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APR 26, 2022

TIPS & ALERTS: Finding Classic WEBINARS & ESRs;



This is a PUBLIC POST for everyone!



An important reminder for those who missed my prior notices and explanations on the wholesale reboot and upgrade in 2021! How to get new links to Webinars, ESRs, Consultations, etc.! 


“Lada, did someone take over your Weebly site? I was trying to link to your forbidden linguistics webinar, but it’s gone (though the links from many Patreon’s articles point there), and the main site looks strange.” 

Lada Ray

It’s now only and exclusively

Someone did hijack my old! I couldn’t get it back – it’s some sort of a dirty game weebly plays, unfortunately. 

THE LINKS ALL WORK, BUT THEY HAVE TO BE only! In other words, if you have an old link, just substitute the words ladarayinfo.weebly FOR ladaray inside the url you are citing! 

For example: the Forbidden History Webinar Series link is now:–forgotten-origins-series-esw7-10.html


A very easy way to obtain any PUBLIC page link: 

If you aren’t sure or want to simply copy the complete new link to public info pages you can just go to and proceed to a specific tab on top, such as

NOTE! some tabs have been consolidated and some were created anew – they’ll be filling with content gradually!

PROGRAMS is a great consolidated page to explore and get familiar with! It has links to ALL my 

All the above are the links, which you are welcome to use or copy for reference. Moreover, everything on the Programs page is linked too. If you go to the linked pages, you’ll also see links to individual webinars, reports, etc.! So, if you take a moment to navigate it, you can’t get lost! Once you get accustomed to the new set up, you’ll see how compactly and logically it is laid out! 

**We meticulously went through and fixed all the non-working links and sifted through a ton of pages, to make sure all links work. It took us several months. But if you still notice any non-working link on, please do let us know and we’ll fix it!**

My apologies that the old links aren’t working. That couldn’t be helped: weebly didn’t give me any choice when I was upgrading; they blocked and took away my old ladarayinfo site, and refused to give it back, although I tried to reason with them several times.

Yep, that’s the lower-4D machine for you! The Matrix, anyone?


If you want to access your private page, such as the actual page for any webinar, ESR or other PROGRAM, you can simply substitute the following part of your saved private url:

the words: ladarayinfo.weebly

for: ladaray

Let’s use a public page as an example:

Webinar 10 (Forbidden History) was: – THIS DOESN’T WORK ANY MORE!

and now it is – THE NEW URL – WORKS!

**Please let me know if there are still any questions (and maybe save this post for future reference)! Thanks so much, everyone!


PLEASE HELP ME PROMOTE THEM – ANYONE IS WELCOME TO READ THE PUBLIC ACCESS ESRs! They were formerly paid or donation-based only! 

I plan to make a few more ESRs public, and/or some other Programs or their parts may become either Public or All-Patron Access. 

So far these are FREE All-Public access:



FREE All-Patron access

(Putin against Russian & Ukraine Oligarchs) – NOW AVAILABLE TO PATRONS!

ESR 8 is also becoming FREE to all patrons soon, and possibly, the public, as well! Let’s see how the public reacts to the ones I’ve released so far! 

**I’ll be making more of my ESRs + parts of some Webinars and other Programs FREE! Stay tuned! 

All links will be available on Lada Ray Patreon



Reminder for everyone:

If you want to get a lot more free content, previously shared only with Patrons or paid customers, follow me on MY NEW RUMBLE @ RealLadaRay, where I AM NOW POSTING publicly!

I ma starting more social media and video platforms, and you’ll find me in most places as Lada Ray or RealLadaRay!

Links to my new channel:


YT channels



Saakashvili the Kremlin Spy? Kiev Maidan-3? Poroshenko’s Impeachment? Share your opinion!

The last act of THE IDIOCRACY+ tragic comedy is unfolding in front of our very eyes. Poroshenko’s junta ruled by the US, and the ukro-nazis continue plunging the poor Ukraine into abyss. What is happening in Kiev today would be a hilarious farce, if not for tens of thousands this ugly regime has killed, and if not for millions whose lives they destroyed.

I dubbed it THE IDIOCRACY+ a couple of years ago. For instance, see this post from Dec. 2015: Spiders in a Jar: Saakashvili, Avakov, Poroshenko and Ukraine’s Idiocracy+

Ever since, the THE IDIOCRACY+ continues spreading like cancer, and it gets worse by the day. This is my recent article, among other things describing the new conundrums facing the junta and Poroshenko, and the new adventures of ex-Georgia-president, ex-Odessa-governor and international criminal Saakashvili: EU Trouble: Why Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania Support Separatism in Ukraine (10/19/17)

To get the full picture on Saakashvili read ESR8 BLACK SEA GAMBIT P1, which I made FREE for all FuturisTrendcast followers – DIRECT LINK!


I am sure you have not seen any of this in any Western press or TV. Perhaps some bits and pieces in various alternative info sources…

As usual, here on FuturisTrendcast, I give you the FULL picture. Sometimes it means I forego the immediate sensationalism and continue watching the events unfold until I discern the pattern and a full picture, so I can pass it on to you.

The summary of the latest events in a nutshell: 

As I wrote previously, Saakashvili was stripped of his Ukraine citizenship given to him personally by Poroshenko so he could illegally become the governor of Odessa. After that, he was booted out of Ukraine. In October 2017 Saakashvili re-entered western Ukraine through Poland. On the Polish side he was helped to infiltrate Ukraine by Poland, while on Ukraine side he was cheered and supported by western Ukraine/Lvov ukro-nazis, who treated him as their unelected chieftain.

The combined forces of Ukraine police and special military units, complete with tanks and armed vehicles, half-heartedly ‘resisted’ that re-entry, but it really resembled a farce. That’s not how any state acts if they are determined not to let anyone into the country. See more info and watch what went on in above-linked article!

Saakashvili since has roamed Ukraine free, despite the fact that he has no Ukraine or any other country’s citizenship. Ukraine authorities have been afraid to touch him. The rumor has it that US, Poland and Germany have basically told Poroshenko to lay off. (Does that remind anyone of 2013-14 Kiev Maidan and how Yanukovich was threatened not to do anything about it by US and EU?).

Saakashvili settled in his apartment in central Kiev together with his wife and son, under the very nose of Poroshenko and his archenemy Avakov, the internal minister of Ukraine — see their fight in Spiders in a Jar.

Next, Saakashvili and his loyal ukro-nazis (The right sector, Svoboda, the works) organized Maidan-3 in Kiev. The stated purpose: to abolish Poroshenko and the government in power. And still, no one arrested or deported Saakashvili! Let’s also remember that he is NOT a Ukraine citizen, but a person without a country, who is in Ukraine illegally. Let’s also recall that Kiev on many occasions arrested and deported the accredited Russian journalists for simply reporting the truth, and banned from entry into Ukraine Russian artists for speaking Russian.

The Maidan-3 tent city grew in Kiev’s central square, just like in 2013-14. Except there was a crucial element missing, of which I wrote in October: the support from their usual sponsors in the West. Western MSM is silent on Maidan-3, none of the foreign ministers, politicians, diplomats or ex-presidents from US/Canada/EU showed up to prod and escalate Maidan-3. Plus, what misfortune! There is really no financing to speak of. Ok, maybe some little pittance from CIA slush funds.

A I wrote in EU Trouble back in October, there is NO support for Mishiko-Maidan (named after Saak) in the West. Saakashvili is clearly attempting to sell himself by proving his usefulness to the new boss, Trump. He has calculated that Trump hates Poroshenko and the present junta for supporting Hillary, as well as for starting the Paul Manafort scandal in 2016; scandal, which jeopardized Trump’s election campaign and which remains a big thorn in Trump’s side. And that’s true, Trump does hate Kiev and Poroshenko.

Another reason for that hate is the alleged participation of Kiev in the new N. Korea nuclear program.

But what Saakashvili doesn’t get (or he is just desperate) is that Trump doesn’t decide much. Trump or not, US remains committed to the hybrid 4D war against Russia. Ukraine, perhaps poorly, does perform the necessary function of a thorn and cannon fodder in this war (read more in EU Trouble).

For more important intel read Secret Order to Destroy Slavs and Re-Write their Genetic Code! 3 Ingredients of Color Revolution (New Theory)!

Therefore, seeing that Maidan-3 is no go, Saakashvili and his ukro-nazi cronies switched tactics. They began to ‘peacefully protest,’ demanding the impeachment of Poroshenko. They go around carrying banners ‘Impeach Poroshenko’ and yelling their usual ukro-nazi slogans, ‘Glory to Ukraine, glory to heroes.’

Ukraine is supposed to have presidential elections soon, although the date continues being postponed and is still shrouded in mystery. It appears Poroshenko is dreading elections so much that he is unable to commit and hopes that if he announces the polling date as late as possible his opponents won’t have time to consolidate. Poroshenko’s approval rating is in the teens, and with that kind of rating he is considered the most popular politician in Ukraine. This gives you an idea how distrusted and hated any politician in Ukraine is!

Saakashvili is making it very difficult for Poroshenko to maintain even this dismal rating. As you recall, in October I explained that the only way for Poroshenko to stay alive is to continue being elected. Once he is out of office, his life isn’t worth a dime. Russians joke that he would eventually have to escape Ukraine to join another ex, Yanukovich, in exile in Russian Rostov.

This was the situation till 2 days ago.

There have been credible rumors that SBU is secretly working on a plan to evict Saakashvili out of Ukraine. They were afraid to do what any normal country would do — just deport him. Let’s again recall that they weren’t afraid to burn people alive in Odessa, arrest the truth-tellers or bomb the people of Donbass. But they are mortally afraid of ukro-nazis and Saakashvili.

Kiev junta also couldn’t make up their minds where to deport Saakashvili: to the US patsy Georgia, which threatens to put him in jail, but will always do only what US says, or to US vassal Poland, which will do anything to spite Russia, and of course to please US.

My intel has been telling me since October that special SBU units were formed and trained for a secret operation ‘Saakashvili out.’ And yesterday, they finally decided to execute their plan.

But they didn’t know who they were dealing with! Saakashvili ran to the rooftop of his apartment building, where he threatened to jump. Meanwhile, a huge, and as usual with ukro-nazis, violent crowd of his supporters gathered below. They were screaming ‘shame’ and their ukro-nazi slogans. Since most Saakashvili supporters are from Ukrainian-speaking central and western Ukraine villages, they were yelling all this in Ukrainian.

While on the roof, Saakashvili began giving a speech to his supporters. Saakashvili, so to be accepted as one of them, actually made an effort to learn Ukrainian, and could speak it passably. On several occasions I saw him pointedly addressing the crowd in Ukrainian only.

The only problem, when one is nervous or agitated, he reverts to the language one is most comfortable with. So, Saakashvili, about to be arrested, stood on the roof, addressing the crowd in… Russian. That same hated Russian, the language of the arch-enemy.

Meanwhile, SBU operatives reached Saakashvili on the roof and carefully began bringing him down. With much difficulty they finally loaded him into a van, which was attacked by ukro–nazis, who liberated Saakashvili out of the van and victoriously almost carried him away! You can see all that on videos below.

So, Saak is back at large. Get your semechki and popcorn! Let’s see where the next act of this tragic farce will lead.

