Blog Archives

🤝🇷🇺🇯🇵🇭🇷 🦾RUSSIAN VITYAZ: Japanese MMA fighter Satoshi Ishi from… Croatia!


Orig link: RUSSIAN VITYAZ: Japanese MMA fighter Satoshi Ishi from… Croatia!



I know we all crave something positive in our line of vision when the world is in such turmoil! And here it is!

This is such a cool story, and a charming nod to my recently updated Futurist Trendcast blog’s classic Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

Remember my various FORBIDDEN HISTORY & LINGUISTICS LESSONS, which are scattered throughout cyberspace? 

You can find them by clicking on these direct links: Patreon, and Futurist Trendcast! 

Remember me talk about ancient Russian mystical knights, protectors and strongmen called Bogatyrs and Vityazs? 

Incidentally, I give a nod to Bogatyrs, aka, Earth Protectors, who work with Earth Keepers and Earth Shifters, in my book THE EARTH SHIFTER (

And there’s a very interesting intro to Bogatyrs and Vityazs in: Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? (free FT article – feel free to share with anyone!)


And with that little intro… Here’s a new story, and it’s cool and cute, and even synchronistic!

A Japanese MMA martial arts fighter Satoshi Ishii surprised everyone when he came out for the weigh-in, wearing Russian symbolism, including the official Russian two-headed eagle crest on his pants. Front and center on his shirt was the Russian symbolism with the words: Russkiy Vityaz’ (Russian Vityaz).

**Satoshi Ishii – Wikipedia: Satoshi Ishii is a Japanese-born judoka, mixed martial artist, kickboxer and submission grappler who has held Croatian citizenship since 2019 — and he’s the guy who knows his Forbidden History!

It has to be noted that the weighing took place in Japan. If it was in any EU country, you can guess what would happen to him: an immediate ban… an easy guess simply because of the word ‘Russkiy’ and ‘Russia’ and because of the Russian double-headed eagle on his outfit. 

**Interesting! This looks to me like a predetermined synchronicity, a nod from the universe! I saw this picture exactly when I was updating Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? and talking on Telegram about the renewed attempts to cancel the great Russian culture! 

This synchronicity means: 


This seemingly little story also is a confirmation that the Earth Shift and Galactic Dawn are underway!

~ Lada Ray

✍️ Lada Ray on Telegram   

🔑Lada Ray Patreon 

🔑Main site 

✍️ Blog:





Do you want another Forbidden Linguistics article? 

Do you want me to reveal the REAL ancient meanings of the words Bogatyr and Vityaz? They are incredibly fascinating and very, very telling, opening up a whole new world of forbidden history! 

Give me thumbs up and let me know in comments if interested!

~ Lada



READ a Futurist Trendcast classic, with a freshly updated, new prophecy!

Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

(**that article began the whole Forbidden History & Linguistics Project!)


More FT articles – all FREE:

On Lada Ray Patreon – more cool and in-depth Forbidden History and Linguistics studies:

This is the latest, from Dec 2022: 🎁 UNEXPECTED FORBIDDEN LINGUISTICS: Origins of the words ‘Dear,’ ‘Dar’ and ‘Denmark’ | Amazing secret connections between cultures & languages! – an in-depth, mind-bending study!






To really understand the whole thing, highly recommended: 

Webinar Series 2

FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS!–forgotten-origins-series-esw7-10.html


Russian Traditions: Bright Week of Renewal & Pascha Greetings

Russian Paskha & pisanki

Russian Paskha & pisanki2

Russian paskha bread (called paskha in Ukraine and kulich in Russia) and pisanki – the beautifully hand-painted easter eggs

What is the Russian Easter called? The true word is Pascha – pronounced as ‘Paskha.’

This is the Russian spelling: пасха

The same word is used in various languages. There is a lot of forbidden history and linguistics that is behind this word, but I’ll leave it for my special posts on Patreon and for my Forbidden History workshops.

The day of the Russian Easter, or Pascha – a Sunday, is called: Svetloye Voskresenie.

This has a very loaded forbidden history and linguistics meaning:

Voskresenie is Sunday in Russian, but it also simultaneously means ‘resurrection’ or ‘rebirth.’

Svetloye, usually translated as ‘bright,’ also means ‘full of light.’

The Russian word ‘svet’ is a quintessential forbidden linguistics proof of how screwed up and falsified our history is, all discussed in great detail in my FORBIDDEN HISTORY

Therefore, Svetloye Voskrsenie means: Bright Sunday.

But it also means the Rebirth of the Light.

The day after, Monday, is called Svetliy Ponedelnik (Bright Monday), then there is Svetliy Vtornik (Bright Tuesday), and so on. The whole week after Pascha is called Svetlaya Nedelia – the Bright Week, or the week of renewal (I’d say the Enlightened Week would be a much better translation).

A Russian priest, who, unlike the Catholic priests, is not only allowed but encouraged to marry, is called Batyushka (Dear Father).

See how Russian Easter (Paskha) is celebrated: Happy Russian Easter! How, Where & What Happens: Moscow, Kiev, Jerusalem!

This is a link to the Holy Trinity Monastery in Upstate NY, the seat of Russian Church Abroad in N. America.

Paskha greeting:

It’s usually called out first by Batyushka, or anyone really, say your neighbor, passerby or a friend may greet you this way during Pascha.

They call out to you: Khristos Voskres(-e)!

It’s spelled like this in Russian: Христос воскрес(-е)!

This means: Christ is Risen!

The answer is: Voistinu Voskres(-e)!

In Russian: Воистину воскрес(-е)!

This means: Truly, He Is Risen!

If a neighbor or friend greets you like this and you answer, usually you kiss each other on both cheeks three times as a sign of the sisterly/brotherly love.

Why ‘e’ is in parentheses:
Both with and without the ending ‘e’ is correct and widely used. With no ‘e’ is a more contemporary version. My observation is (but I never conducted any studies or polls)  that in Ukraine they use it more without the ‘e’ and in Russia more with the ‘e’ – the old church Slavic language (hate it when they call it ‘Slavonic’ – I never do).

I think it’s a beautiful newer tradition, which is only about 1000 – 1200 years old. But there is so much more to the story… there were much more truly ancient, beautiful and mystical traditions, which existed well before Christianity, and they are discussed in my FORBIDDEN HISTORY ​& FORGOTTEN ORIGINS webinar series!

ESW7-10 large




And in my new Featured Series on LadaRayPatreon! These are the first articles:

Forbidden History & Vedic Truth: Why Greece Is Really Called ELLADA?

Forbidden History & Linguistics: OLD LADA, The Forgotten First Capital Of Ancient Rus!

Q&A: Benefits of the Super-Stone Shungite from Karelia, Russia (Orgone, 5G, Smart Meters)

And this article is a response to a patron question – a follow-up to the webinars above:

What is the Vortex of Light & How Does It Work?

We also have this interesting article:

Pre-Programming & Leap Of Consciousness: What Is Intrinsic Calibrations & Can We Exceed Them In Our Lifetime?

Join us to read these, and up to 400 more articles and posts!


And remember to buy my new book – and let Quantum Calibrations to become your new, forward-looking tradition!


A new revolutionary tool ​for in-depth understanding of our world
from the creator of ​Quantum Calibrations, Futurist Trendcast & Earth Shift System

 Buy on Amazon
All book BUY LINKS​ 

​Description  Excerpt  Reviews

What’s Up on LadaRay Patreon? Things You Don’t Want to Miss & What’s Coming!


READ LadaRay Patreon latest:

NEW – 4/11/19! Shift Report: While US Fights With Germany, Russia & China Quietly Finish the Power Of Siberia Gas Pipeline! 2014 PREDICTIONS MATERIALIZE!

**Related – FREE on YT: listen to How US Will Lose Final Battle for Nord Stream-2! (EarthShiftPodcast8)

My Heart Chakra Healing, Joy & Love Binaural Music Collection (No.35 MDU/MHAP)

What is the Vortex of Light & How Does It Work?

Pre-Programming & Leap Of Consciousness: What Is Intrinsic Calibrations & Can We Exceed Them In Our Lifetime?

Proof of US Meddling in Ukraine! Imagine What Would Happen if Russia Interfered in US Elections Like This!

Forbidden History & Linguistics: OLD LADA, The Forgotten First Capital Of Ancient Rus!

Venezuela Geopolitical Chessboard: RUSSIA/CHINA vs USA (Lada Ray Analysis & Predictions)

4 Reasons Trump Recognized Golan Heights as Part of Israel

Ukraine SBU Operative Defects to Russia, Spills All re. CIA Terror Training, Zakharchenko Assassination & MH17

Affirmations & Meditations to Heal & Activate Your 4th Chakra Heart Vortex (No.34 MDU/MHAP)

UkraineShiftUnderway Report! Defying Kiev, Ukraine Presidential Candidate Meets in Moscow with PM Medvedev + Russian Passports for People of Donbass

4D People With Hearts vs. 4D People ‘Robots’ (Multidimensional Universe: 4th Dimension)






Also coming to LadRayPatreon: Epic Myth Fail! Forbidden History & Linguistics: Why Greece Is Really Called ELLADA?

С Рождеством! Happy Orthodox Christmas: Spectacular Russian Christmas in Facts & Pics!

Russian Christmas is traditionally celebrated on January 7 and the Christmas Eve is January 6, due to the difference between the so-called ‘Gregorian’ vs. ‘Julian’ Calendars.

On January 13-14 Russians also love to celebrate ‘The Old New Year,’ a cute family and friends gathering tradition to commemorate the nostalgic ‘old calendar’ which was replaced with the Gregorian Calendar by Lenin in 1918. So, even though Russia lives by internationally accepted today Gregorian Calendar, Christmas continues being celebrated according to traditional Russian Church (Julian) calendar.


But did you know that that the supposedly ‘Latin’ word calendar is a lot more ancient than its Latinized version. Did you know that it’s actually a RUSSIAN word? It comes from two Russian word roots: kolo + dar. And you won’t believe how many other words in many different languages come from the same roots! What do these roots mean and how it all happened? The story is fascinating!

A lot is revealed in our FORBIDDEN HISTORY ​& FORGOTTEN ORIGINS Webinars! And I hope we talk more in 2019! 


С Рождеством! 

Happy Russian Christmas!

russian orthodox christmas 1

russian orthodox christmas 2

russian orthodox christmas 3

russian orthodox christmas 4

russian orthodox christmas 5

russian orthodox christmas 6






REVEALED: Why Western Armies Calibrate So Low vs. Russsian Army? (How My Higher-Dimensional Method Works + Period 8 Predictions)!

QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS! SINGAPORE: Country, Leaders, Army, Finance, Economy, Levels of Solvency & Sovereignty! With Li Quan Yew & Other BONUSES!

What Lada Ray Patreon Is About

All Posts

Join Here


LadaRay YouTube


New author site:

It’s Actually the Year 7526, or How Russia and the World Were Robbed of True History

Dear friends, this article, generously translated and offered to us all by Stanislav Sokolov (Nemo), resonates directly and compliments my



In order to learn the full complex and forbidden story, I have meticulously reconstructed and brought to you from a higher consciousness perspective, click on link or banner above!  The entire FH&FO Series consists of 15.5 hours of narrative, spectacular images, prophecies, Q&A and additional bonuses!

And I’m sure you’ll enjoy Stanislav’s primer!



Dear Lada. I’ve finally completed the translation of one of the texts on my long-winded plan. 🙂 It so happens that by now you’ve actually covered most of the aspects in the article which I translated, in your Forbidden History webinars and some of your earlier articles. Still, I felt it was important for me to translate it, so as to get back on track. So, without further ado:

click on title to read FREE:

Russian Calendar Shows Year 7526,

or How Russian History Was Shortened by Peter I



Visit & show support for Stanislav’s blog, so he can continue delivering more awesome stuff to you!

All Lada’s theories, webinars, reports & consultations @

Follow Lada on Twitter @ LadaTweets

And of course, subscribe, support & share Lada’s FUTURIST TRENDCAST blog, with nearly 1000 authentic, truth-telling, cutting-edge FREE articles & reports.

