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Russian WWW Coming? Russia is Building Sovereign Internet

BRICS-Net coming? Russia Wants Its Own Internet together with BRICS!

Video — ENG subs:


The latest poll revealed that 58% of Russians are FOR the creation of an alternative internet, exclusively for the BRICS countries. Of course, this spike in approval is due to latest unprecedented sanctions against Russia on all levels and all walks of life. I have shown you what’s going on my latest posts:

To say that such pressure on Russia is futile and ultimately self-defeating for the West and US is to say nothing. The West is creating its own future demise and self-fulfilling prophecy, and we are watching it unfold in slow motion.

Want to know what will ultimately serve as the catalyst for WESTERN COLLAPSE? I’ll give you an exclusive sneak peek: It’s aggressive and nonsensical actions like these!

Incidentally, this afternoon I’ll be making a major announcement on Patreon about my upcoming new EARTH SHIFT REPORT 19: 25 SIGNS OF WESTERN COLLAPSE, where I’ll discuss this factor!

To get this report FREE, subscribe ​SUBSCRIBE TO LADA RAY ON PATREON!

No, the fracturing of the world-wide web isn’t good. But who is to blame? The US and West thewselves, no one else! In the true fashion of the Great Balancer and Stabilizer, Russia would have been happy to keep the status quo, as Russia usually does… until pushed too far and forced to act. For how it works, see my Multidimensional Geopolitics Webinars Series (esp. INVERTED COLLAPSE, PERIOD 8 PREDICTIONS and THE PUTIN ENIGMA).


​When I reach 100 Patreon subscribers, I’ll do a new Earth Shift Report 19: 25 Signs of Western Collapse. This written report will be FREE for all my Patreon Supporters and Patrons. As always, general public will have to purchase this report.

​When I reach 200 Patreon subscribers, I’ll begin exclusive Multidimensional Chat, which will be livestreamed on Patreon.


​Support Lada Ray’c cutting-edge work, get exclusive content and take part in the creation of future books!


Analysis: Consequences of Russia’s Mirror Response to US Witch Hunt Against RT – and so much more!


Two days ago ‘US govt attacked freedom of speech by forcing RT to register as foreign agent’. Till last second Russia tried to resolve the issue peacefully.

Yesterday, in a mirror response, the Russian Duma has passed the new law, which makes every news and media outlet in Russia financed from abroad directly or indirectly a foreign agent. Such foreign agent must register and file financial reports, among other things. The US news agencies with offices in Russia begged US to lay off RT for fear they would be targeted in response. (Russian MPs pass foreign agent bill for media in ‘mirror response’ to US.)

It is important to note, that as always, Russia has waited till last second with the passing of the ‘foreign agent’ law, hoping for some reason and common sense from the US. Not only that, Russian legal system had to be amended in order to pass that bill. There was no provision in Russian law for the designation as a foreign agent. And who wrote the Russian constitution and designed the new Russian legal system? The American advisors, sent by Clinton to ‘assist dear Boris’ Yeltsin in the 1990s. We talk about that page in Russian history, when the West nearly succeeded in destroying the Great Balancer, in EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.

There was supposed to be a meeting between Putin and Trump during APEC summit in Vietnam, during which time Putin would have brought up the RT situation. (Collusion to sabotage Putin – Trump meeting in Vietnam?)

However, we had seen that Trump was unable and unwilling to resolve in any way the situation with Russian consulates and embassy properties illegally taken away from Russia in the US, despite meeting with Putin on the sidelines of G20 in Hamburg. Just the opposite, Trump signed off on expropriating more of Russian state and diplomatic properties in the US.

Certainly, Trump would not be able to affect any change regarding RT either. As I predicted, Trump is firmly in the Dark State’s ‘straitjacket’ and he is in a fight of his life to stay afloat and avoid impeachment. Putin-Trump APEC meeting was sabotaged by Trump’s own team. In my opinion it was Trump who ordered to sabotage the meeting, but delicately, so not to directly tip-off Putin of the sabotage source. Why? Because, as I said, Trump is in a fight of his life. He deems it too dangerous to meet with Putin officially. It would easily trigger another round of attacks against him, when he is already hanging by the thread.

Actually, as we have seen from my prior posts, Putin does understand and respect that. As predicted in EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 1, even as ineffectual as he is, Trump is still markedly better than Hillary would have been. For one, it’s still possible for Putin to talk to him, although real progress isn’t possible.

But the most important thing to understand is that Trump is supposed to play the role of American Gorbachev and begin bringing this outdated US/Western system down, just by virtue of being in a perma-conflict with establishment and Dark State. That role he is accomplishing.


You all probably know that there is an ongoing witch hunt against RT (Russia Today) in the US, UK and EU. This is only a part of the wide-spread anti-Russia hybrid 4D war by the West. In the world where the West has a near monopoly on news, there is a witch hunt against any honest alternative media and news sources, who try to tell the truth. RT is by far the biggest and most influential such alternative media outlet.

RT is constantly experiencing DDoS attacks on its servers. Some time ago UK froze RT accounts and practically forced it out of the country, making it almost impossible to operate on British soil. The most recent attack is that of US. Washington forced RT to register as foreign agent, invoking archaic law that was last used against Nazi Germany. This not only restricts RT operations and its ability to cover the news, it also means that Americans working for RT in the US, and that’s most of employees of RT America, may be forced out of RT jobs or facing invasion of privacy, and even personal danger.

What happened didn’t come as a surprise to me. In short, for many, many years the West, and particularly US and UK were telling Russia and the USSR that they were undemocratic and didn’t have the freedom of speech, whereas the collective West was the most democratic, free and wonderful society in the world.

We now clearly see that it had nothing to do with democracy or freedom of speech. It’s very simple: in the past the West could afford to have the so-called ‘freedom’ when it robbed the rest of the world. It was the prerogative of the rich and those, satisfied with their life to flaunt this make-believe ‘freedom.’

But in the past 10 years Russia has learned how to beat the enemy using their own best weapon, that of the MSM and freedom of speech.


RT was organized only about 10 years ago, and it took off like a rocket. Those who followed me from FuturisTrendcast’s beginning in 2014 may recall the story I once told. I was there at the start, being part of the RT’s informal international development forum/focus group. RT in its infancy followed the old Russian formula: to never attack, but merely respond by trying to deflect attacks (and those were as numerous in 2008 as they are today). The result was rather meek and reflective, not pro-active, as was required in order for Russia to begin her job of rebalancing the severely imbalanced world. The funny part was that at the time RT also employed plenty of Americans and Brits, yet no one figured out that RT’s model was sorely inadequate and naive in order to face the brutal threats from the West.

Frustrated with such timid response to relentless attacks and pervasive lies against Russia, I told them honestly that in order to be effective, RT must change, stop being always on the defensive and go on the offensive.

It’s like the light went on in those heads! It’s like they were waiting for someone to tell them what to do! Within days things began to change. Dmitry Medvedev, then Russian President, included this my suggestion, and some others, in his State of the Union Address that same week.

