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EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 13 IS HERE! GLOBAL ECONOMY: 4D Shift After Isolation ~ Lada Ray Predictions! CLICK FOR INFO!

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GLOBAL ECONOMY: 4D Shift After Isolation ~ Lada Ray Predictions!

has just been published on!

13 Global Economy 4D shift after isolation

ESW13 comes in 4 parts!

Due to an enormous scope of material, predictions and questions to be answered, this webinar is substantially longer than others!

ESW13 WEBINAR DURATION: 3 hrs 48 min
P1: Lada Ray Talk 1: 3D Economy & Trade Situation – 1 hr 49 min
P2: Lada Ray Talk 1: Lower-4D Economy, Trade & Money Shift – 35 min
P3: Conclusions: 14 Signs of 4D Economy Shift & Predictions – 38 min
P4: Q&A – 47 min

I am still determined to keep it affordable as an early access discount price! But price may go up by the end of June!

Current public price is only $39

NOTE! New complete ESW13 Description and outline will be posted tomorrow! Today, I want you to have access to webinar right away. The complete outline is posted on webinar page, which you’ll find after purchase!

Also, the 50-60% discount on foundational series 1 & 2 is still available for webinar participants (discount buy links are on webinar page!)




ESW13 LADA 2 clear skin



WEBINAR 13 RELEASE UPDATE & Interesting Cosmic Phenomena


🧭COVID-19 CATALYST​ & 2020-2026 PREDICTIONS 🔔 LADA RAY Earth Shift Webinar Series 3 PROMO!






What We Discussed During Live Q&A, Best Question Kudos and What I Wish I Was Asked!

During Saturday WEBINAR 5: LADA RAY LIVE VIDEO Q&A Lada answered 22 questions (with additional sub-questions).


1. Lada’s BIG plans and exciting future events!
2. Are crypto-currencies money or investment? Can people pay with BTC if there is a collapse and bank holiday?

3.​ Will Trump start a hot war with N Korea, and is he now fully part of the deep state?    
4. Hi Lada, What is your view on the supervolcano in the Yellowstone park?
5. Lada, what are calibrations of Stavropol, Russia? Do you see the future of that area, including Mikhailovsk, as a safe place?
6. What to do if I want clarity on economics to pursue for my family in US who are aging and have different sorts of difficulties.
7. Is there an alternative for banks that carry our mortgages. Most people do carry mortgages that cannot be paid off for years.
8. While China seems to be rising, do you see any disruptions to China’s economic growth and political system? Any impact on the world?
9. Tell us more about the 180 year cycle and possible geological issues in 2040 to 2045 during Period 9.
10. How will the shift / slow collapse EXACTLY manifest in the West: as a spike in interest rates, sovereign dept defaults in some countries, big drop in currencies vs. Rubles/Yen, lower real incomes, unemployment, bank holidays, unemployment, OR will it be a soft landing/ replay of the 70’ties with high inflation?
11. What part is Russia playing in the geoengineering drive that now appears to affect every country? And what is the attitude of Russia on climate change?
12. You mentioned gold and silver should be sold within 2 -3 years but also that it may go up before it falls. When is the ideal time to sell? Also Real estate in Vancouver still rising – when will this slow decline that you mentioned begin? I want to buy next year.
13. Lada’s sub-Q&A on best places in the world to relocate to and live in!
14. What is your prediction on cold fusion and the future of energy?
15. Marc’s comment: I am now setting up a Trust in Switzerland… it is for projects beneficial to The PEOPLE of the planet…   Lada IS included!   

​16. Part 2 opened with a joke about Lada’s multidimensional haircut 😉
Lada’s recommendations on protection against negative and adverse energy
Lada’s show-and-tell: how to use Selenite wands and Shungite stones from Karelia, Russia
17. This is the question re. Oct 1, 2017 Catalonia’s Independence Referendum and the reason secession / unionist movements all over the world are on the rise. As I explained in the THREE WEBINAR SERIES, these are connected to the GREAT EARTH SHIFT and Period 8!  ‘Lada, I am Portuguese, and now here in the Iberian Peninsula we have “Catalunia” (Catalonia). Will Catalunia be independent? (I hope they will) and how it will affect all the Iberian Peninsula and also European Union?’

