulty accepting some things, but it is not the inherent generosity of the Universe I have any difficulty with. The Universe, and my dear animal, plant and rock friends, do not have negative ulterior motives. I love and trust the Universe implicitly. It is my home. I trust it with all I am. It IS all I am! Accepting the generosity of the Universe when it appears through certain human beings, however, can be a bit of a challenge. This has been a persistent conundrum for me here on Earth. Thank heavens for Discernment and a world-class B.S. detector! That helps a lot.

It is disheartening, isn’t it, to find that one’s motives are always being questioned. Evidently, this wariness is a common problem among humans. My well-intentioned words are far more often than not poorly received, misunderstood and/or misinterpreted in the worst possible light. I take make considerable effort to be clear. How does it get so “lost in translation”?!? (Don’t even get me started on the diabolical practice of “political correctness”!) It is a rare and joyful day when I do not get hammered for what I’ve said. Mostly, I don’t say much these days.

I keep working the puzzle though. There must be a way. Honestly though, if I were to look at myself as others might at this point in my life I think I would probably look somewhat like a mistreated creature who approaches everything with caution. I don’t want to be that way. I don’ like it. I want very much to be open, trusting and happy to receive, like I was before I got here. I did do that when I returned this time and promptly got seriously hammered. Learned that lesson the hard way! Doing that here is just stupid. Earth is a very disfunctional place. But then, if there were nothing here needing doing I wouldn’t have come. It is a heartbreaking situation for an Angelic living on Earth. I thank God for Nature. It is my refuge and sanitarium! 

Being a Sensitive, essentially a long-tailed cat in a world full of rocking chairs, tends to make me want to be a recluse. But I still can’t help Be-ing who I am. I AM that I AM. (Did you know they kill Masters here? Yikes.) I do what I can to help when it is needed and wanted, provided I am not violating Free Will. I receive the little victories in life with joy and satisfaction. That is the best I have found to do and stay in the game. I would appreciate any practical suggestions you may have as to how I may utilize your good advice.

Yes, indeed Lada, it is most exceedingly rare to find a soul sister or brother! So rare. This body is not young, and in all this life so far I can count only two others that I know for certain are “family”. There is you and the other is a Peruvian shaman who taught me my tradition. Two. Out of all the people I have met in this life and recognized from other lives. I’ve got some thoughts about it but I don’t have clear memories yet of who we were and are. All I remember for sure is that for certain reasons there aren’t many of us. Do you know?

Again, thank you so much, dear Lada. I am wishing for you and Az the very happiest and best of the holiday season!

My name is Aeyrie Silver Eagle, I have lived in Southern California, USA, all my life. (God help me! This state has gone TOTALLY insane!)

Plus, Aeyrie’s comment from my recent post


  1. Hi Lada, I’m still here and following you as much as my tiny budget allows. I was about to buy a webinar as a birthday present to myself in September but it didn’t happen. Both my boy kitties passed on the same day, two days after my birthday. Mieko was failing and ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge at the ripe old age of 17. Genji (age 12) had a surprise encounter with a raccoon in my driveway. (It was constitutionally impossible for that little booger to ever back down from protecting his home!!) It only took one swipe from the raccoon’s claws to injure Genji’s face very badly. It was very expensive to try to find help for him but there was none. With no alternatives, I had to put him down. I was terribly painful and difficult but at least my boys crossed the Rainbow Bridge together. I take comfort in that. So, no birthday present and a lot of tears instead, but such is Life sometimes, the bitter with the sweet. I miss them every day.
    I am continuing to recommend you to everyone I talk to! I wanted you to know that people are really happy to learn of a high vibration source of information about parts of the world, people and traditions they would not otherwise have access to. They thank me over and over again for turning them on to you! 🙂
    Thank you for all the kewl stuff you have planned. It sounds really exciting!

    Much love to you, Lada. I think of you as a soul sister; I hope you don’t mind. I trust you and your loved ones had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. Blessings, continued success to you and best wishes for the holiday season! ❤

Lada says: 

Ayerie was too shy to apply for the scholarship, so I reached out to her.

Dear Ayerie, 

I am happy to offer you a FULL combined scholarship for two of my webinars:



go to WEBINARS for more info!

I designed the scholarship program for people like you. I know that you want to listen to my webinars, and that you will definitely benefit from them. It is a sincere offer from my heart and a sincere and positive gift the universe is sending you. We need to be open to wonderful gifts that drop in our lap in order to create more abundance and to allow us to grow. You deserve it.





This completes the Multidimensional Geopolitics Scholarship Program! Thank you to all those who applied!

Many thanks to all those wonderful people who continue supporting my work and who have generously contributed to my work! Thank you to all those who have purchased Earth Shift Webinars!

Other scholarships awarded:



See you ALL in 2018 for more super-exciting & revealing webinars & events!



still coming your way as we wrap up the year 2017!



‘Nothing to see, just a robot doing backflips’ – OMG, I described that in The Earth Shifter in 2012!

From RT: Engineers have released a video showing Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot effortlessly jumping over obstacles and doing a backflip while performing a gymnastics routine. CREDIT: Boston Dynamics…

Yep, it looks almost exactly as the scene from my novel THE EARTH SHIFTER, down to the robot doing an effortless backflip, except it happens at a secret underground CIA lab in NJ. The scene was written in 2011 and book pubbed in 2012.

Ebook and Paperback on Amazon

ES COVER ebook

My books on Amazon

Blurbs and more on BOOKS

Analysis: Consequences of Russia’s Mirror Response to US Witch Hunt Against RT – and so much more!


Two days ago ‘US govt attacked freedom of speech by forcing RT to register as foreign agent’. Till last second Russia tried to resolve the issue peacefully.

Yesterday, in a mirror response, the Russian Duma has passed the new law, which makes every news and media outlet in Russia financed from abroad directly or indirectly a foreign agent. Such foreign agent must register and file financial reports, among other things. The US news agencies with offices in Russia begged US to lay off RT for fear they would be targeted in response. (Russian MPs pass foreign agent bill for media in ‘mirror response’ to US.)

It is important to note, that as always, Russia has waited till last second with the passing of the ‘foreign agent’ law, hoping for some reason and common sense from the US. Not only that, Russian legal system had to be amended in order to pass that bill. There was no provision in Russian law for the designation as a foreign agent. And who wrote the Russian constitution and designed the new Russian legal system? The American advisors, sent by Clinton to ‘assist dear Boris’ Yeltsin in the 1990s. We talk about that page in Russian history, when the West nearly succeeded in destroying the Great Balancer, in EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.

There was supposed to be a meeting between Putin and Trump during APEC summit in Vietnam, during which time Putin would have brought up the RT situation. (Collusion to sabotage Putin – Trump meeting in Vietnam?)

However, we had seen that Trump was unable and unwilling to resolve in any way the situation with Russian consulates and embassy properties illegally taken away from Russia in the US, despite meeting with Putin on the sidelines of G20 in Hamburg. Just the opposite, Trump signed off on expropriating more of Russian state and diplomatic properties in the US.

Certainly, Trump would not be able to affect any change regarding RT either. As I predicted, Trump is firmly in the Dark State’s ‘straitjacket’ and he is in a fight of his life to stay afloat and avoid impeachment. Putin-Trump APEC meeting was sabotaged by Trump’s own team. In my opinion it was Trump who ordered to sabotage the meeting, but delicately, so not to directly tip-off Putin of the sabotage source. Why? Because, as I said, Trump is in a fight of his life. He deems it too dangerous to meet with Putin officially. It would easily trigger another round of attacks against him, when he is already hanging by the thread.

Actually, as we have seen from my prior posts, Putin does understand and respect that. As predicted in EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 1, even as ineffectual as he is, Trump is still markedly better than Hillary would have been. For one, it’s still possible for Putin to talk to him, although real progress isn’t possible.

But the most important thing to understand is that Trump is supposed to play the role of American Gorbachev and begin bringing this outdated US/Western system down, just by virtue of being in a perma-conflict with establishment and Dark State. That role he is accomplishing.


You all probably know that there is an ongoing witch hunt against RT (Russia Today) in the US, UK and EU. This is only a part of the wide-spread anti-Russia hybrid 4D war by the West. In the world where the West has a near monopoly on news, there is a witch hunt against any honest alternative media and news sources, who try to tell the truth. RT is by far the biggest and most influential such alternative media outlet.

RT is constantly experiencing DDoS attacks on its servers. Some time ago UK froze RT accounts and practically forced it out of the country, making it almost impossible to operate on British soil. The most recent attack is that of US. Washington forced RT to register as foreign agent, invoking archaic law that was last used against Nazi Germany. This not only restricts RT operations and its ability to cover the news, it also means that Americans working for RT in the US, and that’s most of employees of RT America, may be forced out of RT jobs or facing invasion of privacy, and even personal danger.

What happened didn’t come as a surprise to me. In short, for many, many years the West, and particularly US and UK were telling Russia and the USSR that they were undemocratic and didn’t have the freedom of speech, whereas the collective West was the most democratic, free and wonderful society in the world.

We now clearly see that it had nothing to do with democracy or freedom of speech. It’s very simple: in the past the West could afford to have the so-called ‘freedom’ when it robbed the rest of the world. It was the prerogative of the rich and those, satisfied with their life to flaunt this make-believe ‘freedom.’

But in the past 10 years Russia has learned how to beat the enemy using their own best weapon, that of the MSM and freedom of speech.


RT was organized only about 10 years ago, and it took off like a rocket. Those who followed me from FuturisTrendcast’s beginning in 2014 may recall the story I once told. I was there at the start, being part of the RT’s informal international development forum/focus group. RT in its infancy followed the old Russian formula: to never attack, but merely respond by trying to deflect attacks (and those were as numerous in 2008 as they are today). The result was rather meek and reflective, not pro-active, as was required in order for Russia to begin her job of rebalancing the severely imbalanced world. The funny part was that at the time RT also employed plenty of Americans and Brits, yet no one figured out that RT’s model was sorely inadequate and naive in order to face the brutal threats from the West.

Frustrated with such timid response to relentless attacks and pervasive lies against Russia, I told them honestly that in order to be effective, RT must change, stop being always on the defensive and go on the offensive.

It’s like the light went on in those heads! It’s like they were waiting for someone to tell them what to do! Within days things began to change. Dmitry Medvedev, then Russian President, included this my suggestion, and some others, in his State of the Union Address that same week.

