Blog Archives

Lada Ray on The Plane Truth: Geopolitical Feng Shui and BRICS/EU Predictions

My new interview with The Plane Truth is here!

We delve into the fascinating Earth Feng Shui, and specifically, my proprietary school of Geopolitical Feng Shui. I explain how the 2015 Chinese Year of the Wood Sheep works worldwide, and how it compares to the previous 2014 Year of the Wood Horse that just ended. We also talk about the important Water Feng Shui and how the presence of big bodies of water (oceans, rivers) and their pollution by humans influence any city or country’s fortune.

I further reveal what is Chinese Zodiac and how it really works, what is the classic Compass School of feng shui, and how feng shui helps me make my global predictions.

Last, but not least, this show is in big part about predictions. We discuss my predictions concerning the BRICS, EU, Latin America, Eurasia and US, as well as the general Earth Shift timeline.

This interview was recorded in the beginning of February 2015, but published only yesterday due to certain scheduling issues. That’s why you will see me referring to the Year of the Sheep as yet to start. The Chinese Year of the Sheep has started on January 19, 2015 and the auspicious celebrations period is ending today, March 4.

Take a listen!

Lada Ray on The Plane Truth:

Geopolitical Feng Shui and BRICS/EU Predictions

I recommend that you also listen to my prior interview with Cat’s Eye on the Future: Lada Ray ~ 2015 Chinese New Year and Feng Shui Predictions SpecialThis interview is shorter and it will add to the full picture regarding the Year of the Wood Sheep, and feng shui in general (interview description).

See other Lada Ray Interviews.

You can subscribe to The Time Monk Radio YT channel here, to listen to our favorite The Plane Truth and Cat’s Eye on the Future shows. Please support them – they are doing a very important and awesome job!



FENG SHUI Consultations

by Internationally Certified Feng Shui Master Lada Ray


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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Goodbye 2014, Welcome 2015!

Ded Morozs and Snegurochkas

As the Year 2014 draws to a close, I want to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 to all my followers and readers!

Taking stock and making peace with the Year 2014

2014 Year of the Horse

In January 2014 I wrote Feng Shui Predictions for the Year of the Wood Horse 2014. I said:

“A positive this year is that we have the so-called LAPCHUN, or the proverbial “spring.” Therefore, new shoots, new beginnings will take root.”

2014 World Events Prediction: Due to the volatility of the Wood Horse combo, events in the world will tend to spiral out of control. Tempers, ignited by the fire multiplied by wood (wood burns = intensifies fire), will flare much too easily; fights may be gloves off and very ugly.”

Read more in PREDICTIONS. Full Chinese New Year of the Horse Predictions by Feng Shui Master Lada Ray.

This year was as volatile as I predicted. The violent February coup in Kiev, civil war and brutal nazi takeover of Ukraine; ISIS in the Middle East; killing of the blacks by police in the US; increasing society polarization and various global protests/violent clashes; gloves-off fighting in cyberspace and real life between opposing points of view; Malaysian airliner catastrophes; oil and gas wars; sanctions wars between Russia and the West; unprecedented attacks on the Russian ruble and Russian economy (Special report on this coming in the beginning of January); strange failures of American and Russian space rockets; significant drop in gold and silver price. All these are manifestations of the highly volatile energy of the Year of the Wood Horse. These events are also typical of this entire decade.

At the same time I said that the mystical Lapchun, which I can best describe as ‘the presence of spring and growth chi,’ would allow for the new shoots to take off. And this is exactly what happened: I have written much this year about the re-branding and decisive pivot of Russia to the East; groundbreaking Russia-China gas deals; creation of the Eurasian Union and pre-announcement of the new Eurasian currency Altyn; new mega-deal between Russia and Turkey (gas pipeline and building of the entire new energy sector for Turkey); new massive deals Russia has signed with India, Latin American countries, and more.

Russia started decoupling from the dollar, and the new revolutionary financial system is showing first shoots. This is happening in birth pains, as the resistance of the old system is brutal. But it’s happening nevertheless. The process cannot be stopped and as the presence of Lapchun indicates, the new shoots will be successful (report on the humble beginnings of the new revolutionary monetary system is coming in January).

Ne Year 2014

The Year 2014 has been undoubtedly one of the most important and breakthrough years in recent history.

