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TRUTH & MEMORY KEEPER: Meet, A Treasure Trove of Truth & Forbidden History!


I previously wrote to you about the blog/site called It is written by a friend of mine, Stanislav Sokolov, who’s originally from Russia, but has been living in Norway since the ’90s. He has done an absolutely tremendous amount of work to keep the memory and record for all of us those things that could be forgotten or distorted, if not for selfless people like him!

Stanislav uncovers the forgotten, and often forbidden, truths covered up with lies about Russian and world history, old and new. He has translated lots of interesting videos, articles and pieces, to which the English-speakers would have never had any access, if not for him, or others like him! The feat even more remarkable due to the fact that the scope of material he tackles is often enormous, but even more so, because English is Stanislav’s THIRD LANGUAGE!! (As it is mine!)

Stanislav has emailed me recently, saying that he may not keep his blog for too long, going forward. He writes that he is losing heart because his efforts seem in vain; that history repeats itself; that few ever want to hear or know the truth!

FRIENDS! Please, please, PLEASE, let’s prove him wrong! Let’s show Stanislav that people DO remember, DO want to learn, and DO want to know and understand someone else’s point of view!

I am posting here some links to Stanislav’s posts and his latest thoughts. Please check out his posts by clicking on links below!

LINKS & Stanislav’s words:

“Dear Lada. Though I was not intending to write about COVID-19 at my blog, the events, the ongoing Russian help to Italy (and its malignment in the NATO-press) forced my hand, so to speak. As I was watching Russian planes land in Italy and the Russian military units going out to help people, I had a strong sense of deja-vu, which I could not quiet place. The dots connected today! Many years ago I read of the Russian sailors helping save people of an Italian city from under the rubble left by a powerful earthquake. After doing some research today, I translated two articles describing the events in Messina in December of 1908. It is a deja-vu, indeed…”

Read latest: Russian Help to Italy – The Selfless Deed Now, Just As 111 Years Ago

One-of-a-kind gorgeous piece of the ancient Scythian gold (RUS correct: zoloto Skifov). Much of the priceless Scythian gold from the Crimean Museums disappeared without a trace while on museum exchange exhibit in Holland in 2014 – read, was stolen by Holland! – This image is from my 2014 pieces on FT and Lada Ray YouTube Channel (read more below):

From Stanislav’s email to me:

“Disappointment? Yes, maybe… Or, rather, disillusionment. A feeling that there is very little that can be done to change the outcome of this global “whack-a-mole” game, though it is worth trying when the worst happens. First time I was broken out of the everyday revere, was in 1999 when NATO attacked Yugoslavia. And then next time was when the war on Ukraine and Russia started during the winter OG of 2014. Both in 1999 and 2014 it was the acute injustice of the events that made me raise my voice. But whereas in 1999 there were many other voices raised against the attack on Yugoslavia, the attack on Ukraine was met with apathy at best – and with approval at worst – in the society around me. It felt, and still feels, like being a lonely warrior on a vast field.

Rewriting of WWII history… Yes that pains me greatly since it hits especially close to home (

I’ve come across it in communication with some American acquaintances. Some quite intelligent people, who suddenly come with those 180 degree turned WWII postulations. Europeans are less subjected to it, but given the history of Holland that I wrote of here: I am pretty sure that the Russian role in WWII will become maligned and twisted in the whole of the West given some more time, and with the lies so big and on so many levels, that you feel helpless as to where to start so as to unravel them.

Closing this, I wanted to draw your attention to the following 4-part documentary:


I think you reflected the events in your Gold Train novel. It is still a shock to watch the scale of the wholesale robbery of Russia that took place in the 90s. 57kg of gold were just a tip of the iceberg. A lot of jewellery, which were not even displayed at museums because they were so unique, were shipped to the US, where they were dismantled, the diamonds sent to Europe for re-processing, while the precious metals were treated as scrap. (I wonder if the same fate has befallen the Scythian gold…(LADA: which the Netherlands stole from Crimean museums in 2014, using the pretext of not knowing who to return the priceless artifacts to, after Crimea became a part of Russia. The museum curators are still crying and very upset about losing there precious exhibits due to Holland’s unscrupulousness and greed!)

And all this happening while the country was starving, when the precious items could have at least been used to buy food as was done after the 1917 revolution.

All the best and take care of yourself and loved ones in these challenging times!


(LADA: I want to mention that I do not necessarily agree that it’ll get worse. There is a possibility of the record getting better, as more people in the West awaken and stop trusting in the lies of Western MSM, politicians and history books, thanks in large part to the efforts of people like Stanislav, and yours truly.)

Recent sampling:


Apr 6, 2020. Here’s what I wrote as a comment to Stanislav’s latest post on Russian help to Italy, twice in just over a century:

“Hi Stanislav!

I love this new post. Amazing, practically forgotten piece of history! How many selfless and generous deeds by Russians have gone unnoticed, or worse, maligned for years! Hell, for centuries, due to the low consciousness level of humanity. Due to fear, jealousy, greed, aggression and all those unsavory energies I talk about in Quantum Calibrations!

But the tide is turning! The reality is changing, no matter how much some are in denial. People start remembering true, but forgotten history. This is why your contribution is so invaluable! Thank you for letting us all know on Lada Ray Patreon, and for leaving the link!

Also, before the 75th anniversary of Victory, I want to have a series of posts on FT or FT 2.0, or both, we’ll see. I usually have some sort of Victory Day marathon. Perhaps you want to participate. Let me know if you have something interesting you want to translate on your blog – I can repost it on FT! It would be nice, especially considering the virus situation and the fact that most public celebrations may be cancelled or reduced. It’ll be a shame, but we should do more virtually.

Best wishes,


Friends! Perhaps you’d also like to leave some nice and encouraging words for Stanislav,

so he doesn’t feel alone or discouraged!

Even a few words would be awesome, to let him know that you have read and appreciated his work! That would also help drive the traffic to his site! THANKS!

(TIP! When posting a comment, unless it’s very short, write it out first in notepad or elsewhere, and then copy and paste. His site times you out if you are writing it for more than a couple of minutes, which is what makes it so hard to post a comment there.)




I hope he never stops writing and translating!

According to my Multidimensional SOULS Theory, Stanislav is a


(See on – LADA’S WORK)

Just imagine how important people like him are for the fabric of human society! They preserve the memory of things long forgotten within their genetic code. This code gets activated, like it has been now, when people are ready to receive the knowledge of the forbidden historic truths!

I do this, too, every time I get the chance, but I have many other responsibilities. You can explore my posts on FT. I also have EARTH SHIFT & Forbidden History WEBINARS. Check’em out, if you are new.

If you are interested in my Multidimensional SOUL designations, we discuss it privately in this written consultation. But I may soon introduce a series of live webinars, too.



MUST READ! NEW FREE BIG REPORT ON LADA RAY PATREON! Ukraine’s Game of Thrones: What Zelensky’s Inauguration OMENS Tell Us!


Ukraine’s Game of Thrones:

What Zelensky’s Inauguration OMENS Tell Us!



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Russia Estimates Damage to Crimea Under Kiev Rule at 1.5 trillion rubles!

This is only the beginning: Russian Duma has only begun calculating damages, and only for the period before 2014. After that, Kiev caused much more suffering to Crimea and its people by cutting electric power, blocking water and food supply, and attempting terror acts. That has not been factored in yet, but it will be. And one day someone will have to pay…




Extended chapters about Russia, Ukraine and entire post-Soviet space are included in my new book!









LadaRayBlog, FuturistTrendcast and LadaRayPatreon story!

Snapshot2 LadaRay Author Site

On January 16, 2019, Lada Ray Patreon is turning 1!

And at the same time, January 2019, Futurist Trendcast turns 5!

This post is part of the Double Anniversary Open House & Gift Fair! All the details in this post: LADA RAY DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE! Generous FREEBIES, SpecialGifts, Exclusive Bonuses, Awesome Perks!