Shortly after, the focus group was dissolved as it fulfilled its purpose. Well, no one ever said thank you to me, but that’s ok. I wasn’t after a thank you; I just wanted to help. It’s good to be someone’s secret angel messenger, especially when it influences the future of Russia and the whole of mankind. 😉

I saw that my advice was taken well to heart. The Kremlin seriously invested in the new channel. I remember Medvedev, accompanied by RT’s Head Margarita Simonyan, visiting the new state-of-the-art RT studious in the US, and commenting, ‘Ah, that’s where the people’s money is going.’ RT changed its model, began aggressively recruiting talent, building new studios in US, EU, and other countries, and went on the offensive.

RT quickly learned to masterfully operate the West’s best weapon, routinely and very successfully used against Russia in the past (I should know, I was there). So successfully in fact that it almost overnight became the most watched news channel on YouTube, the most popular channel to watch on Wall Street, as well as by the alternative crowd.


Those who listened to EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 4: LADA RAY PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS, heard me explain how Periods 7 and 8 work. Period 7, running from 1984 till 2004, was the Period of the West. But Period 8, running from 2004 till 2024 is the Period of Russia. This time is especially beneficial for Russia. Whatever Russia does will turn out to be a win and a success. This includes the runaway success of RT and worldwide popularity of Vladimir Putin.

The West enjoyed a full 40 years of exceptionally successful periods, from 1964 till 2004. During that time whatever the West did turned into success, while Russia/USSR, as well as the rest of the world were at a disadvantage. Now the energy has turned and it will continue turning further away from the West.

We are seeing it very vividly and it’s happening right in front of our very eyes. The US and EU are losing power, albeit slowly, exactly per my predictions. (Why that is the case and when the pace of losing power will pick up is all explained in LADA RAY PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS.)

As we are observing, the moment things began unraveling for the US/EU and the moment the West turned out to be in a losing position, the thin veneer of ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘human rights’ dissolved. No one even mentions these notions any more in the West. And let me again remind everyone that the USSR fell apart and Russia was always lectured and put down because supposedly it was short on ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘democracy,’ while the West was the ‘beacon’ of same.

But back to RT and the US efforts to shut them up and shut them down. It is the recognition of RT’s success. But it is also the demonstration of USA’s weakness and their fear. They understand that something is going wrong, they are just too dim to figure out what exactly, and they think that by shutting up RT they can stop the Earth Shift. Of course, if they’d read my reports and listened to my webinars they might have known the truth…

The mirror move by the Russian Duma and requirement for all foreign-financed media outlets to register as foreign agents will likely reduce the amount of information Western audiences receive from Russia through their MSM, the Western outlets with offices in Russia lament.

I am not so sure it’s so bad. Western audiences will get even less info about Russia? But what about the poor quality of the info they get from the Russia-based Western MSM? It really is quite appalling how much they lie about Russia and everything to do with Russia. In case you think this habitual lying, and contempt against everything Russian is something they only acquired during the times of the USSR, think again. Famous Russian writers of the 19th century, during the Russian Empire days, are on record talking of that same attitude. The reason is, of course, the pathological fear of The Great Balancer and its true power, even if it had been suppressed for a while.


Therefore, I recommend that anyone wanting truthful news from Russia should get them from reputable Russian sources, such as RT, Russia-1 and some other central Russian channels. Granted, they aren’t infallible either, since they are still staffed with humans, but they are so much better than Western MSM in that they do their own research, send their correspondents to the hottest spots on the planet, they don’t hide the facts and try to speak the truth, based on materials they possess. Furthermore, their biggest agenda is to dispel the lies and bring to light the truth about Russia and other countries, as well as the real truth about the events happening around the globe.

Sure it may be from the Russian perspective, which, in my opinion, is a damn good perspective to have, since Russia The Great Balancer represents the ultimate balance and stability (or lack thereof, when the West tries to destabilize it) on Planet Earth.

Sometimes I hear from my readers that I have a ‘Russian perspective.’ Well, my friends, that’s the most valuable and thought after perspective to have these days, as we are now going through The Great Earth Shift and Russia the Great Balancer is at its forefront. Presently, Russia is dealing with the lopsided chaos created by the West around the world, rebalancing it in a new and revolutionary way. Rest assured, if you are listening to me and my ‘perspective,’ then you’ve got a front row seat for the whole show!

What the Western MSM and the Dark State behind it are mortally afraid of is that the people, in the absence of real news and real truth, will turn to alternative sources. As a result they won’t be able to profit by lies, spins and sensationalism any more. But their fear goes much deeper: the power is slipping out of their hands and they know it. If their best secret weapon, MSM, is out of favor and if Russia can beat them at their own game, what’s next?.. There is a widespread panic in the US/UK/EU establishment.

In our day and age, we have access to much content on the Internet. Russian media outlets do have YT channels and there is some content available with translations. What’s more, the slogan of RT (and that can apply to other reputable Russian sources) is ‘The Truth is the Best Propaganda.’

I sometimes post notable videos and links to reputable sources here on FT. Moreover, I sometimes also post the most interesting intel and deeper meaning articles about Russia. And of course, through FT articles, YouTube videos, Earth Shift Reports and Webinars I always tell you about the important Multidimensional and Earth Shift events we are experiencing.


Meanwhile, the truth and alternative news are being squeezed from all directions. The witch hunt against RT and Russian media outlets, as well as the most reputable alternative news sources, is intensifying on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. So far they are not stooping to removing RT videos and banning RT as a whole. For now it is limited to blocking RT ads, demoting their visibility, cheating them from likes and views, not paying them the money owed, etc. However, less influential media outlets, such as News Front, the best source of truth about Donbass, Ukraine, Novorossia and Crimea, is being banned on YouTube and Facebook. Incidentally, both RT and News Front are on my list of recommended resources.

What recently happened to News Front on YT may happen in the future to RT, Sputnik and Russia-1 as well, and that will be a huge pity and a huge loss for you, my friends, and for all those who rely on English and other Western languages. People like me can get all that in Russian.


The truth is that the Internet is still fully in the hands of the collective West and controlled by the US. Alas, the worldwide web is but an illusion, and it exists only to the extent US wants it to be so.

As we are transitioning into 4th dimension, we have to rely heavily on 4D technology. Internet/ worldwide web is 4D creation, and it’s often controlled by unscrupulous beings. It was supposed to become one of the tools of NWO and globalism, but as I explained to you many times, Russia The Great Balancer stepped in to ruin the globalists’ plans. And the unfortunate side effect? Globalists don’t want free access to worldwide web any more. They now want restrictions.

It’s anti-democratic and violates human rights? Sure it does. But didn’t I tell you: someone else, notably Russia, now has learned to play said game so much better than us. Therefore, we don’t play the democracy game any more in the West, since we can’t win it!

Russia has VK and Odnoklassniki, of course, but they are not nearly as widespread, especially when it comes to English-speaking audiences. I will monitor the situation and tell you when Russia comes up with something better. For now, we stay with Twitter, YT, Facebook, etc., until further notice.


