Putin Authorizes Gas Supply to Freezing Genichesk, Ukraine, After Kiev Cuts Off Own Citizens – Implications and Predictions!

The city of Genichesk, pop. over 100,000, located in the long-suffering Kherson Oblast near the border with Crimea, has been living with very limited gas supply for weeks. Cooking and heat are gas-based in this region. But in the past several days gas pressure dropped precipitously in the pipes. While the weather in Ukraine was unseasonally warm in the past month, suddenly the brutal cold at -20 Celsius returned. That’s when gas all but disappeared; the citizens have been freezing for 3 days.

The Mayor of Genichesk tried in vain to contact the Ukraine gas suppliers, and when no one replied, he desperately tried to call everyone in the Kiev government, including Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk. Again no response.

The only reply came in the form of a mocking post of one of ‘Ukraine’s leaders’ on his Facebook page. The citizens of Genichesk were advised to warm themselves up by speaking Ukrainian and singing Ukrainian songs.

The mayor of Genichesk then turned to the country his own now proclaims to be Enemy #1 – Russia. He contacted the Crimean supplier, Chernomorneftegas (Черноморнефтегаз) and asked them to send some gas from Crimea. Here is interview with Chernomorneftegas CEO re. the volume of gas supply to Genichesk – 20,000 cubic meters. He says that the volume is negligent for Crimea and won’t affect Crimean citizens: Черноморнефтегаз назвал объемы поставляемого российского газа в украинский Геническ.

Chernomorneftegas CEO contacted the Head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov (Сергей Аксенов), who in turn contacted Vladimir Putin, who gave final authorization.  Interview with Sergey Aksenov: Сергей Аксенов: Жители Украины не должны страдать из-за решений своего правительства – Citizens of Ukraine should not suffer because of bad decisions by their government.

Reactions of the citizens of Ukraine’s Genichesk after they received gas from Crimea in this interview: Россия начала поставки газа в украинский город Геническ, жители которого страдают от сильных морозов. Citizens reactions range from: ‘Thank you to Putin, who saved us’ to ‘I know nothing about anyone and don’t care who did what, but thank god we have gas again.’

After the scandal received a wide-spread resonance, Ukraine govt immediately flooded the media with denials that Russia stepped in to supply gas to Genichesk. Chernomorneftegas CEO replied that it’s foolish to deny the obvious: the pressure in Genichesk gas pipes increased by 2.5 times as a result of Russia’s humanitarian aid.

In December 2015 Ukraine’s gas contract with Russia ended. Ukraine failed to renew it and pre-pay for the following period. Based on that Russia announced that gas supplies to Ukraine would stop. In response, Yatsenyuk announced that Ukraine didn’t need any more of Russian gas because they found cheaper suppliers in Europe.

In fact, Yatsenyuk (who has zero approval rating) is lying. See related post where Yatsenyuk and his friend Avakov are publicly and violently accused of stealing and corruption: Ukraine Scandals: Transatlantic Boss Joe Biden and Ukraine’s Spiders in a Jar. According to Ukrainian energy expert Dmitry Marunich, Kiev is buying reverse gas from Slovakia, Hungary and Poland – the same gas these countries previously bought from Russia. This gas, because of longer transport routes, is more expensive than direct Russian gas.

In fact, Ukraine can’t ensure sufficient supplies of gas, coal and nuclear fuel to its stations. The situation with energy in Ukraine is nearing catastrophic, and it will worsen in years ahead. It is especially disastrous for the citizens of remote from Kiev’s perspective areas, like Kherson and Genichesk, as well as Odessa and Nikolaev. Kiev doesn’t care about these areas and would let own citizens die, especially because they consider them pro-Russian.

The irony is that it is here, in Kherson Oblast and not far from Genichesk that Kiev ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis blew up strategic power lines in December, thus leaving the entire Crimea without power for weeks. Just a few days ago Crimean citizens in a poll said NO to further power supplies from Ukraine.

Now, Crimea gets all supplies it needs only from Russia. And yet, when asked for help from the Ukraine side, Crimeans said YES.


The scandal with Genichesk gas supply is only the first in what promises to become a norm in Ukraine. The country is falling apart because of inept and crazy ‘leadership’ beholden to the US and EU, who only care about sucking Ukraine dry, while breaking all life-giving ties with Russia.

Recall my original Feb. 2014 predictions: Ukraine will start turning around in 2016 and by 2018 it will turn back towards Russia. Alas, by the time the turn occurs and due to the crazies at the helm, Ukraine’s economy will be destroyed entirely. The process will be slow and painful with the economic situation worsening gradually. See PREDICTIONS on top bar and early 2014 articles on Ukraine for more.

