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How to reformat reople’s consciousness and keep them as obedient slaves

I want to introduce you to a new translation by our friend Stanislav (Nemo). Galician Intellectuals Wishing to Deprive Ukrainian of the Cyrillic Alphabet. I also want to direct you to Stanislav’s other recent piece: How Malorossia Was Turned into the Patch-quilt of Discord that is “Ukraine”. In it, with permission he uses an excerpt and maps from my Earth Shift Report 2. Ukraine: Truth, Lies & Future Hope, which provide a visually good idea about Ukraine’s history, its present situation, and future options.

Stanislav asked for my thoughts on what’s going on with reformatting of Ukraine’s alphabet. My thoughts are of a global character, but they reference what’s happening now in Ukraine, and what happened a very long time in Russian/Slavic World. Here is what comes to mind when I read about Latinization of Ukrainian language.


How to rule the sheeple:


Certain forces in Ukraine are trying to abolish the traditional Russian/Cyrillic alphabet and Latinize Ukrainian alphabet. Those who read my ESR2: UKRAINE – TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE, know certain facts from Ukraine’s history, including the fact that Ukrainian is really a southern dialect of the Russian language (aka, Malorussian dialect), which was given the status of a separate language by Lenin and the Bolsheviks in 1922, with the formation of the USSR. It was a very strong and distinctive dialect, spoken by millions, with a lot of its own cultural flavor and charm, but it was a dialect, nevertheless. It didn’t occur to those who lived in Malorossia in 19th century that they were NOT Russians. Some of them, those who lived in western and certain central parts, called themselves Rusins.

From ESR2 you’ll also recall that there was no known term ‘Ukraine’ per se before 19th century, and that this term was created by Poles and Austria-Hungary, in order to create a rift in Malorossia population’s consciousness. The aggressive and subversive attempts to create a separate mentality and separate language in the south of the Russian World went on for centuries. It was the battle for minds and territories. The project Malorossia (today: Ukraine) as anti-Russia wasn’t invented in 2014. In 18th and 19th centuries Austria-Hungary and Poland did everything to make it happen. Before that, there were other forces, which attempted various tactics to achieve the same. Read more in the ESR2 report.

The same is true for Belorussian language. Belorussian language miraculously appeared in 1922. Before Lenin delineated Belarus as separate republic, there was Minsk Gubernia (‘governorship’ headed by a governor, akin to an oblast in today’s terms) as part of the Russian Empire. There NEVER was a state called Belarus. There was, of course, a distinct western Russian dialect spoken by quite a few people. The thing is that some people on the Russian side of the Belorussian border still speak that western Russian dialect. This only proves the artificiality of the borders separating the same people.

Of course, Belarus and Russia are in a good relationship, compared to Ukraine. But even in Belarus there are continuous attempts to Latinize the alphabet, thus distancing Belarus even further from Russia. Meanwhile, while Belorussian language exists, very few use it every day. Belorussians overwhelmingly speak Russian in life, business and on TV. Yet, the public sings and documents are in Belorussian and kids at school are taught a suspicious version of separate from Russia history. How far will it be allowed to go? I suspect not too far, compared to Ukraine.

This discussion has jogged something in my mind, which goes into one of my favorite topics: Forbidden History and Linguistics.


The ancient western Rus dialect (now spoken in modified form in Belarus and some western parts of Russia proper), has been proven to be very close to the Etruscan language. As many of you may know, millennia ago there was a mysterious and very advanced civilization that lived in today’s Italy, which created amazing works of art, but for some strange reason this advanced civilization failed to leave behind much written evidence of its presence and achievements. When finally some Etruscan language rocks were ‘discovered’ in Italy, they were declared ‘illegible.’ Ancient Romans had a Latin saying, translating as: ‘Etruscan is not legible.’ Western linguists and archeologists repeated this saying like a mantra. They scratched their heads and shrugged shoulders: ‘not legible, what are you going to do. Ah, well… a mystery, I tell’ya.’

Of course it wasn’t legible, as these Western ‘scientists’ tried to use Latin and Italian as foundation for their translation… Until Russian professor Valery Chudinov read Etruscan in western Russian dialect, using one of the 4 ancient Rus/Arian (later, Slavic) writing systems. The whole new world of the ancient Et-RUS-cans opened up as a result. This alphabet/ writing system, called the ‘mirror alphabet’ was very different from the more widely used Runitsa and Bukvitsa alphabets/ writing systems.

key to rus bukvitsa

This image shows how sacred geometry is the key to understanding Slavic Bukvitsa

This is a very big topic, which deserves several books, not a mere article. However, it has to be mentioned that the ancient Runitsa and Bukvitsa writing systems far preceded any Western writing system. How old are they? Many millennia, at least. Per Russian linguist Chudinov, about 1000+ years ago, at the point of the switch from Vedism to Christianity, Runitsa was chopped off and shortened, having been deprived of its wisdom and secret knowledge meant to be passed on to future generations. What was left of the original Bukvitsa is known as Cyrillics, with 33 letters. It is attributed to two Bulgarian/Macedonian Orthodox monks, Kirill and Mefodiy.

