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Lada Ray predictions and Ukraine timeline: Can it become part of Israel? Will Russia invade?

Some important follow-ups to my latest: Heil Poroshenko! Ukraine junta bans Russian SM, prepares to ban Russian Orthodox Church.

First, an update and some rare good news from Ukraine! Under the pressure from the international community and from Ukraine’s own citizens, for now the Ukraine Rada did not pass the proposed Russian Orthodox Church ban. It has been widely warned that such ban would generate an all-out religious war in Ukraine.

The pressure on Ukraine not to adopt such shameful and anti-democratic law has been very tough. Even the Pope got involved, strongly advising against it. However, it’s early to rejoice. They will continue coming after the Russian churches and after everything Russian for as long at this junta is in power. We have seen this dance and song before, say, in the renaming of the streets and cities in Ukraine. Or take the visa regime with Russia – it has been proven that they’ll endanger their own economy by doing it, yet the Bloody Pastor Turchinov and others are back at it full force. They will keep aggressively coming at it, until the public and/or lawmakers cave in.

The aggressive ukro-nazi element has been allowed to proliferate and grow like cancer in Ukraine for 25 years. We are seeing the sorry results of Ukraine’s 25 year ‘independence’ from Russia and common sense.

The only way to reign in this genocidal fascist dictatorship in Ukraine is for Russia and for us, the sane people of the world, to keep constant pressure on their foreign sponsors, who in turn will have no choice but to pressure the Kiev junta and Poroshenko to keep the Nazi element in check. To remind everyone, the main sponsors and supporters of the Kiev junta and ukro-nazis are: USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, and Brussels/EU as a whole.

*** On another note, Russia has filed a complaint against Ukraine with WTO. If WTO does not fine Ukraine for the continuing border, business and trade violations, Russia may institute a visa regime and new economic sanctions against Ukraine. Russia for years has been awfully lenient towards Ukraine. But if Kiev junta continues aggressive anti-Russian stance, emboldened by the support of the West, Russia may respond in like.

New ASK LADA Episode
Comment from Peter My first post to you Lada – you have been moved to my “Bookmarks Bar” out of the long list of News Sites Folder 🙂

As stated above “This is cultural genocide.” My wife (with Russian roots) is from Kiev and her mother is still there, we tried to shift her back home to Kaluga – Russia, but she says “I am too old” (stubborn more likely)
We travelled to Ukraine every summer from 2003 – 2013 – we live in NZ and now my wife never wants to see Ukraine again!! I am prepared to go back and visit – but she refuses. 

What is happening in Ukraine is complete utter madness – getting madder by the day.
This latest ban of VK-Yandex-OK etc. sends a very clear message to those of us who are not DNA etched with Russophobe. I actually believe that this has gone too far to retrieve or stop now, the only options IMHO of reversal are one of two. Russia does what 90% of the Western people believe they are doing anyway and fully invade and take full control. The other (which I personally believe is actually happening now) is that Ukraine will become a new country for Israel.


Why people leave a country; How the Chi and Life force work; The People-Bridges

I know exactly how your wife feels and I know lots of people who thank the universe every day they moved out of Ukraine, and also those who are trying to get their elderly relatives out of there.

I fully understand why people want to leave. But therein lies the crux of the problem. As the higher calibrated, more educated, more active and higher IQ people continue their exodus (many of us had left years ago), they also withdraw their life force. When not enough smart and positive people are available to moderate the energy of such a place, it first stagnates, and then falls to the dark side. As a result, such country falls more and more into (forgive me) the imbecility we are observing in Ukraine today.

To understand how it works refer to my article Mass Migration: What Happens if a Country Gains or Loses its Life Force? (US, EU, Russia, China, Ukraine, Syria).

The above notwithstanding, those of us who have left Ukraine, Russia, or any other country in order to live in the West are playing a very important and indispensable role of being the People-Bridges. We bridge different cultures, foster mutual understanding and benevolence, and we seed the Western collective consciousness with alternative information. 

Can Israel take over Ukraine?