Every subscriber to Futurist Trendcast and every Lada Ray Patreon Member will receive something special, cool and valuable!

The Double Anniversary Open House & Gift Fair runs between January 13 and 31, 2019. During this period we’ll have some very special and valuable bonuses and perks for each existing patron! And we’ll have tons of FREE content for interested non-patrons and FuturisTrendcast subscribers!

COME ON IN AND SAMPLE THE GOODIES! Coming: A number of FREE Lada Ray’s in-depth articles and reports! In addition, we’ll have some FREE Earth Shift Podcasts! But it gets even better and ALL PATRONS will receive lavish gifts, surprises and exclusive perks!




(OpenCreativeKitchen Essay 2)



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PER PREDICTIONS! US #InvertedCollapse Intensifies: More Ultimatums & Sanctions for #Russia as Empire Crumbles?

Inverted Collapse hysteria intensifies as US continues to lose its power, per predictions since 2012-14. US breaks international laws left and right, speaks to #Russia in the language of ultimatums.

And not just to Russia — China, Iran, Syria… the list is long, as usual, except it’s not working as well as before.

We continue hearing empty INF Treaty exit threats from Pompeo. Yeah, we’ve heard that before, we know the decision has been made months ago by Washington, but they need to justify it somehow to their public and EU, who are AGAIN resisting new anti-Russian sanctions. Threatening and trying to make Europeans comply is next on the agenda.

Plus, “The Pain Will Increase!” threat, unless Russia ‘releases Ukrainian Sailors’… or else…

Nothing to see here, just a crumbling empire, trying to take with it everyone it can… again, in total compliance with my predictions!

We’ve been through this, since 2014 and even before… many times:

And this: OF COURSE!!! Two Ukrainian Sailors Captured at Kerch Revealed to Be SBU Intelligence Assets





And others:





Latest on Patreon:

QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS: RIC, SCO and BRICS vs. JAI (rising global organizations)

PREDICTIONS: Goodbye BRICS? Hello RIC (Russia, India, China)!

PREDICTIONS: How Will the 5D EARTH SHIFT & INVERTED COLLAPSE Develop? The Real Roles of Putin & Trump!


President Putin is Adamant: “You Are Crazy If You Think I Will Ever Surrender Crimea”

Starring Putin, Berlusconi and the Crimeans… Self-explanatory, take a listen –


VISIT LADARAY.COM! Tons of freebies and lots about my theories and predictions – check it out!



Latest Patreon testimonial: From Stakes Are Up! Russian S-300 Close Skies Over Syria, But USA/Israel/Ukraine Collude! (Very Important Intel!)
Excellent article Lada, so much information it’s unbelievable how much I learn from your writings. Thank you

TESTIMONIALS for all of Lada’s work

Criminal Conspiracy? QUI BONO? Suspicious Terrorist Act in Kerch, Crimea, with mass casualties

Per latest I’ve heard, the death toll has climbed to 21 at the site of the tragedy of the Kerch Polytechical College. This is a very suspicious act, which at the very least begs a lot of questions. It’s very hard to imagine that a sole 18-year-old madman could execute a successful act of such magnitude. How he was helped and by whom, that’s a different question… Russian police also has expressed a doubt this could possibly be an act of a sole madman.

There seems to be a shadow of those who are very experienced and determined to cause harm to Russia, seen behind him.

This is an all out war against Russia the Great Balancer, as she continues trying to shift the world to a more equitable state as part of the Earth Shift.

I also want to remind everyone about this diabolic, yet symbolic, coincidence! The newly built Crimean Bridge is also called ‘The Kerch Bridge’ because it for the first time ever connects Russia mainland with Crimea, through Kerch. Ukraine and US have been in a state because of the successful completion of the Crimean Bridge, which completely resolves the problem with Russian communication with Crimea, bypassing Ukraine. Kiev has been frantically trying to sabotage the Crimean Bridge and the US/EU/West have been working hard on sabotaging Crimea and Russia.

See my FT posts:

20 Minutes to Crimea! New Crimean Bridge Opens Up to Mass Freight Traffic

History Made! Putin Opens Crimean Bridge Ahead of Schedule by Driving Through a Huge Kamaz Truck (+ the new Crimean ‘Wave’ and world-famous Artek)

The Crimean Bridge ~ Russian Engineering Masterpiece and Putin’s Arc de Triomphe

Although the real reason for the US/West’s anti-Russian sanctions is much deeper, Crimea was used as the first pretext for the sanctions in 2014. Per my 2014 predictions: sanctions never worked and were even beneficial to Russia in most cases! Therefore, those who want to harm Russia at all cost had to seek out new methods. In this regard: qui bono from this terrorist act? From Skripals and doping scandals, to the attempts at false flags in Syria and the set up of the Russian jet by Israel, QUI BONO?

QUO BONO from the two recent emergencies with the Russian ISS module and the latest with Russian manned space craft, which both thankfully ended without casualties?

QUI BONO from stopping Russia’s progress?

Since 2014 FSB has successfully prevented hundreds of terrorist acts in Crimea alone and in Russia in general; none of the past terror attempts have been successful. The details of most we’ll never find out, and only the tip of the iceberg will ever be revealed. All prior terrorist acts have been nipped in the bud and terrorist wannabes arrested. All of the arrested turned out to either be from Ukraine (Kiev junta army or SBU operatives) or Central Asians (followers of ISIS and similar organizations).

RIP the victims. condolences to Russia, Crimea and families.

Vladimir Putin: “I’d like to inform you that several hours ago a tragic event occurred in the Russian city of Kerch. A bomb was planted and exploded, killing several people and injuring many more. Dear friends. In memory of those who were killed, I would like to observe a moment of silence.”

Second unexploded bomb found inside Kerch Polytechnical College. The 18-year-old perpetrator shot fellow students and teachers, and exploded a bomb. He also had another bomb planted, which he was unable to use. At least 21 dead and scores injured. All that by one 18-year-old? Watched too many violent American movies? Or is it much worse?

First videos released on the tragedy:

People are currently gathering in front of the Kerch Memorial located next to the Eternal Flame in Alexander Garden. They are bringing flowers, mostly carnations, as well as vigil lamps. The activists of the Young Guard were among the first to come here. The young compassionate people are about the same age as Vladislav Roslyakov, who’s supposedly responsible for today’s massacre at Kerch Polytechnical College.




How Religion Came to Be? Is Organized Religion Good or Evil? The Cosmic Multidimensional Vedic Perspective



20 Minutes to Crimea! New Crimean Bridge Opens Up to Mass Freight Traffic

Great news for Russia and Crimea, and for anyone who’s asked me whether it was a good idea to relocate to Crimea! The new, but already legendary Crimean Bridge (aka, the Kerch Bridge), opens to heavy freight traffic! Train traffic next!

Hundreds of long-distance truckers tested the Kerch Bridge. Last night, the bridge connecting Crimea and Kuban was opened to freight traffic. Crimea and Sevastopol now have another route to deliver food and goods from continental Russia. Its importance and reliability can’t be overstated, especially with winter approaching.

Cool video:


All Roads Lead to Crimea: the Stunning Resurrection of an Old, Yet Newest Russian Region

Restoration and rebirth of Crimea, the old Russian domain, neglected during 25+ years of being under Kiev, is underway. This year, Crimeans expect the flow of tourism to increase to six million people. During the first six months, Crimea has already seen 25% more tourists compared to the previous year. The true tourist boom is expected once all the infrastructure facilities are finished, and that’s when one will be able to say that all roads lead to Crimea… through the newly built Crimean Bridge and the new Simferopol terminal.

