UN Petition to Stop Bloodshed in Ukraine by Engaging Russian Peacekeepers

Совет Безопасности ООН: Ввести миротворческие войска России на Юго-Восток Украины. 

Почему это важно

Это важно потому что иначе будет бойня! Надо дать народу право на самоопределение!


I just signed the above petition to the UN Security Council. Translation from Russian: “Engage Russian Peacekeeprs in the South-East of Ukraine. Why is this important? This is important because otherwise there will be war. We must give the people the right to self-determination.”


From Lada: As some of you may know from my articles and from other sources, a nationalist junta has violently seized power in Kiev, Ukraine, ousting and driving out of the country Ukraine’s legitimate president (whatever criticisms we have of Yanukovich, he was democratically elected). With direct support of the US and EU, the unelected government has been installed, which relies on armed nazi and ultra-nationalist thugs to keep it in power. The junta immediately announced Russian language a foreign langauge, cancelled all Russian channels and even threatened with physical extermination the Russian population of the south and east of the country. The east and south of what is still Ukraine are of course historic Russian lands, which were attached to Ukraine by various Soviet leaders for various political and personal reasons – a move that proved to be a long-term disaster, which stranded millions of Russians on their own land as undesirable and unappreciated guests under oppressive Kiev regime. I wrote about all that in my articles about Ukraine and Russia. Please check them for more info. You may want to read these articles:


The south and east of Ukraine (also called “south-east”), unwilling to live under the oppressive regime of the Kiev junta and unwilling to become a part of the EU and NATO, decided to schedule referendum for May 11 to secede, and started announcing regional people’s republics. To suppress the voice of the people, the Kiev junta sent army and special forces, including US mercenaries from the private contractor Greystone.


Most of the Ukraine army and police refused to fight their own people. So far, all regular army units that came in contact with the south-east protesters have surrendered or defected to their side. Police has either kept neutrality, or joined the protesters. When the army failed, Kiev armed the nazi thugs and sicked them on peaceful protesters and unarmed citizens in Donbass region and Odessa. See this video: South-East Ukraine: Crisis Diary (Unique Documentary Shot by Ordinary People)


As a result, dozens of unarmed, peaceful residents of Kramatorsk and Slavyansk in the Donetsk region were killed. This wasn’t even a fight as these were unarmed civilians, who formed a live chain so not to let the tanks through. Some of the Kiev thugs opened fire and killed 10 people. When people tried to help the wounded, they wouldn’t let them, continuing to shoot. This was execution of the peaceful civilians, the way German nazis did it during World War II.


In Odessa, the beautiful city on the Black Sea where I grew up, the situation was even more tragic. The nazi thugs sent by Kiev surrounded the pro-Russian activists in their protest tent city on the Kulikovo Polie and started shooting. Kulikovo Polie is the main square of the city, not far from the historic Odessa Train Station and beautiful Pushkinskaya Street, where I used to walk when I was little. I have wonderful memories of that place. Read my posts about Odessa.


Unfortunately, these memories are now tainted by the recent events. The Ukraine nazi thugs made activists retreat inside the building of the Unions and blocked them inside. Then, they set this historic building on fire, screaming “burn, Russians.”

They would not let the distressed people out of the building, again, reminding us of how the German nazis acted in WWII.

Some people tried to jump out of the burning building. As a result of the Odessa massacre, 48 people burned alive, and over 200 were injured. There are some reports that in fact, over 200 people were burned and killed by the junta nazis inside the Odessa Unions building, including many employees, who happened to be inside the building when the Kiev nazi attack started. The tragedy was happening to the laughter and delight of the Ukraine nazis and nationalists. On another occasion, a mob of nazis from western Ukraine infiltrating Odessa, chased down an anti-maidan activist and cut off his leg. All that was caught on camera!

See video reports: Tragic Traces: Blood & footprints spell no escape in Odessa inferno


Needless to say, Odessa is in shock of such hideous acts. Odessans know this was done by those who came to their city uninvited. In the incredibly distressing videos that I unfortunately had to watch for information purposes, nazis and Ukraine nationalists spoke Ukrainian. I grew up in Odessa and I know – in Odessa NO ONE speaks Ukrainian. It’s just not done. Everyone speaks Russian. I don’t need anyone to tell me those were not Odessans. If anyone speaks Ukrainian, it means they are not local. These people spoke exclusively Ukrainian, which means they were from western or northern Ukraine. They are also from rural regions, as in large cities everywhere people speak Russian, including Kiev! I wonder how much are they being paid for the dirty job they had been sent to perform?


I came to an unavoidable conclusion that Kiev is determined to suppress the drive for freedom and self-determination of the east and south, even if it means killing everyone there. Genocide of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine seems to be sanctioned by the government of the United States, and condoned or ignored by other western governments.


In this dire situation, the only guarantee that genocide will not take place is the presence of the Russian peacekeepers in the east and south. Only this can ensure that people are protected and democratic referendum takes place. The terrified population has been begging Russia to interfere. However, Russia, in observance of the international law, will only be able to act if the UN Security Council will give it the mandate.


