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Video: Mass Pro-Russian, Anti-Fascist March in #Kharkov, #Ukraine

Mass pro-Russian, anti-fascist, anti-Kiev junta, march in the second largest city of Ukraine, #Kharkov (former capital of Ukraine). Demonstrators, many women, marched to the Russian consulate, chanting: “Kharkov is a Russian city,” “Novorossia,” “Kharkov, rise up,” “Fascism won’t pass,” ‘Kharkov against Kiev junta,” “Poroshenko is fascist,” “Donbass, we are with you,” “Slavyansk – a hero,” and “Russia.” This comes on the heels of the Kiev junta’s bombing of Donbass with UN banned chemical weapon – white phosphorus, and violent attack by Ukraine extremists on the Russian embassy in Kiev. See related: Breaking! Ukraine Mob Vandalises Russian Embassy in Kiev.

Note, in the past couple of months, the people of Kharkov were being actively intimidated by the Kiev junta authorities – activists kidnapped and killed, people’s jobs and businesses threatened. This is why the protests in Kharkov and nearby industrial city of Dnepropetrovsk had seemingly died down. However, the latest events made people forget their fears and rise again.

This is a comment someone posted on YT in Russian: “у меня есть много там знакомых…говорят так мы бы поднялись…но по ночам ходят и выкрадывают народ активный….ждут когда Донбасс пойдет в атаку на КУев…” Translation: “I have many friends in Kharkov. They tell me they would rise, but at night Kiev nazis go around, kidnapping activists. Everyone is waiting for the Donbass lead to take Kiev back (from Kiev junta/ ukro-fascists).”


Note, YouTube terminated Anna-News, the news service that posted these videos for “multiple third-party copyright claim violations.” I know for an absolute fact that they had none as all of their material was their own authentic interviews. Someone keeps filing bogus claims against them for telling the truth. At the time of termination AnnaNews YT Channel had 129,000 subscribers. Sorry, had to delete the videos.


Interview with Kharkov activist: “It was quiet in Khrakov until they attacked Russian embassy. Everyone wanted to be here. People were coordinating the date and time in the social media – it was a social media storm. What happened in Kiev was a planned provocation by the Kiev junta and Americans. We won’t let anything like that happen here. We came here to express our solidarity with Russia.”


Rally in Kharkov before Russian Consulate: “Sorry we were unable to stop the attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev. Fascism, as history shows, will never win. We’ll get rid of fascism on our land. We are Slavs and we are with Russia.”

“We demand Kiev stops killing our people. We demand the world community hears us, as we are speaking today for the entire Ukraine and the entire South-East.”


New Damning Evidence: Odessa Massacre – False Flag to Provoke Russia

A very important new evidence has come out that in the best traditions of the CIA, the hideous Odessa massacre may have been a false flag to provoke Russian intervention in the south and east of the territory, so far called Ukraine.

“Channel 1 Russia” has started its own investigation into what happened on May 2 – the bloody Friday – on Odessa’s Kulikovo Polie, where at least 48 people were burned alive in the Unions building. It appears that the operation was jointly pre-planned and executed by Kiev-imported nazis and Odessa officials/police.

Note, as a result of this false flag, some real people: citizens of Odessa, innocent by-standers, as well as anti-government activists, have died or received injuries. The Channel 1 investigation is still ongoing, but it is clear to me that the activists had been trapped in the building together with the Unions employees that had the misfortune of working there. This reminds me of the 9/11 false flag when thousands of Americans were sacrificed to the staged NYC Twin Towers attack, used as pretext for the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions. In addition, the 9/11 false flag was also supposed to serve as justification for the later invasion of Iran, but that plan backfired on the US. Read my article: Striking Geopolitical Similarities: Georgian War – Beijing2008 and Ukraine – Sochi2014 Read the rest of this entry

CIA Grip on Ukraine: Operation Gladio, Fake Letter to Jews and Brennan Fiasco

For the past week, Western media and Social Media is all over the “news” purporting the pro-Russian Donetsk Republic in Eastern Ukraine has been circulating a letter to Jews mandating them to register. This item was pompously cited by the US Secretary of State John #Kerry in Geneva, where he tried very hard to prove to the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov that Eastern Ukraine protestors were in fact “nazis.” Read the rest of this entry