‘The Wave’ – new world class Simferopol terminal replacing the old, and outdated airport:

New Simferopol Airport Crimea

Crimean Bridge open to cars ahead of schedule, railroad extension to be completed soon. Video report:



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EARTH SHIFT: Trump Pushes for Summit with Putin & Recognizes Crimea; John Bolton Goes to Russia (BIG Lada Ray Analysis/Intel/Predictions)

This is a ‘small’ excerpt from this BIG REPORT, but even this ‘small’ excerpt is jam-packed with the highest level intel, multidimenshional revelations and Lada Ray’s analysis/predictions.








EARTH SHIFT: Trump Pushes for Summit with Putin & Recognizes Crimea; John Bolton Goes to Russia (BIG Lada Ray Analysis/Intel/Predictions)


Jun 27 at 11:59am LADA RAY ON PATREON

Please read my previous reports in the Lada Ray Predictions, 5D Earth Shift & 4D Geopolitics categories, where we have a lot more on Trump!

One of the latest reports and my recommendation is:  The Global Fight for Russia and How Trump is Actively Facilitating the Earth Shift

This post continues our present ongoing EARTH SHIFT THEMES:

1. Ukraine/Novorossia/EU/Germany shifts

2. The Trump/USA shift



During a closed session of the May 2018 G7 summit in Canada Trump notoriously shocked his Western colleagues by telling them that ‘Crimea belongs to Russia because Russians live there and they speak Russian.’ Despite best efforts to contain it, the news was leaked. At the exit, the journalists demanded Trump’s confirmation he really said this behind closed doors. He neither confirmed nor denied, doing some fancy footwork to camouflage his original Crimea statement.

Russian TV news and talk shows discussed this statement for several days, guessing what was really behind it and whether it meant a turnaround in Russia-US relations.

The answer is complex and convoluted, but I will try to outline it for you below.



Trump thrives on controversy. He also found that the best way to hide his true intentions is to change his mind often, so his train of thought cannot be decoded early by his adversaries within the US, while saying publicly as many conflicting things as possible. Which part of what he says is true and which is not – he wants his opponents to continue guessing.

This strategy actually worked for him on Twitter, where he has a domineering presence. He is also employing this strategy in geopolitical talks with other leaders, with some success. But he also generates a lot of confusion and distrust along the way.

Some of his behavior stems from a simple fact that he is not sure where the wind will blow and where he’ll head next. Make no mistake! Trump is really feeling his way in the dark right now! He is NOT clear on what he can do next, and what will succeed. He tries to throw things into the crowd and test reaction.

All this is a consequence of the Earth Shift, which is becoming more and more pronounced all over the globe. I will have a separate 5D Earth Shift article for you in the next month or two, where I’ll talk about the symptoms and signs on a personal level for everyone. Till then, suffice it to say that Trump is very intuitive and he feels that something’s different, but he doesn’t know what it is. It would have helped him and every leader/politician on the planet to listen to my theories and predictions. But we all know these kinds of people are just not evolved enough to understand them (with few exceptions, which you all should know). And that’s how they all perpetuate their karma.

As for Trump’s Crimea statement, he definitely wanted to gauge a reaction of the EU/Western leaders. The reason? Probe how brainwashed and anti-Russian they still are. And what can one expect from them next?

He got the necessary reaction alright. Most of the G7 almost fainted and looked at him daggers. The only country out of all the ‘Gs’ where a quiet revolution has happened, and they boldly announced so, is Italy. This was the only country to openly side with Trump on the Crimea issue, and even there I noted a certain vacillation.

Another reason for Trump throwing the Crimea bomb at G7 was to get back at Canada/UK/EU for not being on board with him and criticizing his policies. This was a definite jab against the predominantly neoliberal Western establishment.

Again, this showed Trump, and the rest of the world, how truly at odds he is with other Western leaders.

But I would under no circumstances call his Crimea statement a breakthrough. It could be a hint though – a harbinger of changes to come.

Granted, the globalist neoliberal establishment is so fundamentally entrenched that it will take a long time to unseat them all over the West, and beyond. But the new leaders are coming to certain countries, and they are taking on the fight.

Trump’s Crimea statement, however lightly thrown, also means a little wink to Putin, if you will. A sort of advance before the summit Trump is trying to organize in July. It’s sort of a distance hand, outstretched for a handshake.

And this is also a probe to gauge Putin’s and Russians’ general reaction. Will Russians melt? Will Putin, like Gorby in his day, sell out their country and deny their own interests for a few words that mean nothing to Trump? Will they think that the US is their friend again. Such cheap gestures worked for Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and they eventually cost the gullible Russians their country.



But Putin is neither Yeltsin nor Gorbachev. And Russians have learned their lessons very well. So, when Bolton arrives, and when Trump talks to Putin, the story will be completely different.

Because this is the Time of Russia the Great Balancer, the tables have turned. What in previous Periods 6 and 7 was very effortless for the US/UK/West, will now, during Period 8, prove either very difficult or impossible. 

See these predictions in full in ESW4!

The above prediction will help us understand what is said below in this article.



Overall, as we discussed in previous articles, unbeknownst to him, Trump is proving a very good Earth Shift agent.

‘The Earth Shift Agent Extraordinaire’ is my new term. I didn’t call Trump that in 2017 yet, but we did cover his general role in ESW1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM.

In ESW1 and other videos/posts I more than once spoke of President Trump’s straitjacket. For the time being he found the right algorithm for wiggling his way out of the tight spot, aka, his straitjacket. He found a way, if temporary, to neutralize the powerful political-media neoliberal lobby within the US. And that’s good news. I wish him more of the same.

This doesn’t mean his battle is over: it just begun and they will regroup and come out with new tactics. But they are getting weaker by the day.

He now needs to see what he can do about the international Western neoliberal syndicate. While doing that, he also wants to try and continue fulfilling his election promises, some of which are protectionism, bringing jobs back home and saving money on international institutions such as UN and NATO by making others pull their weight or getting out of unprofitable, as Trump judges them, agreements and alliances.



Not because he is consciously aware of it, but because of how he acts and what his priorities are, he by default is helping to further the Earth Shift.

Whether he realizes this or not, and whether he acts it or not, he has become Russia’s big ally in the gradual rebalancing of the world away from the unipolar, single-superpower world, towards a more equitable geopolitical structure. He also makes Europeans consider doing things independently, thus long-term encouraging the regaining of sovereignty by various EU countries. This in turn makes more people question the validity of the EU and its future.

This is something I predicted for him in 2016-17 as part of ESR16, and especially ESW1. He is manifesting it, in his usual crude, yet convoluted manner. Very good!

There is more! What Trump is manifesting and the unintended consequences of his actions mirror almost exactly the last years of the USSR, after Gorbachev came to power till before the collapse. But it’s all mirrored in an INVERTED fashion.

This is why I call Trump ‘the American Gorbachev.’

In other words, Trump is acting out and manifesting my theories described and predictions made in 2017 in



(Lada Ray’s multidimensional analysis & futurist trendcast)











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 Lada Ray Intel & Analysis: High-Profile Spy for Romania & US Arrested in Russia! Plus: Siemens Crimea Scandal Impact!


UKRAINE/GERMANY REPORT: Poroshenko Threatens to Stop Nord Stream-2 while Merkel Hangs by the Thread











Shoigu Gives Tour of Sevastopol: Young General Knows All About the Legendary Defense of the City

The Siege of Sebastopol

Russian painting: 1854 Siege of Sevastopol, Crimean War. 

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, who also happens to be the President of Russian Geographic Society, takes journalists on a tour of newly restored Sevastopol’s legendary Konstantinovskaya Battery Fort. It was built by Russia 240 years ago and it withstood two sieges of Sevastopol. But it took the ‘independent’ Ukraine, ruled by greedy oligarchs and foreign interests, only 20 years to nearly demolish it. With it, the ancestral memory and true history would have been destroyed as well. It all changed in 2014, when Crimea returned to Russia. After 3-years long massive reconstruction, the fortress is like new. Take a look:

**Kiev often laments that ‘Crimea left.’ To that the response should be that Crimea didn’t simply leave, it escaped — it ran away as fast as its feet would carry it!