Recall my early 2014 prediction: Ukraine will turn back to Russia and away from the West in 2018. So far, we are seemingly seeing the opposite. Yes, the timeline has been altered dramatically by the dark forces since I made that prediction — I did talk about that previously. I will eventually have a full update — most likely in the new year.

However, there are interesting signs that signal a subtle turnaround. I hear persistent intel from Ukraine that many of those who in 2014 supported Maidan, don’t any more.

Another thing that will happen is that Ukraine will cease being an important gas transiter to EU as of 2019, once Nord Stream-2 and Turkish Stream are built.  This will alter the situation in Ukraine dramatically.

Secession of parts of Ukraine is also on the menu and only the fact that US/EU continue propping up the Kiev regime is what’s holding it up for the time being.


Kiev announced that Saakashvili in fact is… the Kremlin spy! According to Kiev, Saakashvili and his ukro-nazis are financed by Putin to destabilize Ukraine and to unseat Poroshenko. 

POLL! I am inviting you to share your opinions in COMMENTS! What do you think:

1 Whose agent is Saakashvili: Kremlin’s, CIA’s, Poland’s, EU’s, or is he simply a desperate freelancer, trying to survive? Perhaps he is an ardent warrior for justice, out to fix Ukraine after he successfully ruined his own country, Georgia?

2 Should Poroshenko be impeached? Should he go to jail for all his crimes?

3 If Poroshenko is impeached, who will be next president of Ukraine: Yulia Timoshenko? Saakashvili? Some ukro-nazi? Putin? Right-wing Russian politician Zhirinovsky? Head of DPR Zakharchenko? Will it get better or worse?

4 Can Maidan-3 succeed without a huge and unwavering US/EU support and will this support come?

WATCH EYEWITNESS VIDEOS — This is what was happening yesterday in Kiev!

Saak on the roof and being freed from the van by ukro-nazi supporters 

Saakashvili: from the tie-eater to Kiev rooftop

Another vid with more footage of Saak rooftop speech in Russian and ‘secret’ SBU op that ended in fiasco. Footage starts at 1 min mark.













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April 10, 2017: Odessa celebrates 73 Anniversary of Liberation

Monument to empress Catherine. Odessa, Ukraine

Odessa, monument to city founder, Russian empress Katherine the Great. Part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Read more in BLACK SEA GAMBIT

April 10th is widely celebrated in Odessa as “Den’ Osvobozhdenia” – “the Day of Liberation.” In reality May 9 (Victory Day) is more widely celebrated. But at one point, after Ukraine separated from Russia and began its slide towards rabid Russophobia and fascism, holidays such as February 23 (Soviet Army Day) and April 10 became the defiance outlets of sorts, gathering huge crowds in the absence of any other legal means of protest.

On April 10, 1944, Soviet Army liberated Odessa from the Romanian-German Nazi occupation lasting 30 months. Before that, the city endured an excruciating battle and long blockade perpetrated by 11 joint Romanian and German divisions. Only 4 Soviet divisions, consisting mainly of marines, sailors and volunteers, many of them poorly trained and hardly armed, managed to withstand the aggressors’ attacks for months. After the city surrendered and the Romanian occupation began, thousands of guerrillas continued resistance, using the catacombs labyrinth as their shelter.

The famous Odessa catacombs run under the entire city. The reason Romanian army was so active in Odessa was simple – greed. Hitler promised Odessa together with entire Odessa Oblast, as well as other Black Sea territories, as the grand prize to Romania, in exchange for participating in the attack on the USSR.

Today Romania still licks its lips at Odessa, Pridnestrovie and Moldova. I actually can’t stop being amazed at the ungratefulness of Romanians. If not for Russia, Romania, formed only in 19th century, would not exist. Read the whole story in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

Odessans are blessed with very good memory. As they say in Russia (I mean Russia in a broad sense, including Odessa, of course): ‘No one’s forgotten and nothing is forgotten.’


The video below is from April 10, 2014, 70th Anniversary of Liberation. Let’s recall that the Kiev coup already took place (February 2014) and Kiev junta, supported and enabled by the West, was already established in Ukraine. On March 16, 2014 the Crimean referendum took place where people voted to become a part of Russia. Donbass was preparing for its own referendum. Odessa itself had a permanent peaceful protest tent city on Kulikovo Polie, with vast majority of Odessans supporting federalization or secession. The May 2 Kulikovo Polie Massacre didn’t happen yet – it would scar Odessa forever.

Note the enormous sea of people of all ages at the April 10, 2014 march. This was already during Kiev junta, but at the time the REAL Odesssans still felt at home in their beloved city. Ukro-nazis would swarm in later, making Odessans prisoners in their own backyard.

Also notice the kinds of flags carried by the marchers: Soviet flags, WWII Red Victory Banners, three types of Russian flags (incl. Official Russian Tricolor, Georgievsky Flags, and old-style black-gold-white flags), Russian and Soviet Navy flags, and Odessa flags with crest (red-white-yellow with anchor). Not a single blue and yellow Ukrainian flag! People chant: ‘Fascism won’t pass’ “Odessa Hero City’ ‘Out of Odessa, Bandera devils’ and Donbass, we are with you.’ And note the giant Russian flag at 4:50.

Video Odessa, sea of people on February 23, 2014: chanting ‘Fascism won’t pass,’ ‘Rossia.’

This video, which is very hard to ignore, tells us a very eloquent truth of how the people of Odessa really feel about Russia, Ukraine and their place in this world.

At the time, Odessans and many others all over Ukraine still hoped that peaceful protests could lead to change, and that ukro-nazi junta supported from abroad could be reasoned with. Only 20 odd days later the unarmed peaceful protesters at the Kulikovo Polie tent city would be ambushed by hordes of ukro-nazi militants. Thousands of well-trained and armed with bats and molotov cocktails militants would arrive from central and western Ukraine. The attackers would burn dozens of people alive inside the historic House of the Unions on Kulikovo Polie. Those who tried to escape would be killed on the spot. Many innocent bystanders would be burned and killed together with protesters.

The supposed investigation into the crimes committed on May 2, 2014 never revealed any true facts, nor anyone was placed under arrest, despite many witness testimonies, videos and photos of perpetrators. Independent investigations have established that the commander of the ukro-nazi attackers was Andriy Parubiy, current Speaker of the Ukraine Rada (parliament). And the West, as always, looks the other way.

For full details of the May 2 tragedy and more, see my May 2, 2016 Odessa Report: Under Foreign and Nazi Occupation.

Also, for telling contemporary realities, intel, analysis and predictions for Odessa, Moldova, Pridnestrovie and northern Black Sea, read EARTH SHIFT REPORT 8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

Also see my 2013 articles with lots of Odessa pics (these are pre-Kiev junta, it’s all positive and nice, but you’ll see that I’ve already had a premonition of things to come):

After May 2 massacre Odessa was in shock, but this city is nothing if not resilient. Despite terror, Odessans continued coming out to have their voices heard.

This is Odessa on April 10, 2017. Many people are scared, but some still come to the sacred spot, the Eternal Flame at the Alley of Slava (translated more or less as Glory). On the video below, I’d like you to notice a few things:

1. How nice the Alley is. I remember it as a beautiful spot, with a wonderful panoramic view of the Black Sea and surrounded by an old, peaceful park.

2. Most people are older because it’s very dangerous for those who are young and working to show their faces at such event.

3. People sing Russian songs, such as Katyusha and Sacred War. They chant: ‘Out of Odessa, Bandera devils,’ ‘Odessa – the Hero City,’ “Donbass we are with you,’ ‘Fascism won’t pass.’ But they are forbidden from carrying any symbols, such as Victory Banner or Georgievskaya Lenta.

4. There are paid ukro-nazi militants acting as provocateurs all over the place. Their goal is to start fights, to provoke people and police. Police, thankfully, has been acting professionally and several ukro-nazis were detained.

5. At one point an ukro-nazi provocateur who’s sticking his camera into people’s faces asks repeatedly, ‘Who does Crimea belong to?’ People try to ignore him, but he won’t leave. Finally one brave woman says, ‘To Russia, of course.’

At one point during the event (not on this video) ukro-nazis were chanting, “Bandera will come and restore order,” and “Kill the Russians.” (Stepan Bandera: Hitler collaborator, ukro-nazi ideologist, who’s dead since 1940s.) In other words, these are just your regular fascist terrorists supported, as usual, by Western governments.

6. Tensions are at all time highs. The explosion is coming. If anyone for a moment thought that Ukraine could survive indefinitely as one state ruled by oligarch, ukro-nazi and foreign interests, think again. It won’t happen – it’s only a matter of time.

7. Also notice the marked difference: Odessans are dressed colorfully, while ukro-nazis are all dressed in black (sometimes, black and red).

Video: Odessa, April 10, 2017

8. Last but not least, notice that ukro-nazis are EXCLUSIVELY very young people. Remember this detail, it is very important and symptomatic of what is happening around the world! I’ll explain what this means in one of the future webinars!  



I am preparing several other timely posts with lots of important info on Trump, Syria, Russia, China and more. I’ll try to release all of them quickly, so please stay tuned! Much more coming your way!



EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17 Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations


January 13-14: How Russians celebrate the nostalgic traditional Old New Year

According to the Russian tradition:

Happy Old New Year, and wishing everyone much prosperity & abundance in 2017!


The nostalgic and fun holiday, called The Old New Year, is celebrated on January 13-14 in all of the Russian World.

The traditions for this cool holiday include a very generous table, brimming with traditional Russian foods, such as large, round Russian bliny served with butter, honey, various preserves and caviar, as well as sweets, fruits and Russian tea from the colorful samovar. Groups of well-wishers, dressed in traditional Russian outfits, walk around their village or neighborhood and throw seeds, beans or grains mixed with money, to wish their neighbors and friends prosperity and abundance. This is called ‘Schedrikha’ : the abundance sharing ritual.

It’s also traditional to have sled snow rides, the pinnacle of which are the Russian troika rides: troika means three horses riding as one. People also have snow fights, build snow men and snow or ice terema (castles).

After the Schedrikha ritual another ritual would be performed: burning a stack of hay, which symbolizes burning away any old and hamful energy. As the hay burns, Russians join hands and dance around the fire in the traditional Russian Khorovod. Then, the bravest leap over the burning hay. This seals the ritual, symbolizing the surmounting of any life’s difficulties.

This video is from Tiraspol, Pridnestrovie, where traditions are alive and well. Some of the customs, table and Russian attire start at 0:10 and continue at 0:40.

Pridnestrovie (often referred to in the West as Transnistria) is the breakaway republic of the former Moldavia (Moldova), which proclaimed its intention to join Russia.

I explain a lot about Moldova and Pridnestrovie in this 2014 video on my YT channel:

Pridnestrovie vs Moldova: Eurasian Union vs EU (LadaRayLive 2)

All about the convoluted history and today’s realities of the region:

Ukraine, Odessa, Moldova, Pridnestrovie & Russia’s soft underbelly

​EARTH SHIFT REPORTS – some now free!



