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US Election outcome scenarios reveal 95% chance of widespread post-election violence

This is from FT contributor Maddie Walsh @!

You know my predictions are not exactly like this, if you have listened to Earth Shift Report 16 and read my earlier US Elections articles on FT. But these calculations do make a lot of sense and they resonate closely with what we’d talked about in ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTERI thought it was good to have this complimentary perspective. Forewarned – forearmed!

ANALYSIS: Election outcome scenarios reveal 95% chance of widespread post-election violence

Election outcomes

NaturalNews ANALYSIS of possible outcomes from the upcoming presidential election reveals that America only has a 5% chance of remaining peaceful after November 8. This does not mean the violence will occur on November 9th, but rather that events will be set into motion on that day which will lead to an escalation of violence (95% chance, see below).

Here are the scenarios I see unfolding, all based on the best available information right now:

Scenario #1) Trump wins popular vote

There are three sub-scenarios under this outcome:

Scenario 1A (10% chance): Trump wins popular vote, but democrats steal electoral vote to claim victory, overriding the voters

Even though Donald Trump wins the popular vote, the democrats have bribed enough electoral college representatives to sway the vote to Clinton, even in contradiction to their own states’ voters.

Should this occur, expect mass protests, violence, bloodshed and many legal challenges in those states where the electoral college votes do not reflect the popular vote. There is no question that the Trump-supporting citizens of America will not accept a “rigged” election outcome where the electoral college votes are essentially stolen from the People. This would very quickly escalate into armed citizens marching in the streets and occupying key government buildings in an armed revolution against corruption.

Scenario 1B (60% chance): Obama declares Trump victory invalid, claiming the Russians hacked the vote

In my analysis, this is the most likely outcome of the upcoming election, and the democrats have been planting this narrative in advance with ridiculous claims that “the Russians” are running Wikileaks and that Trump is a “Putin puppet” (direct claim from Hillary Clinton in the third debate).

The purpose of all this is to create the narrative where a Trump victory can be declared invalid by Obama. Despite all the talk among democrats about how much they love and respect democracy, the simple truth is that they deeply hate it (and don’t trust it). There is almost no chance that Obama and the Clintons will voluntarily cede power to Donald Trump.

If Obama declares a Trump victory invalid, all hell breaks loose across the nation, with leftists going “full terrorism” and patriots taking up arms to defend democracy against the anti-American traitors in Washington D.C.

Scenario 1C (5% chance): Democrats accept the Trump victory and agree to peacefully transition power.

Even if Obama and the Clintons admit defeat and agree that Donald Trump is the next President, the liberal voters go nuts and begin firebombing buildings all across America. You’ll see mass riots breaking out everywhere. Obama can then use this to declare Martial Law and, if he wishes, postpone the transfer of power to Donald Trump (or blame him for all the violence, of course).

Remember, the democrats are already running mass staged violence across America ( They can easily stage riots, arson, bombings and much more in order to maximize chaos in the streets.

Scenario #2) Clinton wins popular vote

Based on current information (and considering just how much the “official” polls arecompletely rigged by deliberately oversampling democrats), in my analysis, there is only a 25% total chance that Hillary Clintonwins the popular vote. Here are the sub-scenarios under that 25%:

Scenario 2A (20% chance): Clinton wins the reported vote, but Trump challenges the validity of the election results

This scenario very likely starts with legal challenges to the mass election fraud, but could quickly escalate to a military coup or an armed citizens’ revolt where outraged Americans literally march on Washington and depose the corrupt regime in power.

Expect huge bloodshed in this scenario. There is no question that roughly half of America simply cannot and will not accept Hillary Clinton as their president. She is too corrupt, too evil and too dangerous to maintain the consent of the governed. (Hillary Clinton is a serial criminal who must be indicted and imprisoned if America is to remain anything resembling a legitimate nation that respects law.)

Thanks to Wikileaks and Project Veritas, everyone with a working brain now knows the democrats are hopelessly corrupt and deeply invested in widespread voter fraud to steal the White House.

Scenario 2B (5% chance): Trump accepts the election results and tells supporters to get behind Hillary Clinton

If Clinton wins and Trump admits she won fair and square (which seems VERY unlikely), he could publicly call for everyone to back down and accept the Clinton presidency.

I see the chance of this at only 5%. And even then, so many conservatives and patriots are going to be so angry at this outcome that they may decide to stage their own peaceful protests.

95% chance of mass violence in one form or another

The upshot of all this is that I see only a 5% chance of a peaceful, non-violent outcome to this election. In most conceivable scenarios, America descends into mass violence of one form or another.

This is a direct result of the extreme polarization of political beliefs in America today, where we have an entire class of illiterate, ignorant Hillary Clinton supporters who only watch CNN and have no idea whatsoever that the Clintons are corrupt criminals. Witness the depth of the democrats’ corruption in this Project Veritas veritas (part 3), just released today…

Read more on!