In its original complete version, Bukvitsa had over 150 letters, if memory serves me. Each letter signified a specific word and a specific concept. The whole alphabet was a symphonic poem that could be read as a Vedic prayer to the Universe.

A similar fate was endured by the poor Runitsa (notice: Ru-nitsa – Rus). All that’s left are a few of the so-called Nordic Runes. Read Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

No, of course the real ancient Bukvitsa and Runitsa didn’t disappear. True wisdom is diligently preserved by some linguists, historians, enthusiasts and other keepers of ancient wisdom. It’s all hidden in archives, books, ancient ruins and the Mother Earth itself, waiting for its time, the time when people shake off the matrix of lies and decide to find out the truth of their roots – their true history.

I often call Bukvitsa and Runitsa – and the hidden message they encode for future generations – THE RUSSIAN CODE. These two ancient alphabets were fifth-dimensional creations (as opposed to three-dimensional alphabets we use now), and they work on the level of cooperation and union with creation, nature and other humans.

Read my new article on how third dimension and fifth dimension work: GUIDE TO MULTI-DIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE.

Today’s alphabets were once simplified for ‘the sheeple.’

I can explain a sudden disappearance of the Etruscans millennia ago very simply. Their consciousness was reformatted to believe they were someone else: Romans, and later, Italians. A rift in consciousness is necessary for rulers to control the people. If people forget their true history, their true roots and language, a consciousness vacuum will be created to be filled with whatever someone with an agenda desires.

etruscan writing

Etruscan mirror writing, read using western Rus dialect

Predictably, Chudinov’s, and other Slavic researchers,’ discoveries were shunned and swept under the rug in the West. The reason for this is the same: reformatting people’s consciousness and keeping them in the dark regarding their real origins and roots. This ensures they continue being obedient little slaves.

Latinizing Ukrainian denotes one of the trends, presently pushed hard by the West, as well as certain forces within these countries that want to be quickly bound to the West while it’s possible – before the reversal happens. I can tell you that the reversal will begin happening within a few years.

Before it begins, a strong pressure to Latinize the traditional for the past 1000 plus years Cyrillic alphabet in various countries of the Russian/Slavic world has to be intensified. This is done with a very specific purpose: further division of the Russian/Slavic world, leading to the weakening of Russia and creation of rabidly Russophobic anti-Russias in the post-Soviet or peripheral Russian World countries.

The experiment so far worked successfully in Moldova, where Romanian Latinized alphabet is now used instead of traditional Cyrillic. The Balkans countries (Bulgaria and still holding out parts of former Yugoslavia) are under huge pressure to Latinize. Muslim and Catholic parts of former Yugoslavia have switched to Latinized alphabet in 1990s, during, or after, the Yugoslavian civil war.

A different alphabet and language, like a different religion, has always served as a means to divide and conquer for those puppeteers and useful vassals who wanted to rule lesser humans with impunity. Such division also justifies aggression against close neighbors or parts of the same people.

I can tell you that this is how all of Europe, and before that, all of Eurasia, became divided on small tribes and states. Once upon a time, all of Eurasia, and beyond, spoke the same language and had the same set of beliefs. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe… But certain linguistic, historic and anthropological facts are undeniable. Facts go well beyond these traditional sciences, of course, and extend to math, astronomy and DNA.

You can find some of my articles on this topic under CATEGORIES:

I’ll continue talking about proofs in upcoming articles this year and beyond. Stay tuned!

I should add that what both Stanislav and I discuss in our pieces relative to Ukraine’s history is common knowledge where I come from. In fact, it always has been such undeniable axiom that it never occurred to me or others that such blatant reformatting could take place so quickly and easily. What happened in Ukraine, when the switch was just turned on at the right moment, proves how delicate our world is and how easily swayed the fragile human psyche can be.

Looking back at what happened in 2014 in Kiev, these are the lessons and important conclusions we must take away:

1. When intelligent and educated people leave, the vacuum created will usher in the pretenders, greedy crooks and liars, who will sell their own mother and children for the right amount or 15 minutes of fame.

2. There are always those who want what belongs to someone else. Normal people don’t think that way and they can’t imagine that anyone would do that. But psychopaths and sociopaths in power in the West DO think that way and they DO want what belongs to others.

3. The West wants to destroy Russia and eradicate the memory of the true history and true roots of the Earth’s people at any cost. These two desires are much more interconnected than anyone realizes. How are they interconnected? Like this: it all boils down to Russia.

4. Russia is the Great Balancer, who is destined to prevent the unencumbered takeover of the world by what we may refer to as Anglo-American elites, or NWO.

5. My diagnosis for the Western aggression is this: the West represents the yang side of the yin-yang balance of our planet; at this time, we have a severe yin-yang imbalance, dominated by the overly aggressive, imbalanced Western yang side of the world, which leads to excessive aggression, greed, preponderance of physical and material over the suppressed spiritual. We have wars, distortions of history and relentless takeover of the rest of the world by one single culture and one way of thinking.

