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Lada Ray on The Plane Truth: Geopolitical Feng Shui and BRICS/EU Predictions

My new interview with The Plane Truth is here!

We delve into the fascinating Earth Feng Shui, and specifically, my proprietary school of Geopolitical Feng Shui. I explain how the 2015 Chinese Year of the Wood Sheep works worldwide, and how it compares to the previous 2014 Year of the Wood Horse that just ended. We also talk about the important Water Feng Shui and how the presence of big bodies of water (oceans, rivers) and their pollution by humans influence any city or country’s fortune.

I further reveal what is Chinese Zodiac and how it really works, what is the classic Compass School of feng shui, and how feng shui helps me make my global predictions.

Last, but not least, this show is in big part about predictions. We discuss my predictions concerning the BRICS, EU, Latin America, Eurasia and US, as well as the general Earth Shift timeline.

This interview was recorded in the beginning of February 2015, but published only yesterday due to certain scheduling issues. That’s why you will see me referring to the Year of the Sheep as yet to start. The Chinese Year of the Sheep has started on January 19, 2015 and the auspicious celebrations period is ending today, March 4.

Take a listen!

Lada Ray on The Plane Truth:

Geopolitical Feng Shui and BRICS/EU Predictions

I recommend that you also listen to my prior interview with Cat’s Eye on the Future: Lada Ray ~ 2015 Chinese New Year and Feng Shui Predictions SpecialThis interview is shorter and it will add to the full picture regarding the Year of the Wood Sheep, and feng shui in general (interview description).

See other Lada Ray Interviews.

You can subscribe to The Time Monk Radio YT channel here, to listen to our favorite The Plane Truth and Cat’s Eye on the Future shows. Please support them – they are doing a very important and awesome job!



FENG SHUI Consultations

by Internationally Certified Feng Shui Master Lada Ray


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2015 Chinese New Year of the Sheep and Feng Shui Predictions Special – Lada Ray on Time Monk Radio

Happy Chinese New Year of the Wood Sheep, dear readers! The Chinese new Year started on February 19, 2015. The auspicious New Year celebration period lasts for 15 days.

As we say in Hong Kong, Gong Hei Phat Choi! (Cantonese for Happy New Year!)

Or in Mandarin: Xīn nián kuàilè (meaning, New Year happiness)

Listen to my very special Chinese New Year interview, packed with lots of fun, useful, and interesting information. In this show, Melodi, the host of the Cat’s Eye on the Future, and I discuss: the Chinese New Year of the Wood Sheep and its meaning; the secrets of the Chinese Zodiac and different Chinese zodiac animal affinities; how to celebrate your Chinese New Year auspiciously, what to wear and how to set your table; the red envelope tradition and what to give as gifts; how to energize your home and how to welcome spring.

We also talk about various schools of feng shui and my feng shui practice. For desert, we compare the character of the previous Year of the Wood Horse, with the different energy this new year brings. My Feng Shui Predictions for this year of the Wood Sheep wrap up this very informative and entertaining show, together with some spiritual and personal development advice.

Listen to this show on YouTube:

Lada Ray: 2015 Chinese New Year and Feng Shui Predictions

Cat’s Eye on the Future show by TimeMonkRadioNetwork

Please watch, like, comment and share!

chinese new year wallpaper9

This interview is also uploaded on Lada Ray YouTube Channel


Lada Ray, M.A., is internationally certified Feng Shui Master

You can order one of Lada’s Feng Shui consultations



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Prediction: Deal of the Century Between Russia and China – Huge Blow to the US and EU

Russia and China signed what is called the “Holy Grail gas deal” worth $400 bln. It guarantees the supply of Russian gas to China for 30 years. The Russia-China pipeline construction alone, associated with this deal, will be the largest construction project in the world. Currently, 70% of China’s energy needs are fulfilled by local coal. As a result, China is suffocating in harmful smog. China wants to move to the cleaner energy and Russian gas is providing this opportunity.

Putin and Euro remnantsWith the largest gas reserves in the world, Russia has plenty of gas to supply to China, as well as the EU. Presently, most of the Russian gas is purchased by the EU to feed its very large economy. However, half of Russia’s gas transit to the EU is being held hostage by the hostile Kiev regime managed directly by the US with EU’s help, and EU/US keep insisting on slapping sanctions against Russia. Because of pressures from the West, Russia has to re-assess its economic and geopolitical priorities. What the Western leaders are realizing too slowly is that Russia is holding all the cards.