Added 10/27/16


My belief and associated prediction, based on the energy I see unfolding and the risks I’m assessing is as follows:

Due to persistent warnings, sounding from various directions, that Democrats/Obama/Hillary camp will successfully falsify election results, I do believe many different eyes will be watching this election like hawks. Thus, it will be very hard-to-impossible to falsify it VERY significantly – as per Earth Shift Report 16 prediction. Some falsification attempts have to be expected, but not SIGNIFICANT ones that can make a true difference! Falsifying outright, due to the risk of extreme violence and uprisings, will be too risky and destabilizing. That’s why they will calculate that it’s easier to make a deal and compromise, which long-term will put Trump in a straight jacket. Again, as per Earth Shift Report 16 part 2

But there is more to the story, and the future unfolding for the US is very interesting indeed. I’ll talk about that in one of the following ESRs in 2017!

If you haven’t yet, listen to how I see the outcome of this US Elections, and who will win, Trump or Hillary. Most importantly, what can we expect from Trump, should he win. What kind of president will he be and whom he really represents; whether I see violence on American streets past November 8; whether we can expect a breakthrough in relations with Russia and in USA’s policies and economy, and much more….

Listen to my EXCLUSIVE new bestseller 



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Now live & available!

New release October 21, 2016

Lada Ray’s EXCLUSIVE interview with The Plane Truth host, Paul Plane! 
(This is MP4/MP3 audio-video report)




NOTE! FREE version of PART 1 will be posted on LADA RAY YOUTUBE CHANNEL on Saturday, October 22. Please feel free to share it via social media links!


Intro and topics

Welcome to Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Report 16: US ELECTIONS AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER. Earth Shift Reports (ESRs) are supported exclusively by reader donations. Your donation is used to continue delivering FREE content on FuturisTrendcast, site and Lada Ray YouTube channel.

ESRs address the hottest and most important global topics of this decade and millennium: geopolitical analysis, exclusive intel, clandestine ops, explosive truth, plus Lada Ray’s sought after predictions!

We are pleased to welcome Paul Plane, host of Time Monk Radio show, THE PLANE TRUTH. In this exclusive interview Paul asks Lada poignant questions to reveal the truth, especially for the Earth Shift Report 16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER! 

Topics Summary:

The rebellion of the US electorate and clash of US elites.
Why Bernie Sanders caved in and did he really mean to win?
Who is Hillary Clinton and whose interests does she represent?
Spiritual Geopolitics: Clinton scandals and illnesses as manifestations of her tortured soul and major soul loss.

Who is Donald Trump and whose interests does he represent?
Why are Putin and Russia such big topics during these US elections?
Did Russians really hack DNC emails?
The Kremlin agent? Does Trump really have Russian connection?

Third parties and the outdated US electoral system.
Can this system be changed?
Is there a chance of a US civil war?

How and why Trump really got on top, despite fierce resistance?
How his rise reflects the discontent of the US electorate and desire to be friends with Russia.
What to expect from Hillary should she win?
What to expect from Trump and will he really be that different? 
Can we expect a breakthrough improvement in US – Russia relations should Trump win the presidency?
Who will win these elections – Lada’s explosive predictions.
Last, but not least: exclusive Lada Ray’s Quantum Calibrations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with interpretations. How these calibrations reflect the essence of each candidate and their prospects.

Topics in order of discussion:


1. The rebellion of the US electorate. Rebellion within Democratic and Republican parties.

2. The clash between two opposing camps of the US and global elites. Why it’s happening and why the clash will be intensifying.

3. Bernie Sanders, and why he caved in to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump, and why he won nomination.

4. Is US really the NWO pointman and how NWO headquarters moved to the US. What about European elites and what is the future of Western-based NWO project?

5. Hillary Clinton as NWO-based US elites chosen candidate. Why do they hang on to her despite all her health and email problems.

6. Lada Ray’s Spiritual Geopolitics and Quantum Calibrations: Hillary’s health issues as manifestations of her ailing soul and soul loss. How her soul is rebelling against her many crimes and lies.

7. Why Putin and Russia are such big topics in these US Elections? Why Hillary and her camp accuse Trump of being ‘the Kremlin’ or ‘KGB’ agent? Did Russians really hack the emails and are they behind Wikileaks disclosures? Why such hysteria?


1. The outdated US Electoral College system, and the needed change. Can the system really be fixed? PREDICTIONS.

2. Hillary vs. Trump prospects for winning the elections.

3. What to expect from Hillary Clinton should she win. Whom does she really represent? Does Hillary really want to start World War III?

