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What next? US shuts down Russian San Francisco Consulate + two other diplomatic sites


In late December 2016 US, still under Obama, suddenly announced seizure of Russian diplomatic properties and expulsion of 35 Russian diplomatic staff, together with families. People with school children were given less than 48 hours to clear out of the country, in violation of any and all human rights, and right before New Year’s and Christmas.

At that time, Russia did nothing, awaiting Trump’s presidency and hoping he would conduct a more sane policy.

There was a PROMISE made by Trump — and therefore an expectation by the Russian side — that US would return illegally expropriated Russian diplomatic properties. This promise was supposed to materialize during or after the long-anticipated meeting between Putin and Trump during G20 in Hamburg, Germany. Nothing transpired and Trump together with Tillerson dodged all Russian inquiries.

G20 Hamburg Putin Trump 1

Vladimir Putin meets Donald Trump at G20 in Hamburg, Germany

After waiting for any progress till the end of July, Russia announced that US diplomatic staff in the country was being reduced by 755 people, to maintain parity with the number of Russian diplomatic staff in the US. The reduction comes into effect as of September 1. The number of US staff remaining in Russia is to stay at 455, which would be on par with the number of Russian diplomats in the US.

As is apparent from the blown out of proportion numbers of US diplomatic staff, said ‘staff’ was very hard at work trying to orchestrate a Kiev-style Maidan and color revolution in Russia, in time for Russian presidential elections in March 2018.

A warehouse on the outskirts of Moscow and a dinky US dacha near Moscow were also ordered to be vacated. To be sure, the little dacha / summer cabin in the woods near Moscow does not come close to the Russian diplomatic resort property expropriated by the US. Russia bought that resort in 1970s and paid $1.2 mln at the time. Therefore, Russian private property was illegally expropriated by the US.  Meanwhile, the dacha property near Moscow was GIVEN to the US diplomats as a diplomatic gesture.

Another thing that is striking is that Russian authorities gave American diplomats and their families a full month to wrap up their affairs and move out of the country. If any of them had school children, they were hardly affected as it was in the summer, and enough time was given to find new schools for the kids. Let’s recall that USA simply THREW OUT Russian families from the country, not even giving them enough time to pack, and it happened in the middle of a school year!

But that was only the beginning of this new diplomatic 4D war. As many around the globe have noticed, there is no difference whether it’s Bush, Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama, or Trump. US is only happy when it creates conflict and wars all over the globe. They are too afraid to attack Russia directly. In fact, as I’d predicted since 2014, they’ll NEVER DARE. But they find ways to do it insidiously and clandestinely, escalating conflict in every way they can. This is the nature of the beast…

Where are all of Trump’s campaign promises, such as pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq, improving relations with Russia, making a peaceful effort in Syria? Instead we see Trump and the crazies around him escalating N. Korean crisis, getting into fights with China, sending more troops to Afghanistan and Iraq, interfering in Syria, Picking fights with Iran, promising lethal weapons to the fascist Kiev junta in order to attack the people of Donbass and provoke Russia, and as a cherry on the cake — new escalation of diplomatic conflict with Russia.

Recently US announced that all US visas to Russian citizens were being canceled. Moreover, US completely stopped giving out new US visas to Russian citizens. It was also announced by the US State Department that all visas being presently processed will be denied and money will NOT be refunded. In addition to everything, in a true highway robber style, they also stiffed people for their money.

But apparently, not too many Russians apply for US visas, so it turned out to be a pin prick. Those ‘Russians’ who are on US payroll, tasked by their handlers to perform anti-Russian work within the country, will continue getting their visas to the US as they did previously. But normal Russian citizens won’t, and not many are that interested, anyway.

Therefore, denying all Russian visas, present and future, wasn’t enough. That was quickly discovered by the US. They thought long and hard and decided to do some more spectacular damage to Russia-US relations. Earlier today US State Department announced that US shuts down the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco, CA, as well as consular annexes in Washington D.C. and New York.