I predicted this exact outcome from the very beginning of the Ukraine crisis. The thing is that the myopic “leaders” in the EU and US misjudged Russian leadership. More disturbingly, they seriously overestimated their own value to Russia. Read the rest of this entry

Prediction: Vladimir Putin and Russian Presidential Elections 2012

Reblogged from source: LadaRayBlog

On 1/11/12, I predicted that Vladimir Putin and United Russia would win Russian Presidential Elections. This is a follow up base don the dynamic situation surrounding these elections. As a reminder to my readers, I do not belong to any political party and consider myself a political atheist. My analysis is based on observation, logic, intuition and the Ancient Chinese System of Long Cycles (CSLC).

Here is the original prediction as it pertains to Russia:

RUSSIA, Presidential Elections, March 4, 2012Vladimir Putin will win easily enough, although, due to the crowded field and according to the Russian electoral rules, he may only get clear majority in the second round. Protests on part of the Communists and assorted opposition will continue, and electoral fraud will be alleged again, whether it took place or not.

However, between now and March, Putin and the ruling United Russia Party will make all the right moves, and Putin will end up securing anywhere between 55 – 68% of the votes. 55% may be way too low. Low to mid 60s is probably the right percentage.

While Russians could afford to play around with the results of the Duma elections in 2011, they’ll treat Presidential Elections much more seriously. Putin means stability, and everyone will remember that. Russian social, economic, political, financial, police and army reforms will continue in a controlled fashion during Putin’s Presidency. I will try to discuss Russia’s future in detail in my BOOK OF PREDICTIONS.

There is one more, esoteric, reason for Putin’s win: He is a DRAGON, according to his Chinese Zodiac sign. 2012 will be much better for Putin, than 2011, as the power of the Dragon is fully behind him this year! ;)

Read the entire original Year 2012 Predictions

Due to the dynamic situation surrounding the Russian elections, as well as elections in other countries, I decided to post an update. Also, I’ve added CIA/U.S. State Department code names, to illustrate the point and… well, because you’ve got to admit, they are kinda funny. ;)

Russian Elections, March 4, 2012 – Vladimir Putin.

CIA code name: Alpha Dog. U.S. State Department code name for Putin/Medvedev tandem: Batman and Robin. But they might’ve changed that since Wikileaks leaked it. ;)

As predicted, Putin and United Russia made all the right moves in the run up to the elections. Putin published a series of articles outlining his vision for Russia’s future; new finance and economic reforms have been announced; more social benefits have been promised; he held his very popular annual televised live Q&A, which lasted a record 5 and a half hours; the rules for protests have been loosened up to accommodate the larger than usual number of people on the streets. Essentially, all protests have been automatically sanctioned – a big departure from old rules – as long as they were peaceful.

As a result, I am upgrading my prediction: Putin will win in the first round. There will be NO run-off. He will get anywhere between low 60% to mid 60% of the popular vote. Could be as high as 67-68%.

Also, read my new post: Russia Votes: Crash Course in Russian Politics

French elections, April 22 – May 6, 2012 – Nicolas Sarkozy.

U.S. State Department code name: Emperor Without Clothes.

At this time, no change in my prediction. He’ll still lose the election – more emphatically so!

U.S. Elections, November 6, 2012 – Barack Obama.

I guess we’ll never know Obama’s CIA/State Department code names, will we? But I can tell you that Russians call him: the Black Gorbachev ;)

No change in my prediction – Obama will narrowly win 2012 elections.

Copyright 2012, Lada Ray

Year 2012 Predictions

Reblogged from source: LadaRayBlog

Year 2012 Predictions

What qualifies me to predict the future? In the past decade, I taught a number of my proprietary Feng Shui courses and did lots of consultations, in addition to writing about Feng Shui and spirituality for various publications around the world. As part of my speaking and writing, I made predictions about certain events in society and our lives, as well as advised clients on various real estate and investment-related matters.

My various predictions usually came true. As a quick example, I sold my own real estate property in 2005 – at the top – and advised my clients to do the same. Those, who followed my advice, cashed in very nicely. To find out more about me, check out my bio.

My predictive methodology is complex and consists of several parts.