The new round of info war against RT simply shows to the whole world what I’d known for years — there is no freedom of speech in the US/UK/West. There is freedom of speech only when it’s convenient and (this is important!) when it’s safe to do so, in other words, when no one within the West objects to the West’s party line and no one questions the Western lifestyle. How’s that different from the USSR again? At least the USSR was honest about it.

That was the case, ladies and gentlemen, during past Periods 6 and 7, as well as preceding centuries, when it was the Time of the West and when the West could rob other continents to make the life of their own better. Consequently, the population of the Western countries was convinced that definitely and without any doubt, the system existing in the West was superior to others, and therefore, why rebel against something superior?

What is happening also demonstrates that the US and West are deathly afraid. The power is slipping away from them and they don’t know how to hold on to it. The world is changing and The Great Earth Shift is gaining momentum, as we speak.

This is the Time of Russia, and everything Russia does will turn out a win in the end, even if at first it doesn’t look like it.

P.S. Witch hunt and ban? Tried to post my new article link on US #RT witch hunt on #Facebook. Can’t log in, Facebook demands proof that I am me. Facebook is mentioned in my article and looks like they don’t like the truth. Awaiting them ‘to contact me to tell me if I may be authorized’ after all. As you can also see on the right navigation bar, my Facebook Like button has vanished. Facebook is definitely messing with my account.

Listen to the whole story in




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Heil Poroshenko! Ukraine junta bans Russian SM, prepares to ban Russian Orthodox Church


A lot is happening in Ukraine, as Kiev junta continue beating record after record in schizophrenia and fascist extremism.

Today the Kiev Rada is supposed to pass the new law, which effectively outlaws the traditional Russian Pravoslavnaya (Orthodox) Church, Moscow Patriarchy. The majority of Ukrainians belong to this church — one of the main and most influential branches of the global Christianity.

The breakaway branch of the ‘Ukrainian Church’ is unrecognized by any other religious organization in the world. Yet, it is to this outcast church that the Kiev junta is preparing to pass all the churches belonging to the Russian Pravoslavnaya Church on the territory of Ukraine.

This includes up to 14,000 parishes with church buildings, plus hundreds of monasteries and tens of thousands of church properties all over Ukraine. Each parish owns precious religious relics, icons and other highly valuable items, many in gold and silver. Among important relics is the Kievo-Pecherskaya Lavra, one of the main monasteries and historic treasures of the Russian Pravoslavnaya Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site. See image below:


We are talking billions and billions of dollars worth of real estate, art and valuables. Therefore, it is clear that this new proposed law has nothing to do with religion or ‘sovereignty.’

This is a highway robbery and a mafia takeover of the single richest piece of the shrinking pie left in Ukraine. The ukro-nazi junta in charge doesn’t know who else to rob and whose else blood to drink.

And caught in the crossfire are… millions and millions of poor, simple Ukrainian citizens, who have nowhere to run and whose rights, ancestry, history, and very lives are being systematically destroyed.

I am always unpleasantly surprised by how screwed up and Russophobic the Western understanding of the situation in Russia and Ukraine is. I generally think that my readers at large are much more educated than most in the West, therefore, I don’t think they need this explanation. However, for those who have wondered into this page by accident, I’ll tell you what the Russian Pravoslavnaya (Orthodox) Church means for the territory we today call Ukraine.

Ukraine junta is now very actively promoting their false parallel reality to convince the West of the non-existent ‘Russian oppression.’ In this parallel reality Kiev ukro-nazis, aided by Soros, Canadian and American ukro-nazi Banderovtsi, Poland and Germany, contend that Russian Orthodox Church was imposed on Ukraine by ‘evil’ Russian Empire. Of course, the Western ignorant sheeple eat this up — afer all, it is in line with what their media tells them about Russia.

In reality,  the Russian Orthodox Church was born in Kiev, Malorossia, well over 1000 years ago. From thereon this religion spread throughout the territory of the Great Russia. At the time — for a short while — the capital of Rus (aka, Russia) was in Kiev. Before Kiev, the capitals were Novgorod, Arkona (now located in Germany), and other cities. Later, the main capital of the Rus State would be moved more than once. There was even a period when the capital was in Lvov, today’s western Ukraine or Galitsia. In 19th century, so not to confuse that period with others, it began being referred to as ‘Kievan Rus.’ The Lvov period was identified as ‘Galitskaya Rus.’

I’ll leave aside the fact that many think it was a grave mistake for Rus to adopt Christianity to replace the Vedic Pravoslavie. I have my own view of this event: at the time this could not be avoided. The Vedic World’s (Vedicheskiy mir) spiritual lifestyle system resonated with the 5th dimension (5D). When people’s consciousness fell below 5D — to 4D and then to 3D — they stopped resonating with the high level spirituality.

As a result, the change took place, and for better or for worse, Russian Christian Church has been for hundreds of years the main unifying religion of the Russian Empire. The Russian Pravoslavnaya Church, incorrectly referred to in the West as ‘Russian Orthodox Church,’ has always been historically dominant in Ukraine, despite various attempts to convert western Ukraine into Catholicism.

VIDEO:  Thousands of Russian Pravoslavnaya Church believers gather before Kiev Rada to pray for god to send some reason and common sense to the Rada deputies. The video is very telling. Alas, they are praying for reason and common sense where there can be none.

People are praying and singing peacefully in the video, but there are persistent warnings of an upcoming religious war in Ukraine, should this law be passed and should the forceful takeovers of Russian churches continue.

Don’t miss this viral article with Quantum Calibrations: Last Hope for Ukraine: All-Ukrainian Orthodox March for Peace in Donbass Culminates in Kiev


Poroshenko and the junta have banned Russian SM, including Vkontakte, Odnoclassniki, email service and search engine Yandex. Sanctioned and banned are also the leading Russian business accounting software company (whose name I don’t recall) and the leading internet security company Kaspersky Lab. All of the above are dominant in Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians use Yandex and Russian SM. VK is used several times more frequently than Facebook. Yandex is used much more than Google. The Russian accounting software company’s products are used by the majority of Ukraine’s businesses, some of whom have filed a lawsuit against Poroshenko and his government for damages.

You may ask why do Russian companies dominate Ukraine’s Internet market? Very simple, Russian companies have a major advantage over Google and Facebook: they are in Russian. No matter how much Ukro-nazis and junta try to eliminate Russian language in Ukraine, according to various polls, about 80% of Ukraine denizens continue speaking Russian.

ukro-nazis kiev fascists

Hitler and German fascists once burned books — Poroshenko and Ukraine fascists ban the internet. The ban of VK, and other Russian SM means that millions of Ukrainian users will suddenly lose contact with friends and family outside Ukraine. Will people again eat up this new gross violation of their rights, or will they finally rebel?

Qui bono? The non-sensical bans on Russian internet companies and products makes me think that it is done to clear up the room for others. Facebook instead of VK; much more expensive and incompatible American or European security and accounting software instead of Russian, etc. We’ll soon see whom Poroshenko and junta push to the top.