They hope, said the US State Dept statement, that after this gesture by the US, US-Russia relations will finally begin improving. Anyone rolling on the ground from laughter yet?..

And, in its normal highway bandit manner, the generous US yet again has given 48 hours to Russian families to leave the country.

I had predicted since early 2016 that Trump would be put in that proverbial ‘straitjacket,’ not being able to move and make good on any of his promises, and that he would be made toe the line.

It happened exactly as predicted, and then some. But I’m finding that I was being too nice, giving him too much benefit of the doubt. In fact, Trump caved in to pressure so quickly and so fully that some people’s jaws dropped. Instead of ‘draining the swamp,’ per his campaign promises, he promptly and very successfully got sucked into it, all the way to the brim of his orange hair. Looks like he and his loyal followers are now very happy to co-exist in the same swamp together with the outdated system they vowed to change and those pundits of the system Trump claimed had to go.

I said a couple of months ago that you can forget Trump and all his promises. He has become an ordinary lame duck US president, and he will toe the line as he is told, just to survive. He is now working hard to show his real Dark State masters that he is a good little boy and deserves to finish his term, without impeachment.

In other words, Donald Trump turned out to have even less backbone than anticipated.

The Dark State wants to preserve status quo, and it’s doing a splendid job at it. And the problem? All they are achieving is delaying the day or reckoning. The longer it is delayed, the worse the weight of the USA’s karmic debt will become. Debt repayment may be delayed for several more years, but not much longer than that, as we discussed in Earth Shift Webinar 4.

And in conclusion:

There is a rumor that Rex Tillerson can’t wait to leave his post as US Secretary of State. Per reports, he is fed up, but is trying to finish one year and leave by the end of 2017, so it looks good on his resume. Rats are abandoning the sinking ship.

After leaving, Tillerson will have a lot of damage control to do. I strongly suspect it’ll be too little too late to fix business relations with Russia for Exxon Mobil and other US companies.

It has been known that large American companies have been unsuccessfully lobbying US Congress not to impose new sanctions on Russia, saying that it would damage their business with Russia, as well as that with the EU. EU companies and key EU countries as a whole are hard hit by the new US energy sanctions against Russia. So are US energy giants, such as Exxon Mobil. EU is considering certain response sanctions against the US companies doing business in the EU. At the very least, US companies will find it harder to work in the EU. Yet, none of this stopped the Congress from passing anti-Russian sanctions.

Back in 2014 I said that we should forget the old adage that ‘politics is concentrated economics’ and that economy is what drives geopolitics. This is an outdated notion that only worked in Period 7, for some very specific reasons discussed Earth Shift Webinar 4. Here’s my formula: In PERIOD 8 and throughout this entire EARTH SHIFT, it is geopolitics that is primary, while economy is its servant and appendix.

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EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM? — predictions made in January – early February 2017, which already came true & continue doing so




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G20, Putin, Trump, Ivanka, Merkel, Xi, Lukashenko, Poland, BRICS: Lada Ray Quantum Calibrations and Predictions!

Sept 16, 2020. This FREE report is a classic and is as relevant today as it was when it all happened! My 2017 quantum calibrations and predictions reflect today’s events and personalities, as if in the mirror! Great for students of geopolitics, global events, dark state and deep state, human behavior patterns, and for learning more about Lada Ray’s quantum calibrations and Earth Shift predictions!

Much has been written; many videos and pics have been taken of the Hamburg G20 on July 7-8.

I have decided not to repeat what has already been said. Rather, my intention is to put my absolutely unique signature perspective on the whole thing. I have accumulated many thoughts and observations surrounding these topics, this is why this all-encompassing article turned out so substantial. This is exclusive material you won’t find anywhere else; I hope you enjoy it.