Shortly after, the focus group was dissolved as it fulfilled its purpose. Well, no one ever said thank you to me, but that’s ok. I wasn’t after a thank you; I just wanted to help. It’s good to be someone’s secret angel messenger, especially when it influences the future of Russia and the whole of mankind. 😉

I saw that my advice was taken well to heart. The Kremlin seriously invested in the new channel. I remember Medvedev, accompanied by RT’s Head Margarita Simonyan, visiting the new state-of-the-art RT studious in the US, and commenting, ‘Ah, that’s where the people’s money is going.’ RT changed its model, began aggressively recruiting talent, building new studios in US, EU, and other countries, and went on the offensive.

RT quickly learned to masterfully operate the West’s best weapon, routinely and very successfully used against Russia in the past (I should know, I was there). So successfully in fact that it almost overnight became the most watched news channel on YouTube, the most popular channel to watch on Wall Street, as well as by the alternative crowd.


Those who listened to EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 4: LADA RAY PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS, heard me explain how Periods 7 and 8 work. Period 7, running from 1984 till 2004, was the Period of the West. But Period 8, running from 2004 till 2024 is the Period of Russia. This time is especially beneficial for Russia. Whatever Russia does will turn out to be a win and a success. This includes the runaway success of RT and worldwide popularity of Vladimir Putin.

The West enjoyed a full 40 years of exceptionally successful periods, from 1964 till 2004. During that time whatever the West did turned into success, while Russia/USSR, as well as the rest of the world were at a disadvantage. Now the energy has turned and it will continue turning further away from the West.

We are seeing it very vividly and it’s happening right in front of our very eyes. The US and EU are losing power, albeit slowly, exactly per my predictions. (Why that is the case and when the pace of losing power will pick up is all explained in LADA RAY PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS.)

As we are observing, the moment things began unraveling for the US/EU and the moment the West turned out to be in a losing position, the thin veneer of ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘human rights’ dissolved. No one even mentions these notions any more in the West. And let me again remind everyone that the USSR fell apart and Russia was always lectured and put down because supposedly it was short on ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘democracy,’ while the West was the ‘beacon’ of same.

But back to RT and the US efforts to shut them up and shut them down. It is the recognition of RT’s success. But it is also the demonstration of USA’s weakness and their fear. They understand that something is going wrong, they are just too dim to figure out what exactly, and they think that by shutting up RT they can stop the Earth Shift. Of course, if they’d read my reports and listened to my webinars they might have known the truth…

The mirror move by the Russian Duma and requirement for all foreign-financed media outlets to register as foreign agents will likely reduce the amount of information Western audiences receive from Russia through their MSM, the Western outlets with offices in Russia lament.

I am not so sure it’s so bad. Western audiences will get even less info about Russia? But what about the poor quality of the info they get from the Russia-based Western MSM? It really is quite appalling how much they lie about Russia and everything to do with Russia. In case you think this habitual lying, and contempt against everything Russian is something they only acquired during the times of the USSR, think again. Famous Russian writers of the 19th century, during the Russian Empire days, are on record talking of that same attitude. The reason is, of course, the pathological fear of The Great Balancer and its true power, even if it had been suppressed for a while.


Therefore, I recommend that anyone wanting truthful news from Russia should get them from reputable Russian sources, such as RT, Russia-1 and some other central Russian channels. Granted, they aren’t infallible either, since they are still staffed with humans, but they are so much better than Western MSM in that they do their own research, send their correspondents to the hottest spots on the planet, they don’t hide the facts and try to speak the truth, based on materials they possess. Furthermore, their biggest agenda is to dispel the lies and bring to light the truth about Russia and other countries, as well as the real truth about the events happening around the globe.

Sure it may be from the Russian perspective, which, in my opinion, is a damn good perspective to have, since Russia The Great Balancer represents the ultimate balance and stability (or lack thereof, when the West tries to destabilize it) on Planet Earth.

Sometimes I hear from my readers that I have a ‘Russian perspective.’ Well, my friends, that’s the most valuable and thought after perspective to have these days, as we are now going through The Great Earth Shift and Russia the Great Balancer is at its forefront. Presently, Russia is dealing with the lopsided chaos created by the West around the world, rebalancing it in a new and revolutionary way. Rest assured, if you are listening to me and my ‘perspective,’ then you’ve got a front row seat for the whole show!

What the Western MSM and the Dark State behind it are mortally afraid of is that the people, in the absence of real news and real truth, will turn to alternative sources. As a result they won’t be able to profit by lies, spins and sensationalism any more. But their fear goes much deeper: the power is slipping out of their hands and they know it. If their best secret weapon, MSM, is out of favor and if Russia can beat them at their own game, what’s next?.. There is a widespread panic in the US/UK/EU establishment.

In our day and age, we have access to much content on the Internet. Russian media outlets do have YT channels and there is some content available with translations. What’s more, the slogan of RT (and that can apply to other reputable Russian sources) is ‘The Truth is the Best Propaganda.’

I sometimes post notable videos and links to reputable sources here on FT. Moreover, I sometimes also post the most interesting intel and deeper meaning articles about Russia. And of course, through FT articles, YouTube videos, Earth Shift Reports and Webinars I always tell you about the important Multidimensional and Earth Shift events we are experiencing.


Meanwhile, the truth and alternative news are being squeezed from all directions. The witch hunt against RT and Russian media outlets, as well as the most reputable alternative news sources, is intensifying on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. So far they are not stooping to removing RT videos and banning RT as a whole. For now it is limited to blocking RT ads, demoting their visibility, cheating them from likes and views, not paying them the money owed, etc. However, less influential media outlets, such as News Front, the best source of truth about Donbass, Ukraine, Novorossia and Crimea, is being banned on YouTube and Facebook. Incidentally, both RT and News Front are on my list of recommended resources.

What recently happened to News Front on YT may happen in the future to RT, Sputnik and Russia-1 as well, and that will be a huge pity and a huge loss for you, my friends, and for all those who rely on English and other Western languages. People like me can get all that in Russian.


The truth is that the Internet is still fully in the hands of the collective West and controlled by the US. Alas, the worldwide web is but an illusion, and it exists only to the extent US wants it to be so.

As we are transitioning into 4th dimension, we have to rely heavily on 4D technology. Internet/ worldwide web is 4D creation, and it’s often controlled by unscrupulous beings. It was supposed to become one of the tools of NWO and globalism, but as I explained to you many times, Russia The Great Balancer stepped in to ruin the globalists’ plans. And the unfortunate side effect? Globalists don’t want free access to worldwide web any more. They now want restrictions.

It’s anti-democratic and violates human rights? Sure it does. But didn’t I tell you: someone else, notably Russia, now has learned to play said game so much better than us. Therefore, we don’t play the democracy game any more in the West, since we can’t win it!

Russia has VK and Odnoklassniki, of course, but they are not nearly as widespread, especially when it comes to English-speaking audiences. I will monitor the situation and tell you when Russia comes up with something better. For now, we stay with Twitter, YT, Facebook, etc., until further notice.


The new round of info war against RT simply shows to the whole world what I’d known for years — there is no freedom of speech in the US/UK/West. There is freedom of speech only when it’s convenient and (this is important!) when it’s safe to do so, in other words, when no one within the West objects to the West’s party line and no one questions the Western lifestyle. How’s that different from the USSR again? At least the USSR was honest about it.

That was the case, ladies and gentlemen, during past Periods 6 and 7, as well as preceding centuries, when it was the Time of the West and when the West could rob other continents to make the life of their own better. Consequently, the population of the Western countries was convinced that definitely and without any doubt, the system existing in the West was superior to others, and therefore, why rebel against something superior?

What is happening also demonstrates that the US and West are deathly afraid. The power is slipping away from them and they don’t know how to hold on to it. The world is changing and The Great Earth Shift is gaining momentum, as we speak.

This is the Time of Russia, and everything Russia does will turn out a win in the end, even if at first it doesn’t look like it.

P.S. Witch hunt and ban? Tried to post my new article link on US #RT witch hunt on #Facebook. Can’t log in, Facebook demands proof that I am me. Facebook is mentioned in my article and looks like they don’t like the truth. Awaiting them ‘to contact me to tell me if I may be authorized’ after all. As you can also see on the right navigation bar, my Facebook Like button has vanished. Facebook is definitely messing with my account.

Listen to the whole story in




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FuturisTrendcast Celebrates First 1 Million+ Visitors! NEWS, FREEBIES, PERKS!

FuturisTrendcast was born in the end of 2013, when the situation in Ukraine began heating up, but Lada Ray truly got immersed in writing for the blog in February 2014. The initial goal was to expose and tell the truth about what was really happening in Ukraine, Donbass and Crimea, and to counter the Russophobic lies of Western MSM and politicians. But FuturisTrendcast continued to expand, and eventually it became a portal revealing our past, present & future — beyond the obvious.

Lada’s ultimate mission is to spread the knowledge of the Multi-Dimensional Universe, including The Earth Shift & Russia The Great Balancer theory, Quantum & Geo Calibrations, Forbidden History and much more. Lada’s goal is to teach the practical application of these theories to everyone who wants to expand their mind and awaken, to all those who want to be the best spiritual and multi-dimensional version of themselves. Lada’s audience are those people who want to look into the future with confidence and deep understanding of the processes that form and shift our world. As a result, Lada’s students become the contemporary Vedics, those who possess true knowledge of the Universe, Mother Earth, humanity and themselves.

This Lada Ray’s mission will continue being promoted through the FuturisTrendcast Blog, as well as through, including Webinars and Earth Shift Report, and through LadaRay YT channel.

That said, we are just warming up! Many more revelations and opportunities to participate are coming up, dear readers! Read on to see what’s being planned!  

In February 2014 FuturisTrendcast counted 10 subscribers and 2,000 visits to the blog. In March 2014, as the word got out, the blog subscription and visitation began to explode. A few days ago FuturisTrendcast cleared the 1 million visitor mark! As of this writing, on the morning of October 5 2017, we have over 1,006,000 visitors (see WP’s automated blog visits counter located on the right-hand side navigation bar, under: BLOG STATS SINCE 2014).

BLOG STATS for Jan 2014-Oct 5, 2017

TOTAL VISITORS as of this writing: 1,006,200+

Number of posts published (including this post): 729

All-time comments approved (before this post): 10,196 (as you know, comment section is moderated and it closes 30 days after each article’s appearance).

So far, this week’s (incl. Mond-early Thursd) top country visits have been from (in descending order): Australia, USA, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Singapore, Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Peru, India, Croatia, Slovenia and Japan.

All time (Jan 2014-Oct 5 2017) top country visits have been from (in descending order): USA (327,773 visits!), Australia (117,278 visits), Canada, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Russia, France, Italy, New Zealand, Malaysia, Brazil, Slovenia, Belgium, Norway, S. Africa.

