Blog Archives



APR 26, 2022

TIPS & ALERTS: Finding Classic WEBINARS & ESRs;



This is a PUBLIC POST for everyone!



An important reminder for those who missed my prior notices and explanations on the wholesale reboot and upgrade in 2021! How to get new links to Webinars, ESRs, Consultations, etc.! 


“Lada, did someone take over your Weebly site? I was trying to link to your forbidden linguistics webinar, but it’s gone (though the links from many Patreon’s articles point there), and the main site looks strange.” 

Lada Ray

It’s now only and exclusively

Someone did hijack my old! I couldn’t get it back – it’s some sort of a dirty game weebly plays, unfortunately. 

THE LINKS ALL WORK, BUT THEY HAVE TO BE only! In other words, if you have an old link, just substitute the words ladarayinfo.weebly FOR ladaray inside the url you are citing! 

For example: the Forbidden History Webinar Series link is now:–forgotten-origins-series-esw7-10.html


A very easy way to obtain any PUBLIC page link: 

If you aren’t sure or want to simply copy the complete new link to public info pages you can just go to and proceed to a specific tab on top, such as

NOTE! some tabs have been consolidated and some were created anew – they’ll be filling with content gradually!

PROGRAMS is a great consolidated page to explore and get familiar with! It has links to ALL my 

All the above are the links, which you are welcome to use or copy for reference. Moreover, everything on the Programs page is linked too. If you go to the linked pages, you’ll also see links to individual webinars, reports, etc.! So, if you take a moment to navigate it, you can’t get lost! Once you get accustomed to the new set up, you’ll see how compactly and logically it is laid out! 

**We meticulously went through and fixed all the non-working links and sifted through a ton of pages, to make sure all links work. It took us several months. But if you still notice any non-working link on, please do let us know and we’ll fix it!**

My apologies that the old links aren’t working. That couldn’t be helped: weebly didn’t give me any choice when I was upgrading; they blocked and took away my old ladarayinfo site, and refused to give it back, although I tried to reason with them several times.

Yep, that’s the lower-4D machine for you! The Matrix, anyone?


If you want to access your private page, such as the actual page for any webinar, ESR or other PROGRAM, you can simply substitute the following part of your saved private url:

the words: ladarayinfo.weebly

for: ladaray

Let’s use a public page as an example:

Webinar 10 (Forbidden History) was: – THIS DOESN’T WORK ANY MORE!

and now it is – THE NEW URL – WORKS!

**Please let me know if there are still any questions (and maybe save this post for future reference)! Thanks so much, everyone!


PLEASE HELP ME PROMOTE THEM – ANYONE IS WELCOME TO READ THE PUBLIC ACCESS ESRs! They were formerly paid or donation-based only! 

I plan to make a few more ESRs public, and/or some other Programs or their parts may become either Public or All-Patron Access. 

So far these are FREE All-Public access:



FREE All-Patron access

(Putin against Russian & Ukraine Oligarchs) – NOW AVAILABLE TO PATRONS!

ESR 8 is also becoming FREE to all patrons soon, and possibly, the public, as well! Let’s see how the public reacts to the ones I’ve released so far! 

**I’ll be making more of my ESRs + parts of some Webinars and other Programs FREE! Stay tuned! 

All links will be available on Lada Ray Patreon



Reminder for everyone:

If you want to get a lot more free content, previously shared only with Patrons or paid customers, follow me on MY NEW RUMBLE @ RealLadaRay, where I AM NOW POSTING publicly!

I ma starting more social media and video platforms, and you’ll find me in most places as Lada Ray or RealLadaRay!

Links to my new channel:


YT channels



World Order 2018 – New film about Putin


We have returned to our regular programming on FuturisTrendcast and Patreon, following the successful publication of our cutting-edge NEW FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS WEBINAR 7!




What’s that?

I explained what I call ‘The Time of Russia’ in my famous ​ESW4: PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS, and in other webinars of the MULTIDIMENSIONAL GEOPOLITICS SERIES.

Also, I extensively debunked the NWO and Putin lies and myths in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?

See all these on!

The idea of the World Order 2018 (no, not that dreaded, silly and outdated NWO) resonates very closely with my EARTH SHIFT & GREAT BALANCER THEORY, also covered very extensively in the above Webinar Series (brush up on it FREE on EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM).

“Миропорядок 2018” (Eng: ‘WORLD ORDER 2018’) is the new film about Putin by Vladimir Soloviev. Throughout this film you’ll see the resonance with what I’ve been predicting and teaching since 2014.

This original version is in Russian, for those of my subscribers who understand it. The Eng subs version should be out soon and I’ll post that, too.

I’ve translated this quote from the beginning of the film:

Putin: ‘If you look at global trends, it’s better to have Russia as an ally. We are a great power. They don’t like such a successful rival, and they try to contain us. But I do believe in the long-term we’ll be ahead.’ 

(As a professional translator I can tell you — note that this is the very best translation for Putin’s opening words in the film, which convey the TRUE spirit of what he has said. I’ve seen someone else’s translation and it is NOT a good one, as it doesn’t convey the true spirit of Putin’s words.)


Coming next! Second chance: Putin’s exclusive interview with NBC’s Megyn Kelly!





is in full swing!​


Buy newly released, 1st in the Series! ​EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 7: 




EXCLUSIVE RUSSIAN ELECTION 2018 MARATHON  is also in full swing!


RUSSIAN ELECTION 2018 MARATHON Resumes! Exclusive Free Earth Shift Report 11 and What’s Next?



1. The ‘Offshore Communist’ Grudinin and Russian Communist Party Crisis

2. Russian ‘Paris Hilton’ Ksenia Sobchak, and the fiasco of Pro-West Neo-liberals

3. Zhirinovsky (LDPR) & the Old Guard VS. Starikov (PVO) & the New Guard. Why some decided not to run and why Putin runs as an Independent?

4. Putin’s Vision for Russia and 10-Year Plan

5. Lada Ray Russian Election 2018 Predictions


So far, we have 3 articles, including the one you don’t want to miss, whether you are interested in Russian elections or not, because it concerns everyone!