I believe this petition needs to be signed to tell the US and EU that we condemn their policies regarding Ukraine. Should the permanent members of the Security Council, USA and UK, veto the resolution to send Russian peacekeepers to the south-east of Ukraine, they will show their true colors to the entire world!

Note, this is a protest vote as I do not believe that the US will allow the resolution to send Russian peacekeepers to pass. US Veto is certain. US goal is to attempt to provoke Russia into sending troops to Ukraine to protect the Russian-speaking population without any UN resolution. This would allow US/NATO to paint Russia as aggressor and re-start Cold War. More here.

However, it is important to show that we disagree and condemn their policies and actions regarding Ukraine. Voice of the people is still important and will eventually bear fruit as more people, countries and even politicians understand what’s really going on.


The authors are looking for 500,000 signatures. They already have almost 60,000 and it’s moving fast! The petition is in Russian, but it’s fairly easy to sign.


Petition link:



How to sign: on the right of the screen enter your email address in the white box. Click on large pink button “sign”  under the email box.

On the next page type in your name, and then enter country. There is a drop down country menu in Russian. So you could find your country, here are a few most popular countries in Russian: USA – Соединённые Штаты
Америки; Canada – Канада; UK – Соединённое Королевство
Великобритании и Северной Ирландии OR simply: Великобритания; Australia – Австралия; Germany – Германия; Belgium – Бельгия; Japan – Япония; India – Индия; France – Франция.


Here’s a full list of countries in Russian and English: http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/countrynames_russian.htm


Hope this helps. Thank you for signing!



P.S. 1. Many thanks to John Durham for this info and link: Representatives of the Public Chamber are preparing a lawsuit in the European Court of Human Rights relating to the egregious crimes of the Kiev authorities against their own people: source Izvestia.ru  According to Izvestia, 48 people died in the Odessa massacre of 5/3/14, and over 200 received burns and injuries. Kiev/Ukraine nazis who caused fire by throwing Molotov cocktails and who locked up the people inside the burning building, also were finishing off those who attempted to escape. According to reports, the Kiev-installed Odessa authorities ordered police to leave the site and look the other way, while Kiev nazis were throwing Molotov cocktails and finishing off the victims.

2. Meanwhile, the Western press, including LA Times and NY Times, are lying about the cause of the Odessa tragedy, calling it an “accident,” and carefully avoiding any mention of the nazis at the site and Kiev’s direct involvement so not to expose the Washington supported #KievJunta.  

3. There is a new guest article on Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ site: Putin Should Send Troops Into Ukraine — by Finian Cunningham, which analyses and discusses the situation in further detail from the point of view of an AWAKE Western insider. The article includes vivid descriptions of gruesome events in #Odessa, as well as #Slavyansk, and elsewhere in #Donbass. Those who are still not convinced that #Washington and #EU are a criminal enterprise supporting war criminals in #Kiev, who should be tried and convicted by the international tribunal, READ HERE!

About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on May 4, 2014, in Ukraine and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. Thank you Lada for the information. I have just signed the above Petition.


  2. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    It is important that the international community is made aware of these atrocities and demand a stop to it before more deaths occur. Thank you Lada for keeping on top of this volatile situation, it concerns every person on Earth. Peace!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ChinaWatcher

    Done Lada. Thank you for pointing it out. My heart breaks with the evil that is amongst us but it is time for all good and peaceful people to no longer remain silent. It is decision time. Peace always.


  4. Thank you Lada. Signed petition, subscribed to AMTV, doing all possible “outward work” to support the beautiful Russian people in the Ukraine. Heart and mind fully engaged in much “inner work”. We are One, and when one people suffers, we experience that suffering within our Unity of Spirit. Daily I seek to know how I may serve, and your posts help to point the way to where and how Love, support, and healing may be directed.


  5. Lada, I have just signed the petition….BUT it was like going blindly…I hope I succeeded!!

    I do speak French and some Italian but Russian is too too far from what I know. My Goodness, I just got an e-mail from Avaaz telling me that I have started a Petition…I must have filled out too many parts!!!

    By the way, thank you so much for your blog you are a Big light at the end of the disinformation tunnel.

    I just discovered another author who also seem to have the correct pulse on what is going on in Ukraine, his name is George Eliason, here is a link to one of his articles

    From his articles I learned quite a bit about the history of Ukraine as well as how my own country, Canada, has over the last 70 years help propel the current Junta in Ukraine. It appears that Alberta (mostly) has the largest Ukrainian community outside Ukraine. However, most of them are from the UltraNationalist Nazi persuasion. Today though, in Toronto there was a demonstration of Ukrainian-Canadians speaking against the Junta. It is a start!

    Again Lada, thank you so much!! I will try again for the Petition, this time I will try not to be so enthusiastic to fill everything in sight.
    Fostering Literacy for our World


  6. pieter.lemmens@hotmail.com

    I signed and sended the petition to 15 or 20 friends.

    Liked by 1 person

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