But even this isn’t all. On May 9, 2017, we have seen ample proof how Kiev and Ukraine citizens in general really feel about Russia, USSR and victory in WWII. One of the symbols of the Great Victory is Georgievskaya Lentochka (a red and gold band of St. George). 600,000 people came out on May 9 all over Ukraine (some believe it was up to one million). 60,000 came out in Kiev alone. In an act of definance, some of them carried Georgievskaya Lentochkas, despite threats. Following such a showing, Rada and Poroshenko have just passed the new law banning Georgievskaya Lentochka, along with other Soviet and Russian symbolism. About what went on Victory Day.

Even The Human Rights Watch came out and said that banning Soviet symbolism in Ukraine violates human rights and is undemocratic.

Georgievskaya Lentochka image:

den pobedy3

The timing and utter stupidity of all these simultaneous bans makes one think that Poroshenko and the junta are trying to divert the public attention from something else. Several things are being named. Among these:

1. The IMF Chief is about to visit Ukraine, and it’s looking bad. Ukraine is staring the default in the eye. Ukraine must come up with at least $6 billion to service its debt this year. It will be more every year after. This kind of money is nowhere to be found.

2. Energy shortages made authorities announce that they would be disconnecting hot water for months, possibly for years, in some key cities, such as Odessa, causing massive discontent. Who needs hot water in the winter, right?

3. Major Ukrainian companies continue going under, major factories and power stations shut down daily, leaving tens of thousands jobless. Depopulation and increasing death rate are very real dangers. Ukraine now tops world lists for corruption, unhappiness and death rates.

4. But the most important reason is this: Poroshenko and his Rada quietly passed the new law allowing the sale of agricultural lands, which was banned under previous administrations. This is expected to generate a frenzy of secret foreign buying via proxies. Monsanto has been licking its lips over the fertile Ukrainian lands for years. One day Ukrainians may wake up to find they’ve lost the last valuable thing they had left – their land. The news caused an uproar, but public attention was quickly diverted via the aforementioned Russian bans.

The victimized people of Ukraine have become hostages of the lunatics and Bandera-Nazis in power, whose only interest is to sell off their country, along with the people, to foreign interests.

Pic: banner on the left says, ‘Wake up, or fall into eternal sleep!’


In conclusion, I have to again emphasize that the collective West and its ‘leaders’ supported, enabled and financed the Kiev Maidan, and they continue supporting this Kiev junta, no matter what kind of atrocities and violations it commits. Therefore, the collective West and its ‘leaders,’ bear direct responsibility for the severe violations of human rights in Ukraine; they bear full responsibility for the suffering of the people of Ukraine.


Read all about the true history of Ukraine, Kiev and the Russian Church in ESR2.

ESR2 reloaded Ukraine 2

ESR3 talks about Russian oligarchs and how Putin dealt with them vs. Ukraine oligarchs, including Poroshenko and Kolomoysky, and how they serve the US.

More about Kolomoysky, plus much more about Ukraine’s convoluted and controversial forbidden history, including Khazaria and American Zionism, in ESR6.

Finally, ESR8 is about the value and risks of the Black Sea region, Odessa, Pridnestovie and Moldova.

Find all these reports here: ALL EARTH SHIFT REPORTS

Finally, don’t miss the latest Ukraine update and predictions in Lada Ray analysis: @realDonaldTrump tweet on Russia and Ukraine causes firestorm.

Extensive, never heard before, Lada’s Ukraine intel is added in COMMENTS of this article, including answers to reader questions re. the convoluted situation in central and western Ukraine, Poroshenko vs. Yeltsin, can Yanukovich return as president, Odessa as the capital of Novorossia, and some Ukraine predictions. Click here to read:…/realdonaldtrump-…/…

Many more articles are under CATEGORY Ukraine


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Tu-154 Catastrophe 1/2: The Light vs Shadows of the 4D Hybrid Infowar

I am posting this article today because I don’t want to leave this unfinished business for 2017. Chances are, we may still have to return to this topic in the new year. This is a 2-part post on the Tu-154 catastrophe near Sochi, on the Black Sea. In part 2 I’ll discuss my version of events and whether I believe it was a freak accident or an attack.


I once said ( I believe it was ESR2 or ESR3) that Ukraine was the shadow side of Russia. I didn’t want to be this right. The biggest problem is that those who do these despicable things often speak Russian as native language.

In cases like this I don’t know whether to be grateful or not for these times of the Great Earth Shift, which bring to light all the shadows, and with them, all the ugliness that has lurked underneath. Usually, such ugliness would be hiding deep within those shadows. Now, it is all exposed to light for all to see through the Internet and YouTube.

It should end in a cleansing process: we all need to know what our shadows are and how to heal them. But for the time being, it’s very hard to watch. The strong and intelligent will make the right conclusions and move forward, having learned important lessons. The weak, angry and dependent will break and blame others.

The entire planet is undergoing this cleansing process. With it comes the identity crisis. The strength, resilience and ancestral wisdom of any nation it tested in times such as these.

In the EU the identity crisis was triggered by the immigration crisis. In the Middle East – by the West’s wars and ISIL. In the US – by economy and Trump. In the Russian World it was triggered by the 2014 Ukraine coup. This latest stage of examining and dealing with the shadows is triggered by the Russian ambassador assassination and the TU-154 catastrophe.

Read and watch: 

Tribute: The Unforgettable Music of the Aleksandrov Red Army Choir – RIP


This post was hard to write,  but it had to be done. People have to know how ugly this 4D hybrid infowar has become. There are people who have no conscience, no heart and no scruples. I have to say with a great sadness that this is the type of individuals employed by the US/West to try to undermine Russia in every way possible.Whenever I look at comments and videos on YouTube, posts and comments elsewhere, I can’s stop being amazed at how low certain humans can sink. The internet has become filled with bots, trolls, shills, liars, angry losers, and those who will post anything in order to get views and their cheap 15 minutes of fame. Some do it for views, others for kicks, and yet others for 30 pieces of silver, a few dollars, or worse – a few worthless grivnas. Or maybe they are hoping to get US or EU passports that way.

While some – like those who perished in the Tu-154 catastrophe – produce divine music, inspire and lead people, invent new useful things, unite and protect people, help the helpless and save the children, others come to this earth with the sole desire to wreak havoc and destroy. The worst thing, such subhumans destroy not only buildings and monuments, as the Kiev junta ukro-nazis do in Ukraine, or as their ISIL friends do in Syria. Structures can be rebuilt.

Worse, they target people’s memory, their souls and hearts; they try to destroy hope.

Unfortunately, a lot of sickos and shills, associated with the Russian pro-West neo-libs, as well as Kiev junta and ukro-nazis, rejoiced about the Sochi Tu-154 catastrophe.

Poroshenko’s personal advisor and other high-ranking politicians in Kiev have been publicly and with glee commenting about those who died, wishing there were more victims.

Facebook and YouTube are polluted with various channels posting mocking videos and laughing at the tragedy. Putin is blamed – what else is new. Now he personally killed the entire Red Army Choir.

One comment I noticed being posted over and over on various YT channels by some very persistent troll: turns out that Tu-154 catastrophe was the sacrifice for the Jewish Hanukkah 2016!

