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January 13-14: How Russians celebrate the nostalgic traditional Old New Year

According to the Russian tradition:

Happy Old New Year, and wishing everyone much prosperity & abundance in 2017!


The nostalgic and fun holiday, called The Old New Year, is celebrated on January 13-14 in all of the Russian World.

The traditions for this cool holiday include a very generous table, brimming with traditional Russian foods, such as large, round Russian bliny served with butter, honey, various preserves and caviar, as well as sweets, fruits and Russian tea from the colorful samovar. Groups of well-wishers, dressed in traditional Russian outfits, walk around their village or neighborhood and throw seeds, beans or grains mixed with money, to wish their neighbors and friends prosperity and abundance. This is called ‘Schedrikha’ : the abundance sharing ritual.

It’s also traditional to have sled snow rides, the pinnacle of which are the Russian troika rides: troika means three horses riding as one. People also have snow fights, build snow men and snow or ice terema (castles).

After the Schedrikha ritual another ritual would be performed: burning a stack of hay, which symbolizes burning away any old and hamful energy. As the hay burns, Russians join hands and dance around the fire in the traditional Russian Khorovod. Then, the bravest leap over the burning hay. This seals the ritual, symbolizing the surmounting of any life’s difficulties.

This video is from Tiraspol, Pridnestrovie, where traditions are alive and well. Some of the customs, table and Russian attire start at 0:10 and continue at 0:40.

Pridnestrovie (often referred to in the West as Transnistria) is the breakaway republic of the former Moldavia (Moldova), which proclaimed its intention to join Russia.

I explain a lot about Moldova and Pridnestrovie in this 2014 video on my YT channel:

Pridnestrovie vs Moldova: Eurasian Union vs EU (LadaRayLive 2)

All about the convoluted history and today’s realities of the region:

Ukraine, Odessa, Moldova, Pridnestrovie & Russia’s soft underbelly

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Camp Bondsteel: How US Controls Gas and Oil Flow to Europe (LRL14)

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 Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo: How US Controls Gas and Oil Flow to Europe

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Secret Connection: Russian Gas to Turkey-Greek Election-EU Breakup (LRL6)


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Lada Ray Interviews Playlist

Several people asked me whether I’d be doing interviews with RT or any other big TV channel. To answer that: I have been contacted by RT and LifeNews. However, for the time being – for certain personal reasons – I only do audio interviews. This policy may eventually change. Long term, I am thinking about giving video interviews and perhaps even having my own TV program.

Presently, I am concentrating on the many projects I still have to accomplish. For those who have asked me when the following Project Earth Shift and LadaRayLive episodes are coming – it will be soon, perhaps by the end of this week or beginning of next, right after I publish my new Earth Shift Video Report: ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS (projected release: Wednesday, May 20).

I do have a LOT of new and exciting intel, news, analysis and predictions to share. Everything will be posted on Lada Ray YT Channel, which has been re-organized for your convenience.

I rather like being able to have long enough audio interviews, allowing me to delve into the details of what I want to say. From this perspective (among others), I very much enjoy being interviewed by our good friends at the Time Monk Radio.

But, considering some people have limited time, I am also planning some short and to the point videos on Lada Ray Channel. I think the full-size interviews, combined with shorter audio discussions and videos will present a full scope of my work and ideas in the best way. Lada Ray Channel is also planning a new series: Lada Ray Predictions. Stay tuned for that!

It occurred to me that it was a great idea to organize all my Youtube interviews in one convenient library, so anyone who wanted to return to them on their own time and at their own pace knew exactly where to go to find them with no hassle. I decided against re-uploading my interviews on Lada Ray Channel. Why duplicate?

Instead, I created a convenient reverse-chronological Lada Ray Interviews playlist of original interviews. You can easily access it either by clicking direct link, or going to Lada Ray Channel (recommended – the easiest way!) and scrolling down to desired playlist.

The Interviews Playlist link is also posted on FuturisTrendcast under Interviews.

This playlist will be updated every time new interviews come up.

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