​18. Will Russia break in several independent states in near future? Will Putin still be a president next term?
19. Please Comment on HAARP and chemtrails, which are EVERYWHERE! I am saddened and depressed by the condition of the skies. Thanks Lada!
20. Can Lada elaborate on the revolutions she sees in Southeast Asia? Isn’t Period 9 be positive for Global South and Global East?
21. Dear Lada, How can we, people with ordinary jobs, children, dog, etc., rise our consciousness? As part of this answer Lada demonstrates how her Personal Calibrations work during consultations: QC, CHI and Soul Dimension calibrated! 
22. What is a Russian Dacha and why do Russians love them so much? Why prophetess Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars Books) foretold Russian Dachas saving the people from collapse 


Since we had chat room and commenting open throughout the entire 4 hours of the webinar, Az and I have decided to select the best comments, worthy of our KUDOS! These are:

  1. Comment by Mark, who previously received KUDOS more than once for his great questions during THREE WEBINAR SERIES!  MARK: I am now setting up a Trust in Switzerland… it is for projects beneficial to The PEOPLE of the planet…  Lada IS included!
       LADA: Thank you, Mark! Very much honored and appreciate it!
  2. On a lighter note, ‘a purely 3-D comment from Ann (UK) re. Lada’s haircut,’ which prompted a cute multi-dimensional joke! LADA: Thank you, Ann, we did need to lighten up the atmosphere!

Best question KUDOS, in Lada’s expert 😉 opinion, go to…

  1. From Natercia (Portugal): Question re. Oct 1, 2017 Catalonia’s Independence Referendum and the reason secession / unionist movements all over the world are on the rise. As I explained in the THREE WEBINAR SERIES, these are connected to the GREAT EARTH SHIFT and Period 8! ‘Lada, I am Portuguese, and here in the Iberian Peninsula we have “Catalunia” (Catalonia). Will Catalunia be independent? (I hope they will) and how it will affect all the Iberian Peninsula and also European Union?’
  2.  From Polli (Hawaii, USA): Please Comment on HAARP and chemtrails, which are EVERYWHERE! I am saddened and depressed by the condition of the skies.
  3.  From Torben (Denmark): Dear Lada, How can we, people with ordinary jobs, children, dog, etc., rise our consciousness? As part of this answer Lada demonstrates how her Personal Calibrations work during consultations: QC, CHI and Soul Dimension calibrated!
  4.  From Az (NYC, USA): What is a Russian Dacha and why do Russians love them so much? Why prophetess Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars Books) foretold Russian Dachas saving the people from collapse
  5. From Eugene (Singapore): While China seems to be rising, do you see any disruptions to China’s economic growth and political system? Any impact on the world?


This part is something I hoped I wouldn’t have to include, because I did hope people would rise to the challenge (LOL) and ask me these.

I got these two comments:

  1.  OC 

    The webinar was pretty good and this was my first time listening to you live. I wish I was able to get an update on the German elections and what your thoughts are on it. Once again it was a pleasure listening to you.

    I’d welcome your question on German elections. Wish you’d asked it.

    2. Dear Lada, An illustration of the other side of the coin regarding China in Asia – not to diminish the great goals of in particular the Eurasian project, but to put a bit of nuance back into the reputedly win-win strategies… No Sweet Deal: community resists Chinese sugarcane land grab All the best, Rosanne

    Lada’s reply:  Thanks, Rosanne. It’s an interesting angle, and perhaps one day we’ll discuss the ‘land grab’ and other actions by China too. Would have welcomed this kind of question during Q&A — wish you’d brought it up. I have lots to say. Cheers and all the best, my friend 🙂

And the moral of the story?

Let me tell you a well-known in both Odessa and NYC old Jewish joke:

Moshe is praying to god: ‘Dear god, I always followed your tenets, always lived a righteous life. I have been for a long time praying for you to help me win a lottery to improve my financial situation and as a reward for my good behavior. How come you never sent me a win, despite my repeated pleas?’

And god replies: ‘Moshe, try buying a lottery ticket…’

So, the moral of the story: CARPE DIEM, dear friends! Ask and you shall receive! To win you must play!

Both of you were at the LIVE Q&A. Should have asked your questions when you had THE perfect chance! Some of you, who have ordered my consultations, know that I am very generous with my time, and always give you extras. You also all know how much I enjoy answering your questions!

The two questions about Merkel and German elections, and about the flipside of Chinese Eurasia expansion are the kinds of questions I was hoping to receive, and I’d gladly go overtime to answer these! You’d all benefit greatly to know the multi-dimensional perspective and my predictions for both. Now… it may forever remain a mystery, unless you order a PRIVATE CONSULTATION (New consultation Tea & Q&A with Lada Ray is recommended for global and cosmic questions, as well as your own stories you want to share. I also have a lot more leeway to share with you during such private consultation things that I can’t discuss publicly).

