American Tanks Roll Through Latvia; US Tests Lazer Weapon in Persian Gulf; Russian Graves desacrated in Australia; Open Season on Undesirables in Ukraine

These are items of interest and I decided to unite them in one post for the sake of space economy. I’m not going to say much. These short videos are self-explanatory – watch and make your own conclusions.


I am not an American hardware specialist – to me these seem like older designs. Still, so much US weaponry traveling openly (it’s not even covered) through Latvia in broad daylight is very worrying. Where did it end up? No one knows. How many such trains zoomed through Latvia unnoticed? Much has been said about the US Congress pushing for the supply of arms to Ukraine – and not older designs either.

The most disturbing thing for me in this video is that these ….. are using Russian-made train to move their lethal hardware, directed obviously against Russia, unless Latvia is planning a war with Sweden. The locomotive you see is a typical Russian-made item that I grew up with. This is either the train Latvia inherited from the USSR, or it was built for them in the past 20 years in Russia – Latvia hardly has any industry of its own, and what they had was demolished during 23 years of independence to suit the West. But they are NATO members. As some of my readers may know, both of my parents worked for Russian Railways. No further comment, but just picture for a moment how Russians feel.


US Navy’s laser cannon to blow up boats, drones in Persian Gulf? RT: “The US Navy’s fully operational LaWS laser uses six commercial welding lasers to obliterate aerial and seaborne targets. Each shot costs as little as $1; tens of thousands less than conventional weapons.” Is US preparing for a new round of escalation in the Persian Gulf?

Here is what I hear people say so far: 1. This is the 70s Soviet technology; 2. Not effective and doesn’t work in foggy weather; 3. Either they have to paint the item they are trying to blow up black or red, or it has to be directed at a weapon for the lazer to work.

Compare that to the khibiny Russians so effectively demonstrated to USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea on April 12, 2014. Also Soviet technology, but how different. 100% Effective; NOT offensive – defensive in nature. Khibiny can disable the entire US Navy fleet. Read my article: Mystery Revealed: What frightened the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?


Open season on Undesirables – Nazi-style Lustration (Hitler would be proud). Ukraine law declares open season on former officials. The law talks about ‘humane lustration’ when an accused ‘has the right to defence.’ But ukro-nazi street thugs don’t wait – they have developed their own ‘trash bin’ lustration, when undesirables are thrown into trash bins and humiliated; personal injuries and beatings are common; there were attempts to splash people with gasoline and set them on fire.

The EU commission declared this law a violation of human rights. EU should remember they helped create this monster.


HATE CRIME: Australia, OLD Russian Orthodox Cemetery: 76 graves of Russians buried there vandalized – next to the Russian Orthodox church. I want to point out that judging by the nature of the cemetery, most likely the people buried there are religious, law-abiding citizens. It is most likely that these are from the old Russian emigration – post-1917 Bolshevik revolution, who therefore have nothing to do with the contemporary Russia, nor the USSR.

Who did that? Fingers are pointing at the ukro-nazi-inclined Ukrainian immigrants living in Australia. I hear there are lots of those. Since there are no monuments to Lenin, Russian Army that freed Europe from fascism, or Russian historic figures to desacrate in Australia, the only target for them would have been innocent, completely unrelated people and their memories. Just like in Donbass.

But then again, Australian president has been promising to ‘rudely tackle to the ground and beat up President Putin’ = ‘shirtfront’ in Australia. Is this the manifestation of that promise? Or are those who did it angry the shirtfronting never came to pass? See more here: Koala to Putin: Now I see what all those other animals have been raving about!

Recently, the Head of Putin’s Administration, Sergey Ivanov, announced that over 60 attacks on Russian Orthodox churches and direct physical attacks on priests in Ukraine have been registered.

Ukro-nazis, while celebrating their anniversary, intended to destroy/take over two UNESCO World Hearitage sites: monuments to Catherine the Great and Pushkin in Odessa, and one of the main Orthodox monasteries, Kiev-Pechorskaya Lavra in Kiev. Fortunately, both sites were protected and their plans didn’t materialize.

See my articles:

Ukraine Nazi Vandals to Destroy UNESCO World Heritage Site in Odessa

Ukraine Nazi Vandals Follow Up: Anniversary from HELL and Russian Church Pogroms

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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on December 12, 2014, in Geopolitical Trends and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. What is taking place shows me that Satan/Lucifer has corrupted some of mankind to a level lower than the lowest of beasts. It is not a sign of merely mental, emotional, or physical breakdown, it is spiritual as well.


  2. I don’t think any beasts are at a low level…..anyway……..good info Lada……


  3. I find this really disturbing Lada, don’t know where this will all lead to…..


  4. Maybe these tanks is a manifestation of “Resolution 758”? Here, again, I see a parallel to “Star Wars” and the infamous Order 66. Not all in America are happy with it as seen in the following article by Patrick J. Buchanan, but will they be enough to for a rebel alliance?

    In a strange twist, one further parallel to “Star Wars” is emerging. USA, through their proxy – Poroshenko – are trying to deprive Russia of its veto right in the UN Security Council. Here is an article in Russian:
    The degradation of Galactic Council (UN in our earthly case) into a meaningless political body, ruled by Palpatine, comes to mind.


  5. About that laser technology. There is an easy defence against it. The planes can be painted with the light-reflective paint that we see in road signs. 🙂