If you want to continue seeing FREE content, SUBSCRIBE, SUPPORT, LIKE, SHARE, REBLOG, RETWEET! 

Support Lada’s ground-breaking work by becoming a PATREON PATRON, and get so much more!


READ my new Earth Shift Report, where I talk about Trump-NATO debacle, May-Brexit fiasco, Putin-Trump Summit, and much more — from my unique multidimensional perspective!




(Special Multidimensional Astrology & 4D Geopolitics Report)





Click to buy: 





(FH&FO series ESW7-10)



WE DID IT! ESW10 UPDATE: 2.5 hour-long Forbidden History Q&A and Quantum Calibrations now LIVE! READ DESCRIPTIONS!

The 2.5-hour long and very deep, rich and revealing Forbidden History Lada Ray Q&A, with 18 major questions answered, is now LIVE!

I have also calibrated all Quantum Calibrations for the entire series and each webinar! 

All this is now posted on the ESW10 Webinar Page!

The whole Earth Shift Webinar 10 came to 5 hours and 1 minute, plus awesome slide shows AND one of a kind WRITTEN Quantum Calibrations for each of the Webinars 7 through 10, and the entire cumulative series! This time I included 4 telling calibrations (QC, CHI, Heart Chakra & Truth Level) for each piece! I also included separate calibration for the TRUTH LEVEL in Lada Ray Prophecy!

Series subscribers, go to your Exclusive Access Page for access to ESW10!

Those who want to purchase ESW10, the whole series or any individual webinars 7-10, GO TO SERIES PAGE! 

This completes our epic FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS  Series! This is the ONLY Webinar series this year!

Stay tuned for excerpts and samples of our webinars on YouTube and I hope you will share these free public samples with everyone you know – they are worth it!


Full Webinar length:  5 hours 01 minute!
Installment 1 MAIN WEBINAR: 2 hrs 32 min
Installment 2 LADA RAY Q&A: 2 hrs 29 min
Plus bonuses!

During our journey together we’ve learned a lot, and we’ll continue on this road less traveled! Earth Shift Webinar 10 is the longest & most substantial of the 4-webinar series. Due to the Q&A, which in itself is a separate webinar altogether, it consists of 2 major Installments.


Subdivided into 11 Segments
9 Main Video Segments, with Lada Ray Prophecy
Bonus Segment 10: slide shows
Bonus Segment 11: Quantum Calibations

MP4 video/audio, CC, written outline, lots of pictures, resources & links

PLUS Lada Ray’s Prophecy, multidimensional ideas and teachings throughout

SEG 1 The start of the Galactic Night and its dates: the Darkness energy dominates
Galactic Dawn and its dates: the Ra energy dominates
The Time of the West & the Time of Russia and China
SEG 2 The Great Medieval Earth Shift and its consequences
Why history was re-written?
SEG 3 Lada Ray explains how the 3D Paradox & world cultures work:
Separation, contrast, tangible human experience & the expansion of universal consciousness

SEG 4 Did Aliens and Reptilians interfere or did humans achieve a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Eternal Questions: Can human karma be worked out and what will happen next? What is humanity’s future?
SEG 5-6
The Mystery of Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa

Where is the real site of Jesus’s crucifixion (The Radomir Proof)?
(Warning! It’s not what and where the pop culture makes you believe!)
SEG 7 Prophecies and Predictions: The Ringing Cedars’ Anastasia, Baba Vanga and Edgar Cayce
How these prophecies go together with everything we discussed in our webinars, and how they confirm Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Theory
SEG 8 Lada Ray Prophecy
SEG 9 Bonus Slide Shows
SEG 10 Quantum Calibrations
There are altogether 11 segments in the first installment!


BIG Forbidden History Series Q&A
Lada answers 18 revelatory, mind-bending questions from our FH&FO Series participants!
(total length 2 hrs 29 min)

*We consider this Forbidden History Q&A an extensive PILOT to the upcoming LADA RAY LIVE PATREON Q&As, which will be a new reward for Lada Ray Patrons (coming soon)!

Forbidden History & Forgotten Origins Q&A (Early Series Subscribers are given the opportunity to ask me questions)

In the extensive Q&A session I answer many excellent and poignant questions submitted by my early series subscribers, and I thank you for that! The Q&A is where we can dive deeper and breach broader into various Forbidden History & Forgotten Origins subjects! We can zero in on topics of most interest to you and clarify any points, requiring extra touch. I’ve enjoyed answering your questions, which I think have become a truly amazing addition to ESW10, and the whole series! Our Forbidden History Q&A will enrich your whole experience – don’t miss it!

Through this unique and all-encompassing series I am giving you unique tools for recognizing in your own culture, history and language what the official history and linguistics has missed. You can take the knowledge you found here and expand it, as well as share it with others.

FORBIDDEN HISTORY Lada Ray Q&A – Segment 1 (Q&A 1-9), 1hr 21mins

1. Resources & learning more about the discoveries of Russian scientists (more of Russian scientists’ discoveries discussed below!)
2. Time in higher dimensions, the forbidden history of Australia and Lemuria
3. Benevolent or harmful: Who and what are Aliens, Reptilians, Dragons and ETs?
4. When and how does the Cosmic Karmic Mechanism turn on? How to recognize the signs (with reference to The Earth Shifter)?

5. The forbidden history and forbidden linguistics of China
6. Were there witch hunts in Russia (staroveri – old believers)?
7. Secret origins of Norway and forbidden linguistics of Norway and Oslo
8. Forbidden history in famous books and film & the lost city of Arkaim
9. When will Antarctica pyramids & UFO proofs come to light?

FORBIDDEN HISTORY Lada Ray Q&A – Segment 2 (Q&A 10-18), 1hr 08mins

10. Danish proof: 12th century destruction of the Vedic holy city of Arkona by Danish knights & the true meaning of the Slavic god Svetovid, the World Seer and Truth Knower
11. Who was Jesus & was he involved with the Earth Shift?
12. Falsified history of the Roman Empire
13. The truth about the origin of Latin language
14. How did the Tarot cards survive the inquisition & how true are contemporary decks to the Vedic original?
15. What caused the consciousness plunge to 2D & 1D, and how can consciousness rise again to 4D & 5D (with historic examples)
16. What really caused the Crusades, and what were the Crusaders really after?
17. Was the mass murder of the Cathars by the Catholic Church an act of consciousness plunge to 1D?
18. The truth about the Knights Templar and their real role

Welcome to Webinar 10: Galactic Night, Earth Shift & Our Future! 


**We’ll be taking tomorrow off – a well deserved break, and I’ll be back on FT and PATREON on Friday! 

***Many thanks to Az for all his invaluable help! I couldn’t do it without him!







Many magnificent images and maps included!

COMING! The Dramatic Grand Finale of the Exciting New Webinar Series!​

The Dramatic Grand Finale of the Exciting New Series





ESW10 800x450



Galactic Night, Earth Shift & Our Future

With Lada Ray Prophecy and Major Q&A!


This is the most formidable of the FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS (FH&FO) Series’ webinars!

Complete Webinar 10 Length: estimated at 4.5 hours (true complete length will be known on June 6, after the Q&A has been published)

Plus a number of experience-enriching bonuses!

​This is a 2-installment MP4 VIDEO/AUDIO Webinar!



Length 2 hours 32 minutes

Subdivided into 11 segments: 
Video/written Intro + 8 Main Video/Audio Segments, including Lada Ray Prophecy + 2 bonus segments!

INCLUDED: MP4 Video/Audio, CC, written outline, lots of amazing pictures & images, resources & links


Baba Vanga, Edgar Cayce & the Ringing Cedars’ Anastasia Prophecies

Lada Ray’s Prophecy, multidimensional theories, revelations and teachings throughout!​

Two special bonuses, with images: 1) The Mystery of Mona Lisa; 2) Proof: Where was really Jesus-Radomir Crucified?

PLUS: ​Magnificent Slide Shows & Quantum Calibrations



Lada answers 18 major questions & clarifies/expands on a number of series subjects!

Estimated length: 2 hours (TBD June 6!)  

​The FH&FO Webinar Series reinforces and confirms Lada Ray’s EARTH SHIFT – RUSSIA THE GREAT BALANCER Theory!

​It also confirms and expands on Lada Ray’s MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE Theory!

Series Subscribers! Go to your Exclusive Private Access Page for direct access to this and other webinars!

Not a subscriber? To buy full 4-webinar series and for more info GO HERE!







to receive a complete system of knowledge!









NOW LIVE! EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 10: ​Galactic Night, Earth Shift & Our Future!

ESW10 800x450

Fourth webinar – the Dramatic Conclusion of the Exciting New Series!​



Galactic Night, Earth Shift & Our Future

With Lada Ray Prophecy and Major Q&A!




Webinar 10 is now available for purchase!


FH&FO series subscribers!



Click for info, description & buy page:

EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 10: Galactic Night, Earth Shift & Our Future







Just in case any of you missed my prior post, May 30 is the last day to subscribe to my new 4-webinar series, or to buy individual webinars, at low pre-release price!

Effective May 31 the price will go up for both the series and individual webinars!


Complete info:




I am currently working on the last webinar of the series: EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 10: GALACTIC NIGHT, EARTH SHIFT & OUR FUTURE (with Q&A and Lada Ray Prophecy)!

ESW10 800x450

This webinar will come out in two parts:

The main PART 1 is expected to come out on JUNE 2!

PART 2 (extensive Q&A based on your excellent questions) will come out next week – projected for JUNE 6!

This is expected to be the most extensive and revealing of the 4 webinars in this series! 

You can purchase the whole 4-Webinar Series, or individual Webinars 7 through 9,

any time by clicking HERE! 

The last Webinar 10 can be purchased starting on the day of the release!


We have a number of excellent questions from participants, which I will answer during Q&A. You still have time to ask yours under respective posts: on PATREON or on FT, under this post: ANNOUNCEMENTS: FORBIDDEN HISTORY Q&A OPEN! ESW10 EARLY RELEASE! LAST WEEK AT LOW PRICES!

We also have some great testimonials on TESTIMONIALS PAGE! More testimonials will be added in June! Leave yours either on PATREON or FT!






I have a lot of important things to share!

Three first webinars of the new 

(FH&FO ESW7-10) 

have been released and are now live!

Click on link above to purchase them any time, or to purchase the whole series (series subscribers are directed to their private SERIES ACCESS PAGE upon purchase). 

As you also know, Patreon Patrons+ get additional discount: follow LINK to to your EXCLUSIVE PATREON DISCOUNT!


I have great news!

The final in the Forbidden History Series, 

ESW10: GALACTIC NIGHT, EARTH SHIFT & OUR FUTURE (contains Lada Ray Prophecy)

will be released ahead of schedule! 

RELEASE DATES: June 1-2, 2018!

NOTE! The Forbidden History & Forgotten Origins is the one and only Earth Shift Webinar Series this year! 



The Q&A will become a part of the final webinar ESW10. All Full Series subscribers are now welcome to start posting their questions!

If you are my Patreon subscriber, ask your questions on Patreon. If not, ask your questions on FuturisTrendcast  – under this post!

I’ll answer your questions live and release them as part of ESW10.

Please ask only questions relevant to this series!

Later in June Patreon Patrons+ will get the chance to ask me other questions. We’ll be starting our regular video Q&As in June – see my next Thursday post on Timeline Shift & Trump Predictions for more on future events!


I am sure after listening to three webinars, you have plenty of those. I can’t wait to see which topics have touched you most and which need further clarification!

Don’t hold back, go for it! I’ll try to answer as many questions as possible!



A lot more work has gone into the FH&FO series than originally anticipated. When this series was planned in January – February of 2018, it was anticipated that each webinar would be about 2-2.5 hours in length. The webinars are coming out much longer, since I have so much to share with you and I don’t want to leave out any of the valuable nuggets!

I am also adding a lot of bonuses and bells and whistles, such as maps, cool slide shows and additional written and video info. These really enrich the overall experience and add to the value.

And more of these bells and whistles are planned for the upcoming ESW10, the final of the series, and last webinar this year!

Due to all extra work, we have decided to increase the price, once all 4 Webinars are released. At this time you can still purchase the series and individual webinars at the low pre-release prices!

