What’s the right term: Isis vs. ISIS vs. ISIL vs. IS? Is Assad Good or Evil?

I am pleased to announce that I am starting a new TESTIMONIALS page on LadaRay.info

The best testimonials & reviews re. ESRs, FT articles and more, will be posted on this page: LINK.

Here is one such testimonial/review for ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR, which I greatly appreciate:

  1. I want to thank you for taking time to present your insight and worldly view in such a clear, concise manner. I am a Pennsylvania (USA) and as our nation wakes up and realizes the extent to which we have been lied to and manipulated, your voice presents the story the rest of the world already knows. You should be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize for fostering understanding (not that I don’t now know how rigged all these accolades truly are). At a bare minimum your are an Ambassador of Peace and Understanding to our world. Thank you again. Teresa D. Preston

New Ask Lada episode based on reader feedback to Lada Ray’s 

Earth Shift Report 13: ERDOGAN’S WAR

  1. These ESRs just get better and better. Thirteen is definitely a smart bomb, as in bombshell report. This is really good intel and presented in a cogent and highly interesting manner. I trust Erdogan as far as I can throw him but I’m confident that Putin will handle him just fine.
    Now we wait for the next set of dirty tricks from the West. I bet the coding on those nukes at Incirlic is changing every 24 hours now. So… I want to know more about Syria… especially the presidente and his beautiful wife. Are they bad guys or are they doing good for Syria like Qaddafi was doing for Libya? Thanks, Lada; super job on this report.

Lada’s response

  • US nukes in Turkey 

    Yes, it is becoming dangerous to keep US nukes in Turkey, that’s why Erdogan has so much leverage over US & NATO, which I expect him to use. He’ll be playing double game, as I explained in ESR13. Basically, US/NATO are his hostages and this will eventually end badly. Definitely expect more events in Turkey, such as terror acts, Kurds’ uprisings, etc. But Erdogan isn’t a dummy. If provoked, he’ll retaliate vs. US/NATO, as he demonstrated already. Eventually this will lead to breakup. For now, it’ll continue weakening and eroding NATO.

    Who is Assad; is he good or evil?

    Every country deserves its president. Not everything had been smooth in the past, and the word ‘tyrant’ sounded now and then in regards to Assad’s father, Hafez al-Assad. There were accusations of supposed chemical attacks, ‘autocratic rule’ and ‘slaughter of the innocents’ against Hafez, and more recently, Bashar al-Assad, by ‘Syrian opposition.’ However, knowing who finances said ‘opposition,’ we should take anything they say with a giant rock of salt.

    There may have been tyrannical tendencies by Assad Sr. But Bashar al-Assad isn’t like his father; he is a pretty mild-mannered man, a physician by trade, who didn’t want to be at the helm of the country. Sounding strange for a Western or Russian ear, in the Middle East the term ‘president’ is in fact psychologically equated with a hereditary sultan. In such circumstances, shall we say, destiny called him to duty.

    I can tell you confidently that he was meant to be where he is. Assad is just what his country needs right now; he’s the only person capable of uniting Syria and its multi-national, multi-confessional population. He clearly enjoys a large majority support.

    The so-called opposition can only be this aggressive and this demanding that he should step down because US supports and encourages it. Take away US support and financing and the opposition won’t have nearly as much pull. That said, a certain amount of opposition and healthy criticism is good for any country, and should be present to keep powers that be in line.

    However, what’s happening in Syria is clearly foreign-induced, by entities whose interests are contrary to the interests of the people of Syria. Assad has some vicious Middle East neighbors, specifically Saudis and Qatar, who try to use weaknesses to arm those who oppose him; and of course there’s the US factor, bent on regional destabilization at all cost. Assad’s biggest crime is that he didn’t succumb to US/Qatar/Saudis pressure and maintained his sovereign, friendly to Russia and Iran, stance. For this he is being punished.

    If we knew nothing else about Assad, if we just knew that he didn’t succumb to threats or bribes of the US and Saudis/Qatar – that alone would be enough, in my opinion, to form a positive opinion of him.

    Considering he didn’t even want to be at the helm of the country, his steadfastness, presence of mind and quiet courage are phenomenal. And yes, his wife, Asma al-Assad, is very lovely; she is definitely the queen material – and I mean not by birth, but by her aura and poise. I believe she is the right person to stand by him, and from the energy I perceive, she is, in big part, the one who gives him courage to withstand the enormous pressure. They both have demonstrated that they are made of a lot sturdier and quality material than many anticipated.

    I had previously compared Assad to Qaddafi. The problem with Qaddafi is that he naively and short-sightedly believed he could bargain with the US/West. Assad never did. Another problem: Qaddafi failed to make friends and that was what in the end got him killed. Assad made sure he had some very serious friends, as Syrian events have shown. Much of Qaddafi’s problems apply to Saddam, who didn’t believe till last moment the West could begin a full-scale war against him. Incidentally, Russians warned Saddam, but he brushed these warnings aside! He also bet on the wrong horse. This is the crucial difference between Assad and the other two.

