Criminal Conspiracy? QUI BONO? Suspicious Terrorist Act in Kerch, Crimea, with mass casualties

Per latest I’ve heard, the death toll has climbed to 21 at the site of the tragedy of the Kerch Polytechical College. This is a very suspicious act, which at the very least begs a lot of questions. It’s very hard to imagine that a sole 18-year-old madman could execute a successful act of such magnitude. How he was helped and by whom, that’s a different question… Russian police also has expressed a doubt this could possibly be an act of a sole madman.

There seems to be a shadow of those who are very experienced and determined to cause harm to Russia, seen behind him.

This is an all out war against Russia the Great Balancer, as she continues trying to shift the world to a more equitable state as part of the Earth Shift.

I also want to remind everyone about this diabolic, yet symbolic, coincidence! The newly built Crimean Bridge is also called ‘The Kerch Bridge’ because it for the first time ever connects Russia mainland with Crimea, through Kerch. Ukraine and US have been in a state because of the successful completion of the Crimean Bridge, which completely resolves the problem with Russian communication with Crimea, bypassing Ukraine. Kiev has been frantically trying to sabotage the Crimean Bridge and the US/EU/West have been working hard on sabotaging Crimea and Russia.

See my FT posts:

20 Minutes to Crimea! New Crimean Bridge Opens Up to Mass Freight Traffic

History Made! Putin Opens Crimean Bridge Ahead of Schedule by Driving Through a Huge Kamaz Truck (+ the new Crimean ‘Wave’ and world-famous Artek)

The Crimean Bridge ~ Russian Engineering Masterpiece and Putin’s Arc de Triomphe

Although the real reason for the US/West’s anti-Russian sanctions is much deeper, Crimea was used as the first pretext for the sanctions in 2014. Per my 2014 predictions: sanctions never worked and were even beneficial to Russia in most cases! Therefore, those who want to harm Russia at all cost had to seek out new methods. In this regard: qui bono from this terrorist act? From Skripals and doping scandals, to the attempts at false flags in Syria and the set up of the Russian jet by Israel, QUI BONO?

QUO BONO from the two recent emergencies with the Russian ISS module and the latest with Russian manned space craft, which both thankfully ended without casualties?

QUI BONO from stopping Russia’s progress?

Since 2014 FSB has successfully prevented hundreds of terrorist acts in Crimea alone and in Russia in general; none of the past terror attempts have been successful. The details of most we’ll never find out, and only the tip of the iceberg will ever be revealed. All prior terrorist acts have been nipped in the bud and terrorist wannabes arrested. All of the arrested turned out to either be from Ukraine (Kiev junta army or SBU operatives) or Central Asians (followers of ISIS and similar organizations).

RIP the victims. condolences to Russia, Crimea and families.

Vladimir Putin: “I’d like to inform you that several hours ago a tragic event occurred in the Russian city of Kerch. A bomb was planted and exploded, killing several people and injuring many more. Dear friends. In memory of those who were killed, I would like to observe a moment of silence.”

Second unexploded bomb found inside Kerch Polytechnical College. The 18-year-old perpetrator shot fellow students and teachers, and exploded a bomb. He also had another bomb planted, which he was unable to use. At least 21 dead and scores injured. All that by one 18-year-old? Watched too many violent American movies? Or is it much worse?

First videos released on the tragedy:

People are currently gathering in front of the Kerch Memorial located next to the Eternal Flame in Alexander Garden. They are bringing flowers, mostly carnations, as well as vigil lamps. The activists of the Young Guard were among the first to come here. The young compassionate people are about the same age as Vladislav Roslyakov, who’s supposedly responsible for today’s massacre at Kerch Polytechnical College.




How Religion Came to Be? Is Organized Religion Good or Evil? The Cosmic Multidimensional Vedic Perspective



About Lada Ray

Lada Ray is the creator of the EARTH SHIFT AND GREAT REBALANCING TEACHING, AS WELL AS QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS & MULTIDIMENSIONAL TEACHINGS! Author of several books, multiple Webinars, Quantum Reports, and more! ** Lada has extensively written and spoken on global events, world cultures, geopolitics, empire collapse, feng shui and higher consciousness. She is world-renowned for her accurate predictions, which are currently materializing one by one! ** The world is going through a massive tectonic shift of consciousness on all levels and in all aspects of life. Make sure you are prepared! Subscribe to Lada's blogs, SM and Patreon, to stay ahead of the curve and to learn the REAL DEAL! ** Main sites: - ALL WORK, BOOKS, FREEBIES, BUY WEBINARS & REPORTS! ** LRP: Join long-term monthly subscription: - regular reports and articles, advanced intel, analysis, predictions ** Twitter @Ladatweets ** Blogs: - geopolitics and predictions - huge archives LadaRay/ - books, writing, world cultures - big archives ** YouTube: Lada Ray Channel

Posted on October 18, 2018, in 2) Great Balancer Weekly, 3) Focus Novorossia & Ukraine, Russia and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Here in Portugal te first news reported the incident as a gas explosion…


  2. Sad day 😦


  3. The second I saw “Kerch” in the headline, I figured it was a covert op, to be blamed on the dead boy. The hole in the ISS station seems mighty suspicious to me. Were they perhaps hoping for a catastrophe? I have moments where I don’t see how this endless provocation and aggression can be “balanced.” But I try to stay hopeful.


  4. Hi Lada, it’s bad that somebody succeeded in perpetrating this in Russia. It seems to follow the same pattern as the Western shootings, all done by “single individuals” with no help whatsoever. Difficult to tell which of the Western ones were hoaxes and which were real bloodbaths. The shooters must have been very highly trained or really did have some help as in some of the US incidents. CIA and FBI are not backward in coming forward to assist their patsies from what I have read and then leaving them to face the music alone. Trouble being physcopathic bullies don’t have an off switch and Russia remains fair game despite the fact that US is now a naked emperor.
    My sympathies and condolences go out to the victims of this act.


  5. So sad Lada. Holly 18.10.2018, 10:51, “Futurist Trendcast” <>:Lada Ray posted: “Per latest I’ve heard, the death toll has climbed to 21 at the site of the tragedy of the Kerch Polytechical College. This is a very suspicious act, which at the very least begs a lot of questions. It’s very hard to imagine that a sole 18-year-old madman “


  6. Really sad. It is probably simply part of the war on Russia. For better or for worse, Moscow wants to downplay the war to keep life as usual for average citizens, but how many coincidences can occur before the official story cannot hold? There was the plane that went down with the Red Army Choir, the one with many top military officials landing in Syria, and even the story with Israel being responsible for the Russian plane in Syria recently, where some argue that it may have been a British fighter or French frigate that actually shot it down as a provocation, where Moscow would be blamed for escalating things.

    Unfortunately, the odds are that far more provocations are coming in the future, as well as actions by Western assets inside Russia designed to discredit the government and Putin, besides demoralizing the public. Perhaps this is similar to the attacks on the USSR decades ago. Let’s hope most of the pro-Western elites inside Russia have lost their power or at least have sense enough to know that harming Russia could lead to disaster.

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