Prices (series and individual webinars) will go up on MAY 30, 2018!

I’ll soon have a separate announcement on how much the prices will go up! If you haven’t yet, now is your best opportunity to subscribe/purchase at these low insider prices!


Last but by no means least!

I am very pleased to announce 2 Partial Scholarships for the FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS

The scholarships are available exclusively to my Patreon subscribers, Monthly FuturisTrendcast donors and best FuturisTrendcast supporters. 

Please email Az if you’d like to receive FH&FO Series scholarship based on your financial need. If you are one of our supporters, per above, you know where to send it (this scholarship is anonymous, your name won’t be revealed)!


We always welcome your reviews and testimonials about the Forbidden History Series (FH&FO)!

We will be grateful if you post yours! Please do so any time on PATREON and FUTURIST TRENDCAST! (preferably under latest relevant FH&FO post, such as this one).

Best testimonials will make it into TESTIMONIALS PAGE!


​Subscribe to



(FH&FO series ESW7-10)

You can also buy individual webinars


Three webinars released already! Last in the series coming soon! 

Big announcements coming on Monday (Patreon) & Tuesday (FuturisTrendcast)!

Don’t miss:

Q&A green light; Series price change; Last webinar release date!




COPYRIGHT NOTICE! EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 9: The Mystery of Lost Continents & 4D World (Atlantis, Eurasia, Antarctica & the Great Tartaria) Copyright 2018 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.

Buy Earth Shift Webinars

BECOME Lada Ray PATRON on Patreon:


Read 1000 FREE articles & posts: FUTURIST TRENDCAST

10min EXCERPT: ​1000 LOST YEARS & FALSIFIED HISTORY (Forbidden History ESW8)


​Subscribe to


(FH&FO series ESW7-10)

You can also buy individual webinars


Three webinars released already! Last in the series coming soon! 

Big announcements coming on Monday (Patreon) & Tuesday (FuturisTrendcast)!

Don’t miss:

Q&A green light; Series price change; Last webinar release date!




COPYRIGHT NOTICE! EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 8: 1000 Lost Years & Falsified History Copyright 2018 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.

Buy Earth Shift Webinars

BECOME Lada Ray PATRON on Patreon:


Read 1000 FREE articles & posts: FUTURIST TRENDCAST


ATTENTION FH&FO SERIES SUBSCRIBERS! Forbidden History Webinar 9: The Mystery of Lost Continents & 4D World NOW LIVE!

ESW9 800x450


Forbidden History Webinar Series subscribers:

Please go to your EXCLUSIVE 4-WEBINAR ACCESS PAGE for the direct link to ESW9!

If you are new, you can purchase the complete series and/or individual webinars HERE:


After series purchase you will be directed straight to your EXCLUSIVE 4-WEBINAR ACCESS PAGE, where you can click on any webinar link to gain direct access!


Special announcement and Webinar 9 description will be posted on Futurist Trendcast and late on Sunday or on Monday!



​Mystery of the Lost Continents & 4D World
(Atlantis, Eurasia, Antarctica & the Great Tartaria)

Webinar length: 3 hrs 12 min
Plus 5 bonuses & written commentary

​This is an MP4 VIDEO Webinar

Subdivided into 8 PARTS:
Video/written Intro + 6 Main Segments + Bonus Segment 7!
MP4 video/audio, CC, written outline, pictures & maps, resources & links,
​PLUS Lada Ray’s multidimensional ideas and teachings throughout​

​As part of Segment 1 this webinar includes a collection of
6 forbidden history ancient maps (Seg 1 Addendum)
It also includes 4 Amazing Mother Russia Slide Shows as Bonus Segment 7!
Lada Ray written commentary & notes also included!


EARTHLY 3D REALM & HOW PARADISE WAS LOST (Forbidden History & Forgotten Origins)


You listened to excerpt from 








COMING IN APRIL – 2nd in the series!
Earth Shift Webinar 8: ​1000 Lost Years & Falsified History 

ESW8 3






Etruskan Language, Rus Vedic god Veles and Veche, the ancient Rus direct democracy

Russian Language: Forbidden History Hidden in Plane Sight

You may all recall that I did several articles on forbidden history and linguistics, as well as the Russian language truth code. This includes popular articles:

Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada

Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

and ESR6: Ukraine – New Kazarian Khaganate

See more under category Forbidden History

You may also recall that I mentioned a highly evolved EtRuskan civilization that existed in Italy, which supposed to have vanished and whose language was for many years in the West considered ‘illegible’…until Russians read it using ancient Rus alphabet.

We had an interesting discussion on Twitter on the etymology and meaning of certain words, and I’m reposting it here for you. There is so much more to the story, but 160 characters per tweet is a start. This little discussion will expand your mind and make you question more of th official view of history and origins of mankind, religions and consciousness.

And I promise that I will continue writing and speaking about these fascinating topics in the future.


Ask Lada: Etruskan Language, Rus Vedic god Veles, and Veche: the ancient Rus direct democracy — @LadaTweets and more…

may I ask for a translation of “Velch”. Etruscan town & also used in relation to demos in Kiev but no google or bing translate?

Word ‘Velch’: most likely named after Rus god of livestock Velech. This isn’t only such name. ‘Wales’, ‘Welsh’ — also named after Velech/Veles.

To add: God Velekh is also called Veles.

More from Lada: Veles, Rus god of cattle, bounty, forest and pleasure/enjoyment was prototype for: Pan depicted with horns, Bachus (god of wine). And of course, later in Christianity it became… who else: the devil.

Veles, as the lord of forest is often depicted with a bear. And note those horns!


More on Vedic god Veles: Russian word ‘vesel’ is anogram for ‘Veles’ and it means ‘joyful, enjoying’ but can also mean ‘pleasantly drunk’ as in celebrating with friends.
LADA: The best word to describe it is ‘merriment.’
Much more to say on Veles (also called sometimes Volos) that won’t fit in 160 characters:
Lada: the direct line of progression from the positive God of cattle, bounty (hence wine, symbolizing bounty) and merriment becomes on one hand the Greek Pan, god of forest and trickery, and on another Roman Bachus, the god of wine.
From thereon, as human consciousness progressively declined through millennia prior, the negative connotiations began to prevail. Such as: drinking wine, loose morals and excessive indulgences lead to the devil, according to Christianity. Note the HORNS — typical depiction of Veles, due to cattle. This progresses to cornucopia for bounty, and to drinking wine, the horns of Pan  — and consequently, as the negative consciousness sets, to the devil.
Rus Vedic God of cattle, forest, merriment and bounty Veles (Volos, Velech, Voloch)

The Russian language never ceases to surprise me:

Западня – Zapadnya – the Trap

Запад – Zapad – the West

(Lada: this was a nice catch and it’s striking when you think about it!)

How about “Veche”? Like the old Viking “Thing”?

Veche – ancient Russian word, means popular gathering and counsel. It was the way of direct democracy in ancient Rus states.

Only so much can be said on Twitter. Much more to add:

Usually, Veche would be called on a central square of town, village or city in the time when a serious decision in the affairs of the state was needed. Everyone could express their opinion, register objection, and it was all culminated with a direct popular vote. The ancient Russian city of Novgorod was famous for its robust Veche and direct democracy tradition 1200 years ago, and earlier in history.

Etymology of the word Veche:

Vedat’ – Vedic = to know, to see, to understand, clarity. Root: Ved — Ve 

Che — cha – chi = Life force



The joint life force that opens up knowledge

Or: popular life force clarifying a difficult but important decision


This good old word is being now abused by ukro-nazis and Saakaashvili, who are trying to create Maidan-3 in Kiev to overthrow Poroshenko. Saakashvili has announced that he is calling a ‘veche,’ aka, a popular gathering to start another Maidan.

I can tell you though that it’ll be hard for them to get the Maidan going without the sponsorship from the West. Maidan-3 in itself isn’t a problem. As I said many time before the sooner the situation is brought to a boiling point the sooner it’ll get resolved.

But I seriously object to them spoiling the word Veche to signify their gatherings. Not to mention the ukro-nazi denial of Ukraine’s common ancestry with Russia, yet using the word that millennium ago was brought to Kiev from the ancient Russian city of Novgorod.

This is not the fist time a good word or a positive symbol is stolen and made work for the dark side: Hitler once stole the positive Vedic symbol of the sun and our spinning galaxy, Swastika, thus giving it a bad name.

Rus Slavic Vedic Gods (some of them)

Rus Slavic Gods

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Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada

Finally, we are able to delve further into one of the reader most requested topics, FORBIDDEN vs. TRUE HISTORY & LINGUISTICS!

This report is a continuation of one of FuturisTrendcast’s most popular articles: Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

Over the past 3 years many have asked me about the meaning and mystery of my name. Some of my astute readers have figured it out on their own. This is evident when some of you call me ‘Lady Lada.’ 😉

Today, I want to tell you the whole story…

Goddess Lada2

Goddess Lada – Russian painting

The ancient Russian Vedic Goddess Lada is often depicted with white swans or white doves. Lada is very powerful and her Earthly responsibilities are many. She is in charge of such uplifting things as: spring and summer, sun, harmony and balance, goodness, friendship and good will, love and happy marriage, overcoming obstacles, smooth sailing, positivity and good luck. Lada is also responsible for creativity, abundance and children.

Rus Epic Goddess Lada

Goddess of Harmony Lada’s temple and her symbols: wisdom, light, white swans, water and ladias

Russian language: the Earth’s Truth Code 

You may have heard me say this before. There had been many times in history when it was dangerous to speak the truth, for which punishment would be death. Then, in their infinite wisdom, the Wise Ones and Earth Keepers hid the clues in plain sight, leaving them behind for future generations to re-discover. Although compromised due to centuries of various extraneous elements littering it, the Russian language remains the Earth’s Ultimate Truth Code and one of the most important living proofs of humanity’s true history and roots, hidden in plain sight.

The role of Sanskrit, the closest sister language to Russian is the same: to serve as the hidden treasure trove of the keys to rediscover the truth. The Sanskrit Vedas have preserved much of it. The drastic difference is that Sanskrit has not survived the impact with reality. It is by all definitions, a dead language, studied based on ancient texts that thank goodness survived. Only the tiniest of echoes of Sanskrit remain in contemporary Hindi.

Russian is a full-fledged major living and evolving language that has been preserved by the population of the Great Russia despite persecution and wholesale destruction of memory, ancient knowledge, Vedic wisdom and books. Speaking of which, when people remark to me in reply to my mentioning the Rus Vedic past that it sounds just like Hindu Vedas, this is simply because it is one and the same.

The huge value of Sanskrit and Hindu Vedas is that they were more hidden and therefore missed by the West, when history was re-written. Therefore, they avoided a wholesale destruction, such as the Russian Vedic chronicles endured. This is why Sanskrit, the frozen in time language, is so important to re-discovering our true roots.

In very ancient days, when the Ice Age made it impossible for people to exist in the far north between the Ural Mountains and Siberia, where the original Arian Vedic Rus civilization flourished, also referred to as Hyperborea, one branch of it spread to Europe and another to what is today called India, becoming Brahmans and bringing the Vedic philosophy. There were other branches that moved further south as well, at different times. The Vedic philosophy and lifestyle was prevalent among the people of not only contemporary Russia/Ukraine/Belarus/Siberia and much of northern Eurasia (together we may call it the Rus Civilization), but all around Northern, Western and Central Europe as well.

We briefly touched upon what Vedism means in another FT article: Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? I also provide a substantial number of linguistic clues in ESR6: Ukraine – New Khazarian Khaganate?

What does the word Vedic or Vedism mean? It means ‘true knowledge.’ Every day, without thinking, we use a large number of derivatives from these words. They are present not only in Russian, but in many European languages – clues hidden in plain sight.

According to Russian researchers, the Vedic vision and lifestyle were gradually suppressed in Western and Central Europe approximately between 10th and 16th centuries, Catholic religion and inquisition playing the key role. Together with it, the ancient Rus language was also replaced all over Europe.

Despite Russia adopting Christianity, Vedism coexisted with the new religion more peacefully and remained prevalent in Russia until about 17-18th centuries. At that point a drastic shift towards the West occurred in Russia, and Vedism was brutally and subversively suppressed, to be replaced with overly aggressive, yang, individualistic, profit and money oriented culture of then Western Europe.

