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Russian Volunteers save 1300 dogs and cats from terrible fate in China

Russian volunteers, with the help of local police, stopped illegal truck carrying 1300 dogs and cats transported in horrific conditions, stuffed 5-10 to a tiny cage, many wounded, bleeding and dying from heat, thirst and hunger. These poor animals were to be killed and eaten at the Yulin dog meat festival. The Russian volunteers had to sneak the saved animals in secret into shelters and animal sanctuaries. These organizations must keep their addresses secret due to attacks by the dog and cat meat traders — a horrific custom still existing in the rural areas of China.

I want to stress that it was an international effort; the Chinese volunteers and Chinese animal shelters were involved.

The good news, many innocent animals have been saved.

Video (sorry, graphic):

Truth about meat and dairy farms. Are organic dairy products ‘humane’? Lada’s tips on going vegan

Dear friends, this kind of post isn’t usually a focus of FuturisTrendcast, although it should be, as it is something that will become a bigger and bigger trend in the future, as consciousness of our planet grows and expands. It is also a part, yet undocumented, of my Multidimensional and Earth Shift theories.


As humanity progresses towards the EARTH SHIFT of human consciousness,

the realization of the inconvenient truth: that humans are cruel to animals

and a growing desire not to harm animals and nature

are to become a major developing global trend

I intend to speak about the issues of humanity, love and appreciation for our Mother Earth and nature in the future. This is a two-part series of first posts of this nature. I have published them on LadaRay Blog.

The first post is entitled The truth about the cruel price of your meat and milk

Here is a brief excerpt:

Deliberate cruelty, greed, gluttony and robbing others to enrich themselves: humans do this to each other, and to poor, innocent animals of Planet Earth.

Want your meat and your milk? This is what happens behind the scenes…

THE CRUEL PRICE OF MILK: cows and goats are artificially impregnated. Newly born baby animals are taken away from their mothers at birth, without allowing them to experience their mother’s love, so that humans could milk cows and goats for milk, yogurt, cheese and butter. Then helpless, hungry and terrified baby animals are sold for meat!

This is tweeted by a my Tweepal Maryanne (god bless her for her effort to help innocent animals who cannot help themselves).

Did you know….Mother goats do not forget the sound of their kids’ voices…even up to 17 months after they have been separated



Complete post, plus positive animal rescue videos from Doreen Virtue

The follow up is my reply to a reader question, and I am posting most of it here: 

Are organic dairy products ‘humane’? And Lada’s tips on going vegan (includes my tips and a video from one of my recommended YT channels).


Lada’s answer

They are likely better, but unfortunately still commercial, and therefore, the same applies: animals are artificially impregnated and babies are sacrificed so humans can have their milk. Organic doesn’t guarantee – and doesn’t really imply – ‘humane’ or ‘fair’ to animals.

I’ve tried our local organic, ‘humane’ yogurt and eggs for a while, which are sold at our local organic health food coop. I trust the people and the store very much. It’s one of the best health food markets I’ve ever seen, and I’ve shopped everywhere.

I’m not an egg person at all, but I did want some yogurt in my diet. But recently I stopped doing that as well. Alas, there is no other way of getting a cow’s or goat’s milk, other than depriving the babies of it. Or mama-animals have to be pumped with drugs so they overproduce milk. And we then drink or eat all that! So, our own health and well-being are also a question. Plus, the fact that babies, especially baby boys, are sold for highly priced meat is too well-known.

There are good vegan milk alternatives: almond, soy, coconut, cashew. As an example, in the US they are sold in stores like Wegmans, Whole Foods, and local health food stores.

You can also make your own vegan milk, yogurt and even vegan cheese. Home made vegan cheese is actually ‘a thing.’ 😉

I was vegan for years, well before it was fashionable and when the label used was ‘vegetarian.’ It just felt right. Then, there was a lapse when I tried all kinds of foods due to frequent moves and travel. I’m now getting back to vegan lifestyle, gradually.

For those who follow my Multidimensional and Earth Shift theories, vegan lifestyle corresponds with the 5th Dimension (5D).

I am now trying some great old and new recipes. If there is an interest, I’ll eventually post some recipes I’m presently re-learning.

I know it’s not for everyone, and no judgement at all. But those who prefer not to cause harm to animals and nature, are welcome to try.

For those who want to transition, the idea is to do it very slowly and gradually, so there is no discomfort to the system. Stay positive, gentle and non-judgmental to yourself.

Wishing everyone well. 🙂

P.S. There are many vegan videos on YouTube. I might share some in the future. Here is one example:

9 Practical Tips for Going VEGAN + Examples of Food I Eat

Full post and video

Sweet dog Dasha, protectress of Donetsk

This is a new video released Jan. 11, 2017 by News Front, with my Eng. translation.

Dasha the dog’s story told by a female member of the Donetsk People’s Republic’s self-defence regiment:

She survived all the bombings with us. The boys from our recognizance team rescued her during a bombing somewhere near Nikishino village. She was so starved and emaciated that she couldn’t stand on her feet. We, the medics, healed her, got her back on her feet. (At that moment Dasha extends her paw to her friend, as a thank you). “She knows we rescued her.”

She was very scared at first. I printed several ads in the Donetsk paper, hoping to find her owner. No one replied.

Dasha isn’t young any more, missing some front teeth. She is a very kind dog.

“She rides with us in the Urals (military vehicles), in cars, comes to drills and even accompanies us in battle, right, Dashen’ka?”

It appears the owner escaped the bombings and left her behind. It appears he’s alive, but no one knows why he abandoned her. Maybe couldn’t fit her in the car since she is a big dog, you know how people at the time ran in panic (LR: to escape the bombings of the Kiev junta and ukro-nazis). 

So, we have given her a home here and she now helps us protect Donetsk (again, Dasha places her paw on the lady to re-affirm the statement.)

That’s her life, her destiny now. Same is true for half of the dogs and cats of Donbass.

She loves to keep warm, loves to sleep on our beds, and we are glad to spoil her.

She feels the bombings coming and warns us with her behavior. “You are a good, good doggie, Dasha.”

She is big friends with our cats. Not so much with other dogs, but cats are her buddies. She is a big, intelligent dog. That’s our Dashka, ‘the dog of our regiment.’

We have lots of cats and there are also many local homeless dogs that our boys adopted. They are very helpful: as if live alarms, they warn us of upcoming attacks.

At that moment Dasha rolls on the cot, exposing her tummy.

US dentist kills beloved African #LionCecil: Zimbabwe asks to extradite lion killer

While we, the normal people, admire the beauty of such an amazing creature as a lion, marveling at the miracle of life on our beautiful planet, others go around destroying and mutilating this fragile beauty! And for what? Not because they are hungry, not because someone made them do it, not because they have crying children to feed. NO! It is done for sport, for trophies, for ego, or for enrichment! And this can never be tolerated!

Please see new post on Lada Ray Blog and sign petition to extradite the killer!

US dentist Walter Palmer killed the southern African country’s most celebrated lion, Cecil. The American trophy hunter lured the lion out of a lion sanctuary at a national park and tracked him down. Palmer paid $50,000 to his accomplices for the pleasure of killing!

Extradite that SOB as soon as possible to face the music!

Most importantly, stop outrageous African safaris (or any other illegal hunts), in which innocent, beautiful and rare animals, who are the precious gift of our Mother Earth, are hunted down by spoiled, bored out of their minds rich scum from the US and other fat countries!!!

I signed the petition – please sign it too! Details, video and link to White House Petition in this post:

US dentist kills beloved African #LionCecil: Zimbabwe asks to extradite lion killer