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You think you know who and what Greta Thunberg is? You think you know how FREE energy works? Think again!

“I very much recommend the Greta Thunberg report! It is very enlightening, and I have read it multiple times! By the way, her name is pronounced [ˈɡrêːta ˈtʉ̂ːnbærj].” ~ Emil Resmann


The Big Secrets: Energy in 3D, 4D, 5D and 6D Reality; is climate change real; is Greta used by Soros and other globalist groups; the ONLY WAY humans can solve the problem

Greta Thunberg Multidimensional Profile: Face & Energy Reading by Lada; Name & Soul Destiny Reading by Lada; Greta’s Aspergers – illness or superpower; Empath vs one-track mind and the real role of Greta’s parents

Quantum Calibrations: general, root, sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat chakras – showing great disparity, manifesting in Greta’s life and behaviors

Greta Thunberg soul missions, soul origin and dimension

Included: Lada Ray’s FUTURIST ENERGY PREDICTION with Dates!

And: The newest Feb 2022 update with new calibrations and predictions!

Report length: 26 pages

The report unveils a rare and unique multidimensional profile of the young girl who became a major controversial presence in today’s world, who stirred up a lot of fights and animosities, who has been extremely vocal and who was used by certain forces to advance their own agenda, yet who for some served as an inspiration or an awakener! 

YES, all that, all at once, the good and the bad, the light and the dark! This report will really tell you the whole hidden story of this unusual and controversial soul! If you want to know the REAL higher-dimensional truth, go no further! Greta Thunberg really incarnated here for an important mission: you’ll read all about what that mission is and how it all went wrong!

A must read, the report goes well beyond Greta Thunberg and touches on Lada Ray’s profound Multidimensional wisdom, as well as Lada’s own solutions for humanity! The report is a primer into how Lada Ray performs her trademark Quantum Calibrations, how she calibrates your Soul Level/Dimension and Soul Missions in this incarnation! You’ll see on practice how Lada does her proprietary calibrations of QC, CHI, heart chakra QC and CHI, etc. Throughout the report you follow Lada psychically accessing Greta’s Akashic Records and identifying her energy signature, as well as her unveiling of Greta’s character, soul, karma, destiny, predictions on her future, and more. 

A great sampling for those who are interested in ordering Lada Ray’s CONSULTATIONS and/or MULTIDIMENSIONAL QUANTUM CALIBRATION REPORT! Moreover, this report opens a window into the MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY (MDU) world, which Lada Ray will unveil very soon!

In Lada’s words:

MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY is my new baby, my new endeavor, which I’m sure you and I will enjoy for years to come! The new live workshops, recorded courses, and other programs are planned. I am designing my own proprietary written and guided meditations for starseeds, lightworkers and more, designed through the higher-dimensional understanding and my lifetime CONSULTATIONS experience, to serve for the highest benefit of humanity! The previously exclusive MHAP, Multidimensional Healing & Activation Program, will now be publicly available via a new MDU program! 

I am very excited and hope you are, too! The Greta Thunberg Quantum Report opens a window into the new Multidimensional Experience; it goes well beyond the binary world of 3D and it affords you a wonderful taste of some of the things and ideas we’ll be covering in our MDU workshops, courses and meditations!

See full info and other QRs here:





You’ll find it on TUESDAY, FEB 15



A must read, as it goes well beyond Greta and touches on Multidimensional wisdom and my solutions for humanity! It also gives you a very good idea on how I do my quantum calibrations, how I calibrate soul level and dimension, as well as soul mission; how I calibrate QC, CHI, heart chakra QC and CHI, how I psychically access Akashic Records and energy signature, look into one’s character, soul, karma, destiny, future and more, as part of my CONSULTATIONS and MULTIDIMENSIONAL QUANTUM CALIBRATION REPORT

This report opens a window into the MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSITY (MDU) world, which I’ll be unveiling very soon! 

The MDU is my new baby, my new endeavour, which I’m sure you and I will enjoy for years to come! I plan, workshops, courses, and other programs. I am designing my own proprietary mediations like you’ve never seen before, and my MHAP – Multidimensional Healing & Activation program is getting a new license on life! I am very excited and hope you are too! 

The report provides a wonderful taste of some of the things and ideas we’ll be covering in our MDU workshops, courses, meditations and Healing and Activation program! 


Armenian Army Demands Pashinyan’s Resignation, but Soros Won’t Release Grip on Armenia (The Ring of Fire Around Russia series!)


This article is a good example of what I publish on patreon when I talk about current hot world events that I feel deserve my special brand of Multidimensional Earth Shift analysis and predictions! However, LADA RAY PATREON is so much more!


Armenian Army Demands Pashinyan’s Resignation, but Soros Won’t Release Grip on Armenia (The Ring of Fire Around Russia series!)

The Armenian tragedy is continuing. The military is now demanding PM Pashinyan’s resignation. The police is with opposition, but security services are with Pashinyan, so far. 

This is the capital of Armenia Yerevan

The footage of what’s happening can be gleaned from this Russian program containing the freshest info: ⚡️Ситуация в Армении | Генштаб призвал к отставке Пашиняна | Бывшие. The footage comes from Sputnik Armenia (Sputnik is a Russian news agency). 

What happened:

Pashinyan himself ensured the new escalation. When asked a legitimate question, why Russian Iskander systems were not utilized in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war which Armenia lost, Pashinyan gave an absurd answer, which enraged everyone: ‘How could we use them, Iskanders are only 10% effective.’ When asked again, does he really think they are only 10% effective, he replied: probably so – they are an old ’80s design, after all.  This was meant to be a jab at previous head of Armenia Sargsyan, who purchased the Iskanders and who has been a relentless critic of Pahsinyan and his talentless leadership that lead to the country’s humiliation. In reality, Pashinyan, an ex-journalist for hire by Soros, has no idea what Iskanders can do, nor he cares about the truth, just political gain, as his actions have shown. 

The Armenian army chief of staff and other generals immediately came out and ridiculed Pashinyan’s Iskander lies and inept leadership, demanding his and government’s prompt resignation. The opposition, which has been out on streets since last October demanding the same, brought people out again. To counter that, so did Pashinyan, who surprisingly, still has a following. Perhaps the following isn’t very large per se, but it’s very active and those people come out on streets on demand. Pashinyan came to power on the wave of a color revolution in 2018. For him being out on streets is as natural as breathing. 

Meantime, Pashinyan tried to dismiss the Armenian army general chief of staff and his deputy. But that unexpectedly hit a snag: when he tired to pressure the president of Armenia to sign off on it, he suddenly dug in, saying that the issue is not simple and he won’t be pressured. The president, who is a figurehead, nevertheless must be the one to formalize the ousting of the military heads. Per info, Pashinyan is also preparing to purge the entire top of the army and fire anyone who is ‘old guard and pro-Russian.’

Please recall our last year’s discussions of the purges Pashinyan orchestrated since 2018 in order to delete anyone who would be pro-Russian and pro-Armenian, resulting in a severe weakening of the army, which lead to catastrophic loss in the NK war. This was exactly why Azerbaijan and Turkey attacked: they knew the army of Armenia was weakened and in disarray. 

Therefore, what we have is a standoff, now between Pashinyan and the army chiefs. 

At the same time, Russian army issued its own statement. Gen. Gerasimov said diplomatically that ‘Pashinyan was probably misinformed about Iskanders. They’ve been used very successfully in Syria and by professional assessments of the global specialists they are the best system in existence in its class.’ Moreover, said Gerasimov, Russian surveillance indicates that Iskanders were not used at all during NK conflict, therefore, how could Pashinyan possibly possess knowledge of their effectiveness? All Armenia-owned Iskanders remained accounted for in their storage during the duration of the NK war, said Gerasimov, thus confirming ex-president Sargsyan’s accusations.

This is exactly what the opposition is saying: Pashinyan either deliberately or because he’s so inept, or both, misused available weapons and lost the war. 


It’s very suspect how much Erdogan and his foreign ministry are defending Pashinyan, supposedly the PM of a country that has been their arch-enemy for at least centuries. As explained, Pashinyan is very convenient for Turkey – and read more on that in my 2020 reports on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and how Russia turned it around! 

But Pashinyan’s biggest handlers and protectors are located elsewhere and they work hard to keep him where he is, because Pashinyan has been tasked with delivering Armenia into the clutches of the West. 


To read complete free public article

by Lada Ray on LADA RAY PATREON click here:

Armenian Army Demands Pashinyan’s Resignation, but Soros Won’t Release Grip on Armenia (The Ring of Fire Around Russia series!)


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US/Ukraine Plot Thickens! Miss Ukraine 2019 Refuses to Speak Ukrainian, Confesses She Thinks in Russian (Plus: Trump, Biden, Soros & New Ukraine Disasters)

So, this is now official! Unlike Russia, whose supposed ‘interference’ is fake news, UKRAINE did INTERFERE IN US ELECTIONS 2016 and IS NOW INTERFERING IN US ELECTIONS 2020! I am releasing this post quickly on an urgency basis – the big report I promised you is to come in several days – stay tuned!