Ancient books were destroyed, carriers of Vedic knowledge were eliminated and true history was re-written, shortening, mutilating and isolating Russian history, while glorifying and lengthening the history of everything else.

It was history’s grandest heist pulled in front of everyone’s eyes. And humans just ate it up, or became complicit. I have only began scratching the surface of the truth – much more to follow in my future EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS!

It was part of the previous global rebalancing. Between 15th and 18th centuries, Russia the Great Balancer gradually shifted the weight of the world’s development towards the West, to allow for a more yang-energy and individual-values-driven development of mankind. This seemed a necessary adjustment due to the excess of yin in human existence at the time. But as it so often happened in human history, it went all wrong. The West perceived the shift facilitated by Russia the Great Balancer as a gift from heaven, thinking itself exceptional. Instead of serving others, it began its global quest to subdue the rest of the world.

But nothing is forever, and today The Great Balancer has begun another EARTH SHIFT, away from the West. Unlike the previous shifts, this one is different and aims to restore the proper yin-yang balance on our planet, ushering in the era of Russia. This is why I call it THE GREAT EARTH SHIFT.

Because of the THE GREAT EARTH SHIFT, the hidden clues are beginning to be revealed. The majority of them are re-discovered in Russian language, but a large number turn out to be hidden dormant in other languages, such as English, Ukrainian, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin, Sanskrit and others. As the consciousness of mankind awakens, these clues suddenly begin being understood by those who have eyes. More and more information is coming to the surface, as the right people come along who can show the way.

Since I was a child I was pointing out certain inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official narrative. I was 5 and just learned to read when my parents took me to the Odessa’s unique and beautiful Archeological Museum. The guide was droning on about the unknown and mysterious civilization of Etruscans, who lived in Italy circa 700 BC, and how their language to this day cannot be deciphered by linguists. She showed us the amazing pieces of art they left behind. Even then, at my early age, it was hard to imagine these pieces were made in 700 BC, when – if we were to believe the contemporary fake historical science – humans were much less evolved than us today, when technology for making such exquisite items shouldn’t have existed.

Being small, my eyes were level with the sign on the glassed stand, which read: ‘Etruscan stella, circa 700 BC, language unknown.’ In Russian the name of that mysterious ethnos read like Etruski. I whispered the word to myself, bored with the guide’s not very interesting story. Suddenly, I announced for all adults to hear: ‘Etruski means ‘Eti Ruskie. They were Russians!’ (Eti Ruskie means ‘These Russians.’)

A silent scene that followed was worthy of a thriller: adults in the room just looked at each other perplexed. Later the incident seemed to have been forgotten. The one thing that transpired was my mother apparently deciding that I was supposed to be a linguist and translator (I think she secretly hoped I’d become a diplomat, actually). Shortly after, she hired me a private English language tutor. My love of everything linguistics never went away and I eventually ended up with summa cum laude Masters in Linguistics and Translation.

When I was a child, and later a teen, there were other discoveries of truths hidden in plain sight, such as another mysteriously extinct civilization and language, whose location was once in today’s Germany. I knew since I was barely 6 or 7 that Prussia meant Po-Russia and the now ‘dead’ Prussian language was in fact ‘Po-Russian.’

How did I know? I simply looked at the word in front of me and read it correctly. Why weren’t others able to perceive the clues? Because most people don’t think and don’t pay attention – it’s that simple.

Many years later I began receiving confirmations from various linguistic, historic, archeological and esoteric sources, which were not given the time of day by the scientific and mainstream communities, that what I interpreted was correct. And it was only very recently that I received a definitive confirmation from the world-famous Prof. Chudinov that what my 5-year-old self knew was 100% true. Chudinov read the ‘illegible and mysterious’ dead language of the Etruscans, using one of the four ancient Russian alphabets / writing styles called ‘the mirror writing.’ He confirmed that the name Et-Ruski (Etruscans) signified Eti Ruskie. The only difference, he actually thought that because of the ‘mirror’ writing’ the prefix should be reversed and it should be read as ‘Te Ruskie,’ meaning ‘Those Russians’ as opposed to ‘These Russians’ who, as Chudinov postulated were the Rus population residing in the primary Great Russian space (contemporary Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). I won’t argue on that finer point, but I am still inclined towards my 5-year-old interpretation. As we know, the ultimate truth tends to come from a child’s mouth.

Throughout my life, I once in a while amused myself with forbidden history’s linguistic puzzles. I’d take a word and peer into it, dissecting it into syllables. Then I would look into what these syllables represented. No one ever taught me that in college, so along the way I also discovered my own Forbidden Linguistics method. I learned that the words’ syllables contained much more information than seemed on the surface and that each word no matter how complex, in any language, was formed based on a limited number of seemingly simple building blocks of syllables, roots, suffixes, prefixes and endings. The trick was to put these building blocks together in such a way that it would create the magic of communication. Within these simple syllables the true forbidden linguistics mysteries were revealed.

Of course, the quintessentially synthetic Russian language turned out to be a treasure trove of secret meanings. But even with purely analytical languages such as English, the amount of information gleaned could be exciting.

Our smart ancestors packed every sound and syllable with a huge range of knowledge. Each consonant and vowel contained a number of important meanings. As more syllables were added to the word, it could express a truly colossal range of notions. Each word, like Lego, could be built and rebuilt in many ways using these intricate building blocks. Oftentimes, I saw full syllables or even full words, compressed or shortened, as we have seen with Prussia above.

I have known for years that a massive amount of meddling was done to our history and that the separation on countries, languages and ethnic groups was often artificial or false. There is much, much more to the story. As we continue to journey through The Great Earth Shift, I’ll continue telling you everything I know.


Today, our topic is the Goddess Lada. Using Lada Ray’s Forbidden Linguistics Syllable Building Block Method, allow me to tell you how the word was formed and what it signifies.


La in the ancient Vedic Rus mother language signified fertility. It can also signify creativity, joy and positive emotion. Before it signified that, it actually signified the male reproductive organ. La is a very interesting syllable, which is also a sound. You know how when we hum a wordless song, we go ‘la, la, la.’ The reason we unconsciously hum it is that it is embedded in our genetic makeup that la symbolizes something good and something positive. From the perspective of an ancient human what could be more positive than perpetuation of the species and joy that comes with an act of doing so?.. It is no wonder that Lada is often depicted with children.

A telling example: La, as used in today’s Spanish, signifies the female beginning. La mujer – a moman, La niña – a girl, La casa – a house.

Later, due to the association with fertility and phallus, La (or lia) also became a building block in signifying an open field. A field could signify a long, large, flat surface, a stretch of flat land, as well as fertile ground. The following words were formed: Russian: po-lia-na and po-lie (poliana and polie both mean fields of different sizes and designation). Ukrainian: lan – same meaning.

Da means yes in Russian. In ancient times, Da was often added to words to underscore the affirmative, positive nature of certain notions. The derivatives of Da or words descended from Da in combination with other Building Block syllables were added as well. You’ll be astonished if you knew how many words in various Western and Eastern languages, which insist on being completely separate and unrelated to Russian, carry Da as part of their makeup. This applies equally to many other important Building Block syllables.

Therefore, the very evocative meaning of the word Lada is:

Yes! This is the Goddess of Fertility, Harmony and Positive Energy!

It gets more interesting when we look at all the words originating from ‘Lada.’ I’ll just share a few, from Russian and English. And I guarantee that these examples will blow you away!

Ladia: ancient Rus word for boat or ship.

Keep this in mind when pronouncing ‘A’ in any Russian word! Russian ‘a’ doesn’t sound anything like English. The closest pronunciation is that of ‘u’ in the word ‘cut,’ however, Russian sound ‘a’ is more open, more powerful and longer.

Ancient Rus ships

Ancient Rus ship is called Ladia

The intricately carved and skillfully built wooden boats in those days had the shape of a swan with the bow decorated with an image of a swan, or some other important protector and energizer, such as firebird or dragon. This shape was both ergonomic and stable on the water. It also elicited an image of a graceful swan, who floats smoothly and effortlessly on the water or in the sky. Therefore, it’s easy to understand why Lada is often depicted with a swan and why she is responsible for the smooth sailing and dispelling obstacles.

Ladon’ (This word ends in ‘myaghkiy znak’ – ‘the soft sign,’ one of the unique Russian letters that doesn’t exist in Latin alphabet. The soft sign doesn’t have independent sound value; its job is to make any consonant it follows very soft). Ь – Мягкий знак (soft sign) and Ъ – твёрдый знак (hard sign).

Ladon’ means palm. You can also pronounce it as ‘ladoshka,’ which is an endearing version.

palm ladoshka

The word ladon’ consists of two parts: lada (or lado) and na. The Russian word Na means ‘here,’ ‘take it, ‘have it.’ The meaning is that of a generous, magnanimous offer. When you extend your hand you may be offering your good will and friendship. Therefore, lado-na, which later became ladon’ is in fact an extension to another person of an open hand, an offering of harmony, friendship and lad.

The Russian word lad, unchanged till today, means just that: harmony and life in graceful agreement with one’s environment.  

Speaking of the word lad. Does it remind you of anything, by any chance?

What about this: ‘he’s a strapping young lad.’ According to the online dictionary ‘English’ word lad means ‘a lively or dashing man or youth.’ If you ask the online dictionary to define a strapping young lad, here’s what it’ll tell you: it is a young man who is strong, tall, and looks healthy and active.

If you try to look up the etymology of this English word, you’ll probably find all kinds of academics who wasted their entire lives promoting false theories of the origin of this or that, telling you that it comes from medieval English, etc, etc. But what was really there before ‘medieval English’ ?..

Most likely you won’t hear anyone (except me, that is) tell you the obvious: the seemingly English word lad is in fact the Russian word lad (just remember that Russian ‘a’ is pronounced like the ‘u’ in hut, but more open and longer).

If anyone in the English-speaking academic circles mentions that there could be a Russian connection, their work will be sidetracked and they will get ignored, or worse. Not being published, noticed, given tenure or grants is the death of any Western academic. That’s why if they have no principles or talent, they simply toe the line, or if they do, they suffer in obscurity or get thrown out of the field.

The word Lad in Russian means harmony. The adjective ladniy (masculine) and ladnaya (feminine) signify a young man or young woman who are tall, well-built, healthy and physically strong and active. About a young man or woman who possess these characteristics one would say: ladnaya devka (for a girl) or ladniy paren’ (for a young guy / bloke). Now compare that to the ‘strapping young lad.’ It is identical.

Incidentally, the adverb ladno means in Russian ok, fine, it’s a deal. In the olden days, this word would be used when a deal was struck, which would often be accompanied with a shake of hands on a deal well agreed upon.

Goddess Lada3

Lada as a young Russian maiden

And here we are getting to the most interesting part, the ultimate proof, so to speak. I know some of my astute readers may have already figured it out.

The English word for lady, such as ‘Lady Diana,’ is simply put, a derivative of the word Lada. In fact, the contemporary English ending ‘y’ is shortened and modified ‘in.’ This was done to make its origin unrecognizable.  The same is true for the popular English ending ‘ing.’

I wrote previously in ESR6 that the ancient Vedic Rus syllable in signified being a part of something, belonging to an inner circle, having allegiance with, or being a derivative or descendant (a small particle) of something big and important.

You don’t have to go far: in the contemporary English we use in every day. Such as: are you in or out, inner, insider.

The very earliest meaning of in is even more striking. It signified the female essence. The word we use today as yin (as in yin-yang) was originally in.

Goddess Lada5

Goddess Lada in traditional ancient Russian garb with her symbol, the white doves of peace

 Therefore, a Lady is a female who follows in the path of the Goddess Lada. This is a woman who is harmonious, fertile, positive, sunny and helpful, who possesses dignity and poise, a good mother, partner and mistress of her domain. Such women were highly regarded and valued and they at one point began being called Lady – a follower or small particle of Lada. To this day you hear people say, ‘I am a lady.’ This usually refers to a situation when a woman won’t stoop to untoward behavior because she has dignity and values herself.