On July 7 I tweeted the following:

  Jul 7

G20, Putin, Trump, Ivanka, Merkel, Xi, BRICS: Lada Ray Quantum Calibrations and Predictions

In this article I want to lift the veil over the quantum calibrations of various events and meetings, which in turn will give you a pretty good idea as to what really went on and how the participants of G20 fared in Hamburg.

As usual, the legend is:

QC = Quantum Calibration, or cosmic energy available to object or subject

 CHI = Chi or earthly energy of manifestation in 3D, of object or subject

To learn more about Quantum and Geo Calibrations go to:


LadaRayYT – look for my two comprehensive videos explaining entire Quantum Calibration System


The best and most comprehensive Quantum Calibrations system is available in my book:

Geopolitical & Geo-Economic​ Quantum Calibrations 


Overall calibrations for G20, July 7-8, 2017, Hamburg, Germany

QC 180 (pride), CHI 150 (anger) — Rather low calibration; Chi is notoriously low, considering all the protests, as well as tensions and cold shoulders happening between various parties.

Trump was unhappy being sidelined during the G20 ‘family photo’ and never showed up at the gala banquet. Melania was there alone, sitting next to Putin and having a lively and all-smiles discussion with him, as if such situation was orchestrated on purpose. Next day Trump sent Ivanka in his stead for the formal G20 session.

The infamous G20 2017 ‘family photo.’ Trump appears sidelined all the way to the left, between Macron and president of Indonesia. In reality, the protocol supposedly demanded that the newest-elect leaders would be standing furthest from the center. However, I can tell you that these protocols are routinely tweaked to promote a specific agenda, and our dear Western ‘partners’ play this game to perfection.

Recall how the seating at a similar G20 banquet event in Australia was arranged in such a way that Putin was seated all alone at one of the round tables, while other tables were overcrowded, making it appear as if he was being shunned by others.

In the G20 2017 case, considering Trump’s pride (and yes, he calibrates at the level of PRIDE), this caused much damage to his ego, and in turn prompted his further actions — read more on that below. 

By comparison, look at the position of Putin, between Chinese leader Xi and Turkey’s Erdogan. This is very significant, per alliances being formed. This is the message being sent, whether German organizers intended it or not – or whether they were trying to deliberately stick it to Trump. Today’s events in 2020 are a direct development of those events in 2017. The US never forgets. 

BRICS meeting on the sidelines of G20

The informal BRICS session – a traditional gathering of the BRICS during each G20 – also didn’t get anywhere. Brazil, under the new pro-US Temer government, is trying to slowly distance itself from the organization. This is a separate discussion, for another time. Today, let’s look at the informal BRICS meeting calibrations.

QC 48 (guilt), CHI (185) — Very unproductive, dismal, in fact.

As I noted previously, QC suggests that there is a big problem; this problem I believe is the behind the scenes attempt by the US to drag Brazil out of the BRICS. Similar attempts are made regarding other weak links within the BRICS: India and S. Africa.

There is a clear attempt being made to isolate Russia and China. Of course, ultimately this is impossible. But what it possible, and being attempted, is this: the slowing down of the Great Earth Shift and of the rebalancing of the world towards a more equitable multi-polar world solution. We are presently observing a global give and take struggle, with a lot of positioning among several main global players and hidden forces, such as Deep State/Dark State, with drastically different visions of the future.

This is an absolutely typical struggle for this ongoing GREAT EARTH SHIFT.


It was the most watched and covered event of G20. The rest has paled and was basically a flop. The word is that Putin and Trump turned G20 into G2. By far the most anticipated event of G20, Putin – Trump meeting was the only bright spot of this dismal event. Arguably, Trump was at G20 specifically to meet with Putin. I believe he used the G20 cover to arrange the conversation with Putin.

This meeting, which met with a huge resistance and sabotage in the US, is basically a rehearsal for the formal meeting between the two, which is being prepared. However, the resistance will always be enormous. Remember the STRAITJACKET I predicted for Trump?

That notorious STRAITJACKET and Trump’s attempts to push back against restrictions, was visible in everything.