This is fascinating to know, in my opinion! In the period from 2014 to 2017 visits to the blog came from all countries on our planet, except the following few countries located in Africa: Western Sahara, Mauritania, Chad, Central African Republic, and it appears, also not from the split up part of Sudan, aka, southern Sudan, which isn’t recognized internationally, but is for some reason marked on WordPress map (meanwhile, Pridnestrovie, Crimea, S. Ossetia and Donbass aren’t marked as separate countries — interesting, isn’t it?).

Dear friends,

We want to thank you all for your wonderful continued support and warm encouragement! We appreciate all of you very much, and because of that we have decided to celebrate our first 1 million visitor milestone by offering you some exclusive freebies and gifts. These freebies and gifts will be available only to FuturisTrendcast subscribers during Holiday Season 2017-18.

Lada & Az

In addition to exclusive freebies and gifts, we will be offering exclusive events, starting new and exciting programs, and we can’t wait to tell you all about them!

***Note, if you frequent FuturisTrendcast (FT) but have not subscribed, go to BLOG RULES to read up on how to become our follower/subscriber!


1. Throughout the Holiday Season 2017 I’ll be making some of the Earth Shift Reports FREE. As an FT subscriber, you’ll have exclusive access to these FREE reports. I’ll post FuturisTrendcast announcements which Earth Shift Reports and when will become free!

2. I also have a surprise! I’ve decided to make two of my novelette shorts GREEN DESERT and CATHARSIS, LEGEND OF THE LEMURIANS available FREE exclusively via These are presently sold exclusively on Amazon as ebooks.

3. I’ll also be making some of my existing and upcoming new Feng Shui and Spiritual Rituals available for FREE with a purchase of Lada Ray Consultations and Personal Reports.

4. Who knows, there may be a free spiritual ritual or message in YOUR FREEBIE GIFT BAG this Holiday Season as well!

5. ***I am also considering setting up a small focus group, which will be somewhat like Webinar 5 Q&A, but through a different provider. It will be free. I’ll talk some more about this idea soon — look for FT post in near future!

All of these gifts will be coming to you during autumn-winter 2017-18. Stay tuned for announcements!


Exclusive offer: this Holiday Season Lada will be offering you the signed collectors’ 1st edition paperbacks of THE EARTH SHIFTER, GOLD TRAIN & STEPFORD USA. Stay tuned for pre-order announcements soon!


On November 7, 2017 we are marking the centennial of the Russian Revolution. The debates as to what really happened in 1917 and who was culpable, or who has to be credited, continue. Was the USSR a quintessential ‘evil empire’ or was it a bold and brave experiment into a higher consciousness and better future for humanity? Why did it go wrong, or did everything happen the way it should have? Why and how the USSR was turned into the ultimate boogeyman for the Western sheeple? Are the USSR and communism really gone, or will we see a rebirth on a new level? What are Lada Ray predictions?

What does the new rise or Russia really mean? Who is really Vladimir Putin? Why is he so popular the world over? What is Russia’s destiny in the 21st century? Who really are all those people who today surround Putin, form the Russian government and power structures and what is their true role?

Will Putin run for the next term and what will the outcome of Russian presidential elections 2018 be?

My geopolitical, multidimensional and spiritual perspectives will be included. As usual, everything will be discussed MULTI-DIMENSIONALLY: from the Earth Shift, Russia The Great Balancer and Forbidden History perspectives. All this and much more will be addressed in a series of free and paid events, including FT posts, Lada Ray exclusive interviews and EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS.


Throughout the rest of 2017, all of 2018 and 2019 we will be offering to general public several new series of EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS! We’ll begin recording these cutting-edge webinars soon. Please stay tuned for more announcements!


We are considering offering Certification for all those who complete each series of EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS. There may be a simple test in the end.


I am considering starting a new subscription program via Patreon, offering to patrons lots of additional perks and potential. I am very generous with my time and knowledge, as those who have purchased CONSULTATIONS,  WEBINARS and Earth Shift Reports can attest. However, not all knowledge can be shared publicly, due to psychic and multidimensional attacks.

My patrons will be able to obtain information I am unable to share with general public on FT and YouTube. This program will include exclusive weekly updates, revelations, videos and articles, patrons’ ability to ask questions, focus groups, Q&As, live chats, exclusive sneak peeks, discounts and one-of-a-kind offers. Sponsors and Patrons will be offered many options to suit all budgets, and receive exclusive, once-in-a-life-time rewards, one-on-one interviews and other treasures. This program will be offered soon!

This is a separate topic: negative psychic and dark multidimensional attacks have been relentless. You will hear a similar feedback from others involved in cutting-edge multidimensional Earth Shift work. Some simply can’t cope and opt to drop out and hide out from reality.

We have to spent a lot of time and energy for multidimensional prophylactics and constant protection upgrades. Perhaps one day I’ll share more of what is happening and what dimensions are implicated in trying to prevent me from sharing my message with you all.



is now on sale! This is for all those who have been asking about our anti-chemtrail protection programs! This MP3 is a good start and it includes info-article, Q&A and instructions by Az. More programs for HAARP, EMF and Chembusting are coming!

New LADA RAY CONSULTATIONS PAGE is almost ready. You are welcome to order available consultations (more links will be added soon!).

Stay tuned, don’t go away, so much more coming your way!

We are only warming up! 


Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada

The Virtuoso Music of GOOD Geopolitics: Spasskaya Tower Military Tattoo 2017

Kremlin, entering Red Square. Left: Spasskaya Tower; right: St. Basils

10th Spasskaya Tower Military Tattoo 2017 (Spasskaya Bashnya Festival’ Voennoi Musiki) opened on Moscow’s Red Square on August 26 and it’ll run till September 3. Participants are 30 military and ethnic musician bands, dance and performing groups from 14 countries and EU. Most of the performers are military, but not just. The visionary founder of the festival was the legendary Russian military conductor and composer Gen. Khalilov, who was the artistic director of the Aleksandrov Red Army Choir and who perished together with many of his choir in December 2016, when the plane was sabotaged over Black Sea, en route to Syria.

Participants in this year’s event include military musicians and performers from India, Egypt, Italy, Austria, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Turkey, Russia, and more. The group from Egypt is especially striking in their pharaoh-like outfits. Instead of the military, this time China sent the dancing Taoist monks — another amazing performance. The perma-fixture of the Spasskaya Tower Tattoo are Celtic dancers and pipers, who are international groups comprised of recognized in their field musicians. Some of the performances are truly unique and stunning — check out preview below!

Performances are held every day on Red Square, with the magical backdrop of St. Basils Cathedral and Kremlin’s main Spasskaya Tower. Incidentally, ‘Spasskaya Tower’ means ‘the savior-ess tower,’ and as you see, unlike in English, ‘tower’ (‘bashnya’) is feminine in Russian.

For the occasion, Red Square has been turned into a gigantic outdoor theater. But there are also free daily performances at Moscow train stations and parks. Included are also equestrian shows and competitions, including special competitions for children. Festival website has a schedule:

Why is the Spasskaya Tower Military Tattoo significant? For one, these military musicians showcase their respective countries’ cultural best in a peaceful and productive competition. They also have a number of joint performances, where musicians from different countries play both Russian and international music, together. It requires a great talent and professionalism, not to mention willingness and cooperation, to be able to perform everything from classics to Western pop and Russian music with an orchestra consisting of Celtic pipes, drums and ethnic instruments.

In the previous post we have just seen Bull Fadjen resqued from bullfighting: #5D in action = #Love #Humanity #Compassion.

However improbable it sounds, this is yet another example of how 5D — 5th Dimension — can work. It is very fitting that Russia The Great Balancer shows the world through military music how to make love, not war.

The military of any country should exist strictly for protection, and to help those in need. To save and protect… not to attack. And apparently, also for some high class and uplifting entertainment.

This is the virtuoso music of reasonable and GOOD geopolitics.

Watch this preview, including the highlights of performances from different countries:

Spasskaya Tower Military Tattoo Calibration:

QC: 400 (reason)   CHI: 410 (reason)

Very rare — usually corresponds with high 4D and 5D!

Spasskaya Tower Military Festival’s Soul Dimension: 5D

As always, for full Quantum and Geo Calibrations Scale, full interpretations and examples of all calibrations go to the following resources:


FREE — LadaRayYT – look for my two comprehensive videos explaining entire Quantum Calibration System

Latest calibrations definitions and interpretations are here: Lada Ray Calibrates Earth Shift Webinars: QC, CHI, Soul Dimension and Truth Level






Go to WEBINARS PAGE to order whole 3-Webinar series or individual webinars!


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Why does the West hate Russia so much?

Based on the events of late we are reminded very loudly about the irrationally pathological hatred and fear of the West towards Russia. As many of you know, the new bout of Russophobic hysteria has like a plague taken over the American and European MSM and populace. Russians could be saving orphans in the middle of a war (which incidentally they do), and still made look bad.

It got so bad that Russian President Putin had to address it during recent St. Petersburg Economic Forum. The rudeness of the questions the ‘host’ Megyn Kelly was asking Putin and the PM of India Narendra Modi was only rivaled by her lack of cultural sensitivity and ill-informed stupidity.

I just thought I’d include a very telling comment from FT’s friend Aeyrie. It was written back in May about a different article, but it applies equally today:

Aeyrie | May 13, 2017:  Yes, I remember that. I was aghast, ashamed for their extreme rudeness. Dear God, I thought. I hope the Russian people don’t think we are ALL like that! I wouldn’t blame them if it was so. Our general behavior certainly doesn’t give them much to hope for! It is right for Mr. Lavrov to have, on several occasions, asked reporters where they learned their manners. Those “Ugly Americans” could use some reminding. I have also seen him, when instantly barraged with questions about “Russian meddling” as soon as he walks in a room, just turn about and walk away, exasperated. What possible good could come of engaging in this idiocy one more time?

Thank you for your link to the film yesterday. I have seen that video before but I downloaded and watched it again last night. Most people in the U.S. today know nothing of the Russian character or what they endured to push the Nazis back into Germany during the Great War. When I told someone a few days ago about how Victory Day is celebrated in Russia and of the extreme sacrifices the Russians made, some 27 million of their cherished number, she nearly fell off her chair. She also gained new understanding. That makes the Holocaust look pretty small by comparison, she said. Yes, exactly, said I. And do they go on and on about it? No! They wouldn’t be like that.
Continuing, I told her that there are many other examples of how the Russians have stepped into the breach and gave her a few. We and the rest of the world have much to thank the Russian people for. So why are we being so inexcusably rude to them? How soon we forget, if we ever knew. These things are no longer taught here. Shame on us.


Thanks to Ayerie for her many insightful and heartfelt comments. She always adds a lot to the discussion.

