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BRICS-Net coming? Russia Wants Its Own Internet together with BRICS!

Video — ENG subs:


The latest poll revealed that 58% of Russians are FOR the creation of an alternative internet, exclusively for the BRICS countries. Of course, this spike in approval is due to latest unprecedented sanctions against Russia on all levels and all walks of life. I have shown you what’s going on my latest posts:

To say that such pressure on Russia is futile and ultimately self-defeating for the West and US is to say nothing. The West is creating its own future demise and self-fulfilling prophecy, and we are watching it unfold in slow motion.

Want to know what will ultimately serve as the catalyst for WESTERN COLLAPSE? I’ll give you an exclusive sneak peek: It’s aggressive and nonsensical actions like these!

Incidentally, this afternoon I’ll be making a major announcement on Patreon about my upcoming new EARTH SHIFT REPORT 19: 25 SIGNS OF WESTERN COLLAPSE, where I’ll discuss this factor!

To get this report FREE, subscribe ​SUBSCRIBE TO LADA RAY ON PATREON!

No, the fracturing of the world-wide web isn’t good. But who is to blame? The US and West thewselves, no one else! In the true fashion of the Great Balancer and Stabilizer, Russia would have been happy to keep the status quo, as Russia usually does… until pushed too far and forced to act. For how it works, see my Multidimensional Geopolitics Webinars Series (esp. INVERTED COLLAPSE, PERIOD 8 PREDICTIONS and THE PUTIN ENIGMA).


​When I reach 100 Patreon subscribers, I’ll do a new Earth Shift Report 19: 25 Signs of Western Collapse. This written report will be FREE for all my Patreon Supporters and Patrons. As always, general public will have to purchase this report.

​When I reach 200 Patreon subscribers, I’ll begin exclusive Multidimensional Chat, which will be livestreamed on Patreon.


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