It was much later that the ego led humans to begin using this word, which was supposed to be based strictly on one’s merit, as hereditary title, regardless of whether one deserved it or not.

Lada goddess of harmony

Goddess Lada with baby and swans, among Russian birches, with a Vedic symbol above

Speaking of which, did you notice the use of the verb led, past tense from lead? I won’t go into details of how it was formed, but this is yet another example of a word derived from Lada. It’s easy to see why: Goddess Lada is responsible for dispelling obstacles, for smooth journey or sailing. Leading (do you see what I see: lead-in), when the whole path is laid out in front of you (laid – yet another Lada derivative!) is one of the aspects of a smooth journey!

Svarog i Lada

Celestial couple: Russian Vedic Gods Lada and Svarog 

What’s the meaning of the name Vladimir?

The name Vladimir is another very famous derivative of lad and Lada. One of the eternally popular Russian names, it possesses rare charm and universal appeal. Why is that? Because even if you don’t know what the name means, you feel its potent energy.

Most Russians think that Vladimir means ‘The Master of the World.’ This is because the two obvious words it consists of are:

  1. Noun Vlada (power) or as a verb it will be Vladet’ (to own, to be the master of) These are the contemporary meanings of the words Vlada and Vladet’.
  2. And Mir (dual meaning: world, as well as peace).

However, if you base your analysis on my Building Blocks Method and see it multidimensionally, you’ll be able to discern the original true intent behind the name V-ladi-mir.

V – Lada – Mir

V means in

Lada means harmony, balance

V lade (in this case it’s variation v-ladi) means in harmony 

Mir means peace and world

The whole name Vladimir, therefore, means:

In Harmony with the World AND In Harmony with Peace

Another way of putting it is:

He who brings the harmonious world (peace)

There are talking names that speak for themselves, and one of the most speaking names is that of the Russian President:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin – double Vladimir!

Incidentally, my patronymic is also Vladimirovna. The Universe must be telling us something… 😉


We’ll go deeper into the Russian Truth Code in the EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS!

Particularly look for ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA. I speak of the mystical sign of the times expressed through Putin’s name and reveal the real multidimensional meaning of his very existence!



Meet Lada the Car

I know this is a very unlikely example, but when you think about it, it’s very much in line with the whole Russian forbidden history and Goddess Lada story.

The ship will sail the way you name it. Give it a great name and a successful journey is assured. This applies fully to Lada the Car, a car that had no right to exist, considering the amount of ridicule it encountered in its life. It certainly shouldn’t have survived the ’90s, when stronger Russian companies had disappeared. And yet this underdog of the global car market survived and continues thriving, despite all odds. I like to say that the name of the Goddess of Harmony and Good Luck is what pulled it through and made it stronger.

There has been much said in the West, including the ridicule, about Russian/Soviet compact sedan called Lada, also known as Zhiguli. To be fair, many Russians to this day are equally unduly critical of Lada Zhiguli, as well as anything the Tolyatti car manufacturer VAZ has ever produced. I daresay this is a strange knee jerk overreaction of a certain part of the population to the fact that at one point Mercedes, Toyota-Lexus and Cadillac owned the global market with their luxury and not so luxury vehicles. I do not understand these people at all. There is a place for all types of vehicles and all types of budgets in the market. Lada Zhiguli certainly has its own niche, and its own loyal following.

Those few who still preserve this kind of attitude, whether in Russia or beyond, suffer from a severe inferiority complex. The majority of people who drive Russian cars are absolutely fine with it, although a large percentage of Russians owns foreign vehicles.

Despite all the above, throughout decades in the West a very serious, albeit small cult following developed for the Lada cars. They are very economical, handle great in the toughest environments and cost a fraction of what the nearest competitor charges. While the new models keep coming up, some of which were quite cool, at the same time the manufacturer VAZ has decided not to change the retro Soviet look of the originals, classic Lada Niva mini SUV and compact Lada Zhiguli. There is such nostalgia nowadays for everything retro that Lada is back en vogue.

lada niva

Classic all-terrain Lada Niva

classic lada zhiguli

Classic retro green Lada Zhiguli – love the color

In 1980s we owned one in retro blue, like on the pic below:

retro lada zhiguli

And this is my namesake, new cool-looking Lada X-Ray:


Incidentally, the logo of Lada’s manufacturer is the ancient Russian ship Ladia, which makes sense since Lada is the goddess of smooth sailing, among other things.

The adventurous Lada X-Ray crossover – check out the Ladia logo on the front grill. Lada cars are promoted as very sturdy and reliable all-terrain vehicles:

lada x ray crossover

Finally, Russians began promoting their stuff and putting their best foot forward a bit! It took VAZ employing some Brits to accomplish it though. It used to be that Russians were shy to mention even their biggest achievements. Writing a job resume could be a personal tragedy, since one isn’t supposed to brag, you know. And forget promo or boasting! Now you know the real secret why the flashy, manipulative and boastful West was able to get an upper hand over Russia for so long! But now, at long last, that Ladia (ship) has sailed…

For a bit of a chuckle, please also check out my humorous July 2012 LadaRayBlog article on Lada the Car and a few personal adventures riding it around Eastern Europe: A Case of Mistaken Identity: Soviet Cars and My Infamy!

Falsified history and linguistics all around us! In fact, we all exist in a soup of lies and deceit!

One of the bogus theories that has been dominant for centuries is the so-called Norman or Normanist Theory of the origin of the Kievan Rus. The opposite has been proven exhaustively for many years, yet the truth still gets swept under the rug in the West, and it is only now slowly making its way through Russian culture. You can read more in Are Scandinavians Slavs?

Another theory that has been pervasive for many centuries is that of Etruscans, their origin and language. According to anything you’ll read anywhere ‘it was a mysterious culture of unknown origin (!) that resided in what is today Italy, circa 700 BC, left beautiful objects of art and spoke the mysterious Etruscan language that no one can decipher.’ Don’t believe me, just look at this Wikipedia post.

When I hear any of this, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It is worrying how either inept or sold-out the so-called ‘academics’ are. In other words a very advanced civilization appeared for a short time out of the blue in the middle of Italy. Then, having created a large number of advanced art objects and an absolutely illegible writing system unrelated to anything else in existence, it for no reason at all just went poof!

According to Russian scientists, most notably linguist Prof. Chudinov, Profs. Fomenko and Nosovsky (authors of the controversial New Chronology), Etruscans still resided on the peninsula we call today Italy as late as 16th, possibly as late as 17th, century AD. Recognized as very skilled artisans, sculptors and architects, it was Etruscans and derivative ethnicities who created many amazing architectural wonders of Italy we admire today. The ‘unreadable’ language of Etruscans, which some forces went to great pains to erase or falsify, was freely read by Prof. Chudinov using… Russian language.

A somewhat similar situation has occurred with another obvious culture that mysteriously ‘disappeared’ without a trace, Prussians. According to the official data, the ‘dead’ Prussian language just happened to vanish some time during medieval times, along with the entire population who spoke it.

It was also shown by both Chudinov and the Fomenko/Nosovsky School of the New Chronology that history of ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, etc., was falsified and aged to make the West seem older. Russian history was made shorter and less significant. Further, these and other researchers demonstrated how the world’s grandest ever theft had taken place in front of people’s very eyes: between 17th and 18th centuries many events from Russian history were stolen or twisted, and attributed to the West. In other words, black was made white and vice versa. This bomb of a story is long, shocking and revealing. One day I’ll tell you everything I know…

I have only heard about Chudinov, Fomenko/Nosovsky and other Russian researchers, such as late Prof. Svetlana Zharnikova and late Prof. Levashov, a year or so ago, when I first began searching for confirmations of my own theories and discoveries on the Internet. More and more information is becoming public daily, and more and more voices sound, adding to the whole picture of historic truths vs. falsehood.

I do not necessarily agree with every single conclusion presented by these researchers, but I do agree with their vision, main premise and grand principle of their studies and revelations.

I also disagree with those who try to use this new vision of human history as a means to elevate the Russians and Vedic Rus above everyone else. This reverse elitism I don’t condone. I certainly understand that in big part it is a backlash against many years of grave injustices and vilification suffered by Russians. Such response is consistent with the law of pendulum: the further the pendulum swings in one direction, the bigger the inertia that will carry it in the opposite direction, to compensate for it.

However, Russians at their core are very fair, generous and magnanimous. The moment humanity stops brewing in falsehoods it has created and acknowledges the real contribution of the Rus, Russians will forgive and extend their ladon’ (hand) yet again.

The Lada Law – law of harmony and good will – will again be in effect

I strongly believe that we are all ONE: close relatives, brothers and sisters. The reason we need to know the truth is not to feel superior to others. Only those with an inferiority complex need that. This fresh knowledge and wisdom are necessary for mankind to get out of the vicious karmic loop in which it is stuck, akin to the groundhog day effect. Only by looking the truth in the eye, making peace, by reconciling our differences and wisely rising above past errors will humanity break the karmic cycle.

The parts of humanity that need this closure more than others include: the West, namely USA, Canada and Europe; Ukraine; the Middle East; Africa. Others have lesser karmic debt of varying degrees.

Unfortunately, in the past humans stubbornly preferred not to see the truth because of their ego, fear and greed. As a result, when karmic conflict became insurmountable, wars would begin. Alternatively, plague, cholera and other diseases materialized. Another version of karmic retribution could be Ice Ages, earth quakes, The Great Flood, or the Comet of Karma as described in my novel, The Earth Shifter. After wars and calamities, invariably humans would see the light, reform, talk with each other, and try to create a more peaceful existence. Yet, after a while, human memory would fail again.

Some of us are here to remind the rest of humanity that there is a better way. We often have talking names – those names that wayshow what we are here to do. Such as Lada Ray. Or Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Why history was falsified and Russian history shortened 

The same sorry state of affairs is taking place in other sciences. A good example is archeology. A very common situation is when an archeologist finds items inconsistent with official theories. Such discoveries, offered to us by the Mother Earth in order to give a hint of our true history, normally get buried.

The reason for that is threefold:

1. A powerful sold-out ‘academic’ lobby that exists in any science. Such lobby, consisting of those who built their careers on false theories, cannot fathom allowing any other theories, which would dampen their reputations and render their entire lives useless. In other words, an ordinary human ego at work.

2. The consciousness of mankind, I am sorry to say, is still not good enough and high enough to allow the truth to come through. When consciousness is high enough, the breakthrough has to happen. There are hopeful indications that the truth is being heard by more advanced humans. The cracks in the old are developing, and I, on my part, will do everything in my power to help spread the truth, knowledge and light as The Great Earth Shift progresses and takes hold on the planet.

3. The most obvious reason for falsifications and today’s false reality is the extreme Russophobia by the West. There is a very serious and deep-seated reason for that. I discussed it previously in ESRs and articles, and I will definitely continue talking about it.

To wet your appetite, here is a brief version: The drive of the overly yang West to suppress and malign Russia the Great Balancer has to do with the desire to take over the world.

To be sure, Russians are as much to blame for allowing all this to happen. That said, we have to look into the future. It is now time to correct the horrific distortions and right the wrongs.

My favorite multidimensional tools for revealing the truth & undoing falsified history 

As I mentioned many a time, in fact, linguistics is probably our best multidimensional tool for figuring out how much our past has been distorted and what our true history should look like. In connection with other disciplines, such as anthropology, geology, archeology, genetics, as well as the very unlikely sciences such as math, astronomy and computer science, linguistics can recreate the picture of true history of which we were robbed.

To be honest, there are much better multidimensional tools for knowing your past, present and future. These tools are Vedic in nature. They are claircognizance, clairaudience, psychic regression or progression, shamanic travel and Akashic Records. Quantum Calibrations performed through kinesiology testing are also helpful.

However, most humans cannot understand these tools, nor know how to use them. As mentioned, the human consciousness level isn’t allowing such advanced tools to be used properly.

In this situation, the very best tool is actually linguistics, including etymology, toponymics, comparative linguistics (not the false kind used today, but the true one), true timeline & temporal linguistics. But forget history of languages and anything that relies on formalized history, as much of it is a lie. The new promising tool, introduced by Russian linguist Valery Chudinov, is called geo-linguistics. Chudinov is very important to rediscovery of our true roots. Remember this name, you’ll hear me mention it in the future!