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FSB Foils Terrorist Plots in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Crimea, Donetsk; CIA Runs from Kiev

Much like the Mosul offensive in Iraq was supposed to be victoriously accomplished in time for US Presidential Elections on November 8, 2016, to give Hillary a boost, various terrorist plots in Russia and Donetsk were also planned to be completed by then for the same purpose. Plus, of course the big one: punish Russia.

We know that Mosul push went nowhere. No ‘Mission accomplished’ in Iraq.

Now let’s see what came out of multiple terrorist attempts in Russia.

This is a follow up to my recent Putin Makes His Move! Russian Economy Minister Alexey Ulyukaev Arrested for Corruption.


Just days prior to US Elections on November 8, FSB began announcing detention of suspected terrorists and spies. Subversive cells’ arrests are continuing in Russia and Donetsk.

CIA and Kiev junta’s attempts to sabotage and terrorize CRIMEA turn sour

You may recall that several months ago there was a major attempt by Ukraine to infiltrate Crimea with its subversive operatives, who were supposed to bomb crucial infrastructure objects in order to create a humanitarian catastrophe. Confessions by said subversives, who turned out to be career officers of Ukrainian army, revealed that their acts were specifically aimed at disrupting Russian Duma Elections 2016.


Objects to be bombed included chemical and power plants, as well as hospitals and the famous Crimean Bridge. One-of-a-kind engineering feat, the massive Crimean Bridge, has been dubbed the project of the century. It will connect Crimea with mainland Russia through the Kerch Peninsula, bypassing Ukraine and, thus, alleviating pressure on Crimea. The construction is projected to be completed by the end of 2017-18.

The Ukraine terrorists were also supposed to mass-poison potable water. Crimea suffers from water shortage after in 2014 the Kiev junta destroyed the only ample water source, The North Crimean Canal, running through Ukraine and built by the USSR.  You may recall that in August there were real battles on the border, when Kiev military attempted a veritable invasion into Crimean territory. While deflecting the multiple attacks and arresting armed subversive groups near the border, FSB and Russian Border Guard lost two men.

In late October – early November, another major terror group was arrested. This time the subversive acts were aimed at aiding Hillary and undermining Trump during US Elections. The head of this subversive group is a colonel of Ukraine GUR (State Office of Intelligence). It has to be noted that Russian Intelligence is called GRU (State Intelligence Office). It appears that the Ukraine GUR name was parroted after Russian, but so it wouldn’t seem too blatant, the letters were changed around.

Some of these groups were embedded since 2014, as sleeper cells. They were left behind by Kiev as Crimea transitioned to Russia, with stated purpose of later aiding the future attack on Crimea from within. Others infiltrated into Crimea in the past couple of years, taking advantage of the fact that the border between Ukraine and Crimea is still easily crossed, due to tight connections between the people on both sides.

The original Plan A was for Ukraine, US, and – as they saw it at the time – Turkey, to attack Crimea together and take it back from Russia. Turkey was supposed to have a pivotal role, manipulating the Turkish discontent with the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. Turkish nationalist groups and Crimean Tartar terrorists, armed by Turkey, began amassing in Kherson Oblast bordering Crimea on the Ukraine side.

But there was a problem: Putin for years managed to smartly neutralize Turkey and Erdogan by lucrative trade deals. To accomplish the US/Kiev plan (Qatar and Saudis were also in on the hit), Turkey needed to be tied to Ukraine-US alliance by blood, so there would be no turning back to good relations with Russia. Turkey had to be ‘subverted’ so a rift between Turkey and Russia would become irreparable.

This was attempted through the downing of the Russian Su24 in Syria in 2015 by the Turkish army. That incident, which shocked Russians and was likened by Putin to a knife in the back, nearly did put a stop to Russia-Turkey cooperation. But that turned out to be insufficient. Both Putin and Erdogan turned out too smart. Not to mention, Russian Intelligence turned out significantly ahead of the CIA.

Having figured out what was happening, Erdogan (with Russian intel’s help?) fired the main US asset in his government, PM Davutoglu (an ethnic Crimean Tartar). He also made insistent steps to reconcile with Russia. He had the intermediary help from Kazakh President Nazarbayev, who served as a bridge. When it was discovered that Erdogan is attempting to win back Putin’s friendship, a coup against him was organized by Turkish army officers on CIA payroll. Erdogan escaped capture and Gaddafi-like end by minutes, because Putin authorized Russian Intelligence to send him a timely warning.

The coup failed and past relations with Russia, including the most important element, energy cooperation and Turkish Stream, are being restored. Meanwhile, the plot backfired and Turkey-NATO cooperation is slowly but surely dying. Give NATO just a few years and it’ll be dead.

Incidentally, for his help in restoring Turkey-Russia relations, Nazarbayev was made pay through a color revolution attempt, which, of course, failed.

All about Turkey, how Russians warned Erdogan of the military coup, how the coup failed, how relations were reconciled and US/NATO lost Turkey as ally read in top-rated:

Earth Shift Report 13: ERDOGAN’S WAR

Also read:

ESR7 Battle for Eurasia: The Turkish Conundrum 

ESR5: Syria Game Changer

All about Kazakhstan color revolution attempt and terror attacks, as well as color revolution attempts in Armenia and other EAEU states, who and why organized them:

Video ESR9 Attack on Kazakhstan: Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union? (includes video of attempted attacks).

In the end, it became clear that Russia wasn’t destroyed economically through sanctions, oil price drop and ruble attacks, as US promised Kiev junta since 2014. Turkish gambit didn’t work out either.

And the result is, as I predicted in 2014! US is sick and tired of the whiny and inept Kiev and Poroshenko, while Kiev and Ukrainians are mad at US and EU for betrayal. As I was predicting since the VERY BEGINNING of the Ukraine saga: EU and US don’t know how to drop Ukraine as a hot potato, or squeezed out lemon they have no use for. When Trump takes office, my prediction will be complete: US will drop Ukraine.

You all recall one of my big 2014 predictions: Ukraine will begin turning away from the West and back towards Russia in 2016-18. By the end of 2018, this process will be complete.

And in this regard, also recall what I said in 2014: it’ll be all of Ukraine, not bits and pieces, as many suggested. No one seemed to hear me at the time, as everyone was bent on dividing Ukraine. Nope, it’ll be ALL of Ukraine. Possibly minus a few tiny pieces in the West, but even that is unlikely. This is my prediction since 2014 and it remains so. If my track record is any indication, you will see this prediction come true, as so many others before.

Having been denied the real war in Crimea, Kiev junta had no choice but to go to Plan B: subversive terror attacks. But, as many may know, Russian FSB and Intelligence are, shall we say, in the world’s top 2, if not 1. As Ukraine subversives activated, they began being apprehended.

Full video of one of the latest subversive’s arrests in Crimea, released by FSB:


Donetsk and Lugansk

Similar situation developed in Donetsk, capital of DNR (Eng: DPR). In the past 2-3 weeks MGB of DNR arrested at least 2 separate ukro-nazi and Ukraine subversive groups on its territory. MGB means Ministry of State Security. These groups were prepared to begin acts of terror and sabotage, similar to Crimea. Also detained were the suspected assassins of the legendary Donetsk commander Motorola, with the telling name «Misanthropic Division». Video in Russian about ukro-nazi «Misanthropic Division» and who they are: Кто такие «Misanthropic Division»? О предполагаемых убийцах Моторолы.

This is the video of the arrest of six alleged Motorola assassins from «Misanthropic Division», who bragged about it online:

The latest: also LNR (Lugansk) announced that they uncovered a plot to blow up the Schastie power plant. The canal feeding water to the power plant in question was mined by the Ukraine subversives. VIDEO announcement.

Major op in Moscow and St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg and Moscow terrorist sleeper cells’ arrests continue. Since prior to US Elections, almost daily FSB has been detaining dozens of subversives.

Videos from various sources about detentions of subversives in St.Pete and Moscow. It has been confirmed that they were all members of ISIL, originally from Central Asia (in other words, members of these cells were Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyzs, Turkmens). They were preparing bombings in public places in both capitals. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan special services aided in the arrests.

Collusion between ISIL, Kiev and CIA

We know that terror attacks in Crimea, Donetsk and Russia mainland were planned simultaneously. This clearly denotes a collusion between ISIL, Kiev junta and CIA. As if we needed more proof of that… 


CIA evacuating from Kiev to Romania

I was asked whether it was true that CIA operatives were evacuating from Kiev. Yes, it’s true. In 2014 CIA took over the upper 4th floor of the SBU building in Kiev, where Ukrainians were banned from entering. American flag flew over that Ukrainian government building. After Trump election and arrests of subversives in Russia, CIA operatives have hastily evacuated all their papers and moved to Romania. Only CIA analysts (read surveillance, spies-monitors) remain in Kiev.

I can tell you more. This reminds me of one of the most shameful pages in human history: WWII. Anticipating the end, in 1944 Hitler Nazis were hastily burning and evacuating their papers and leaving behind sleeper cells to attack Russia later from within. Some of these cells were the Bandera ukro-nazis trained and left behind in Ukraine. It is the heirs of those Bandera followers who spread fascism all over Ukraine and executed the 2014 coup.

Fast-forward to the end of 2016. History repeats! Anticipating the beginning of the end, both CIA and Kiev junta are now busy embedding long-term sleeper cells all over Ukraine.

Odessa and Saakashvili resignation

In ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT of 3/31/16, I predicted that Saakashvili would only be the governor of Odessa till 2017. My exact words were: ‘Meet international criminal, ex-president of Georgia and US agent, Mikhail Saakashvili, governor of Odessa 2015-2017.’ You can read these words in the ESR8 description by clicking above link. In the report you can further read why I said that. Saakashvili resigned his post on November 7, 2016 (this sly fox wanted to position himself for the new US president). Saakashvili resignation will officially go through in the beginning of 2017, right on the dot, per my prediction.

Maidan 3.0 developing in Kiev

Protests headed by opposition leaders Evgeny Muraev and Rabinovich (Party Za Zhisn’ -For Life) demand the sacking of the head of Central Bank Gontareva and Ukraine currency back at pre-2014-coup rate of 8 grivnas per dollar.

Protest video:

Sure, keep dreaming…  These are, of course, purely populist slogans. You can’t have strong currency after you’ve destroyed your economy. The problem is also that a catastrophic winter is ahead, while utilities charges keep climbing. Some Ukrainians won’t survive this winter.


How long has Poroshenko and Kiev junta got? Not too long now. What should we expect in Ukraine next? Secession movements in Western Ukraine? Will Maidan 3.0 materialize? Who’s really protesting against whom? I’ll discuss all this in a separate video, which will be released soon.

Next week I’ll also have a new piece (it’ll be either an article or a video) on the spectacular turnaround in Moldova and Bulgaria elections – the situation is developing exactly as predicted in ESR8 and my earlier Moldova articles.

I plan to go over the heating up situation in Pridnestrovie, as well. The sly Putin’s plan re. Pridnestrovie and Moldova and what to expect in the region in the next few years. (Also watch video: Pridnestrovie vs Moldova: Eurasian Union vs EU (LadaRayLive 2).)

Following my Trump win prediction coming true, I plan a follow up video on Trump, whether Hillary will go to jail, and more.


Stay tuned for future announcements regarding Holiday specials and consulting services with Lada Ray!