4. Who is really Donald Trump and whom he represents.

5. Why are there so many violent protests against Trump rallies? Who’s behind them and why.

6. Why Trump really got to the top, despite fierce resistance of the elites within his own party. How it reflects the overall US discontent. How it reflects the desire of many Americans to be friends with Russia and the admiration towards Putin.

7. A billion dollar question: will Trump really be that different? Can we expect a breakthrough improvement in US – Russia relations, should Trump win presidency?
Will he really be the one who will ‘make American great again’? Or is the future path predetermined? PREDICTIONS.

8. In 2015 and early 2016 I predicted that “democrats will lose this election,’ yet I didn’t name Trump as the winner. Why didn’t I? Do I still think democrats will lose? Will Trump then win? PREDICTIONS.

9. Revealing Quantum Calibrations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – and their interpretation. What do they tell us about each candidate and their chances of winning. What do they tell us about what kind of presidents they may be?


Report Stats: ESR16 is an exclusive Lada Ray interview by Paul Plane, host of the Time Monk Radio show THE PLANE TRUTH. It is a 2-part MP4 video report, with bonus MP3 audio added for your convenience.
Part 1 MP4 will also be posted FREE on Lada Ray YouTube (up Saturd. 10/22/16) – this FREE part can be shared via social media links.
Part 2 MP4 and Part 1 & 2 MP3 are available exclusively via a donation (please click on donate button above and you’ll be directed to the whole report)! 

Entire report-interview length: 2 hrs 13 min.
Part 1 length 50 min, Part 2 length: 1 hr 23 min



To listen/watch go to:






Dear readers,

Due to the time sensitive intel and fast-evolving events, I am releasing two Earth Shift Reports one after another. Most likely these are the last two ESRs this year and I’ll let you catch up reading and listening to them at your convenience.

ESR15: PUTIN’S PLUTONIUM ULTIMATUM TO THE US and ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER contain some of the most important deep intel and predictions you’ll ever be able to read or listen to, and I promise they’ll be entertaining, too!

Reports, as usual, are donation-based and we do not set a specific amount, appreciating that different people have different financial circumstances. If you want to support ( Ray YT channel and Lada’s work, this is your best chance this year!

As always, thank you for your continued support, intelligent comments, and generous donations! I couldn’t do it without you!

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Latest update to earlier URGENT ALERT!

Paypal is now back up! Please donate and access ESRs as usual! Any problem accessing the report after donating, please email us and we’ll promptly email you direct link! Thank you for your wonderful continued support and patience!

It was a possible false flag. It’s totally gloves-off, and as discussed in ESR16 & ESR15, the fight will only continue getting uglier in view of the US Elections! What’s happening is making my Earth Shift Reports even more timely. Don’t miss them!

Maddie @ 1EarthUnited has an urgent post about this: READ HERE!



Lada Ray’s newest, jam-packed with rare & important intel

Earth Shift Report 11



is now live & available on!

(MP4/MP3 Video/Audio, plus written factual summary)


Why after ESR14, did we go back to ESR11?

If you recall, I have saved ESR10 and ESR11 for Russia-related reports. ESR10: THE CRIMEA FACTOR is coming soon. This is ESR11: THE IMPORTANCE OF 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS.

Why previously ESRs were primarily written and why ESR11 is done in a radio show style?

I have been a prolific writer for years. Unfortunately, as a result of continued stress on my hands, I now have the famous condition of all painters, typists and writers, called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The most famous Carpal Tunnel Syndrome sufferer was Michelangelo, who had to tie his arm in order to finish painting the Sistine Chapel‘s ceiling. I guess you could say I am in good company. Presently, I have to go easy on typing. I can type smaller pieces, but a huge ESR is impossible for now, until my hand gets much better.

Therefore, in order to deliver all this urgent and crucially important intel to you all, I presently must transition to speaking. When god closes one door, he opens another, which usually is a blessing in disguise. This is the Universe’s way of telling me to move on to something bigger and better. I always wanted to do more video and audio content, so this is my opportunity to expand and grow. This doesn’t mean that written ESRs or articles are going away. Not at all! But in order to continue keeping my usual output pace, I will just have to learn to balance them with more spoken pieces, reports and interviews.

I also think that more info can be delivered faster through speaking. Therefore, I believe we all have a lot to be looking forward to!


Report summary


For Lada Ray’s new listeners and followers: what is EARTH SHIFT REPORT (ESR) and where to find it? (LADARAY.COM, aka


Throughout PART 1 & PART 2 the main focus of ESR 11: the Russian Elections of September 18, 2016 

This report includes crucial info on 2016 Russian Elections, including analysis of who won, who lost, how everything was organized and all most notable parties and political forces involved. I will give you the whole spread on various pro-West and opposing patriotic movements in Russia.

This report includes the inside intel you won’t find anywhere else. What is the secret of United Russia’s success and how it upset the apple cart by introducing revolutionary methods and 60% deputy turnover. Why Communists and Fair Russia lost votes? Why Zhirinovsky’s LDPR gained? Why is there a rift within pro-Russian, patriotic parties, and why anti-Russia pro-West parties completely lost voter support.

