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Criminal Conspiracy? QUI BONO? Suspicious Terrorist Act in Kerch, Crimea, with mass casualties

Per latest I’ve heard, the death toll has climbed to 21 at the site of the tragedy of the Kerch Polytechical College. This is a very suspicious act, which at the very least begs a lot of questions. It’s very hard to imagine that a sole 18-year-old madman could execute a successful act of such magnitude. How he was helped and by whom, that’s a different question… Russian police also has expressed a doubt this could possibly be an act of a sole madman.

There seems to be a shadow of those who are very experienced and determined to cause harm to Russia, seen behind him.

This is an all out war against Russia the Great Balancer, as she continues trying to shift the world to a more equitable state as part of the Earth Shift.

I also want to remind everyone about this diabolic, yet symbolic, coincidence! The newly built Crimean Bridge is also called ‘The Kerch Bridge’ because it for the first time ever connects Russia mainland with Crimea, through Kerch. Ukraine and US have been in a state because of the successful completion of the Crimean Bridge, which completely resolves the problem with Russian communication with Crimea, bypassing Ukraine. Kiev has been frantically trying to sabotage the Crimean Bridge and the US/EU/West have been working hard on sabotaging Crimea and Russia.

See my FT posts:

20 Minutes to Crimea! New Crimean Bridge Opens Up to Mass Freight Traffic

History Made! Putin Opens Crimean Bridge Ahead of Schedule by Driving Through a Huge Kamaz Truck (+ the new Crimean ‘Wave’ and world-famous Artek)

The Crimean Bridge ~ Russian Engineering Masterpiece and Putin’s Arc de Triomphe

Although the real reason for the US/West’s anti-Russian sanctions is much deeper, Crimea was used as the first pretext for the sanctions in 2014. Per my 2014 predictions: sanctions never worked and were even beneficial to Russia in most cases! Therefore, those who want to harm Russia at all cost had to seek out new methods. In this regard: qui bono from this terrorist act? From Skripals and doping scandals, to the attempts at false flags in Syria and the set up of the Russian jet by Israel, QUI BONO?

QUO BONO from the two recent emergencies with the Russian ISS module and the latest with Russian manned space craft, which both thankfully ended without casualties?

QUI BONO from stopping Russia’s progress?

Since 2014 FSB has successfully prevented hundreds of terrorist acts in Crimea alone and in Russia in general; none of the past terror attempts have been successful. The details of most we’ll never find out, and only the tip of the iceberg will ever be revealed. All prior terrorist acts have been nipped in the bud and terrorist wannabes arrested. All of the arrested turned out to either be from Ukraine (Kiev junta army or SBU operatives) or Central Asians (followers of ISIS and similar organizations).

RIP the victims. condolences to Russia, Crimea and families.

Vladimir Putin: “I’d like to inform you that several hours ago a tragic event occurred in the Russian city of Kerch. A bomb was planted and exploded, killing several people and injuring many more. Dear friends. In memory of those who were killed, I would like to observe a moment of silence.”

Second unexploded bomb found inside Kerch Polytechnical College. The 18-year-old perpetrator shot fellow students and teachers, and exploded a bomb. He also had another bomb planted, which he was unable to use. At least 21 dead and scores injured. All that by one 18-year-old? Watched too many violent American movies? Or is it much worse?

First videos released on the tragedy:

People are currently gathering in front of the Kerch Memorial located next to the Eternal Flame in Alexander Garden. They are bringing flowers, mostly carnations, as well as vigil lamps. The activists of the Young Guard were among the first to come here. The young compassionate people are about the same age as Vladislav Roslyakov, who’s supposedly responsible for today’s massacre at Kerch Polytechnical College.




How Religion Came to Be? Is Organized Religion Good or Evil? The Cosmic Multidimensional Vedic Perspective



Engineering Feat of the 21st Century: Crimean Bridge Connects Previously Unconnectable Shores



Seats for the upcoming on September 23 FREE EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 5: LIVE Q&A WITH LADA RAY are filling fast! If you haven’t reserved yours yet, please do so soon! Only a few seats left and we may be closing registration early! Go to the link above to participate in our LIVE Q&A, where Lada will answer many of your questions! If you can’t attend, the RECORDED version of  EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 5 will be available a few days later at $18. The recorded version will be available for sale publicly and anyone is welcome to purchase it!


The introductory price for PRIVATE PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS WITH LADA RAY will last till September 24, 2017. There will be a slight increase of per-hour price after that. You can still reserve yours at this introductory rate. We are now booking for October!

