Is USA behind the failed coup in Turkey?

This just in! USA State Dept. denies that US was behind failed coup in Turkey

Oh my, but US State Dept is modest! Of course they are behind the failed military coup in Turkey! Just like they are behind the presently developing attempts to destabilize Kazakhstan and Armenia! As in above cases, the brainwashed convenient dupes, who were used as cannon fodder in Turkey coup, had no idea who and why was pulling their strings.

For the newly developing crises in Armenia and Kazakhstan see latest posts:

Deadly Extremist Attack in Almaty, Kazakhstan

URGENT! New Armenia Maidan attempt has begun in Yerevan!

Comprehensive report on EAEU members, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, plus all of Caucasus & Central Asia:


Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are also discussed in:


For the comprehensive view of the Turkish situation and Erdogan read my December 2015 bestselling


The Battle for Eurasia! TURKISH CONUNDRUM

Turkey conundrum 2

 #Erdogan #Istanbul #CIA #FethullahGülen

Lada’s message

The past week or so has seen filled with a lot of crazy events all over the globe. Please recall my original prediction that this kind of instability and turmoil will continue and, more so, intensify. So, brace yourselves and stay tuned to upcoming Earth Shift Reports for added clarity and so you are well prepared for the future!

One of the last week’s events was an attempted military coup in Turkey. The implications of this coup not only for Turkey, but for the world, are significant and important to understand.

Other earth-shattering events of the past couple of weeks have been the change of power in the UK and the appointment of Theresa May as PM, while Cameron, along with biggest Brexit proponents suddenly ran for cover. As the UK/Brexit story unfolded, we simultaneously observed the new aggressive NATO push closer and closer to Russian borders. However, Russia isn’t sleeping and Russian response to the NATO push has begun.

The three globally important geopolitical events to be discussed in the upcoming Earth Shift Reports:

1. The failed Turkish coup & how it’s likely to change the global geopolitical balance of power

2. UK’s bizarre & seemingly confusing power transfer, along with the Brexit aftermath for EU/US

3. NATO threat & Russia’s unfolding secret response

Please stay tuned!



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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on July 20, 2016, in EARTH SHIFT, Empire Collapse, Eurasia, Eurasian Union, Geopolitical Trends, Middle East, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. May we live in interesting times. All I can say is WOW! I must say that I’m now convinced after watching Alexander Dugin’s video ( that indeed the US and Gulen’s people created a parallel state in Turkey and this parallel state was responsible for the shooting down of the Russian jet in November. To me it all makes sense now. It’s possible that Erdogan was in the blind as anyone else about this action but being the President of Turkey had to support it. Maybe he himself was not aware of the extent of this parallel state and its reach into the Turkish military. In fact at the time maybe even President Putin was not aware of this parallel state. The fact that the pilot of the plane that shot down the Russian jet was arrested is probably the most important action post-Coup and may show the direction Turkey will now take. Watch out in the coming days and weeks the course that Erdogan will take vis-a-vis Russia, Syria, China, US, NATO, and the Incirlik base. This will validate or not Dugin’s argument. Again all I can say if Turkey finally gets close to Russia then WOW, WOW and WOW!! What a geopolitical earthquake this will cause.

    Here is an article from Katehon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Very good point with the parallell state comment actually that is the core issue for the US as well. The US has it’s parallell state the military industrial complex linked to all the agencies and pentagon. This is how they work put in some rouge elements in a country preferably within the military and they got control look at Latin America in the 60’s as well as Asia. Add some CIA rouges in the main stream media as well and there you are.

      They show up a unified field outwards but they often fight each other internally. This goes for big corp as well we know see the collaps of these gigants more and more.


  2. Is it because Turkey is getting closer to Russia…?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Lada,

    I just posted this on another website. See what you think about it.