I have promised you revelations on how Trump’s or Biden’s chances at 2020 Elections now may depend on Ukraine. It turned out to be a good thing I waited till October; the scandal is growing, Zelensky is in hot waters with Trump, Democrats and Ukrainian people as well, after meeting with Trump in NYC and making unwise statements regarding Biden investigation. I’ll tell you what happened during his talk with Trump at the UN assembly: he was star-struck and unable to hold his own, thus proving to his country and the whole world what I’ve been saying all along: Ukraine is NOT a sovereign country.

Zelensky is also now in deep trouble with Merkel and the EU, after his leaked call with Trump, where he squealed on her and others. German MSM is livid – and serves them right, that’s the price for betrayal and Russophobia.

The scandal is deepening by the minute, as Democrats try to impeach Trump. PER 2016-17 PREDICTIONS: THIS WON’T HAPPEN!


The fact that Russophobia is only to their detriment will eventually be discovered in Ukraine, as well.

This is already happening. The most unlikely people are fed up and making public political statements. Earlier in the year the completely apolitical winner of Ukraine Eurovision refused to sign slavery agreement according to which she was forced by Kiev to forfeit her singing gigs in Russia, and withdrew her bid to represent Ukraine at Eurovision 2019. They sent some obscure ‘Ukrainian patriot’ instead, who of course lost the competition. Meantime, Ukraine usually was near or at the top of the Eurvision standings, and with rare exceptions all the singers from Ukraine were Russian-speaking.

The new one is even better: Miss Ukraine 2019 has refused to give interview in Ukrainian, saying that she thinks and speaks Russian and has the right to speak what language she prefers. She challenged to show her the law that states she cannot speak any language she likes. In response Ukraine TV 1+1 announced they would not air her interview, which amounts to sensorship and the denial of free speech, which by the way is against Ukrainian constitution. Of course since 2014 they are trampling over that constitution on daily basis. Later Miss Ukraine got a bit scared and wrote on her Instagram that she refused not because she didn’t know Ukrainian, but because she was tired… I bet now millions of Russian-speaking Ukrainians can claim the same. To remind you, the current draconian law of Ukraine mandates everybody to speak only Ukrainian in schools, while shopping, in courts, clinics, hospitals and government locations. Just imagine the surgeon during operation trying to remember what scalpel sounds like in Ukrainian… Or a defense attorney forgetting a word and costing his client a life in jail… Not pretty. Can you imagine how bonkers they are in that place that once used to be ok, and actually pretty talented.

(You all know my theory why Ukraine has gone berserk after 1991. But I actually have an additional new theory of why specifically Kiev and central Ukraine went nuts in the past 30+ years… It’s a heavy duty revelation – will share at a future point! – EXCLUSIVELY FOR MY PATRONS!

The pretend president of Ukraine Zelensky is also Russian-speaking and he constantly makes bloopers, forgetting under pressure he has to speak Ukrainian.

He met with Tom Cruise who was in Kiev because ‘he wanted to use a Ukraine location for one of his films.’ Cruise was curious because Zelensky in the US was promoting Ukraine as a film location bonanza. As with Trump, with Cruise Zelensky also looked star-struck and unable to contain himself. He bragged to Cruize about his own ‘career in films.’ But Zelensky forgot to mention that all the big films he’s ever been in were also RUSSIAN!

Just look at the mesmerized and adoring face of the ‘president of Ukraine’ and his people in the back… Trying too hard? Can you imagine president of any other country openly kissing ass like this?

Much talent left Ukraine since 1980s – 90s, and even more since 2014. But for what it’s worth, any talent still left all comes from the Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine, as proven by these stories. That alone tells you that Ukraine really is a part of Russia, splintered off and confused.





US/Ukraine Plot Thickens! Miss Ukraine 2019 Refuses to Speak Ukrainian, Confesses She Thinks in Russian (Plus: Trump, Biden, Soros & New Ukraine Disasters)





EU Trouble: Why Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania Support Separatism in Ukraine

future map of ukraine

According to some, this is what Ukraine’s map will look like in a few years. This is one idea… I personally think the map will look a bit different, but it certainly won’t be anything like it is today. Just give it time, and it may be a bit longer than a few years due to the fast-changing timelines, as a consequence of the Earth Shift. Will even the country’s name and the infamous ‘zhovto-blakitniy’ (yellow and blue) flag survive this ukro-nazi Kiev regime? To me, that is a BIG question!


Ukraine will continue rocking and burning up in fever, until the many injustices, clashes of inner economic and outer geopolitical interests, layers of lies and mismatches with reality are resolved.

I always said, and will continue saying, that Ukraine in its today’s form and substance, including its very name, is an artificial still-born creation, which could only survive and prosper under the tutelage and protection of Russia. Once it became separate, making it a juicy prey of the greedy local and international oligarchy; once alien ideology has been introduced, the whole thing began disintegrating.

It will continue on its road to self-destruction until, one way or another, all or most tensions and problems are resolved. Only this kind of solution will clear up the road to renewal and progress for Malorossia and Novorossia. 

Today we are talking about one long-brewing issue, which was left dormant on the back burner for as long as Kiev and ukro-nazis didn’t touch it. As soon as this issue is disturbed, the overboiling of the old problems is bound to occur. The overboiling would be better for Ukraine’s many people, who are sick of this regime. However, it is very bad for Kiev, Poroshenko and ukro-nazis, who call themselves ‘Ukraine patriots’.

These self-styled ‘Ukraine patriots’ aren’t very bright, and through their actions, such as the one described below, they will continue pushing Ukraine into abyss, until complete disintegration, or until Russia is ready to pick up the pieces.

Hungary, Slovakia and Romania support separatism in Ukraine and demand self-determination for ethnic minorities

I had previously written about Poland, Hungary and Romania licking their lips and trying to quietly bite off pieces of Ukraine, hiding behind the Western and Ukrainian hysteria targeting Russia. This time Kiev, by accusing Russia of supposed ‘aggression’ and trying to pass more and more anti-Russian laws has stepped on the new rake and gotten itself into a very tight spot. The EU, as well as Germany/Merkel are equally in a tight spot, as lead defenders of Poroshenko and the Kiev junta.

Ukraine Rada recently passed a new ‘education law,’ according to which school education in the languages of minorities — and those are many in Ukraine — is banned, and education only in Ukrainian is permitted. As of 2017, education in minorities’ native languages is still permitted in primary school, however, all students past grade 5 are mandated to study only in Ukrainian. As of 2020 100% of pupils from first to last grade must study only in Ukrainian.

This news immediately caused an uproar in western Ukraine, where the following large minorities, numbering in hundreds of thousands reside: Hungarians, Romanians and Slovaks. In Odessa Oblast there also are numerous Bulgarian villages. Till now, they all had a choice of sending their kids to ethnic schools, however, gradually the number of subjects taught in minority languages has been declining over the years. There are also fewer and fewer such schools available.

Hungary PM Viktor Orban, a well-known nationalist, immediately reacted to the ukro-fascist ‘education law’ by denouncing it and demanding that EU demand that Ukraine rescind this new law as a condition to keep its ‘EU association agreement.’

To remind everyone, the infamous Ukraine’s EU association agreement was the pretext for the Kiev Maidan and coup 2014, leading to the ousting of president Yanukovich, war in Donbass and the loss of Crimea by Ukraine. Poroshenko proclaimed the signing of the EU association agreement and the accompanying 90-day visa free travel to the EU for Ukraine citizens as the crowning achievement of the Maidan and his administration.

Viktor Orban, who never minces words, announced that if EU fails to react to Hungary’s demands to protect the Hungarian population of western Ukraine, Hungary will block all EU’s initiatives in support of Kiev, such as Euro loans, further liberalization of trade quotas and any political or economic support of Poroshenko and Kiev regime.

Slovakia and Romania joined in the chorus of Kiev condemnation and demanded the same. These countries pledged to vote down any EU initiatives that would give breaks or afford loans to Kiev.

Furthermore, Hungary, supported by Slovakia and Romania, demands broad autonomy for the Hungarian and Rusyn populated Zakarpatska Rus, also called Podkarpatskaya Rus. (NOTE that ‘s’ in Rus and Rusyn is pronounced as ‘s’ in the word state, not as ‘z’) As seen on the map on top of this post, it is the western-most tip of today’s Ukraine, also known in the West as Transcarpathia.

There are about 200,000 Hungarians residing there, most of whom also posses Hungarian passports. This is because this area was a part of Austria-Hungary for centuries prior. However the core majority of the population in Podkarpatskaya Rus are Rusyns (aka, Rusins, Ruthenians). As you see by the name, it’s another way to say ‘Russians.’ I’ll tell you more: in 19th — beginning of 20th centuries the population of most of today’s Ukraine called themselves ‘Rusyns.’ The word ‘Ukrainian’ in the 19th century signified basically traitors to the Rusins, their language (an older version of western Russian) and Russian Orthodox faith. Later, the true history was successfully forgotten, aided and abetted by propaganda from Poland and Austria-Hungary. I explained in detail how it all happened in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 2 UKRAINE: TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE.