Nope. Russia won’t let that happen. I already answered this question and made a full prediction on that in ESR6 Ukraine: New Kazarian Khaganate and American Zionism. In the same ESR6 I answer various questions about Israel and Zionism. In it I don’t proliferate the popular half-truths nor simplified view of the issue, and I don’t do blame game or fear mongering. I reveal some historic truths, addressing the most convoluted forbidden history moments and controversial issues. A must read for those who are serious about understanding the truth.

That said, I for one would welcome any infusion into Ukraine of higher Chi from anyone. Russians are working with everyone, including Israel, to influence the Kiev junta from without. Israel, as always, is playing a double game, and it’s all very complicated. But Putin and his team are exceptional chess players. And again, every little bit of the restraining higher Chi influence from abroad helps.

Will it get worse in Ukraine before it gets better? 

This, unfortunately, is the reality we are seeing. My original prediction has been that between 2016 and 2018 Ukraine will begin turning back towards Russia, but only after its economy is fully destroyed. We are now seeing the brutal process of a wholesale economic and social destruction.

And the changing timeline…

However, there has been a slight shift in the timeline reality due to Kiev junta holding on to power for dear life and due to the US/EU establishment and shadow forces continuing its support.

Due to this slight shift, there can be some delay in Ukraine’s shift towards Russia, albeit a slight one. Moreover, there can be gradual shift of various parts of Ukraine. However, I still DO NOT see the part by part shift outcome. I see most or all of Ukraine shifting at once.

If Ukraine still stagnates under Kiev junta till the end of 2018, there will be a significant change as of the end of 2018 – beginning of 2019, when Russia cancels the gas transit deal with Ukraine and after Nord Stream 2 has been built.

But as a result of the shifted timeline, Russia will not want to drag the dead body of Ukraine (sorry, however cruel it may sound) on her shoulders. Russia will be looking for cooperative solutions with other countries.

Neither would Russia ever invade Ukraine – per my original 2014 prediction. Or let’s just say, Russia would only send troops to Ukraine based on the UN, or similar, mandate. And even then – don’t think so. This prediction for the next 2-3 years only. After that a lot will change in the world.

I’ve written about the shifting timelines and the Mandela Effect in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 18: LADA RAY FRENCH ELECTION PREDICTIONS: LE PEN – MACRON FACE-OFF & WHAT IT MEANS FOR THE EU.

Silver lining

And now we’ve come full circle. The change in Ukraine has to come from within. This has to be accompanied by Russian support and US/EU withdrawal. So far, this is not happening fast enough. But the situation may change very quickly in the next year or so. Stay tuned!

It has been clearly shown that the people are awakening, as we’ve seen during the Immortal Regiment march of May 9, 2017. In Kiev alone 60,000 people came out and all over Ukraine, anywhere between 600, 000 and a million.

See more here: Proof Ukraine turned into Terrorist Fascist State: Kiev #ImmortalRegiment parade attacked

Article by Nemo: the-ukrainian-question-political-prophecy-of-1930-coming-true/








Yatsenyuk Announces Resignation. Ukraine On the Brink? France Recognizes Novorossia?

This is the latest from Kiev: prime minister of Ukraine Yatsenyuk just announced his resignation. His resignation will be discussed in the Rada on April 12. Last time he attempted this, it was rejected. Will it be accepted this time?

I have to say that the first word that comes to mind is: FINALLY! Not because something will improve in Ukraine after Yatsenyuk’s resignation. Not at all. It is likely to get worse before it has any hope of getting better. Unfortunately, this US/EU project called ‘ukro-nazi oligarchic and Russophobic Kiev junta’ has plunged the territory formerly known as Ukraine into disaster, destroyed its economy, currency and created enemies out of people who used to call themselves brothers. But the bottom still has not been reached. There is still some way to fall…

Yatsenyuk has been trying to resign since last year, while Rada refused to let him go. Not because he is indispensable; just the opposite: he presided over the wholesale destruction of Ukraine’s economy. It was his job and this is what he was hired to do: this entire ukro-nazi Kiev junta is a demolition crew in order to leave ruins where Ukraine once was. Failing the creation of a full fledged aggressive anti-Russia (like Hitler’s Germany once, but much closer), the next best thing was to leave Ukraine in a shambles, making Russia spend resources to rebuild it (all this discussed in detail in Ukraine-related Earth Shift Reports (ESRs 2, 3, 6, 8) and Predictions).