6. It is Russia alone that stands in the way of such takeover, China and a few other countries being in this category, as well. But only to a degree, mostly as followers. Countries like China take the wait and see approach and try to let Russia take the brunt of the attack and do most, if not all, of the work. Unfortunately, this happened many times before in our history. What no one seems to get is one simple truth: if Russia is weakened or gone, no one else will resist and everyone will be forced to conform.

7. At the same time, Russian language and history are the most important depositories of the secret (forbidden truth and history) of our real origins and real roots. The genetic memory of the truth is one of the strongest in the Russian psyche. Russia will be called to re-unite different tribes on our planet and to help people remember. This fascinating story is a long and separate subject. I intend to write a an Earth Shift Report on that later in the year.

8. Example of how the truth was distorted: The English word ‘roots’ is in fact the Russian word ‘rod.’ The ancient Rus word ROD (English doesn’t have the right sound in it, but approximately it is pronounced as ‘raud’ – except Rus ‘o’ is very rounded, single, solid sound; the true ‘o’ sound, as intended by nature. It’s similar to how the Buddhist “Om” is pronounced, but shorter.) Rod means: tribe, origin, ancestry, genealogical tree and/or one’s roots. The word Rodina (Motherland) comes from ‘rod.’ ‘Roditeli’ means ‘parents,’ ‘rodit’ means ‘to give birth.’ In Russian, Russia sounds like: Rossia (notice the same root?). The true origin of this word was concealed and forgotten, as the rest of human history. But proof is hidden in plain sight in our languages – if only we paid attention and knew where to look! This, of course, provided humans are interested in TRUTH, not fairytales.


Ukrainian Latinization – hurry, before it’s too late to create anti-Russia! 

Excerpts from Galician Intellectuals Wishing to Deprive Ukrainian of the Cyrillic Alphabet:

“Throughout centuries, the main argument for replacement of the Cyrillic alphabet in the Slavic lands was that it would bring those lands closer to the Western European culture. How? Will writing Russian using Latin alphabet make an Englishman understand Russian or vice versa? No. Will it make easier for the Russians to learn English? Partially, but not significantly. Will it tear away the new generation of Russians from their historic roots by not allowing them to read their own literature. Yes. Here you have it.

For an example, look at Croatian and Serbian. These are one and the same language. Croatian is written in Latin, Serbian in Cyrillic. What did it achieve? A split of the one people into two and easier implementation of divide and conquer strategy.

Secondly, Cyrillic alphabet maps exactly the soundscape of the Slavic languages – one letter, one sound. Slavic languages, which got Latinised at various points in time – like Polish, Czech or Slovak – had to resort to dual, triple, and quadruple letters to depict a single sound. Example: letter “Ш” can be Latinised, transliterated, in various ways: “SH” or, as in Polish “SZ”. In some cases, additional “latin-like” letters need to be introduced. See for example Polish “ś”, “ł”, “ę”, “ą”; or the Czech “Ú”, “Ů”, “Č”. So Polish, with its essentially close-to-Russian pronunciation, ended up having more letters, than Cyrillic Russian. Interestingly, the same sound comprising the word “Czech”, would have been written in Cyrillic using only 3 letters: “Чех”.”

“The main argument coming from local intellectuals in favour of switching to the Latin alphabet is a question of civilizations. Ukrainian people, or, more precisely, the western Ukrainians – are from “time immemorial the people of Europe. In this they differ from the Russians and the Malorossians (Trans-dnepr Ukrainians – Ed.), who in essence are the Russian people“. And Latin alphabet will be best suited to emphasize the affiliation of Western Ukrainians to the family of Central European nations.

Sooner or later, such a transition from the Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet will happen, postulates Lvov intelligentsia. The idea of ”Latinization of Ukrainian language” appeared already in the 90s among the Galician intellectuals who actively advocated the independence of Galicia. By 2000, the norms for Latin spelling of the Ukrainian language had already been developed. Among the developers was the most famous artist and publicist Vlodko (Vladimir – Ed.) Kostirko. In the early 2000s, he was already publishing his articles on the Ukrainian language, written in Latin, in the editions of the Lvov cultural almanac “Ї”.

Kostirko have long switched to the Latin alphabet in his Ukrainian-language texts. In this way he hopes to emphasize the intransigence and even hostility between the two cultures – the “European” Western Ukrainian and “Russian” Central Ukrainian.

He even once created a painting “Uniate killing a Cossack”. In this painting a Polish “bewinged” hussar is spearing the head of a Zaporozhje Cossack (Translator note: names “Cossack”, “Khazar” and “Hussar” are of the same origin. See Lada Ray’s ESR6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE? for more info). This is a reminder that there was a war in the 17th century between the Greek Catholic Galicians and the Orthodox Trans-Dneprians, the descendants of the Cossacks.”

“Let me remind that in March, a temporary special commission for preparation of a draft law “On the development and use of languages in Ukraine” considered a gradual phasing out of the use of the Cyrillic alphabet on the territory of Ukraine.

Already in 2007 I wrote about the attempts during President Yushchenko’s rule to push through the replacement of the Cyrillic alphabet with “abetsadlo” (translator note: From the Polish word for “alphabet”). Back then those attempts were doomed.”

Read full article!




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