Next January and February we are planning major live webinars on the hottest topics of this decade and next. If you want to be prepared for what’s to come in the next 2 to 5 years, don’t miss Lada Ray Webinars!





Individual report links:
ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR (Russia, US, NATO, Turkish Stream)
ESR7: The Battle for Eurasia! TURKISH CONUNDRUM
ESR2 reloaded & expanded: Ukraine TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE
ESR1 reloaded & expanded: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Astana, KZ – New NWO Capital? (Bonus: Lukashenko’s Bluff)


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I really appreciate it!

#EarthShift at work: #Philippines Prez Duterte defects US for #China #Russia (#LadaRayPredictions)

Slowly, but surely, The Great Global Balancer is rebalancing our formerly severely lopsided world away from the US Empire. Slowly but surely, the former hegemon is loosing its grip on former colonies and vassals. The latest and pretty resounding defection is the Philippines.

This is the reason US elites are so confused and not sure how to proceed, this is the reason the in-fighting among US elites will continue intensifying, as I explain in my latest Earth Shift Report 11: 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS. Listen to Free Part 1 on YT. Order complete ESR11 HERE.

Incidentally, stay tuned for some really great future shows we plan on China and Hong Kong, Japan and Asia in general, as well as Russia’s & USA’s prospects with Asian countries!

RT VIDEO: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has reiterated his intention to distance his country from the US, its former colonial master, saying he is about to pass “the point of no return” with the US.

Another recent semi-defection to Russia is Turkey. A key NATO ally in the Middle East, Black Sea and Russia’s soft underbelly, the loss of Turkey is devastating and irreparable to the US/NATO plan to build a new Iron Curtain between Russia and Europe. The problem of Turkey won’t just go away, contrary to how much US hopes it will. I wrote about all that at length in my recent top-rated bestseller ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR (read TESTIMONIALS).

  1. We don’t care if Americans approve of our close ties w or not: ex-prez:  READ:

The process of defections is just beginning, so hold on to your seat and prepare to be awed! As The Great Global Balancer rebalances the world to a new reality, the wisest rats will be abandoning the sinking ship and countries will be looking for greener pastures.

The Great Earth Shift is underway! Be ready, be prepared!



Read! Earth Shift System  Quantum Calibrations  Russia-The Great Balancer  Predictions

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Crimean Tourism Infrastructure Flourishes Despite Geopolitical Threats

The title of the video below in Russian is: ‘Dear Ukrainians, this video is especially for you: Crimean tourism infrastructure flourishes.’ Such title because Kiev MSM and politicians insist that Crimea is falling apart under ‘Russian rule.’ Of course, this is silly and reality cannot be further from the truth. But some people in Ukraine, completely zombified by propaganda, actually believe this. In fact, Crimea was falling apart and dying a slow death under Kiev. Presently, even despite excruciating water, food, transport and energy blockade, Crimea is being fixed up and rebuilt.

It is surfacing every day that those navy and army officers who believed Kiev and left Crimea in 2014 to continue serving in Ukraine army, are now little by little defecting and returning to Crimea. Sometimes whole units defect.

Crimean attractions are world-famous: Yalta’s beaches, gorgeous nature and imperial palaces (say, Levadia Palace where Stalin, Rosevelt and Churchill met in 1945); Swallow’s Nest; world’s largest children’s recreation resort/summer camp Artek,; Sevastopol’s Black Sea fleet base and underground Soviet mega-submarine base; various historic palaces, beaches, parks, rock climbing, natural caves and ethnic food.

On this short video: Crimea is being fixed up from the neglect and abuse it endured during 23 years of being looted by Kiev oligarchs/ nationalistic politicians, and re-styled as an all-year round sea resort with emphasis on rejuvenation spa, health tourism and all-inclusive tours that Russians prefer.

Some gorgeous Black Sea views on this video!

On video: Crimean Bridge projected look – the construction has begun, to be completed by the end of 2018. February off-season Crimean hiking and famous Marble Caves, where natural stalagmite castles and palaces have been built by nature itself.

Next on video: various hotel accommodations with off- and on-season all-inclusive pricing. Next: budget/ inexpensive private sector pricing. Simferopol Airport now receives 5 mln passengers a year, more than during Soviet times. After reconstruction scheduled for 2018 more flights from Russia and abroad will be received.

Kerch Strait option by car or by plane from mainland: you can leave the car in designated parking on mainland side and buy 1/2 price subsidized ticket to a city in Crimea: Yalta, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Feodosia, etc. The bus takes you to ferry and then to your destination. Tickets really do sound very cheap: from Krasnodar to Sevastopol/Yevpatoria/Yalta – about 810 rub.

In the end: Bakhchisarai (the capital of Crimean Tatars) has a park of minis: main architectural attractions of Crimea, with various historic palaces, etc. Crimean Tatar national cooking is shown. Crimean tourist expo in Yalta will choose the best all-inclusive tour route for Crimean season 2016. These are offered by various tour operators. Winner will be chosen by tourist vote.

swallows nest crimea

#Krim #Crimea #Sevastopol #Yalta #geopolitics #CrimeanBridge

Despite it’s abundant natural and man-made beauty, Crimea rarely new lasting peace. It has for centuries been a geopolitical hot spot and a bone of contention for great powers vying for control of Black Sea. The real reason has always been the control of Russia’s soft underbelly.

The only time Crimea had any chance for peace and prosperity was when it was an integral part of Russia. Today, it is regaining what it once lost.

Not all is rosy in Crimea, which is natural as a manifestation of the growing pains, magnified as a result of relentless sabotage and acts of terrorism by Ukraine, Turkey, ISIS and US/EU.

The worrying vestige of the ‘independent’ Ukraine’s past – remaining local corruption, neglect, lack of caring for one’s own land and understanding how to govern for the good of all – are also heavy burdens on those who are working extremely hard to return Crimea to its former glory.

However, despite all these difficulties, the general direction is towards optimism, stability, prosperity and hope. Crimea is again beginning to blossom.

External threats continue and they are close by: one of them is the US naval super-base, being secretly built in Odessa, not too far from Crimea, also on the Black Sea shore. Read all about it, along with dire futurist’s predictions in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

Another threat is even closer to home: attempts to create a Kosovo-like Muslim enclave in neghboring Kherson and Nikolaev oblasts on the Ukrainian side, populating it by Turks, Crimean Tatar Mejlis and escaped ISIS terrorists. The Odessa Black Sea Gambit story is directly related to the noise around Crimea and clandestine attempts to subvert Nikolaev and Kherson. It is an attempt by the same forces who subverted Ukraine to preserve geopolitical control of the entire Black Sea coast, in order to weaken Russia.

Map below shows Crimean peninsula (in pink) in relation to the Russian mainland (pink) and the rest of northern Black Sea coast: Odessa, Kherson and Nikolaev (in green, as part of Ukraine). Click on map to enlarge.

krim i rossia new map

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EARTH SHIFT REPORT 8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT (He who controls Black Sea ​controls Russia’s soft underbelly)


​Better than a thriller…



Lada Ray’s Message

I’ve written a thriller or two in my life, most notably, the reader and Amazon top-rated THE EARTH SHIFTER and bestselling GOLD TRAIN (Jade Snow Russia Adventure)

This Earth Shift Report is in part geopolitical analysis, in part futurist trendcast, and in part investigative report. 

But what really sets it apart is that reading it, you’ll feel at times that you are in the midst of a geopolitical or spy thriller, and at other times, as if you’ve landed in an apocalyptic sci-fi!
Because the geographic position of the many areas we discuss is of crucial importance to the big geopolitical game being played around Black Sea, this report includes a number of maps, which will help my readers orient and anchor themselves in the convoluted sea of events and changes. Each map is explained and tied to the narrative, which will greatly enrich your reading experience!
The fact that I myself am intimately familiar with those parts will put you straight in the middle of an action. 
But that’s not all! Added are several chilling, shocking, revealing, and at times, hugely entertaining, stories and videos that make this Earth Shift Report better than a thriller!

Throughout this report I offer you a challenge:

Let’s solve this puzzle!

Why is Saakashvili, ousted ex-prez of Georgia and Odessa governor, so cocky with Kiev elites he seemingly should be grateful to? Why did he say he was aiming higher than the post of Ukraine PM, or even president?
The answer to these questions will bring us to the very heart of the issue: ​why is Black Sea so important geopolitically?
Why are there so much struggle and competition around Black Sea?
​Why is US so intent on turning Odessa into its mega-base?


Read in this report:

Odessa, Black Sea and a Nuclear Bomb of a story – literally!​

Police state at its peak: I have been banned in Ukraine
Why I never ignore my premonitions & why I have not returned to Ukraine
How, without realizing it, in 2006 and 2013 I made predictions about Odessa and Ukraine

Ukrainian futurist’s dire prediction: Nuclear Strike Against Odessa

Meet international criminal, ex-president of Georgia and US agent, Mikhail Saakashvili, governor of Odessa 2015-2017
Lada Ray assessment and prediction: the future of Odessa​

Wrap-up and assessment: If referendum to join Russia was held today in Odessa…

Sci-fi or horror movie? Surreal ‘Surgical Refuse’ cemetery near Odessa for Ukraine army ATO ​& illegal organ trade to EU: Whistleblower video proof, commentary, full ENG translation

‘Shadow CIA’ Stratfor and George Freedman: Plan to Isolate and Destroy Russia in Order to Open Gates for Global Takeover

Who is George Friedman?
Turkey and Poland emerging superpowers; Russia gone: Friedman’s predictions

Baltic – Black Sea Plan
Poland’s kings, Bros. Kachinski; Russophobia & imperial ambitions; Smolensk crash consequences
Poland’s Cultural Cognitive Dissonance
Ukraine’s role in Friedman’s plan
Turkey’s role in Friedman’s plan
Stratfor Plan for Romania and Moldova

Baltic – Black Sea Plan turns into ​the Baltic – Black Sea – Caspian Plan
Complete Iron Curtain Fail: Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary rebel
Plan B: how Caspian was added to Stratfor Plan – focus on Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East
Remaining Balkans resistance: reformatting Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria 
Black Sea clandestine op: dangerous time bomb installed and ticking! How do we disarm it?

The situation in Moldova, Gagauzia and Pridnestrovie: Overview and analysis of events in Moldavia in October 2014 – January 2016 & the truth about Moldavian and Romanian history

Battleground Moldova – November 30, 2014 Elections
Moldavia Explodes! Anti-EU, Anti-Government Revolt, Parliament Stormed
How $1 billion was stolen from Moldavian people
Why Russia was unable to accept Pridnestrovie as part of the Russian Federation
How Odessa and Pridnestrovie worked together & how Ukraine/Moldavia/Romania/US worked against them
Pridnestrovie blockade: US-Romania-Kiev plan to provoke Russia into sending troops 
The story of 1992 Pridnestrovie conflict. General Lebed’s ultimatum 

Newest Moldavia developments: Separate deals with Russia, emerging political figures and Moldavia’s unlikely Che Guevara cum 007

​Gagauzia votes to secede and join Russia if Moldavia is annexed by Romania
How parts of Moldavia began making separate deals with Russia
Oligarch Renato Usatii – Moldavia’s unlikely Che Guevara cum 007

Real-life spy thriller, plus, international scandal! Odessa-Moldavia heist: the unsuspecting President of Moldova Timofti spills the beans to ‘Odessa Governor Saakashvili’; collusion between Moldavian Minister of Interior and ‘Ukraine’s Arsen Avakov’ (Video/audio evidence with full ENG translation and commentary)


What is really happening in Odessa?
What is their plan in regards to Odessa Oblast and surrounding territories?

