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Russian Submarines Target ISIL (Daesh) in Syria from Mediterranean. What Does it Mean?

This just in!

I very rarely post videos with direct weapons usage on my blog. But this is one exception. I thought this impressive video was worth posting as it demonstrates clearly how the conflict in Syria is developing. It also shows that Russia is serious about both dealing with ISIL – Daesh and with showing who is in control of the situation.

In ESR5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER we’d discussed the surprise Russian cruise missile strikes from Caspian Sea. This is something new and it sends another signal. What is this signal, and what’s really going on around Syria and Turkey?

I have received many requests from readers to address what is happening and how to interpret that UK, Germany, US and others have sent troops and/or suddenly decided to bomb Syria. There are reports of the US bombing Syrian government troops (deaths reported) under the pretext of bombing Islamist ISIL/Daesh. On another note, Turkey began illegal ground invasion of Iraq, citing the ‘protection of Kurds’ and infuriating the Iraqi government.

All these aren’t isolated accidents. One of our readers suggested it reminded him of the 19th century Crimean War, where Turkey, UK, France and other Western powers ganged up on Russia.

To me it’s much more like the 1941-1945 Great War (Western: World War II). What do I mean? All to be explained in the upcoming ESR7!

The connections between all of the above, plus the downing of the Russian jet in Syria and Russian civilian plane’s bombing in Sinai Egypt, are clear. Together with what’s happening in Ukraine, Crimea, Moldova, Armenia, Turkey, Central Asia and the Balkans, these are all parts of the huge battle for the control of Eurasia. The biggest battles are fought in several historically volatile energy knots: Middle East, Balkans, and Caspian – Black Sea basins. All of these areas are in fact next to each other and are historically inter-connected.

I see them all as one large planetary tension center. Together they constitute the most vulnerable point, or what is called the ‘soft underbelly of Russia.’ In addition, these areas target the destabilization of China and India.

This is why the world’s biggest geopolitical and military shocks will continue in these parts, and this is why peace that we all hope for will be difficult to achieve in these parts for a while. In fact the crisis will deepen – it’ll get worse before it gets better.

As we have observed, the crisis has spilled into the most well-to-do and quiet areas of Europe in the form of the refugee crisis. But someone is orchestrating this crisis. If you think it’s Erdogan and Turkey – that’s only on the surface.

All this and more to be discussed in:

Earth Shift Report 7


Erdogan, Davutoglu & Ottoman Empire

Coming Sunday, December 13! 
Stay tuned!

Turkey conundrum 2


This new report should be treated as the continuation and logical progression of ESR5: SYRIA GAME CHANGER. It’ll pick up where the former left off.

ESR5 Syria Game Changer 2


It is also a logical development of ESR6: UKRAINE – NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE?


THE BATTLE FOR EURASIA may become a new series of reports. We’ll see how my readers like this one. If you do enjoy it, please write testimonials on FT after you’ve read it, and perhaps in future ESRs I’ll be able to reveal the clandestine developments and convoluted games played in other important areas of Eurasia!

I plan to release ESR7 by the end of this week (early next week the very latest), so you all have plenty of time to read and digest it well before the holidays.

Let’s hope that nothing extremely terrible happens during this holiday season and we can at least relax and have a nice Christmas/New Year’s celebration with our families!




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