You don’t want to miss! Putin’s Global Reset: Russia’s New Secret Weapons Against US Aggression & Final Warning to the West!

RUSSIAN ELECTION 2018 MARATHON! Zhirinovsky vs Sobchak: Unlikely Brawl on Live Russian TV Between Presidential Candidates + Lada Ray Analysis!

RUSSIAN ELECTION 2018 MARATHON! Russian Elections Put to Shame Western Democracies – Lada Ray Analysis & Overview!

To read/watch all exclusive content,

and to support Lada Ray’s cutting-edge work & future books



Putin meets Marine Le Pen in Moscow

By meeting in person with Marine Le Pen in the Kremlin Vladimir Putin basically endorsed her. The meeting in Moscow was an unusual step by the Russian President. Reportedly, he made an exception following personal request and introduction by the Russian Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. Volodin was the one who invited Le Pen to Russia pre-election in the first place.

Why did Putin meet with Le Pen – a step almost unprecedented in Russian history? Contrary to the Western accusations of interfering in the US and EU elections, in fact, neither Russia nor the USSR made a habit of meeting major foreign opposition presidential candidates before elections. The US and EU, on the other hand, play such subversive role all the time: interfering in other countries’ affairs is their traditional MO.

But the situation is changing. The stakes are unusually high, as we go through the Great Earth Shift. The rebalancing act Russia – The Great Balancer is trying to execute is very delicate indeed. Under such conditions old rules go out the window. New moves have to be adopted. Russia begins taking the leaf out of the USA’s book.

As we recall, a year or so before US presidential election 2016, in response to a journalist’s question who Putin preferred as US president, Clinton or Trump, Putin replied almost casually, ‘Trump, but,’ he added immediately, ‘it is for the American people to decide.’

That single phrase served as a catalyst for Trump personally and for his electorate, helping alter the dynamics of US elections and tipping the balance in favor of Trump.

​(As you know I predicted Trump victory, as well as the fact that he would experience pressure to conform and betray his election promises, resulting in a ‘straight jacket’ for him and his administration. (Links to relevant Trump ESR16, Webinar and FREE YT videos – if you are new, it is recommended you listen to them.)

When the US Congress, CIA and FBI contend Russia hacked US elections, they are right – it really did happen… by Putin uttering that one phrase. This just goes to show how powerful of an influence Vladimir Putin and Russia – The Great Balancer are on world affairs, no matter how much various forces attempt to isolate or demean Russia’s role.

A simple mention of Trump in a favorable light helped him win. Therefore, a bolder move with France and Le Pen was logical. Le Pen’s visit to Russia and audience with Putin put a nice amount of wind in her wings and helped mobilize her electorate.

However, this time the opposing camp of globalists was prepared. First they twisted into a pretzel the No. 3 finisher Francois Fillon (20%), by compromising him and threatening to bury his entire career. This wasn’t an idle threat – we have seen some years ago how a promising anti-globalist candidate Dominique Strauss-Kahn was literally buried alive as a result of a sex scandal. Then, they introduced their own golden boy, Emmanuel Macron. Created by brilliant image makers and PR specialists, Macron is a very good actor. He fools easily all kinds of potential voters.

Donald Trump also threw his support behind Marine Le Pen. To counter that, Obama, who is (believe it or not) very popular in France, called Macron to congratulate and endorse him.

After the first round, Fillon (20% of votes) and fifth finisher, a pretend ‘socialist’ Hamon (6%), both threw their support behind Macron. Only the fourth finisher, left-wing candidate Melenchon (19% of votes) abstained from any endorsements, suggesting his people should vote as their consciousness dictates.

The Brussels bosses and heads of various EU states hastily joined the fray by praising Macron and urging the French to vote for him. After all the attention and praise, Macron couldn’t be more golden if he tried. During his campaign, he hardly outlined any definitive program, instead borrowing the lines from both Le Pen and Fillon, and occasionally from Melenchon, in order to steal their electorate. Macron doesn’t need to have any coherent program – puppets never do. His puppet masters have the program he is to carry out.

The globalists have unlimited resources, including global media, finances, PR, enormous political and economic leverage, global clandestine intel and surveillance, governments and EU bureaucratic apparatus. They can swing elections the way they want through all these obvious and secret means.

By contrast, Marine Le Pen’s resources are much more limited. However, it is clear that people both in France and all over the West are awakening. A proof that people do decide their destiny and their future, regardless of how much powers that be try to manipulate them into continuing to live in an outdated matrix, is the nearly 8 million votes Le Pen received in the first round.

Therefore, Trump and Putin endorsing Marine Le Pen was done to try to even out the playing field at least somewhat.

Let me explain something about Trump. I did predict he would succumb to pressure, start making deals and dilute, if not forget altogether his campaign promises. The ‘straight jacket’ means that Trump and his admin will operate on survival mode going forward. The tunnel within which he has to act is very narrow. In fact (again, as we discussed in WEBINAR 1 on Trump) he has to constantly throw the bone to the hawks and war mongers at the Pentagon, CIA and Congress. It is akin to a growling dog: if you want to pass, you tread softly past the growling dog, while constantly throwing him some food so he wouldn’t bite you.

While Trump caved in quickly (too quickly for most people’s taste), he still has a limited amount of leverage in his position. His calling Marine Le Pen to congratulate her on getting into round 2 of elections is one of those leverages. Through this gesture, Trump has tried to show that he’s at odds with the EU leaders. But just consider how little power Trump really has: the moment he made that call to Le Pen, Obama in turn called Macron to congratulate and wish him victory! Talk about the bifurcation of the elites in the US and EU!

You’ve read an excerpt from the new



BANNER French election Le Pen Macron

Among many other things, ESR18 discusses whether Maine Le Pen is ‘the Trump of the EU.’ Included is Lada Ray’s comparative analysis of the characters, values and baggage of both. Who is Mr. Trump? Who is Marine Le Pen? and CRUCIAL DIFFERENCES between them. Lada explains how these differences will have a critical consequence for the French election and EU as a whole.

Donate and read this report!



Support Lada’s work: DONATE


New Hoax about Putin and Russia Dispelled by Lada Ray!