Are people in target areas learning their lesson and awakening?
Closing predictions for US and EU
Earth Shift and humanity’s lesson

Copyright March 31, 2016 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.





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How Crimea Was Transferred to Ukraine, Soviet Gold Standard and Khrushchev’s Folly


Dear readers,

Our friend Stanislav has generously shared his own, very thorough translation of a new Russian article concerning historic facts related to the 1954 illegal transfer of Crimea to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and some real Soviet documents of that era.

Both Stanislav and I are well familiar with the whole story, having grown up in those parts. We now live in different countries of the West, and because of that, we fully realize how confusing it may be for foreigners, especially for Westerners, to sift through all the propaganda and deliberate distortions you all are being fed when it comes to Russia, Ukraine, Crimea and Eurasia. I know how difficult it is for honest truth seekers to sift through an avalanche of lies and hoaxes. Some of these lies, sensationalist hoaxes and distortions are very sexy and tempting to believe in — if you don’t know the real truth.

I’ll tell you a secret about Stanislav and me. It wasn’t enough for us to grow up in Russia and then go on living in the West. We are two of a rare breed, who preserved our souls intact through all changes, trials and tribulations. We never got poisoned by bitterness, resentment or cynicism as we watched the USSR disintegrate, Russia plunge into the disaster of the 1990s, the once safe and pleasant streets we remembered as little children turn into war zones, and oligarchy take over. While living in the West, we also managed not to succumb to Western brainwashing, unlike some other emigrants. As we learned new things, discovered that the ‘king was really naked,’ found out the truth about global manipulations and hidden agendas, we grew wiser and savvier about the ways of the world. But we didn’t lose ourselves: we preserved our integrity, our spirit and mind intact; we kept our common sense, hope and optimism.

And it is for this reason, ladies and gentlemen, that you all will benefit tremendously from reading our blogs and watching videos we make or translate. We do it to help people. We don’t make money off any of this, except some small donations I get for my articles and Earth Shift Reports, which help to cover some of my expenses.

In the end of 2013 I began FuturisTrendcast in the name of helping people discover the real truth: all I wanted was to educate, illuminate the truth and show the way. It is for this same reason that Stanislav maintains his blog. Both Stanislav and I are here to help unearth those precious few kernels of truth that are being buried deep by those who seek to manipulate and keep you in the dark.

To my dismay, not only Western MSM, but even the Western-based ‘alternative media,’ is guilty of distortions, non-factual sensationalism and outright fantasies or lies. In the past week I received four emails from some of my most valued readers and supporters. They all wanted my opinion about publications on Putin and Russia. Articles in question were published in one large and popular alternative media publication, whose name I won’t say so not to give it additional promo. One article talked about ‘the six clones of Putin’ and another had something to do with not being sure whether ‘Russia was evil and to what degree.’

Perhaps because of this I keep to myself and my own work, collaborating only with those of whose knowledge, intentions and integrity I am sure. I replied that I do not read this publication and don’t recommend it to my readers — well, unless you want to live in a dark and hopeless fantasy world that is far from truth or reality.

On the other hand, if you want to co-create your reality, if you want your children (and if we are lucky, you too) to live in a better world — stick around FuturisTrendcast!

Please note that I’ve already addressed hoaxes, who creates them and why, and how alternative media is manipulated into spreading them (knowingly or unknowingly) in the following works:

The logic and process of a hoax creation explained fully in: ESR 1 RELOADED: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?

Article: How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)

Interview: Lada Ray ~ Putin’s Disappearance and the New Silk Road ~ The Plane Truth 

In the midst of all the confusion it’s especially important and precious to be able to read honest translations of real historic documents. Many thanks to Stanislav for his work and generous sharing!

Those who follow FT know our friend Stanislav as Nemo, who often leaves very informative comments under my articles. He usually includes links to his own posts or to videos/articles elsewhere, which help understand what’s really going on around Russia, EU and Eurasia. Please do check out the comment section for his comments. Incidentally, Stanislav promises us other treats soon: ‘I am finishing translating a documentary film, and have an interesting translation of an article in the works… All in the name of education.’ I’ll either post links to his new translations, or re-post them on FT.

As to my own work, just by way of keeping you all posted:

I am finishing up the expanded version of EARTH SHIFT REPORT 2 reloaded: UKRAINE – TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE. It includes the original ESR2 Ukraine: True History, plus the best of my materials and classic predictions from 2014. I am adding a new, long article about the latest developments, plus a much expanded analysis and predictions about Ukraine’s prospects. My 2014 predictions are beginning to shape up now and I’ll explain how. I hope to finish it this weekend and release ESR2 reloaded no later than Monday.

I am also working on my new ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT. I’m glad I’ve waited a bit. My newest intel and inside info is simply smashing! ESR8 will come out around February 22. Don’t miss!

I want to time these two reports to the second anniversary of the 2/22/2014 Kiev coup that unseated Yanukovich and plunged the country into war and devastation. ESR9: CRIMEAN AGENDA (The battle for Crimean has only begun!)  is to follow, and hopefully I can time it to the second anniversary of the Crimean Referendum that returned the peninsula to native shores.

Since these two seminal events took place in 2014, the Earth Shift has accelerated. Geopolitical situation in the Russian World, Middle East, EU and worldwide has changed so dramatically that looking back we may honestly say we now live in a different reality. But, as I’ve pointed out, the battle for Crimea, the battle for Eurasia and the battle for our world’s common future is only beginning! My reports will help you make sense of everything that is going on; they will reveal the truths that I GUARANTEE you would never know otherwise, since they are being hidden from you, or distorted!

More exciting news! I’ve been asked to do a couple of interviews with some very nice people. These should come out some time in March. Details soon!


In conclusion, and I hope Stanislav doesn’t mind my speaking on his behalf:

Our only goal is to help you see and understand the truth, as well as to right the historic wrongs. We don’t ask for much in return.

To help us know that our work is not in vain, we only ask this:

Please read and share your thoughts in comments (please follow BLOG RULES and be respectful to all)!  

Please follow our blogs, like our posts and share the links with everyone you know!

Your donations are also greatly appreciated!

Follow Stanislav’s blog!

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Below, I’ve posted Stanislav’s translation and article in full. It contains many historic facts and rare testimonials, and is valuable as such.

At the bottom of this post, you can read my analysis and post scriptum.


crimea 2 horz


Who and How Transferred Crimea into Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1952-1954

See original article

Below is my translation of a very informative article by Mikhail Smirnov, published inSvobodnaja Mysl’ (Free Thought).

It is worth noting, that when the author points out the Russian roots in Crimea, he is most probably referring to the Scythians, who are just the same people as Rus, but going under a different name. See my summary of the documentary Yes, Scythians Are Us.

When reading the text below, note one historic peculiarity of USSR of that time. While 14 republics were almost always denoted by their national name – e.g Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic) – there was one exception. In USSR no one spoke of Russia, to the extent that the existence of Russia as a republic was largely forgotten. Instead the acronym RSFSR was always in use (decoded as Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic).

At the end of this post, after the main article, I present my translation of the closing speech by K.E Voroshilov from the stenography of the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from the 19th of February 1954, which is an important historical evidence, setting the stage for the transfer and for the peninsular and the expectation connected to the act.

While it can be argued that it was not Khrushchev who made the decision on the transfer of Crimea, his rabid anti-Stalinism and voluntarism certainly became the propelling power behind this whole undertaking. It seems, there were no objective reasons for this decision.

In the history of the presence of Crimea within modern Ukraine, which began with the official transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954 and is associated with the name N.S.Khrushchev, you can set apart the history of decision-making on behalf of Crimea, from hatching of the idea to the party-bureaucratic mechanism of its implementation.

At the time of its transfer into the Ukrainian SSR in 1954, Crimea had the status of the region within the RSFSR. From 1921 to 1945 it was a multi-national autonomy within the Russian Federation – the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (KrASSR) with the official languages ​​of Russian and Tatar, and in places of compact settlement – also German and Hebrew. After the well-known dramatic events during the War, the administrative status of Crimea was downgraded: Crimean Autonomy was eliminated by converting it into the Crimean region, officially – due to changes in the ethnic composition of the population of Crimea. Crimean Autonomy was restored in 1991 as part of the Ukrainian SSR, and in 1992 it was renamed into the Republic of Crimea.

In the public mind there is a long-established stereotype, which firmly connects the transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR into the Ukrainian SSR with the name of N.S. Khrushchev. By and large it is justified, but, after all, a few comments clarifying and enriching the picture of the event will be reasonably useful.

According to the memoirs of the contemporaries of the events, the idea of ​​the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine began to ripen in Khrushchev’s mind ever since the time, when he in 1944-1947 headed the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, and at the same time was the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR. The year was 1944, the war was still going on. The boss off the USSR, I.V. Stalin, demanded that Khrushchev sent from the Ukrainian SSR to the neighbouring republic 100 thousand people – they were supposed to help with the rebuilding of the Russian Federation. But the position of Ukraine itself was not less, but even more severe, as during the Great Patriotic War almost the whole of its territory saw devastating military operations, and almost all of it has been exposed to enemy occupation. Nikita Khrushchev was furious. “Ukraine itself is destroyed, and more is taken from us” – he raged. (Head of the Soviet trade unions, Lavrentij Pogrebnoy, was a witness to Khrushchev’s indignation in 1944. A few years later, he told one of the Soviet writers about the events.)

Khrushchev could not directly oppose Stalin’s orders. So perhaps even then, or a little later, he hatched the idea that a decent compensation for this extra effort (and even, maybe for Starvation [translator’s note: Gologomor, for the real history surrounding it, I’d recommend reading the article The Real Truth About USSR: Golodomor and Collectivization in Ukraine]), could become a significant territorial gain of Ukraine within the USSR: of course, at the expense of the beneficiary of the “Ukrainian brotherly” assistance – the Russian Federation, which was to boot the most rich territory-wise. Even a cursory glance at the map of the Soviet Union was enough to see the most likely scenario for this: geographically isolated from the rest of the territory of the RSFSR, but located in the vicinity of the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent to it, is the Crimean peninsula. And being by nature a voluntarist, he vowed that he will get Crimea, whatever it takes.

But Khrushchev began the direct implementation of his idea later, in the first half of the 50s, or more precisely – starting from 1952, when the signs of limitations in functional capacity of Stalin became more and more obvious for the party leadership. (Stalin announced that he was going to retire at the October Central Committee plenum of 1952, which was held after the completion of the XIX Congress of the CPSU. But already starting from February 1951, three Politburo members (G.M. Malenkov, L.P. Beria, N.A. Bulganin) were given the right to sign various documents on behalf of Stalin, as, according to Molotov, due to the decrease in performance he did not sign many government documents for a prolonged period of time.) The real opportunity opened up only in connection with the death of Stalin. But it is possible that another significant cause for activation of Khrushchev on this subject at that time was also the activity of a supporter of Stalin’s policy in regard to the Crimea, which brought to the fore the ideas that went counter to Khrushchev’s.