  1. As a former financial consultant with Smith Barney (Citigroup,) I understand the market movements.
  2. Having lived in various countries, under various social systems, including socialism and capitalism, and having observed and studied the geopolitical mechanisms that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as those in the US, Europe, Asia and Latin America, I understand the driving forces in the world today.
  3. I also draw on Western Astrology, which, together with other predictive methods, is a great tool.
  4. Feng Shui, especially the Theory of Five Elements, along with Chinese Astrology,  is also helpful.
  5. An important element in my predictions is the powerful Oriental System of Long Cycles, very little known, and even less understood today. Feng Shui, in its most profound and true manifestation, shares the same philosophy. I studied this system with revered Hong Kong Masters of Feng Shui. Since space in a blog post is limited, I intend to talk more about it in the upcoming BOOK OF PREDICTIONS.
  6. Last, but not least: While I do not consider myself psychic, although some may beg to differ, in my predictions, I rely heavily on my intuition, which has never let me down.

Without further ado, let’s get to the core of the issue. The Year 2012 is theYear of the Dragon, according to the Chinese system, and it also has been called the Year of Elections. So, what does this year hold in store for us all?

First, something that has been done to death (no pun intended) in books and film: Should we expect the End of the World on 12/21/12?

The short answer is – ABSOLUTELY NOT! The above date, when Earth forms a direct line with the Galactic Center, will be a non-event and will go absolutely unnoticed by most humans. Some may feel more emotional and high strung, but it could be because these people are feeling the nervousness of others around them. However, the world will keep spinning, and life on Earth will go on.

The long answer is more complex. There are very powerful, LONG TERM changes at work. Those of us who are currently involved with, say, Indie Publishing, or Social Media, and some other areas, are actually at the forefront of these changes.

Suffice it to say that humanity is going through a massive transformation of consciousness, which will last for the foreseeable future, and at times, may be painful and confusing.

But these changes are gradual, although some manifestations are visible in cataclysms and events of today. Examples include: Japanese tsunami and Fukushima disaster, Gulf of Mexico oils spill, the Occupy Movement, Egypt Revolution, US/Europe Economic Problems, The BRICS, Kindle and Indie Publishing Revolution and many others.

Please read more about these events and changes in my upcoming books: THE EARTH SHIFTER (a fantasy/thriller) and BOOK OF PREDICTIONS (non-fiction.)

For more about my books, please visit:

What to expect in the YEAR OF THE DRAGON? How does it differ from the other years of the Chinese Zodiac?

Year of the Dragon is considered one of the most powerful years for business and innovation. It ushers in more Yang – aggressive, assertive – energy, than almost any other year in the 12-year Chinese Zodiac cycle. Therefore, this year we should expect new developments in various revolutionary and alternative technologies. By the way, fellow Indie authors, this could be the year for you!

In general, starting your business is considered especially auspicious during the Year of the Dragon. This year will also be good for anything alternative.

On the other hand, the Year of the Dragon could signify more turmoil in both social and political spheres, as well as in nature. Sorry to say, natural, as well as man-made disasters won’t subside.

Read more about the powerful Dragon in my tomorrow’s post, right here, on Lada Ray Blog!

2012 is called THE YEAR of ELECTIONS, with something like 40 countries going to the polls to elect new Heads of State. This includes the big three: Russia, USA and France.

My friends will tell you that I could talk for hours about geopolitics, but due to the confines of the blog space, I’ll be brief and discuss the big three. Also, just to mention, I am a ‘political atheist’ and do not participate in any political party. My analysis is based on logic, facts, intuition, Chinese Astrology and Theory of Long Cycles.

I will go with plus 2, minus 1.

RUSSIA, Presidential Elections, March 4, 2012Vladimir Putin will win easily enough, although, due to the crowded field and according to the Russian electoral rules, he may only get clear majority in the second round. Protests on part of the Communists and assorted opposition will continue, and electoral fraud will be alleged again, whether it took place, or not.

However, between now and March, Putin and the ruling United Russia Party will make all the right moves, and Putin will end up securing anywhere between 55 – 68% of the votes. 55% may be way too low. Low to mid 60s is probably the right percentage.

While Russians could afford to play around with the results of the Duma elections in 2011, they’ll treat Presidential Elections much more seriously. Putin means stability, and everyone will remember that. Russian social, economic, political, financial, police and army reforms will continue in a controlled fashion during Putin’s Presidency. I will try to discuss Russia’s future in detail in my BOOK OF PREDICTIONS.

There is one more, esoteric, reason for Putin’s win: He is a DRAGON, according to his Chinese Zodiac sign. 2012 will be much better for Putin, than 2011, as the power of the Dragon is fully behind him this year! ;)

USA, Presidential Elections, November 6, 2012: Republicans will pick Romney, who is perceived as the man of the middle, and therefore, appears a safe bet. And Romney will NOT beat Obama. Because, as one rapper said, speaking at Occupy Wall Street, “Obama is ten times the campaigner, as he is the President.” The rapper, whose name I won’t mention here, added, “And I mean it as a compliment, Mr. President!”