This is a new Ask Lada episode

A very good question by Aeyrie

Hello Lada! Thank you so much for ESR 15 & 16. Both are excellent, as usual! Since I don’t Tweet I am putting my request in a comment as you suggested we do if we want to contact you. The subject of my request is tangentially related to this post in the sense that the assertions recently made by Benjamin Fulford in his post of October 31, 2016 in which he states that President Putin is a fake and the fakes and the Russian Federation are controlled by the Rothschilds, are diametrically opposed to the content of your post. And, whoa!! Those are some pretty wild assertions, even for Fulford.

Fulford’s statements are so contrary to my understanding of the character of Mr. Putin and Russian Federation that I just have to ask you about them. I am pretty sure I already know the answer but would you be kind enough to shed some light on this ~ and maybe publish it in a post, pretty please? I do hesitate to ask because I know you are really busy, but reading nonsense like this, and knowing a lot of other people are reading it and maybe taking it as gospel, really bugs me. (Isn’t there enough Russophobia going around out there?!) I am asking you because I am certain you would know more about it than any Western-born person I could ask. And more importantly I am just as certain you would tell the truth that you know, whatever it is.

Fulford seems pretty sure of his statements in this instance, outrageous as they are. Is any of it true? Where could Fulford have gotten such information? Fulford is well aware that there can be serious consequences to publishing falsehoods. What’s up?

See the text for yourself at KP’s post here:

Thank you, Lada and bless you!! I so respect you and the work you do. Have a great day.

I briefly replied in the comment section of Dying Western Neo-Liberalism and EU Revolt against Russian Sanctions.

Follow up comment by Aeyrie

Yes, Lada! I have read ESR1 (excellent!) and am familiar with your brilliant Quantum Calibrations work and the scales you have modified and further developed. “How To Tell A Hoax” is brilliant as well, and I often highly recommend it to others. These tools you have shared with us along with my native clair-sentience serve me well. (My internal B.S. meter pegged immediately on Fulford’s latest! ;o) )

In all fairness to Fulford though, I have discerned over the years from reading his many writings that his heart does seem to be in the right place. He honestly does share our desire to experience a better world than the one we are currently experiencing. And I have noticed that his track record on accuracy runs at about 70-80% correct. But, when his information is wrong it is wildly wrong. It causes one to think, hmm, if that information is so far off the mark, what about the rest? And of course the thought also occurs that perhaps some of his sources feed him incorrect information at times as a psyop to keep us guessing and him with egg on his face. The upshot is that his work must always be read with discernment. This latest faux-pas, enormous as it is, certainly does not help his professional reputation.

We are so fortunate to have you and your work, Lada. We never need to wonder about how much of it is accurate. How refreshing! Thanks again, so very much. I eagerly look forward to your new article.

Lada says

Dear Aeyrie (and dear readers and followers),

Your question and the summary are very good. Because this question surfaces periodically, I feel an article is warranted.

I understand the confusion of those people who are searching for truth but get bombarded with that stuff instead.  I had previously responded to various readers that I do not read anything Fulford may write. And when I say anything, I mean literally, nothing. This is not because I singled him out. I only heard about him after my readers started asking whether something he said is true or not. I do appreciate the fact that my followers think so highly of me as to believe I’m the final arbiter of the truth, so to speak. However, as many of you well know, I make every effort not to talk about anyone’s specific work. Instead, I try to give you all the tools for being able to evaluate and decide on your own what is true and what isn’t.

I, personally, read or listen to very few sources, especially, Western sources. There are two reasons for that:

1. My goal isn’t to validate my view or opinion through others’ point of view – I don’t need to compare notes.

My goal is to share my view with as many people, who are willing to listen and learn, as possible. Therefore, I often prefer not to read/listen to others at all, so to keep my message pure and fully my own. Read below WHO, WHAT and WHY I do listen to and where I get my intel.

2. But beyond that, I often find what is said by various gurus in the areas of geopolitics, forbidden history and global predictions sorely lacking. This is especially true when it comes to Russia and the Russian World, but not only. For example, when anyone in the West proclaims they know all about Russia and they can tell, predict, analyze, etc., I more often than not find that they have no idea what they are talking about. There are good and smart analysts in the West. But smart people stick to subjects they know very well and don’t venture into those they have zero clue about.

Generally, due to the low-grade and warped Western propaganda-education, people like Fulford (and I’ll also add the likes of Corbett – just to give you a perspective on things) can’t possibly know anything about Russia, Eurasia, etc. They are simply not equipped for that. It doesn’t matter who ‘feeds’ them intel, if any. Whatever they hear somewhere will just be hearsay because they lack the depth of knowledge and perception about these matters. Oftentimes the innate desire to get ahead and to sensationalize things also plays a bad joke on some of these people. A lack of discernment is also clearly visible – and by the way, discernment, or lack thereof, is very easy to determine via my Quantum Calibrations.

It’s especially easy to feed disinfo to those whose worldview is already warped and fractured. Most likely we are simply talking about their own fantasy, based on Russophobia they absorbed with mother’s milk, cum bitterness and disappointment they came to experience towards their own Western culture, multiplied by the generally negative and distrustful personality. When such combo happens, a person who isn’t very educated may generalize in this way:

If the West does this, therefore, Russia must also do this. If Hillary is corrupt, if Obama, Merkel, etc., are corrupt, then Putin is the same. After all, Putin talks to Obama, Merkel, etc. Therefore, he is the same – or worse.

Next brilliant deduction: if Putin is so smart that he continues outplaying all kinds of Western politicians, then UNDOUBTEDLY, he is devil incarnate and he is the global mafia boss (or NWO agent, as this same Fulford asserted in 2013-14 – which I dispelled in FREE ESR1.) . In fact, he is the one pulling the strings of all these silly ‘Hillarys’ and ‘Trumps.’

Do you see where I’m going with this? Do you see the possibilities and the kind of alternate reality this can lead us to? Can you see the extent to which this is silly and juvenile? I assume that people reading this are adults and can understand that the whole thing has been turned upside down, as discussed previously in FREE ESR1!