The tension, struggle and overcoming resistance shows in the calibration of the Putin-Trump meeting:

QC 210 (confrontational courage), CHI 210 (confrontational courage)

The pre-announced sidelines talk was supposed to last 30 minutes. Instead, it lasted 2 hours and 16 minutes. Only Putin, Trump and respective FMs, Lavrov and Tillerson, as well as translators, were present.

Conspicuously excluded were Trump’s national security adviser, Russophobe McMasters, various aides, and the press.

Trying to disrupt the meeting, the American side sent various envoys into the closed room, attempting to lure Trump away. At the 1+ hour mark Melania Trump was sent in, with words, ‘Can I have my husband back?’ That didn’t work either. The meeting continued well overtime, and except for Putin and Lavrov official pressers, the parties aren’t sharing what was discussed.

Incidentally, during his G20 presser, Lavrov was uncharacteristically annoyed at the press and their dumb questions. Let’s recall that during earlier Trump’s meeting in Washington DC with Lavrov, American MSM was also excluded, while Russian press was allowed in.

Of course, this is part of Trump’s revenge against US MSM, and it also coincides with the wishes of the Russian side. Lavrov, this consummate and impeccable lifetime diplomat, has been lately noticeably pissed at the crazed and ill-bred American ‘journalists’ — something he let being known publicly.

I recently tweeted this:

I don’t know what the big discovery is, to be frank. I’ve known what US MSM was really about since the ’90s, and happily unsubscribed from all American papers, magazines and turned off all TV channels since. If you remember, it was still the time when there really was no internet and papers/magazines/TV were kings.

Back to Putin-Trump meeting. The detail noted by everyone was the handshake. No sign of the usual Trump’s aggressive handshake. Let’s not forget, Putin is martial arts Black Belt – such handshake could be quite risky. 😉

You all recall Trump’s signature handshake, during which he would pull his partner in various directions, in order to disorient and dislodge him. A habit from his tough business-dealing days, this handshake made a very uneasy splash among worried world leaders. Recall how he pulled and tagged on Japan PM’s Abe hand, not letting it go, and when he finally did, Abe winced in pain and exhaled with relief. The same kind of handshake disoriented Canada PM Justin Trudeau to such a degree that he had to brace himself against Trump to avoid toppling over. France’s Macron had to enter into a bona fide wrestling match with Trump, accompanied with a vicious stare, in order to assert himself.

It was unmistakable this time. Trump offered a completely uncharacteristic handshake to Putin. Open hand, palm up. The body language was clear: I have nothing to hide, let’s be friends. For a moment camera caught Putin looking at that hand a bit skeptically. Don’t blame him: Russia has a long history believing the word of Americans and the West in general, only to see it routinely broken. Putin is a student of history, and he is former KGB. He knows exactly what’s going on. Even if Trump himself has good intentions, he is surrounded with too many dark forces who’d spent lifetimes working on one single mission: to prevent any real breakthroughs between Russia and US. (Also, towards the bottom of this article see about Trump’s Polish faux pas).

Will this ever change? I am overall optimistic: it can, but it will take a lot of time, much work and much global rebalancing. 

Putin hesitated for only one second – he extended his hand and they shared a very nice, even and mutually respectful handshake. Both displayed some very subtle and, unlike Trump’s normal behavior, inoffensive signature alpha male moves. But Trump’s hand being at the bottom is clearly a somewhat submissive gesture. It sort of says, “I recognize you are the leading alpha male here.”

This takes us back to my original Twitter prediction ‘don’t expect too much from this Putin-Trump meeting.’ Basically they have achieved the main thing: they met and spoke for as long as possible, considering all the pressures Trump has against him. This is already a huge breakthrough. More contacts will continue, but they’ll continue being laced with provocations and sabotage.

This is not to say that positive changes in US-Russia relations aren’t possible. They will be happening, albeit slowly and in small, incremental steps.