Next time, just go for it! However, you should have done it when you had the chance — as there may be no next time in this specific format! It appears, this kind of webinar may end up remaining a one-of-a-kind, unique experiment (one day I’ll reveal, due to what extenuating factors).

Don’t miss it! Order this one-of-a-kind, unique webinar, as there may be no other chance!


​Your $18 donation goes towards support of FuturisTrendcast & Lada Ray’s free educational work!



This is MP4 VIDEO Webinar!

​2 hours 6 minutes
Subdivided into 2 Segments
with time stamps for each question, provided for your convenience

​Recommended pre-requisite for this webinar:

​WELCOME TO Earth Shift Webinar 5! ​​HAPPY WATCHING!​







Top 30 Countries with Largest Currency Reserves

Below are top 30 countries with the largest foreign exchange reserves, excluding gold, according to Wikipedia. Why is this list important right now? While the US government is in a shut-down mode and default is looming, it is a good idea to examine the real financial situation with various countries. Just like in your household and mine, we determine the solvency of any economy by savings to debt ratio. Which countries are solvent and which are not? What is really going on with the US government debt?

As of 10/10/2013, USA has $16.749 trillion in public debt and only $136 billion in currency reserves. If you or I had this kind of debt to savings ratio, we would have to declare bankruptcy in a hurry. Moreover, no one in their right mind would have lent us this much money in the first place, seeing as we had so little in savings. How does USA get away with it? And how did it manage to keep its AAA rating till relatively recently? Apart from the global financial game being seriously rigged in favor of the United States, the US has been enjoying an unfair advantage no one else has: the US dollar, or petrodollar as it’s frequently referred to, is the world reserve currency. The US can print (or rather add digits electronically) as much as it wants, thus devaluing yours and mine hard-earned savings and destroying the long-term value of the currency, while exporting inflation and financial problems to other countries. However, the US won’t be able to do this with impunity forever. The situation is changing slowly but surely. I’ll talk about that in future posts. More coming!

The numbers below don’t take into account the so-called creditor nation vs. debtor nation status, in other words, the level of debt of any given country. For example, China has by far the largest foreign exchange reserves – almost $3.5 trillion. Over 1 trillion of that is in US dollar. Chinese debt has been rising fast due to the rapid pace of economic growth (which has now slowed down significantly), but compared to China’s reserves, it’s still relatively small. This makes China the larger creditor nation in the world. Russia has a negligible debt, however, its reserves are at $470 billion, which makes Russia a pure creditor nation. Same is true for Switzerland, whose debt is small compared to its reserves. At the same time, USA currency reserves are only $136 billion, while America’s public debt as of 10/10/2013 is $16.749 trillion and rising fast (see US debt clock), which makes it the largest debtor nation not only in the world, but also in human history! Note: if we include US private and corporate debt, the numbers by some estimates will be closer to $100 trillion.

Stay tuned: The largest Gold Reserves by country coming next!

Rank Country Foreign-exchange reserves
Ex. Gold
(Millions of US$)
Figures as of
1  People’s Republic of China 3,496,686 June 2013[2]
2  Japan 1,221,693 July 2013[3]
3  Saudi Arabia 688,017 July 2013[4]
4   Switzerland 472,757 July 2013[5]
5  Russia 470,205 July 2013[6]
6  Republic of China (Taiwan) 409,120 July 2013[7]
7  Brazil 369,137 July 2013[8]
  Eurozone.svg Eurozone 325,834 July 2013[9]
8  Republic of Korea 324,915 July 2013[10]
9  Hong Kong 299,807 July 2013[11]
10  Singapore 260,884 July 2013[12]
11  India 257,647 July 2013[13]
12  Mexico 167,582 July 2013[14]
13  Thailand 165,707 July 2013[15]
14  Malaysia 136,417 July 2013[16]
15  United States 136,275 July 2013[17]
16  United Kingdom 116,088 July 2013[18]
17  Poland 105,724 July 2013[19]
18  Turkey 104,451 July 2013[20]
19  Indonesia 89,348 July 2013[21]
20  Denmark 83,781 July 2013[22]
21  Israel 79,030 July 2013[23]
22  Philippines 74,945 July 2013[24]
23  Canada 69,624 July 2013[25]
24  Peru 66,250 July 2013[26]
25  Germany 65,410 July 2013[27]
26  Sweden 59,949 July 2013[28]
27  Norway 56,911 June 2013[29]
28  France 51,744 July 2013[30]
29  Italy 51,084 July 2013[31]
30  Australia 46,939 July 2013[32]