Rusyns have been very vocal about the fact that they wanted autonomy and recognition as a separate ethnicity, with their own language. They are recognized as a separate from ‘Ukrainians’ ethnicity by the neighboring countries, such as Slovakia and Hungary, as well as Russia and the UN. But Kiev refuses to recognize them as a separate minority, with their own rights, and insists they all are ‘Ukrainians.’ The leaders of the Rusyn movement have been either threatened or driven out of Ukraine altogether. As we see, Rusyns, as the core population of Transcarpathia, are ripe and ready for secession — they only need a push — and a support from abroad. In this case, the necessary support may come from Hungary and Slovakia.

Podkarpatskaya Rus

This map allows you to see approximately where Zakarpatska Rus (Podkarpatskaya Rus) is located — marked in bright aquamarine color. I say approximately because it does have some discrepancies. It’s surrounded by Hungary in red (Wegry), Romania, Slovakia (light blue) and Poland. The rest of Ukraine is not marked here, but it is to the east in gray. 

However, Germany and EU are vehemently opposing the autonomy and self-determination of these regions. Ukraine has to be kept intact despite the unwillingness and inability of different parts to stay together. Ukraine has to be as big and strong as possible, according to EU, Merkel and US. Why? Because as big and as menacing as possible a thorn is needed against Russia. But it is simultaneously a thorn against Eastern/Central European countries, such as Hungary, Austria, Czechia and Slovakia, some of which are starting to see the light and want better relations with Russia. Maintaining a permanent Iron Curtain between Russia and these countries, as well as entire Europe, is the No.1 goal of the neo-liberal globalist and West-centric elites.

Conclusion: there will be lots of fights and arms twisting in the EU in the next couple of years. Get your semechki and popcorn ready.

Many Rusyns have relatives on the other side of the border and many own Hungarian passports, in addition to Ukrainian passports. However, at large they prefer to be a part of Russia. The problem is that they are surrounded by the rest of western Ukraine, which tends to be ukro-nazi inclined and there is no direct border with Russia. In such situation, they hope to escape the clutches of Kiev with Hungary’s help.

Slovakian population has also resided in those parts since it was a part of the Austria-Hungary. On the top map, you will also find small pieces of south-western Ukraine marked as populated by Romanians.

But the biggest chunk of today’s Ukrainian territory coveted by Romania is the southern part of the prized Odessa Oblast, aka, Bessarabia (on the top map it is marked under the Russian flag). Romania also claims that all of Moldavia (presently separate from Russia Republic of Moldova) and the breakaway Pridnestrovie should both be a part of the ‘Great Romania.’ All that can happen in their wet dreams only, of course. I can tell you with absolute confidence that Romania will never get its hands on either Odessa Oblast, Moldavia or Pridnestrovie. Much more on these volatile issues and region’s fascinating history is discussed in Earth Shift Report 8: Black Sea Gambit.

What is marked on the top map as the territory claimed by Poland is the largest part of Western Ukraine. Poland has been for years publicly supporting Russophobia and discrimination of Russian language and culture in Ukraine, while at the same time secretly plotting to tear Western Ukraine with center in Lvov from Ukraine.

Overall, either quietly or loudly, Poland, Hungary, and Romania have been encouraging and supporting separatism in Western Ukraine, while voting for sanctions against Russia, for supposedly supporting ‘separatism’ in south-eastern Ukraine and Donbass. The double-faced hubris of this position is obvious: in reality they are licking their lips and waiting for the right moment when Kiev weakens enough, secretly hoping to chop off the pieces of Ukraine they can get their hands on.

It has to be mentioned that Hungary, along with Austria, Slovenia, Greece and Finland, has been one of the most vocal opponents of the anti-Russian sanctions, repeatedly demanding their repeal. Hungary also made a serious effort to keep its good relationship with Russia going, despite sanctions and EU threats. Same goes for the the other countries mentioned in this regard.

Poland, on the other hand, has been the biggest proponent and initiator of the existing and new anti-Russian sanctions. Many anti-Russian moves in the EU have been pushed through based on the insistence of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Romania hasn’t been that far behind.

Hungary and others demand broad autonomy and self-determination for their respective minorities in order to preserve the culture and the right of people to speak their native language. Hungary’s Orban even uttered something that till now was considered blasphemy and a taboo in Hungary and the rest of Eastern Europe. Ready for this?.. He said that Hungarian minority was batter off in the USSR than in today’s Ukraine!! Can you imagine this coming out of the mouth of an EU head of state?!

What Orban said is the real, honest to goodness truth of course, as I can personally confirm. But it is something no EU politician could admit to himself — forget admitting it publicly!

The demands of autonomy and self-determination for Hungarians in Ukraine caused a major uproar in Kiev. Foreign minister Klimkin lashed out by accusing Hungary of supporting separatism in Ukraine. Ukraine in general is in shock from the EU/Hungary/Romania/Slovakia’s reaction to the new law. They have thought that because Kiev serves as a major thorn in Russia’s back, EU will always look the other way, no matter what Kiev junta does. After all, EU conveniently didn’t notice any of the atrocities by Kiev and ukro-nazis against the peaceful population of Donetsk and Lugansk. That’s because Donbass is populated by Russians and Ukrainians. But an encroachment on the rights of those ethnicities they consider their own is a different story altogether.

In their twisted and dim minds the Kiev Rada honestly thought the EU would say ‘Thank You’ and reward them for the new anti-Russian move — because make no mistake, this new ‘education law’ is aimed against Russia.

And now we need to say a few words about the elephant in the room, aka, RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. The thing is, when the Rada was passing this already infamous ‘education law,’ what they were really targeting was Russian language and culture. It is the highly preferred culture and language for the majority of Ukraine’s population, despite major persecution. Therefore, its complete eradication from people’s genetic and ancestral memory is the ultimate goal.

It once happened the same way to Poland and to Germany (Prussia and beyond). But that was centuries ago, and this is happening in front of our very eyes. Problem is, no matter how hard they tried, they were largely unsuccessful with adults, who refused to stop speaking Russian. It is helpful that we live in the TV and Internet age, where much info can be found bypassing official channels.

I described in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 2 UKRAINE: TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE how in 2007 the Gallup poll inadvertently confirmed that 70%+ of Ukrainians preferred to read and write in Russian. This is when it was decided that slow and insidious means of color revolutions and election fraud, employed to elect the US agent Yushchenko in 2004, didn’t produce the desired result. It was judged that instead a violent coup d’etat was needed, using sold-out elites, criminal element, the jobless, angry and disgruntled youths, silly students and impoverished villagers. The preparation for the 2014 Maidan began.

We can easily point fingers here. Recall US State Dept’s Victoria Nuland bragging during Washington Press Club meeting in the end of 2013 how US spent $5 billion to subvert Ukraine. Top EU and US politicians were on Kiev Maidan every day, calling to overthrow Yanukovich. The names that come to mind first are Nuland, US ambassador to Kiev Pyatt, US senator McCain and Poland’s top politician Kachinski, twin brother of ex-president Kachinski who died along with 96 Poland’s top brass in self-inflicted plane crash near Smolensk, Russia, several years prior. This surviving Kachinski twin is presently called the ‘shadow ruler of Poland.’

Both then Ukraine PM Azarov and president Yanukovich were threatened daily with a coup and bodily harm if they resisted the Maidan and tried to make up with Russia. PM Azarov writes extensively in his recently published memoirs how he was personally threatened more than once by Nuland and US ambassador Pyatt, as well as EU’s then foreign minister Catherine Ashton (a UK native). All top Ukraine politicians, ministers, security services personnel, police and military commanders, bureaucrats and oligarchs were either bought or threatened, if they refused to succumb to pressure. The most ‘disagreeable’ to the West’s agenda for Ukraine were killed or driven out of the country. Ex-PM Azarov was one of them.

At the same time, since late 1980s-early 1990s, the children were targeted through a wholesale assault and mutilation of the educational system of Ukraine. If it didn’t work with adults, they needed to switch target to the next generation and watch how they grow up hating their own heritage. And that, unfortunately, did produce the result they were after. It is a well-known fact that Ukraine school books were created using free Soros grants, by western Ukrainians from Poland, Canada and US. This was done simultaneously with the re-writing of history and re-inventing Ukrainian language to make it seem as non-Russian as possible. Again, all that was done using fat grants provided by Soros, USAID, Endowment for Democracy and other Western NGOs. But the result was still relatively meager and localized.

As of 2017, despite urko-nazi threats, parents still continue to go out of their way to find a Russian school for their kids. I just heard from those who live in Ukraine and they complain that it’s harder and harder to find a Russian school in most areas, even where Russian is traditionally the ONLY language spoken, such as Odessa. In Kiev it’s nearly impossible to find a Russian school. But people still try.