Please recall my prediction made in Earth Shift Report 16: US Elections, and in Webinar 1: Will Trump Survive his First Term? These predictions were made in October 2016 and February 4, 2017. Some even earlier. As you’ll see, they are materializing.

1. I said that Trump would be put in a straitjacket, allowed only to move in a narrow channel of possible actions, directed into certain actions and steered away from others. This prediction has been re-confirmed so quickly, so many times an in such spectacular fashion that even I didn’t expect that.

2. I said that US really has very little to offer Russia at this point because Russia is not ready to accept Ukraine back and carry it as dead weight, after it has been utterly destroyed by the 2014 Nuland subversion. I also said that The the Kissinger Ukraine and Post-Soviet Space Plan implies that US will begin slowly and secretly disengaging from Ukraine, as well as certain other areas.

Trump-Putin discussion confirmed all that: Kiev has to observe Minsk agreements; a special envoy has been designated by the US for further talks in Moscow to end Ukraine crisis. Never mind that this envoy is considered McCain’s man — most likely this is yet another move to bide time, until a better solution is found. This better time and better solution will begin in mid-2018 and into early 2019.

Overall, this move indicates Russia wants to include Trump/US in informal negotiations on Ukraine, which in turn indicates the terms of the abandoning of the Ukraine project are on the table.

Meanwhile, the Normandy format met on the sidelines of G20, with only 3 our of 4 parties present. The original Normandy format implied 4 parties: Russia/Putin; Germany/Merkel; France/Hollande (now Macron) and Kiev/Poroshenko. Poroshenko was snubbed for invitation to G20 at Putin’s request, and excluded from negotiations. None of the new developments have been discussed with Kiev by any of the parties.

In reality, both US and EU leaders can’t wait to get rid of Poroshenko and the whiny Kiev junta — they just don’t know how.

As I said, Russia is absolutely not in a rush to accept Ukraine in this condition, or in any shape or form. Russia will hold off on any decisions until at least mid-2018, in other words, past Russian presidential election. It is likely that Russia will hold this position, watch what happens and do nothing until spring of 2019, after Gasprom shuts down all gas traffic through Ukraine. This is a separate discussion and we’ll have it later.

3. I said that the only possible real cooperation between Russia and USA, which may result in some moderate breakthroughs, is Syria. As we have seen, Putin and Trump agreed on ceasefire and 3 de-escalation zones in Syria. It’s interesting that for now the order in these areas will be maintained by the Russian military police, in coordination with Jordan and US. The roadmap for this de-escalation has been developed during Astana Assad-opposition talks, facilitated by Russia and Kazakhstan. Trump has agreed to this roadmap.

Of course, Russians are reasonably skeptical about this agreement. The previous agreements with Kerry and Obama were all quickly broken by the US. It is clear that Trump (per my original predictions) doesn’t control much of his government and underlings. There are leaks and revolts here and there. This will, unfortunately, continue – again per my predictions.

How Merkel met her guests

Merkel greeted each of her guests on the red carpet. You may have seen that footage. It was pretty remarkable how different her reactions were to various leaders. Let’s calibrate how she felt about some of them!

Merkel greets Trump: QC 85 (grief) – very bad relationship, no wonder Trump sabotaged G20 meeting by sending Ivanka in his stead.

Merkel greets Putin: QC 185 (pride) – Merkel has been basically told the following: Germany needs Nord Stream 2 yesterday, or there will be trouble. Siemens desperately needs fat Russian contracts and big orders to survive. Therefore, suck it up, granny, stop playing your silly games, forget Ukraine and Crimea – it’s time to make up with Russia. As I predicted in 2014: they huff and puff for 2-3 years, and then it’s business as usual.

Merkel greets Erdogan: QC 45 (guilt). Hardly tolerating him – after all, Turkey did boot out German military from its NATO bases.