    I just watched the latest video from the always fascinating Joseph Farrell’s News and Views from the Nefarium ( and he put forward a thought which funny I lately also have thought about. Apparently Turkey and Iran are in talks about the re-creation of the Caliphate which would be headquarted in Turkey. However, and this is important, the moslem religion that would form the Caliphate would be of the Sufi mainstream and not the vicious and murderous Wahhabi one. I think this would be terrific and would unite the muslim world under the peaceful Sufi strain. I think Russia would get behind it because it would stabilize the moslem world and actually drastically reduce the influence of Saudi Arabia. Also of course there are millions of moslems in Russia so Putin would have an interest on this fact alone. Since in Russia there’s been a resurgence of Orthodox Christianity, the two great centers of Christianity and Islam (formerly Byzantine and Ottoman) which would reside in Turkey and Russia would be a powerful force for peace and development. There would be great synergy between Turkey and Russia and both would look at each other positively and not as a threat. Under the right circumstances the Sofia Church in Istanbul (formerly Constantinople), which could be a sort of Mecca for the Orthodox world, could be revitalized and a show of unity and friendship between Turkey and Russia would do wonders. It would help to end the hostility between Christians and Moslems (which the US has provoked) and would fit right in with the great Eurasian project. In addition re-establishing the Caliphate in Turkey would satisfy Erdogan’s ego and dream to unite the Moslem world but in a positive way unlike the totally destructive support he has previously given the Wahhabi strain in Syria and Iraq.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Lada, I just posted the comments below on another website and see what you and the readers think.

    I just watched the latest video from the always fascinating Joseph Farrell’s News and Views from the Nefarium ( and he put forward a thought which funny I lately also have thought about. Apparently Turkey and Iran are in talks about the re-creation of the Caliphate which would be headquarted in Turkey. However, and this is important, the moslem religion that would form the Caliphate would be of the Sufi mainstream and not the vicious Wahhabi one. I think this would be terrific and would unite the muslim world under the peaceful Sufi strain. I think Russia would get behind it because it would stabilize the moslem world and actually drastically reduce the influence of Saudi Arabia. Also of course there are millions of moslems in Russia. Since in Russia there’s been a resurgence of Orthodox Christianity, the two great centers of Christianity and Islam (formerly Byzantine and Ottoman) which would reside in Turkey and Russia would be a powerful force for peace and development. There would be great synergy between Turkey and Russia and both would look at each other positively and not as a threat. Under the right circumstances the Sofia Church in Istanbul (formerly Constantinople), which could be a sort of Mecca for the Orthodox world, could be revitalized and a show of unity and friendship between Turkey and Russia would do wonders. It would help to end the hostility between Christians and Moslems (which the US has provoked) and would fit right in with the great Eurasian project. In addition re-establishing the Caliphate in Turkey would satisfy Erdogan’s ego and dream to unite the Moslem world but in a positive way unlike the totally destructive support he has previously given the Wahhabi strain in Syria and Iraq.


  5. Brilliant piece!

    “Let’s start with the history of coups in Turkey. Traditionally, they have been conducted by the military, which modern Turkey’s founder Kemal Ataturk designated as the guardians of secularism, stability and integrity. Since WWII, there were military coups in 1960, 1971, 1980 and 1997, and the US was behind EVERY one.

    During the first coup in 1960, they tried to prevent a rapprochement with the USSR, turning off credit, and Turkish Prime Minister Adnan Menderes planned to visit Moscow to set up an alternative source of crediting and economic assistance. The military took over, and the politicians who wanted to repair relations with Russia were removed.

    The coup in 1971 was similar to the one in Chile that happened a little later in 1973, and which was also organized by the CIA. The goal was to stop the country from sliding “to the left” under politicians who held social values. The 1980 and 1997 coups were also conducted with US blessing.

    Did Turkey’s foreign policy change after the military came to power? No, Turkey was a faithful vassal of the US and remained pro-American, with all attempts to change that policy severely punished.

    It’s important to understand that the US has been behind all Turkish coups, in order to understand that country’s evolution.”


  6. We have to thank the US state department that they provide us with their denial meaning telling us they where behind it another proof of this is John Kerry’s statement that Turkey could get kicked out of NATO just days after the coup.

    At first glance it looked like Erdogan had staged it but but the recent events in mind with Turkey moving towards Russia and China it’s obvious USA is loosing leverage by the day in the area. It’s even said that Russia tipped ofF the Turks about the coup so they could prepare.

    With the history of the US involvment in Turkeys other coup well it does not take genius to put two and two together..



  7. For those who don’t know of Sibel Edmonds (Classified Woman), she is of Turkish and Persian parentage, fluent in Turkish and Farsi; is ex-govt signals/intelligence analyst, and has deep credible insight into these matters.

    Like Lada, she has a long history of calling it right on maneuverings and events in that region of the world. Here she unravels some of the details with James Corbett. Like FT here, there are insightful depth commentary and linked info in the Comments section.(including this all-important link: )

    “As we predicted last year, the deep state coup against Erdogan finally materialized last weekend… but it fizzled out almost as quickly as it arrived. So what are we to make of this would-be putsch? Did Erdogan allow it to happen in order to further cement his control on the rebound? Or was this merely a trial run for the real CIA/NATO/Gulenist coup yet to come? And what role do the Turkish people play in all of this? Joining us today to dissect the mayhem is Sibel Edmonds and Spiro Skouras”


    • A word of caution on Edmonds and on Corbett, too!