According to unconfirmed records, in October 1952, the first secretary of the Crimean regional party (in 1949-1954) P.I. Titov, while being a delegate of the XIX Party Congress, addressed personally to Stalin with a written offer to rename the Crimean region into Tauridia. In his opinion, it would be entirely consistent with the history of the region, starting from the XVIII century. In particular, as one of the arguments, Titov appealed to the forgotten Soviet Republic of Tauridia. He believed that for the Crimean region of the RSFSR “it’s high time to restore its Russian, Rus name”.

Titov’s proposal was not priorly discussed in the Crimean Regional Party Committee and was not approved by them. But we know that the second person in the region – D.S. Polanski (in 1952-1954 the chairman of the executive committee of the Crimean Regional Council) – objected to this initiative. On the other hand he supported the transfer of Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR. Twenty years later, the nomenclature Party member G.V. Myasnikov, while at that time the second secretary of the Moscow city committee of the Komsomol remembered Polyansky thus: “I remember how he went up the hill. He met Khrushchev and Titov in the Crimea. An idea of ​​the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine was brought up. Titov rejected the idea right away, while Polyansky said it was “brilliant”. The next day they gathered the plenum of the Crimean Regional Committee, Titov was driven out, while Poljansky became the first secretary of the regional committee.”

But it is more likely that this “cleansing out” of Titov took place more gradually, after the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of USSR, N.S. Khrushchev visited the Crimea in October 1953. Khrushchev’s son-in-law, Adjoubei Alex, who accompanied him on his trip around the country, recalled that when Khrushchev came to the Crimea at that time, he was shocked by how disastrous was the situation in the region and how great was the discontent by this among the local residents. At the same time, however, Khrushchev remained true to himself, and when he saw at the local airport some aircraft, he immediately ordered to fly it over to Kiev. And then, a few hours later, he already talked, over a supper, with the local party leaders about the transfer of Crimea and resettlement of Ukrainians into Crimea. Most likely, it was at this moment that an open dispute ensued between him and Titov. According to Titov’s deputy, L.G. Mezentsev, the head of the Crimea was called in to Moscow in mid-January of 1954 to inform him of preparation of a decision on the transfer of the region. He protested, for which on the 16th of January he was replaced with a Ukrainian Dmitry Polyansky. Thus, based on the totality of the memories of witnesses, it can be argued that P.I. Titov strongly objected to Khrushchev regarding the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine, and he had constant clashes with the Secretary of the Central Committee on this issue, which resulted in this imperious and prudent owner of the Crimean region being finally deposed to the rank of Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the RSFSR. In general, according to the researchers, Khrushchev initiated a rather limited number of people into his intentions with respect to Crimea. Among them – the first secretary (since June 1953) of the Communist Party of Ukraine A.I. Kirichenko, who, at the time, was also a candidate member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of CPSU and was in good standing with Khrushchev.

But Stalin, who was by that time ill, delayed an official response to Titov. According to the memoirs of some of Titov’s colleagues, in the spring of 1953 and later he, nevertheless, referred to a brief personal answer from Stalin, which was sent personally to him in late January 1953, saying that his proposal was “interesting and perhaps correct. This question can be discussed and resolved.” In the middle of November of 1953 Titov told about this opinion of Stalin to Khrushchev and Polyansky, when the principal decision on the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine had in fact already been made.

An indirect confirmation of the fact that Stalin was quite seriously considering Titov’s proposals, can be the process of renaming of the Crimean Tatar names into Russian ones, which began from the mid-1940s and which was initiated by Stalin himself after the deportation of the Tatar population from there. There are many sources describing this. For example, a comprehensive project on renaming in Crimea was dated with the 25th of September 1948, when the Crimean Regional Committee passed the decree “On renaming of settlements, streets, certain types of work, and other Tatar designations”. However, it was not planned to rename Crimea itself. But even before that, in the 1944-1946, 11 out of 26 Crimean regional centres were renamed (for example, the Ak-Mechetsky region into Chernomorskij, Larindorfsky into Pervomaisky) as well as 327 villages. In the period from 1948 to 1953, it was planned to rename some towns. The documents recorded in particular that Djankoi was going to become either Uzlovo, Severnyj or Verhnekrymsk, Saki turning into Ozernoje, and they wanted to call Bakhchisaray – “Pushkin”. Kerch was supposed to be given the name of “Korchev”, known from the old-Russian chronicles. In general, during 1947-1953 new – Russian – names were given to 1062 settlements and nearly 1300 natural object, mostly replacing Tatar ones. It is obvious that in the context of this process, also Titov’s proposal to change the name of the Crimea looked quite logical. However, the renaming slowed down when the turn of the cities came. And after Stalin’s death, the plan to rename the Crimean cities was abandoned altogether.

Thus, we can see that the project of the inclusion of Crimea into Ukraine was preceded by a project of strengthening of Russian presence in Crimea, and in 1952-1953, as a logical completion of the latter, there was also a project, which remained on the level of an idea, of re-renaming the Crimean region into Tauridian.

(An aside from the translator: Crimean Tatars are more likely Mongolians, the descendants of the Golden Horde of the Mongolian Khan Baty, who raided and occupied the peninsula in the 14th century. The name given to the peninsular by them was “Kyrim”, meaning “trench”. Before the Mongol occupation the peninsular had the Greek name of “Tauridia”. What the endemic population, Scythians, called their land back then is lost.)

As is known, the Russian presence in Crimea has been recorded since ancient chronicled times. Of particular interest to us – in the light of the events of the XX century that we discuss here – is “Tmutarakan” sub-plot of this presence. The original antique city of Panticapaeum, which in the era of the Khazarian Khaganate (translator note: For a well-researched foray into the history of Khazarian Kaganate, I would recommend reading Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Report 6: UKRAINE – NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE?) of the VIII century got the name of Karsha or Charsha, which in Turkic means “market” or “bazaar”, is mentioned in the old-Russian historical records of the events of the X century under the Slavinised name of Krchev (Korchev) [Кърчевъ]. In the tenth century, Tmutarakan principality – part of the Ancient (Kievan) Rus – takes root on the Crimean and the Caucasian coasts of the Kerch Strait. Korchev was closely associated with the capital of the principality – Tmutarakan, while the Eastern geographers of that time called the Kerch Strait for the Russian River.

And so it was in Kerch that, after a long period of Ottoman history in Crimea, Russia once again establishes on the peninsula, several years before its full incorporation into the Russian Empire. In 1771 Russian troops took Kerch and neighbouring fortress Yeni-Kale. By the Kuchuk-Karnadzhiyskomu peace treaty between the Russian and Ottoman empires, which ended Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, this city with its fortress was the first of all the Crimea to become part of the Russian Empire, while, in accordance with that agreement, the Crimean Khanate as a whole then became independence from the Ottoman Empire, with the exception of the influence in the questions of religion. The manifesto of Catherine II was issued on the 8th of April 1783 and decreed the accession of Crimea, Taman and Kuban into the Russian Empire. By the decree of the 2nd of February 1784 Tauridian region (oblast) was established, covering some of the continental land. Later it was transformed into a province (county).

It is quite possible that the role of Kerch, and the Kerch Peninsula as a whole, in the Russian development on Crimea was the foundation for another P.I. Titov’s proposal in November 1953, which he already addressed to Polyansky and Khrushchev, and reiterated in January 1954. It pertained to the inclusion of this region (ie. Eastern Crimea) with the status of the “Kerch region” into the composition of RSFSR. Already then Titov had a well-founded belief that it was inadvisable for RSFSR “to vacate” Crimea, and, thanks to the newly formed region, the strategically important Kerch (Azov-Black Sea) Strait – “Russian River” – would still be a part of RSFSR. Titiov’s “Kerch” was outright rejected by Khrushchev followers, so much so, that the entire water area of ​​the Kerch Strait in the subsequent transfer of the Crimea ended up being assigned to the Ukrainian SSR.

The question of what was the nature of the whole of Crimean autonomy – national or territorial – is also of crucial importance. Lenin’s Sovnarkom initially created both types of autonomies, but over time only the national ones were left. The Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in this regard, had become a unique autonomous construct, which retained its territorial nature. According to the All-Union census of 1939, Russians comprised 49.6% of the Crimean population, Crimean Tatars – 19.4%, Ukrainians – 13.7%, Jews – 5.8%, Germans – 4.6%. But as the total population during the war declined sharply, and its ethnic composition underwent fundamental changes, Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was transformed into the Crimean region (oblast) on the 30th of June 1945. Unlike most other autonomous regions, where there was the predominance of the indigenous population, the Crimean Autonomous Republic was not Tatar from the very beginning of its establishment. Moreover, 2/3 of the population of the Crimea at the time was Russian, and only one-third consisted of the peoples who had settled here before the Russians and made up the indigenous population of the peninsula. (Translator note: in the bird’s eye historic perspective, Russians are the indigenous population of the peninsula, who were driven from Crimea, but later returned.) At the same time, flirting with Kemalist Turkey, the Soviet leadership traditionally appointed mostly men of Tatar origin to the leading positions in the republic. This created a false impression that the Crimean autonomy was, like all the other, the national one – Crimean Tatar. But as it is known, in accordance with the provisions of the National Defence Commission of 11th of May and the 2nd of June 1944, of all Tatars of all ages (about 180 thousand people) were deported from Crimea to Kazakhstan. (Translator note: the exception was given to mixed-marriage families, where a Tatar woman was married to a Russian.)

All of the above sheds some light on the political context in which Khrushchev’s fateful for the history of the Crimea voluntarist decision was conceived and prepared. But it is equally important to take into account the details of the mechanism of this decision at the state level.

The fact is that N.S. Khrushchev became the first person in the USSR leadership only in 1955. While immediately after the death of Stalin (at the time of the death he held the post of the chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers), the head of government and a key figure in the leadership of the USSR was G.M. Malenkov. By the end of Stalin’s life, Malenkov was one of the main contenders for the post of supreme leader of the country, and immediately after his death, inherited the post of the chairman of the Council of Ministers. I.V. Stalin died on the 5th of March 1953, and at that time, in the beginning of the 1950s, this was the main post, while the position of the General Secretary of the CPSU was abolished, since, according to the late Stalinist concept of the governance structure, the Communist Party should no longer play a leading role in governing of the country.

M.S. Voslensky in his famous book “The Nomenclature” writes:

In the days after the death of Stalin in March 1953, it was customary to conclude speeches at the memorial meetings in the following typical ending: “Eternal glory to the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, Secretary of the CPSU I.V. Stalin! Long live Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee G.M. Malenkov!”

As it becomes clear from these titles, according to a new tradition established by Stalin, the post of the President of the Council of Ministers of USSR was the most important positions in contemporary system of power, and that it was inherited by Malenkov. And although the decision from March the 5th 1953 of the joint meeting of the Plenum of the Central Committee, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet and the USSR Council of Ministers abolished the Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Committee of CPSU, and on the 14th of March 1953 the political opponents of Malenkov managed to deprive him of his post of a Secretary of the CPSU (ie, at the time, one of the many secretaries of the Central Committee), in 1953-55 he was still the Chairman of the USSR, and presiding over the meetings of the Presidium of the Central Committee of CPSU (as Politburo of the Central Committee of CPSU was called at the time). And thus, according to the then semi-official representations of the structure of power in the USSR, and, to an even greater extent, due to the political practice established under Stalin’s influence, he was the real leader of the country. It was during the period of his leadership of the country, that the transfer of the Crimean region into the Ukrainian SSR actually took place.