‘We and the rest of the world have much to thank the Russian people for. So why are we being so inexcusably rude to them?’

Aeyrie, this is a millennial question. And it has everything to do with my Earth Shift – Great Balancer theory.

The Western model that we are living under is based on individualism and ‘what’s in it for me.’ There are people who question this model, such as many of my readers. However, the society at large is contented with it. And this is the tragedy of our society. This is exactly the reason humanity is stuck in the never-ending cycle of karma and conflicts.

I’ll give you a small glimpse into the Forbidden History of which very few know and even fewer speak:

A long ago — so long that now it feels as if it never happened — the world lived by the Russian model: the good of all comes first.
This model was rejected in favor of the egotistical, self-centered and profit-driven Western model.

In order to discredit the ancient Vedic Rus model, the Russian view had to be suppressed and Russia had to be made into an archvillain. Sometimes, due to various international circumstances, such as a recurring West’s urge to invade others, the archvillain image had to vary and Russia/Russians were then presented as poor, backwards and unevolved. Russia had to be invaded all the time, don’t you see… The reason for these constant invasions? Why, the destruction of Russia, of course. All this to satisfy the overriding urge by the West to do away with an attractive alternative offered by Russia.

The truly deep-seated reason is that those who pull the secret strings (and all those who happily buy into the russophobic propaganda) want to do away with the Great Balancer. In their gut they always know that it is only Russia – The Great Balancer stands in the way of their globalist plans.

I can tell you right here and now — this isn’t going to happen. The world needs The Great Balancer to keep it spinning; in our 3D reality the yin-yang contrast is the glue that keeps it together, yet only Russia can keep the delicate balance between the two.

The huge problem that concerns me about humans at large is that they never learn. Humans manage to succumb to inferior energy vibrations, resulting in low calibrations so incredibly easily. It is exceedingly rare that the interests of others are considered along with one’s own.

That said, the shoots of the new worldview are trying to make their way to the sun. The egocentric Western model has run its course, but the new cooperative model is trying to emerge in great pains, and with great resistance from the other side, which is doing everything to sabotage it in its infancy.

These are just a few hints of the whole story.  By reader demand: the upcoming 3 EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR SERIES will include a bonus Lada Ray Earth Shift – Great Balancer Theory primer.

THE PUTIN ENIGMA book, on which I’m presently working, will reveal much more.

Go to this post’s comment section for an interesting follow-up discussion

ADDED — thanks to AKAIDA!

‏ @akaider Jun 4
@LadaTweets Russians ‘genetically driven’ to be untrustworthy … #russophobia
James Clapper says Russians ‘genetically driven’ to be untrustworthy — and no one even blinks — RT… The former US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper thinks Russians have some sort of biological predilection to be an untrustworth…

QUOTE: “Take NBC’s comedy show Saturday Night Live. Their go-to Russian character, Olya Povlatsky, played by Kate McKinnon, has regularly crossed the line from comedy into xenophobia. Even the Guardian’s Shaun Walker called out one Olya skit as “veering pretty close to racism.” The segments usually revolve around Olya telling the audience in various ways that everyone in Russia wants to be dead and that the country is a barren wasteland. Jokes involve Olya having no glass in her window frames, living with her ten sisters in one room, sleeping inside the carcass of a dog, wishing a war would come to her village and hoping she gets hit by a meteor or eaten by a bear. Asked whether she’s surprised the Olympics were coming to Russia, Olya says, “I’m surprised ANYONE is coming to Russia!”



Stay tuned for first in the 3 EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR SERIES!



Order ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE (USSR’s past – West’s future)


OR Subscribe to 3 WEBINAR SERIES (ESW 2,3,4)



Due to a technical glitch, looks like the interview will be released a few days later. I’ll let you all know when!



Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada

Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

Lada Ray on Earth’s Light and Dark Energy Portals, Knots and Vortexes

The Wild ’90s: How Russia Was Without Putin (by Nemo)

Yes, Scythians Are Us! (eng subs – translation By Nemo)

SPIEF’17 and PUTIN links:

Putin’s quotes at SPIEF’17: Putin schools Megyn Kelly on Syria, chemical weapons & terrorism

Also listen to PM Modi interview with RT at SPIEF’17: India-Russia cooperation not about arms trade, but about trust – Narendra Modi

Megyn Kelly gets outmaneuvered by Vladimir Putin on her NBC premiere ‘Sunday Night’ — (Silly title – where is Putin and where is M. Kelly, but what do you expect from American MSM)



“I never orchestrated color revolution in Russia” My Twitter exchange with US ex-ambassador McFaul

US ex-ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul (Michael McFaul – Wikipedia), has been complaining on Twitter that he was banned from entering Russia, lamenting that ‘Kremlin has put him on the return sanctions list as Obama’s friend.’ This happened in response to Obama expanding sanctions list against Russians AFTER US ELECTIONS. Basically, Obama, this lamest of the ducks, decided to leave a poison pill, or a time bomb, if you will, for Trump by making as many negative moves against Russia as possible, while he’s still in office. Call him and Democrats sore losers, or something worse… this speaks loudly of what kind of person Obama is.

You know I never respond to this kind of stuff and I never get into fights with anyone on social media. But one of McFaul’s tweets really annoyed me. Here it is:

Nov 12

У меня сотни друзей в России. мне очень жаль, что эти санкции усложнят мое общение с людьми.

Translation: I have hundreds of friends in Russia. It is such a shame that these sanctions will complicate my communication with the people.

To that I replied:

Really? Who needs enemies with such friends. Shouldn’t have tried so hard to orchestrate in .

Michael McFaul replied:

Nov 12   Michael McFaul Retweeted Lada Ray

I never tried to orchestrate color revolution in Russia. .

I replied:

Nov 13

Yes, and really work. You, and should know.

This little exchange generated a minor storm of both pro and con tweets. There was a tweet that implied that ‘Russian people wanted Kiev-style maidan and color revolution against the Kremlin regime.’ Riiight, and this is why Putin’s approval rating is anywhere between 84% and 90%. Another said something to the effect that ‘they are afraid of your very presence in Russia, Michael.’ Because, you know, his very presence can ignite a revolution against the bad Moscow regime, lol.

In other words, the drivel you expect to hear from the sold-out and brainwashed neo-liberal crowd. The funny part is that a lot of these replies came in Russian. Kiev junta shills and Hillary/Soros payroll at work? They don’t get it how pathetic they sound and that their time has passed. They intend to cling to their past privileges for dear life. Pathetic they may be – to me, anyway – but they are still very, very dangerous, and they can cause a lot of damage (we’ll talk more about that in future webinars and articles).

Another tweet said that it was a pity he failed to orchestrate color revolution in Russia – he should have. That specific tweet reply was also in Russian. In other words, such tweets clearly showed WHO are in fact those hundreds of friends McFaul supposedly has in Russia: those who wish Russia ill, who dream of a civil war and the destruction of Russia.

As you know, I don’t promote hate speech and various trolls, so I won’t post the aforementioned tweets. Authors of such tweets were blocked on Twitter.

Meanwhile, others posted the following perceptive tweets:

Krylov Sergey@McFaul @LadaTweets а если бы это было правдой вы бы признались Майкл?

Translation: and if it were the truth, would you have admitted it, Michael?

Zoya Bolgar@McFaul @GeoffPyatt  right

(Lada says: Geoffrey Pyatt is US ambassador to Ukraine, who, together with Nuland, orchestrated Kiev maidan and 2014 coup.)

Brunhilde Brunftig@LadaTweets @McFaul #Crimea a River, Micheal 😀

Виталий Геджашвили:  @McFaul  Не мычи! Это просто смешно, хотел,не хотел ,какая разница, ты людям не нужен живи в Америке @LadaTweets

Translation: Stop whining! This is pathetic: I did, I didn’t, who cares, no one wants you here (in Russia), stay in the US.

Иван Михайлович@McFaul u never tried, or didn’t succeed?)

Lada’s conclusion:

I don’t know Mr. McFaul personally. I can see how he could be a pleasant enough man in the everyday sense. He may even be a good companion. This is not about his, or anyone else’s, personality. Obviously, McFaul has enough charisma to elicit sympathy and fool the sheeple. Therein lies a major danger for us all: if those who possess that charisma choose to use it for evil, they tend to obtain more power than they should. Then they can steer the world in the wrong direction.

Individuals like McFaul and Obama, guided by their warped and harmful view of the world, nearly succeeded in bringing us all to the brink of WWIII. They are known to regularly start wars all over the globe. They have succeeded in pitting two intrinsic parts of the same people, Russians and Ukrainians, against each other. The worst thing: they are not getting what they have done (as Putin put it in his UN speech) – and they never will!

Oh yes, and Mr. McFaul, you may have ‘hundreds of friends in Russia’ who wish Russia’s destruction, but millions of Russians are awake and cannot be fooled. To them, you’ll never be a friend.

Meanwhile in Ukraine:

AKAIDA:  @LadaTweets Scandalous Poll: 84% of Ukrainians want Putin as their president.

Add to that recent presidential elections results in Bulgaria and Moldova, where pro-Russian, pro-their-countries sovereignty presidents just won.

You see, Mr. McFaul, this is what happens when your versions of EU and US begin withdrawing their tentacles and when the aggressive West’s grip on other countries diminishes: the true affinities of the people immediately come through.

Unlike you, Mr. McFaul, I know THOUSANDS of fabulous people in the West, and they all want peace; they don’t want US and EU to interfere in other countries’ affairs; they want to live as friends and cooperative partners with Russia and other countries. They reject your version of the world. The good news, that warped and outdated world of yours is waning, and the new world, based on completely different principles, is emerging.

Dear friends and followers, stay tuned for more on these developments! New books, articles, videos and webinars by Lada Ray coming your way!

I really value your continued fabulous support!

Some closing intel:

Russian ex-economy minister Alexey Ulyukaev, arrested yesterday in Russia on major corruption charges, was, per inside analyst circles, a protege and creation of Michael McFaul, ambassador to Russia 2012-2014. Read my latest: Putin Makes His Move! Russian Economy Minister Alexey Ulyukaev Arrested for Corruption.

And another one: after Trump’s win, McFaul infamously said that the biggest loser of Trump election is Ukraine.

For once I agree, but not Ukraine, Michael. Rather your version of it: the Ukraine Nazi junta that all these Obamas, Nulands, McFauls and Pyatts supported. Ukrainian people will be HUGE winners.



2-Part ADDENDUM TO ESR16 Lada Ray’s final US Election Predictions




Your Personal Feng Shui Empowerment & Success Report by Lada Ray

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Read! Earth Shift System  Quantum Calibrations  Russia-The Great Balancer  Predictions


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Lada Ray’s final US Election Predictions

Is now up!

