Blog Archives

Russia: Men go to great lengths to make her smile on International Women’s Day

Every year between March 6 and 9, Russia turns into a huge and fragrant flower market. It smells like spring everywhere, even if the stubborn snow has neglected to melt just yet.


Remember my previous post: Happy March 8! Russian policeman stops vehicles to sing a love song to women drivers.

In that case it wasn’t an actual cop but Russian singer Yaroslav Sumishevsky, with his song. However, real policemen aren’t far behind. This is happening today in Kaliningrad, Russia. Actual traffic policemen stop women drivers to present them with flowers and March 8 gifts:



Man with Bouquet

Happy March 8! Russian policeman stops vehicles to sing a love song to women drivers

The International Women’s Day on March 8 is approaching. To me it has always been a light, smiley and happy holiday. Those who know me have probably read my posts about March 8, its history and lore, and how it’s celebrated in Russia and the USSR. Those who are visual, I’m sure you’ll enjoy all those awesome spring pics. I’ll have the article links below.

This year, I’ve decided to post this charming episode.

In the run-up to the March 8 holiday, in a Moscow suburb, a traffic cop has been seen stopping women drivers. When asked what the purpose of the detention was, he would say, ‘I’m Traffic Inspector Yaroslav Sumishevsky. Just checking drivers licenses as part of the operation My Beloved Woman. Have you heard about it?’ After the drivers replied in the negative, he would begin singing a song, My Beloved Woman, and present each female driver with a rose. On the video below watch women’s faces alight with smiles, and also watch the kids’ reaction.

This unusual flash mob happened during the February 23, 2017 holiday. I thought it was lovely to tie the two holidays together in one event.

To digress a bit into history and lore: February 23 was previously called the Day of the Soviet Army, and is presently called The Day of the Defender (or Protector) of the Fatherland.  On this day, big concerts and other celebrations are held in Moscow and all over Russia. Commemorative events take place and flowers are brought to the Monuments of the Unknown Soldier or Sailor. February 23, The Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, is celebrated equally widely all over post-Soviet space and some other countries. Even in countries which are not exactly pro-Russian on this day people come to lay flowers to monuments to Soviet and Russian soldiers. All over post-Soviet space people still give gifts to men, hold rallies and lavish free concerts on this day. This is one of those holidays that is refusing to go away, uniting people of different views, ethnicities and races, no matter how much a particular country’s elite tries to erase it. This happens even in today’s fascist Ukraine, despite prosecution and violence.

February 23 is widely celebrated in Russia and beyond as a general Men’s Day, since in Russia men at large are encouraged to become protectors – gentlemen-knights, if you will – of the motherland. Russians really love balance and justice. For balance, if all women have their day, all men should have a proper holiday as well, right? Gifts are given to men on February 23 regardless of age, and in turn, gifts and lots of flowers are given to women on March 8.

Now back to our Moscow gentleman cop. A couple of drivers asked the man in the uniform why he looked so familiar, to which he replied, ‘All of us GAI (Russian Traffic Police) inspectors look alike.’ Only one person recognized who he really was…

And the clincher? It was a well-known Russian singer Yaroslav Sumishevsky, with his song, My Beloved Woman.

The video below is in Russian, but I think my explanation is sufficient to allow you to follow. Watch women’s reactions. In the end one of the women, who never recognized him, asked if he was at this post often. “I will make it a point to drive through here often, just to say hello to you,” said the lady.

And what a promo for the Russian Traffic Police!

Watch and may it put a smile on your face!



My other posts (make sure you read the comment section as well – lots of additional info there!):



For March 8 I’m preparing a real treat for you all, my male and female followers and readers alike! In the post to come I’ll combine the Women’s Day essence with two of the most popular questions I’ve ever received:

1. Forbidden vs. True History


2. The mystery of Lada and her name. 

Stay tuned!