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Should Bernie Supporters Reject Hillary Clinton and Vote Green?

1EarthUnited said

Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
Heard it straight from the horse’s a*s… Bernie is a sellout, supporters lose faith and (hopefully) vote GREEN as in Jill Stein and not $$$green$$$ as in HilLIARy.:)

We’ll consider this an Ask Lada episode, even though technically the above comment wasn’t in the form of a question. But similar questions have been asked before, so let me respond by linking you all up with a few videos, as well as my thoughts.

From Democracy Now:

Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now? Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges on Tackling the Neoliberal Order

LR: Incidentally, listen to what Chris Hedges says. He used to be too mainstream for my taste, but lately he makes more and more sense. My point is: it’s a positive sign that such ideas (of which you and I have been talking for years) are beginning not only to penetrate the more thinking and progressive of the mainstream, but they also start being voiced out by more or less mainstream personalities.

Chaos on Convention Floor: Protests, Boos and Chants of “Bernie” Mark Opening of DNC

“It’s a Sad Day for Many of Us”: Bernie Delegates Boo Sanders After Endorsing Clinton

Part 1: Jill Stein vs. Ben Jealous: Should Progressives Reject Hillary Clinton & Vote Green?

Part 2: Jill Stein vs. Ben Jealous: Should Progressives Reject Hillary Clinton & Vote Green?

Lada Ray’s take:

As you all know, I don’t follow Western MSM, but I’m being told that there is a media blackout regarding the revolt happening at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. However, you can easily learn the truth on RT. Also try Democracy Now

Last year, a client asked me what he should do regarding US elections. He said he had a problem with candidates from both parties. I suggested he should check out the Green Party and Jill Stein.

Amid a wholesale media blackout and political sabotage during last election 2012, Green Party candidate Jill Stein received less than 1% of votes. Stein wasn’t allowed to participate in the debates and was even thrown in jail after she tried to protest being excluded from the ‘democratic’ process. To allow a podium for the rejected by the US system third parties, RT organized its own televised Third Party presidential debates in 2012. RT repeated this feat in 2016.

This year, based on widespread discontent and disenchantment of voters with either Democrats or Republicans, alternative parties’ numbers are surging. This is hopeful news for those who want to change the entrenched and rotting two-party US system.

Read my original analysis & predictions on the US election revolt and the third-party issue:

Lada Ray’s First US Presidential Elections Prediction: REVOLT IN REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PARTIES

See my very first, original prediction on US election 2016 outcome (scroll towards the end for PREDICTONS):

Explosive Consequences of Turkey Downing Russian Su-24 Jet in Syria – Complete Analysis and Predictions!

Related analysis/ predictions and more:  

Surprised? Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton and Ends His Run

Wikileaks Clinton-DNC collusion revelation: Did Russians hack DNC to help Trump?

Before recent Hillary/DNC scandals and Bernie’s flop, Libertarian Party and Gary Johnson gained for the first time ever double digits and stood at 13%, while Jill Stein/ the Greens were at about 6%. Note that votes for Libertarians traditionally take votes away from Republicans, thus hurting Trump; votes for the Greens hurt Clinton. But in the extraordinary situation we are seeing this year, some may cross party lines, as I’ve previously predicted. Therefore, a very interesting dynamics is developing due to voter disappointment.

My assessment is that Green Party vote numbers should begin surging, if they haven’t begun already. By the time of the election, a large percentage of Bernie supporters will defect to the Greens as a protest vote.

Incidentally, for those who don’t know, Jill Stein reached out to Bernie Sanders, selflessly proposing he runs as the main candidate, essentially stepping aside or sharing her Green Party nomination with him. Bernie ignored the offer.

So, to the question whether ex-Bernie supporters should vote Green, the answer is – absolutely YES!

This accomplishes three things: 1. It registers your protest against the corrupt 2-party system and against one of the most corrupt candidates ever, Hillary Clinton; 2. It helps ensure that Hillary, whom I consider the most dangerous to the world’s future candidate, won’t win; 3. It supports worthy third-party candidate.

Of course, some people already wrote to me saying they would rather vote for Trump after Bernie’s flip-flop. Trump is another story – more about him in future posts!

Jill Stein Green Party

Incidentally, for those who follow my EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and my QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS, another reason to vote for #JillStein is this: she’s the only candidate who calibrates this highly! Others are nowhere near her – not even in the same galaxy:

Jill Stein Calibration: 410 (reason) Chi: 285 (neutrality, friendliness) Heart Chakra: 280 (a healthy heart chakra – literally NEVER happens with Western politicians!)

See complete Calibrations scale and my calibrations video links here!

Houston, we have a solution: For those who are interested and want to vote Green, here is Green Party website. The Green Party nomination convention is August 4-7, 2016.


P.S. Kinda getting tired of comments alluding to Jill Stein’s non-existent Russophobia – and NOTE AGAIN – I am a political atheist! (Also getting tired of pointing that out – just read my work more carefully!) I am solely on the side of REASON, LIGHT and GOOD for all!

To put this issue to rest, Jill Stein’s recent tweet:

Dr. Jill Stein ‏@DrJillStein Jul 29
We are stronger when we do not bomb other countries or threaten war with Russia. #DemsInPhilly


My complete prediction for US elections & the future of America will come later this year as a new 




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