Recently, IMF again confirmed that the new tranche of IMF loans to Ukraine is being ‘postponed.’ Translation from the bankster slang: Ukraine will never get any more IMF loans, for as long as this junta is in power. The initial IMF loan promise to Ukraine was about $16 bln, while by all estimates, Ukraine needed at least $33 bln to survive. Last time IMF had disbursed a $3 bln (if memory serves) tranche was over 7 months ago. Since then, IMF was forced to recognize Ukraine’s debt of $3 bln to Russia as a sovereign debt, something Kiev vehemently denied. This effectively made it impossible for the global banking consortium to disburse any more loans to Ukraine. IMF rules state that a country in default of sovereign debt cannot receive loans. If they broke their own golden rule it would signify breakdown of the entire Western banking model. At this point, if IMF gave Ukraine another loan, then Russia, as creditor No. 1, would take precedence and IMF money would be immediately paid to Russia. In other words, Ukraine wouldn’t get anything anyway.

In truth, the recognition of Kiev’s $3 bln debt to Russia as sovereign was just a pretext to begin dumping Ukraine as the failed project to create anti-Russia on Russian borders. I predicted this outcome since early 2014. See more in PREDICTIONS, Ukraine ESRs and Ukraine archived articles on FT.

Poroshenko went around the world begging for loans wherever he could: US, Turkey, even Japan. He got something like several hundred million, with heavy strings attached, plus a ‘guarantee for $1 bln’ from the US. Guarantee means that IF anyone wants to give Kiev money, then US would act as guarantor. No takers so far.

The situation in the economy is dire: for the oligarchs, Kiev politicians and military there is less and less left to steal.

Here is an interesting fact: since 2014 Kiev coup ALL Ukraine oligarchs lost a huge percentage of their wealth. All, except one: president Poroshenko by many estimates increased his fortune by seven times. He started at his presidential post with $600 million. Now his fortune is worth several billion dollars. Watch my video/audio report on YouTube:

Most of those who were rich and powerful before the coup lost money and assets at a huge rate (read ESR3: OLIGARCH WARS). In fact, most Ukraine oligarchs mentioned in ESR3 aren’t billionaires any more; they have now been downgraded to mere multi-millionaires.

However, there was another person in power who benefited tremendously during the time of a wholesale destruction of Ukraine. In fact, he is called Thief No. 1 and his name is PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk. This one isn’t an oligarch and he doesn’t need assets, like Poroshenko or Kolomoysky. He just wants lots of dollars, plain and simple. During the past two years, and especially during his PM tenure, he stole over $1 bln. Moreover, in the same period he also acquired Canadian citizenship.

This brings us to the direct reason why Yatsenyuk is in a hurry to resign. He sees the writing on the wall: economy destroyed, no one is willing to give Kiev loans. Soon Ukrainians all over the country will begin rioting again. It is clear that anti-Russia project failed and this artificially created and maintained country has no future. It is also clear that Transatlantic bosses have begun ‘flushing down’ Ukraine.

Yatsenyuk was installed by US to demolish Ukraine’s economy. He achieved his purpose. US, represented by Joe Biden, Rada and Poroshenko want to keep Yatsenyuk around. Someone has to be designated as a scapegoat when sh*t hits the fan. Yatsenyuk is already the most hated politician in the country, with basically zero% rating. With nickname ‘blood-thirsty rabbit’ for his role in Donbass ATO and support of killing Russians, he is perfect for the role.

Yatsenyuk knows he needs to get out while he can. Rats continue abandoning the ship.

RT vid shows tariff hikes in Ukraine while Yatsenyuk was PM:

Read my article with telling videos: Kiev Scandals: Transatlantic Boss Joe Biden and Ukraine’s Spiders in a Jar (Saakashvili, Avakov, Yatsenyuk and Idiocracy Plus)

Who will come after Yatsenyuk? This is an interesting question. It can be US citizen and present finance minister of Ukraine Natalie Jareska, who is being pushed by the US. Or it can be the ‘bloody pastor’ Turchinov, who first authorized ATO and shelling of peaceful people in Donbass. More acceptable to some is the figure of the Rada speaker Groysman. (I have written about connection of Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko and Groysman to global Zionist organization Chabad and American Zionists in Earth Shift Report 6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE?)