There are bizarre incidents being reported. A Russian-speaking teacher would ask a question in Russian, but the pupil is required to answer in Ukrainian, even though the pupil’s language is also Russian. In some schools teachers and parents secretly agree on a work-around, such as the class is advertised as Ukrainian-language, but all lessons are conducted in Russian, for as long as no outsiders are present. In other cases, when teachers in class teach falsified history, parents at home are forced to re-educate their children by telling them not to believe what is said in school. Can you imagine the trauma and confusion all this causes to a fragile child’s psyche?

I recently read this story by a very popular in Ukraine blogger, who writes under the name Yura Sumi. He was forced out of the country after telling the truth about Donbass and Kiev regime. While he was trying to get naturalized in Russia, his family remained in Ukraine. They came to visit him in a small town near Moscow, where he resided. His teenage daughter didn’t want to go back to Ukraine. Parting, she uttered longingly, ‘Papa, why wasn’t I born here?’

Oftentimes Russian is marked in school curriculum as a ‘foreign’ language, and in many schools it is pushed out altogether, being overtaken by other FOREIGN languages: English and German.

But the resistance to forced ukrainization is huge. In the absence of good Russian language education, parents often take it upon themselves to teach kids Russian through the love of the Russian literature and through watching Russian films and cartoons.

This is why the real assault against Russian language was needed. The new ‘education law’ was aimed to target specifically Russian language and culture. But Hungarian, Slovakian and Romanian were caught in the crossfire. The Kiev junta hasn’t counted on backlash from Hungary and other EU countries. Kiev is afraid to spoil relations with EU, its biggest backer apart from the US. Poroshenko and Rada made an attempt to get around this by calling only on Russian language to be banned from schools, while giving exception to Hungarian, Slovak and Romanian. But that created additional backlash from western Ukraine ultra-nationalists, who want ONLY Ukrainian in every school. At the same time it caused a protest storm from Russia, and even more international accusations of blatant discrimination of the minorities’ rights. The UN was forced to get involved.

The pressure on Poroshenko to rescind this discriminatory law will continue from the EU and UN. Meanwhile Ukrainian ultra-nationalists and ukro-nazis continue pressing Poroshenko to uphold it. So far, Poroshenko, this unusually large, yet slippery snake, has been able to squirm his way out of tight spots, hanging on by his teeth to power. But the spot he is in is getting progressively tighter. He knows he must get re-elected as president just to stay alive. The moment he’s out of office and loses his immunity, he will be hunted for the rest of his life.

The example of ex-Georgian president Saakashvili, a man without citizenship, is right in front of his eyes. Saakashvili was stripped of Georgian citizenship, but he quickly and illegally received Ukraine citizenship. At the same time he was made by Poroshenko the governor of Odessa Oblast, also quite illegally. Late last year (right on time, based on my prediction made in Earth Shift Report 8: Black Sea Gambit), he lost his lucrative Odessa post and was stripped of Ukraine citizenship by Poroshenko, following a public row.

Earlier, US refused to give Saakashvili a green card and/or a visa, which in itself is interesting. The reason: US needed him to have no choice but to stay close to Ukraine and Georgia, where he could cause most damage to Russia. However, my prediction is that with his latest actions, Saakashvili is helping Russia, Novorossia and Malorossia’s future in the long run.

After being kicked out of Ukraine Saakashvili became a person without citizenship and stayed in Poland. A few weeks ago, with the help of US and Poland, Saakashvili boldly and illegally crossed Ukraine border. The video of Saakashvili’s crossing is incredibly bizarre to watch. Kiev dispatched police, armed troops and armored vehicles to the border to prevent Saakashvili crossing. Yet, he was able to do so quite easily, with the help of a mob of local ukro-nazis. The Ukraine armed forces didn’t resist it very much. At this time Saakashvili is roaming Ukraine, threatening to expose and to oust Poroshenko during upcoming presidential elections.

The video below shows how Saakashvili forces his way into Ukraine from Poland, with the help of his ukro-nazi friends. On the Ukraine side he was met by Yulia Timoshenko (remember her?), who nurtures her own ambitions to become Ukraine PM or president, and whose ultimate goal is to unseat Poroshenko. For that, she is ready to make alliances with anyone, including Saakashvili. In the video below Georgian national Saakashvili, turned the most Ukrainian of all Ukrainians, is singing Ukrainian songs with his western Ukraine supporters. Later, they’ll head directly to Lvov, the capital of the ukro-nazi Galichina (western Ukraine), where he again will be greeted by Timoshenko, together with Lvov mayor Sadovoi, who also covets presidential chair.

Ukraine is a farce and a mad house, so what else is new? We had talked about the mad house called Ukraine in previous years, but this tragic comedy just gets better and better (or worse, depending on how you look at it).

This related article should not be missed! Kiev Scandals: Transatlantic Boss Joe Biden and Ukraine’s Spiders in a Jar (Saakashvili, Avakov, Yatsenyuk and Idiocracy Plus)

And of course, all about Saakashvili, including my March 2016 prediction that he would lose his Odessa governorship post no later than in 2017 (it actually happened in the end of 2016!) in Earth Shift Report 8: Black Sea Gambit.

How easily Saakashvili crossed into Ukraine reminds me of another famous episode, that of Lenin arriving to Russia in 1917, across several countries, including through Germany, which was at war with Russia at the time. Lenin arrived in time to head the Bolshevik Revolution on November 7, 1917.

We now know why Lenin’s carriage was allowed free passage through WWI-torn Europe and warring Germany: there was a collusion between UK and Germany to let him pass. In Saakashvili’s case, there has been a collusion between US and Poland.

Saakashvili is being kept in his useful capacity as a short leash and a whip for Poroshenko. For both Kiev and Poroshenko it can only get worse, and it can’t get any better. More turmoil to come!

may 2 Odessa flyer 1

This is a map of Ukraine, posted in the streets of Odessa (Odessa for now is a part of southern Ukraine). Over western and central Ukraine it reads in big letters ‘SOLD.’ Over eastern Ukraine: ‘LOST.’ Over the empty space where Crimea used to be as part of Ukraine: ‘LOST.’ Over southern Ukraine: ‘SOON TO BE LOST.’ If anyone still has any doubts of the language spoken in the south and east of Ukraine — well, in most of Ukraine really — it is Russian, of course. As a matter of fact the text on the flier above is in Russian, not Ukrainian, which is turning more and more into an artificial language. 


I hope you all got the chance to read the FREE EARTH SHIFT REPORT 2 UKRAINE: TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE. Today is its last free day! So hurry to click on that link, if you haven’t gotten the chance yet to read it and make sense of Ukraine’s convoluted history and today’s confusing spread. Once you do, you’ll be a lot more conversant in what is really going on in Ukraine, and why Ukraine is being played as the ultimate anti-Russia card.

ESR2 reloaded Ukraine 2

Please remember that although free, EARTH SHIFT REPORT 2 continues being Lada Ray Copyright, and no copying or re-distribution of any kind is permitted. However, you are very welcome to share the link and invite others to read it on!

More FREE reads and lots of great news coming soon! Stay tuned!

Read latest post: Our News and Where I’ve Disappeared

Read related:

St. Petersburg Metro Bombing Was a Message for Putin

My deepest condolences to the city of St. Petersburg and all victims of the Sennaya Ploschad Station Metro Bombing!

The most important thing to understand is that this is NOT a coincidence! The immediate ‘verdict’ on the Internet and SM has been that’s it’s ISIS. But let’s look at the facts!

The facts are a stubborn thing. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Putin – Lukashenko St. Petersburg meeting and St. Pete Metro bombing are two links of the same chain!

And here’s the chain in question:

1. An ISIS terrorist would stick out like sore thumb in St. Petersburg. But ukro-nazis or SBU operatives from Kiev or Western Ukraine would blend right in. SBU is Ukraine intelligence, which has been trained, supervised and financed by CIA since at least 2014.

Since Putin has outplayed the Kiev junta on so many fronts, it is a lot more plausible that this is what happened. And it hits so much closer to home.

2. Multiple terror plots and subversive groups from Ukraine have been neutralized in Russia, including Crimea, Moscow and other regions, in 2016 and 2017.

One terror act unfortunately succeeded: the downing of TU-154 near Sochi, when all on board died, including 68 artists from the famed Alexandrov Red Army Choir and famous humanitarian Dr. Liza.

Certainly, there is also an escalation of Islamist terror activity in Chechnya and N. Caucasus. However, all of these events are related.

Related to the Russian terror plots are also the killings of LDPR commanders and leaders in 2016-17.

3. Russian ‘anti-corruption’ protests headed by Navalny took place just a week ago, the previous Sunday. One day prior to that, on Saturday, similar protests, with very similar slogans, took place in Belarus. Although organizers (often hidden) pretended that it was all spontaneous and unrelated to each other, there are very clear signs of coordination across borders. No doubt Russian and Belorussian protests were coordinated.