History Made! Putin Opens Crimean Bridge Ahead of Schedule by Driving Through a Huge Kamaz Truck (+ the new Crimean ‘Wave’ and world-famous Artek)

19 km long Crimean Bridge map and tech parameters:Crimean Bridge Kerch-Strait-Bridge

With an iconic Russian ‘Poyehali!’ (‘let’s go’), the Crimean Bridge has been opened 6 months ahead of schedule for auto traffic, and Putin opened it personally and in style, by driving through a Kamaz truck.

The longest bridge in Europe and one of the longest and most complex in the world, Crimean Bridge will carry 14 million people and 13 million tons of cargo per year. The tourism to Crimea is expected to double and triple after the Crimean Bridge launch.

As Putin says in the episode below, exclusively Russian tech and workmanship were used to build the Crimean Bridge. Crimea has been reborn and is now thriving again, despite anti-Russian sanctions.

Simultaneously, a new International Simferopol Airport was built from scratch and opened up. Its name is, fittingly, ‘Volna’ (the Wave). The airport is considered one of the world’s most modern.

The Wave – New Simferopol Terminal just opened a couple of weeks ago:

New Simferopol Airport Crimea

The Crimeans cannot believe their luck — under Ukraine they had to make do with the shabbiest and most unsightly airport, looking worse than most bus stations. Not to mention, no bridge, no roads, falling apart infrastructure and oligarchs and politicians from Kiev taking over all most prized Crimean lands and properties. Since 2014 Russia invested billions to fix the falling apart infrastructure, build new roads, create new hotels, parks and jobs. The new airport is godsend, as is the Bridge, as is Mother Russia herself.

The world’s largest and most famous children’s camp Artek is located in Gurzuf, Crimea. It was established in 1925 and it was considered in the 20th century the most prestigious international camp to attend, where most kids came on merit. Built by the USSR, when Ukraine got its hands on this piece of rich Soviet/Russian legacy, the camp barely survived. The repairs were neglected and some of the buildings were falling apart. Despite that, Kiev milked Artek for all its worth, charging astronomical amounts for children to attend. Photo ops by the rich and famous were also frequent in Artek.

Russia completely renovated Artek since 2014, and now it is again a gem it once was. Children again come here on merit, and often on scholarship, not because their parents got fat bank accounts. Any child from any country can apply.

This is a video from Graham Phillips about BBC lies and the real truth about Artek:

Graham Phillips has done a full documentary about Artek: watch here.

The changes in Sevastopol are staggering compared to the mere 4 years ago > Sevastopol is Changing: New School, Roads, Pensions and Festival in Chersonesus:



The Crimeans simply laugh when they hear Ukrainian nationalists telling them that Crimea will one day return to Ukraine. (The Ukrainian nationalists, or as I call them simply ‘ukro-nazis’, also threaten to invade Russian Kransodarsky Krai – that’s where Kuban cossacks live, and where Sochi is. In their warped minds this is also Ukrainian territory. Ukro-nazis who usurped power in Ukraine also sometimes threaten to take Moscow and the rest of Russia, and that just goes to show what kind of crazies the US usually supports. Saakashvili once thought US would have his back when he invaded S. Ossetia — remember what happened to him?)

For the full picture, to understand both how important the Crimean Bridge is for Crimea, as well as how difficult of an engineering feat it is, read my last year’s comprehensive Crimean Bridge report: Engineering Feat of the 21st Century: Crimean Bridge Connects Previously Unconnectable Shores!





The Mystery of Lost Continents & 4D World


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The Crimean Bridge ~ Russian Engineering Masterpiece and Putin’s Arc de Triomphe

The Crimean Bridge, dubbed ‘the construction feat of the century,’ uniting previously impossible to unite shores, is nearing completion. New Milestone Reached; Construction Continues at Breathtaking Pace:

More Crimean Bridge vid:

Read my big article, which gives you history, lore and explains why the bridge was impossible to build… till now:

Engineering Feat of the 21st Century: Crimean Bridge Connects Previously Unconnectable Shores


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New WWIII provocations: British Destroyer Equipped With Missiles Enters Black Sea

Will NATO Violate the Montreux Convention? British Destroyer Equipped With Missiles Enters Black Sea:

The British destroyer Duncan has entered the Black Sea. The ship is equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles and tracking systems. It’s escorted by the Turkish frigate Gaziantep.

Also this news:

Headed to the Baltic states. This is about the American plane Poseidon, which took off today from one of the bases in the UK. The Pentagon didn’t specify its combat tasks. As in the case of the reconnaissance Boeing RC-135, it was reportedly sent to the airspace of Eastern Poland at about the same time. And it happened just several hours after the US complaints about “unsafe actions by Russian aviation.” This is about the Su-27 of the VKS which intercepted the US Orion, also, notably, a scout aircraft, over the Black Sea. According to the US military officials, it came a meter and a half close.

This is that infamous Black Sea incident, from yesterday. Russian Su-27 subverted US spy plane over Black Sea:

Major Russian Bank CEO Dire Warning: Anti-Russian Sanctions Mean War, US Should Remove Ambassador from Moscow

The US has threatened a new round of anti-Russian sanctions, scheduled to be announced today, Jan. 29. This new round is directed against Russian big business, banks, the rich and ex-oligarchs. Some of these reside in Russia and others in London, EU and US.

Russians at large don’t trust the class of the rich and oligarchs, believing their loyalties lie with the West, where their money is stashed away. To a degree this is correct. However, more and more proof is arriving daily that the opposite may be true in many cases. Some examples are striking and jaw-dropping.

For example, the CEO of Russia’s major bank VTB, Andrei Kostin, shocked Russians yesterday by his completely out-of-character dire warnings to the US and EU not to play with fire. Kostin warned during the Davos Economic Forum that a new round of sanctions and continuing economic/ political pressure against Russia would equal a declaration of war. In that case, he said, Russia should remove her ambassador from Washington, and US ambassador has no business ‘bathing in cold water in Moscow’ — a reference to US ambassador’s Epiphany ice dip: Learn Russian! Not for the faint of heart: Russian Miracle Epiphany Ice Dip (#Putin, US Ambassador). Instead, he should go home.

In fact, the new round of economic sanctions angered many of Russia’s rich, especially those living abroad. A mass movement has begun to repatriate capital from London and other offshores. I’ll talk about this remarkable development in a separate post on Patreon.

In the video below, with ENG subs, you’ll see a sample of how Russian talk show debates are conducted.

After the first part, discussing the surprisingly sharp comment by VTB chief, the discussion switches to the new naval base in Ochakov, Ukraine. Ochakov is a Black Sea port, near Nikolaev and several hundred kilometers from Odessa. The base in Ochakov, an old and highly historic Russian city (unfortunately stuck in today’s ukro-nazi Ukraine), is being built by Americans. It is well-known that it is designated as a future American military-naval base.

You’ll remember me telling you in 2014 that the US had big designs on turning Crimea into its mega-base, but Russians made sure that didn’t happen. Barring that, the US still pursues its plans to build a naval base on the Black Sea’s Ukrainian territory.

Remember that I predicted in Jan-Feb 2014 that Russia would never allow Crimea to fall into the US hands — and that’s exactly what happened.

I am predicting — again — that Russia will never allow a US base to be built this close to the Crimean base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. This simply won’t happen. The base will never be completed, or alternatively, when it is completed US will not be able to use it. How this will be done — we’ll leave some things unsaid…

You’ll see in the video how a representative of Ukraine (a younger man in the debate circle) says that American ‘construction guest workers’ are there just to build the base and leave, ‘much like Central Asian migrants building new high-rises in Moscow.’ The base, he says, will be Ukrainian, not American.