For a time US tried to install as Ukraine PM the current Odessa governor and wanted ex-Georgia president Saakashvili. He was the rumored frontrunner until he made enemies in the majority of Kiev elites (read much more about what games are being played by Saakashvili and his US bosses in the latest Earth Shift Report 8: BLACK SEA AGENDA).

These are potential candidates for the new PM position, Groysman being the current favorite.

However, I say who cares who will be next? Whoever they install in this post will be yet another puppet of the same forces; he/she will forward the same agenda and will also use this position to siphon the little wealth that still remains in the country.

Incidentally, it was Yatsenyuk who authorized the transfer to the US of Ukraine’s gold, including priceless Scythian gold (Gold of the Skiffs).

The wholesale looting of Ukraine continues. What will next PM steal? Not much is left – they have to hurry.

Sadly, my 2014 prediction, ‘before Ukraine starts turning back to Russia between 2016 and 2018 its economy will be completely destroyed,’ is materializing fully. Yesterday I listened to an update from Natalia Vitrenko, leader of now banned Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine and prominent economist. According to Vitrenko, per capita GDP of Ukraine is now about 140th out of 180 tracked countries, behind Papua New Guinea. In 1990, when Ukraine was together with Russia, its GDP was No. 10 in the world. Further, Ukraine is now No.1 in the world in per capita mortality rate. All this happened in the past 2 years.

Meanwhile, Kiev propaganda keeps telling Ukrainians that Russia is about to collapse and disintegrate, that Ukraine army is about to retake Crimea and that US is behind them 100%.

I had already predicted all there was to predict about the future of Ukraine. Now it’s time to sit back and watch the future unfold. See: Predictions and new Trends & Predictions page on

I won’t repeat all these predictions. I’ll just say this: the sooner the still remaining in the country sane Ukrainians wake up (many normal ones were forced to flee ukro-nazis), stop listening to Kiev MSM/political propaganda and begin seeing the situation in their country for what it is, the less pain and suffering they will have to go through as a result, when sh*t does hit the fan.

I know, I am asking for logic, reason and clear thinking where there is none. Ukraine will have no choice but to wake up, and it will be a painful awakening. Due to how zombified the population has become, the awakening will only happen when US and EU dump Ukraine. The process of ‘flushing down’ has already begun. It will intensify in 2017.

Yatsenyuk wants to get out before it becomes visible to all. He bought himself Canadian citizenship and his private jet is on standby. Same is true for Poroshenko and other Ukraine criminals. But the majority of the population won’t be able to escape. There is simply no place for them to run…

Moreover, I can tell you that the name of ‘Ukraine’ as a state will cease to exist within 10 years, possibly as little as 6 years. There was no Ukraine before 19th century (I wrote about that in ESR2: UKRAINE – TRUTH, LIES, FUTURE HOPE) and the situation will revert to its historical equilibrium in time.

I personally vote for Novorossia as the new name.

France Recognizes Novorossia?

As a matter of fact, French TV channel ITELE for the first time ever aired a map of Novorossia, in which they included: Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhie, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson oblasts.

The above oblasts is what is traditionally included in Novorossia.

However, something is telling me that the Novorossia that is coming will be substantially bigger in scope… Just kidding. I know for a fact it will be much larger than that! Consider it one of my predictions!

See various maps and possible divisions of Ukraine in ESR2, ESR6 and ESR8.

You may know that my personal view and prediction is that most of today’s Ukraine will within 1-2 years turn towards Russia and that only Russia can pacify, rebuild and keep what is now Ukraine whole. Of course, it will be under another name…




Lada’s recommendations!

Nemo (Stanislav) is doing a marvelous and important job of translating various documentaries and documents from Russian into English. These translations cut through language barriers and reveal the truths to our Western readers, which otherwise wouldn’t be heard and known. Please read his new English translations (and follow his blog, too)!