In short, USA will remain sharply divided along partisan lines. Obama will narrowly win another 4-year term.

Meanwhile, various protests will continue and intensify. Emergence of a third party is very possible, fueled with disillusionment with the establishment and election results.

What happens during Obama’s second term is another story altogether, and I’ll  discuss it later in my BOOK OF PREDICTIONS, as well.

Ah, yes, in case anyone’s wondering, Barack Obama’s Chinese Zodiac sign is the OX, considered along with the Dragon, one of the most powerful signs. Obama is in good company here, as the Ox is the sign of a world leader and can also be rather charismatic. He shares it, infamously, with Saddam Hussein. But also, with Margaret Thatcher, Princess Diana and Jane Fonda. ;)

France, Presidential Elections, April 22-May 6, 2012: French President Nicolas Sarkozy, together with Angela Merkel of Germany (whose re-election is not until 2013, and I’ll talk about her chances on another occasion) will do everything in their power to reassure the Europeans and the markets in 2012, and will pull a rabbit out of the hat, if necessary. Watch for various announcements from the Eurozone, directed at flooding the system with cheap money, more bailouts, etc.

However, the Eurozone crisis will deepen, with more countries teetering on the brink of collapse, and French elections will happen at the most inopportune time for Sarkozy. Openly right wing and considered the only neo-con, able to win the election, he’s deeply disliked in his country, and will lose.

Again, in case anyone’s wondering, Sarkozy’s sign is the HORSE. Maybe, that’s why the long face. ;) Just kidding, all you, fabulous Horses, out there! The Horse is a very cool and fortunate sign!

Wishing you a terrific and auspicious Year of the Dragon! Please like and comment to let me know what you think about my predictions!

P.S. On 1/13/12, only two days after I posted my prediction about Sarkozy losing the French elections, S&P downgraded French debt, stripping it of it’s coveted AAA rating. France was downgraded along with 8 other Eurozone countries. This move, as analysts unanimously agree, spells disaster for Sarkozy in the upcoming elections. And it also signals that the Eurozone problems are bound to intensify this year.

Update 10/28/12:

Russia and France voted exactly as I originally predicted on 1/11/12, GOP nominated Romney, and there are clearly 3rd parties emerging in the USA. Two Third Party Presidential debates are being hosted by Larry King and aired by RT America (First debate took place several days ago and is available on Youtube; second – foreign policy – debate will air and be posted on Youtube on 10/30).

Upcoming US Presidential Elections: no change from the original 1/11/12 prediction! Obama wins narrowly, with less than 5%, possibly less than 3% advantage.

It is interesting to note that, while in the USA the vote will be very close, abroad it’s not even a contest. Based on multiple surveys and polls from over 20 countries, Romney gets more support only in Pakistan, which is attributed to the Pakistanis’ irritation with deadly drone strikes, not so much to their preference of a specific candidate. Most countries have Romney in single digits, with Western Europe, especially France, favoring Obama by the widest margin.

My prediction: while Obama is far from ideal, no world leader (except, perhaps Israel’s Netanyahu) wants Romney as US President, in fact he scares everyone with his bellicose posturing. Foreign perception is that his angry rhetoric, lack of reason and restraint would make his presidency into Bush 2.0. By the way, this is also perception of much of the international investment community – and international investment community is seldom wrong.

It is naive to think that American elections happen in a vacuum. In our globalized and interconnected world, it should not be underestimated how much influence other countries and global community hold over any country’s policy and elections. In fact, I noticed that global opinion is the most accurate barometer of presidential election results in any country. For example, the international community at large (excluding USA and UK) wanted Putin to win (of course, there was really no contest anyway). In France, both the country and international perception were against Sarkozy, and sure enough – he lost.

Read my follow up articles/predictions regarding the elections in Russia, France and USA.

1. Russia Votes: Crash Course in Russian Politics

2. 2012 Predictions Update: Russian Elections

3. 2012 Predictions Update: French Elections and Eurozone

4. 2012 Predictions. Year of Elections: Russia, France – USA next!

I will be posting a follow up after the US elections, including my new predictions regarding the very important for the Eurozone German Chancellor Election 2013, including Angela Merkel’s chances.

Many have asked me to expand my predictions and talk about the future of financial markets, economic outlook for various countries and continents, as well as the future of world peace. I will try to post more of my predictions going forward. Stay tuned!

Copyright 2012, Lada Ray