A rebuttal follows: ‘Sure, they are American construction guest workers from Pentagon,’ and another one: ‘US never leaves.’

Check out this very interesting video, with ENG subs. Posting it as an example of the Russian TRUE freedom of speech: pro-Kiev junta Ukrainian is freely participating in it, expressing his point of view. Can you imagine a Russian doing the same on national TV in Kiev or US? I can’t.

**Also note in the end a mention of Biden, who said that USA’s goal is to ‘pit Russians against each other.’


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Now FREE! Earth Shift Report 2 UKRAINE: Truth, Lies & Future Hope

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This report will do wonders for you, if you want to make sense of the true relationship between Russia and Ukraine, how and when Ukraine appeared on the map and what was there BEFORE Ukraine, how and why the lies were spread by the West, and why the 2014 anti-Russian coup took place in Kiev; if you want to understand what people in-the-know and ordinary citizens think and how they really feel about Russia and Ukraine.

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Engineering Feat of the 21st Century: Crimean Bridge Connects Previously Unconnectable Shores



Seats for the upcoming on September 23 FREE EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 5: LIVE Q&A WITH LADA RAY are filling fast! If you haven’t reserved yours yet, please do so soon! Only a few seats left and we may be closing registration early! Go to the link above to participate in our LIVE Q&A, where Lada will answer many of your questions! If you can’t attend, the RECORDED version of  EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 5 will be available a few days later at $18. The recorded version will be available for sale publicly and anyone is welcome to purchase it!


The introductory price for PRIVATE PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS WITH LADA RAY will last till September 24, 2017. There will be a slight increase of per-hour price after that. You can still reserve yours at this introductory rate. We are now booking for October!

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Last but not least, we have some VERY exciting news about new LADA RAY CONSULTATIONS! They will be presented to you starting Sept 17!




Today’s article

Engineering Feat of the 21st Century: Crimean Bridge Brings Together Previously Unconnectable Shores

Crimea Bridge Kerch-Strait-Bridge map

The Crimean Bridge, correctly called in Russian Krimsky Most or Kerchensky Most (the Kerch Bridge), is nearing completion, and may even be opened to traffic ahead of schedule in 2018!

The Crimean Bridge connects something that was previously considered unconnectable: The Crimean Peninsula and mainland Russia, through the Kerch Strait between Black and Azov Seas.

This construction has already been dubbed ‘The Engineering Feat of the 21st Century.’ You may ask, what is all the noise about? Why is it such a big deal and why it’s so important geopolitically, economically, and as yet another step towards full Russian sovereignty and fulfillment of Russia’s destiny as THE GREAT BALANCER, DURING THIS EARTH SHIFT.

Crimean Bridge2

Right near the surface there are these obvious reasons:

1. The Crimean Bridge is a symbol. Of what? First of all, of the awakening and re-consolidation of Russia – The Great Balancer. The giant, which sometimes goes to sleep to meditate on the past and recuperate from previous ills, is re-awakening.

Russia’s role as the Great Balancer is paramount for this Great Earth Shift. Russia has to be at her best and strongest. The fact that such a significant bridge is being built is a sign that Russia is getting back into shape.

It is also a symbol that reminds people where they belong and what is right and what is wrong. It’s the bridge that connects and awakens people not only in Russia, but in many other places, including Ukraine (and those sorely need an awakening!).

Crimean Bridge map

2. It is already considered the most impressive sea bridge in the world. The total length of the bridge is 20 km. A very long and massive bridge, this billions-worth mega-infrastructure project, is being successfully fulfilled despite all the Western anti-Russia sanctions.

This multipurpose strategic project will tremendously boost the economical auto and train traffic to and from Crimea. This, in turn, will eliminate traffic jams, boost tourism to Crimean resorts and lower prices. A win-win for Crimea and all of Russia.

3. The bridge is necessary to ensure a complete infrastructure independence of Crimea from Ukraine, which in turn takes away some blackmail and sabotage leverage from the Kiev junta, EU and US.

I previously wrote how Kiev junta, in collusion with the Crimean Tartar Mejlis and ukro-nazi battalions blew up power transformers and demolished power lines to Crimea, leaving 2.5 million people without power in December 2015, in the middle of winter and right before holidays. Together with the Western sanctions, this was designed to cripple Russia and ignite a color revolution among unhappy Crimeans. During such confusion and/or color revolution, Kiev/Mejlis and their foreign sponsors — US/CIA, and at the time also Turkey — hoped to invade Crimea.

Russia immediately responded to the challenge by beginning an urgent construction of the underwater Energy Bridge to Crimea from mainland, through the Kerch Strait.

Those who masterminded and financed this mass sabotage, knew that Crimean infrastruture depended completely on the favor of Ukraine. Moreover, they calculated that due to the USSR breakup and ’90s pirate privatization Russia had stopped producing certain equipment necessary to quickly eliminate the Crimean power deficiency, such as underwater electric cables, emergency generators and portable power stations. Shipping also was a huge problem; they counted on the fact that the only railroad and only two highways to Crimea were built through Ukraine.

Again, as I emphasized many times before, ALL infrastructure was built on the territory we today call Ukraine, by Russia. It all began with the Russian tsars and industrial entrepreneurs in the 18th-19th centuries, starting with Catherine the Great. The USSR continued the development and building up of Ukraine.

What we know today as Donbass, with all its mining and industrial activity, was created by Russia; Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, and innumerable other towns, cities and ports were founded throughout earlier centuries by Catherine the Great or other Russian emperors, or by the Soviets in the 20th century.

Those who yell and scream about Ukraine being completely independent of Russia are simply usurious liars, who are eating through the last remnants of the formerly rich Russian/Soviet inheritance, which Ukraine was lucky to obtain as a result of the break-up of the USSR.

During the December 2015 power outage, as a result of Western sanctions, no Western company would supply electric generators so the children and the elderly of Crimea wouldn’t freeze to death. Russia found a quick solution to this: portable power generators, and even whole portable power plants, were purchased from China. Some of these were delivered to Crimea as quickly as within 2 weeks.

Russia also immediately began construction of the underwater Power Bridge through the Kerch Strait, consisting of 4 lines of power cables. The power cables were also supplied by China on an emergency basis. First two power lines were completed in record time, before the New Year 2016. The last two were built by May 2016. New power plants were urgently built in Crimea, as well. As a result, not only Crimea now has enough self-sufficient power, it actually has a surplus of it, in order to accommodate a growing number of tourists.

Along with the Power Bridge, new phone and TV cable underwater bridges from mainland were also built. As a result Crimea became almost completely independent of Ukraine’s whims.

Next, Kiev tried the ‘food blockade’ of Crimea. The same thugs, such as Mejlis and ukro-nazis (all banned terrorist organizations in Russia, by the way), stopped farming produce trucks from Kherson, Nikolaev and Odessa, and didn’t let them pass to Crimea. As a result, it wasn’t Crimea that suffered: they damaged Ukrainian agriculture and put their own farmers in dire straits. Crimea quickly replaced Ukrainian supplies with those from other countries, including Turkey.

This was an interesting twist, and here’s why: Turkish extremists, working  together with Mejlis, participated in the sabotage of Crimea; Turkey had high hopes of annexing Crimea for a long time. There is credible intel that Kiev, in collusion with the US, planned to pass Crimea to Turkey in exchange for Turkey’s continued hosting of US/EU NATO bases on its territory. At least in part it was Turkish money that financed Mejlis and their various terrorist activities.

However, Putin had managed to successfully neutralize these activities and ‘aspirations’ by Turkey, in his usual brilliant chess grandmaster style. I wrote about all this in EARTH SHIFT REPORTS 7 and 13. Well worth the read!