I also said that Russia would remold the situation slowly in her favor, while letting Ukraine citizens decide their future and act on it.

This process is unavoidable, however certain forces in Kiev, Turkey, EU and US/Canada try to stop it.

Here are new Ukraine predictions for 2016-17!

We are already beginning to witness how it will unfold. City by city, oblast by oblast, local authorities will be seeking ways to survive as Kiev sabotages its own population. Unilateral and secret economic agreements with Russia by separate oblasts and towns will continue intensifying into 2016-17. This will slowly eat into the amount of power Kiev has.

Incidentally, the same process is actively unfolding in the neighboring republic of Moldavia (Moldova), where central power is just as weak, albeit not as violent, and where local authorities are far ahead of Ukraine in making private deals with Russia to benefit their citizens. I’ll have some very juicy intel for you from Moldova and surrounding areas in the upcoming ESR9: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

A great example of what’s going on is Kherson Oblast, which is experiencing an invasion of ukro-nazis, Crimean Tartar Mejlis terrorists (the same who cut off power to Crimea), and most alarmingly, Turkish extremists and ISIL-Daesh militants. All the dregs of global society seem to have descended on Kherson Oblast in order to threaten the connecting Crimean Peninsula. These thugs terrorize, rape and burglarize the population.

Local citizens, having been left to suffer and die by Kiev authorities, are now organizing self-defence units to help those in need and to drive the roaming terrorists out of their villages and towns.

Eventually, ukro-nazis and their international terrorist cronies will be driven out of many areas of Novorossia by locals, be it Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa, Zaporozhie, Donbass, Dnepropetrovsk or Kharkov. The result will be that they all will swarm on Kiev and western Ukraine, while others will go to Europe. It won’t be pretty.

Meanhwile, the gradual distancing of different areas of what is today Ukraine from Kiev will be happening slowly but surely, while Kiev will eventually lose its tax base and the support of much of the army and law enforcement.


Within the scope of this one article I can’t begin to tell you how many crucial Earth Shifting events, with potentially far-reaching consequences, are quietly taking place around Crimea and Black Sea, including Kherson, Odessa, Moldavia, Gagauzia, Pridnestrovie, and of course, what’s left of Ukraine; Caucasus: Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan; Balkans: Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro. Those parts are erroneously considered quiet backwaters and events there often are disregarded or deliberately silenced by world MSM. There are very few to no sources to find out what’s really happening around Black Sea. Meanwhile, this is precisely the part of the world which will help tip the world balance soon.

If you want to know the truth and be ahead of the curve in preparation for the change, read my upcoming Earth Shift Reports: CRIMEAN AGENDA and BLACK SEA GAMBIT, where all will be spelled out!





Projected release for both: throughout January 2016. As usual, reports will be posted on LadaRay.info and announced on FuturisTrendcast. Stay tuned!




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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on January 6, 2016, in Geopolitical Trends, Predictions 2014 & Long-Term, Russia, Ukraine and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Perhaps this will prove to Ukrainian citizens that Russia is not their enemy, just the opposite of what their MSM and puppet gov’t are trying to portray. Hopefully the Ukr sheeple will wake up enough to appreciate the gesture and speak out against the current corrupt establishment. I look forward to reading more in your Crimean Agenda Earth Shift Report!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The purpose of a government is to serve the people, otherwise a government is not needed. The problem with government is they get too much individual power as a result of the system that is generally expected from countries, the English Westminster system. Not only is it an abusive system, it borders on criminal. This is one of the reasons why democratic countries use this system, it can convert to communism and a dictatorship very easily once the world power forced their pawns into control. That is why they insist you have a government, so they can manipulate or replace it.

    If you google types of government, all the sic ones are listed, only a republic is not listed. That is because in a republic the people themselves runs and govern the country for the benefit of all the people, and there is no one in power, hence the corrupt don’t like a republic, they want something they can exploit.

    A republic is the most fair government system there is. Since the people all work together, they all know what is going on, and because there are so many ideas for a solution, they by far outperform any government. A government do what is in their own interest, the people do what is in their interest. That is why the Boers in the Transvaal and Free State had Republics. It is also the strongest form of government and very difficult to corrupt. It takes a world War like the 2nd Anglo-Boer War to overthrow a republic.

    Ask me if you want to know anything or disagree. I can explain.

    As for the people, there are so many power solutions and alternative power solutions which may partly or to a greater extend bring relief. If one looks at solar vacuum tubes, they are ideal to cook food in, heat or boil water etc and even work in partly clouded conditions. Made in China. Of course governments does not want their people to become independent because then they lose their manipulative grasp.

    Maybe we can pool our knowledge regarding alternatives to come up with a few possible solutions.
