Acts of International Sabotage: Another Major Fire in Russia as Country Grieves for Kemerovo Victims!

One fire may be (although it wasn’t) an accident; two major and SIMILAR fires within 2-3 days – never an accident!

Today’s major fire inside a car dealership full of people in St. Petersburg. As far as I know, there were no victims and, thankfully, everyone got out on time. Video:

If you want to ask my opinion, and you know I am seldom, if ever, wrong: these are coordinated acts of international sabotage against Russia and Putin. I have predicted this more than once and I said that not only the elections were targeted, but also World Cup.

I firmly believe that the Skripal poisoning false flag, Russian diplomats coordinated mass-expulsion, blaming Russia for the ISIS/terrorists’ chemical weapons false flag in Syria and escalation in E. Ghouta, plus the Kemerovo fire and this new incident — all these things are tightly interconnected in one orchestrated mega-sabotage and vilification drive against Russia.

The culprits are well-known and I won’t go into details here, although I have a very good idea what entities and from what countries are behind each case.

The goal is many-fold:

1. Punish Russians for voting for Putin in such unprecedented numbers;

2. Spoil the World Cup celebrations – for the same reason, to punish Russians for supporting Putin;

3. Making Putin’s and any elites’ who support him lives hell;

4. Make Russians everywhere – inside and outside of Russia – feel depressed, to basically snuff the light out of all of us;

5. Make Russia and Russians too preoccupied with the situation inside the country, rendering The Great Balancer paralyzed and unable to fulfill its important global role;

6. Scare off anyone/any country who might try to revolt against US/UK hegemony;

7. Scare off anyone who may want to try to have any semblance of good relations and normal business with Russia;

8. Continuation of the theme I’ve talked about since 2014, and before that, in my book The Earth Shifter in 2012 – make Russia into a pariah;

9. The ultimate goal is to weaken Russia so much from within and without so that Russia the Great Balancer would be destroyed.

Russian authorities have indicated that they rule out a terrorist act in Kemerovo. This is treated as an incident due to negligence by owners and authorities. I agree with that, but not entirely. There is more!

This is how sabotage is done: you find a weak link and strike there. Sabotage is effective when there are pre-requisites in the form of negligence. First, a sleeper cell on the ground finds the right sabotage venue, such as the Kemerovo mall, where security measures are not observed properly and where the very nature of the place makes it a challenge to escape in case of emergency. Then a few people are bribed, and they really don’t need to know why they are being asked to do something for a few hundred bucks. And then the fire is set during rush hour, when the mall is filled to capacity.

Otherwise, how can one explain these strange facts from the Kemerovo tragedy: the lights suddenly went out during the fire, making it hard to see where to go in the darkened and smoky environment; emergency exits were locked; some uneducated maintenance guy, as it became known, has turned off the alarm when the fire started; the doors of one of the three movie theaters were locked from the outside. To top it off, the fire consumed the entire building in such a short time that this in itself if very suspicious. The timing and everything else together look more than suspicious.

Now look at this chain of events! On the heels of the Kemerovo tragedy, a major Russia-wide investigation is starting into how various high-public-traffic businesses observe fire safety rules. If the saboteurs in question have identified another place with lax safety procedures, say a certain dealership in St. Petersburg, which can also be set on fire on cue, they now have to rush and perhaps do it ahead of schedule. Why? Because inspectors will certainly show up at said dealership soon, and they will make the owners fix all the problems. Then it’ll be too late. And so they do it on the day of the national mourning for Kemerovo victims.

And all this is happening to the accompaniment of the heartless mass expulsion of Russian diplomats:

And it is also happening in the midst of the UNSC battle, where US/UK and their vassals are trying to pin E. Ghouta and whatever else they can on Russia, the only country with a fully legitimate, authorized presence in Syria. It is the US and other Western countries who are in Syria illegitimately; it is US who nurtured and protected ISIS and other terrorists — yet it is Russia who is to blame for their actions.

Another interesting thing that is re-surfacing. I am hearing renewed rumors that US/UK are trying YET AGAIN to turn Russia off SWIFT, the international system of electronic transactions. This was attempted in 2014, as part of anti-Russian sanctions, but SWIFT refused. The pressure and blackmail of SWIFT continues to be enormous. So is the pressure and blackmail of all international companies and governments trying to do business and have normal relations with Russia.

And one more thing: it is USA’s mega-goals to stop Nord Stream-2. They will continue this unprecedented intimidation campaign until they succeed – at least they think they can succeed. They will use the dirtiest methods in existence to try to accomplish this goal. There is no limit to how ugly they can get!

This is how ugly it looks when the old hegemon such as the aggressive and imbalanced USA + UK are going down. This multi-tentacled Kraken monster wants to drag everyone with it into the abyss — and don’t tell me I haven’t warned you previously!

As I explained to you in my Multidimensional Geopolitics Webinars (see ESW2), this mega-monster will never go away quietly, unlike the NICE and naive Soviet Union did, to its own detriment. It will try to suck the life out of everything and everyone, to save itself at the expense of everyone else.

I had predicted and warned this would happen since 2014, and multiple times thereafter! You thought it would have been a nightmare? Well, my dears, you are in it!

They won’t attack Russia directly, as I also predicted repeatedly. They will do that through proxies and underhanded sabotage, they’ll continue escalating this 4D hybrid war, which in fact is the new World War. It’s not a Cold War anymore. It is much worse.

