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New Damning Evidence: Odessa Massacre – False Flag to Provoke Russia

A very important new evidence has come out that in the best traditions of the CIA, the hideous Odessa massacre may have been a false flag to provoke Russian intervention in the south and east of the territory, so far called Ukraine.

“Channel 1 Russia” has started its own investigation into what happened on May 2 – the bloody Friday – on Odessa’s Kulikovo Polie, where at least 48 people were burned alive in the Unions building. It appears that the operation was jointly pre-planned and executed by Kiev-imported nazis and Odessa officials/police.

Note, as a result of this false flag, some real people: citizens of Odessa, innocent by-standers, as well as anti-government activists, have died or received injuries. The Channel 1 investigation is still ongoing, but it is clear to me that the activists had been trapped in the building together with the Unions employees that had the misfortune of working there. This reminds me of the 9/11 false flag when thousands of Americans were sacrificed to the staged NYC Twin Towers attack, used as pretext for the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions. In addition, the 9/11 false flag was also supposed to serve as justification for the later invasion of Iran, but that plan backfired on the US. Read my article: Striking Geopolitical Similarities: Georgian War – Beijing2008 and Ukraine – Sochi2014 Read the rest of this entry

How to Resolve Ukraine Problem: “Crimea Belongs to Russia, Transcarpathia to Hungary”

RT, April 10, 2014: “The Parliamentary Assembly for the Council of Europe (PACE) has suspended Russia’s right to vote and excluded them from leadership positions in retaliation for Crimea voting to join Russia. The Russian delegation will also be omitted from all positions of leadership, the Bureau, Presidential and Permanent committees. Russia’s right to attend observer missions and monitor elections was also suspended, with the head of the country’s delegation, Aleksey Pushkov saying “this is an awful violation of Russia’s rights.” (This effectively means Russia is being denied the observer status for the Ukrainian elections in May – LR). Pushkov stated: “The resolutions look like they are from NATO, not from an institution meant to unite Europe. This is a triumph of double standards.” More on RT

Russian delegation left the ongoing PACE session in protest. Russia has announced that they will be considering leaving PACE altogether, although they won’t rush with this decision. Read the rest of this entry