What is interesting is the incredibly high level of sophistication in the protests organization. The grounds were prepared for at least months prior. Lukashenko’s mistakes were skillfully used in Belarus. In Russia the dislike of PM Medvedev was equally skillfully used. The story of his supposed billions and Tuscany vineyards was invented and made into a documentary by Navalny, making sure it went viral on social media. Social media was in a very sophisticated way used to appeal to the young crowd and to entice young people to come out by the promise of big bucks and mischief with no repercussions.

To organize all this someone had to work for at least months, possibly longer. Most importantly, someone had to shell out quite a bit of cash, because protests and color revolutions don’t come cheap.

Participants of the Russian protests, very young people, some of whom were barely 16-17 years of age, were caught on camera (video was posted on YT) sharing how they must make sure they get arrested during the Sunday protest because those who get arrested will get $10 thousand Euros, plus legal help and possible trips to the West.

Other young delinquents were caught on camera having this dialogue:

‘Coming tomorrow to the protest?’

‘What’s it about?’

‘No idea, but it’s an opportunity to beat up cops.’

Who promised them this kind of payday for causing trouble? The usual suspects: Soros, Clinton Foundation, CIA. I would also include here UK, Poland, Germany and Brussels/EU. In what configuration – that’s a separate discussion. It’s roughly the same entities who have financed other color revolutions and mayhem globally.

The name of ex-oligarch Khodorkovsky has also surfaced in connection with the organization of these ‘protests’ (see this post’s comment section for intel from Nemo!). Khodorkovsky, of course, is a long-standing client of the CIA. I have followed Khodorkovsky for a long time, and as many of you know, he served as prototype for the character of the oligarch Konukovsky in my novel THE EARTH SHIFTER. As I see it, Khodorkovsky lately also became a client of the CIA’s secret EU leg: the German intelligence (let’s be honest, that’s what the German intelligence has turned into).

4. Recent Eurovision scandal was supposed to be a humiliation for Russia, but it backfired. Kiev banned Russian participant Yulia Samoylova’s entry into the country, thus illegally banning her from participation in the Kiev Eurovision 2017. The scandal took a humiliating turn against Kiev: in response contest organizers threatened to ban Ukrainian participant from the contest taking place on her native soil, and possibly even moving the contest to another country.

Recent killing of ex-Russian Duma Deputy Voronenkov in Kiev is a provocation also directly related to all other events described here.

Read about both: Lada Ray on ex-Russian Duma Deputy Voronenkov Murder in Kiev & Ukraine Eurovision Scandal

5. During 2016-2017 in Russia we have seen a large number of terror groups – some related to IS and Islamist terror cells and others related to Kiev – being apprehended. These are shown on Russian news almost weekly. Many terror acts were prevented. All in all, the actions of FSB have so far proven effective.

6. In the run-up to Belarus protests multiple terror plots and various wannabe terrorists were apprehended in Minsk and on the border. One of the attempted terror plots was almost bizarre: a Jeep carrying ingredients to mak explosives tried to break through the border from Ukrainian side. The Jeep was chased by law enforcement, but it managed to get pretty deep into Belorussian territory before most people inside were apprehended. One person managed to escape. How dangerous was the one who escaped? Were the others just patsies, meant to divert attention, while the only important person went free? What kind of explosives escaped with him and what was his ultimate destination?

The border between Russia and Belarus is very transparent. Recently Lukashenko announced a visa-free regime for 80 countries, without coordinating with Russia. This silly decision was a big part of the recent spat between Russia and Belarus.

Clearly, Belarus isn’t a high-profile target, but its value is in it being an inside track into Russia. Between Russia and Belarus there is no border; therefore, it is very easy for a determined terrorist group to infiltrate through Belarus.

7. Lukashenko blinks: Belarus has become a weak link in Eurasian stability and security system when Lukashenko recently initiated a conflict with Russia regarding power and gas pricing and sought to blackmail Russia by suggesting Belarus would re-orient towards the West and Middle East, distancing itself from Russia.

My diagnosis is that it’s largely a bluff by the starved for attention Lukashenko, who wants preferential treatment and who wants to milk Russia as much as possible. There is also a significant economic component in Lukashenko’s outburst: Belarus is cash poor and debt ridden and in need of a postponement of debt repayment. All this, coupled with the worsening economic situation and approaching elections makes Lukashenko nervous. After all, the so-called ‘Belorussian miracle’ was achieved on the account of Russia sharing practically free gas and other privileges with Belarus. Recently Russia began demanding that Lukashenko pays for at least some of the gas.

At the same time, I do not see Belarus drifting towards Ukraine scenario and Kiev-style Maidan any time soon, as I explained and predicted in ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? (WITH BONUS: LUKASHENKO’S BLUFF).

Regarding Lukashenko: his act gets old and tiring. He will paint himself into a corner soon. His days as president may be numbered. But the geo-chess master acts on his own time and when no one is expecting it. Putin’s move will come, but only when he’s ready.

More predictions on the future of Belarus and Lukashenko in my future book, THE PUTIN ENIGMA.

8. Russian Presidential Election cycle has begun. Everything that’s happening is a rehearsal and preparation in order to see if Russia can be destabilized enough to prevent Putin’s re-election. But they know it’s a very tall order. Therefore, the goal is at least to bring him into the next term as weakened as possible, with maximum number of discontented citizens. If Russia and Putin blink (which won’t happen) they also hope to begin a real color revolution and civil war in Russia, turn one half of the population against another, like in Ukraine, and destroy everything that has been re-built between 2000 and now. But as I said, this won’t happen.

This is a very old tried-and-true technique of divide and conquer, character assassination and sabotage. It was previously reserved for Russia, the arch-enemy of the West, and those countries the West wanted to subdue. But today, we are experiencing the Great Earth Shift when the old matrix is dissolving and the shoots of the new are trying to get through the concrete.

Today this technique is used just as much in the West by the same neo-liberal globalist cabal against those who do not toe the agenda. Examples are anti-globalists such as Trump in the US and French presidential candidates Marine Le Pen and François Fillon, who are being openly sabotaged. More in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER.


Putin meets with Lukashenko in St. Petersburg, 4/3/17:

By provoking multiple loud public scandals with Russia regarding gas and oil pricing, diminished oil quotas, loan repayments and open border dispute Lukashenko and his advisors were banking on the fact that Russia already has a huge problem with Ukraine. Therefore, they reasoned, Russia would not risk escalating this argument with Belarus, fearing a loss of an important partner. This calculation was naive at best, which was quickly demonstrated by the following events. Life promptly showed Lukashenko what happens when Russia withdraws support.

To be sure, both Russia and Belarus lose when they argue. The problem is Belarus and Lukashenko personally lose a lot more.

A similar scenario occurred to Turkey and Erdogan after the downing of the Russian Su-24 and Russia’s subsequent withdrawal of Erdogan’s support and all business with Turkey. Within the short several months, this weakened Turkey to such degree that Erdogan almost lost his life in the military coup and much of the Turkish economy dried up. For detailed analysis and predictions read ESR 13: ERDOGAN’S WAR.

Having gone too far in his spat with Russia, and also having made some serious mistakes internally, Lukashenko now has seen how shaky his position would be without the support of Russia. After Putin and Medvedev’s cold shoulder, after Belarus protests and a threat of being expelled from Eurasian Union, he had to quickly backtrack, humble down and sit down to talk with Putin.

The meeting place: St. Petersburg. The meeting time: Monday, April 3, 2017.

It is clear to me that a great deal of manipulation has gone into convincing Lukashenko to act as a provocateur in Russian-Belorussian relations. Also, a great deal of effort and international coordination went into organizing the aforementioned Russian and Belorussian protests. Much of YouTube, Twitter and various other SM outlets were deeply involved.

Specifically in Russia the average age of participants is highly suspect. What comes to mind when a crowd of 16-17 years-olds marches through Moscow center, stopping traffic and picking fights with cops, while chanting, ‘Putin (or Medvedev), where is our money?’ (This was an actual slogan of the Russian protests, as seen on TV. Others were even more silly and bizarre, some reminding painfully of the Kiev coup and Ukrainian Euro-Maidan.)

‘Putin (or Medvedev), where is our money?’ Greed is a determining factor. Whose money are they really after? Who really pays?

Make no mistake, no matter who sits in the White House or calls the shots in the EU, billions continue being spent on subverting the vulnerable among the young generations of Russians and Belarussians. After all, it seems to have worked in Ukraine; they hope it’ll work in Russia and Belarus.

These billions are being spent by the same parties as before, and in this regard, absolutely nothing has changed. These are same sources that subverted Ukraine, and that attempted unsuccessful color revolutions in Armenia and Kazakhstan. (See ESR9: ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN & Armenia).

This is pre-election year in Belarus. More importantly, this is pre-election year in Russia. The activation of destabilization attempts will continue.

