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Dying Western Neo-Liberalism and EU Revolt against Russian Sanctions


In the previous post All Putin Speech/ Q&A videos at Valdai Forum 2016 in Sochi in one place (Eng)  I shared with you Vladimir Putin’s speech and remarks at the Valdai Discussion Forum 2016 in Sochi.

Out of various Putin’s remarks, this is the one that stuck out for me.

The former president of Finland, Tarja Halonen, who on the video (click on All Putin Speech/ Q&A videos at Valdai Forum 2016) sits on Putin’s right (in gray suit), in her speech remarked that the bells of Finland toll for the killed children of Aleppo. Putin’s response: sorry they toll only for Aleppo; what about the killed children of Mosul (LR: Bombed as we speak by the US-led coalition, where the humanitarian catastrophe is horrendous, per reports. And indeed, where was Finland’s compassion when the children of Iraq, Libya, Serbia and Afghanistan were dying under the US and EU bombs? What about all those poor children being killed by US and Saudi strikes in Yemen?)

In other words, the hypocrisy of the Western, blindly double standard, neo-liberal mentality is clearly visible in this example – one of very many. The amazing thing is that Tarja Halonen seriously thinks that she’s saying the right and honorable thing, while the double standards and the blinders on her eyes are glaringly obvious to anyone who has eyes. And the sad thing is that she isn’t the worst kind of Western politician. She actually wants some sort of dialogue and cooperation with Russia, at least from Finland’s economy survival standpoint. She tries to reach out and make some sort of feeble steps towards Russia.

In truth, Finland certainly has a closer and more profitable relationship with Russia than most. Finland was for years a part of the Russian Empire, and it received independence from the hands of Lenin after the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution, whose 99th anniversary we’ll be marking in a few short days, on November 7, 2016.

A side note about Russian Revolution

Next year we’ll be marking a milestone of 100 years for this important and controversial event, that shook the world and changed the global map in the 20th century. I’ll talk about the TRUE meaning and consequences of both 1917 Russian revolutions next year. You may be shocked to discover a lot of things you never suspected – and it’s NOT what the Western ‘gurus’ who have no idea what they are talking about, tell you. Stay tuned for the REAL TRUTH!

Back to Finland and EU

Finland always profited from its ‘in between’ status. During the Cold War it was used as an intermediary between Russia and the West. Even when Russia’s trade with the West was on the fritz, Finnish agricultural products were in abundance in Russia (I recall that from my childhood).

As to the Tarja Halonen remark, you simply don’t say a silly thing like that to Putin, otherwise you’re just begging to get the answer you deserve. Putin’s too sharp to let the silliness slide. (Same applies to me, incidentally, so be careful.)

The problem is, these poor Western politicians have been put in such straight jacket by their life-time of Manchurian Candidate training and neo-lib brainwashing that even if Tarja Halonen understood that saying what she said makes her a laughing-stock, she’d still be obliged to say it because otherwise she’d get crucified by her Transatlantic bosses and Finnish MSM for not bringing it up. And that could affect adversely her ‘speaking’, ‘consulting’ and book publishing fees, which for Western ex-presidents is a way to get a nice kick-back in return for being good US vassals.

Another recent example of how it gets them in trouble: look what happened with French President Hollande after he wasn’t sure whether he should, or shouldn’t, meet with Putin. Putin cancelled his French visit, following which Hollande received a major backlash from his own electorate and MSM, making him un-electable in next election. I discussed the Hollande gaffe in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 15: PUTIN’S PLUTONIUM ULTIMATUM TO THE US.

Examples of something positive happening in the EU abound! The people are slowly, but surely, awakening, questioning the old paradigms and the usual Western BS. And this is just the beginning.

The signs of the awakening are visible in both US and Europe. We spoke about the US electorate rebellion in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER

Recently, Italy led a revolt in the EU against new Syria anti-Russian sanctions. US/Obama/Biden tried to push the new round of sanctions with all their might for a month. Finally, EU bureaucrats and heads of state gathered to adopt them. The three countries proposing sanctions within the EU were: UK, France an Germany. There was, as they originally announced, every intention to adopt a new round of sanctions.

Suddenly, Italian PM Matteo Renzi vetoed them, supported by several other states (Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Slovakia and Spain – I hope I didn’t miss anyone).