And as I wrote in 2014, US planed to turn Crimea into its massive military/navy base since early 2000s. Preparations were underway. But then in March 2014, after the Kiev coup, Crimeans ‘suddenly’ decided to reunite with Russia — and what a surprise it was for those who know nothing of the world and other cultures, but think they can rule this world. I can tell you: in Washington, they still can’t recover from the Crimea independence shock… They really did think Crimea was theirs for the taking.

After all the above failed, Kiev junta and CIA had taken to attempting terror acts inside Crimea. Russian FSB was extremely successful and efficient in apprehending ALL would-be terrorists, along with their subversive equipment.

The plan of synchronized multiple attacks on Crimea from within was rather grand: they were preparing to blow up the Crimean Bridge, blow up power stations and poison potable water all over the peninsula, thus creating humanitarian catastrophe, shortages, mass panic and confusion. All this was supposed to happen simultaneously, in a coordinated effort. The entire, grandly designed plan collapsed when FSB began apprehending Ukraine SBU operatives involved in it. Apprehended were also some Ukrainian sleeper cells and Crimean Tartars secretly involved with Mejlis.

Therefore, all possible ways to sabotage Russia and Crimea had failed.

At this point, the West has finally understood that Crimea is a forever part of Russia. No discussion and no stipulations. The EU has been timidly talking about lessening or taking off completely anti-Russian sanctions. However, predictably, their big boss from across the ocean won’t let them.

It has to be also noted that despite the blockade and animosity by Ukraine, in 2017 alone hundreds of thousands of Ukraine citizens continued vacationing in Crimea. Similarly, hundreds of thousands also worked as seasonal migrant workers, since Crimean salaries (now that it’s a part of Russia) are presently 2-4 times more than on the other side.

In addition to the Crimean Bridge, Russia is also building a new railroad, to bypass Ukraine completely. This railroad from Moscow and central Russia goes around Ukraine and will eventually continue through Crimean (Kerch) Bridge into Crimea. This will resolve any remaining transportation issues.

But there’s so much more beneath the surface! Why is the Crimean Bridge touted ‘the Feat of the 21st Century?’ 

In previous centuries, there were multiple attempts to build a bridge between mainland and Crimea, through the Kerch Strait — the narrowest point between two shores. However, all of these attempts failed.


The Kerch Strait is a point of separation between The small Azov Sea in the north, and a much larger Black Sea to the south. People who had never been to those parts may think that Black Sea is a quiet internal sea, which should be pretty safe. They can’t even imagine how unsafe and turbulent Black Sea can be. The area of the Black Sea around Kerch is considered one of the most stormy and hard to navigate. Currents between Azov and Black Seas can be deadly and changeable. Winds are very powerful. This is why the eastern-most part of Crimea, the Kerch Peninsula, had never really developed as a resort. People flocked to the quiet and soothing southern parts, such as Yalta. Instead, Kerch historically served as one of the Russian fleet bases.

The first attempt to build a bridge between the narrowest part of the Kerch Strait and mainland was made during the Russian Empire, in the 19th century. Crimea was growing as a resort and vineyards, and more convenient access points were wanted. However, strong winds and currents overcame the budding bridge very quickly and the project was abandoned, although calls to restart it continued.

In the 20th century two most dramatic attempts to build a bridge took place. In the 1930s, the USSR began the construction of the bridge through the same narrow part of the Kerch Strait. The temporary bridge was built and began working. Joseph Stalin rode the bridge to Crimea, and later returned to mainland via the same bridge. The day after Stalin’s passage the bridge collapsed.

During the Great Patriotic War (WWII) Hitler decided to build a bridge to Crimea in order to invade Crimea from more than one direction. The bridge was almost completed when it collapsed and was carried away by the current, taking innumerable invaders with it.

After WWII the USSR never attempted another bridge. I do think that Khrushchev’s decision to pass Crimea under the administrative umbrella of the Ukrainian SSR was a huge geopolitical mistake. However, I’ll venture to guess that the difficulty and inconvenience of communication and transportation between the peninsula and Russian mainland was at least a contributing factor in his decision. The idea was that being under the UkrSSR administrative umbrella, Crimea would have a smoother logistics. Of course at the time, no one dreamed that Russia and Ukraine may not be together.

The construction of the new Russsian Crimean Bridge / Kerch Bridge started after the 2014 ukro-nazi coup in Kiev, and following the power-and-food blockade. By then it became abundantly clear that there was no reasoning with Ukraine’s junta.

In the 21 century the new technologies, unavailable to previous generations, are used to build this seemingly impossible to build bridge.

One of the things that was done differently: the bridge is NOT being built through the narrowest part of the strait, which is by far the shortest, but is also the most dangerous. Instead, a substantially longer, but safer area was chosen. Another technological breakthrough: the extra-long and extra-powerful pillars, which are screwed into the sea bed. The trick is, these don’t go into the sea bed straight, but at specific angles, which makes the whole structure much more stable.

Crimean Bridge railway arch2

Yesterday, the great news arrived: the main railway arch of the bridge was delivered and set in place. The creation and installation of this giant central arch is a feat in itself. Its length is almost 300 meters, and it weighs 6,600 tones. It was the very first time in history that such large object was pre-built on land, then delivered intact by sea and installed whole in the middle of the sea.

Crimean Bridge railway arch

This video includes Eng. subs:

As I mentioned, the Crimean Bridge project is perceived as an important and meaningful symbol in Russia. At this moment, Russia’s most important music festival is taking place in Sochi. It is called The New Wave (Novaya Volna). At the New Wave, one of the best known Russian singers, Oleg Gazmanov, has presented new song ‘Krimsky Most’ (‘The Crimean Bridge’). The song is the winner of the ‘Crimean Bridge Song Competition’ and is written by a driver from Ivanovo, together with his children ~ see my additional info and video in this post’s COMMENT SECTION!

Listen up – a nice melody:

P.S. Incidentally, the New Wave festival for years took place in Yurmala, Latvia. This is a grand international annual event, bringing together new and established musical talent from many countries. At this international festival all songs are performed in Russian. After Latvia joined anti-Russian sanctions in 2014 and began denying visas to Russian singers, such as the aforementioned Oleg Gazmanov, Novaya Volna (the New Wave) was moved to Sochi. Simultaneously, a prestigious Russian comedy competition, also taking place in Yurmala, Latvia, was also moved onto Russian territory. And then, another extremely prestigious and mega-popular international summer music and humor festival, called Muzikalny Kivin (Musical Kivin) was also moved from Latvia to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, also located on the Baltic coast.

Therefore, overnight Latvia lost multi-million Russian tourism and music festival business.

But I’m sure Latvia is doing just fine! After all, instead of the uplifting music festivals and peaceful tourists, a few hundred US soldiers moved into town as part of NATO expansion, due to ‘imminent Russian invasion threat.’ Surely, they’ll spend in local bars and (excuse me) brothels much more than hundreds of thousands of Russian music-lovers and beach-goers would! I hear US/NATO soldiers stationed in Riga tend to conveniently forget to pay for their drinks and taxi rides, so that at times local bartenders and taxi drivers have to beat it out of them. Fast karma?..


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Fake News vs Truth: ‘Power Shortages’ and Crimean Bridge – How the West Sabotages Crimea


paleohippy The article explains how the West is hampering the powering-up of Crimea. Article also uses “annexation” wording. Some people just will never get it.

LADA RAY SAYS: Dear readers, the referenced article is fake news and lame propaganda. And it’s written with an indecent kind of glee, which attests to a low calibration of the ‘journalists’ behind it.

The real truth:

Crimean power now is already enough to sustain the needs of citizens, plus the present tourism volume, which is going up and has reached 6-7 million guests a year. There were severe power shortages after the Ukraine ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis terrorists blew up powerlines to Crimea in December 2015. This left 2.5 mln people without power and heat for two weeks during winter.

I don’t recall the ‘liberals’ and ‘humanitarians’ in the West expressing indignation over such terrorism, helping alleviate the Crimean humanitarian catastrophe, or protesting the actions of their puppet Kiev regime.

