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Who’s Really George Soros and How He Hides His Billions Offshore


American hedge fund billionaire George Soros is back in the headlines for two things: his most recent funding projects and new revelations that the shadowy political donor has been hiding his fortune from US regulators with Mossack Fonseca, the firm behind the Panama Papers leak. Soros has a total of three offshore companies through Mossack Fonseca alone (certainly more to be revealed in the future).

Brief video report:

As we know from earlier revelations, Soros financed a large group of journalists (about 400 in total), who were hired to dig up offshore dirt on Vladimir Putin and various other heads of state and celebrities, using the Panama papers leak.

It is clear to me that all others were a smoke screen, while the actual target was Vladimir Putin and Russia, as part of the escalating hybrid 4D info war. This is especially undeniable because all Western, especially British, publications, plus Al Jazeera, came out with big portraits of Putin, implying he was the biggest money launderer, whereas his name wasn’t even mentioned in the leaks.

For more read:

#Panamapapers Leak and MSM as Weapon of Mass Disinformation: Info War vs. #Putin, #Russia, #BRICS Escalates

#Wikileaks: ‘PanamaPapers funded by US/Soros against Putin and Russia’

Almost immediately the questions arose how come there were no Americans mentioned in the leaks at all. However, Fox News did its own investigation and discovered that in the 11.5 million Panama papers, there were multiple mentions of the leaks’ mastermind himself, George Soros.

The journalists he hired to implicate Putin and Russia said that ‘they had no idea Soros was in the papers.’ Oops!

Why would Fox, not really known for its wonderfully progressive and honest stance on things, want to out Soros? Aren’t Fox and Soros supposed to be parts of the same globalist machine? Good questions!

The answer lies in the upcoming US presidential elections. Soros is the biggest donor to Clinton campaign, something between $8 and $13 million. That’s official. Multiply that by, say, ten (or more), using various unofficial channels and proxies. Meanwhile, Fox is a very conservative, right-wing channel.

If you ask me, there is really very little difference between Hillary and Fox: they all are Russophobic globalist hawks. But as always, during elections American ‘right’ and ‘left’ are ready to trash each other for a seat in Congress or a place in the White House. In this case that’s good, because in their ardent desire to harm an opponent, they help us – the people – to find out the real truth, whether it’s their intention, or not.

In this specific case, Fox News is bent on not allowing Hillary to be elected. I have to say, I am with them on that, probably the only thing I would ever agree on with Fox. This is why they will continue dragging out of the closet Hillary’s skeletons, and she’s got plenty of those. The new scandal ties Hillary to Soros and his excessive campaign donations, along with his tax avoidance and shady offshores.

In conclusion, let me answer the questions I received from readers at various times:

Who is really George Soros and whom does he represent?

Does Soros work for CIA? Who does he ‘report’ to?

George Soros is not a CIA asset, although he works with CIA, US State Dept and Pentagon, as well as Wall Street, to coordinate when necessary. He really doesn’t report to anyone per se, at least not the way humans normally understand it.

As you know, I don’t often use the word NWO. Soros is NWO pointman, or as I prefer to say, the globalist elites pointman. I call him ‘the visible face of the globalist elites,’ most of whom are well hidden and shy away from cameras.

His agenda is two-fold:

1. Russophobia – he’s hard-wired as a quintessential Russophobe;

2. Globalist takeover based on the US-style imperialistic capitalism.

Both are intrinsically connected.

Soros uses America and US dollar as convenient tools to fulfill his agenda. He is absolutely disinterested in what happens to America or Americans (or anyone on earth, for that matter), as long as the ultimate globalist agenda is achieved.

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