Now, I’ll tell you something else about who ‘feeds’ Fulford, or any others, his info, which may surprise you. What Fulford more or less says (I go by the reader question summary) reminds me painfully of what Ukraine Kiev junta newspapers say about Putin. Yep, have you ever considered that the so-called ‘secret’ sources for Fulford’s stuff are simply the ukro-nazi MSM in Ukraine (and/or Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, etc.).

Ukraine MSM, fed and supported by Soros, and US NGOs, portrays Putin as the ultimate ‘dark lord.’ Basically, Russians and normal Ukrainians have been saying all along that Putin for the Kiev ukro-nazis is the ‘dark god.’ They literally go to bed and wake up with his name. Putin is omniscient and omnipotent, according to Kiev MSM and various online sources.

Where from do you think Hillary and US MSM got that “Putin is interfering with US elections and Trump and FBI director are both Putin’s agents”? From Ukraine ukro-nazis, who have been going at it since 2004 when the US-installed Viktor Yushchenko illegally came to power. Or perhaps the other way around: Ukro-nazis got it from the US think tanks, Soros, et al. In other words, they feed each other.

The idiotic hoaxes and hysteria as to what Putin is and how the dangerous Russia is about to invade them, flood Ukraine and nearby Baltics every day. The so-called ‘sources’ may likely be those. There are many registered instances when very questionable Ukraine sources (and today they are all questionable) start a hoax or info dump and then Western MSM just picks it up. I see such hoaxes dispelled by Russian sources all the time. The more I think about it, the more I feel it’s plausible this is where that ‘intel’ came from.

I don’t pay attention to that stuff because it’s way beneath me. I recommend everyone use your judgement, if you want to preserve your sanity and remain on the side of truth.

In fact, I read or listen to VERY few, practically none, Western sources. I have come to see that there is very little, if anything, that is true and correct in many of them when it comes to the following subjects: geopolitics, current affairs, history, Russia, Eurasia and many others. There are several notable exceptions – see some of them below.

As far as above areas go, I generally read or listen to only Russian, good Ukrainian, Middle Eastern and Asian sources. Deep Russian and Israeli intel is the best – and this is what I share with my readers – those who are really interested in truth, not in fairytales and pretty lies.

Exceptions exist. What you have to look for are people with solid education, intelligence and integrity. The sure-fire way of knowing if someone is true or not is to calibrate them (go to Quantum Calibrations Scale – ALL FREE UNDER LADA’S WORK).

To name just a few good names that come to mind right away: William Engdahl (calibration (C) 410 – reason; Chi 410 -same); Michel Chossudovsky (C 480 – humanity/compassion; Chi 410 – reason).  There is also the Saker (C 210 – courage; Chi 412 – reason) Catherine Austin Fitts (C 280 – neutrality; Chi 295 – same). There are more credible names, but this is just a sampling. The above people can be listened to and their info can be trusted. They won’t sell you a hoax and they won’t fall for info dump. This doesn’t mean, of course, that I agree with all their views.

Meanwhile, Fulford calibrates at: C 180; Chi 180 – both pride, or below min. positive calibration of 200. I’m sure you get my drift.

The above names are all straight geopolitical or financial analysts. If we go into what I do, which is multidimensional analysis and Spiritual Geopolitics, there are very, very few names, if any, in this revolutionary field. In it, we go much deeper and broader than most. Therefore, I don’t think I can recommend anyone else to you.

Just to reiterate, although I said that previously, I don’t really follow anyone much or click on any links posted in comments, both for the lack of time, and because I find that I already know all this, and then some.

I also can tell you with absolute confidence that either Western MSM or much of the alternative media ‘gurus’ lack in-depth knowledge and education to make a lot of conclusions and analysis they seem to be making. There is a completely false picture that those who grew up in the West absorbed with their mother’s milk and through US/West school propaganda about Russia, USSR and much of the world. People like Fulford, Corbett (and… you fill in the list), actually are living out the Russo-fobias and Russia-fears embedded in them in their childhood. They continue re-living that reality by constructing new monsters of their own creation and sharing them with all. In fact, they get the kick out of it. (Again, the whole picture about anyone’s character, heart, mind or agenda can be easily gleaned by CALIBRATING: Quantum Calibrations Scale – FREE UNDER LADA’S WORK. I can even calibrate one’s chakras and IQ.)

And because their readers/listeners grew up in the same matrix of Western lies and Russophobia, these people find a very fertile ground for spreading all that, like fungus. It’s very easy to trigger this latent Russophobia in anyone who grew up in the West. The smartest ones – such as you and other readers of mine – don’t succumb to it, but even they can get confused, disillusioned and/or depressed as a result of listening to this negativity. In other words, this is pretty harmful stuff. This is why I wrote my warning ESR1 and the Hoax/Info Dump article (see links at the bottom).

In fact, that old movie I like to mention, The Manchurian Candidate, is a lot truer and scarier than many think. There are some in the West who only need a tiny trigger, such as: ‘Russia is bombing little children in Syria,’ OR: ‘Putin is a monster and NWO agent’ (these are just examples, fill in the blanks for the new triggers), in order to get suspicious or feel animosity towards Russia. Such people are all, in fact, latent Manchurian Candidates.

This is so clear! For me, it’s enough to decide once and for all that something isn’t worth my attention and simply stop looking that way. Doesn’t it save a lot of time and energy? A long time ago I decided that I would not read NYT, watch CNN, MSNBC or any other MSM. I haven’t since. Same goes for any alternative media source I know is not up to speed. Just go through your list and make some decisions.

Incidentally, Fulford was one of those who spread in 2013-14 the hoax that Putin is part of NWO. I dispelled this hoax in Earth Shift Report 1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? As a matter of fact, this is what started Earth Shift Reports. In ESR1 I outlined the whole reasoning as to why this hoax is stupid and geared towards specifically WESTERN dupes. Please read it if you haven’t. The Putin NWO hoax died down promptly, as soon as I dispelled it!

Now they came up with the new one. Let me make a prediction: when the new hoax is dispelled, they’ll come up with another, and another.

Therefore, I’m not interested in catching every ball thrown at me. And I certainly won’t go out of my way to ‘defend’ or ‘protect’ Putin.