Merkel greets Macron: QC 210 (confrontational courage). They kissed, Macron is Merkel’s best friend nowadays, especially when it comes to countering Trump or dealing with Ukraine.


Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Putin met for two days in Moscow, just before the G20. This was done to compare the notes and so that both countries would present a unified position at the G20 summit. See more here: Xi Jinping meets Putin in Moscow and Giant Putin in Italy cornfield.

As I previously noted, the relationship between the two has been the closest it has ever been. Moreover, by his actions, Trump has been pushing China closer and closer towards Russia. Admittedly, not only China. This concerns even traditionally US-vassal countries such as Japan and S. Korea.

Let’s calibrate the Putin-Xi meeting in Moscow prior to G20:

QC 280 (friendliness/neutrality), CHI 290 – same.

This is very good and considering the shifting times we are in, rather productive. So much higher than any other international events we’ve calibrated! Lately we hardly see this kind of calibration in international relations. The positions were successfully coordinated and a number of major trade deals were signed.


Meantime, before G20 Trump chose to go to Poland. It’s understandable. Poland was the only EU country that met Trump with some sort of admiration — something Trump has been looking for and couldn’t find in the EU. Of course, there was that awkward moment when Poland’s first lady ignored (didn’t notice?) Trump’s extended hand and went straight past him to first greet Melania. And of course, all those Trump-admiring and US-flag-waving Poles were bussed in for the pretty picture…

However, the true reason for Trump’s Poland visit is this. Since Putin was meeting with Xi in Moscow pre-G20, Trump’s Russophobic advisers obliged him to counter that by visiting the most Russophobic country in existence – Poland.

Trump’s trip to Poland: QC 90 (grief); CHI 181 (pride)

Poland, with its unfulfilled imperial ambitions, has been doing everything to grow exponentially the animosity between Russia and EU. Poland secretly was very much behind the 2014 Kiev Maidan and coup. Just like secret CIA jails, the training camps for the Bandera ukro-nazi militants and post-Soviet space opposition activists are located all over Poland. It was Poland’s long-standing aspiration to create a belligerent Russia-hating clone of itself out of Ukraine.

I had been too lenient on Poland for a while, giving them too much of the benefit of the doubt, and rarely talking about Poland’s hideous role. Poland has been known to hide behind the backs of bigger and stronger countries, where they would in the dark, quietly, do their ugly deeds.

They once hid behind UK’s back to quietly sabotage Russian Empire and then early USSR, including the killing of the Soviet ambassador. Then they hid behind Germany/Hitler’s back to invade Czechoslovakia. Later they hid behind USSR’s back to chop of a chunk of Germany. Today they are hiding behind USA’s back, trying to chop off chunks of Ukraine and Belarus, and swallow Lithuania whole.

However, I did warn about Poland at least once. My very mild 2014 prediction that Poland is turning into a bona fide Euro-fascist state, while at the same time trying to resurrect its failed medieval empire by absorbing Ukraine, Lithuania and parts of other countries, met back then with backlash from some Polish shills. Otherwise, it went unnoticed by my readers, probably because no one takes Poland seriously. This mistake had been made before. Hitler was once also not taken seriously.

It is completely hushed up in the West, therefore, very few know this. Several days ago the Russian Duma has considered a proposal to sever all diplomatic ties with Poland, expelling Polish ambassador and recalling Russian ambassador. This proposal has not been given green light yet. However, Polish ambassador has been conveniently absent from Moscow for a while, denoting an all-time low in bi-lateral relations.

You may ask: what’s going on?

At this time Poland is engaged in the wholesale destruction of over 500 monuments to Soviet soldiers who liberated Poland in 1944 from fascism. Over 600,000 Soviet/Russian lives were lost while liberating Poland during WWII. Now they are exhuming the bodies of these soldiers, including Russian POWs killed in Auschwitz, in order to ‘de-communize,’ as they put it. Russians asked for the remains of their people to be given to Russia for proper re-burial in the Russian land, but Poland refused.