As a treat for Lada Ray’s FuturisTrendcast and Earth Shift Report followers and YouTube fans, we have prepared a very special ADDENDUM TO EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16, LADA RAY’S FINAL US ELECTION PREDICTIONS!

In it we talk about Lada Ray’s finalized predictions on who will win US Elections, whether there will be violence, whether elections will be falsified, whether Obama will cancel elections, and whether there will be a false flag attack, as FBI has announced. What kind of president will Trump be and will he be able to ‘make America great again?’ Is Trump the ‘American Yeltsin,’ or is he more like Putin? What’s his real role? Is the US following in the footsteps of the USSR on the road to collapse? Finally, Lada’s preliminary timeline and predictions for the USA’s future.

Part 1 – 27 min (also available FREE on YouTube)

Part 2 – 38 min (exclusively donation-based)

If you ordered ESR16 previously, you don’t need to order again – just go to your previously bookmarked report page. Full instructions are in New Hoax about Putin and Russia Dispelled by Lada Ray! (scroll down to ANNOUNCEMENTS).

If you haven’t, order COMPLETE (with ADDENDUM)



Listen to FREE ESR16 ADDENDUM PART 1 on YouTube!

Please like this video on YT and share!


 MP3 for ADDENDUM PART 2 will be posted on ESR16 report page on Sunday, Nov. 6!

Read related articles:

Lada Ray’s First US Presidential Elections Prediction: REVOLT IN REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PARTIES

VERY first Nov. 2015 Lada Ray’s prediction re. democrats losing this US election
Explosive Consequences of Turkey Downing Russian Su-24 Jet in Syria – Complete Analysis and Predictions!

1st Presidential Debate Rigged for Hillary Clinton #riggeddebate #Hillaryshealth #LadaRayPredict


Subscribe to Lada Ray YT Channel!

Support Lada’s FREE articles & reports on FuturisTrendcast & YT: DONATE HERE!



Read! Earth Shift System  Quantum Calibrations  Russia-The Great Balancer  Predictions


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Mass Manchurian Candidate Activation: Latent Russophobia Awakens in the UK

Well, well, we’ve just discussed the latest anti-Russia, anti-Putin hoax by Fulford. In yesterday’s article, New Hoax about Putin and Russia Dispelled by Lada Ray!, I talked about how easy it is to activate the latent Russophobia, absorbed with the mother’s milk by many in the West, thus generating an army of Manchurian Candidates. And here’s yet another demonstration of this phenomenon!

I want to especially note that this is particularly true for young people, those who haven’t lived and who have been completely brainwashed by the US/West propaganda of the last 20-30 years. Older people, who have lived and who remember Cold War, and possibly even WWII, are a lot wiser and harder to subvert.

Notice that UK foreign minister Boris Johnson encouraged the protests and obstruction of the Russian Embassy in London – a complete violation of the diplomatic protocol. Not to mention that UK government seems to officially side with ISIL/Nusra, or whatever new name these terrorist organizations have changed to, in order to escape justice. UK seems to be confidently following in the footsteps of the ukro-nazi Kiev junta.

RT: Russia’s embassy in London has sent a letter to the UK Foreign Office to complain about demonstrators who dumped around 800 mannequin limbs outside the building in protest of Russia’s actions in Syria.

And speaking of Manchurian Candidates and latent Russophobia, please recall that in Earth Shift Report 12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU (BREXIT, etc.) I said that Boris Johnson didn’t strike me as particularly trustworthy or true, despite his Brexit activism. I also said that BREXIT will be delayed and made look like it’s happening, while its sabotage will take place. Listen to ESR12 predctions report:

1 predictions ESR12

For all about Syria and Russia’s real role there read


We’ll continue discussing whether any new government in the US, UK or elsewhere in the West, is for real and wants real change. Can the new US president execute real change the people crave?

As a treat for my Earth Shift Report contributors, listeners & readers, I am preparing a very special




is coming out in a few hours, tonight, November 4!



In it we’ll talk about my finalized predictions on who will win, whether there will be violence, whether elections will be falsified, whether Obama will cancel elections, whether there will be a false flag attack, as FBI has announced. Last but not least, what kind of president will Trump be and whether he will be able to ‘make America great again.’

If you ordered ESR16 previously, you don’t need to order again – just go to your previously bookmarked report page. Full instructions are in New Hoax about Putin and Russia Dispelled by Lada Ray! (scroll down to ANNOUNCEMENTS).




Dying Western Neo-Liberalism and EU Revolt against Russian Sanctions


In the previous post All Putin Speech/ Q&A videos at Valdai Forum 2016 in Sochi in one place (Eng)  I shared with you Vladimir Putin’s speech and remarks at the Valdai Discussion Forum 2016 in Sochi.

Out of various Putin’s remarks, this is the one that stuck out for me.

The former president of Finland, Tarja Halonen, who on the video (click on All Putin Speech/ Q&A videos at Valdai Forum 2016) sits on Putin’s right (in gray suit), in her speech remarked that the bells of Finland toll for the killed children of Aleppo. Putin’s response: sorry they toll only for Aleppo; what about the killed children of Mosul (LR: Bombed as we speak by the US-led coalition, where the humanitarian catastrophe is horrendous, per reports. And indeed, where was Finland’s compassion when the children of Iraq, Libya, Serbia and Afghanistan were dying under the US and EU bombs? What about all those poor children being killed by US and Saudi strikes in Yemen?)

In other words, the hypocrisy of the Western, blindly double standard, neo-liberal mentality is clearly visible in this example – one of very many. The amazing thing is that Tarja Halonen seriously thinks that she’s saying the right and honorable thing, while the double standards and the blinders on her eyes are glaringly obvious to anyone who has eyes. And the sad thing is that she isn’t the worst kind of Western politician. She actually wants some sort of dialogue and cooperation with Russia, at least from Finland’s economy survival standpoint. She tries to reach out and make some sort of feeble steps towards Russia.

In truth, Finland certainly has a closer and more profitable relationship with Russia than most. Finland was for years a part of the Russian Empire, and it received independence from the hands of Lenin after the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution, whose 99th anniversary we’ll be marking in a few short days, on November 7, 2016.

A side note about Russian Revolution

Next year we’ll be marking a milestone of 100 years for this important and controversial event, that shook the world and changed the global map in the 20th century. I’ll talk about the TRUE meaning and consequences of both 1917 Russian revolutions next year. You may be shocked to discover a lot of things you never suspected – and it’s NOT what the Western ‘gurus’ who have no idea what they are talking about, tell you. Stay tuned for the REAL TRUTH!

Back to Finland and EU

Finland always profited from its ‘in between’ status. During the Cold War it was used as an intermediary between Russia and the West. Even when Russia’s trade with the West was on the fritz, Finnish agricultural products were in abundance in Russia (I recall that from my childhood).

As to the Tarja Halonen remark, you simply don’t say a silly thing like that to Putin, otherwise you’re just begging to get the answer you deserve. Putin’s too sharp to let the silliness slide. (Same applies to me, incidentally, so be careful.)

The problem is, these poor Western politicians have been put in such straight jacket by their life-time of Manchurian Candidate training and neo-lib brainwashing that even if Tarja Halonen understood that saying what she said makes her a laughing-stock, she’d still be obliged to say it because otherwise she’d get crucified by her Transatlantic bosses and Finnish MSM for not bringing it up. And that could affect adversely her ‘speaking’, ‘consulting’ and book publishing fees, which for Western ex-presidents is a way to get a nice kick-back in return for being good US vassals.

Another recent example of how it gets them in trouble: look what happened with French President Hollande after he wasn’t sure whether he should, or shouldn’t, meet with Putin. Putin cancelled his French visit, following which Hollande received a major backlash from his own electorate and MSM, making him un-electable in next election. I discussed the Hollande gaffe in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 15: PUTIN’S PLUTONIUM ULTIMATUM TO THE US.

Examples of something positive happening in the EU abound! The people are slowly, but surely, awakening, questioning the old paradigms and the usual Western BS. And this is just the beginning.

The signs of the awakening are visible in both US and Europe. We spoke about the US electorate rebellion in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER

Recently, Italy led a revolt in the EU against new Syria anti-Russian sanctions. US/Obama/Biden tried to push the new round of sanctions with all their might for a month. Finally, EU bureaucrats and heads of state gathered to adopt them. The three countries proposing sanctions within the EU were: UK, France an Germany. There was, as they originally announced, every intention to adopt a new round of sanctions.

Suddenly, Italian PM Matteo Renzi vetoed them, supported by several other states (Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Slovakia and Spain – I hope I didn’t miss anyone).

Brexit and UK side note:

Incidentally, notice how tight the post-Brexit UK is with Germany and France. As if nothing happened. The Brexit negotiations have been postponed once, then again. Believe me, they’ll find ways to postpone them once more. Now recall my prediction made in ESR 12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU (BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts). I specifically said that regardless of the referendum result, UK, US and EU will find ways to swindle electorate and postpone the actual UK exit out of the EU. What I predicted was that ‘they’ll make it look as if UK exited EU, but in reality they’ll keep it in for as long as possible.’ I also identified the time frame: at least until after Russian Presidential Elections 2018. If they can, they’ll drag it out longer.

In other words, yet another LADA RAY PREDICTION is coming true!

See more 2016 predictions 

Click PREDICTIONS to read most of Lada Ray predictions from 2012 – 2015 

Those who don’t believe or ‘like’ my ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER PREDICTIONS – I can’t make you. However, as in all those previous instances, just wait and see what happens AFTER! But afterwards, be honest enough to admit I was right – yet again!

Oh yes, just recalled my other prediction:

The revolt against the US will intensify close to US elections; various countries and their leaders will suddenly find the courage they never had – in the period of several months preceding US elections. This is due to the fact that Obama is a lame duck and no real recourse (aka, revenge for disobedience) from US will be forthcoming, plus, due to the Trump phenomenon and the hope that the new president would be different. It’s a certain risk, but it’s still the best time to rebel and try to distance your country from the US, as its grip on its vassals has been the loosest for a long time. As we see, this is indeed what’s happening now. Remember the Philipines Duterte’s rebellion? And now also the EU rebellion.

All this confirms my predicted rickety chair effect type of change, which is a part of the Great Earth Shift. The rickety chair effect and how it works is described in ESR 12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU (BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts) and in ESR9: Atack on Kazakhstan: Who destabilizes Eurasian Union?