Nemo’s translations

  1. Translation of a fragment of a Russian documentary, which goes well along with Lada’s FT article How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (MSM/ Alternative Media)
  2. ‘I finished translating the large documentary about the Ukrainian history: Alas, it was immediately “blocked worldwide” by YouTube: “Copyrighted content was found in your video.” Interesting that they took almost the whole film. The film itself is created by Rossia24 and has nothing to do with BigMovieNetwork. Until I upload this video to RuTube, one can grab the untranslated video from here: and then apply the subtitles, available from download from my site.’

Upcoming PUTIN’S INTERNATIONAL LIVE Q&A (Nemo’s info in response to Lada’s post Putin shows German skills, unexpectedly steps in as translator at international journalist forum):

‘That was a really nice gesture on Putin’s part. This whole press-conference had such a relaxed, informal, friendly atmosphere.:)

On the 14th of April, there will be the large live “Direct Line” Q&A session with Putin.

Questions can be addressed here:
or called-in from abroad to +7–499–550–40–40, +7–495–647–40–40, +7–495–539–40–40.

At the site above, one can also vote for the questions that you feel are close to your heart.’



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Dmitry Rogozin Reveals All: US Thought Ukraine Was an In to Russian Defense Secrets

This is an excerpt from


Chabad, American Zionism & the NWO Agenda

Dmitry Rogozin Reveals All: US Thought Ukraine Was an In to Russian Defense Secrets

By taking over Ukraine US was seriously hoping to get its hands on some advanced developments. The thing is that during Soviet times Ukraine produced many important components for Russian defense industry. Due to the established Soviet infrastructure of profit and job sharing, Ukraine continued being the supplier of many components for Russia up until 2014. One of the flagships of this industry was the giant defense manufacturer Yuzhmash. The fact that it’s located in Dnepropetrovsk is significant. It is the center of Chabad in Ukraine.

Hidden more than others, one goal was hardly ever brought up by any analysts: among other things, US wanted to take over Ukraine in order to glean Russian technological secrets, especially military secrets. It has been known for years to the Russian intelligence, and now it has become known publicly, that US had taken over Yuzhmash, the largest enterprise in Dnepropetrovsk built during Soviet times. Yuzhmash (abbreviation translating as Southern Machinery) employed anywhere between 55 and 100 thousand people.

Russia seemingly continued using Yuzhmash parts for its tanks and other hardware. However, the cooperation with Yuzhmash was abruptly discontinued after the February 2014 Kiev coup. Yuzhmash, having lost its primary buyer, Russia, declared bankruptcy. The following events were predictable: US announced they would take it over and support Yuzhmash financially.

According to First Deputy PM of Russia in charge of the military-industrial complex, Dmitry Rogozin: ‘It was well-known to Russian authorities that US had agents in Yuzhmash for years. Yuzhmash had brains and was on the cutting edge 40-50 years ago. In the past 25 years there was hardly anyone good left there (in another interview Rogozin shared that any brains that were left in Ukraine and Yuzhmash after Soviet collapse had been long working in Russia). We knew for a while that their production was junk. Whatever they find there, it’s all obsolete. We have technologically gone so far ahead. No Russian military secrets can be gleaned at Yuzhmash.’

What Rogozin didn’t say overtly, but hinted on for those in the know: Russians have been developing next gen weapons on their own, quietly building new plants and labs to substitute for Ukrainian production. This has been happening for years as Ukraine drifted away from Russia and closer to the US/EU. In reality, while Russians still bought parts made in Ukraine, they didn’t use them. It was done for show, in order to keep Ukrainians and Americans thinking Ukraine was still viable as Russian military production source. When Ukraine events began, Russia quickly transitioned to the new internal production. New, technologically superior, tank Armata and other hardware were introduced at Moscow 2015 Victory Day parade.

For more on new Russian weapons and, until recently, super-secret defense projects watch:

ESR 4: Alien Technology & New Russian Weapons

Go to ESR6 for Rogozin’s video interview! In Earth Shift Report 6 Lada Ray reveals deep truths and connections between varying agendas, historic and current events, and cultures. Discussed are Chabad, American Zionism, NWO Agenda, historic and contemporary hoaxes, forbidden history and truths, and how all this mysteriously became interconnected in Ukraine. Click to read! 


Chabad, American Zionism & the NWO Agenda

(where hoaxes are dispelled and forbidden truths revealed)