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Desperate for Up-To-Date Truth About Ukraine and Novorossia?

Hi Lada – by good fortune I managed to find links to “President” on your site the other day and subsequently downloaded a Novorossia video called “Аэропорт_ Симфония войны [18 ]”. Problem is that the English subtitles were missing after the download and I wonder, whether there is not a way to embed the subtitles so that the file then automatically downloads the subtitles too.. I’m not a techie, so would have no idea whether embedding subtitles is possible. Forgive me clumsy way of explaining… but millions of us globally are desperate for the truth about Russia and what happened and continues happening in Ukraine…

Lada says: 

Let me first say that in the global scheme of things, the language separation is how they are able to keep us all divided and distrustful of each other. If we don’t understand each other’s language, we cannot know the truth. It’s so much easier to pull the wool over people’s eyes and get them to listen to your own propaganda. Perhaps because of that I initially became a linguist. It will be so important for humans to eventually develop a global language that would become the means of close communication among all.

In this respect, English-speakers are in by far the worst situation. Usually, people from other countries have learned some foreign languages, including English. European citizens tend to speak several languages fluently. Many Russian citizens would often know a regional language or two and a bit of a foreign language (alas, not well enough), in addition to Russian. But the US citizens tend to speak only English since it is assumed that everyone anywhere would understand you. This seeming victory of the English language, coupled with absolutely horrendous school instruction and lack of travel experience, harbors a seed of terrible defeat and future isolation. And this is in the country that prides itself on being the melting pot of immigrants!

All I can say is that the world is changing. It is my advice to my American and other English-speaking readers to begin learning foreign languages – FAST!

The translation conundrum: Presently, we have to translate manually anything that may be of value. Practically every day I come across the important news from Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Pridnestrovie, Balkans, Eurasia, etc. Every time I do, I want to share them with my readers. However, translation of a 4-5 min video with subs and editing may take up to 10-15 hours of work. Text translation takes less time, but it’s also a voluminous undertaking. Because of that, good translations are so rare and good translators are so valued.

As to the subs: I’m not a techie either, but if any readers are, please help us all by posting instructions on how to do that in the comment section! Please share with all!

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My top recommendation – the best Novorossia News channel

(staffed and funded by volunteers and donations):

YouTube channel News-Front. It is the best source of up-to-date news from Donbass, Novorossia and Crimea. You have seen me sometimes translate or reference bits from this channel.

The only thing they have with embedded English subs is the 2-min daily Novorossia News Summary (with Elena Krasovskaya) – Rus: Сводка новостей Новороссии. Click on this link to access the playlist on their channel, or go to channel and scroll down till you see this title in Russian. Their subs aren’t super, but you get the idea.

They also have the following programs, but only in Russian (if anyone finds a good way of translating for YT, please do share as then everyone would be able to listen to this channel):

News. Our Crimea! – Rus: Новости. Крым наш!

Here is an example:

Great interview program called In Reality with Sergey Veselovsky – Rus: Программа “На Самом Деле”

Some interviews are with real residents of various areas of Ukraine, who dare to tell the truth of how they live, some with Novorossia soldiers and politicians, and others – with people internationally and experts.

News-Front also publishes very nitty-gritty and truthful documentaries about the Donbass war, including a lot of pretty graphic stuff. Those who want to see the magnitude of destruction and horror there, go to these playlists:

“Донбасс на линии огня” – Donbass in the Line of Fire


“Новороссия. Оружие победы” – Novorossia. A Weapon of Victory

Generally, there is precious little truth and real deal news translated into English from Novorossia and other parts. It is only the enthusiasts and volunteers such as myself and some others that make it happen.

I want to recommend to you the efforts of one such enthusiast and FuturisTrendcast friend, Nemo, who is originally from Russia and resides in Scandinavia. He just did an important translation, which I recommend everyone checks out.

Lada, some sad heads-up. Today is one year since the massacre near Dmitrovka, where journalist Andrei Stenin was killed along with tens of other civilians. I have translated from Russian an extensive article, which reconstructs the events, based on the survivors’ testimonies:

For those who speak German, I think there is more truth available, as some Germans, including certain German media, as well as some Russians living there, engage in translating. I have to say that Germans are much more awake than people in the English-speaking world; however, their dissent gets suppressed all the time by their own government, working in tandem with the US forces.

Still, certain bits of truth make it to the German MSM. Under no circumstances can I say the same about the English-speaking MSM!

A couple of pieces with German translation – incidentally, these are also from News-Front DE (translated by German volunteers):

Students of Crimea respond to students of Ukraine:

  1. Aufruf der Studenten von der Krim an die Studenten der Ukraine

  2. ~

    ADDED INFO: Ah, and here is the answer from our tech expert, Maddie at Thanks so much, Maddie! Hope this works!

    Youtube has a very good built-in universal translator for videos. Firstly, the CC (closed captioned) button on the bottom menu bar of the video must be present. If not then go into your Youtube channel and TURN ON the Closed Caption function. Then click on the the Settings Cog (Wheel) next to the CC button on the bottom of your vid. There will be a drop down menu which allows you to translate whichever language you prefer. Note that some videos do not offer CC b/c the poster did not turn it on from their upload. You can leave a comment and ask them to have CC available for you switched on. Good luck!


    ADDED VIDEOS with ENG SUBS: I also managed to find these vids on YT. They all have English subs and are about the realities of the war in Donbass (can’t attest to their quality as I am unable to watch such gruesome footage. But I know that my readers are desperate for the truth. It is for you to judge, dear readers!).

    1. [eng subs] Combat footage: fights for Donetsk airport 02/10/14  by Kazzura

      • 10 months ago  81,975 views   Combat footage: fights for Donetsk airport 02/10/14.  HD
    2. [eng subs] Combat footage. Fights for Donetsk airport 30/09/14 One day with Givi   by Kazzura

      • 10 months ago   122,975 views   Combat footage. Fights for Donetsk airport 30/09/14 One day with Givi. Cannon that can fire only in the Name of God, Givi’s …   HD
    3. [eng subs] Interview with “Texas” — NAF volunteer from US, Donetsk airport area   by Kazzura

      • 3 months ago   14,468 views    [eng subs] Interview with “Texas” — NAF volunteer from US, Donetsk airport area.   HD
      This is the documentary referred to in the original reader question (don’t see any Eng subs – sorry!):
    4. Аэропорт: Симфония войны [18+]  – Airport: the Symphony of War (18+)

      Документальный проект журналистов телеканала «Новороссия» Анны Триксель и Дмитрия Подорожника «Аэропорт:…   HD

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