I won’t go through all the freaky and disgusting stuff out there. I’ll just say that there were a few ‘journalists’ in Russia who also joined in. These were of the kind I described in my previous article: I Hate Being Right! Obama/US expel 35 Russian diplomats. Lada Ray analysis and calibrations. In other words, the neo-lib types, fed by the US grants. One such woman was a wife of an ex-oligarch, ‘Russian high-society lioness’ with 200,000 subscribers on Facebook. Another man worked for the well-known, openly anti-Russian publication in Moscow; he was actually a Ukrainian, who received Russian citizenship. I’ll name neither so not to give them any inadvertent promotion. Echoing the Kiev junta pronouncements, these individual said that they weren’t sorry for the deaths of people on the plane and that it was payment for Russia’s ‘sins,’ wishing more were dead.

There were a few others who said the same. The disturbing fact was that these posts were reposted and liked many times (I strongly suspect it was mostly by Ukrainian ‘nationalists’ and ukro-nazis of all kinds – let’s recall, they all are Russian-speakers too, and often are indistinguishable from Russians).

The interesting thing is that even the majority of the pro-West neo-libs in Russia had enough sense to condemn such people. As a result of this newest faux pas, I suspect neo-libs and Kiev junta will lose even more support in Ukraine, Russia and worldwide, while Putin will gain more support.

Here is one very disgusting post about Tu-154 catastrophe on a Russian language YT channel called ‘the very juice’. The title of the video, which overflows with extreme hatred and Russophobia: “The underwater Choir of the Ministry of Defence.” And just look at that mocking thumbnail!

  1. Подводный ансамбль минобороны.

Another video from the same channel, entitled, ‘Tu-154 was a sign from above,’ says that the Choir was going to Syria to entertain ‘the butchers’ who have destroyed a ‘thriving megapolis together with its citizens.’ In other words, per this warped logic (shared by the US and West), it was ISIL and terrorists who were trying to save Aleppo and protect citizens, while bad Russians and Syrian army went out of their way to destroy them! Again, the terribly disturbing thing is that the next day after the catastrophe this one had 140,000 views! The comment section of this channel simply overflows with such extreme violent and disgusting hatred that it makes one wonder how many sick and deranged humans are out there.

Ту-154 как знамение

Perhaps it’s because of channels like this that I’m not eager to develop my YouTube channel more, although I’d like to. I don’t want my voice to drown in the chorus of these crazies and sickos. 

All this may originate from Kiev junta, where they frantically invest into anti-Russian shills and propaganda. Or it can come from the Baltics and Poland, where US/Canada/Soros set up propaganda agencies to subvert as many Russians as they can. Too bad for them that there are not too many takers. Why not? For explanation, see I Hate Being Right! Obama/US expel 35 Russian diplomats. Lada Ray analysis and calibrations.

I’m pretty confident that much of this is done by paid shills in order to make the New Year’s (the biggest holiday in Russia) as depressing as possible for Russians. Of course, there are some totally deranged Russophobes and volunteer ukro-nazi trolls, as well.

Human mind and heart are resilient, adapting to the worst madness out of sheer necessity of survival. This is the only way the still remaining sane people in Ukraine can survive under such circumstances.

For me it’s very hard to stomach what’s going on and how far it had gone. I remember Odessa as a wonderful city, and it’s painful to think what the Kiev junta and invading ukro-nazis, aided from abroad, turned it into. Odessans created a memorial for the victims of the Tu-154 catastrophe. Ukro-nazis showed up and destroyed the people’s memorial. Despite threats, makeshift memorials for the Red Army Choir and the Tu-154 victims have shown up in various places in Ukraine.


Music always brought people closer together. Many in Ukraine are quite upset about the tragedy. They start remembering that they, after all, are one people and that they are destined to be together. This powerful ancestral recall is exactly the kind of thing the dark forces cannot allow to happen.

But when millions rise, the light outshines the darkness. I know, I absolutely know, this will happen in Ukraine, perhaps sooner than most realize. Recall my prediction! Ukraine turnaround: 2016-2018. 2017 will be pivotal! The shift is underway!

In Kiev people have been bringing flowers and candles to the Russian Embassy. On the video below you can see the entrance to the Russian Embassy in Kiev, which now operates with skeleton staff. After many attacks, the embassy was surrounded with two rows of barbed wire and additional iron fence. You’ll see that the barbed wire is full of flowers and people are sticking their tributes onto the fence. The sign reads: “Neither words, nor tears left to express our pain. Russia, we are with you.”

Kiev, Ukrainians mourn with Russia – the Russian embassy (Viktoria Shilova)

Russian embassy, Kiev – Head of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Natalia Vitrenko: Condolences to our brothers and sisters, the Russian people.

Again, with a chill and horrible regret I have to point out that this video was hijacked by ukro-nazis. Vitrenko is always nice, rational and polite. All she says is how sorry she is and what a terrible tragedy it was. Yet there are tons of dislikes and tons of Russophobic comments in Ukrainian and Russian under this video.

The video below is from Kharkov: “Our Brothers” – Kharkov people brought flowers and Georgievskaya Lentochkas to the Russian consulate. And again, tons of dislikes and absolutely crazy Russophobic comments under video, with lots of lies and propaganda.

The sign reads: “Kharkov mourns with you” and “RIP, and let there be joy and peace for all people.” Imagine that this kind of stuff gets dislikes!

“Братский народ”: харьковчане принесли к российскому консульству цветы и “георгиевские” ленты

My intel says that these paid shills get orders from above to attack a specific video, and they just swarm on it. Their goal is to create a picture in social media that all Ukrainians hate Russians. I have a strong suspicion that the financing comes from the same source as the $5 billion Nuland spent on subverting Ukraine. To name the obvious: US State Dept and White House, CIA and Soros. 

And this is from Belarus. Lukashenko announced that state flags in Belarus will be lowered to half mast in memory of the TU-154 victims and that Belarus stands by the “Russian brothers.” The problem is that even on this video, not highly visited and not about Ukraine, you see several dislikes. Sign reads: “Russians, our brothers, we mourn with you. Sincere condolences.”


Incidentally, there is a very worrisome infiltration of ukro-nazis in Belarus, as well as various Poles and Balts, who cross the border. I sense that there is a danger of maidan and color revolution in Belarus. You recall my prediction from ESR1: Lukashenko won’t let that happen. Bu the danger exists. I thought I’d bring it up here so my readers are aware.

I have seen very alarming signals from Belarus lately. Lukashenko’s behavior is also very strange, such as skipping the EUAU economic summit in Russia, where many important decisions were adopted in his absence. The explanation for his absence wasn’t provided. Putin only said that all decisions were discussed with Lukashenko and met with his approval.

I think I may include my intel on the Belarus maidan probability in the upcoming ESR re. the Big Ukraine Shift. The shift is expected in 2017 – per my predictions and right on schedule!



Sorry everyone, a correction! I decided to postpone part 2 for after New Year’s. It’s too involved and gruesome. I don’t want to spoil the holiday. Expect it in the first few days of 2017. Along with it, I’ll have a big post on Ukraine and the 2017 forecast. Stay tuned for the 2017 offerings!