Goddess Lada Palekh box

Goddess Lada on handpainted Palekh lacquer box, with her followers

Vedic Russia3

Mystical life in ancient Vedic Rus – Russian painting

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Pravda: Muhammad Ali on Russia, USSR, Leonid Brezhnev

RIP Muhammad Ali (1/17/1942 – 6/3/2016)

I thought this was an interesting thing to recall in connection with the topics we often discuss here on FT, as related to the great boxer and pacifist Muhammad Ali.

muhammad ali and leonid brezhnev

Muhammad Ali visiting the USSR – meeting with Leonid Brezhnev

Thanks to Akaida for the comment with this telling quote:


Muhammad Ali on his visit to USSR in 1978

“I’m very impressed by a meeting with Leonid Brezhnev. I find it hard to find the words… I am a simple American boxer, but I was honored to meet Mr. Brezhnev. I used to hear that the Russians are always threatening Americans, but I am convinced that this is not true. Brezhnev is a supporter of world peace”. Leonid Brezhnev, who during the WW2 fought against Nazis, gave Ali the book “The small land”. Ali called this gift “the best in his life”. “I’ll ask my friend Soviet Ambassador to the USA Dobrynin to translate this book for me”, Ali told reporters.

“It’s hard to believe, that such a peaceful country wants war. And Brezhnev, I never thought he was such a quiet and calm person. It is difficult to imagine that he can be the person who would start a war. I have not seen a hitchhiker on the road, and I have not seen a single beggar on the streets of Soviet Russia. I had never felt so safe: no risk of being robbed. I was told that there is no freedom of religion in the Soviet Union, but Muslims, Christians and Jews worship freely here. I think the relationship between our people is bad just because of false propaganda”.

“I was a little nervous when I landed in Russia. I thought I’d see the country in ruins, with a crowd of gloomy people who think like robots, and intelligence agents, who would follow my every step. Instead, I saw a country populated by a hundred nationalities, who are living together in harmony.”

ali in USSR

“I saw a country populated by a 100 nationalities, living together in harmony.” Muhammad Ali, USSR 1978

And this is a little bit about how I see the USSR and Brezhnev’s era, during which I grew up as a child. I never knew about the above quotes by Ali, yet you’ll surely find many synchronicities between his words and what I say in the video, which I published in 2015. Watch my video:

WHO REALLY RULED USSR? The Secret of Brezhnev’s Passport (LadaRayLive 17)

More to the point, these are some related posts:



This seems like going beyond the above topic, but to me the issue of the truthpravda in Russian – is intrinsically connected with Muhammad Ali, the man who once uttered: we, humans, are tenants here on Earth, and we’ve got to pay our rent. The truth of this seemingly simple statement is very profound. It’s sad that so many humans do not understand this simple truth and still attempt to get something for nothing. In the end, there is always a price to pay – call it karma, the law of consequences, or luck – good or bad.

As many of my readers may know, my QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS SCALE helps understand and interpret global events, people, underlying motivations, objects and subjects a lot deeper and with much more precision than just mere superficial analysis. If you haven’t yet, check out my QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS SCALE on (this, and lots of other FREE super-info is hiding under EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM on top navigation bar!). On the page, you’ll also find links to my Calibrations videos on Lada Ray YT channel. Click on those to get a complete picture of how it works. Lots of freebies there as well!

To help you orient yourselves better in all the above, let me take this opportunity to give you some quantum calibration examples.

Let’s recall something important about QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS SCALE: the higher the calibration (unseen spiritual energy vibration), the more truth (the telling Russian word is PRAVDA) there is in a person, statement, action, etc. Consequently, the lower the calibration/energy vibration the more falsehood you will encounter in a person, action, statement, country, book, article, etc. It’s also very useful to calibrate separate chakras as each is responsible for certain segments and directions of our life here on Earth. One of the most important is the heart chakra as its vibration will resonate on the level corresponding with how ‘GOOD’ and ‘TRUE’ – or not – the object or subject really is.

Russian word for truth is ‘pravda.’ The etymology of this word is truly striking. Here is how it was formed (some vowels in the process of historic usage became eliminated for shortness, which is typical of Slavic languages:

pravda = po (in accordance with; in harmony with) – ra (light; male god) – vo (or va – female fertility goddess; Mother Earth) – da (yes; I affirm). In other words, the true ancient meaning of this word is:

PRAVDA = ‘I affirm that I live in harmony with divine light and Mother Earth’s wisdom’

(One day I’ll tell you what the English word ‘truth’ really means & I promise you’re gonna flip!)

Now let’s calibrate!

Legend: Calibration = C; Chi Level = Chi; Heart Chakra = HC

NOTE: human calibrations may change through life based on many factors. I’m using calibrations at the time the subjects’ pictures shown above were taken. 

Muhammad Ali: C: 280 (neutrality/friendliness); Chi: 585 (joy/high creation); HC: 210 (courage)

Leonid Brezhnev: C: 210 (courage); Chi: 490 (humanity/compassion); HC: 198 (yearning/striving – just under min. positive calibration of 200)

(In my article Goodbye Harper! Canada Celebrates New PM Trudeau’s Overwhelming Victory – With Analysis and Predictions, we discussed how hard it is for a politician to preserve a good heart chakra. Incidentally, Trudeau and his wife’s heart chakra calibrations have gone down since elections. See article for my original calibrations. The spike in calibration due to the huge win can be attributed to the excitement and hope associated with it. But then the reality drags the calibration down to settle it within the usual norm for a particular individual.)

Jimmy Carter (as depicted on video’s pic above): C 190 (pride – not good for world leader, but most Western ‘leaders’ calibrate at that level, or even much below); Chi: 150 (anger – oh my, embarrassingly low); HC: 90 (grief/depression!!!) And this is a US PRESIDENT – can you imagine how utterly wrong his decisions that impacted us all might have been! As I said, this is a very common story for US presidents and politicians, and generally for Western politicians.


I’ve been asked by some when I would resume my Calibrations Readings and Earth/Personal Shift Consultations. At this time I find my schedule full and, unfortunately, I can’t spare enough time for consultations. However, I may do online workshops instead, to teach you all how to calibrate and interpret your calibrations. This way more people will be able to do it themselves. If in the future I am able to resume my individual Consultations, I’ll announce them on In the future, I may also do an Earth Shift Report dedicated to global calibrations of importance.

At this time, you can order

Your Personal Feng Shui Empowerment & Success Report

which I put together personally, just for you.

The good news, I am presently working on new surprise EARTH SHIFT REPORTS. Hope to announce them soon.


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How to reformat reople’s consciousness and keep them as obedient slaves

I want to introduce you to a new translation by our friend Stanislav (Nemo). Galician Intellectuals Wishing to Deprive Ukrainian of the Cyrillic Alphabet. I also want to direct you to Stanislav’s other recent piece: How Malorossia Was Turned into the Patch-quilt of Discord that is “Ukraine”. In it, with permission he uses an excerpt and maps from my Earth Shift Report 2. Ukraine: Truth, Lies & Future Hope, which provide a visually good idea about Ukraine’s history, its present situation, and future options.

Stanislav asked for my thoughts on what’s going on with reformatting of Ukraine’s alphabet. My thoughts are of a global character, but they reference what’s happening now in Ukraine, and what happened a very long time in Russian/Slavic World. Here is what comes to mind when I read about Latinization of Ukrainian language.


How to rule the sheeple:


Certain forces in Ukraine are trying to abolish the traditional Russian/Cyrillic alphabet and Latinize Ukrainian alphabet. Those who read my ESR2: UKRAINE – TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE, know certain facts from Ukraine’s history, including the fact that Ukrainian is really a southern dialect of the Russian language (aka, Malorussian dialect), which was given the status of a separate language by Lenin and the Bolsheviks in 1922, with the formation of the USSR. It was a very strong and distinctive dialect, spoken by millions, with a lot of its own cultural flavor and charm, but it was a dialect, nevertheless. It didn’t occur to those who lived in Malorossia in 19th century that they were NOT Russians. Some of them, those who lived in western and certain central parts, called themselves Rusins.

From ESR2 you’ll also recall that there was no known term ‘Ukraine’ per se before 19th century, and that this term was created by Poles and Austria-Hungary, in order to create a rift in Malorossia population’s consciousness. The aggressive and subversive attempts to create a separate mentality and separate language in the south of the Russian World went on for centuries. It was the battle for minds and territories. The project Malorossia (today: Ukraine) as anti-Russia wasn’t invented in 2014. In 18th and 19th centuries Austria-Hungary and Poland did everything to make it happen. Before that, there were other forces, which attempted various tactics to achieve the same. Read more in the ESR2 report.

The same is true for Belorussian language. Belorussian language miraculously appeared in 1922. Before Lenin delineated Belarus as separate republic, there was Minsk Gubernia (‘governorship’ headed by a governor, akin to an oblast in today’s terms) as part of the Russian Empire. There NEVER was a state called Belarus. There was, of course, a distinct western Russian dialect spoken by quite a few people. The thing is that some people on the Russian side of the Belorussian border still speak that western Russian dialect. This only proves the artificiality of the borders separating the same people.

Of course, Belarus and Russia are in a good relationship, compared to Ukraine. But even in Belarus there are continuous attempts to Latinize the alphabet, thus distancing Belarus even further from Russia. Meanwhile, while Belorussian language exists, very few use it every day. Belorussians overwhelmingly speak Russian in life, business and on TV. Yet, the public sings and documents are in Belorussian and kids at school are taught a suspicious version of separate from Russia history. How far will it be allowed to go? I suspect not too far, compared to Ukraine.

This discussion has jogged something in my mind, which goes into one of my favorite topics: Forbidden History and Linguistics.


The ancient western Rus dialect (now spoken in modified form in Belarus and some western parts of Russia proper), has been proven to be very close to the Etruscan language. As many of you may know, millennia ago there was a mysterious and very advanced civilization that lived in today’s Italy, which created amazing works of art, but for some strange reason this advanced civilization failed to leave behind much written evidence of its presence and achievements. When finally some Etruscan language rocks were ‘discovered’ in Italy, they were declared ‘illegible.’ Ancient Romans had a Latin saying, translating as: ‘Etruscan is not legible.’ Western linguists and archeologists repeated this saying like a mantra. They scratched their heads and shrugged shoulders: ‘not legible, what are you going to do. Ah, well… a mystery, I tell’ya.’

Of course it wasn’t legible, as these Western ‘scientists’ tried to use Latin and Italian as foundation for their translation… Until Russian professor Valery Chudinov read Etruscan in western Russian dialect, using one of the 4 ancient Rus/Arian (later, Slavic) writing systems. The whole new world of the ancient Et-RUS-cans opened up as a result. This alphabet/ writing system, called the ‘mirror alphabet’ was very different from the more widely used Runitsa and Bukvitsa alphabets/ writing systems.

key to rus bukvitsa

This image shows how sacred geometry is the key to understanding Slavic Bukvitsa

This is a very big topic, which deserves several books, not a mere article. However, it has to be mentioned that the ancient Runitsa and Bukvitsa writing systems far preceded any Western writing system. How old are they? Many millennia, at least. Per Russian linguist Chudinov, about 1000+ years ago, at the point of the switch from Vedism to Christianity, Runitsa was chopped off and shortened, having been deprived of its wisdom and secret knowledge meant to be passed on to future generations. What was left of the original Bukvitsa is known as Cyrillics, with 33 letters. It is attributed to two Bulgarian/Macedonian Orthodox monks, Kirill and Mefodiy.

In its original complete version, Bukvitsa had over 150 letters, if memory serves me. Each letter signified a specific word and a specific concept. The whole alphabet was a symphonic poem that could be read as a Vedic prayer to the Universe.

A similar fate was endured by the poor Runitsa (notice: Ru-nitsa – Rus). All that’s left are a few of the so-called Nordic Runes. Read Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

No, of course the real ancient Bukvitsa and Runitsa didn’t disappear. True wisdom is diligently preserved by some linguists, historians, enthusiasts and other keepers of ancient wisdom. It’s all hidden in archives, books, ancient ruins and the Mother Earth itself, waiting for its time, the time when people shake off the matrix of lies and decide to find out the truth of their roots – their true history.