Putin is a grown man. Moreover, he is a huge oversoul, protected by many who incarnated specifically for the purpose of helping him facilitate the Great Earth Shift we are going through, and to help him NOT to allow US/West to plunge us into WWIII. Should WWIII occur, despite the efforts of so many of us, it would be the last war for this human civilization. After that war there would be no human civilization left. Or as Einstein once said, ‘I don’t know with what weapons WWIII will be fought, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones.’ My prognosis is even more stark: there will be no humans left to fight WWIV. Therefore, Putin’s and Russia’s role is to keep the world spinning, while at the same time slowly and carefully rebalancing it.

More info on that in EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and Russia the Great Balancer – FREE UNDER LADA’S WORK

Also read my article: How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media):
That piece was written specifically to warn against falling for info dumps and hoaxes, based on someone’s hidden agenda.

To reiterate: I do not name names as a rule, although my readers – such as you, in this case – are often forcing me to do it. I said many times that I’m not interested in debunking anyone in particular and calling them cheats or liars. I am not interested in getting personal about anyone: it is between these persons and their consciousness, if they have one. There are profound soul loss, psychological and ego reasons certain people say or do what they do. I am not going to go into that either. I’m not anyone’s psychoanalyst.

I write articles, ESRs and do videos. I can only show the way to the spring – it’s everyone’s individual job to decide whether you want to drink from it or not. It’s up to each of us to read/listen and then decide what rings true and what doesn’t – I can’t make this decision for anyone.

And I’ll tell you more. Regardless of what Fulford, or anyone else, says or thinks, what is happening will continue happening. Russia will continue doing what Russia is supposed to do: rebalance the world as The Great Balancer. The process has been set in motion. The new reality, aka, a new multi-directional, multi-polar, more equitable and better balanced world will continue emerging, and US empire will continue waning.

Putin plays the leading role in this process. Perhaps, through the course of this particular human civilization, we never had any other person who was that globally important – at least not someone who during his lifetime had such an influence on current affairs.

Understandably, there are many of those, who, by virtue of being NEGATIVELY charged, repel the energy of the Earth Shift and the positively charged energy of Putin. Sometimes it’s not so much repelling, as it is a distortion. Sometimes it’s just a fear of someone’s power. I’m referring to such examples as the majority of US establishment, including Hillary, Obama, McCain. Same goes for those who are anti-establishment, but who operate based on the nihilist, aka, destructive energy of denial, without offering a positive program for the future, such as Fulford or Corbett. There are also those who are simply cynical and bitter, to name a few categories.

Dear readers, this is as far as I’m willing to delve into this. The rest is up to you. Read between the lines, read ESR1 and my articles. Listen to what I say. Go with your heart and what rings true to you. I have every confidence in you all!

Incidentally, I don’t need to read what Fulford says, and I will not click on the link. The reason is simple – I feel the energy and the truth vs. untruth extremely acutely. I know the calibration of his material without looking at it. It is so deathly low that I won’t touch it: C 45 (guilt) / Chi 85 (violent grief/despondency). Go to Quantum Calibrations Scale for values and interpretation.

I trust this closes the matter. I wish everyone the best of luck on their journey to discover the truth.

I also recommend my reply to the recent discussion thread about LGBTQ and how various groups are manipulated by the NWO/Hillary/neo-liberal agenda. I won’t do a full article about that as I see the noise around LGBTQ issues as a distraction and part of brainwashing. But several people asked me this question in the past. So, please take a look at what I said in my reply to comments in this thread.

Excerpt from my reply

“This is how the brainwashing occurs: a VULNERABLE group – usually because of past abuse (or perceived life’s unfairness), and consequently resulting from that abuse hurt and fear, is targeted with a specific mass message of hatred. These are represented by grief, shame, guilt, fear and anger calibrations on my Quantum Calibrations Scale:

Those who perceive that the world has been unfair to them, are especially vulnerable to any mass brainwashing, creating mass psychosis. Another group are those who have a heightened sense of fairness and justice, but lack reason and knowledge to understand the real world. Not only that, they seem to be averse to it. Very unfortunately, such people usually run on emotions and either wear rosy glasses or go into rage – nothing in between.”

Read the rest of the comment from  Lada Ray HERE!



Earth Shift Report 1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?



Related article:

How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)




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Eurasia Developments: Belarus Monetary Reform; Moscow World’s Most Dynamic City; Armenia Joins Russian Air Defence

EAEU map short

Eurasia and EAEU Developments: Goodbye Belorussian Millions (Belarus Monetary Reform); Moscow – World’s Most Dynamic City; Armenia Joins Russian Air Defence Network

Since there is a demand among my readers for the positive and noteworthy news from Russia and Eurasia, here are some breaking news of interest. I am combining these three items in one as they are loosely related.

The news are: 1. The long-overdue Belorussian ruble monetary reform; 2. the recognition of Moscow as the world’s most dynamically developing city; 3. Armenia Joins Russian Air Defence Network

Why are they related? It’s clear to me that despite Russian sanctions, despite attempts to destabilize Eurasia and EAEU, despite US attempting to generate color revolutions and conflicts between members of the EAEU, the big Eurasian ship is continuing its steady movement forward. And that’s good news.

I do recommend, for those of my readers who never got the chance, to go ahead and read/watch my Earth Shift Reports dedicated to the topic at hand (ESRs are donation-based and you’ll find full instructions on report page). These reports summarize and pull together all the relevant intel, plus my analytics and predictions, thus giving you a complete and diverse picture of everything surrounding EAEU and Eurasia. Here they are:

  1. ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? (on Russia/Belarus/Kazakhstan)
  2. ESR9: ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN: WHO DESTABILIZES EURASIAN UNION (all about Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Caucasus, Armenia featuring prominently)

Putin Lukashenko Nazarbayev 2

Goodbye Belorussian Millions!  (Belarus Monetary Reform)

Till today, in order to do some basic shopping Belorussians had to carry large wads of cash. Say, a kilo of meat would cost you 120,000 Belo-rubles (incidentally, Belo-rubles is my own witty abbreviation for Belorussian rubles). In reality, the whopping 10,000 ruble banknote has been small change, while the actual metal coins haven’t been seen in Belarus since Soviet times. I traveled to Belarus in 2015 and I can tell you that trying to figure out what costs what in real terms while pulling out of your wallet banknotes worth ‘millions’ to make a minor purchase was awfully awkward. Other than that I enjoyed my trip tremendously. Belarus has problems of its own, but overall it looks pretty good, especially in comparison with neighboring Ukraine and Baltics. I describe how it all compares in ESR1.

