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CIA Grip on Ukraine: Operation Gladio, Fake Letter to Jews and Brennan Fiasco

For the past week, Western media and Social Media is all over the “news” purporting the pro-Russian Donetsk Republic in Eastern Ukraine has been circulating a letter to Jews mandating them to register. This item was pompously cited by the US Secretary of State John #Kerry in Geneva, where he tried very hard to prove to the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov that Eastern Ukraine protestors were in fact “nazis.” Read the rest of this entry

Breaking! South-East Ukraine on Fire: Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk, Nikolaev Want Independence

Just a few days ago I said the following in reply to the readers’ comments: “There may be a serious revolution starting in Donbass soon. The locals have announced that if the referendum is not scheduled in a few days, they will initiate it.” “Ukrainian election in May won’t work out as they plan and hope – my prediction.” “This is only the beginning. Just wait till the end of May – June. At that point and later in the year, the whole situation will start backfiring.”

By the time I returned from a weekend trip on Sunday and turned on my computer, my predictions already started materializing. Read the rest of this entry