I often call Bukvitsa and Runitsa – and the hidden message they encode for future generations – THE RUSSIAN CODE. These two ancient alphabets were fifth-dimensional creations (as opposed to three-dimensional alphabets we use now), and they work on the level of cooperation and union with creation, nature and other humans.

Read my new article on how third dimension and fifth dimension work: GUIDE TO MULTI-DIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE.

Today’s alphabets were once simplified for ‘the sheeple.’

I can explain a sudden disappearance of the Etruscans millennia ago very simply. Their consciousness was reformatted to believe they were someone else: Romans, and later, Italians. A rift in consciousness is necessary for rulers to control the people. If people forget their true history, their true roots and language, a consciousness vacuum will be created to be filled with whatever someone with an agenda desires.

etruscan writing

Etruscan mirror writing, read using western Rus dialect

Predictably, Chudinov’s, and other Slavic researchers,’ discoveries were shunned and swept under the rug in the West. The reason for this is the same: reformatting people’s consciousness and keeping them in the dark regarding their real origins and roots. This ensures they continue being obedient little slaves.

Latinizing Ukrainian denotes one of the trends, presently pushed hard by the West, as well as certain forces within these countries that want to be quickly bound to the West while it’s possible – before the reversal happens. I can tell you that the reversal will begin happening within a few years.

Before it begins, a strong pressure to Latinize the traditional for the past 1000 plus years Cyrillic alphabet in various countries of the Russian/Slavic world has to be intensified. This is done with a very specific purpose: further division of the Russian/Slavic world, leading to the weakening of Russia and creation of rabidly Russophobic anti-Russias in the post-Soviet or peripheral Russian World countries.

The experiment so far worked successfully in Moldova, where Romanian Latinized alphabet is now used instead of traditional Cyrillic. The Balkans countries (Bulgaria and still holding out parts of former Yugoslavia) are under huge pressure to Latinize. Muslim and Catholic parts of former Yugoslavia have switched to Latinized alphabet in 1990s, during, or after, the Yugoslavian civil war.

A different alphabet and language, like a different religion, has always served as a means to divide and conquer for those puppeteers and useful vassals who wanted to rule lesser humans with impunity. Such division also justifies aggression against close neighbors or parts of the same people.

I can tell you that this is how all of Europe, and before that, all of Eurasia, became divided on small tribes and states. Once upon a time, all of Eurasia, and beyond, spoke the same language and had the same set of beliefs. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe… But certain linguistic, historic and anthropological facts are undeniable. Facts go well beyond these traditional sciences, of course, and extend to math, astronomy and DNA.

You can find some of my articles on this topic under CATEGORIES:

I’ll continue talking about proofs in upcoming articles this year and beyond. Stay tuned!

I should add that what both Stanislav and I discuss in our pieces relative to Ukraine’s history is common knowledge where I come from. In fact, it always has been such undeniable axiom that it never occurred to me or others that such blatant reformatting could take place so quickly and easily. What happened in Ukraine, when the switch was just turned on at the right moment, proves how delicate our world is and how easily swayed the fragile human psyche can be.

Looking back at what happened in 2014 in Kiev, these are the lessons and important conclusions we must take away:

1. When intelligent and educated people leave, the vacuum created will usher in the pretenders, greedy crooks and liars, who will sell their own mother and children for the right amount or 15 minutes of fame.

2. There are always those who want what belongs to someone else. Normal people don’t think that way and they can’t imagine that anyone would do that. But psychopaths and sociopaths in power in the West DO think that way and they DO want what belongs to others.

3. The West wants to destroy Russia and eradicate the memory of the true history and true roots of the Earth’s people at any cost. These two desires are much more interconnected than anyone realizes. How are they interconnected? Like this: it all boils down to Russia.

4. Russia is the Great Balancer, who is destined to prevent the unencumbered takeover of the world by what we may refer to as Anglo-American elites, or NWO.

5. My diagnosis for the Western aggression is this: the West represents the yang side of the yin-yang balance of our planet; at this time, we have a severe yin-yang imbalance, dominated by the overly aggressive, imbalanced Western yang side of the world, which leads to excessive aggression, greed, preponderance of physical and material over the suppressed spiritual. We have wars, distortions of history and relentless takeover of the rest of the world by one single culture and one way of thinking.

6. It is Russia alone that stands in the way of such takeover, China and a few other countries being in this category, as well. But only to a degree, mostly as followers. Countries like China take the wait and see approach and try to let Russia take the brunt of the attack and do most, if not all, of the work. Unfortunately, this happened many times before in our history. What no one seems to get is one simple truth: if Russia is weakened or gone, no one else will resist and everyone will be forced to conform.

7. At the same time, Russian language and history are the most important depositories of the secret (forbidden truth and history) of our real origins and real roots. The genetic memory of the truth is one of the strongest in the Russian psyche. Russia will be called to re-unite different tribes on our planet and to help people remember. This fascinating story is a long and separate subject. I intend to write a an Earth Shift Report on that later in the year.

8. Example of how the truth was distorted: The English word ‘roots’ is in fact the Russian word ‘rod.’ The ancient Rus word ROD (English doesn’t have the right sound in it, but approximately it is pronounced as ‘raud’ – except Rus ‘o’ is very rounded, single, solid sound; the true ‘o’ sound, as intended by nature. It’s similar to how the Buddhist “Om” is pronounced, but shorter.) Rod means: tribe, origin, ancestry, genealogical tree and/or one’s roots. The word Rodina (Motherland) comes from ‘rod.’ ‘Roditeli’ means ‘parents,’ ‘rodit’ means ‘to give birth.’ In Russian, Russia sounds like: Rossia (notice the same root?). The true origin of this word was concealed and forgotten, as the rest of human history. But proof is hidden in plain sight in our languages – if only we paid attention and knew where to look! This, of course, provided humans are interested in TRUTH, not fairytales.


Ukrainian Latinization – hurry, before it’s too late to create anti-Russia! 

Excerpts from Galician Intellectuals Wishing to Deprive Ukrainian of the Cyrillic Alphabet:

“Throughout centuries, the main argument for replacement of the Cyrillic alphabet in the Slavic lands was that it would bring those lands closer to the Western European culture. How? Will writing Russian using Latin alphabet make an Englishman understand Russian or vice versa? No. Will it make easier for the Russians to learn English? Partially, but not significantly. Will it tear away the new generation of Russians from their historic roots by not allowing them to read their own literature. Yes. Here you have it.

For an example, look at Croatian and Serbian. These are one and the same language. Croatian is written in Latin, Serbian in Cyrillic. What did it achieve? A split of the one people into two and easier implementation of divide and conquer strategy.

Secondly, Cyrillic alphabet maps exactly the soundscape of the Slavic languages – one letter, one sound. Slavic languages, which got Latinised at various points in time – like Polish, Czech or Slovak – had to resort to dual, triple, and quadruple letters to depict a single sound. Example: letter “Ш” can be Latinised, transliterated, in various ways: “SH” or, as in Polish “SZ”. In some cases, additional “latin-like” letters need to be introduced. See for example Polish “ś”, “ł”, “ę”, “ą”; or the Czech “Ú”, “Ů”, “Č”. So Polish, with its essentially close-to-Russian pronunciation, ended up having more letters, than Cyrillic Russian. Interestingly, the same sound comprising the word “Czech”, would have been written in Cyrillic using only 3 letters: “Чех”.”

“The main argument coming from local intellectuals in favour of switching to the Latin alphabet is a question of civilizations. Ukrainian people, or, more precisely, the western Ukrainians – are from “time immemorial the people of Europe. In this they differ from the Russians and the Malorossians (Trans-dnepr Ukrainians – Ed.), who in essence are the Russian people“. And Latin alphabet will be best suited to emphasize the affiliation of Western Ukrainians to the family of Central European nations.

Sooner or later, such a transition from the Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet will happen, postulates Lvov intelligentsia. The idea of ”Latinization of Ukrainian language” appeared already in the 90s among the Galician intellectuals who actively advocated the independence of Galicia. By 2000, the norms for Latin spelling of the Ukrainian language had already been developed. Among the developers was the most famous artist and publicist Vlodko (Vladimir – Ed.) Kostirko. In the early 2000s, he was already publishing his articles on the Ukrainian language, written in Latin, in the editions of the Lvov cultural almanac “Ї”.

Kostirko have long switched to the Latin alphabet in his Ukrainian-language texts. In this way he hopes to emphasize the intransigence and even hostility between the two cultures – the “European” Western Ukrainian and “Russian” Central Ukrainian.

He even once created a painting “Uniate killing a Cossack”. In this painting a Polish “bewinged” hussar is spearing the head of a Zaporozhje Cossack (Translator note: names “Cossack”, “Khazar” and “Hussar” are of the same origin. See Lada Ray’s ESR6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE? for more info). This is a reminder that there was a war in the 17th century between the Greek Catholic Galicians and the Orthodox Trans-Dneprians, the descendants of the Cossacks.”

“Let me remind that in March, a temporary special commission for preparation of a draft law “On the development and use of languages in Ukraine” considered a gradual phasing out of the use of the Cyrillic alphabet on the territory of Ukraine.

Already in 2007 I wrote about the attempts during President Yushchenko’s rule to push through the replacement of the Cyrillic alphabet with “abetsadlo” (translator note: From the Polish word for “alphabet”). Back then those attempts were doomed.”

Read full article!




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Pope Francis and World Religions – Karma and Consciousness

‘The above comments just show how confused people are about the catholic religion in general. The celebration of mass is a satanic ritual that celebrates the eating of the body of Christ and drinking of his blood!! The current pope is a Jesuit and they cannot be trusted fullstop. The Roman Catholic Church is full of criminals that raped and abused children without any legal charge for centuries…clergy are literally protected by the state in many countries. Any child who went to a catholic school can attest to the cruelty of the nuns and brothers that taught them a pack of lies and rubbish. The incredible catholic institutions that abused vulnerable children everywhere and the truth of which is only now emerging and again has been kept secret by governments. The whole institution is evil and disempowering of the individual. Now is the time to take back our power and undo the mind control imposed on little children that has stayed with most people for life unless they wake up and start using their brains. I escaped.. I woke up! Religion is the cause of wars literally and it is about time all just understood that we are each parts of the whole and that every little action affects the whole of humanity. Our illusion is a holographic matrix…one of many matrices. President Putin has shown great intelligence in the way he has handled many serious matters recently and I doubt that he will be fooled by a Jesuit pope as he will realise that much of what has persecuted Russia in the past was caused by the Catholic Chuch perpetrated by its Jesuits.’

Lada says:

One of my tweeps tweeted me this pic:

Putin and Pope cartoon

This reminds me of the opening scene of my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER. In it, the Pope drops to his knees in front of a simple Franciscan monk, who happens to be one of the nine Earth Keepers, asking for a blessing as the end of the world nears. Such act by the Holy See completely baffles a Swiss guard, who listens in on the conversation, missing its point entirely. Read this excerpt here, or go to EXCERPTS on top bar for full list.

The important thing to remember is that everything in our 3D world, as in any dimension, is subject to a PERSPECTIVE. The 9D, 10D and 11D beings still have their own perspective. This means that, depending on your point of view, you will see the same events differently from someone who has a different perspective.

Let’s just say, much of the language of global diplomacy and international relations isn’t on the surface. The meeting of the Pope and Putin of which I wrote in Putin’s New Ally: Pope Francis was one such meeting, when many could observe, yet miss its true meaning. Let’s talk about it.

Undeniably, the history of the Catholic Church has many dark pages, and there are plenty of dark pages in the Vatican’s present day reality, as well. When it comes to topics I often address, such as aggressive power grab, looting, rewriting/falsifying history, I could tell you lots of stories. The abuse of children is another such story.

That said, there are many people in the world who genuinely, from their heart, find solace and peace in believing. I think we should respect the feelings of those Catholics whose hearts and minds are pure. Christian mysticism, along with Hebrew (Kabbala) and Muslim (Sufi) mysticism, are manifestations of true religious wisdom, which rises above mundane and above the confines of any religious dogma.