A slow and tedious change – NOT a quick, revolutionary, and relatively easy change – this is the theme for at least the next 3-4 years, possibly until 2021-22. In 2017, I’ll talk about how it’ll really work (NOT how all kinds of Western ‘gurus’ have predicted) and why it won’t be quick and simple.

If you want to hear all this and find out where our common Planet Earth is really heading, in other words, if you are after the REAL TRUTH, REVELATIONS and GENUINE PREDICTIONS, please support and follow me!

Disclaimer: Sorry, my work is not for those who are after sensationalism and fairytales!

Back to today’s topic:

After Italy and others’ revolt, in order to safe face, EU had to say that they really never meant to pass those new sanctions; that there were no definitive proposals from anyone… really.

It helps that Italian business is crying bloody murder due to anti-Russian sanctions. Italy is second only to Germany in its sanctions-related losses. Italian business people have been pushing for the removal of anti-Russian sanctions for over 2 years. Five regional Italian parliaments adopted their own resolutions recognizing Crimea as part of Russia, and began doing brisk business with Crimea, bypassing the EU laws. This effectively means that Italy stands to benefit most after sanctions are off. All the best business deals with Russia will already be theirs when the rest of EU countries finally are allowed by their ‘democratic’ regimes to do business with Russia.

Meanwhile, while EU is suffering the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions through the shrinking bilateral EU-Russia trade, US-Russia trade increased in the past two and a half years, despite the US-initiated sanctions.

EU, however under the US thumb it is, finally grasped a simple fact that in succumbing to US pressure, they got the short end of the stick. The rebellion is brewing. After the Italian revolt, Czech President Miloš Zeman announced that it was time to create a coalition against sanctions and to restore relations with Russia. Speaking to Czech farmers, who are some of the worst affected by sanctions, Zeman generated a storm of applause when he announced that he was ready to spear-head the coalition of EU states against the sanctions and asked other willing EU countries to side with him.

Perhaps, this will become the ‘coalition of the willing’ redefined: a true ‘coalition of the willing’?

EU revolt against anti-Russian sanctions:


Yep, the revolt is brewing. The longer these fork-tongued EU bureaucrats and US Manchurian Candidates (Federica Mogherini, Hollande, Merkel, UK elites, Polish US vassals) ignore it, pretending it doesn’t exist, the worse will the outcome for them be.

Recommended corroborating article by Strategic Culture: Europe Revolts Against Russian Sanctions.

Read and listen to these important EARTH SHIFT REPORTS, explaining everything further!


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Read! Earth Shift System  Quantum Calibrations  Russia-The Great Balancer  Predictions

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All Putin Speech/ Q&A videos at Valdai Forum 2016 in Sochi in one place (Eng)

Putin’s speech at Valdai Club Conference in Sochi (short version)

US ‘Banana Republic’ remark from Putin’s speech:

Live Putin’s speech at Valdai Club Conference in Sochi (full version): LINK

Related: Putin about ‘unbelievable idiots’ who organized energy blockade of Crimea

Putin’s Q&A at Valdai Club Conference in Sochi:

Read and listen to these important EARTH SHIFT REPORTS, explaining everything further:






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Now live & available!

New release October 21, 2016

Lada Ray’s EXCLUSIVE interview with The Plane Truth host, Paul Plane! 
(This is MP4/MP3 audio-video report)




NOTE! FREE version of PART 1 will be posted on LADA RAY YOUTUBE CHANNEL on Saturday, October 22. Please feel free to share it via social media links!


Intro and topics

Welcome to Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Report 16: US ELECTIONS AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER. Earth Shift Reports (ESRs) are supported exclusively by reader donations. Your donation is used to continue delivering FREE content on FuturisTrendcast, site and Lada Ray YouTube channel.

ESRs address the hottest and most important global topics of this decade and millennium: geopolitical analysis, exclusive intel, clandestine ops, explosive truth, plus Lada Ray’s sought after predictions!

We are pleased to welcome Paul Plane, host of Time Monk Radio show, THE PLANE TRUTH. In this exclusive interview Paul asks Lada poignant questions to reveal the truth, especially for the Earth Shift Report 16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER! 

Topics Summary:

The rebellion of the US electorate and clash of US elites.
Why Bernie Sanders caved in and did he really mean to win?
Who is Hillary Clinton and whose interests does she represent?
Spiritual Geopolitics: Clinton scandals and illnesses as manifestations of her tortured soul and major soul loss.

Who is Donald Trump and whose interests does he represent?
Why are Putin and Russia such big topics during these US elections?
Did Russians really hack DNC emails?
The Kremlin agent? Does Trump really have Russian connection?

Third parties and the outdated US electoral system.
Can this system be changed?
Is there a chance of a US civil war?

How and why Trump really got on top, despite fierce resistance?
How his rise reflects the discontent of the US electorate and desire to be friends with Russia.
What to expect from Hillary should she win?
What to expect from Trump and will he really be that different? 
Can we expect a breakthrough improvement in US – Russia relations should Trump win the presidency?
Who will win these elections – Lada’s explosive predictions.
Last, but not least: exclusive Lada Ray’s Quantum Calibrations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with interpretations. How these calibrations reflect the essence of each candidate and their prospects.

Topics in order of discussion:


1. The rebellion of the US electorate. Rebellion within Democratic and Republican parties.

2. The clash between two opposing camps of the US and global elites. Why it’s happening and why the clash will be intensifying.

3. Bernie Sanders, and why he caved in to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump, and why he won nomination.

4. Is US really the NWO pointman and how NWO headquarters moved to the US. What about European elites and what is the future of Western-based NWO project?

5. Hillary Clinton as NWO-based US elites chosen candidate. Why do they hang on to her despite all her health and email problems.

6. Lada Ray’s Spiritual Geopolitics and Quantum Calibrations: Hillary’s health issues as manifestations of her ailing soul and soul loss. How her soul is rebelling against her many crimes and lies.

7. Why Putin and Russia are such big topics in these US Elections? Why Hillary and her camp accuse Trump of being ‘the Kremlin’ or ‘KGB’ agent? Did Russians really hack the emails and are they behind Wikileaks disclosures? Why such hysteria?


1. The outdated US Electoral College system, and the needed change. Can the system really be fixed? PREDICTIONS.

2. Hillary vs. Trump prospects for winning the elections.

3. What to expect from Hillary Clinton should she win. Whom does she really represent? Does Hillary really want to start World War III?

4. Who is really Donald Trump and whom he represents.

5. Why are there so many violent protests against Trump rallies? Who’s behind them and why.

6. Why Trump really got to the top, despite fierce resistance of the elites within his own party. How it reflects the overall US discontent. How it reflects the desire of many Americans to be friends with Russia and the admiration towards Putin.

7. A billion dollar question: will Trump really be that different? Can we expect a breakthrough improvement in US – Russia relations, should Trump win presidency?
Will he really be the one who will ‘make American great again’? Or is the future path predetermined? PREDICTIONS.

8. In 2015 and early 2016 I predicted that “democrats will lose this election,’ yet I didn’t name Trump as the winner. Why didn’t I? Do I still think democrats will lose? Will Trump then win? PREDICTIONS.

9. Revealing Quantum Calibrations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – and their interpretation. What do they tell us about each candidate and their chances of winning. What do they tell us about what kind of presidents they may be?


Report Stats: ESR16 is an exclusive Lada Ray interview by Paul Plane, host of the Time Monk Radio show THE PLANE TRUTH. It is a 2-part MP4 video report, with bonus MP3 audio added for your convenience.
Part 1 MP4 will also be posted FREE on Lada Ray YouTube (up Saturd. 10/22/16) – this FREE part can be shared via social media links.
Part 2 MP4 and Part 1 & 2 MP3 are available exclusively via a donation (please click on donate button above and you’ll be directed to the whole report)! 

Entire report-interview length: 2 hrs 13 min.
Part 1 length 50 min, Part 2 length: 1 hr 23 min



To listen/watch go to:






Dear readers,

Due to the time sensitive intel and fast-evolving events, I am releasing two Earth Shift Reports one after another. Most likely these are the last two ESRs this year and I’ll let you catch up reading and listening to them at your convenience.

ESR15: PUTIN’S PLUTONIUM ULTIMATUM TO THE US and ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER contain some of the most important deep intel and predictions you’ll ever be able to read or listen to, and I promise they’ll be entertaining, too!

Reports, as usual, are donation-based and we do not set a specific amount, appreciating that different people have different financial circumstances. If you want to support ( Ray YT channel and Lada’s work, this is your best chance this year!

As always, thank you for your continued support, intelligent comments, and generous donations! I couldn’t do it without you!

Additional donations: SUPPORT at


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Latest update to earlier URGENT ALERT!

Paypal is now back up! Please donate and access ESRs as usual! Any problem accessing the report after donating, please email us and we’ll promptly email you direct link! Thank you for your wonderful continued support and patience!

It was a possible false flag. It’s totally gloves-off, and as discussed in ESR16 & ESR15, the fight will only continue getting uglier in view of the US Elections! What’s happening is making my Earth Shift Reports even more timely. Don’t miss them!

Maddie @ 1EarthUnited has an urgent post about this: READ HERE!


Now live and available!




(Written report)



Dear readers,

Due to the time sensitive intel and fast-evolving events, I am releasing two Earth Shift Reports one after another. Most likely these are the last two ESRs this year and I’ll let you catch up reading and listening to them at your convenience. Don’t let the fact that all this info is released so closely together deter you. ESR15 and ESR16 contain some of the most important deep intel and predictions you’ll ever be able to read or listen to (see ESR16 announcement below). And I promise they’ll be entertaining, too! 

Reports, as usual, are donation-based and we do not set a specific amount, appreciating that different people have different financial circumstances.

If you want to support FuturisTrendcast, Lada Ray YT channel and Lada’s work, this is your best chance this year!

As always, thank you for your continued support, intelligent comments, and generous donations! I couldn’t do it without you! 

Additional donations: SUPPORT at



The heart of this report is the story of Putin’s Plutonium Ultimatum to the US. This is one of those stories that have been shunned by the Western press and politicians, despite its global significance.

The reason it has been shyly avoided is because the US has no idea how to respond and they are afraid that by acknowledging it, they’ll vividly demonstrate to the world their intrinsic weakness. In other words, they are deathly afraid the world will finally get it that the king is naked. Not only that, they are extremely afraid that this will diminish the chances of the chosen NWO and US elites candidate Hillary Clinton and give a new boost to Donald Trump.

As a result, even though the Plutonium Ultimatum has been widely discussed and analysed in the Russian in-the-know and laymen circles, it is a total hush-hush and a complete unknown to the Western public. Out of sight out of mind, close your eyes, pretend the new reality isn’t there and pray it all goes away: this seems to be the new childish tactic of the US and EU elites, who are way over their heads in the new shifting reality, as control they have taken for granted slips out of their hands, while they have no idea how to react.