For a moment and a half I even considered moving to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, after a lucrative advisory offer I received.

By far the biggest problem Belarus has is rampant inflation and lack of confidence in the national currency. I told my contacts in Belarus that this problem isn’t Belarus’s fault. Moreover, it simply cannot be fixed under today’s global economic and financial conditions, until 4 things change globally:

1. There is no way to correct this problem for as long as the US dollar is the dominant and practically only global reserve currency;

2. In order for Belo-ruble to stabilize, a new multipolar world has to emerge and take hold;

3. Belarus has to integrate much more into the Eurasian Union and the new common currency has to emerge;

4. The new global economy must be based NOT on money, as the Western-centric model does today, but on resources and production. In other words, the predatory Western economic/finance model has to be replaced.

All these processes have to develop together, and once the critical mass is reached the stabilization will occur naturally.

The above 4 conditions apply in different degrees to Russia, Brazil, China and absolutely all economies of the world. Some, due to added political factors, are hit harder than others. So add to the above list the change in the political system of the West.

However, Belarus can’t wait that long. Monetary reform was planned in 2008, yet it was postponed due to the global crisis. The money printed and coins stamped in 2008 sat in the vaults. This new money is being released tomorrow, July 1, 2016.

Belarus is saying goodbye to the easy ‘Belorussian millionaires’ whose real assets would be meager compared to small potatoes in nearby Russia. June 30 was the last day the astronomical multi-million ruble store prices were in effect. Starting tomorrow Belo-ruble slashes four zeros and what has been 10,000 rubles will become just 1 ruble.

It has to be noted that Belorussian ruble is not the same as Russian ruble, although it shares the name. The traditional Russian ruble got divided as a result of the 1991 USSR breakup. In the ’90s the worst plunge the Russian ruble experienced was $1 to 600 rubles, and that was a catastrophe. At the very same time Belo-ruble fell by hundreds of times against the plunging Russian ruble.

The Belorussian monetary reform will be gradual and old money will be accepted for a while next to the new ruble. Here is a video in Russian, showing Belarus and some of the Belorussian money – the old and the new rubles:

Moscow as the world’s most dynamically developing city

Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has announced that Moscow tops the global list of seven most dynamically developing cities. A number of new high-profile city development projects were presented at today’s Moscow International Urban Development Forum. Moscow also has been named one of the world’s ten cities with best investment climate – VIDEO.

So much for sanctions, ‘international isolation’ and all that jazz.

Below some of my images of Moscow: 1. Moskva River embankment with Christ the Savior Cathedral and Peter the Great monument, 2. Alexandrovsky (Alexander) Gardens near Kremlin, 3. Novodevichy Monastery.



(Just recalling Obama’s last year’s pronouncements that ‘Russia’s economy has been blown to pieces’ and that ‘no one goes to Russia any more.’ Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: what a fabulous match they are, and talk about being a laughingstock.) 

Armenia Joins Russian Air Defence Network

Armenian parliament voted to join the Russian air defence network. The development is especially noteworthy because it happens after relentless attempts by US to create a rift between Russia and Armenia, plus multiple attempts of color revolution and political regime change, in order to tear Armenia away from Russia and Eurasian Union, which this post-Soviet republic joined in 2015. I describe all these subversive attempts and how Russia managed to fend off the attacks in ESR9.

Another interesting coincidence of Armenia joining Russian international air defence system at this very moment is that it happens within one day after Erdogan/Turkey issued official public apology to Russia for Su24 fighter jet downing last year. As I discussed in ESR9, Turkey and Armenia are mortal enemies, who happen to share a border. The timing is, therefore, significant and sends a specific message to Erdogan/Turkey and to the West.

I am coming out with a full report and analytics for the stunning Erdogan’s apology, its international effect and new Russia-Turkey relations as a result of this jaw-dropping turnaround. Why did Erdogan apologize after 7 months of denials and silence? What it means and how will it affect Turkey’s relations with Russia, EU, US, NATO? Stay tuned for my report.

Also coming! Breaking news: US warship harasses Russian frigate in the Mediterranean. Does US need a reminder of the 1988 Black Sea incident? (I am not even talking about the USS Donald Cook 2014 Black Sea incident). I’ll show you the jaw-dropping 1988 incident.


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Huge Breaking News! Russia Adopts Simplified New Citizenship Law!


I frequently get asked how to move to Russia and especially how to obtain Russian citizenship. As the Western World’s crisis intensifies, as the upcoming uncertainty becomes more obvious, this question is more and more on people’s mind.

Moving to Russia is not a problem if you have a skill or talent Russians value and if you can obtain gainful employment where employer would vouch for you; if you open a business, which provides jobs and pays taxes; if you have certain material assets.

As to the Russian citizenship, until recently, all I could say was that it was VERY hard to obtain. The requirements included residing in Russia for 6 years (1 year + 5 years with residency permit), holding a good job where an employer would vouch for you, plus passing the Russian language and history test. The most discouraging thing for millions of aspirants was that the old law applied to everyone equally, regardless of their circumstances. Of course there are always exceptions, such as a speedy citizenship for Gérard Depardieu, which I can certainly understand. 😉

After what happened in the late 1980s and 1990s, including a huge drainage of valuable talent and skill, when millions moved to the West where they were paid more (some have returned already), plus the fracturing of the Russian world, when the estimated 25 million Russians became stuck in often unfriendly regimes, a knee jerk reaction made Russia very reticent about accepting anyone back easily.

I’ve been expecting the new citizenship law for years. A few years ago I was in talks with the Russian embassy in the US, advising them that they really needed to do something about their tough citizenship laws. I told them that they would immediately get a lot of valuable specialists, should they finally liberalize the Russian citizenship requirements! Looks like my message got across to the right people.