Russia quickly built the underwater ‘power bridge’ to Crimea, consisting of four bundles of power lines and telephone cables. Russia quickly delivered additional power generators (incidentally, with Chinese help). Also, Crimean old power stations have been revamped and expanded.  As a consequence, power shortages are completely gone.

However, there is a truth to this: more power is needed and the new local power stations must be built… in order to grow and expand tourism to Crimea. This is the main developmental goal for the peninsula. Crimea has the capacity to receive over 10 million tourists per year, but under Kiev it only was able to receive a fraction of this number. During Soviet times the annual inflow was 10 million and above. During the 25 years of Ukraine ‘independence’ under Kiev regime Crimea turned into a pale, fledgling copy of its former flourishing self. When the neglected Soviet infrastructure has been refurbished, currently constructed new infrastructure is fully up and running, and additional power plants are built, Crimea will get back to the Soviet tourism numbers. Most likely, those numbers will be exceeded within several years.

The new power plants are a strategic investment in Crimea’s future economy.

Sure, it’s hard to disagree with this statement: the West will do absolutely everything to sabotage Russia and Crimea. That said, the Crimea power plant ‘turbine situation’ is a storm in a teacup. It’ll be resolved easily and soon. Won’t say how, so some potentially unfriendly forces who may read this don’t have time to sabotage it.

Let’s never forget that fake news is the new chosen weapon in the global info war against Russia

I basically predicted, or perhaps rather preempted, this would happen when I wrote the following pieces in 2014, 2015 and 2016. There was no term fake news yet – I called this phenomenon ‘hoaxes’ and ‘targeted info dumps.’


How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)

New Hoax about Putin and Russia Dispelled by Lada Ray!

If you haven’t yet, do read these three pieces! If you have read them, it’s useful to refresh your memory!

Weapons of info war

There is an all out info war against Russia. Ukraine and other E. European ‘countries,’ such as the Baltics and Poland, are at the forefront of this info war. Ukraine and others’ ministries of propaganda spread fake news about ‘protests’ in Russia, ‘hunger and shortages’ in Donbass and Crimea. Western publications happily parrot all this. Western sources are routinely caught quoting obscure Ukrainian publications, known for spreading hoaxes, fake news and targeted info dumps. No facts are checked.

Please be careful what you read and whom you trust. Many so-called ‘alternative’ publications are as, or even more, guilty of spreading fake news and lies! I warned my readers about this growing problem as early as in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 1, as well as in other above-referenced articles. Now, in 2017, I see that many people finally began talking about the fake news problem. I recommend my above-linked articles as eye-opening reads to avoid falling for it in the future.

The truth about Crimean Bridge

The above-referenced article was a very clear example of the fake news at work. Another such example is fake news about The Crimean Bridge. I’ve heard lots of fake news originating from Ukraine and supposedly Russian ‘opposition’ sources, such as Navalny, who in fact are on the payroll of Washington. These fake news contended that Russia is lying and that no Crimean Bridge is being constructed as it’s an impossible engineering feat; that all the money has been stolen; that Crimea will always remain a hostage of Ukraine… This usually goes accompanied with fake pics and videos. It appears that even the Western fake news propaganda didn’t so much fall for it. The reason is simple: any satellite footage will prove these fake news wrong. Therefore, the Crimean Bridge in the West is met with a stony silence, accompanied with futile attempts at anti-Russian sanctions.

The truth is, The Crimean Bridge is being built well ahead of schedule and it will soon alleviate the transportation pressure on the peninsula. Another investment in the bright future of Crimea it has been dubbed ‘The Construction Project of the Century.’ It is a rare engineering feat indeed.

There were many famous attempts to build a bridge from mainland to Crimea in different eras: by Russian Tsars, Stalin and even Hitler during WWII. All had failed. The stories are fascinating and I’ll tell them to you in a future book. This is the first time such bridge will become a reality – and what a reality it will be soon!

The Crimean Bridge (The Kerch Bridge – RUS: Kerchenskiy Most) is coming up at a lightning speed – drone footage:

Crimean bridge will look like this when completed – RT projection:

Crimean Kerch Bridge is a bridge between Mainland Russia and the Crimean Peninsula, built between the Azov and Black Seas – panoramic view.


Recall that we discussed how a country’s expanding Life Force is measured by how many strategic mega-infrastructure projects a country can pull off at the same time. Recommended read: Mass Migration: What Happens if a Country Gains or Loses its Life Force? (US, EU, Russia, China, Ukraine, Syria)

Lots of exciting and fascinating stuff is happening in and around Crimea. I’m sure in the future we’ll talk more about the Crimean Bridge and all things Crimea!

Ukraine starts energy blockade of Donbass, but Crimea volunteers to help

On another note, two days ago Ukraine has disconnected electric power supply to Lugansk Republic (LPR). Lugansk is now experiencing power shortages, much like Crimea did in 2015. Donetsk (DPR) power lines from Ukraine are still working, however, it is expected that Kiev will turn off the electric power to Donetsk as well.

In this situation, Crimea has volunteered to share its know-how in dealing with energy blockade by Kiev. It is expected to dispatch to Lugansk and Donetsk those surplus portable emergency generators Russia had purchased to save the people of Crimea in 2015.

Why did Kiev disconnect power to LPR? After recent blockade by ukro-nazis of Donetsk and Lugansk coal, Kiev ‘discontinued’ purchases of the Donbass coal. As a result of this new stupidity by Kiev junta, Ukraine’s own power stations and industrial giants are going cold one after another. Kiev is quickly losing what little industrial base it had left after 2014 coup. Let’s recall what I discussed in other Ukraine articles: the energy grid and industrial production of Ukraine was built by the USSR as one integral system, and Donbass was part of this big system. The power plant located on Ukrainian side that used to send energy to Lugansk in exchange for coal and a hefty payment is down to 1 month or so in coal supplies, and prospects for more coal are very dim. By not delivering energy to LPR, the power plant may survive a month or two longer. But that’s all the time it has: after that it will go cold, with workers losing their jobs.

What will Kiev’s energy blockade of Lugansk and Donetsk achieve? Nothing, except irrevocably distancing DPR and LPR from Ukraine and expediting the republics’ integration into Russia. Crimea has already announced that it’ll help the break-away republics achieve this goal.



EARTH SHIFT REPORT 18 (written report)

Lada Ray French Election Predictions: Le Pen – Macron Face-off & What it Means for the EU

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April 10, 2017: Odessa celebrates 73 Anniversary of Liberation

Monument to empress Catherine. Odessa, Ukraine

Odessa, monument to city founder, Russian empress Katherine the Great. Part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Read more in BLACK SEA GAMBIT

April 10th is widely celebrated in Odessa as “Den’ Osvobozhdenia” – “the Day of Liberation.” In reality May 9 (Victory Day) is more widely celebrated. But at one point, after Ukraine separated from Russia and began its slide towards rabid Russophobia and fascism, holidays such as February 23 (Soviet Army Day) and April 10 became the defiance outlets of sorts, gathering huge crowds in the absence of any other legal means of protest.

On April 10, 1944, Soviet Army liberated Odessa from the Romanian-German Nazi occupation lasting 30 months. Before that, the city endured an excruciating battle and long blockade perpetrated by 11 joint Romanian and German divisions. Only 4 Soviet divisions, consisting mainly of marines, sailors and volunteers, many of them poorly trained and hardly armed, managed to withstand the aggressors’ attacks for months. After the city surrendered and the Romanian occupation began, thousands of guerrillas continued resistance, using the catacombs labyrinth as their shelter.

The famous Odessa catacombs run under the entire city. The reason Romanian army was so active in Odessa was simple – greed. Hitler promised Odessa together with entire Odessa Oblast, as well as other Black Sea territories, as the grand prize to Romania, in exchange for participating in the attack on the USSR.

