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Paul Craig Roberts and Guest Scientists about #Ebola: Is The US Government The Master Criminal Of Our Time?

Guest post by Paul Craig Roberts and two scientists about #Ebola:

UPDATE: As I read this notice from, a service of the US National Institutes of Health, the US Government and Pharmaceutical corporations have been conducting ebola tests on humans.

This is official confirmation of Dr. Boyle and Dr. Broderick’s reports that the US government has conducted ebola experiments. Perhaps the vaccine was not effective, and those on whom the experiment was conducted came down with ebola and perhaps also employees in the US bio-warfare laboratories located in Africa where the experiment was conducted.

It appears that the test consists of giving an ebola vaccine and then exposing the unaware person to ebola, apparently an engineered version for bio-warfare. Whatever the tests are, it is clear that Boyle and Broderick in their articles below are correct that experimentation with ebola by the US government is underway. Read the rest of this entry

The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation

New and very important article by Paul Craig Roberts, co-authored with professional trader, Dave Kranzler on

The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation


Plus, watch Paul Craig Roberts’ interview on USAWatchdog, in which he explains his article, manipulation of gold prices by the FED, where German gold reserve stored by the FED has gone, and what is happening with the US gold reserve.


Paul Craig Roberts-Fed Trapped by Money Printing. Dollar Fairy Tale VS Reality

Published on Nov 3, 2013

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts-Fed Trapped by Money Printing

Economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the Fed is never going to stop printing money. Dr. Roberts contends, “They’re trapped because you can’t expect them to say let’s blow up the world right now so we don’t have a crisis in the dollar next year.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Interesting analysis of the future of the dollar, the #BRICS bank, international settling of trade balances in #gold #oil and #China #Russia #India #Japan #Brazil national #currencies.

When will the dollar crack? I am posting these interesting pieces to inform and educate. I am planning on starting to post my own predictions again soon – both here and on Lada Ray Youtube Channel. My predictions go further and deeper into the issues. Stay tuned!



QE3 Consequences + Truth About Russia and Putin from Father of Reaganomcs, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is called one of the top ten living economists. He has recently become an outspoken critic of the madness of Washington’s policies. Dr Roberts is in total agreement with Marc Faber and Ron Paul – and so am I – about how QE3 will play out. And it is especially interesting what he has to say about Russia, Putin and US interference in Russian and Chinese affairs. As a matter of fact, his words could have easily been my words.

Thank you, Dr. Roberts! Finally, one sane view from an American on Putin: “He is not a dictator, but an elected official with massive support. Western media lies about everything, why would you believe them about Putin?” WELL SAID!

A very valuable interview! Have a listen!

Mass Economic Collapse and Dissolution of the West Explained by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Mass Economic Collapse Explained in this March, 2013 interview. Includes Cyprus situation. Interview with Infowars Alex Jones.

The Dissolution of the West. Civil liberties being destroyed. Militarization of Police. Social and Economic dispossession, transformation of US society, destruction of the currency, military-industrial-security complex, Monsanto and much more…  Interview with James Corbett of Corbett Report and GRTV

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Interview 2013: Syria, NSA, Economic Collapse, WWIII

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Reagan’s Asst Treasury Secretary and Father of Reaganomics talks about Syria, NSA scandal, Economic Collapse, and more! This interview predates Putin’s NY Times op-ed development, but the info and opinions are very valuable.


Assad’s usage of chemical weapons when he is winning is nonsense. Syrian rebels are non-Syrian Islamist mercenaries, they are imports. The plan was to use NATO puppet states to bomb Syria.

United Nations cannot prevent the invasion as the UN is no longer an independent voice. It has been dependent on US financing since the collapse of the Soviet Union and is no longer a viable international body.

Russia and China were fooled with Lybia, but they are not fooled about Syria. USA is trying to surround Russia and China with military bases and take away China’s oil and gas sources. Lybia debacle was demaging to China.

Confirmed False flag: Iraq and Gulf of Tonkin. Recent False Flag terrorist attacks? Western media is the Ministry of Propaganda.

Why did US hate Hugo Chavez of Venezuela?

US military-industrial complex wants WWIII: “what good are nuclear weapons if you don’t use them?” Kennedy was being pushed to attack Russia and was called a coward when he didn’t. Russia and China have to be more active in opposing US aggression.

Where is the US economy headed?

And much more…