Brexit and UK side note:

Incidentally, notice how tight the post-Brexit UK is with Germany and France. As if nothing happened. The Brexit negotiations have been postponed once, then again. Believe me, they’ll find ways to postpone them once more. Now recall my prediction made in ESR 12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU (BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts). I specifically said that regardless of the referendum result, UK, US and EU will find ways to swindle electorate and postpone the actual UK exit out of the EU. What I predicted was that ‘they’ll make it look as if UK exited EU, but in reality they’ll keep it in for as long as possible.’ I also identified the time frame: at least until after Russian Presidential Elections 2018. If they can, they’ll drag it out longer.

In other words, yet another LADA RAY PREDICTION is coming true!

See more 2016 predictions 

Click PREDICTIONS to read most of Lada Ray predictions from 2012 – 2015 

Those who don’t believe or ‘like’ my ESR16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER PREDICTIONS – I can’t make you. However, as in all those previous instances, just wait and see what happens AFTER! But afterwards, be honest enough to admit I was right – yet again!

Oh yes, just recalled my other prediction:

The revolt against the US will intensify close to US elections; various countries and their leaders will suddenly find the courage they never had – in the period of several months preceding US elections. This is due to the fact that Obama is a lame duck and no real recourse (aka, revenge for disobedience) from US will be forthcoming, plus, due to the Trump phenomenon and the hope that the new president would be different. It’s a certain risk, but it’s still the best time to rebel and try to distance your country from the US, as its grip on its vassals has been the loosest for a long time. As we see, this is indeed what’s happening now. Remember the Philipines Duterte’s rebellion? And now also the EU rebellion.

All this confirms my predicted rickety chair effect type of change, which is a part of the Great Earth Shift. The rickety chair effect and how it works is described in ESR 12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU (BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts) and in ESR9: Atack on Kazakhstan: Who destabilizes Eurasian Union?


A slow and tedious change – NOT a quick, revolutionary, and relatively easy change – this is the theme for at least the next 3-4 years, possibly until 2021-22. In 2017, I’ll talk about how it’ll really work (NOT how all kinds of Western ‘gurus’ have predicted) and why it won’t be quick and simple.

If you want to hear all this and find out where our common Planet Earth is really heading, in other words, if you are after the REAL TRUTH, REVELATIONS and GENUINE PREDICTIONS, please support and follow me!

Disclaimer: Sorry, my work is not for those who are after sensationalism and fairytales!

Back to today’s topic:

After Italy and others’ revolt, in order to safe face, EU had to say that they really never meant to pass those new sanctions; that there were no definitive proposals from anyone… really.

It helps that Italian business is crying bloody murder due to anti-Russian sanctions. Italy is second only to Germany in its sanctions-related losses. Italian business people have been pushing for the removal of anti-Russian sanctions for over 2 years. Five regional Italian parliaments adopted their own resolutions recognizing Crimea as part of Russia, and began doing brisk business with Crimea, bypassing the EU laws. This effectively means that Italy stands to benefit most after sanctions are off. All the best business deals with Russia will already be theirs when the rest of EU countries finally are allowed by their ‘democratic’ regimes to do business with Russia.

Meanwhile, while EU is suffering the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions through the shrinking bilateral EU-Russia trade, US-Russia trade increased in the past two and a half years, despite the US-initiated sanctions.

EU, however under the US thumb it is, finally grasped a simple fact that in succumbing to US pressure, they got the short end of the stick. The rebellion is brewing. After the Italian revolt, Czech President Miloš Zeman announced that it was time to create a coalition against sanctions and to restore relations with Russia. Speaking to Czech farmers, who are some of the worst affected by sanctions, Zeman generated a storm of applause when he announced that he was ready to spear-head the coalition of EU states against the sanctions and asked other willing EU countries to side with him.

Perhaps, this will become the ‘coalition of the willing’ redefined: a true ‘coalition of the willing’?

EU revolt against anti-Russian sanctions:


Yep, the revolt is brewing. The longer these fork-tongued EU bureaucrats and US Manchurian Candidates (Federica Mogherini, Hollande, Merkel, UK elites, Polish US vassals) ignore it, pretending it doesn’t exist, the worse will the outcome for them be.

Recommended corroborating article by Strategic Culture: Europe Revolts Against Russian Sanctions.

Read and listen to these important EARTH SHIFT REPORTS, explaining everything further!


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