I personally enjoy such wisdom, as well as religious art, architecture and music. All these are high manifestations of religions. Mother Theresa was also a devout Catholic. As anything our 3D human world produces, religions represent the entire spectrum of manifestations: from the highest in spirit to the lowest of the low.

It is a different story that those HUMANS who hold POWER in any religion may misuse this power to suppress truth and successfully cover up their evil HUMAN deeds. The fact that all the abuses of the Catholic Church are coming out now speaks volumes. We are entering the era of truth, discovery and transparency, when old power structures created by MAN for the benefit of the few will fall away, and new, more equitable global structures will be created. This will force – it already does – everyone, including Catholic Church, to abide by new rules and to respect a small person.


It probably helps that I grew up in the Soviet society and in a non-religious family. This provided me with the world of freedom and safeguarded me from any childhood brainwashing. We were free to think, instead of following a dogma, be it religious or any other. The depiction of the Soviet society is completely and maliciously distorted in the West. One of the many legacies of the Soviet Union was, and still is, the most educated and the most thinking people on the planet.

As such, when we all grew up, we could freely choose WHAT to believe in and what, or who, to follow – or not. My sister became a devout Russian Orthodox. But because no one ever made her go to church on Sunday, her devotion comes from her heart.

My cosmic soul is, shall we say, too cosmic for any Earth-bound religion. But I studied shamanism with a lot of pleasure, as it rings true to me (my book THE EARTH SHIFTER is in big part about a Siberian shaman). I also studied wicca and Earth-based religions. I delve deeply into Oriental traditions, and having become Feng Shui Master in Asia, I enjoy Tibetan Buddhism and its beautiful art, spiritual music, rituals and symbolism. My hubby, who has grown up in a non-religious Chinese household, has most affinity with Zen living. Presently, I am studying the ancient Russian Vedic wisdom, which includes the cosmic truth of our origins, forbidden history and linguistics, runas, and much more. Little by little, I will share this knowledge with all in various articles and Earth Shift Reports.

As always, God is within us, and it doesn’t matter if you go to church or not, or if you read the Bible or not. What matters is this: in the final analysis, it’s between you and God.’ Said another way: ‘it’s all between you and your higher self, or your higher conscience.’ In the final analysis we are all ONE.

The clarity of mind that lets one see the world in true light is a must in order to discern and weigh all sides of the issue. I am endlessly grateful to the USSR, the country where I grew up, for many things. One such thing is allowing me as a child to develop freely and grow unencumbered by religious dogma. Perhaps, there was a small amount of Communist brainwashing, as it were. However, it was very minor and incomparable to the damage a Sunday school may have inflicted on fragile children’s psyche. It didn’t affect me; moreover many of my contemporaries think of the old USSR with great nostalgia.

At the same time, I met a lot of people who were traumatized for life by their Sunday school experience, turning rebellious or turning to alternative religions as a desperate knee jerk reaction. I really do feel for them in my heart.

With this background, let me proceed to answering the questions in the comment above.

Much of what Noeline says are true facts and I do agree with her. No, Putin isn’t fooled by anything or anyone.

What has to be remembered is that history of all world’s organized religions is the history of power struggle. It was often a struggle between religions (and various sects inside each religion) for global religious, economic, and geopolitical dominance.

But it was also a very brutal struggle between newer organized religions and old pagan/Earth-based and Vedic lifestyle belief systems. The latter especially applies to Christianity, including both old branches: Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Catholicism brutally eliminated competition, witches and Celtic/Druid priests and priestesses, and Orthodoxy – their competition, Vedic followers. Untold damage was done to the Russian historic records as history was re-written over and over in order to delete mentions of real events and people, substituting them with lies. Same – and worse – was happening all over Europe, which fell under the dominion of Catholicism.

Throughout centuries, this power struggle was consistently violent and blood-thirsty. This applies to Catholicism more than to others, with Judaism and Islam very violent in their own way. If we look deep into history, we’ll find that Greek/Russian Orthodoxy was just as bad; however lately, Orthodoxy became a much more positive and non-destructive force.

If weighed on merit, arguably, Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, which is the older and original branch of Christianity, wasn’t as violent as Catholicism. For instance, there were no witch trials and burnings, although Vedic wise men and women did get prosecuted/eliminated, their ancient wisdom substituted for new religious dogma. Moreover, Vedic traditions and rituals still had a better recognition and co-existed more peacefully with Orthodoxy, while wicca (in part, a Western branch of Vedic wisdom) till recently was entirely denied in the West. Russian Orthodoxy isn’t so much into global dominance either, preferring peaceful cooperative and consultive methods of resolving problems. Overall today, Orthodoxy plays mostly a positive role in society.

Notice that I didn’t include Hinduism and Buddhism in the above list – two other major world religions. Out of these, Hinduism was somewhat repressive to its own people, but wasn’t aggressive or violent outwardly. Compared to the above list, Hinduism is a ‘sweetie.’


A glimpse of forbidden history:

Incidentally, here is a little glimpse of the ancient Vedic wisdom. Many know that there is a Hindi goddess Sarasvati. But did you know that the word ‘sweetie’ and ‘Sarasvati’ have the same root? It’s the Russian word (I also call it Slavyano-Arian): ‘svet.’ Svet means light. The English word ‘sweet’ and Hindi ‘Sara-svat-i’ both originate from svet = light.

Moreover, the Russian word ‘sviatoy’ and its Spanish counterpart ‘santo’, Italian ‘santi’ and English ‘saint’ all come from svet = ‘light.’

By the way, the dreaded nazi word ‘swastika’ comes from the same word ‘svet.’ As some may know, Hitler stole the symbol and word from the Vedic tradition, reversing the energetic plus and minus polarities of its meaning. Originally, ‘svastika,’ aka, ‘kolovrat’ in Russian, signified Sun, and in some other representations, our galaxy.

Speaking of svet. While svet signifies ‘light,’ another meaning is ‘world.’ As in ‘the world full of light,’ that is. There is a well-known Russian expression: beliy svet, which translates literally as the ‘white world,’ although it really means ‘white light,’ aka, the good, enlightened world; world full of love and light.

Much more Vedic linguistic wisdom coming to you in the future Earth Shift Reports. Stay tuned!


Of all world religions, Buddhism is by far the most peaceful, spiritual and positive. In fact, it’s the only organized world religion that NEVER had the acquisition of worldly power as its overriding goal.

As I said, this however was for centuries THE primary goal of the following religions (to various degrees and using different methods): Catholicism, Judaism and Islam.

At the same time, all organized religions also produced true mystics and people of svet = light. This should never be forgotten either! Therefore, it all ultimately boils down to people who are a part of that religion at any given time. It always goes back to individual humans, how they use their power and what their life’s mission is.

Today, religious leaders can often play a positive role, if they choose to. Or at least first do no harm, according to the medical Hippocratic oath.

The reason we cannot just blankly deny any organized religion, whether it’s Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, Orthodoxy, or any other, is very simple: there are billions of people on the planet who do believe and follow these religions. Simply saying to one billion Catholics: ‘well, you are following a satanic cult – get over it…’ I am afraid this won’t work. It’s much better to get in touch with the leader of that religion and tell him, ‘look we can work together on making the Earthly realm we live in, a better place.’ If this leader has conscience, then he can be a force for good to be reckoned with.

I think this is potentially possible with this Pope, who is Argentinian and a friend of the Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who in turn is Putin’s personal friend. I can guarantee that Kirchner had a hand in Putin and the Pope hitting it off. Now, such dialogue was entirely impossible with the previous Pope (sorry, forget his name), who was there for 25 years and who was Polish. By a strange coincidence (not), he also happened to be rabidly russophobic.

As we see, Holy See or not, Vatican or not, it still boils down to individual people and their personal PERSPECTIVE.

Can the Vatican be reformed? Can it change to play a positive and cooperative role in society? Can the Vatican become a force for good? Can Putin change the Catholic world? And should this Pope be given a chance?

Yes, absolutely. That is, if you, me and everyone else on this planet, want to continue this Earthly 3D human experiment. I, for one, am here to help guide humanity towards the continuation of this experiment – with a much better outcome than what we may be facing today.

This means finding common ground with those who are willing to work together to create a more positive, cooperative world.

Religions, like humans, do grow up. Recall yourself when you were a toddler. Were you capricious, causing trouble for your parents? Unless you were angel incarnate like me and never caused any trouble. 😉 Then you were a 5-10-year-old and you wanted to be liked by your parents and obediently did everything they told you to do. Then you became a rebellious teen and caused much more trouble, denying everything your parents taught you. Then, you gradually grew up, becoming more responsible as you aged, acquiring more wisdom (hopefully).

Is our world a holographic matrix? Yes, it is. But as long as we have incarnated in this 3D reality, it is fully real for us. It’s like saying: I won’t study for this test – it’s not real, it’s only on paper. I am sorry, but for as long as you are in school and for as long as you want to graduate, you have to. Unless, you want to repeat the same year over and over. In earth-wide terms this is called karma. Until you’ve fully learned your lesson, you will be repeating this life over and over. Ouch!

You may ask whether there is a possibility of skipping grades and avoiding dealing with karma? Yes, there is. Some of us do skip grades. Only wisdom allows you to skip them. How that works is another topic. But karma is a self-regulating universal mechanism and it knows no exceptions.

Notice that my list of religions didn’t include any of the Vedic, pagan and/or ancient Earth-based belief systems. If we are discussing taking our individual power back, it could well be accomplished through the original Vedic system (vedat’ = ‘to know’ in Russian; ‘vedics’ means ‘wise people, people in tune with the ultimate truth;’ also, note the Hindi Vedas). People are awakening to that, albeit slowly. This, however, is a topic for an absolutely new, separate series, to which I will also get eventually.

Last point to wrap it up:

Noeline says: ‘The celebration of mass is a satanic ritual that celebrates the eating of the body of Christ and drinking of his blood.’

Actually, this ritual is a left-over pagan ritual, adopted by Christianity after it suppressed paganism. It symbolizes partaking of the energy of Christ, imbuing yourself with his spirit. Since Christ symbolizes love and selfless purity, it basically signifies a desire to be like him, hence ascend. However, in 3D, in other words, in our fully manifest PHYSICAL WORLD, humans often can’t simply think or be. they need to manifest everything into 3D; make it touchable, tangible. Evolved souls don’t need that, but most humans do. By the way, there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.

In the ancient days in CERTAIN (not all) pagan traditions humans ate the body of a specific animal to imbue themselves with that animal’s power. Humans were also sacrificed to gods. These rituals, which sound awful today, in old days were what the full 3D incarnation demanded. Humans, shall we say, were too literal. They needed to touch, feel and eat everything to partake of the energy they wanted. To this day, in the Middle East they sacrifice animals and often treat humans with outright cruelty.

In subtler and more evolved ancient societies, such as the original Vedic world, humans had representations of various pagan gods and universal forces, such as certain foods, flowers, tree bark, crystals that they ate, rubbed into their skin, created tattoos, with which they decorated their bodies and homes.

In other words, eating of the body of Christ and drinking his blood is a modified pagan ritual to suit Christianity’s agenda. Since we lost connection with the logic of ancient rituals, it may seem bizarre from today’s perspective.

I won’t go into the meaning of the word ‘mass.’ But again, this word comes from the same Vedic Slavyano-Arian source, something forgotten by most humans.

I will briefly say that ‘satan’ comes from the same root I discussed above: ‘svet’ – light. It becomes ‘sat’ here, basically signifying ‘fullness.’ Fullness as in: Mother Earth is full, bountiful. It also has a relation to the sacred feminine connected to Mother Earth.

It was a Vedic word. Recall what I said, Vedics were the biggest enemy and competitor of Christianity. Moreover, the sacred feminine had to be suppressed by the patriarchal Christian society. Therefore, any good Vedic words became bad words in the Christian reality as humans needed to be brainwashed into submission. The same process is happening today in Ukraine and many Western countries, as history yet again gets re-written and energetic polarities get reversed from plus to minus.

However, this time it won’t work.


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