Russia the Great Balancer will continue trying to keep the world spinning, practically alone — as I also predicted many times. Putin and his team are here to prevent the ultimate catastrophe – also as I predicted. They’ll do their job.

But why is it always at Russia’s and Russians’ expense? Why do we, the Russian people, always have to pay such a disproportionate price for saving the ungrateful and ignorant humans? Personally, I am sick and tired of that!

Meanwhile, here is your moment of truth! Watch: Crimea Has Spoken: 92% of the Votes Went to Putin, International Observers Saw it All Themselves

But that’s not what the Dark State of the Anglo-American persuasion wants to hear!

No comment – The US evil Dark State at work: US State Dept briefing, making black seem white and vice versa; shifting the blame from the culprit to the innocent. Turns out it’s not the US but ‘Russia who has long arms & lots of tentacles, it’s a beast from the deep sea’ – says State Dept’s yet another brainless fake blond:

And this is what the UK evil Dark State is doing and how they are twisting their EU counterparts’ arms into submission for a ‘unified front’ against Russia:

Theresa May’s lies are very easily dispelled by anyone who has half a brain. Turns out, the so-called “Novichok” isn’t even a Russian name, although it is made sound Russian – to easily put the blame on Russia, of course. Moreover, anyone could buy the formula of this particular chemical formulation for $28 online, from a book published in the USA. Moreover, the actual place this agent was registered was the USA in late 1990s, after which it was mysteriously de-registered.

Moreover, UK, at it’s infamous super-secret Porton Down lab, located just next to the supposed Skripal poisoning site, has both this substance and its antidote. Read my full article. Meanwhile, Russia has neither, as Russia gave up all chemical weapons and destroyed them years ago.

Can you imagine how desperate they are? How scared of Russia the Great Balancer? Can you imagine to what lows they can still stoop? The answer: to any lows imaginable and unimaginable. And don’t think they won’t!

In short, I am majorly disgusted, and I am sick and tired of all this negativity and all this one-way street.


PREDICTION – and a warning!

Disgusted or not, I’ll still give you my closing prediction! Expect Putin and Russia to respond to these crazy attacks unexpectedly and in a very unusual way. Just expelling some Western diplomats in response won’t do the trick. There will be more, and they won’t see it coming.

Unfortunately, this won’t stop the crazies sitting in Washington and London. I am afraid they went unchallenged for so long they forgot in their dumb arrogance that they are not invinsible. In the past such things ended in hot World Wars, with devastating results. Should these idiots get us yet again in the situation of no return, the next hot world war will be the last one!

Remember my Prophecy from THE EARTH SHIFTER novel, published in 2012?  Remember what happens in the book to New York City, and as a consequence to most of the planet, as a future probability? If they go too far, this won’t be just probability. 


P.S. Added: just posted this prediction, and here’s instant confirmation:



Creating blogs, videos, webinars & books to Manifest 5D EARTH SHIFT

Creating blogs, videos, webinars & books to Manifest 5D EARTH SHIFT

I’ll be working on a new series of posts incorporating my predictions that came true, plus the new juicy developments and future guidance for my Patreon subscribers.


This second webinar is coming in April. Announcements posted on and Pareon.

Also working on my future books, case studies and many other cool projects. My time is best spent on projects that make me feel good and that advance my ideas!

BTW, I am also transferring my Spiritual Spa to Patreon, where I’ll be posting the beautiful spiritual music I recommend to elevate consciousness and heal our energy body. Come visit me and my Patreon community, where Spiritual Spa will be free to all on Sundays! While at it, you are welcome to explore all my FREE PUBLIC posts!


SEE NEW Earth Shift Report 21: PUTIN 2018 & RUSSIAN ELECTION for much more – and more coming in April!





About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on March 28, 2018, in 2) Great Balancer Weekly, 5) Behind Dark State, EARTH SHIFT, Empire Collapse, Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Car dealerships do not just catch fire.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think you are spot on with you synopsis here. This is the classic strategy of the western elites, something they are expert it with many, many years of experience all over the world! Russia must stand fast and hold the line or they face being engulfed in the evil empire. By the way did you see the mask of evil on the UK PMs face? I saw that same mask on a certain other UK MP when he was promoting the Iraq war.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. derstand the black marks on their souls? Do they have some “Get out of Hell Free” card from Satan himself? Do they have a Satanic factory somewhere that makes these evil human robots? Maybe they do. They certainly seem impervious to any consequences to their actions. I do not want to get into the low-vibe mindset of wishing ill on these people, but I hope and pray that Mr. P and Mr. L have some very, very serious consequences to serve up to the Satanists. Enough is enough. These people will not cease their evil until they are stopped.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. True, it looks like those western satanists take commands from Satan himself to do as much evis as they can. But they are forgeting, that if there is a Satan, than there is also the other side, the God himself. I think Putin have support of higher forces of light, that he could stay that calm. This all is too much for nerves of ordinary human.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Russia was warning on the 20th of March that the West is preparing a false flag chemical attack in E.Ghouta:
    One commenter under the article nailed it:
    “Now the set-up and charade in salisbury begins to make sense ….chemicals … Russia….Syria create a thought in the minds of the public to prepare the public for a US strike … sorry guys, we don’t believe you. BBC = fake news”


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