The Plutonium Ultimatum story is very important and indicative of the unfolding Earth Shift and the rebalancing of global power. But this is just the beginning and hardly the only story in this report. Equally important to the future of the world, and equally silenced are the stories that are intrinsically connected to it. In Earth Shift Report 15 we will also discuss the following.

1. The Plutonium Ultimatum has its continuation: the deliberately unrealistic and therefore mocking demands by Russia follow – on par with the openly unrealistic, mocking accusations and sanctions US/EU implements towards Russia because of Ukraine and Syria.

2. But Putin’s ultimatum goes further, and this is crucial to know for anyone residing in the US: I explain how Russia can, if so desired, leave the USA without electric power, and in complete darkness.

3. I further explain why Russia is to begin supplying S-300 anti-missile anti-aircraft systems to the Syrian government, which was impossible to imagine just recently due to pleas of neighboring governments not to change the balance of power in the region. The S-300 anti-missile systems have begun arriving. What are the Russian S-300 and S-400 systems? Why are they so feared that governments stand in line to purchase them and others beg not to supply them to neighbors?

4. Why Russia is building a new Naval base in Syria. Why Russia is returning to the Soviet bases in Egypt, Vietnam and Cuba. And this is just the beginning – more to follow.

5. Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu announced that in response to USA’s playing with fire and moving troops and weapons towards Russian borders, Russia will have a base right next to the US borders as well. Shoygu left it at that, and it made US generals go into a panic mode, inquiring whether the betraying Mexico or Canada (LOL) opened their territory to Russians. I’ll reveal the ingenious Russian plan.

6. All these events are interconnected. How it all began: the true facts and secret intel about the real reasons for the US bombing of the Syrian army and the underlying reason for Russia’s retaliation with Kalibr cruise missiles against the US Field Operations Room near Aleppo. Lots of crucial, brand new intel from my deep sources you haven’t heard before!

7. It goes further: Russian Defence Ministry’s newest intel on the provocation with the bombing of the Aleppo ‘humanitarian UN convoy.’ What really happened and why this false flag was needed.

8. This report also includes the newest from Turkey: despite the US pressure, Russia and Turkey signed the Turkish Stream deal, in addition to a whole slew of energy deals, which will re-draw the map of the energy balance in the Middle East, Eurasia, and the world.

In this segment we’ll discuss why the US was shunned at the World Energy Summit in Ankara, why Erdogan received Russian President Putin as the guest of honor, and why Saudis and Qataris suddenly prefer to talk to Russia (incidentally, per my prediction in prior Earth Shift Reports).

The consequences of the US/Canada painful shale industry fail, and what will happen with oil prices.

9. As usual, I will connect all the seemingly separate dots and give you my original take on the whole story. The escalation of tensions is the result of crazy and inadequate behavior of the US and its allies. They even managed to drag into the fray the poor silly French President Hollande, no doubt by threatening him in the upcoming 2017 French Elections. As a result of a spat with Putin, Hollande endured excruciating criticism from his own country: the right-wing and French MSM crucified him for damaging relations with Russia and making France a laughing stock. In this regard, recall my 2012 prediction that Hollande will fail to cater to the wishes of his electorate and that he’ll likely lose the next French elections! (See PREDICTIONS.)

10. The full picture analysis includes the connection to the US November 2016 Presidential Elections. But that’s not all! The story has an equally big connection to the Russian Presidential Elections of 2018. Read about it, as well.

However, the main discussion about both Russian and US Elections will happen in future reports. We’ll begin discussing the Russian Elections 2018 as we approach them in 2017. US Elections are the topic of ESR16 (see more below).

11. Why Putin is in such demand.

Putin at the BRICS Summit in Goa and the historic signing of the S-400 deal with India. Why there is such an exclusive club of those who possess the coveted S-300 and S-400.


Why US bombed Syrian Army, killing 82. Did Russia really retaliate by sending 3 Kalibr missiles to destroy the US Field Operations Room, and why? The real reason why US, UK, France and others are so furious.

False flag explained: Who and why bombed the UN humanitarian Convoy to Aleppo.

Libya 2.0? Is no-fly zone in Syria possible? Why Russia sent the anti-missile air-defence S-300 systems to Syria.

What is Putin’s plutonium ultimatum & Russia’s bold demands. Why US can under no circumstances fulfill these demands. The true Plutomium story – why is it so important?

Subsequent freeze of most Russia-US nuclear cooperation. How Russia, with one move, can plunge US into darkness.

Are US and UK turning into big Ukraines? US and UK threaten Russia with war? Is there a threat of new ‘Syria’ anti-Russian sanctions? Why US needs new round of sanctions now and what will EU do?

Putin cancels visit to France – what does it mean? France as a laughing stock? Hollande’s last days as president? Why Merkel picked up the torch: Putin, Hollande, Poroshenko for tea in Berlin?

Connection to the US Elections 2016 and Russian Elections 2018.

Putin at the BRICS Summit in Goa and signing of the historic S-400 deal with India.

Russia announces the new Russian naval base in Tartus. Sergey Shoigu negotiations for the reopening the Soviet base in Egypt. Putin announces possible reopening of Soviet bases in Cuba and Vietnam. Russia will build a base just a few kilometers from the US territory? Where will that be?

The World Energy Summit in Ankara & Russia-Turkey breakthroughs.
The Turkish Stream deal, Akkuyu Gen 5 nuclear power plant, the entire Turkish energy overhaul.
Erdogan’s debt to Putin and how it will be repaid.
Why USA has been shunned at the World Energy Summit.

Return to the 2014 tensions? New Cold War? WWIII on the horizon? What do the new direct threats of war by the US and UK mean? Will US risk direct confrontation with Russia?
Lada Ray view and predictions.

To read this report go to 







Stay tuned for



The main discussion about the US Elections will be next week, when I’ll release Earth Shift Report 16, dedicated to this globally important event and its consequences. ESR16 will be in the form of a two part EXCLUSIVE interview. I am pleased to announce that especially for this report, I’ll be interviewed by our favorite Paul Plane, the host of the Time Monk Radio’s show The Plane Truth.

You can listen to our past interviews on Lada Ray YT channel: scroll down to Lada Ray Interviews playlist.

Paul has been moving to another country and was unavailable for a while. I am thrilled to have him on. This is going to be a very interesting interview – don’t miss it!

Release date: Thursday, October 20, 2016!


And more great news!

I am being interviewed by my other favorite alternative radio host, James Bartley. My new Cosmic Switchboard interview will come out next Friday, October 21.



Lada Ray YT channel



Moldova Elections: US Will Do Everything to Keep Anti-Russian Government

Moldova elections

Later in October 2016 Moldova will be voting for a new president. The confident leader of the presidential race is Igor Dodon, whose party stands for integration with Russia and Moldova’s membership in the Customs Union (as they still call it in Moldova – in reality it’s now Eurasian Union). Preliminary polls give Dodon 38.3% of votes. Very distant second and third are two pro-EU, or better described as pro-Romania-absorption and anti-Moldavia-sovereignty, parties with 13% and 12.5% respectively.

People are very unhappy with the government and mass protests have never stopped since 2014, when it was first discovered that government stole $1bln from the coffers and laundered it abroad. However, the present government is propped up by the US and Romania, who continue indicating they’ll do anything to keep it in power. The main reason they are so keen on keeping outright thieves in power is the same as always: they are anti-Russian.

A brief report about Moldova elections and protests, by RT (Rus)

How Dodon was swindled out of his previous victory:

I wrote about history, today’s reality and prospects of Moldova and nearby Pridnestrovie, as well as the political conundrum prevalent in those parts, in several past articles on FT. The entire spread is described in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT. I also did an educational video report on Moldova and Pridnestrovie. Links to these are at the bottom of this post.

Pro-Russian Dodon’s Party of the Socialists won previous parliament elections, but was swindled out of its win via a formation of a pro-West coalition. The situation was complicated by the fact that anti-Russian parties, financed by Romania, US and EU, ganged up on Dodon. Another complication was, and continues being, that the pro-Moldova sovereignty and pro-Russia forces are fractured. Further and wider rift among those forces was successfully generated by pro-West and oligarchic forces through paid agents and through CIA intervention. Honestly, the whole story reads like a thriller (and you can read it in ESR8 below).

Old right vs. left stigma – Lada Ray sound advice for those who want to hear it!

Incidentally, I notice that many still operate under the old stigma wherein the world is divided on ‘left’ vs. ‘right.’ Within this stigma a label, such as ‘left’ vs. ‘right’, socialist vs. conservative reign supreme.

I strongly recommend those who still hold this stigma to drop it, in order to avoid much disappointment and confusion in the future. Those were 20th century constructs, and much of what they used to describe doesn’t work any more. These are really constructs designed to lure in the gullible dupes and keep them within a matrix of false reality.

If a very conservative Trump is pro-Russia, if Hungarian right-winger Orban and French right-winger Marine Le Pen are pro-Russian too, how do you reconcile that with the fact that the left-wing German Die Linke and Greek Syriza are equally pro-Russian? How do you explain such phenomenon under the outdated left vs. right stigma? Or take the only honest Ukrainian politician left Natalia Vitrenko, leader of the banned Progressive Socialist Party, of whom I wrote in the previous post.

At the same time, how do you explain the supposed ‘liberals’, whom some silly confused dupes even call ‘communists,’ Obama and Hillary Clinton, being rabidly Russophobic?

Here’s the truth, of which I wrote previously:

1. Old stereotypes don’t work any more – throw them out!

2. Each country is very different in how they consider someone left-wing or right-wing and each country’s politics and politicians need to be taken on their own merits.

3. Most importantly, forget the outdated political labels! The new criteria are: what does this or that party or individual think about Russia, Eurasian Union, China, NATO, US aggression and sole super-power status, to name a few.

My advice, don’t go by old stereotypes and what someone wrote in some book. Go by what a party or individual really stand for. Otherwise, you’ll always be behind the curve.

Back to Moldova:

Last year, Victoria Nuland predictably left her visible trace when during a secret night meeting in Romania she and Romanian top brass picked the new Prime Minister of Moldova, who was then illegally approved under the cover of the night by the Kishinev marionettes. When the population found out about that scheme, the country became engulfed in mass protests.

Couple that with the fact that several months prior, $1 billion – 5th of this poor and tiny country’s budget – was stolen and laundered offshore by powers that be. The country of 3mln+ citizens is bleeding not only money, but also population. At least 700,000, possibly up to a million, Moldavians work and live in Russia; plus 300,000 in Romania and EU. Essentially, half of the country prefers, or has no choice but, to live abroad to make ends meet. Many in this poor country still make only $5 a day.