The most transparent and technologically advanced elections ever. New Elections Chief Ella Pamfilova, Natalia Poklonskaya and a big wave of Russian women in power. Mystery revealed: Why more women are being elected and why Russians don’t do feminism.

Numbers and facts: turnout and seats distribution; how the new, more equitable electoral system works. Russian Elections by region. Far East to Crimea to Moscow and Kaliningrad. Chechnya and Ramzan Kadyrov: why the highest turnout of 84% was in Chechnya and how Kadyrov was re-elected.

What United Russia’s regained Duma constitutional majority means for Russia and the world? Will Putin be able to push through the new constitution and nationalization of the Ruble? A word about the ’90s: how US advisers, sent to Moscow by Bill Clinton as a present for Boris Yeltsin, wrote post-Soviet Russian constitution. Why this constitution needs to be changed.

Hillary vs. Trump: will Russian Duma Elections influence the outcome of US Presidential Elections 2016?

Additionally, the interconnected major events discussed in FREE PART 1

Everything in our world is interconnected and dependent upon each other. I will discuss several important global events, which are connected directly to Russian elections and will help you form a full picture. These are:

1. US bombing of the Syrian Army on September 17, one day before the elections. Russia’s retaliation: 3 Russian Calibr missiles destroying the infamous US coalition Control Room, killing 30 Israeli and Western officers, whose intelligence helped kill 62 Syrians. If you listen to the entire report (specifically ADDENDUM), you will see how these events are connected with Russian Elections and what was planned right after the elections in Russia.

2. The in-fighting within US elites: Why Kerry and Lavrov are so chummy? Why Kerry and Pentagon are at constant odds? Why the in-fighting in the US will intensify?

3. Ukraine: how ukro-nazis tried to disrupt Russian Elections in Kiev, Lvov and Odessa and how it backfired. Why there are still 80,000 Russian passport-holding citizens living in Ukraine and who they really planned to vote for?
Related: how Ukraine will survive the winter without Donbass coal and Russian gas? Is there hope for the continuation of Minsk negotiations? What do Merkel and Hollande push for and how my Ukraine predictions are coming along? Will the real change begin occurring after Merkel is gone? Will the change occur if Trump is elected? How long has Poroshenko got?

4. BREAKING NEWS from the breakaway Pridnestrovie (PMR): President Shevchuk announces PMR intent to join Russia. Results of 2006 referendum. Sheriff: the new oligarchic pro-Romania, pro-West monopoly and how it’s being dealt with. How many Russian citizens are there in Pridnestrovie? How Pridnestrovie welcomed Russian Duma Elections. Upcoming Pridnestrovie presidential elections. Can Russia actually accept Pridnestrovie, like she did Crimea?

The most explosive intel is contained in the ESR11 ADDENDUM!

We’ll talk about several crucial events that happened in the run up to Duma Elections on September 18, as well as after the date. These are:
1. Kiev junta’s attempted attack against Crimea (most intel on that will be in the upcoming ESR10: THE CRIMEA FACTOR).
2. Attempted infiltration of ukro-nazi militants into Russian territory with the stated purpose of disrupting elections and how it was prevented.
3. FSB work.
4. How US coalition bombing of Syrian army on September 17 is related to all this. Now we can connect the dots: how Russian Calibr retaliation vs. US coalition is related not only to Syria, but to Russian Elections and planned coup!
5. EXPLOSIVE INTEL! Arrest in Moscow a couple of weeks before the elections of Colonel Zakharchenko. A huge stash of cash: 1.5 tons (in weight) of US dollars in the original US FED packaging, plus 8bln rubles, found in his possession. I will give you my intel and analysis: how the stash was kept, who it belonged to and what it was supposed to be used for.
6. Assassination near Moscow of the leader of Ukrainian anti-fascist, anti-junta organisation Oplot. How this assassination is related to the attempted ukro-nazi infiltration and FSB’s spectacular prevention results.
7. Is a coup in Russia possible? What US planned after elections.

Report stats:

For your ease of viewing and bookmarking convenience, this video/audio report has been divided by topics into 2 narrated segments, plus the special intel ADDENDUM.
To enrich your experience and provide additional visual information, MP4 videos include a number of relevant diagrams, pictures, illustrations and maps. Lada’s written remarks accompany the MP4 illustrations and pictures.

Your choice: MP4 video and MP3 audio options included on report page!
Some written facts and stats about Russian Duma Elections 2016 are included on report page!
REPORT LENGTH: Part 1: 1 hour 17 min; Part 2: 1 hour 08 min; Explosive Addendum: 36 min



Watch ESR11 Part 1 FREE on YouTube!

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