For me, 2014 was full of shocks, discoveries (both inner and outer), hard work, creation and important revelations.

I was very pleased to see how well the Russian team did at the Sochi Olympics and how beautifully the games were organized. I was shocked to see how far Ukraine has gone in the direction of violence, destruction and madness. As many of my readers know, I was born in Moscow to a Russian father and Ukrainian mother, and grew up in Odessa, presently Ukraine.

My nature has always been extremely non-confrontational. Before 2014 I was very hesitant to share all the world predictions I had in my head and all the geopolitical knowledge I had accumulated over the years of study and observation. I didn’t share my knowledge for fear of offending someone.

All my life I was an overachiever in my studies, career and other areas of life. I jetsetted the world, trailblazed different professions, quickly becoming successful in each. When I first arrived to the US 20 years ago, I became a celebrity in the Russian emigrant circles after becoming one of the first ‘straight off the boat’ Russians to land a lucrative career on Wall Street. Later, having left Wall Street, I became one of the first certified and classically trained in the East Feng Shui Masters residing in the USA. Being an overachiever in all that, I was utter under-achiever in something that I truly held dear to my heart, such as, coming out of the closet and speaking the truth for the whole world to hear; developing and widely sharing my Earth Shift System; creating my own brand of predictory mystical futurism.

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Instead of saying what I deemed important straight out, I first decided to camouflage my ideas as fiction. For millenia thinkers did just that: they wrote something revolutionary disguising their dire or important predictions and ideas as fiction. So I wrote my three novels: The Earth Shifter, Gold Train and Stepford USA, and two short novelettes: Catharsis and Green Desert. See more in BOOKS. Four of  my books had made Amazon/kindle bestseller list and/or top-rated list. I expect to release more fiction in the future.

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About 3 years ago I started Lada Ray Blog. The blog was created to talk about Russia and the world, share my love for world cultures, beauty, nature, animals, photography, as well as my books. Lada Ray Blog performed beyond expectations. As of today, it has over 16,000 followers and nearly 190,000 visitors.

However, I realised that unfortunately today people didn’t read fiction to educate themselves like they did in centuries past. Today’s fiction had become yet another tool for mindless entertainment, of worse, zombifying of the population. I realized that whatever I wanted to say, I needed to say straight.

In my videos about Calibrations of Human Consciousness I talk about Courage as the first life-affirming calibration. We can be destined for great things, we can have great talents, but until we conquer our fears, until we muster courage, we won’t be able to make a breakthrough to the necessary level of energetic vibration, which will make our accomplishment possible. I needed to find that courage and to let go of my fear. (More about Calibrations here, here and here. )

In 2013 I started FuturisTrendcast Blog with the intention of doing just that – sharing my wisdom, knowledge and predictions, opening people’s eyes, warning of dangers and helping them see the future. However, my non-confrontational nature didn’t allow me to go all out at first, and the blog sat basically idle for several months. By February 2014, the blog had 2,000 visitors and 10 subscribers, until… Ukraine happened and I understood, like Tolstoy once said, that I ‘cannot keep silent’ any more. At that point, fear became unimportant as I understood that something else, namely ‘the truth,’ was much more important than fear.

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I watched with incredulity the craze happening on Kiev maidan, provoked deliberately to coincide with the time when Russia was preparing to host the Sochi Olympics, and it was clear to me that the West made sure Russia couldn’t interfere in Ukraine on any level for fear of the Olympics boycott. The ukro-nazi coup was timed and pushed through during Sochi Olympics for the same reason. Meanwhile, politicians from US, UK, Poland, Brussels and other EU countries flocked to Kiev maidan, where they called for violent overturn of Yanukovich and promoted hatred against Russia. People who disagreed in Kiev and western Ukraine were beaten, driven out of the country and killed. Russian language was initially banned and people speaking it prosecuted and intimidated in the country where the majority used to speak it every day. Openly fascist parties started dictating Ukraine’s policies and direct CIA assets usurped power in Kiev. In two or three short months Ukraine turned from a relatively normal place into a cesspool of the darkest and most violent kind. At the same time, the vilification of Russia and character assassination of the Russian leader reached the point of no return. Seeing all this I did what I do best: started writing to tell the truth and open people’s eyes.

FuturisTrendcast visitation and subscription exploded. Turned out, people all over the world craved knowledge and truth. Less than a year later, FuturisTrendcast boasts nearly 250,000 visitors and thousands of subscribers.