These presidential elections will be equally divisive. Pro-EU parties continue pushing for euro-integration at all cost. Romania wants to swallow Moldova’s territory very badly, and it doesn’t care about consequences. US supports Romania’s aggressive ambitions because there is one overriding goal US has in this region: create as much turmoil as possible in the Black Sea region, which will continue destabilizing the fringes of EU and Russia.

No, make that two goals! Another one is the oldest in the book: weaken and destroy Russia.

Of course, just like in the case of neighboring Ukraine, neither US nor Romania think of the people. IF Romanian annexation of Moldova ever went through, this would mean a civil war, much worse than the civil war in Donbass. Parts of Moldova will secede for sure. But while US can hide out from this war behind the big pond, Romania is right there. The foolish Romania would be hit by this civil war much stronger than it realizes.

Presently, as I predicted in my past Moldova writings, the country manages to balance in a relative equilibrium of forces. Moldova is currently a smaller and more peaceful reflection of Ukraine. In 1990-92 there was a brutal civil war, when joint Romanian-Kishinev forces attacked the breakaway Pridnestrovie. After Russian UN-mandated intervention and warning, the war was stopped and the lesson was seemingly learned. As a result, the overall distribution of forces in present day Moldova is healthier than in present day Ukraine.

My past predictions about Moldova are materializing:

As predicted since 2014, a relative uneasy equilibrium exists now between pro-Russian and anti-Russian forces. I previously said that this uneasy equilibrium will continue at least till 2016-17, possibly until 2018.

All about the real history of Moldova, Romania and Pridnestrovie, Moldova elections, mass protests, how $1 bln, or 1/5th of Moldova’s budget, was stolen from the banks, how Nuland was secretly appointing the country’s PM (remember how she was appointing Ukraine PM in 2014?), and much, much more… Read:



My video:


The REAL TRUTH and real people of Donbass and Ukraine in my last post: Solo Warriors vs. Kiev Junta! Check it out.





#EarthShift at work: #Philippines Prez Duterte defects US for #China #Russia (#LadaRayPredictions)

Slowly, but surely, The Great Global Balancer is rebalancing our formerly severely lopsided world away from the US Empire. Slowly but surely, the former hegemon is loosing its grip on former colonies and vassals. The latest and pretty resounding defection is the Philippines.

This is the reason US elites are so confused and not sure how to proceed, this is the reason the in-fighting among US elites will continue intensifying, as I explain in my latest Earth Shift Report 11: 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS. Listen to Free Part 1 on YT. Order complete ESR11 HERE.

Incidentally, stay tuned for some really great future shows we plan on China and Hong Kong, Japan and Asia in general, as well as Russia’s & USA’s prospects with Asian countries!

RT VIDEO: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has reiterated his intention to distance his country from the US, its former colonial master, saying he is about to pass “the point of no return” with the US.

Another recent semi-defection to Russia is Turkey. A key NATO ally in the Middle East, Black Sea and Russia’s soft underbelly, the loss of Turkey is devastating and irreparable to the US/NATO plan to build a new Iron Curtain between Russia and Europe. The problem of Turkey won’t just go away, contrary to how much US hopes it will. I wrote about all that at length in my recent top-rated bestseller ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR (read TESTIMONIALS).

  1. We don’t care if Americans approve of our close ties w or not: ex-prez:  READ:

The process of defections is just beginning, so hold on to your seat and prepare to be awed! As The Great Global Balancer rebalances the world to a new reality, the wisest rats will be abandoning the sinking ship and countries will be looking for greener pastures.

The Great Earth Shift is underway! Be ready, be prepared!



Read! Earth Shift System  Quantum Calibrations  Russia-The Great Balancer  Predictions

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Lada Ray’s newest, jam-packed with rare & important intel

Earth Shift Report 11



is now live & available on!

(MP4/MP3 Video/Audio, plus written factual summary)


Why after ESR14, did we go back to ESR11?

If you recall, I have saved ESR10 and ESR11 for Russia-related reports. ESR10: THE CRIMEA FACTOR is coming soon. This is ESR11: THE IMPORTANCE OF 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS.

Why previously ESRs were primarily written and why ESR11 is done in a radio show style?

I have been a prolific writer for years. Unfortunately, as a result of continued stress on my hands, I now have the famous condition of all painters, typists and writers, called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The most famous Carpal Tunnel Syndrome sufferer was Michelangelo, who had to tie his arm in order to finish painting the Sistine Chapel‘s ceiling. I guess you could say I am in good company. Presently, I have to go easy on typing. I can type smaller pieces, but a huge ESR is impossible for now, until my hand gets much better.

Therefore, in order to deliver all this urgent and crucially important intel to you all, I presently must transition to speaking. When god closes one door, he opens another, which usually is a blessing in disguise. This is the Universe’s way of telling me to move on to something bigger and better. I always wanted to do more video and audio content, so this is my opportunity to expand and grow. This doesn’t mean that written ESRs or articles are going away. Not at all! But in order to continue keeping my usual output pace, I will just have to learn to balance them with more spoken pieces, reports and interviews.

I also think that more info can be delivered faster through speaking. Therefore, I believe we all have a lot to be looking forward to!


Report summary


For Lada Ray’s new listeners and followers: what is EARTH SHIFT REPORT (ESR) and where to find it? (LADARAY.COM, aka


Throughout PART 1 & PART 2 the main focus of ESR 11: the Russian Elections of September 18, 2016 

This report includes crucial info on 2016 Russian Elections, including analysis of who won, who lost, how everything was organized and all most notable parties and political forces involved. I will give you the whole spread on various pro-West and opposing patriotic movements in Russia.

This report includes the inside intel you won’t find anywhere else. What is the secret of United Russia’s success and how it upset the apple cart by introducing revolutionary methods and 60% deputy turnover. Why Communists and Fair Russia lost votes? Why Zhirinovsky’s LDPR gained? Why is there a rift within pro-Russian, patriotic parties, and why anti-Russia pro-West parties completely lost voter support.

The most transparent and technologically advanced elections ever. New Elections Chief Ella Pamfilova, Natalia Poklonskaya and a big wave of Russian women in power. Mystery revealed: Why more women are being elected and why Russians don’t do feminism.

Numbers and facts: turnout and seats distribution; how the new, more equitable electoral system works. Russian Elections by region. Far East to Crimea to Moscow and Kaliningrad. Chechnya and Ramzan Kadyrov: why the highest turnout of 84% was in Chechnya and how Kadyrov was re-elected.

What United Russia’s regained Duma constitutional majority means for Russia and the world? Will Putin be able to push through the new constitution and nationalization of the Ruble? A word about the ’90s: how US advisers, sent to Moscow by Bill Clinton as a present for Boris Yeltsin, wrote post-Soviet Russian constitution. Why this constitution needs to be changed.

Hillary vs. Trump: will Russian Duma Elections influence the outcome of US Presidential Elections 2016?

Additionally, the interconnected major events discussed in FREE PART 1

Everything in our world is interconnected and dependent upon each other. I will discuss several important global events, which are connected directly to Russian elections and will help you form a full picture. These are:

1. US bombing of the Syrian Army on September 17, one day before the elections. Russia’s retaliation: 3 Russian Calibr missiles destroying the infamous US coalition Control Room, killing 30 Israeli and Western officers, whose intelligence helped kill 62 Syrians. If you listen to the entire report (specifically ADDENDUM), you will see how these events are connected with Russian Elections and what was planned right after the elections in Russia.

2. The in-fighting within US elites: Why Kerry and Lavrov are so chummy? Why Kerry and Pentagon are at constant odds? Why the in-fighting in the US will intensify?

3. Ukraine: how ukro-nazis tried to disrupt Russian Elections in Kiev, Lvov and Odessa and how it backfired. Why there are still 80,000 Russian passport-holding citizens living in Ukraine and who they really planned to vote for?
Related: how Ukraine will survive the winter without Donbass coal and Russian gas? Is there hope for the continuation of Minsk negotiations? What do Merkel and Hollande push for and how my Ukraine predictions are coming along? Will the real change begin occurring after Merkel is gone? Will the change occur if Trump is elected? How long has Poroshenko got?

4. BREAKING NEWS from the breakaway Pridnestrovie (PMR): President Shevchuk announces PMR intent to join Russia. Results of 2006 referendum. Sheriff: the new oligarchic pro-Romania, pro-West monopoly and how it’s being dealt with. How many Russian citizens are there in Pridnestrovie? How Pridnestrovie welcomed Russian Duma Elections. Upcoming Pridnestrovie presidential elections. Can Russia actually accept Pridnestrovie, like she did Crimea?

The most explosive intel is contained in the ESR11 ADDENDUM!

We’ll talk about several crucial events that happened in the run up to Duma Elections on September 18, as well as after the date. These are:
1. Kiev junta’s attempted attack against Crimea (most intel on that will be in the upcoming ESR10: THE CRIMEA FACTOR).
2. Attempted infiltration of ukro-nazi militants into Russian territory with the stated purpose of disrupting elections and how it was prevented.
3. FSB work.
4. How US coalition bombing of Syrian army on September 17 is related to all this. Now we can connect the dots: how Russian Calibr retaliation vs. US coalition is related not only to Syria, but to Russian Elections and planned coup!
5. EXPLOSIVE INTEL! Arrest in Moscow a couple of weeks before the elections of Colonel Zakharchenko. A huge stash of cash: 1.5 tons (in weight) of US dollars in the original US FED packaging, plus 8bln rubles, found in his possession. I will give you my intel and analysis: how the stash was kept, who it belonged to and what it was supposed to be used for.
6. Assassination near Moscow of the leader of Ukrainian anti-fascist, anti-junta organisation Oplot. How this assassination is related to the attempted ukro-nazi infiltration and FSB’s spectacular prevention results.
7. Is a coup in Russia possible? What US planned after elections.

Report stats:

For your ease of viewing and bookmarking convenience, this video/audio report has been divided by topics into 2 narrated segments, plus the special intel ADDENDUM.
To enrich your experience and provide additional visual information, MP4 videos include a number of relevant diagrams, pictures, illustrations and maps. Lada’s written remarks accompany the MP4 illustrations and pictures.

Your choice: MP4 video and MP3 audio options included on report page!
Some written facts and stats about Russian Duma Elections 2016 are included on report page!
REPORT LENGTH: Part 1: 1 hour 17 min; Part 2: 1 hour 08 min; Explosive Addendum: 36 min



Watch ESR11 Part 1 FREE on YouTube!

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