Go to CONSULTATIONS PAGE for more info!


Last but not least, we have some VERY exciting news about new LADA RAY CONSULTATIONS! They will be presented to you starting Sept 17!




Today’s article

Engineering Feat of the 21st Century: Crimean Bridge Brings Together Previously Unconnectable Shores

Crimea Bridge Kerch-Strait-Bridge map

The Crimean Bridge, correctly called in Russian Krimsky Most or Kerchensky Most (the Kerch Bridge), is nearing completion, and may even be opened to traffic ahead of schedule in 2018!

The Crimean Bridge connects something that was previously considered unconnectable: The Crimean Peninsula and mainland Russia, through the Kerch Strait between Black and Azov Seas.

This construction has already been dubbed ‘The Engineering Feat of the 21st Century.’ You may ask, what is all the noise about? Why is it such a big deal and why it’s so important geopolitically, economically, and as yet another step towards full Russian sovereignty and fulfillment of Russia’s destiny as THE GREAT BALANCER, DURING THIS EARTH SHIFT.

Crimean Bridge2

Right near the surface there are these obvious reasons:

1. The Crimean Bridge is a symbol. Of what? First of all, of the awakening and re-consolidation of Russia – The Great Balancer. The giant, which sometimes goes to sleep to meditate on the past and recuperate from previous ills, is re-awakening.

Russia’s role as the Great Balancer is paramount for this Great Earth Shift. Russia has to be at her best and strongest. The fact that such a significant bridge is being built is a sign that Russia is getting back into shape.

It is also a symbol that reminds people where they belong and what is right and what is wrong. It’s the bridge that connects and awakens people not only in Russia, but in many other places, including Ukraine (and those sorely need an awakening!).

Crimean Bridge map

2. It is already considered the most impressive sea bridge in the world. The total length of the bridge is 20 km. A very long and massive bridge, this billions-worth mega-infrastructure project, is being successfully fulfilled despite all the Western anti-Russia sanctions.

This multipurpose strategic project will tremendously boost the economical auto and train traffic to and from Crimea. This, in turn, will eliminate traffic jams, boost tourism to Crimean resorts and lower prices. A win-win for Crimea and all of Russia.

3. The bridge is necessary to ensure a complete infrastructure independence of Crimea from Ukraine, which in turn takes away some blackmail and sabotage leverage from the Kiev junta, EU and US.

I previously wrote how Kiev junta, in collusion with the Crimean Tartar Mejlis and ukro-nazi battalions blew up power transformers and demolished power lines to Crimea, leaving 2.5 million people without power in December 2015, in the middle of winter and right before holidays. Together with the Western sanctions, this was designed to cripple Russia and ignite a color revolution among unhappy Crimeans. During such confusion and/or color revolution, Kiev/Mejlis and their foreign sponsors — US/CIA, and at the time also Turkey — hoped to invade Crimea.

Russia immediately responded to the challenge by beginning an urgent construction of the underwater Energy Bridge to Crimea from mainland, through the Kerch Strait.

Those who masterminded and financed this mass sabotage, knew that Crimean infrastruture depended completely on the favor of Ukraine. Moreover, they calculated that due to the USSR breakup and ’90s pirate privatization Russia had stopped producing certain equipment necessary to quickly eliminate the Crimean power deficiency, such as underwater electric cables, emergency generators and portable power stations. Shipping also was a huge problem; they counted on the fact that the only railroad and only two highways to Crimea were built through Ukraine.

Again, as I emphasized many times before, ALL infrastructure was built on the territory we today call Ukraine, by Russia. It all began with the Russian tsars and industrial entrepreneurs in the 18th-19th centuries, starting with Catherine the Great. The USSR continued the development and building up of Ukraine.

What we know today as Donbass, with all its mining and industrial activity, was created by Russia; Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, and innumerable other towns, cities and ports were founded throughout earlier centuries by Catherine the Great or other Russian emperors, or by the Soviets in the 20th century.

Those who yell and scream about Ukraine being completely independent of Russia are simply usurious liars, who are eating through the last remnants of the formerly rich Russian/Soviet inheritance, which Ukraine was lucky to obtain as a result of the break-up of the USSR.

During the December 2015 power outage, as a result of Western sanctions, no Western company would supply electric generators so the children and the elderly of Crimea wouldn’t freeze to death. Russia found a quick solution to this: portable power generators, and even whole portable power plants, were purchased from China. Some of these were delivered to Crimea as quickly as within 2 weeks.