The original grand plan, conceived many years ago, but implemented throughout the 90’s and 2000’s was to break apart Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Part of the plant pertaining to Ukraine nearly succeeded due to Kiev Maidan.

But it proved much harder to break up Russia and Belarus. Yet even this could have succeeded due to Lukashenko’s mistakes. After Lukashenko’s public tantrum and threats to turn away from Russia towards the West, it was assumed that the breakup was underway. And it would have been, if not for Putin.

The attempt to break apart Russia and Belarus has a clear ultimate goal to weaken and disorient The Great Balancer. Russia, The Great Balancer, is presently rebalancing the severely lopsided world towards a better balance between physical/material/personal/self-serving energy on one hand and spiritual/collective/service-to-others energy on another. This is an attempt to stop this rebalancing, or at the very least, to slow it down.

Who benefits? Very simply: the collective West, the old neo-liberal globalist bankster, pero-dollar dominated system that made the West at large rich at the expense of others. To be sure, there are many new and healthy shoots in the West. They will eventually come through and bear fruit, but for now the old is still stronger.

Belarus is playing a very important role in the work of The Great Balancer; it is a part of the Great Balancer structure. Russia is weaker without Belarus, but Belarus cannot survive without Russia.

Has Lukashenko finally got it? After all elaborate and sophisticated preparations, after all indications that a rift between Russia and Belarus is taking place, suddenly, Lukashenko backpedals and Putin meets him in St. Petersburg. They announce that energy and border control disputes are being successfully resolved.

The terror act preceding or coinciding with this kind of meeting signifies a warning. This is a message for Putin, and by association, for Lukashenko. It is a threat issued to Russia, Belarus, and their leaders.

Make no mistake, a response will follow.

Incidentally, during the St. Pete meeting Putin said an interesting thing: Russia and Belarus are preparing a unified energy grid. This ultimately means that the two countries are getting closer, NOT further apart. This is the beginning of Putin’s response.

The game is afoot.

High level security in #Moscow Metro after #StPetersburg attack 

Putin lays flowers at the site of St Pete Metro Bombing

St Pete attack is more sophisticated than usual




Lada Ray on ex-Russian Duma Deputy Voronenkov Murder in Kiev & Ukraine Eurovision Scandal

voronenkov killing in kiev ukraine

Ex-Russian Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov murdered in the center of Kiev

Earlier today, March 23, 2017, ex-Russian Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov was gunned down in the center of Kiev, next to the luxury hotel Premier Palace. Voronenkov died on site. His bodyguard was wounded by the gunman but was able to shoot him in return. According to first info from Kiev, both wounded gunman and bodyguard were taken to the hospital.

The curious thing was that the name of the killer wasn’t made public for a while, probably because the Kiev authorities didn’t know how to explain that he was a member of Ukraine’s National Guard. Initially, it was only said that he was from Dnepropetrovsk Oblast. Later it became known that this member of the armed forces of Ukraine was also a serial criminal with several violent crimes to his name. There are many questions here, such as: how was he allowed to join National Guard with this kind of history?

Update 3/25/17: Predictably, Kiev authorities announced that Voronenkov killer died in the hospital and that interrogating him wasn’t possible.

Russia 24 video detailing Voronenkov killing:

Voronenkov and Maksakova – fugitives from justice 

In the past two years a very thorough public investigation of alleged corruption and irregularities in the medium-to-high echelons of the Russian power has been conducted. It is safe to say that the majority of charges announced publicly in 2015-16 were preceded by several years of investigations and data collection. As a result of probes, several regional governors were fired, resigned or jailed, major fraud and embezzlement schemes were uncovered, certain high profile police and Minister of Economy Ulyukaev were sent to prison.

This major op was preceded by a complete restructuring and overhaul of Russian police and the creation of RosGvardia (equivalent of National Guard).

Several months ago Denis Voronenkov and his wife, Maria Maksakova, both ex-Russian Duma deputies, fled Russia. The details are a bit sketchy, but my intel says that Voronenkov was under investigation on charges related to financial fraud and embezzlement. Voronenkov, ex-deputy for the Communist Party (oh, irony) was allegedly implicated in certain racketeering and shady business dealings since 1990s, and left behind a string of enemies. His wife Maksakova is an ex-deputy from a different party and ex-singer. She may have been involved with his schemes, although it doesn’t appear she was under investigation.

Several months ago, Voronenkov and Maksakova suddenly disappeared and re-emerged in Kiev. Their hasty retreat from Russia was a total surprise for their friends and colleagues.

The way I see it, someone tipped them off about secret FSB investigation and they were able to escape ahead of an arrest.

In Ukraine they were gladly picked up by the Kiev junta as ‘political refugees and fighters against bad Putin.’ SBU worked with them for a while, and per extensive intel, squeezed out whatever they knew, which probably wasn’t much. Consequently, SBU lost interest in them quickly enough.

Another interesting detail: Voronenkov decided to style himself as Putin’s oppositioner and political fighter, although charges against him were criminal. Upon entry, he received Ukrainian citizenship, which automatically stripped him of Russian citizenship. He probably thought that this would protect him against any demands for extradition to Russia.

Meanwhile, his wife Maksakova never applied for Ukrainian citizenship and retained her Russian citizenship. It has also turned out that she has dual citizenship: that of Germany.

When Voronenkov and Maksakova first appeared in Kiev, a rumor floated in Ukraine’s blogging circles that they would be hyped up by Kiev as political refugees and fighters against the ‘Putin regime.’ The bloggers predicted that after SBU had utilized Voronenkov for all they could and after his notoriety in Ukraine reached its pinnacle, he would be martyred by SBU, while the blame would be put on Russia. This prediction turned out to be right on the money.

While in Kiev, Voronenkov constantly gave interviews to Ukraine MSM about “bad Russia,” persistently alleging that “any moment he could be killed by Putin.” Apparently he was not bright enough to figure out that he thus styled himself as a perfect sacrificial lamb. It was as if he painted a big target across his chest with words, “Kill me so you could vilify Russia and Putin.”

Why was he martyred now? What’s so special about this timing? And who benefits?

It is more than clear that of all parties Russia benefits the least. FSB is a million times more efficient and professional than Ukraine’s SBU. It doesn’t need to gun someone down in the middle of a street, to the accompaniment of a risky scandal. Moreover, if Voronenkov was in any way important and did indeed possess any sort of secret info, FSB could have acted right away, not months later.

Who benefits the most? It is the Kiev junta and Poroshenko. Correction, I should say: ‘who thinks they can benefit?’ because my prediction is, this false flag will backfire. There are a number of scandals exploding simultaneously in Ukraine, and they spell disaster for Poroshenko and his government.

There is a word that ukro-nazi parties and battalions threatened Voronenkov and Maksakova with retribution because they voted for Crimea’s reunification with Russia. Just imagine the irony!

For this reason it was natural to use a patsy who happens to be ukro-nazi sympathiser as a gunman.

However, the real puppet masters are in Kiev and across the big pond. The reason they needed to act quickly is banal: there are so many huge blows the Kiev junta is sustaining that they have lost any perspective and sanity, if there indeed was any.

Their masters across the ocean either left them hanging or don’t really know what to do with them. Poroshenko and Kiev government must somehow distract people in Ukraine and abroad from multiple scandals and problems.

Among these:

  1. Blockade of Donbass, which has resulted in dozens of factory shut-downs, power shortages, unemployment and risk of nuclear power plant implosions.
  2. Attacks and Kiev sanctions against Russian banks.
  3. Return Russian ban on money transfers to Ukraine. Read my article: Lada Ray’s Ukraine Update: Russian Duma Bans Money Transfers to Ukraine.
  4. Russia’s recognition of LDPR passports, which is a major humiliation for Kiev. It is tremendous propaganda for LDPR and against ukro-nazi Kiev regime. Read  DPR ultimatum to oligarchs: Pay taxes or nationalization. Russia recognizes LDPR passports; to introduce visa regime for Ukraine.

But there is more! Yet another reason is to distract the world, especially Europeans, from the unfolding Eurovision scandal.

Welcome to Kiev Eurovision – be sure to wear your bulletproof vest!

World’s largest song contest, Eurovision 2017, will take place in Ukraine, following the scandalous win in 2016 of a Crimean Tartar/Ukrainian singer Jamala. There had been a lot of doubt Kiev would be able to host the event adequately and on time. Yet, for political reasons European organizers allowed Kiev to go ahead with the show. I’ll leave aside the merits of Eurovision as a contest. In truth, I think it’s extremely subpar. It has also been turned into a hysterical political farce, when singers aren’t judged on merit but propelled forward or held back by politically charged juries, based on the agenda of the West.

Voices sounded in Russia for years to pull out of Eurovision; these voices were especially persistent this year. Kiev continuously threatened to ban Russian representative – in violation of contest rules. Still, Russia decided to send a singer, a young, severely handicapped woman in a wheelchair with a beautiful voice, Yulia Samoylova. Among other achievements, Yulia sang at the opening of Sochi Paralympics. Yulia may have a very short time to live and she has sacrificed a lot to prepare for the contest. For this courageous young woman this is a huge dream and only chance to participate in a major international event, something that will fill her heart with joy for the rest of her short life.