      Yes, she does know the ME and Turkey and her stuff on those parts is usually solid. So is her overall feel about US.
      However, she is completely off as it concerns Russia and entire post-Soviet space. She was entirely wrong about her ‘predictions’ on what Russia would do in Ukraine, and she predicted once that Russia would ‘betray’ Syria and collude with US to remove Assad. It was before I began FT and I pointed it out to her and Corbett in a comment, which got them quite rattled. As it’s clear now, my predictions were correct.

      Corbett is also Russophobic and so is his audience. He is also one of those who spread the hoax of Putin being a part of NWO – hoax I dispelled in ERS1: Is Putin Part of NWO? in 2014, after which it died down.

      For these reasons I’m not too keen on having their links on FT. Allowing these ones due to this being a good topic – but every reader should use their discretion.

      P.S. Much is floating around about whether the coup was orchestrated by Erdogan or not. I am preparing my own Earth Shift Report where I’ll spell out my view and long-term consequences, which may not coincide with the views of others.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Good insightful reply. Will take all into account. Forward with the truth.
        Here is another sober reveal on the who/what/why in Turkey:

        The Real Story Behind The Turkish Coup

        …A special commando team was sent to capture or, more likely, kill President Erdogan who was vacationing at the seaside resort, Marmaris. He managed to escape minutes before the plotters struck. A number of his bodyguards were killed. Erdogan boarded a small plane and flew to Istanbul as two rebel F-16 jets were hunting his black-out aircraft. The president and his military loyalists rallied troops and the air force. It was all eerily similar to the 1991 coup attempt on the vacationing Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, by hardline Communists….


      • And another interesting analysis from a retired career diplomat:

        Russian President Vladimir Putin did on Sunday what no major western leader from the NATO member countries cared to do when he telephoned his Turkish counterpart Recep Erdogan to convey his sympathy, goodwill and best wishes for the latter’s success in restoring constitutional order and stability as soon as possible after the attempted coup Friday night.

        The US Secretary of State John Kerry instead made an overnight air dash to Brussels to have a breakfast meeting on Monday with the EU foreign ministers to discuss a unified stance on the crisis in Turkey. The French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was in an angry mood ahead of the breakfast, saying “questions” have arisen as to whether Turkey is any longer a “viable” ally. He voiced “suspicions” over Turkey’s intentions and insisted that European backing for Erdogan against the coup was not a “blank cheque” for him to suppress his opponents…


      • Then there’s this extremely insightful piece on the ‘bigger picture’ relationship to the events ant the larger region

        Fight For Turkey – The Gateway To India
        An article published in March on the American Enterprise Institute’s website titled Could there be a coup in Turkey?, considered the possibility of a military coup transpiring in Turkey. Its author, David Rubin, explains Turkey’s predicament:

        “The situation in Turkey is bad and getting worse. It’s not just the deterioration in security amidst a wave of terrorism. There is a broad sense, election results notwithstanding, that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is out-of-control. He is imprisoning opponents, seizing newspapers left and right, and building palaces at the rate of a mad sultan or aspiring caliph. His son Bilal reportedly fled Italy on a forged Saudi diplomatic passport as the Italian police closed in on him in an alleged money laundering scandal. His outbursts are raising eyebrows both in Turkey and abroad. Even members of his ruling party whisper about his increasing paranoia which, according to some Turkish officials, has gotten so bad that he seeks to install anti-aircraft missiles at his palace to prevent airborne men-in-black from targeting him in a snatch-and-grab operation.”

        President Erdoğan’s apprehensions were not without reason. Just after four months on 15–16 July 2016, an unsuccessful coup d’état is staged against the Turkish President and his government by a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces. The coup was launched when Erdogan, the country’s leader was on ‘vacation’ and away from both Ankara and Istanbul. A snatch-and-grab operation by airborne men in helicopter was launched at the Grand Yazici Club Turban hotel at the Turkish Riviera port town of Marmaris on the Mediterranean coast where the Turkish President was supposed to be staying. Around 25 soldiers in helicopters descended on a hotel there on ropes, shooting, in an apparent attempt to seize him.