Incidentally, did you ever wonder why the two most deadly and gruesome Nazi concentration camps were located on the territory of Poland? I can tell you why: because the energy of Poland was a good match for them.

Are there normal Poles, who disagree with what the government is doing? Undoubtedly. I do follow what’s happening there, and I’ve seen some honest and brave people trying to stand up to injustices. But, much like in the neighboring fascist Ukraine, I’ve seen time and again how these people are jailed, fired and viciously maligned. This is not the topic of this post, so I won’t give examples here.

I’ll just say that Poland, member of the EU and NATO, whose ex-PM is now the president of the EU, has developed into a full-fledged closet Euro-Nazi state. And Germany, EU and the West are simply looking the other way. The reason they don’t notice what’s happening under their very noses in either Ukraine or Poland is that they NEED Poland (as well as Ukraine) as a convenient ram against Russia. This started in medieval times, when the Vatican converted Poland into Catholicism, after which Poland became that notoriously violent ram. Nothing has changed since, and Poles seem to be enjoying this unseemly role.

The truth is that while normal people do exist in Poland, like in Ukraine, they are frightened and suppressed. Meanwhile the history is being re-written and the new generation is taught rabid Russophobia. It pains me to say this, but the majority of Poles are in fact crazed and violently xenophobic, Russia-, Ukraine- and Germany-hating ultra-nationalists.

I won’t go into any more gruesome details. Instead I highly recommend you visit the comment section under my recent post June 22, 1941: Nazi Germany attacked USSR. The ghost of Bandera. Who’ll decide the future of Ukraine. This comment section contains a very good expose of Poland’s true nature and real historic role, written by me and Nemo. This expose will give you a good perspective of the issue.

Back to Trump in Poland: let’s look at the logic of events. So, Trump is planning to meet with Putin for the first time the next day; he plans to establish bridges with Russia; he plans to discuss Russian cooperation is Syria, N. Korea and Ukraine… And knowing the whole background, just before that Trump goes to Poland.

While in Poland, Trump has talked about how much Americans love Poles (he forgot to mention all those American Polish jokes, lol). Trump also lauded Poland on striving for independence from its past, while re-writing its history in the process. Finally, Trump expressed support for Poland trying to get rid of its ‘dependence on Russian gas’ and solemnly promised that US will replace Russia as Polish gas supplier soon. Sure it will: American fracking LNG gas is only about 4 times more expensive than Russian. It’ll be a very profitable deal for Poland indeed.

Did Trump really understand what he’d gotten himself into, was he able to calculate the implications? Most likely, not. And very probably, he had no choice.

Therefore, I am making a very smooth and logical conclusion that the trip to Poland — filled with Russophobic agenda — was orchestrated by Trump’s straitjacket creators (his jailers, in fact) in order to derail the meeting with Putin. And how unfortunate that Trump in fact holds so little true power that he couldn’t get out of it.

Now you see why I said ‘don’t expect too much from the Putin-Trump meeting,’ and why I predicted long ago that the only true cooperation between US and Russia is possible in Syria, and only in small, incremental steps.

Sure, Putin was his usual diplomatic and polite self; he and Lavrov made the best out of Trump meeting at G20. But gestures like visiting Poland before the meeting and promising them ‘liberation from Russian gas’ won’t be forgotten. This is something that will continue being a thorn between Trump and Russia for as long as he is president, unless USA makes visible concessions elsewhere. Where – I’m sure we’ll discuss that eventually.

Sure, in a true Great Balancer fashion, Russia will still make every peaceful attempt to keep the relations with US going and to keep Trump out of harms way. No matter what, Trump is a lot better as US president than any alternative. Russia must continue re-balancing away from the brink of WWIII, to which Obama almost brought the world, and which Hillary would have escalated. Trump and Tillerson understand the need to step away from that brink. This is why Russia will continue talking with them.