    Till recently, Turkey was among those who attacked Assad and demanded his resignation. But soon after August 9 Putin’s meeting with Erdogan, we’ll see a drastic turnaround in Turkey’s attitude towards Syria.

    Read about Assad and Syria in detail in ESR5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER, including the role and interests in Syria of US, Saudis, Qatar, Russia, Iran, Turkey and Israel. More Syria updates are in ESR7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM.  And of course, lots of Lada’s valuable intel, unique analysis and predictions in latest ESR13!


    Oli Gulliver

    Again an interesting journey into the realms of geopolitics, social psychology and the prediction of developments. You’re gifted with so many talents and a heartfelt sympathy for the common people, so I’m very thankful for your contributions and for your fighting on the right side. The coup in Turkey is explained by you in a convincing way.

    Btw, could you please substitute the term “ISIS” (it’s better to say Isil, IS, Daesh). “Isis” is an old Egyptian and Greece goddess. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic. Words matter …

Lada’s response

I can certainly understand the indignation at the usage of ISIS, which sounds just like Isis. It reminds me how Hitler usurped Swastika, the beautiful ancient symbol of our sun/galaxy, as well as the word Arian, turning both evil. There are other similar cases in history.

I sympathize with the emotional response of those who follow the Isis worship. It seems doubly unfair that a word symbolizing the sacred feminine is seemingly usurped by an extremist anti-women’s rights, Islamist sect. Like others, I also emotionally dislike that such nice words have been tarnished by darkness.

However, in my geopolitical and multi-dimensional analysis I invite you to get beyond emotions and to the very core of the truth.

Words are just tools, much like a hammer is a tool; they are neutral. Hammer can be used to build a lovely home, or it can be misused to inflict bodily harm. Same with words.

Alas, dark entities and deeds may turn words evil that have been neutral, or formerly carried a positive meaning. Look how evil entities managed to turn the formerly lovely Ukraine into a terrorist state, making the word ‘Ukraine’ highly undesirable, and even hated. The very words ‘evil’ and ‘darkness’ did not originally carry any negative connotation. It were humans who assigned them such connotation to fill the gap within the third-dimensional reality of duality and contrast.

Therefore, rising above third-dimensional duality, ISIS is an abbreviation, not a word, and it is the most accurate term. It’s unfortunate that it coincides with the name of goddess Isis. ISIS means Islamic State of Iraq & Syria. 

IS – Islamic State – is not accurate since it may be confused with any random legitimate Islamic state on the planet, and I can see many objecting to that. Besides, it’s also what ISIS calls itself: why would you want to indulge the terrorists and call them their preferred name?

ISIL is equally inaccurate: it means Islamic State of Iraq & Levant. Levant is an outdated British colonial term, referring to the large territory, including Syria, Libya, Lebanon and Egypt. Hence, it refers to Western colonialism, plus, it implies the enlarged territory of ISIS. Instead of shrinking it, which should be everyone’s goal, ISIL assigns it more territory, in concurrence with USA’s goal in the Middle East. Therefore, ISIL is a subtle mind-manipulation, and so is IS.

You may have noticed that I usually qualify it by calling it ISIS/Daesh/Al Nusra, therefore there can be no mistake that I am NOT referring to the ancient goddess, but to the Islamist terrorism phenomenon.

Hope my comprehensive explanation is sufficient to put this issue to rest.

Afterthoughts + Announcements

The world continues going through a tectonic Earth Shift, and everything around us is accelerating. I can’t believe that it’s been barely three days since I published ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR! So much has happened since, and continues happening!

On August 9 Putin hosted Erdogan and scores of Turkish military, politicians & business people, who were eager to get back on track and begin making deals. Huge turnarounds in various spheres are already happening, big announcements are being made (at least by Turkish and Bulgarian sides) in regards to Turkish Stream/South Stream, NATO bases and US precarious position in Turkey, plus the new page in Russia-Turkey-Syria relations. As you’ve read in ESR13, just before Erdogan, Putin met with leaders of Azerbaijan and Iran. The next day after Erdogan, Putin received the president of Armenia. All these events, following each other in close proximity, are interconnected. New, just recently unimaginable, alliances are starting to materialize. As predicted in ESR13, all this is a huge win for Russia and a huge loss for the US.

I’ve promised you all an update on Erdogan – Putin St. Petersburg meeting, the surrounding events and their Earth Shifting consequences. Those who have purchased ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR will be able to read the update first: it’ll be posted as ADDENDUM at the bottom of the report this Saturday. Later, the update will appear as free article on FT.

As Erdogan and Putin were preparing to meet, Ukraine attempted to attack Crimea twice in 2-3 days. Fire was exchanged, Russian Federal Security officer and a serviceman were killed, and a number of trained Ukrainian terrorists, complete with explosives and terror equipment, were taken prisoner by FSB.