Yulia Samoylova song – Flame Is Burning (Russia) Eurovision 2017 entry

More Yulia Samoylova singing HERE at 1:00  and  HERE at 3:00

A couple of days ago Kiev announced that Yulia Samoylova is banned from Eurovision contest and from entry into Ukraine for 5 years because she recently performed in Crimea. Despite gross violation of the law, OSCE has declared they see no problem. The organizers of Eurovision are trying to bury the scandal, while Western MSM has collectively developed sudden blindness.

I’ve just recalled the out-of-this-world howling that took place before the Sochi Olympics about alleged gays’ rights violations in Russia. In response, Russians went out of their way to welcome everyone, including gays, who were parading around Sochi to the welcoming smiles of their Russian hosts.

Just imagine if a cripple in a wheelchair was denied participation in an international event in Russia. The stink from the ‘civilized world’ would have been heard for years. Here, not a single voice of any European ‘human rights’ or ‘handicapped defense’ organization. Complete silence. Where are petitions, protests and boycott of Kiev Eurovision?

In addition, Kiev is banning Armenian participant because she also performed in Crimea. Despite the attempts to hush the scandal, it seems to be growing and gathering steam, both in Ukraine and abroad. Kiev needs to distract the world from this scandal. In their mind it appears to be a good idea to kill Voronenkov and then blame it on Russia.

I promised to tell you how it would backfire. Killing someone in the very center of Kiev, where the country’s richest reside and posh hotels are located, shortly before Eurovision… Not a very good advertisement for the foreign guests. Incidentally, Premier Palace, the hotel where Voronenkov was killed, is reportedly booked by a large number of Eurovision guests and participants.

In other words, welcome to Kiev Eurovision! Make sure you bring your guns and bulletproof vests!

Why choosing Yulia Samoylova was genius

This isn’t the focus of this report, but let me just tell you briefly that choosing Yulia Samoylova for Kiev Eurovision was a stroke of genius, and I didn’t expect any less of Russia. Apart from Yulia’s obvious gift, she is a great choice because no matter what Kiev junta does, they lose. If they ban her, the aftertaste will linger for a long time, regardless of how much they try to hush it up, and the true colors of the Kiev regime will become obvious even to those in the EU who are in complete denial. This will continue the process of the US/EU distancing from Kiev, accompanied by a gradual withdrawal of support. If Yulia Samoylova is allowed to compete, the controversy created by Kiev has made her so popular that I won’t be surprised if she wins. That will be a pinnacle of humiliation for the Russophobic Kiev junta and ukro-nazis.

And last and most important reason for the Voronenkov false flag…

Trump to begin financial audit of the Poroshenko government

As predicted, Trump is sending signals that he wants to drop Ukraine like an old potato.  The Kissinger Plan is in effect. Learn all about the secret Kissinger Plan in LADA RAY WEBINAR WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM?

EU is busy with own problems and can’t wait to take off anti-Russian sanctions. Kiev tries everything to persuade Europe to keep those sanctions for as long as possible.

How does Kiev benefit? They don’t. Kiev junta consists of petty people; they do it simply out of spite. In their small minds they must do it to keep Russia down.

This intel is from Viktoria Shilova, ex-Dnepropetrovsk deputy, leader of the all-Ukraine AntiWar movement and leader of Ukraine’s Social Party:

Trump has authorized a comprehensive audit of all those billions US spent on ‘subverting’ Ukraine. This includes whatever Nuland, Clinton, Kerry, Biden, CIA and Obama ‘invested’ in regime change in Ukraine, US taxpayer money that went to train Ukraine media, NGOs, ukro-nazi battalions in Western Ukraine, to develop anti-Russian propaganda, payoffs to politicians and military. The number being floated is about $10 billion. There is a suspicion that most of it was stolen.

Poroshenko, Kiev junta and all those who got fat on Ukraine’s tragedy know very well where this money is. They are trying very hard to distract the world and to, yet again, redirect the US and EU attention towards ‘bad Russia.’ It worked before. But this time, it will backfire.

Stay tuned for 




Quality of life 3

Coming Monday, March 27, 2017!

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Hoax about Russian domestic violence, anti-Trump protests and Soros agenda


A question from Polli Oliver:

Dear Lada, can you please comment on the petition currently on started by Alena Popova which states: In Russia, one woman sustains injuries from domestic violence every 12 minutes. That’s 36,000 women each year. The number may be higher since there is no official mechanism for keeping track of family violence cases.

Legislation in Russia already allows courts to be lenient with those who commit acts of domestic violence. Now, the Duma – Russia’s legislative body – is considering officially decriminalizing domestic violence by passing a new law.

Lada’s reply

Dear Polli, I can’t comment on this as I’ve never heard of such ‘statistics,’ such ‘law,’ nor of ‘Alena Popova.’ Since I monitor Russian news very seriously, this is telling.
I seriously doubt that Russian government would deliberately encourage domestic violence through legislature or any other means.

I also happen to know that the rule of law and law enforcement has been improving by leaps and bounds in Russia. As of now, I’d much rather trust most legal structures in Russia than anywhere in the West, which are getting more corrupted.

Believe it or not, there is more democracy in Russia than in the West. Any proposed law will be thoroughly debated, researched and publicly discussed in many platforms. There is public activism and social safety nets the West can only dream about. The women are well-protected in Russia – much more so than in the West, where an immigrant can rape one in a European street and get away with it.

What I don’t doubt is that ‘Alena Popova’ is a shill, on US NGO/Soros payroll. used to be good but it’s now under Soros, didn’t you know?

Also just use your brain: what point does a petition have? No Russian would sign it in English. It is obviously a twisted data for the purpose of propaganda for the benefit of the Western English-speaking audience, designed to keep the humanitarian-oriented sheeple under control. Yet another way to vilify Russia and Russian government, along with Putin.

Let me also calibrate the truth of the petition:

QC: 85 – grief; Chi: 90 – same

Interpretation: There is very little truth in it. Any shred of truth in it has been exaggerated and twisted. 


Incidentally, this coincides well with vilifying of Trump and all this Soros/Madonna organized ‘international women’s march against Trump.’


Soros heavily invested in Hillary’s election. When Trump won, he also lost a billion dollars on bad bets/derivatives and market moves. He bet heavily against Trump.

What do you expect, he’s furious and wants to get back at everyone and everything. Plus, his beloved NWO agenda is losing.





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OOPS! Ukraine’s Hero Nadezhda Savchenko is… the Kremlin Agent!

I confess, I’m tired of hearing that American billionaire Donald Trump is ‘Kremlin agent.’ This is the kind of story likely to be concocted by those who are desperate, knowing that power is slipping out of their hands. This accurately describes the situation with Clinton, Soros, and the whole neo-liberal NWO camp.

But wait! Putin and Kremlin’s outreach is far and wide. Not only Trump, CEO of ExxonMobil Rex Tillerson and Trump’s top advisors, but the rabidly Russophobic and pretty crazy Nadezhda Savchenko also turns out to be Putin’s super-spy within the Kiev ukro-nazi junta!

Recall what I predicted in 

Lada Ray Report: Real Reason Putin Pardoned Murderer Nadezhda Savchenko

In the aforementioned May 26, 2016 report I wrote:

Savchenko’s “card will be played by Timoshenko… I’m sure others will also try to play her card. She’ll be wined, dined and courted. They’ll try to groom and mold her into something. But I think… she’ll definitely get herself in trouble within 6-7 months, or better yet, she’ll get the whole Kiev junta in trouble.

In short, a pawn such as Savchenko is very useful as a tool and bargaining chip. She doubles as an unpredictable Trojan Horse.

She’s about to fulfill her purpose. I intend to kick back and watch how Poroshenko and Kiev will manage to keep this loose cannon under control. This should be quite a show.”

We are right on schedule, people! Hardly 6 months have passed since I wrote that, and…

This began a week ago:

Nadezhda Savchenko, in defiance of Kiev, traveled to Minsk (seat of Minsk 2), where she met with leaders of DLPR Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky. During the meeting she discussed the POW / prisoner exchange. The All-for-all prisoner exchange is stipulated in the Minsk 2 peace agreement, brokered by Putin, Merkel and Hollande, but Poroshenko and the Kiev junta are refusing to abide by it.

Savchenko has tried to get it going again, achieving an understanding with Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky. In her interview she stated that when she talked to the DLPR leaders, she saw them as human beings with whom it is necessary to negotiate, not as separatists and enemies.

This has generated a storm of a scandal in Ukraine. The woman for whom the whole Ukraine and much of the EU cried just a short 7 months ago, demanding her liberation from the ‘brutal Kremlin regime,’ whom the junta elevated to the near-godly status, electing her in absentia into the Rada and Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, this same Nadezhda Savchenko was immediately branded as traitor and Putin’s agent.

