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Major Russian Bank CEO Dire Warning: Anti-Russian Sanctions Mean War, US Should Remove Ambassador from Moscow

The US has threatened a new round of anti-Russian sanctions, scheduled to be announced today, Jan. 29. This new round is directed against Russian big business, banks, the rich and ex-oligarchs. Some of these reside in Russia and others in London, EU and US.

Russians at large don’t trust the class of the rich and oligarchs, believing their loyalties lie with the West, where their money is stashed away. To a degree this is correct. However, more and more proof is arriving daily that the opposite may be true in many cases. Some examples are striking and jaw-dropping.

For example, the CEO of Russia’s major bank VTB, Andrei Kostin, shocked Russians yesterday by his completely out-of-character dire warnings to the US and EU not to play with fire. Kostin warned during the Davos Economic Forum that a new round of sanctions and continuing economic/ political pressure against Russia would equal a declaration of war. In that case, he said, Russia should remove her ambassador from Washington, and US ambassador has no business ‘bathing in cold water in Moscow’ — a reference to US ambassador’s Epiphany ice dip: Learn Russian! Not for the faint of heart: Russian Miracle Epiphany Ice Dip (#Putin, US Ambassador). Instead, he should go home.

In fact, the new round of economic sanctions angered many of Russia’s rich, especially those living abroad. A mass movement has begun to repatriate capital from London and other offshores. I’ll talk about this remarkable development in a separate post on Patreon.

In the video below, with ENG subs, you’ll see a sample of how Russian talk show debates are conducted.

After the first part, discussing the surprisingly sharp comment by VTB chief, the discussion switches to the new naval base in Ochakov, Ukraine. Ochakov is a Black Sea port, near Nikolaev and several hundred kilometers from Odessa. The base in Ochakov, an old and highly historic Russian city (unfortunately stuck in today’s ukro-nazi Ukraine), is being built by Americans. It is well-known that it is designated as a future American military-naval base.

You’ll remember me telling you in 2014 that the US had big designs on turning Crimea into its mega-base, but Russians made sure that didn’t happen. Barring that, the US still pursues its plans to build a naval base on the Black Sea’s Ukrainian territory.

Remember that I predicted in Jan-Feb 2014 that Russia would never allow Crimea to fall into the US hands — and that’s exactly what happened.

I am predicting — again — that Russia will never allow a US base to be built this close to the Crimean base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. This simply won’t happen. The base will never be completed, or alternatively, when it is completed US will not be able to use it. How this will be done — we’ll leave some things unsaid…

You’ll see in the video how a representative of Ukraine (a younger man in the debate circle) says that American ‘construction guest workers’ are there just to build the base and leave, ‘much like Central Asian migrants building new high-rises in Moscow.’ The base, he says, will be Ukrainian, not American.

A rebuttal follows: ‘Sure, they are American construction guest workers from Pentagon,’ and another one: ‘US never leaves.’

Check out this very interesting video, with ENG subs. Posting it as an example of the Russian TRUE freedom of speech: pro-Kiev junta Ukrainian is freely participating in it, expressing his point of view. Can you imagine a Russian doing the same on national TV in Kiev or US? I can’t.

**Also note in the end a mention of Biden, who said that USA’s goal is to ‘pit Russians against each other.’


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