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Syria Op: How REB and RYCHAG Keep Enemy Blind and Deaf; New Intel on Caspian Missile Launch

Syria Op: How REB and RYCHAG keep enemy blind and deaf

REB (Rus: Radio Electronnaya Bor’ba) means ‘Radio Electronic Defence.’ This is a complex of advanced systems that renders targeted weapons useless and spying equipment deaf and blind in the radius of 70-200 and more kilometers, depending on application. RYCHAG is one of the REB-related systems, translated as Lever.

My VIDEO ESR 4. ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS talks about REB, RYCHAG and many other peerless and one-of-a-kind Russian systems. I wrote that Russians started slowly unveiling their advanced defence projects and weapons as a warning: stop stepping on our toes! As usual, what we are allowed to glimpse is only the tip of the iceberg, as is explained in ESR4.

I wrote in ESR4 that the Russian military had boasted that in a conflict that took place several years ago Russian air force didn’t lose a single jet or pilot, despite enemy’s relentless blanket fire. Meanwhile, the adversary lost much of its combat aircraft, hardware and airfields (plus, a port). The conflict they were talking about was the so-called 08/08/08 four-day war with Georgia after Georgia attacked S. Ossetia. It was later recognized that the reason for such successful and speedy operation was the use of the early prototype of the REB system.

Russian military analysts are now starting to come out with hints and careful admissions regarding the Russian operation is Syria. It has been hinted that RYCHAG is being used there. Remember my recent post: US drone spying on Russian combat mission, filmed by Russian pilot in Syria? These drones can’t get far – and they can’t get any data not for the lack of trying. A single RYCHAG device jams all data and communication from any adversary forces in Syria in the radius of 70 km, or more.

This is the reason US and others are suddenly changing their tune on Syria. Highly successful Russian strikes notwithstanding, the fact that US and others are deaf, blind and powerless is the game changer. Suddenly Kerry and Saudis want to discuss strategy with Lavrov; suddenly Assad isn’t so bad after all.

Incidentally, in Goodbye Harper! Canada Celebrates New PM Trudeau’s Overwhelming Victory and in Canada Follow Up: PM Justin Trudeau’s Shadows, we have discussed Canada’s recent elections. One of the announcements the incoming PM Trudeau has made is that Canadian air force is withdrawing from Syria. This was met with cheers at home. Citizens are overjoyed. This announcement makes Trudeau look good and is convenient to make on the heels of his election. Such announcement confirms expectations and saves face.

But in truth, elections or not, Canada planes would have been forced to leave anyway. But perhaps if Harper stayed, they would have done it secretly, without any pomp. Why? Because of RYCHAG. With RYCHAG, any unauthorized craft, whether belonging to ISIL, US, Canada or any other country, flies blind and deaf, while Russian craft can see and hear everything. The risk is too large and the upside is none. As I said in the Syria Game Changer report, Russia, the only legally present air force, is slowly and quietly squeezing all unauthorized forces from Syria skies.

As explained in Earth Shift Report 5:​ SYRIA GAME CHANGER Canadian, much like US or any other military, will not risk clashing with Russians in Syria. Israel understood the hint right away and withdrew, agreeing on intel sharing and coordination with Russia. Withdrawal is the best option. It’s just that Canada has had the face-saving elections and US hasn’t yet, which means that very uncomfortable times are upon Washington. USA’s face-saving elections are ahead.

A quick prediction: Just watch how right after the 2016 elections US will start changing its direction, announcing the face-saving withdrawal from Ukraine (consistent with my predictions), and some other places… Well, unless Obama admin is put in such tight spot earlier in the game that it will be forced to announce its withdrawal sooner. In Syria US is already forced to begin playing ball. Ukraine is next.

New intel: cruise missile launch from Caspian

One of many important topics discussed in Syria Game Changer ESR5 is the Russian launch of 26 cruise missiles from Caspian Sea. In the report I wrote that the launch ‘caught US with its pants down and mouth open.’