Russia also immediately began construction of the underwater Power Bridge through the Kerch Strait, consisting of 4 lines of power cables. The power cables were also supplied by China on an emergency basis. First two power lines were completed in record time, before the New Year 2016. The last two were built by May 2016. New power plants were urgently built in Crimea, as well. As a result, not only Crimea now has enough self-sufficient power, it actually has a surplus of it, in order to accommodate a growing number of tourists.

Along with the Power Bridge, new phone and TV cable underwater bridges from mainland were also built. As a result Crimea became almost completely independent of Ukraine’s whims.

Next, Kiev tried the ‘food blockade’ of Crimea. The same thugs, such as Mejlis and ukro-nazis (all banned terrorist organizations in Russia, by the way), stopped farming produce trucks from Kherson, Nikolaev and Odessa, and didn’t let them pass to Crimea. As a result, it wasn’t Crimea that suffered: they damaged Ukrainian agriculture and put their own farmers in dire straits. Crimea quickly replaced Ukrainian supplies with those from other countries, including Turkey.

This was an interesting twist, and here’s why: Turkish extremists, working  together with Mejlis, participated in the sabotage of Crimea; Turkey had high hopes of annexing Crimea for a long time. There is credible intel that Kiev, in collusion with the US, planned to pass Crimea to Turkey in exchange for Turkey’s continued hosting of US/EU NATO bases on its territory. At least in part it was Turkish money that financed Mejlis and their various terrorist activities.

However, Putin had managed to successfully neutralize these activities and ‘aspirations’ by Turkey, in his usual brilliant chess grandmaster style. I wrote about all this in EARTH SHIFT REPORTS 7 and 13. Well worth the read!

And as I wrote in 2014, US planed to turn Crimea into its massive military/navy base since early 2000s. Preparations were underway. But then in March 2014, after the Kiev coup, Crimeans ‘suddenly’ decided to reunite with Russia — and what a surprise it was for those who know nothing of the world and other cultures, but think they can rule this world. I can tell you: in Washington, they still can’t recover from the Crimea independence shock… They really did think Crimea was theirs for the taking.

After all the above failed, Kiev junta and CIA had taken to attempting terror acts inside Crimea. Russian FSB was extremely successful and efficient in apprehending ALL would-be terrorists, along with their subversive equipment.

The plan of synchronized multiple attacks on Crimea from within was rather grand: they were preparing to blow up the Crimean Bridge, blow up power stations and poison potable water all over the peninsula, thus creating humanitarian catastrophe, shortages, mass panic and confusion. All this was supposed to happen simultaneously, in a coordinated effort. The entire, grandly designed plan collapsed when FSB began apprehending Ukraine SBU operatives involved in it. Apprehended were also some Ukrainian sleeper cells and Crimean Tartars secretly involved with Mejlis.

Therefore, all possible ways to sabotage Russia and Crimea had failed.

At this point, the West has finally understood that Crimea is a forever part of Russia. No discussion and no stipulations. The EU has been timidly talking about lessening or taking off completely anti-Russian sanctions. However, predictably, their big boss from across the ocean won’t let them.

It has to be also noted that despite the blockade and animosity by Ukraine, in 2017 alone hundreds of thousands of Ukraine citizens continued vacationing in Crimea. Similarly, hundreds of thousands also worked as seasonal migrant workers, since Crimean salaries (now that it’s a part of Russia) are presently 2-4 times more than on the other side.

In addition to the Crimean Bridge, Russia is also building a new railroad, to bypass Ukraine completely. This railroad from Moscow and central Russia goes around Ukraine and will eventually continue through Crimean (Kerch) Bridge into Crimea. This will resolve any remaining transportation issues.

But there’s so much more beneath the surface! Why is the Crimean Bridge touted ‘the Feat of the 21st Century?’ 

In previous centuries, there were multiple attempts to build a bridge between mainland and Crimea, through the Kerch Strait — the narrowest point between two shores. However, all of these attempts failed.


The Kerch Strait is a point of separation between The small Azov Sea in the north, and a much larger Black Sea to the south. People who had never been to those parts may think that Black Sea is a quiet internal sea, which should be pretty safe. They can’t even imagine how unsafe and turbulent Black Sea can be. The area of the Black Sea around Kerch is considered one of the most stormy and hard to navigate. Currents between Azov and Black Seas can be deadly and changeable. Winds are very powerful. This is why the eastern-most part of Crimea, the Kerch Peninsula, had never really developed as a resort. People flocked to the quiet and soothing southern parts, such as Yalta. Instead, Kerch historically served as one of the Russian fleet bases.

