EARTH SHIFT: Why Those Who Profit from the Old System Don’t Realize the Game’s Up?

Dear friends,

We haven’t done Ask Lada for a while; it’s time to refresh it. I really enjoyed this comment by Robert, and decided to reply.

Dear Lada, what I find hard to believe is that these idiots haven’t realised the game is up. With you we get to see what is really going on despite the tame MSM doing their best propaganda.
On another tack I found that Amazon Uk is selling order of St George ribbons if anybody wishes to join in Russia’s victory celebration in May.
Best wishes, Robert 😀


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Couldn’t resist showcasing yet again my new Twitter banner! Follow me on Twitter @LadaTweets! Once you do, come and say HELLO by sending me a tweet, and I’ll reply to each of you! (I do public tweets only – no personal messages)

My new Twitter byline and stats:

Lada Ray @LadaTweets

Predictor, futurist, geopolitical author and creator of QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & EARTH SHIFT System 🌞  & 

Place: Planet Earth


Joined March 2011



Dear Robert, and all of you, my dear readers:

Those who are deeply and thoroughly entrenched in any system and those who profit from the status quo can never believe that what seemed to have been working for them for a while, doesn’t any more. They always think they can put more pressure, de-dust their old CIA/MI5-6 playbook, change regimes, manipulate currencies and markets, intimidate through sanctions — and everything will get back to normal.

This happened many times before in history and it’s happening again, as we are going through this new monumental EARTH SHIFT. This is how and why old systems change and are replaced by new ones. It happens because those who are at the top and in power stop reflecting the needs and aspirations of many; because their views become outdated; because they cannot see clearly ahead.

Speaking in terms of my Multidimensional Energy System and Quantum Calibrations: the energy goes against them.

It happens because the collective consciousness either rises or plunges. As we are finding out from my new NEW EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR SERIES: FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS, in the past the Earth Shifts occurred due to severe plunges in the collective consciousness.

The good news! This time the Earth Shift is happening due to the newly rising consciousness, as the galactic dawn, the Age of Aquarius and the Time of Russia develop.

Once enough people understand all this, the old system will be swept away and the new one will come in. This will signify the completion of this Great Earth Shift!

If sometimes the world events make you despair – don’t! Make no mistake: the old is being swept away and the new is emerging, even if sometimes it seems like we are making one step forward and two back.

We are present at the birth of a new system, which is emerging through birthpains, trials and tribulations. I am privileged to be your guide through this exciting time, leading us to the new reality! You are my pioneers and you are lucky to see and understand what most still don’t, and some never will!

I would be amiss if I didn’t mention that to truly get the gull picture, and to be up to speed on everything I offer, you should subscribe to my PATREON, where you’ll find deeper knowledge, and you should get my WEBINARS.

(I can only do so much for free on FuturisTrendcast; I also sometimes need to replenish my resources in exchange for all the free knowledge I share with the world.)

Note that people usually contribute to Patreon monthly, in exchange for which I share a lot of exclusive content and various discounts. There are a few people who wrote to us regarding paying for the whole year, instead of monthly. If some of you prefer to pay for Patreon on the annual basis, or if you have a problem with VAT, we may be able to help you on case-by-case basis. Az has developed a new system for such exceptions, which we can start implementing soon. Email us, if interested.

Apologies if I haven’t been able to communicate with all of you and respond to all messages and emails. This is a very busy time due to the release of the FH&FO Webinars, working on my new books and much more. 



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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on April 25, 2018, in 2) Great Balancer Weekly, 5) Behind Dark State, Ask Lada, EARTH SHIFT, Empire Collapse, Energy & Consciousness, Geopolitical Trends, Russia, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Galactic dawn…I like the sound of that!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As the man said, it’s a great time to be alive. I’ve been waiting for this a long time. Way to go Lada!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This is great news, but what would become of the dinosaur establishment? Will they go extinct, or morph within the new system and re-establish power in another guise? If i understand correctly, the yin/ yang balance of polarity never goes away in 3D, and like energy… never gets destroyed, just changes from one form to another. I guess it’s our job to recognize this and stay diligent!

    I’m sure you’ll be hard at work… exposing them at every turn. 😉


  4. NancyC/Seattle

    One of the clearest statements of the ruling class inability to navigate the rising consciousness Earth Shift was the late Zbigniew Brzezinski’s lament in a 2008 speech to his globalist peers in London: Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.

    Not that “they” aren’t doubling down on MSM propaganda. It’s no accident that daughter Mika Brzezinski is a reporter at MSNBC or that Anderson Cooper’s mother is Gloria Vanderbilt or that CIA partially funded Bezoz purchase of Washington Post and launched the intelligence gathering apparatus called FaceBook. I really appreciate your Earth Shift & Russia the Balancer templates in understanding things like the UK’s extraordinary behavior in the Skripal case and helping us ride the rapidly shifting tides of change.

    It helps to know that the energies are with us as we’re moving toward a better place. The sheer repetitive volume and consistency of your amazing work at FT, ES reports & Patreon helps us navigate these times, stay out of fear and contribute to this shift. I also really like the soothing music you’ve posted on Patreon.

    Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: MUST READ! The Importance of Victory Day, The Immortal Regiment, St. George Ribbon – AND GLOBALIST PLAN FIASCO! | Futurist Trendcast