A message from Lada Ray

This was a tumultuous and extremely eventful year. But life goes on. Despite everything, we are getting ready to celebrate the New Year’s, which is a big holiday in our family! Much more will be said and much more will happen in 2017, and beyond. But that’s already for the New Year to sort out! Till then,

Join us on December 31, 2016 – January 1, 2017 for the




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New release October 21, 2016

Lada Ray’s EXCLUSIVE interview with The Plane Truth host, Paul Plane! 
(This is MP4/MP3 audio-video report)




NOTE! FREE version of PART 1 will be posted on LADA RAY YOUTUBE CHANNEL on Saturday, October 22. Please feel free to share it via social media links!


Intro and topics

Welcome to Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Report 16: US ELECTIONS AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER. Earth Shift Reports (ESRs) are supported exclusively by reader donations. Your donation is used to continue delivering FREE content on FuturisTrendcast, site and Lada Ray YouTube channel.

ESRs address the hottest and most important global topics of this decade and millennium: geopolitical analysis, exclusive intel, clandestine ops, explosive truth, plus Lada Ray’s sought after predictions!

We are pleased to welcome Paul Plane, host of Time Monk Radio show, THE PLANE TRUTH. In this exclusive interview Paul asks Lada poignant questions to reveal the truth, especially for the Earth Shift Report 16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER! 

Topics Summary:

The rebellion of the US electorate and clash of US elites.
Why Bernie Sanders caved in and did he really mean to win?
Who is Hillary Clinton and whose interests does she represent?
Spiritual Geopolitics: Clinton scandals and illnesses as manifestations of her tortured soul and major soul loss.

Who is Donald Trump and whose interests does he represent?
Why are Putin and Russia such big topics during these US elections?
Did Russians really hack DNC emails?
The Kremlin agent? Does Trump really have Russian connection?

Third parties and the outdated US electoral system.
Can this system be changed?
Is there a chance of a US civil war?

How and why Trump really got on top, despite fierce resistance?
How his rise reflects the discontent of the US electorate and desire to be friends with Russia.
What to expect from Hillary should she win?
What to expect from Trump and will he really be that different? 
Can we expect a breakthrough improvement in US – Russia relations should Trump win the presidency?
Who will win these elections – Lada’s explosive predictions.
Last, but not least: exclusive Lada Ray’s Quantum Calibrations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with interpretations. How these calibrations reflect the essence of each candidate and their prospects.

Topics in order of discussion:


1. The rebellion of the US electorate. Rebellion within Democratic and Republican parties.

2. The clash between two opposing camps of the US and global elites. Why it’s happening and why the clash will be intensifying.

3. Bernie Sanders, and why he caved in to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump, and why he won nomination.

4. Is US really the NWO pointman and how NWO headquarters moved to the US. What about European elites and what is the future of Western-based NWO project?

5. Hillary Clinton as NWO-based US elites chosen candidate. Why do they hang on to her despite all her health and email problems.

6. Lada Ray’s Spiritual Geopolitics and Quantum Calibrations: Hillary’s health issues as manifestations of her ailing soul and soul loss. How her soul is rebelling against her many crimes and lies.

7. Why Putin and Russia are such big topics in these US Elections? Why Hillary and her camp accuse Trump of being ‘the Kremlin’ or ‘KGB’ agent? Did Russians really hack the emails and are they behind Wikileaks disclosures? Why such hysteria?


1. The outdated US Electoral College system, and the needed change. Can the system really be fixed? PREDICTIONS.

2. Hillary vs. Trump prospects for winning the elections.

3. What to expect from Hillary Clinton should she win. Whom does she really represent? Does Hillary really want to start World War III?

4. Who is really Donald Trump and whom he represents.

5. Why are there so many violent protests against Trump rallies? Who’s behind them and why.

6. Why Trump really got to the top, despite fierce resistance of the elites within his own party. How it reflects the overall US discontent. How it reflects the desire of many Americans to be friends with Russia and the admiration towards Putin.

7. A billion dollar question: will Trump really be that different? Can we expect a breakthrough improvement in US – Russia relations, should Trump win presidency?
Will he really be the one who will ‘make American great again’? Or is the future path predetermined? PREDICTIONS.

8. In 2015 and early 2016 I predicted that “democrats will lose this election,’ yet I didn’t name Trump as the winner. Why didn’t I? Do I still think democrats will lose? Will Trump then win? PREDICTIONS.

9. Revealing Quantum Calibrations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – and their interpretation. What do they tell us about each candidate and their chances of winning. What do they tell us about what kind of presidents they may be?


Report Stats: ESR16 is an exclusive Lada Ray interview by Paul Plane, host of the Time Monk Radio show THE PLANE TRUTH. It is a 2-part MP4 video report, with bonus MP3 audio added for your convenience.
Part 1 MP4 will also be posted FREE on Lada Ray YouTube (up Saturd. 10/22/16) – this FREE part can be shared via social media links.
Part 2 MP4 and Part 1 & 2 MP3 are available exclusively via a donation (please click on donate button above and you’ll be directed to the whole report)! 

Entire report-interview length: 2 hrs 13 min.
Part 1 length 50 min, Part 2 length: 1 hr 23 min



To listen/watch go to:






Dear readers,

Due to the time sensitive intel and fast-evolving events, I am releasing two Earth Shift Reports one after another. Most likely these are the last two ESRs this year and I’ll let you catch up reading and listening to them at your convenience.

ESR15: PUTIN’S PLUTONIUM ULTIMATUM TO THE US and ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER contain some of the most important deep intel and predictions you’ll ever be able to read or listen to, and I promise they’ll be entertaining, too!

Reports, as usual, are donation-based and we do not set a specific amount, appreciating that different people have different financial circumstances. If you want to support ( Ray YT channel and Lada’s work, this is your best chance this year!

As always, thank you for your continued support, intelligent comments, and generous donations! I couldn’t do it without you!

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Latest update to earlier URGENT ALERT!

Paypal is now back up! Please donate and access ESRs as usual! Any problem accessing the report after donating, please email us and we’ll promptly email you direct link! Thank you for your wonderful continued support and patience!

It was a possible false flag. It’s totally gloves-off, and as discussed in ESR16 & ESR15, the fight will only continue getting uglier in view of the US Elections! What’s happening is making my Earth Shift Reports even more timely. Don’t miss them!

Maddie @ 1EarthUnited has an urgent post about this: READ HERE!

Flashback! Bush – Blair Collusion on Regime Change in Iraq One Year Before Invasion… and Thoughts

Flashback! Bush – Blair Collusion on Regime Change in Iraq One Year Before Invasion

Not that it’s a shocking bit of news for anyone who is in the know (this certainly includes my readers), but it’s still noteworthy from the following standpoint: something that you and I have known for a long time is finally making its way into the Western mainstream media.

Imagine that! They are really, really slow (not to mention corrupt) – isn’t it why so many people are turning away from Western MSM? However, the very fact that this is coming to the spotlight in the mainstream is a good sign.

The truth will continue surfacing throughout this decade and next, and deliberately distorted history will slowly but surely continue being righted. Humanity needs to go through the cleansing and karmic re-balancing. There really isn’t any way around it; this is the only way for human civilization to shed its past and move forward.