And if you take the viewpoint of those, who do not recognize that the decisions in the USSR were taken collectively, but absolutely want to assign personal responsibility for any decision to one of the “leaders”, then we must blame Malenkov, and not Khrushchev for the transfer of the Crimean region. By the beginning of 1954, when the Crimea was handed over, Khrushchev was not yet a sufficiently influential figure so as to define such major decisions. He was one of the secretaries of the Central Committee, responsible for the work of the entire Secretariat (on September the 7th 1953 he was elected 1st secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU), he was a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee, and was a member of a group, warring with the group of Malenkov. The very same Voslensky in his book indicates that Malenkov tried his best to belittle the role of the Central Committee Secretariat, and it was under him that they began to speak of the secretariat as of a purely technical body. Therefore, it is logical to assume that any significant initiatives emanating from Khrushchev, would not get the support of Malenkov.

If, however, we are be absolutely exact, then from a purely formal point of view, the transfer of Crimea was initiated by a collective body – the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee, which meetings at that time were chaired by Malenkov. This can be seen from documents published in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Federal Edition #3409 of the 19th of February 2004):

From the protocol N 49 of the Central Committee of the CPSU Presidium meeting on the transfer of the Crimean region from the composition of the RSFSR into the composition of the Ukrainian SSR
25th of January 1954
Presided by: G.M. Malenkov
Members of the Presidium of the Central Committee, comrades N.S. Khrushchev, K.E. Voroshilov, N.A. Bulganin, L.M. Kaganovich, A.L. Mikoyan, M.Z. Saburov, M.G. Pervukhin.
Candidates for members of the Presidium of the Central Committee, comrades N.M. Shvernik, P.K. Ponomarenko.
CPSU Central Committee secretaries, comrades M.A. Suslov, P.N. Pospelov, N.N. Shatalin.

XL About transfer of the Crimean region from the composition of the RSFSR into the composition of the Ukrainian SSR
1. To approve as amended at the meeting, the attached draft of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the transfer of the Crimean region from the composition of the RSFSR into the composition of the Ukrainian SSR.
2. To deem it appropriate to hold a special session of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of USSR, at which to consider a joint submission to the Bureau of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR on the transfer of the Crimean region from the composition of the RSFSR into the composition of the Ukrainian SSR.

Secretary of the CPSU Khrushchev
АЛРФ.Ф.З.Оп.10.Д.65Л1,4-б Подлинник (original)

However, having the real distribution of power in the USSR leadership elite in favour of the government agencies – as a testament from Stalin, outwardly the power system in the country continued working in a mode, familiar to the people, that is, in such a way, that the decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU were governing in relation the decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which was only a “law publishing” body, which gave the appearance of democracy to decisions, which had actually been taken in the Central Committee. Thus, the Council of Ministers, headed by Malenkov, was sidelined on the decision of the Crimea. This decision was taken by the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee, a meeting presided by Malenkov.

Again, from a purely formal point of view, N.S. Khruschev’s responsibility for this decision consisted only in the fact that he, like everyone else, voted “for” and in addition to this, as the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee heading the work of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, put his signature, just formally certifying the protocol. In the same way as in the Brezhnev period Giorgadze put his signature after Brezhnev’s signature. But analysis of the alignment of the centres of power in the power system of that time shows that the decision of the Presidium chaired by the economic planner Malenkov could be a bargaining chip (albeit a pretty small one) in the nomenclature and political struggle of his supporters with the group of Khrushchev – the highest at that time party functionary. In any case, with that set up, Malenkov was a guarantor that, as a result of this decision, there would be no major changes in the Crimea’s situation and, above all, in the nature of economic relations of the Crimean region within the control system of the USSR.

From the extract from the protocol N49, cited above, it is clear at the same meeting the draft of the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the transfer of Crimea was approved, which after a multi-stage procedure, would in the end be “rubber-stamped” by the Supreme Council. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR rubber-stamped the decree draft at its meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of February the 19th 1954. Here is the text of the decree:

The stenography of meeting can be consulted here. (Translator note: I will translate the closing speech of Voroshilov, which gives additional context to the political and cultural background, as well as assumed conditions, of the transfer.)

Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
On the transfer of the Crimean region from the composition of the RSFSR into the composition the Ukrainian SSR

“Given the commonality of the economy, the proximity and close economic and cultural ties between the Crimean region and the Ukrainian SSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics RESOLVES:

Approve the joint submission of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR on the transfer of the Crimean region from the composition of Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic into the composition of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.”

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR K.VOROSHILOV
Secretary of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N.PEGOV
Moscow, The Kremlin, February 19, 1954.

And already on the 26th of April 1954 the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by the Law “On the transfer of the Crimean region from the composition of RSFSR in the composition of the Ukrainian SSR” approved the decree of its Presidium and made the appropriate changes to Articles 22 and 23 of the Constitution of the USSR.

Incidentally, we must note that the issue of transfer of the Crimea went in the agenda of the meeting of the Presidium of the CC CPSU as item XI or XL (it is not very clear from the publication of the document). In any case, this issue was not perceived as being particularly important. It is possible that this attitude has led to a certain constitutional legislative negligence in the design of the entire transfer procedure. The fact is, under Article 18 of the Constitution of USSR, which was in effect by 1954, the territory of a republic could not be altered without its consent. Such consent was given by both Republics in the form of a Ruling of the Presidium of the Supreme Councils of the two Republics. However, Article 33 of the Constitution of the RSFSR, which contained a list of the authorities given to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, there is no authority to change the boundaries of the RSFSR. Not to mention the fact that out of the 27 members of the meeting of the 5th of February 1954, during which the issue was addressed, only 15 were present.

Further considering the nature of the relationship of the then leadership of the USSR to the “Crimean issue”, one should also note the following. For example, in the relevant documents of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet it was claimed both wisely and pompously, “that the transfer of Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR, taking into account the commonality of their economies, the proximity and close economic and cultural ties, is fully appropriate and is a testament to the boundless trust of the Russian people in the Ukrainian people…” This is how the “Ukrainians” at the helm thought back then. At the same time, the event itself passed completely unnoticed. It was not widely presented by the official propaganda to the Soviet and foreign public as another triumph of the party reason and higher justice. Probably for this reason, the Western press said nothing about this. While in the Soviet publications one can only find a couple of paragraphs about the symbolic meaning of this act in the context of the 300th anniversary of the “reunification” of Ukraine and Russia. However, the celebrations that took place in late May 1954 were generally devoted only to the anniversary. And even in the festive speech of Khrushchev, not a word was said about the Crimea. The absence of any indication to the transfer of Crimea in the Soviet sources of the time leads to some extent to a probable assumption, that the leaders of the Soviet Union intended to create in the perception of the peoples of the Soviet Union the idea, that the presence of the Crimea as part of Ukraine was a self-evident fact, and the decision to transfer the peninsula was represented as something long-overdue and almost as correction of a certain historical misunderstanding. But it is also quite possible that there was a feeling of voluntary overeagerness, and that there was no complete confidence that the decision, taken completely privately and without extensive discussion between the peoples of the two largest of the Soviet republics, would not cause public rejection. (Translator’s note: It did, at the “kitchen talk” level, much of which I heard first-hand, while spending many a summer of my youth in Crimea.)

N.S. Khruschev made a considerable progress towards senior management position of the country only in 1955 as a result of the nomenclature struggle for the removal of Malenkov from power. In 1955, Malenkov was dismissed from the post of Chairman of the USSR, and on the 29th of June 1957 he was removed from the Presidium of the CC CPSU. It is not known when exactly he ceased to be “presiding” at the Presidium meeting, but most likely in the very same 1955.

Since that time, that is, from the time when N.S. Khruschev, as the 1st Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and member of the Presidium of the Central Committee, began to gradually strengthen his position as the sole leader of the Communist Party, we can say that the party organs as a whole began to regain the lead in the country’s leadership. However, until 1958 the high status and independence of the state and economic apparatus inherited from the Stalinist era remained. Chairman of the USSR from 1955 to 1958 was N.A. Bulganin, who previously, just like Malenkov, was one of the Vice-Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers of Stalin. It was only in 1958 that Bulganin was dismissed, and his position was also taken by N.S. Khruschev while still holding the post of the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The defeat of the group of Bulganin, Malenkov, Kaganovich, Molotov and Shepilov occurred in June 1957 when at first during the meeting of the Presidium (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the CPSU by a majority vote, it was decided to abolish the post of the 1st Secretary of the CPSU and to appoint Khrushchev Minister of Agriculture, and then during an urgently convened plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, as a result of the dramatically unfolding events and with Zhukov’s help, Khrushchev managed to turn the situation to his advantage, and called Bulganin/Malenkov’s group for “anti-party”. Only after 1958 can N.S. Khurshev be held solely responsible for the supreme power decisions in the country. The Crimean region was transferred to Ukraine at the beginning of 1954, while the opinion about the deciding role that Khrushchev played in it, was formed only later with the help of the official propaganda.

Soviet newspapers, like mirrors, reflected the change in the ratio of different branches of power in the USSR. The newspaper “Pravda” of the 21st of December 1955 in its report on the national meeting of the top performers of agriculture in Tashkent, said: “spacious auditorium of the theatre named after Alisher Navoi was filled to capacity. 11 am. Loud and prolonged applause greeted the appearance at the meeting the Chairman of the presidium of the USSR Council of Ministers N. Bulganin and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, N.S. Khrushchev. Places on the podium are occupied by the first secretary of Central Committee of the Communist Party: Uzbekistan – A.I. Niyazov, Kazakhstan – LI Brezhnev, Tajikistan – BG Gafurov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers: Uzbek SSR – N.A. Mukhitdinov, Tajik SSR – T. Uldzhabaev, Turkmen SSR – B. Ovezov, Kirghiz SSR – A. Suerkulov, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR Sh.R. Rashidov.” Here, the Chairman of the USSR Council is still mentioned in the first place, while the first secretary of the Communist Party – in the second, as a figure of lesser importance.

But already in 1960, at the height of Khrushchev’s personality cult, there is a dominating and familiar us from the days of Stagnation formula, where the Central Committee of the Communist Party is mentioned in the first place: “The workers of agriculture of the Penza region report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Government and personally to Comrade N.S. Khrushchev that, realizing the historical decision of the XXI Congress of the CPSU, collective and state farms, overcoming the difficulties created in the current year due to adverse weather conditions, have grown a good harvest, and completed the plan to sell grain to the state ahead of schedule – on August the 9th – using 20 working days.” (“Pravda” of the 12th of August 1960).