I learned a lot in the past year.

I learned that during the time of millennial revolution old ideas one grows up with and comforting childhood memories don’t work. The world is changing fast. I remembered Ukraine, and Odessa where I grew up, as a quiet, sunny, friendly place. With all my predictive powers, I never imagined ukro-nazi takeover, violent civil war, burning people alive on square through which I strolled growing up, midnight nazi marches through Odessa’s beautiful Pushkinskaya Street, bombings of peaceful population in Donbass, and shamelessly open foreign takeover of the country.

But in the midst of extreme violence and injustice, people start waking up and shoots of the new start peeking through mud and sleet. Oftentimes it’s something most people don’t expect and don’t see until after the fact. But those who have a keen, clear eye and sharp mind (and I think my readers are in this category) – those of us can glean quite a lot.

Ours isn’t an easy world, nor comforting time, but it can be very exciting and rewarding if you have the right perspective and vision.

Dear readers and followers, I am here to help you gain the right perspective and to guide your vision!

The above is a good lesson for a lot of my readers in the West. Don’t hang on to the old! The revolution is coming to your town, whether you want it or not, as the world around us changes and evolves. It’s much better to ride the wave of the new than to be shell-shocked holding on to the old.

We are living through the time of major change. We all chose to incarnate in this time of great EARTH SHIFT for a reason. We all chose our destiny. Take a deep breath and enjoy the ride!

In the year 2014 I reached deeper inside than I ever had, and I discovered that I had more creative potential, wisdom and revelations ready to come out than I ever realized. I knew that it was too late to hide out in my cozy and secure little world. I had my destiny to live!

Dear readers, 2014 was just the beginning – stay tuned for much more to come!

Preview of the Year 2015

Hello and Welcome, Year 2015!

Later in January, I will write my Feng Shui update for 2015. In Chinese astrology it is the year of the Wood Sheep (or Goat).

What you can expect in the coming year:

FuturisTrendcast will continue growing. Remember to follow us via email or, if you have a WordPress account (we recommend you open it), follow us via WP! How to do it

Lada Ray Youtube Channel will grow as I post more spiritual, feng shui, Project Earth Shift and geopolitical videos. Subscribe!

Also, new and very interesting interviews are coming! The topics we will discuss will be breakthrough and revolutionary at best! All interviews will be posted on the INTERVIEWS page.

The main attraction of 2015: EARTH SHIFT REPORT

I am planning at least 10-12 Earth Shift Reports – all to be available from site for a donation. These reports will become available throughout the year. The first several reports will come out in early to mid-January, or as they are finished.

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More information will be posted on the EARTH SHIFT REPORT page at


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Announcing: Consultations by Lada Ray

Starting in January 2015, I will be offering written and Skype global consultations. This is a preview.

FENG SHUI Consultations:

1. Personal Feng Shui Consultation – written or Skype.

2. Year Ahead Feng Shui/Eastern Astrology Consultation – written or Skype.

3. Also will be available: Full Property (Home or Business) Feng Shui Consultation – Skype (includes written personal Success Charts).


These consultations provide a combined approach based on my Earth Shift System, including: Calibrations of Human Consciousness, Chi and Chakra study, Kinesiology, Shamanism, Eastern Wisdom, Astrology and Feng Shui. Certain types will be available as written document, others, as Skype consultation.


In the course of your private personal consultation I can answer questions related to alternative and real investment/wealth advice, including metals, oil, gas, real estate, currency, alternative currency, etc. (note, I do not offer specific stock recommendations), best global relocation destinations advice, country by country predictions, career, destiny, and more.

GEOPOLITICAL/GLOBAL PREDICTIONS Consultations will also be available to individuals and organizations.

Details and fees will be posted on CONSULTATIONS page at 

P.S. Don’t miss: there are more breaking news and important info in the comment section!


Russian New Year in pictures:

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NY moscow red square

NY celebrations in Russia

NY tree Russia

NY St Pete

NY Red Sq snow

NY Tree party in Kremlin

new_year_Russia_2013 winter bathing

NY troika ded moroz

A child plays with sparklers during New Year's celebrations at Red Square in Moscow


Welcome, 2015! Dazzling fireworks light up sky over Red Square in Moscow