The law isn’t as comprehensive and broad as many hoped, but it’s a giant leap forward. Many – yours truly included – thought Russians were way too slow in adopting the new citizenship law. However, there were legitimate reasons for this extreme caution.

And it’s better late than never! I anticipate that the surprise news with which the Russian government just came out will generate a stampede of those desirous to move to Russia and obtain Russian citizenship. I keep hearing from my international contacts that several hundred thousand Russian Germans residing in Germany are awaiting their permits to repatriate to Russia. The Russian Germans are German nationals whose ancestors used to lived in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

I hear from various Russians residing in the US, usually scientists, techies, art and sports professionals, that they can’t wait for an opportunity to return to Russia. Don’t even get me started on how many millions want to leave Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as various Eastern Europe countries!

This is mega-news, and while the newly adopted law isn’t as broad as was initially proposed and it doesn’t apply to all categories that are hoping for Russian citizenship, it opens the floodgates for millions to emigrate to Russia. The expected immediate impact is 2-3 million applicants.

Actually, at this point let me pause for a second and enjoy picturing George Soros squirming from the news. As you know, enjoying anyone, even that entity, suffering is not my style, but here I think it’s rather appropriate. After all, Soros – the pointman of the dark NWO agenda – throughout 1980s-2000s had made it his life’s mission to drain Russia of all resources, including the most valuable resource, her people, to feed then growing NWO machine.

The next step would have been the dismemberment and destruction of the World’s Great Balancer, Russia, followed by a wholesale re-writing of history to eliminate for the future generations the truth of Russia’s role and very existence. In the long bygone eras this had already happened more than once; the truth of our real origins and roots was deleted, while lies were inserted in our psyche. As it is, we presently live in the 90% falsified history, and only faint echos of truth still exist in our languages and lore, visible only to those who know where to look. For just a small hint of the truth read my piece Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

According to the master plan, the destruction of Russia would have been followed by the complete and final takeover of the world by what we came to call NWO: the New World Order.

As I predicted in ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?, it is now turning into the ‘old world order.’

It appeared in the ’90s and throughout 2000s Soros and his cronies have almost succeeded. It was only after Vladimir Putin came to power that the trend began reversing in earnest. Helped by all those of us who saw where the wind was blowing, he thwarted their careful plans and this is the real reason Putin is so universally feared and hated by the Western elites. This is also the reason he is so universally loved and supported in Russia and all over the world.

The way the new simplified Russian citizenship law has been worded, it primarily targets those who reside in the West, especially US, Canada, UK, Germany, France and EU in general. Therefore, this is the law that targets valuable professionals, people with assets and Western know-how.

It also targets some people residing in the post-Soviet space, especially the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – all members of the EU and NATO) and to a smaller degree, Ukraine, Caucasus, Belarus and Central Asia..

I’ll soon have a detailed report about the new Russian citizenship law & how it works.

It’ll come out in a different format than my usual FT articles and ESRs. 

Stay tuned for my big announcements in July and August!



Lots of major geopolitical and Earth Shifting events happening as we speak! These include the historic SCO summit, Putin’s China visit and Turkey/Erdogan’s apology to Russia. A new article and a new Earth Shift Report on these events coming your way this and next week!


To conclude: WOW! My ESR12 BREXIT aftermath predictions began materializing immediately after the UK referendum, including attempts to delay or reverse the results, fights inside the UK, revolts in the EU and Scotland independence referendum 2.0! My BREXIT aftermath analysis coming soon; it’ll become a written addendum to ESR12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU!


Read my FREE article: 

BREXIT Results and Massive New Global Trends


For a complete and clear picture, including BREXIT aftermath, EU, TTIP, TPP, US, Russia, China, Eurasia & much more, watch comprehensive

Special Predictions Video EARTH SHIFT REPORT 12


 1 predictions ESR12




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Syria Op: How REB and RYCHAG Keep Enemy Blind and Deaf; New Intel on Caspian Missile Launch

Syria Op: How REB and RYCHAG keep enemy blind and deaf

REB (Rus: Radio Electronnaya Bor’ba) means ‘Radio Electronic Defence.’ This is a complex of advanced systems that renders targeted weapons useless and spying equipment deaf and blind in the radius of 70-200 and more kilometers, depending on application. RYCHAG is one of the REB-related systems, translated as Lever.

My VIDEO ESR 4. ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS talks about REB, RYCHAG and many other peerless and one-of-a-kind Russian systems. I wrote that Russians started slowly unveiling their advanced defence projects and weapons as a warning: stop stepping on our toes! As usual, what we are allowed to glimpse is only the tip of the iceberg, as is explained in ESR4.

I wrote in ESR4 that the Russian military had boasted that in a conflict that took place several years ago Russian air force didn’t lose a single jet or pilot, despite enemy’s relentless blanket fire. Meanwhile, the adversary lost much of its combat aircraft, hardware and airfields (plus, a port). The conflict they were talking about was the so-called 08/08/08 four-day war with Georgia after Georgia attacked S. Ossetia. It was later recognized that the reason for such successful and speedy operation was the use of the early prototype of the REB system.

Russian military analysts are now starting to come out with hints and careful admissions regarding the Russian operation is Syria. It has been hinted that RYCHAG is being used there. Remember my recent post: US drone spying on Russian combat mission, filmed by Russian pilot in Syria? These drones can’t get far – and they can’t get any data not for the lack of trying. A single RYCHAG device jams all data and communication from any adversary forces in Syria in the radius of 70 km, or more.

This is the reason US and others are suddenly changing their tune on Syria. Highly successful Russian strikes notwithstanding, the fact that US and others are deaf, blind and powerless is the game changer. Suddenly Kerry and Saudis want to discuss strategy with Lavrov; suddenly Assad isn’t so bad after all.

Incidentally, in Goodbye Harper! Canada Celebrates New PM Trudeau’s Overwhelming Victory and in Canada Follow Up: PM Justin Trudeau’s Shadows, we have discussed Canada’s recent elections. One of the announcements the incoming PM Trudeau has made is that Canadian air force is withdrawing from Syria. This was met with cheers at home. Citizens are overjoyed. This announcement makes Trudeau look good and is convenient to make on the heels of his election. Such announcement confirms expectations and saves face.