The first attempt to build a bridge between the narrowest part of the Kerch Strait and mainland was made during the Russian Empire, in the 19th century. Crimea was growing as a resort and vineyards, and more convenient access points were wanted. However, strong winds and currents overcame the budding bridge very quickly and the project was abandoned, although calls to restart it continued.

In the 20th century two most dramatic attempts to build a bridge took place. In the 1930s, the USSR began the construction of the bridge through the same narrow part of the Kerch Strait. The temporary bridge was built and began working. Joseph Stalin rode the bridge to Crimea, and later returned to mainland via the same bridge. The day after Stalin’s passage the bridge collapsed.

During the Great Patriotic War (WWII) Hitler decided to build a bridge to Crimea in order to invade Crimea from more than one direction. The bridge was almost completed when it collapsed and was carried away by the current, taking innumerable invaders with it.

After WWII the USSR never attempted another bridge. I do think that Khrushchev’s decision to pass Crimea under the administrative umbrella of the Ukrainian SSR was a huge geopolitical mistake. However, I’ll venture to guess that the difficulty and inconvenience of communication and transportation between the peninsula and Russian mainland was at least a contributing factor in his decision. The idea was that being under the UkrSSR administrative umbrella, Crimea would have a smoother logistics. Of course at the time, no one dreamed that Russia and Ukraine may not be together.

The construction of the new Russsian Crimean Bridge / Kerch Bridge started after the 2014 ukro-nazi coup in Kiev, and following the power-and-food blockade. By then it became abundantly clear that there was no reasoning with Ukraine’s junta.

In the 21 century the new technologies, unavailable to previous generations, are used to build this seemingly impossible to build bridge.

One of the things that was done differently: the bridge is NOT being built through the narrowest part of the strait, which is by far the shortest, but is also the most dangerous. Instead, a substantially longer, but safer area was chosen. Another technological breakthrough: the extra-long and extra-powerful pillars, which are screwed into the sea bed. The trick is, these don’t go into the sea bed straight, but at specific angles, which makes the whole structure much more stable.

Crimean Bridge railway arch2

Yesterday, the great news arrived: the main railway arch of the bridge was delivered and set in place. The creation and installation of this giant central arch is a feat in itself. Its length is almost 300 meters, and it weighs 6,600 tones. It was the very first time in history that such large object was pre-built on land, then delivered intact by sea and installed whole in the middle of the sea.

Crimean Bridge railway arch

This video includes Eng. subs:

As I mentioned, the Crimean Bridge project is perceived as an important and meaningful symbol in Russia. At this moment, Russia’s most important music festival is taking place in Sochi. It is called The New Wave (Novaya Volna). At the New Wave, one of the best known Russian singers, Oleg Gazmanov, has presented new song ‘Krimsky Most’ (‘The Crimean Bridge’). The song is the winner of the ‘Crimean Bridge Song Competition’ and is written by a driver from Ivanovo, together with his children ~ see my additional info and video in this post’s COMMENT SECTION!

Listen up – a nice melody:

P.S. Incidentally, the New Wave festival for years took place in Yurmala, Latvia. This is a grand international annual event, bringing together new and established musical talent from many countries. At this international festival all songs are performed in Russian. After Latvia joined anti-Russian sanctions in 2014 and began denying visas to Russian singers, such as the aforementioned Oleg Gazmanov, Novaya Volna (the New Wave) was moved to Sochi. Simultaneously, a prestigious Russian comedy competition, also taking place in Yurmala, Latvia, was also moved onto Russian territory. And then, another extremely prestigious and mega-popular international summer music and humor festival, called Muzikalny Kivin (Musical Kivin) was also moved from Latvia to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, also located on the Baltic coast.

Therefore, overnight Latvia lost multi-million Russian tourism and music festival business.

But I’m sure Latvia is doing just fine! After all, instead of the uplifting music festivals and peaceful tourists, a few hundred US soldiers moved into town as part of NATO expansion, due to ‘imminent Russian invasion threat.’ Surely, they’ll spend in local bars and (excuse me) brothels much more than hundreds of thousands of Russian music-lovers and beach-goers would! I hear US/NATO soldiers stationed in Riga tend to conveniently forget to pay for their drinks and taxi rides, so that at times local bartenders and taxi drivers have to beat it out of them. Fast karma?..


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