But the trip to Poland was an unforgivable faux pas. It effectively derailed any proper cooperation. My prediction is that it will be very hard for Trump to get a true Russian cooperation when he’ll really need it. This has drained the last remaining shreds of Trump’s credibility.

And as I said, the Trump’s straitjacket creators engineered this scenario with this specific purpose in mind. Too bad Trump didn’t have the smarts and foresight to get out of it. After all, he was able to get out of G20 meetings and banquet, didn’t he? Overall, however, his straitjacket seems to be pretty tight.

Ivanka substituting for Trump at the G20 meeting

I am actually curious myself as to the calibration of this event. My immediate reaction is a distaste towards such open nepotism. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t dislike Ivanka; I think she is very good-looking and probably smarter than most of those ‘world leaders.’ Trump also has very few people he can trust and lean on – she is one of them. That said, the way it was styled and executed, the questions and aftertaste remain.

But let’s see what the calibration says!

The result of Ivanka sitting in for Trump: QC and CHI both 80 (grief).

Therefore, it was a very bad idea, on all levels. Obviously, Trump wanted to mock the proceedings, after having been snubbed, as he interpreted it, for the G20 ‘family’ photo. Still a bad idea. Nepotism never works. It reeks of a lack of integrity, and shall we say… desperation. Hence GRIEF as the calibration result.

Lukashenko of Belarus and his nepotism

Is this the sign of the times?

Incidentally, this reminds me of how Lukashenko of Belarus behaved during the recent New Silk Road Summit in Beijing (One Way, One Road Forum). He was invited there due to the fact that the main Silk Road through Russia into Western Europe must go through Belarus, in order to bypass Ukraine.

An interesting detail is that the Silk Road, in order to reach its main target Germany, must after Belarus go through Poland. Not only Poland has been openly hostile towards Russia, and by extension, to China, but Polish representatives were conspicuously missing at the Beijing One Way Forum. As a matter of fact, ALL European leaders were conspicuously missing, except two. The president of Czech Republic, who always openly styles himself as the only Russophile in the EU, and Greek PM Tsipras.

Czechia wants the lucrative New Silk Road to go through its territory, but you still need Poland, or alternatively western Ukraine. Now it’s especially clear why both Ukraine and Poland had to become Russia-hating entities, recreating the Iron Curtain. The southern branch can go through Turkey, Greece and into the Balkans, to connect with Austria and Germany, but it also has obstacles along the way.

Probably thinking himself indispensable for the success of the New Silk Road, the puffed up from pride Lukashenko broke all protocols by bringing with him his teenage son, whom he kept by his side at all times during meetings with other world leaders. He placed his son in the Beijing summit ‘family’ photo, next to over 20 world leaders.

Lukashenko placing his son in the midst of the world leaders calibrates at: QC 40 (guilt), CHI 8 (near death).

Generally, Lukashenko has completely lost any semblance of perspective and any sense of reality. I hate to predict it, but he is putting his poor son in danger by displaying such nepotism and openly pushing him into the limelight, as if grooming him for the next ‘tsar of Belarus.’ Again, hate to predict this, but due to his crazy behavior, Lukashenko’s days at the helm are numbered. He may be allowed to quietly retire, but that’s about it. Give him 2-3 years tops. Could be less. Russia in very interested in a peaceful transition of power in Belarus, so everything will be done so there is no violence.


And here is a clear contrast for you: this is how Putin feels about nepotism. First, let me just say that Putin, by all polls and measures is consistently recognized as the most powerful world leader. Not only Belarus’s Lukashenko, but even Donald Trump isn’t in the same leagues.

When asked, Putin said that he never wanted his daughters and grandsons to grow up as princes and princesses. It was important that they had privacy and developed away from the limelight as their own people, true to their own path.

Calibrating Putin’s position on this: QC 481 (humanity and compassion) CHI 290 (neutrality/friendliness).

Very wise, and almost off-the-charts high calibration. That’s the real world leader for you.


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