Today Romania still licks its lips at Odessa, Pridnestrovie and Moldova. I actually can’t stop being amazed at the ungratefulness of Romanians. If not for Russia, Romania, formed only in 19th century, would not exist. Read the whole story in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

Odessans are blessed with very good memory. As they say in Russia (I mean Russia in a broad sense, including Odessa, of course): ‘No one’s forgotten and nothing is forgotten.’


The video below is from April 10, 2014, 70th Anniversary of Liberation. Let’s recall that the Kiev coup already took place (February 2014) and Kiev junta, supported and enabled by the West, was already established in Ukraine. On March 16, 2014 the Crimean referendum took place where people voted to become a part of Russia. Donbass was preparing for its own referendum. Odessa itself had a permanent peaceful protest tent city on Kulikovo Polie, with vast majority of Odessans supporting federalization or secession. The May 2 Kulikovo Polie Massacre didn’t happen yet – it would scar Odessa forever.

Note the enormous sea of people of all ages at the April 10, 2014 march. This was already during Kiev junta, but at the time the REAL Odesssans still felt at home in their beloved city. Ukro-nazis would swarm in later, making Odessans prisoners in their own backyard.

Also notice the kinds of flags carried by the marchers: Soviet flags, WWII Red Victory Banners, three types of Russian flags (incl. Official Russian Tricolor, Georgievsky Flags, and old-style black-gold-white flags), Russian and Soviet Navy flags, and Odessa flags with crest (red-white-yellow with anchor). Not a single blue and yellow Ukrainian flag! People chant: ‘Fascism won’t pass’ “Odessa Hero City’ ‘Out of Odessa, Bandera devils’ and Donbass, we are with you.’ And note the giant Russian flag at 4:50.

Video Odessa, sea of people on February 23, 2014: chanting ‘Fascism won’t pass,’ ‘Rossia.’

This video, which is very hard to ignore, tells us a very eloquent truth of how the people of Odessa really feel about Russia, Ukraine and their place in this world.

At the time, Odessans and many others all over Ukraine still hoped that peaceful protests could lead to change, and that ukro-nazi junta supported from abroad could be reasoned with. Only 20 odd days later the unarmed peaceful protesters at the Kulikovo Polie tent city would be ambushed by hordes of ukro-nazi militants. Thousands of well-trained and armed with bats and molotov cocktails militants would arrive from central and western Ukraine. The attackers would burn dozens of people alive inside the historic House of the Unions on Kulikovo Polie. Those who tried to escape would be killed on the spot. Many innocent bystanders would be burned and killed together with protesters.

The supposed investigation into the crimes committed on May 2, 2014 never revealed any true facts, nor anyone was placed under arrest, despite many witness testimonies, videos and photos of perpetrators. Independent investigations have established that the commander of the ukro-nazi attackers was Andriy Parubiy, current Speaker of the Ukraine Rada (parliament). And the West, as always, looks the other way.

For full details of the May 2 tragedy and more, see my May 2, 2016 Odessa Report: Under Foreign and Nazi Occupation.

Also, for telling contemporary realities, intel, analysis and predictions for Odessa, Moldova, Pridnestrovie and northern Black Sea, read EARTH SHIFT REPORT 8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

Also see my 2013 articles with lots of Odessa pics (these are pre-Kiev junta, it’s all positive and nice, but you’ll see that I’ve already had a premonition of things to come):

After May 2 massacre Odessa was in shock, but this city is nothing if not resilient. Despite terror, Odessans continued coming out to have their voices heard.

This is Odessa on April 10, 2017. Many people are scared, but some still come to the sacred spot, the Eternal Flame at the Alley of Slava (translated more or less as Glory). On the video below, I’d like you to notice a few things:

1. How nice the Alley is. I remember it as a beautiful spot, with a wonderful panoramic view of the Black Sea and surrounded by an old, peaceful park.

2. Most people are older because it’s very dangerous for those who are young and working to show their faces at such event.

3. People sing Russian songs, such as Katyusha and Sacred War. They chant: ‘Out of Odessa, Bandera devils,’ ‘Odessa – the Hero City,’ “Donbass we are with you,’ ‘Fascism won’t pass.’ But they are forbidden from carrying any symbols, such as Victory Banner or Georgievskaya Lenta.

4. There are paid ukro-nazi militants acting as provocateurs all over the place. Their goal is to start fights, to provoke people and police. Police, thankfully, has been acting professionally and several ukro-nazis were detained.

5. At one point an ukro-nazi provocateur who’s sticking his camera into people’s faces asks repeatedly, ‘Who does Crimea belong to?’ People try to ignore him, but he won’t leave. Finally one brave woman says, ‘To Russia, of course.’

At one point during the event (not on this video) ukro-nazis were chanting, “Bandera will come and restore order,” and “Kill the Russians.” (Stepan Bandera: Hitler collaborator, ukro-nazi ideologist, who’s dead since 1940s.) In other words, these are just your regular fascist terrorists supported, as usual, by Western governments.

6. Tensions are at all time highs. The explosion is coming. If anyone for a moment thought that Ukraine could survive indefinitely as one state ruled by oligarch, ukro-nazi and foreign interests, think again. It won’t happen – it’s only a matter of time.

7. Also notice the marked difference: Odessans are dressed colorfully, while ukro-nazis are all dressed in black (sometimes, black and red).

Video: Odessa, April 10, 2017

8. Last but not least, notice that ukro-nazis are EXCLUSIVELY very young people. Remember this detail, it is very important and symptomatic of what is happening around the world! I’ll explain what this means in one of the future webinars!  



I am preparing several other timely posts with lots of important info on Trump, Syria, Russia, China and more. I’ll try to release all of them quickly, so please stay tuned! Much more coming your way!



EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17 Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations


Russia Celebrates Three Years of Reunification with #Crimea. #Putin 2014 Flashbacks

Lada Ray’s February 2014 PREDICTION: 

‘Russia will never allow Crimea to be occupied by ukro-nazis, US or NATO. Russia will do whatever is necessary to prevent the crucial geopolitical asset such as Crimea from falling into the wrong hands.’

US Planned to Turn #Crimea into Military Base Against Russia



Watch videos:

March 2017: 150,000 people took part in the third anniversary of reunification with #Crimea celebrations in Moscow.

March 18, 2017: In Sevastopol three thousand people formed a live giant Russian flag to commemorate 3rd anniversary of reunification:


Third anniversary of reunification with Crimea – Moscow fireworks:


If you like contemporary and traditional Russian music check out March 18, 2017 Moscow festival “Spring” dedicated to the 3rd anniversary of the Crimean Referendum and reunification. MGU University Square (MGU is Moscow University). Includes the views of Moscow. I especially recommend at 30:00 a song by Fabrika women’s band and at 35:00 2 songs by Lube. Watch to the end.

Праздничный концерт фестиваля “Весна” 18 марта 2017 г. :

Here is an eye-witness video from YT channel, ‘The Diary of a Ukrainian in Russia.’ It’s a channel by a Ukrainian who was forced to flee his native Ukraine following 2014 Maidan and his prosecution by the Kiev junta for having a different opinion. He now lives in Moscow and posts video blog about his impressions of Russia. In this video you can see him walking around the MGU parks, plus the fireworks.  Around 22 min – overcrowded Moscow Metro due to 150,000 people attending the events.

Just after 22 min. into the video he also includes some footage from his trip to Crimea last year. Off-season Crimea in September: beaches, cliffs, waterfalls, nature:


March 2014 Flashbacks:

This is March 18, 2014 Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin Address declaring the results of the Crimean Referendum:

Putin, March 2014, Red Square: ‘After a long, difficult and excruciating voyage Crimea and Sevastopol are finally returning to native shores, to their permanent port of call’ :


Don’t miss this report! 

Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada, the First Lady