These are two reports from RT, truly the only trustworthy English-speaking MSM our there. RT is a new, revolutionary wave of the MSM. It is an alternative MSM for the truth-seekers and it also has Russian, Spanish, Arabic and other language news. (I have various RT links on my RESOURCES page for your convenience).

RT: News of leaked memos indicating that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair had already agreed to work with the George W. Bush Administration on the invasion of Iraq long before it began has been less than a shock to many people. Stephen Zunes, a major critic of the Bush administration and professor of politics and international studies at the University of San Francisco, offers his view as to why public reaction has been so tepid and what the invasion was really about.

RT: Leaked memos show that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was fully onboard with the George W. Bush administration with regard to the invasion of Iraq a full year before the war began. Manila Chan speaks with investigative journalist Russ Baker about the fallout from this leak and how policy leading to the invasion developed during the run up to the war.


So, it’s in the mainstream. The Bush – Blair Collusion on Regime Change in Iraq took place at least one year before Iraq invasion – and I would say much earlier than that!

It was done with participation and full knowledge of then US Secretary of State, Gen. Colin Powell, who afterwords tried to convince the UN that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, while parading fake proofs and equally fake maps. Colin Powell later said he was duped and mislead into thinking the proof was real, which lead him to deliver that fake UN speech. With these new revelations, it is confirmed what was long-suspected: Powell lied to everyone’s face when he said he didn’t know proofs were fake. The scandal led him eventually to resign and withdraw his presidential candidacy, costing him his highly cherished reputation and removal from public life.

I was somewhat familiar with Colin Powell – in the late ’90s I happened to work in Princeton with some of his associates. Incidentally, one of his people, who spent six months in the former Yugoslavia as a monitor during the civil war and subsequent US/EU bombing campaign, had admitted to me in a private conversation that what he saw on the ground and what US press and US government were saying had been two completely different things.

At the time, all the blame for war and atrocities in the former Yugoslavia was put 100% on Serbs. ‘The bad Serbs’ propaganda was necessary for Yugoslavia, the last remaining independent state in Europe, to be torn apart in the attempt to weaken and destroy Serbia. Even the core Serbian lands, such as Kosovo and Chernogoria (called in the West Montenegro) were taken away from them.

The reality I witnessed, had confided in me Colin Powell’s associate, was that they all had historic grudges against each other. They all were equally responsible for violence.

I knew all this very well, having grown up in Southern Europe and in the Slavic world. The long-brewing, but kept under the lid by the unified socialistic Yugoslavia, historic grudges ran deep. I knew why, how and when all those grudges came to be. For centuries Russia periodically played peacemaker in the region. It was in many ways similar to the atmosphere in Caucasus and all this was common knowledge where I came from. But convincing Americans of this was impossible in the 1990s. When I tried to write articles explaining the real situation, they were ALL rejected by any American MSM I attempted sending them to.

Alas, there was no Internet, no blogs and no websites in the 1990s. We were all held hostage to whatever agenda and lies they wanted to impose on us. In the ’90s I quickly got disenchanted with Western papers, magazines and TV and unsubscribed of all print, disconnecting cable TV by 2003.

I can’t stress enough how incredibly important it is to always keep a balanced perspective on things! Ironically, we have to be grateful primarily to the same USA for the mainstream Internet, YouTube, search engines and blogging platforms, such as WordPress. The Internet revolution became the Great Equalizer of the 21 Century, which allowed us all to read/watch/search for the truth, regardless of where we lived and what propaganda our local MSM imposed on us.

This fantastic breakthrough allowed people like myself, who had a lot of knowledge and truth to share, but who were shut up by MSM and existing prejudices, a platform to say what we wanted to say.

This is where USA, UK, as well all of the Anglo-American world, shine:

They can accomplish wonders when it’s necessary to turn something into a mainstream application, making it workable for the huge masses of people. This is a real, honest to goodness talent and contribution of the Anglo-American civilization to the human world.

If only they could learn to stick to using this god-given talent for good, instead of evil!

Actually, I think the fact that Western MSM is now losing readership/viewership daily is a well-deserved poetic justice and the long-earned karma in action.

Unless Western MSM of all breeds and colorings reinvent themselves, they will become extinct. The only way for them to reinvent themselves is to start telling the truth. But who are we kidding: those who control them can’t accept the truth… yet. One day they may be forced to, in order to survive. But it may be too late for what at this point in history we still refer to as ‘Western MSM.’

Incidentally, the truth about what really went on in Yugoslavia never came out of Colin Powell’s camp, despite their knowledge. Powell was at the time considered a war hero and a highly respected man of integrity. He had the people’s ear and he had infinitely more platform to make the truth heard than I did. It’s possible that if he shared with the world what his monitors knew about Yugoslavia, Serbian bombings wouldn’t have happened. Or at least, it would have been much more difficult to push them through without full public support.

That same ‘honorable’ Colin Powell saw it fit to spew lies to the UN later, when he became the US Secretary of State. For those who still have any illusions: this demonstrates very well who is in power in the US, no matter what party it is. It was true then and it’s true now. The same is true for the UK, with Blair in focus.

In the beginning of 2003 Colin Powell shook that fake proof at the UN and ardently tried to convince everyone that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq harbored Al Qaeda. Living in the US, I heard a lot of talk calling ‘to fu*k those UN, Russia, China and Germany’ (does that remind you of Nuland and her “fu*k EU outburst?). As a lot of those ‘American patriots’ put it, ‘let our boys go in and do their thing.’

The truth is that the US population at large fully supported Iraq invasion, considering their country exceptional, one and only beacon of democracy, and existing to do as they pleased without any regard for others’ needs or opinions. Hitler and his version of Germany once thought the same.

I recall that time very well – it was the time I woke up completely and shed any remaining illusions as to what kind of country I was living in. US continued attempting to sell Afghanistan and Iraq invasions as ‘one bundle purchase,’ using the pretext of the 9/11 as justification.

The world swallowed the earlier Afghanistan invasion, being still in shock after 9/11. People all over the world sympathised with the US, and this normal human sympathy in the wake of what was believed to be a terrible and unjustified tragedy inflicted by outside forces on the unsuspecting America, was exploited by the US to do their dirty bidding.

But the world drew the line at Iraq. UN Security Council members Russia and China vetoed US request to authorize its strike against Iraq. US faced strong resistance from allies: Germany, France and Middle Eastern countries. US began Iraq invasion anyway, fully supported by UK, Poland, (former Soviet republic of) Georgia and the ‘coalition of the willing’ consisting of everyone else whose arm US/UK were able to twist into submission.

We soon started finding out that Powell’s ‘proofs’ were fake, that 9/11 was an inside job and that US/UK harbored a long-term plan of invading and dismembering at least seven Middle Eastern states, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Iran and Syria. We all know what happened to Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. We also know why Iran and Syria are still surviving: because Russia has protected them.

There is always a seed of defeat in every victory and a seed of victory in every defeat. US thought it got away with murder.