But there’s more! The US and other intelligence services completely miscalculated and underestimated the capability of these missiles. Based on an export modification sold recently to India, the range was believed to be 300 km, while these particular cruise missiles flew 2500 km to hit their planned targets. First, the precision of the strike means that 2500 km isn’t their limit and they can fly longer distances. But in reality, no one knows what their range is and what they can reach. Total panic and confusion on Capitol Hill, in White House, CIA and Pentagon…

I wrote recently in ESR1 RELOADED: Is Putin Part of NWO that Russia doesn’t share her real plans, intentions or capabilities with anyone any more. There was a time when Gorbachev and Yeltsin openly shared with US and EU way too much. Their naiveté and openness was used to undermine Russia, almost costing them the country.

Presently, we are in a state of the hybrid 4D warfare (more about it in ESR 4). Who in their right mind would share their real capability with potential adversary under such circumstances? Obviously, Russia’s export models and best designs intended for own defence systems are two different things.

As a result, NATO/US/UK military and intelligence are in total confusion. For years, they ran on their old image of Russia, the naive and not very savvy in the ways of the West country they liked to make fun of. Now, they might as well throw out everything they ever knew about Russian defence, and start from scratch. If they had completely miscalculated Caspian missiles, misjudged Caspian Fleet and missed the very Syrian operation, how can they trust any of their intel? If Russians have SUCH cruise missiles installed on dinky little ships in the landlocked sea, what do they have on advanced nuclear subs and flagships?

These, now famous, cruise missiles are installed on very unlikely vessels: relatively small ships, which are part of the landlocked and seemingly inconsequential Caspian Fleet, dealing primarily with coast guard issues. Several years ago there were talks of discontinuing this fleet as an unnecessary expense. Now, looking back, that old debate seems more and more like a decoy, so no one would take it seriously.

But there is more. Neither ships nor missiles of this class are a part of any US-Russia or NATO-Russia treaty. They aren’t regulated by any international body. The shock is obvious: these cruise missiles fly undetected and below the radar both literally and figuratively.

They were part of one of the Soviet projects, shelved during the collapse. It was un-shelved after Putin assumed office. There are lots more advanced Soviet projects where this one came from. As pretty much everyone recognizes, Russians have just lifted the veil enough for us all to peak inside their new advanced programs. But how much haven’t they shown? 

Putin’s Valdai Forum Admission

The annual Valdai Forum just took place in Russia. One of the things Putin said seemingly casually, has been repeated over and over. He said that he learned one thing from his childhood on Leningrad streets: ‘If the fight is unavoidable, strike first.’ This refers to Russia’s strike on ISIL in Syria, but more so, it sounds like a warning for those who may still have designs to continue advancing NATO to Russia’s borders, messing with Ukraine and stepping on Russia’s toes in Eurasia.

Lately, when Putin speaks, the world listens.

Iraq rebels against US and wants Russia to step in

I wrote about this in the Syria Game Changer report. Iraq would love Russia to bomb ISIL on its territory.

You probably won’t find this in any Western MSM: a large group of Iraqi parliament deputies wrote an official letter to the Iraqi president, asking him to request Russia’s official help. US is livid and tries to stop it. I wrote in the report that it’s unlikely that Russia would agree to help Iraq while US is still there. The pressure on Iraqi government to stop the pro-Russian movement growing in the country is enormous, to say the least. Therefore, if Iraqi president officially asks Russia for help while US is still there, this will mean open rebellion against the US.

Iraqis say they love Putin and Russia and they hope for Russia’s help. Here is a segment from the German channel ARD (in Russian and German). It talks about how Iraqis adore Russia and pray for Russia’s help. Specifically, they talk about an Iraqi painter living in Germany, who paints Putin’s portraits – Link.

The question is: hasn’t USA and the ‘coalition of the willing’ liberated Iraq from the evil Saddam? Why then don’t Iraqis adore their liberators?

Further, if Iraq asks Russia for help while US is still there, what does it say to everyone about US and its role in Iraq? Iraqi politicians and military openly complain that US is only pretending to bomb ISIL, while 75% of US pilots return from anti-ISIL missions with their bombs still intact, and only 25% or less come back empty. There is no trust between US and Iraqi people or government.

Read/watch all about REB, RYCHAG and other secret Russian weapons:


Read all about Russia, US, Syria, Caspian Sea cruise missile launch, and more:

ESR5 Syria Game Changer 2


The long-awaited breakthrough

Earth Shift Report 6:


Stay tuned!