But in truth, elections or not, Canada planes would have been forced to leave anyway. But perhaps if Harper stayed, they would have done it secretly, without any pomp. Why? Because of RYCHAG. With RYCHAG, any unauthorized craft, whether belonging to ISIL, US, Canada or any other country, flies blind and deaf, while Russian craft can see and hear everything. The risk is too large and the upside is none. As I said in the Syria Game Changer report, Russia, the only legally present air force, is slowly and quietly squeezing all unauthorized forces from Syria skies.

As explained in Earth Shift Report 5:​ SYRIA GAME CHANGER Canadian, much like US or any other military, will not risk clashing with Russians in Syria. Israel understood the hint right away and withdrew, agreeing on intel sharing and coordination with Russia. Withdrawal is the best option. It’s just that Canada has had the face-saving elections and US hasn’t yet, which means that very uncomfortable times are upon Washington. USA’s face-saving elections are ahead.

A quick prediction: Just watch how right after the 2016 elections US will start changing its direction, announcing the face-saving withdrawal from Ukraine (consistent with my predictions), and some other places… Well, unless Obama admin is put in such tight spot earlier in the game that it will be forced to announce its withdrawal sooner. In Syria US is already forced to begin playing ball. Ukraine is next.

New intel: cruise missile launch from Caspian

One of many important topics discussed in Syria Game Changer ESR5 is the Russian launch of 26 cruise missiles from Caspian Sea. In the report I wrote that the launch ‘caught US with its pants down and mouth open.’

But there’s more! The US and other intelligence services completely miscalculated and underestimated the capability of these missiles. Based on an export modification sold recently to India, the range was believed to be 300 km, while these particular cruise missiles flew 2500 km to hit their planned targets. First, the precision of the strike means that 2500 km isn’t their limit and they can fly longer distances. But in reality, no one knows what their range is and what they can reach. Total panic and confusion on Capitol Hill, in White House, CIA and Pentagon…

I wrote recently in ESR1 RELOADED: Is Putin Part of NWO that Russia doesn’t share her real plans, intentions or capabilities with anyone any more. There was a time when Gorbachev and Yeltsin openly shared with US and EU way too much. Their naiveté and openness was used to undermine Russia, almost costing them the country.

Presently, we are in a state of the hybrid 4D warfare (more about it in ESR 4). Who in their right mind would share their real capability with potential adversary under such circumstances? Obviously, Russia’s export models and best designs intended for own defence systems are two different things.

As a result, NATO/US/UK military and intelligence are in total confusion. For years, they ran on their old image of Russia, the naive and not very savvy in the ways of the West country they liked to make fun of. Now, they might as well throw out everything they ever knew about Russian defence, and start from scratch. If they had completely miscalculated Caspian missiles, misjudged Caspian Fleet and missed the very Syrian operation, how can they trust any of their intel? If Russians have SUCH cruise missiles installed on dinky little ships in the landlocked sea, what do they have on advanced nuclear subs and flagships?

These, now famous, cruise missiles are installed on very unlikely vessels: relatively small ships, which are part of the landlocked and seemingly inconsequential Caspian Fleet, dealing primarily with coast guard issues. Several years ago there were talks of discontinuing this fleet as an unnecessary expense. Now, looking back, that old debate seems more and more like a decoy, so no one would take it seriously.

But there is more. Neither ships nor missiles of this class are a part of any US-Russia or NATO-Russia treaty. They aren’t regulated by any international body. The shock is obvious: these cruise missiles fly undetected and below the radar both literally and figuratively.

They were part of one of the Soviet projects, shelved during the collapse. It was un-shelved after Putin assumed office. There are lots more advanced Soviet projects where this one came from. As pretty much everyone recognizes, Russians have just lifted the veil enough for us all to peak inside their new advanced programs. But how much haven’t they shown? 

Putin’s Valdai Forum Admission

The annual Valdai Forum just took place in Russia. One of the things Putin said seemingly casually, has been repeated over and over. He said that he learned one thing from his childhood on Leningrad streets: ‘If the fight is unavoidable, strike first.’ This refers to Russia’s strike on ISIL in Syria, but more so, it sounds like a warning for those who may still have designs to continue advancing NATO to Russia’s borders, messing with Ukraine and stepping on Russia’s toes in Eurasia.

Lately, when Putin speaks, the world listens.

Iraq rebels against US and wants Russia to step in

I wrote about this in the Syria Game Changer report. Iraq would love Russia to bomb ISIL on its territory.

You probably won’t find this in any Western MSM: a large group of Iraqi parliament deputies wrote an official letter to the Iraqi president, asking him to request Russia’s official help. US is livid and tries to stop it. I wrote in the report that it’s unlikely that Russia would agree to help Iraq while US is still there. The pressure on Iraqi government to stop the pro-Russian movement growing in the country is enormous, to say the least. Therefore, if Iraqi president officially asks Russia for help while US is still there, this will mean open rebellion against the US.

Iraqis say they love Putin and Russia and they hope for Russia’s help. Here is a segment from the German channel ARD (in Russian and German). It talks about how Iraqis adore Russia and pray for Russia’s help. Specifically, they talk about an Iraqi painter living in Germany, who paints Putin’s portraits – Link.

The question is: hasn’t USA and the ‘coalition of the willing’ liberated Iraq from the evil Saddam? Why then don’t Iraqis adore their liberators?

Further, if Iraq asks Russia for help while US is still there, what does it say to everyone about US and its role in Iraq? Iraqi politicians and military openly complain that US is only pretending to bomb ISIL, while 75% of US pilots return from anti-ISIL missions with their bombs still intact, and only 25% or less come back empty. There is no trust between US and Iraqi people or government.

Read/watch all about REB, RYCHAG and other secret Russian weapons:


Read all about Russia, US, Syria, Caspian Sea cruise missile launch, and more:

ESR5 Syria Game Changer 2


The long-awaited breakthrough

Earth Shift Report 6:


Stay tuned!