But the US invasion of Iraq and the lies accompanying it, marked the beginning of a new era. It is the era of the all-encompassing Earth Shift of all geopolitical, societal and economic structures. It is the era of the awakening and coming to terms with the truth. Their lies woke up those people who refused to continue accepting the official Western propaganga, who began digging for and telling the truth through alternative sources, trying to awaken others.

This era, which we are living today, is the global revolutionary time, when everything old, outmoded, and un-truthful is swept away. The old will morph into something new and different, some countries will change borders and even names. New alliances will be formed and old will die off. A new social, financial and economic system will emerge. And with that, USA will lose much of today’s clout and power.

For more:



Heads up: the upcoming Earth Shift Report UKRAINE: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANTE? will delve deeper into some other important hidden truths, lies and secrets that must come out. I’m also planning a future surprise Earth Shift Report, which will reveal what is really happening with the US and why (I will keep the title secret for now). Stay tuned!

For the full picture on Syria and the Middle East, read my new

Earth Shift Report 5​


What do Russia, US, Iran & Israel really want?

ESR5 Syria Game Changer 2


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Educational Demo: How to Train Your Troll

Dear readers, below is a demo of a troll comment, with Lada’s response. We counted at least 7 insults in 3 lines. Another comment that was deleted was an outright insult. The troll has been banned. The troll’s comment and reply were posted in recent article: Urgent! Secret Link Between French False Flag Attacks and UkraineFT’s new policy is to root out any shills or trolls.

FT admin

Troll’s comment: Sergey
Submitted on 2015/01/25 at 1:49 am
I’m from Ukraine and can tell you for 100%, this is f.. n fake, this “girl” use words what useful only for russian idiots who’s watching TV and don’t have any brain. Interesting, how much they pay for you for this trash or you still don’t understand,that problem in Ukraine it’s just only start of problems in EU.

Lada’s Comments and Thoughts:

Dear readers,

‘This thing’ left 2 trolling comments, one of which has been deleted. I am keeping this disgusting comment by an ukro-nazi troll to demonstrate what is lurking in the shadows out there, so you know what I have to deal with. Down to curses, accusations, name-calling, the whole nine yards…

I call ‘it’ ukro-nazi because it has nothing to do with normal Ukrainians I used to know while growing up in Odessa. This is a different breed that sprouted in the past 23 years as a result of Soros/Western NGO propaganda; ukro-nazi proliferation; Ukrainian nationalism based on two things only: rabid hatred towards Russia and worshiping of the West; and Ukraine’s own inability to self-govern. With all that, I bet ‘this thing,’ like so many like him, speaks Russian at home and with friends, and thinks nothing of it. For instance, he spells ‘sergey’ the Russian way. In Ukrainian it would be ‘serhiy.’ This is the sad paradox of the situation.

Let’s call this comment a demo, or an ‘an educational shill exhibit.’ Obviously, this troll will be banned. Additionally, my security expert friends and hacker friends will make sure ‘it’ calling itself Sergey, can’t do such things any more.
This is my official warning, do not try anything you will regret, my sites are very well protected!

Additionally, this particular shill, who calls himself Ukrainian and speaks broken English, uses a Hong Kong IP address. It is well known that paid government shills hide behind fake IP addresses using proxy servers.

This is a brutal war between the old and the new, the dark and the light. We previously talked about different dimensions, including 3D, 4D and 5D. The war has spread from the 3D physical dimension, and it has now fully invaded the 4D reality of the internet.

But it will be good for any past and future trolls/shills to remember that I do not take kindly to any such attacks! These attacks will be dealt with very seriously. There are many ways of ensuring that. So,, and other shills, you have been forewarned. You will be rooted out every time!

All readers, especially new, make sure you read my BLOG RULES on top bar and abide by them while commenting. I also calibrate comments for outright lie, manipulation or very low calibration/Chi (see my scale of calibrations in videos/posts about Calibrations of Human Consciousness).

Such comments also won’t make it; therefore, my advice: before commenting, fill your hearts with reason and love. I know the vast majority of my readers do exactly that – and I thank you!

Sometimes we allow first commenters’ comments, even if they don’t comply, but mean well. We simply issue them a public, educational reminder.

Most of my readers, and most commenters on FT are truly wonderful, intelligent, highly evolved people, and I am very grateful to have such readers. Keep up the great job posting your interesting comments!

I realize that my Human Calibrations Scale, and many other ideas I have been slowly introducing on FT and my YouTube channel, are very new to most people. Therefore, I want to use this opportunity to educate.

As a demo, how about we calibrate the above shill’s comment, as well as himself? Let’s see if we gain more clarity about the situation.

The above shill’s comment calibrates at: 85 (violent grief), Chi 95 (violent grief).
The commenter “sergey” personally calibrates at 85 (violent grief), Chi 110 (fear).

By way of a demo, I’ll also add my other secret calibration: what Level soul is “sergey”?

The higher the Soul Level, the more evolved a person is. For example, Mother Theresa’s Soul Level was 7 (this is very rare).

Most humans’ souls are:

Level 1 – Very new souls, with all the problems associated with that. Oftentimes these souls are confused, extremely greedy and materialistic. Often they have a very narrow and very warped idea of reality; often they become violent.

Level 2 – Have been around and function well in 3D, lack perspective and high imagination, very susceptible to propaganda, with all consequences. Often very prideful and materialistic – better adjusted/more reasonable than Level 1.

Level 3 – Striver souls, who want to be holistic and spiritual, but are still held back by fears and baggage – spiritual seekers. Throughout their life they may break through the barrier and join the advanced soul ranks.

When society manifest politicians, military and other leaders that are Level 1 or 2 souls, this society is dying, as such level souls are incapable of solving monumental country-wide and global problems.

Any society/culture needs to manifest leaders whose Soul Level is at least 4, but preferably above. Such culture that does has a stellar future. 

Advanced souls:

Self-realization, self-actualization, and highly functioning souls start at Level 4.

Level 5 is rare and spectacular, where you usually find thirst for true knowledge; ability to love, appreciate and discern; spirituality, conscious living,  and expanded horizons.

Levels above 5: starting at Level 5, but especially above, are those people who lead the world into a better future, as well as those who work tirelessly to prevent the worst from materializing on Earth.

Let’s determine what level soul “sergey” is: His Soul Level is 1.

Hence, by calibrating and determining the soul level, we immediately understand what we are dealing with here.

As to further training of your trolls: on Twitter I simply block any troll. These are practically always accounts that have zero to very few followers, and they are created to troll and/or spew propaganda. Don’t validate them by replying, just ban and block.

On YouTube I block and ban from my channel anyone who displays such characteristics. There are also ways to complain to Twitter and YT. Such accounts may be deleted.

Last but not least, I know that many of my readers, at least many of those who post comments and send me emails, are 4 and 5 Level souls, and occasionally, even above Level 5.



1. Grand Experiment Novorossia and the Birth of the New Revolutionary Monetary System.

2. Ruble Wars as the Beginning of the Death of the Dollar.

These two reports are being written as we speak and I will be posting them as they get completed.

The reports will be posted on my new site

I will take into account recent requests by readers for additional Earth Shift Reports.

Stay tuned!


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