There are some important considerations at the end of this brief historical sketch of this dramatic episode in the history of Russia. In that harsh time P.I. Titov became the forerunner of the modern Communist Party of the Russian Federation in that part of its activity, which is directed today to protect the all-Russian interests. It is a pity that his name have not become a symbol of the 23-year-long modern struggle for liberation of the Russian-speaking people of the Crimea against the Ukrinising occupants. In light of the events of the modern Russian history, that person is worthy of his memory being perpetuated at least by a commemorative plaque in Simferopol, and at least a mention of him in the future textbooks of the history of the Fatherland as a Russian citizen, who was not afraid to go against the voluntarist projects of omnipotent Russian Ukrainophile Khrushchev. The country and the people need to know their heroes, and not only the negative ones.

Below is a translation of the closing speech by K.E Voroshilov from the stenography of the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from the 19th of February 1954. As the commentary note at the top of that site says, “The Communist regime held no referendum or any opinion poll among the Crimeans regarding their transfer into the Ukrainian SSR”. All highlighting in the translation is mine.

Comrades, the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the joint proposal of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR regarding the transfer of the Crimean region from the composition of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic into the composition of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic is a testament to further strengthening of the unity and indestructible friendship of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples within the great powerful fraternal family of the peoples of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This significant act of great national importance once again confirms that the relationship between sovereign allied socialist republics in the USSR is based on genuine equality and a real understanding and respect for mutual interests, aimed at the prosperity of all of the Union republics.

In history, there is no – and can not be – other such relation between States. In the past, especially under capitalism, at the very root of relations between states there was an aspiration for territorial conquest, the pursuit of strong states profiteering at the expense of territories of weaker countries. Only within the conditions, created by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics may there be such a fair resolution of all issues between Union Republics, decisions based on economic feasibility and sensibility, full of mutual friendship and fraternal co-operation of their peoples. The transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR into the Ukrainian SSR is in the interest of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, and meets the national interests of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The Crimean region, due to its historical development, due to its territorial and economic status, is important for the whole of the Soviet state. And in the distant and recent past enemies have repeatedly tried to take away the Crimean peninsula from Russia, use it to plunder and ruin Russian and Ukrainian lands, establish a base there for attacks on Russia and Ukraine. However the Russian and Ukrainian peoples had more than once, in their common struggle, severely beaten the arrogant invaders and thrown them out of the borders of Ukraine and Crimea. Ukraine and Crimea are closely linked by common economic interests – this has already been eloquently stated both by the presenters and by comrade speakers. Cultural relations between Crimea and Ukraine in particular have increased and deepened. The transfer of the Crimean region into the Ukrainian SSR will undoubtedly further strengthen the traditional ties.

Comrades, this friendly act takes place in the days when the Soviet people solemnly celebrate the remarkable historical date of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Russia and Ukraine. This is a great traditional celebration not only of the Ukrainian people, but also for all the peoples of the USSR. Friendship of peoples – one of the foundations of our great multinational Soviet state, the source of its invincible might, of its prosperity and power. We know and rejoice that the Russian, Ukrainian and other peoples of our vast country, will also in the future continue to develop and strengthen their brotherly friendship. Let our great Motherland – the fraternal Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – develop and grow stronger!

cat-crimea-is-russia 28-04-15

Lada’s Post Scriptum

Soviet Gold Standard , Khrushchev’s folly and how Stalin’s death kicked off the process of weakening of the USSR

While the responsibility for the transfer of Crimea lies upon a number of people, it is Khrushchev who is remembered by history as the one responsible. The logic of the transfer on the surface was to re-confirm the close union of the two branches of one culture, one nation and one Russian World: Russians and Ukrainians. What after the formation of the USSR in 1922 came to be referred to as ‘Ukrainians’ was in fact a composite of Zaporozhie Cossacks (such as my mother’s family), Malorossians (central Ukraine, incl. Kiev), Novorossians (now eastern Ukraine, including Donbass, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov, aka, Slobozhanshchina), South Russians (Black Sea coast, including Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson), and later (western Ukraine’s) Rusins.

In the defense of those who made that decision it can be said that the transfer was made in the context of Ukraine being a forever integral part of the USSR, and an inseparable part of Russia. It never occurred to any of these men that in the year 1991 the USSR could simply fall apart.

However, the responsibility still lies with those who failed to take into account the future risks.

In the huge power vacuum that came to be after Stalin’s death, the power struggle between two factions began. Malenkov, who seems to be made responsible by the author of the article, was a clown — a transitional figure. No one really took him seriously and he didn’t wield real power. This was obviously before my time, but I recall my parents’ stories, who were in the know regarding the Soviet political spectrum. The transitional figure of Malenkov was necessary while the real power struggle took place behind the scenes. He was sidelined as soon as Ukrainian (Khrushchev’s) camp was able to get the upper hand over the Georgian (Beria’s) camp.

Beria/Georgian/Velikorussian (aka, ‘the Great Russian’) camp was against such transfer and in favor of Crimea being fortified as a part of Russia, as proposed by Titov in the article. Therefore, only the opposite Ukrainian camp could have pushed through the transfer. Consequently, Khrushchev’s role in the Crimean and other events of the early 1950s cannot be underestimated. It is, in fact, exactly as history remembers it!

To the possible reasons for Khrushchev’s behavior mentioned in the article, I want to add that he was rabidly anti-Stalin for more reasons than described. As the author says, he disliked the idea of having to lend Ukrainian workers for the war reconstruction efforts, and held a grudge regarding golodomor (which, per some evidence, he contributed to, never admitting his responsibility).

Yet, there were some infinitely more personal reasons for his resentment.

I am not inclined to bash Khrushchev to the degree as to completely discredit him. I think there were times he acted correctly, and if he lacked in real intelligence and foresight, he seemed to have enough peasant street smarts to get on top. That said, he appears to have been a man of jealousy and capable of holding a grudge for a long time. He also appears to have been a man whose personal demons often took the best of him, and who could sacrifice the interests of his country for his own whim. All the above are absolutely terrible qualities for a leader of a superpower. This is why Khrushchev failed to survive in his post for long (see video link below for more on that).

The story I was told is this: Khrushchev’s son had been arrested repeatedly for drunk driving and other public violations, but he was able to bury most of the criminal charges. But then, his son killed someone in a drunk driving incident, namely a war hero who just survived the brutal WWII. The indignation was wide-spread, the young man faced a long sentence and Khrushchev was unable to bury the case. He came to Stalin asking him for his son’s pardon. Stalin refused, saying he had to pay for his crime.

That incident set in motion a fatal chain of events. It set the stage for the angry and bitter Khrushchev’s later participation in the elimination of Stalin and creation of the world-wide anti-Stalin campaign, which in turn cost USSR valuable allies, such as Albania, with its Mediterranean ports, as well as China. (The best source for some good info related to Stalin, his actions, his death and Khrushchev’s role, in my view, is Nikolai Starikov and his book ‘Stalin.’)

In his urge to undo everything that reminded him of Stalin, Khrushchev also eliminated the one thing that kept USSR fully independent of the Western financial system: Soviet gold standard – the alternative system that made USSR impenetrable to financial manipulation. It was for this reason that when the inflation hit the West, in the USSR prices continued going down, while the country was actually experiencing tremendous post-war boom!

Khrushchev agreed to trade internationally in dollars, which destroyed the carefully built system and eventually weakened the USSR’s global bargaining positions, leading to future loss of reputation, clout and eventual disintegration. That act by Khrushchev, together with the Central Committee of the Communist Party, continued later by Brezhnev (perhaps because he was ill-advised, or because it was simply too late to turn back), set the stage for the relentless takeover of the world by the dollar, and later, petrodollar. When the USSR simply surrendered its positions, there was no financial alternative or counterweight left. The result is the grave global imbalance we are observing today.

More links that give additional background on Crimea, Khazaria, USSR and Khrushchev/Brezhnev:


For new angles and more in-depth look, stay tuned for my upcoming ESR2 Ukraine – Truth, Lies & Future Hope, ESR8: Black Sea Gambit & ESR9: Crimean Agenda. Go to EARTH SHIFT REPORT for all links.





Montenegro Crisis Explained! Rebellion Against NATO and PM Milo Đukanovic

Balkans map 2

Montenegro (Chernogoria) Crisis Explained! Rebellion Against NATO and PM Milo Đukanovic!

(Milo Đukanović (Montenegrin Cyrillic: Мило Ђукановић, pronounced [mǐːlɔ̝ d͡ʑǔkanɔ̝v̞it͡ɕ]

Presently independent, Montenegro is a former part of Yugoslavia and Serbia. Being located in the middle of NATO’s domain – the Mediterranean – next to other NATO members, having no army of its own and being a small country with not much of an economy, Montenegro has no strategic value for NATO whatsoever.

Because of that Montenegro had been left alone all these years. Suddenly, last year PM Đukanović announced that the country would be joining NATO. Why, you may ask, if there is no value to Montenegro being a NATO member?

There is one overriding reason: Montenegro’s economic and cultural ties to Russia! Due to the closeness of culture and mentality, lots of Russians go to Montenegro for Mediterranean vacations, many Russians have vacation properties there, plus, Russian business is a very significant part of Montenegro’s GDP. In fact, local economy only survives based on Russian business and tourism – take that away and people may starve.

And surprise! The announcement of Montenegro’s sudden urge to join NATO occurred right after Russia went into Syria and Russian jets managed to achieve in two weeks what US and allies couldn’t achieve in a year.

It became clear that the plan to drag Montenegro into NATO was an attempt to get back at Russia for Syria (and let’s not forget the ongoing quest to get back at Russia for Crimea and Donbass). If NATO bases and such move into Montenegro, Russian business and tourism would have to leave. As a matter of fact, it’s already leaving.

What was clear to me and many analysts, as well as the Russian government, wasn’t lost on the Montenegrin population either.

There are close similarities between Moldavia and Montenegro. In Moldavia Explodes! Anti-EU, Anti-Government Revolt, Parliament Stormed I wrote how Moldavian citizens rebelled against the government corruption, stolen $1 billion and EU association agreement.

Mass protests began in Montenegro around the same time as in Moldavia – October 2015 – and just like in Moldavia, they never stopped since. Both are small countries. While Moldova’s population is about 3.5 million, Montenegro’s is only about 600,000. People in both feel that their governments are crooked and that they are being dragged into certain Western organizations without being asked. Both are angry their governments are sold out to the US/West.

Montenegrin citizens demand resignation of PM and government, and national referendum on NATO. For some ‘strange’ reason both US and EU – these beacons of Western democracy – don’t believe the citizens of Moldavia and Montenegro deserve to exercise their democratic rights.

Protests in Montenegro have continued without any breaks since last October, despite cold winter. Thousands, and even tens of thousands, have been protesting daily. The government continues ignoring its citizens’ demands.

Montenegrin protests, and generally, the situation in the Balkans, is a part of The Big Battle for Eurasia! All this will be discussed in the upcoming ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT. Stay tuned!



Videos of continuing Montenegro protests

Protesters boo exiting PM Đukanović and parliament deputies (Народ Черногории освистывает депутатов и Мило Джукановича):

Mass protests in Montenegro capital Podgorica, Jan. 25, 2016 (Антиправительственный митинг в столице Черногории 25 января 2016):

Protest on Jan. 24, 2016 (Антиправительственный митинг в Черногории 24 января 2016):

More anti-government protests – speakers call their government ‘dictatorship’ (Антиправительственный протест в Черногории. Прямая трансляция):




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