You may not be surprised to learn that this attack is connected to Erdogan’s visit. But connections are much wider than that. This attack has direct bearing on US presidential elections and Russian Duma elections in September. It also comes after Russian government has announced that Crimea would become part of a larger Federal District.

The implications of the attack are far-reaching. Minsk and Normandy negotiations formats are affected; LDNR (DPR/LPR) status may change in a very positive way – I’ll discuss that in the forthcoming report; and the near future of Ukraine may become even more unstable. Who is behind this desperate attack, which could have never succeeded, who benefits from it and who gave the order?

Meanwhile, a coup to unseat Poroshenko is brewing in Kiev. Will he survive it, and what happens if he doesn’t? Lots of questions and they demand answers. I’ve been planning a new ESR: CRIMEAN AGENDA, but it has been on back burner. This may be just the time to release it! Stay tuned for more info!

Last but not least! UK PM Theresa May and Vladimir Putin had a phone conversation, in which they agreed to a personal meeting. This is good news. The events following Brexit vote have been developing just as I predicted in ESR12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU. I’ve been meaning to release a follow-up, with a broader outreach. The working name for the new ESR is BREXIT DOMINO EFFECT. Stay tuned for details!

Read ESR 13


(Consequences of Erdogan-Putin Meeting 8/9/16)

ESR13 Erdogan's War


Go to 


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About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: LadaRay.com - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: Patreon.com/LadaRay - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: FuturisTrendcast.wordpress.com - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/wordpress.com - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on August 12, 2016, in Developing Global Trends, EARTH SHIFT, Earth Shift Report, Empire Collapse, Energy & Consciousness, Forbidden History, Forbidden Linguistics, Geopolitical Trends, Middle East, Russia, USA/EU/West and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Thanks, Lada, for presenting this brief descriptor on Assad. Western propaganda against him has been so overwhelming that it’s been difficult to get a handle on the truth. I’m glad to hear he is more adept at politics than his deceased contemporaries, and I wonder if Asma has a hand in his success. You know, behind every great man is an even more remarkable woman, or words to that effect :). With Syria, Turkey, Iran and Russia in some sort of agreement to persevere against the West then they just might pull it off. Syria is getting strong help just when they need it most. There’s something about Caspian Sea oil in here that makes Syria worth bullying if I remember correctly. Of course they are probably breathing up too much oxygen around the Golan and I’m sure Israel is nervous about that.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Great insight on Assad, very helpful to get a better understanding of him, I kind of liked him from the first moment I heard him speak in an interview, nice voice, softspoken, a gentleman! Well, interesting development all over the place! I will get your Erdogan report, but have to wait….but, looking forward to reading it!
    Thanks for all you do!

    Have a great weekend everyone!


    Liked by 2 people

    • Great weekend to you too, Christa.

      And a great weekend to all my wonderful readers!

      For me, it’s only a partial weekend. Will be working on the Putin-Erdogan meeting article and new ESRs! What can be more fun!

      Liked by 3 people

    • This weekend (Friday, starting early) Fox News is busy slamming Putin for creating instability in Crimea and thus fomenting the latest “defensive” moves from Ukraine. Their talking-head generals are out in force bashing Russian aggression. Makes me sick. So, no, we do not take the weekend off. The devil never sleeps, so we don’t either.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Dear Lada, thank you for this insightful Q&A and an equally insightful ESR 13, reading of which I’ve just embarked upon…

    As the focus is again on that area, and as it is right across the Black Sea from Tvaridia (Crimea), I think it would be relevant to post the following heads-up of a foiled terrorist attack on Crimea by the Ukrainian special ops:


    Liked by 2 people

  4. Reblogged this on 1EarthUnited and commented:
    Very enlightening report, Lada. I appreciate the insider intel, underlying motives, political games that Erdogan’s playing and Russia’s response. Your seminal report about this grand chessboard of political machinations is worthy of a Pulitzer! Keep up the great work, awakening the masses, and governments!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Re Isis, thank you for your kind and balanced words, Lada. To my great displeasure I missed the crucial point totally: it’s not about the (right or wrong) meaning of words, it’s about energy. And all that although (or because ?) you’re such an expert in reading the energy … The CIA handlers of their mercenaries chose this term purposefully in order to suck positive energies. Everytime we use this term “Isis” we strengthen their bearded mobs with positive energy. Russian news (in english) often prefer to use the term “Daesh”.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I prefer Daesh too, it’s much better, but regretfully, a lot of people don’t understand it, that’s why I began using this long thing: ISIS/Daesh/Al Nusra, attempting to get people used to the new term, so eventually I could just say ‘Daesh’ or ‘Al Nusra’ and everyone would get it. So, you see my position, when trying to communicate something to many people with different levels of understanding…

      Liked by 3 people