Yulia Timoshenko has announced that Savchenko is expelled from her party Batkivshchina. Rada deputies are preparing to oust her from the Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and from the Rada committee on national security.

Is it any surprise that Savchenko is being targeted for actually doing something sensible and positive? In the land of the blind one-eyed man is king. In the crazy, warped reality of the Kiev ukro-nazi junta, even Savchenko is the height of sense and sensibility!

In a nutshell, per Lada Ray Report: Real Reason Putin Pardoned Savchenko, the ‘sly Putin’s plan’ of sending back to Ukraine the Savchenko Trojan Horse has worked! Get your popcorn or semechki and watch what happens next. The Kiev junta implosion coming! See Predictions.


LadaRayLive 18 

TRUMP vs CLINTON: How Will Electors Vote on Dec. 19?


Trump’s Man in Moscow: Trump sends a message to Russia via his ex-adviser Page

TRUMP vs CLINTON: How Will Electors Vote on Dec. 19? (LadaRayLive18)


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Stealing Russian Treasure: Amsterdam Court Gives Crimean Scythian Gold to Kiev

skiffs gold 3

The Court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has made a decision that Scythian gold, which was on loan from the Crimean museums to the Dutch museums in 2013-14, belongs to Ukraine. The gold has been taken out of Dutch museums and shipped off to an unknown location in 2014, after Crimea voted to re-join Russia.

The story of the Scythian Gold (Zoloto Skifov), with pics, in my video, Crimea Scythian Gold/ MH17/ Russian Sanctions: Global Consequences (LadaRayLive 1):

Natalya Poklonskaya, ex-Attorney General of Crimea and Russian Duma Deputy, called the Amsterdam decision a thievery. She promised the decision would be appealed by the Crimean museums.

Natalya Poklonskaya: ‘Amsterdam court is hardly impartial. This illegal decision will be contested. It’s comparable to a highway robbery.’

The famous Zoloto Skifov – Scythian Gold – was discovered in 19th century by the Russian archeologists in Russian Crimea.

skiffs gold 4

It has nothing to do with the present day Kiev junta and today’s ukro-nazi ‘Ukraine,’ which denies any connection to Russia. In 19th century, when the gold was dicovered, Crimea was a part of Russia. Therefore, the decision clearly has no connection to fairness and law. It is a politicized act, designed to yet again punish Russia.

The only goal such actions by the Netherlands achieve is creating an Iron Curtain and putting a damper on any sort of cultural and museum exchanges. I can’t imagine Russians ever allowing their treasures out of the country again, under such circumstances.

But I’ll tell you more: the fact that the decision has suddenly passed now – after over 2 years of delays – has the fingerprints of Soros, Obama, Clinton, Merkel, Holande and the entire crumbling neo-liberal NWO clique all over. The Scythian Gold number is one of their last-ditch, desperate, efforts to create an irreconcilable rift between Russia and various Western countries.

The same is done in a hurry by Obama/Soros/Clinton in the US. The US elites are doing everything to create as many obstacles as possible for the future US president’s attempts to work with Russia. As I predicted in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16: US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER, the goal is to tie up Trump and to put him in a straight jacket of legal traps and time-bombs, as well as distrust and sour grapes, so he would not be able to improve US-Russia relations by much, despite his best efforts (look for my upcoming Trump/Electoral College prediction video for more!).

The same process is underway in the EU. But the only thing they will be able to achieve is prolonging the agony of the Western NWO project.


You may recall that I first predicted the NWO collapse in the beginning of 2014 in Earth Shift Report 1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?

In it I dispelled the hoax about Putin being an NWO agent, spread around by some, so-called ‘alternative’ sources. In the same report I also stated that the NWO project is folding, being on its last legs. At the time, there was not an inkling of anyone else seeing it that way. Just the opposite: I received a million confused requests to explain whether Putin and Russia were NWO agents and when NWO headquarters would be moving to Astana, KZ.

Earth Shift Report 1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? gives you a very good idea how certain alternative sources mis-represent and mis-interpret the facts. The English-speaking ‘gurus’ are often clueless about the true nature of the ongoing Earth Shift, humanity’s realities, and the real role of Russia.

It was amusing to see how quickly after the release of Earth Shift Report 1 this hoax shyly disappeared.

In the same report I also predicted that many new, infinitely more creative lies, hoaxes and info dumps targeting Russia and Putin, would continue appearing and spreading. And that’s exactly what we are seeing today!

More on that also in:

How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)

New Hoax about Putin and Russia Dispelled by Lada Ray!

But it’s good to know that at least some of those who were spreading Putin as NWO agent hoax in 2014, are now jumping on the bandwagon and proclaiming the end of NWO.

As for me, I promise to continue providing True & Early PREDICTIONS and TRENDCASTS for my loyal followers.

If you want to keep ahead of the curve through my predictions and insights, please follow, like, share and support my work!


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25th Anniversary of Destruction: USSR Breakup and its Fallout



Today, December 8, 2016, the world marks 25th anniversary of the event the vast majority of the Russian World considers a tragic date. On December 8, 1991 leaders of three Slavic Soviet Republics, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, called the Three Sisters, signed the infamous Belovezhskaya Pushcha Accords, which effectively dissolved the USSR, establishing instead the still-born Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The accords sanctified what Putin later called ‘the largest humanitarian catastrophe of the second half of the 20th century.’

The internet, Russian and post-Soviet media have been flooded with various videos and articles, which explain and judge, from their point of view, the events of that day. Many still try to come to terms and understand what happened; many have condemned this day and those who signed the breakup: Russian SSR head Boris Yeltsin, Ukrainian SSR head Shevchuk and Belorussian SSR head Shushkevich.

Between December 7 and 8, 1991, the host of the secret event, Shushkevich, received the other two at his Belovezhskaya Pushcha hunting residence. The gathering and the document signed were so hush-hush that to type up the text of the breakup agreement the trio needed to bring in a typist from the nearby village, along with her typing machine.

Shushkevich later recalled that as soon as the three shook hands, Yeltsin called the US President George Bush. He reported (!): ‘We did it. The USSR is dead.’ But none of the three called legal head of the Soviet Union, President Gorbachev.

Doing its job, Belorussian KGB found out about what amounted to treason, and reported the situation to Moscow. Gorbachev told them to await his command and do nothing. The command to arrest the conspirators never arrived. Four days later, Gorbachev resigned his post as the first and only president of the USSR.

How different the fates of the three signatories of the USSR breakup have been!

Yeltsin is no longer living; in 1999, he publicly apologized to the Russian people for everything he’d done and named Putin as his successor.

Kravchuk, using his position as the first president of Ukraine, managed to steal many millions, but nothing like today’s oligarchs. The ex-leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine, he betrayed his party and his people and turned into a prime Russophobe, creating, with Soros financing, the first version of falsified Ukrainian history – but again, nothing like today’s Kiev junta. Kravchuk continues living very comfortably in today’s ukro-nazi version of Ukraine, which he supports.

Shushkevich still lives in Belarus, hated by his country’s citizens and afraid to show up in public. Belarus President Lukashenko personally authorized the pension for Shushkevich, as ex-president of Belarus, in the amount of… $1.

The condemnation and demands for trial have been leveled against the three Belovezhskaya Pushcha signatories. The accusations of treason are also leveled against then president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev has been the darling of the West, rewarded many times over for his role in the USSR breakup and many disastrous for Russia political decisions. Hated by many Russians, today, he spends his time justifying his actions in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

My readership is mainly English-speaking and very international, and I love it this way! Most of my readers live in North America and generally in the West, although much of the world is represented. So, the question becomes, why should something that happened 25 years ago in the now defunct USSR be interesting to an average person, when there are crucial events happening in the US and EU as we speak: Trump election, vote recounts, Hillary scandals and the uncertainty of the Electoral College vote on December 17; various anti-EU forces may come to power in Italy and the Netherlands, Brexit may have a continuation in Italexit and more…

Considering this, why would any of my readers be interested in ‘ancient’ history? Why would anyone, apart from historians, be looking back?

Very simple: what happened in the USSR in the late 1980s-early 1990s – in other words, Russia’s past – is in fact the West’s future.


Smart people learn from the past? They learn from others’ mistakes so to avoid making their own? Yes, this is true. When you have control over your future… However, there are things in this world that are set in stone. Call it karma or destiny – the two esoteric, spiritual notions that always go hand in hand. Many are afraid of such words, believing only that which they can touch and see.

But here, on FuturisTrendcast and on, we go well beyond the obvious. This is the basis for Lada Ray’s Spiritual Geopolitics and Multidimensional Universe theory. And this is how I predict the future.

I want to tell you that I agree and disagree with much of what Russian and post-Soviet analysts say about the breakup and the ’90s. I understand very well the emotional response and the desire to go back to those times, to the inviting, albeit maligned in the West, country, now remembered by many with nostalgia and longing.

However, my view is multidimensional and original. You won’t be surprised that it goes well beyond what others tell you. I’ll share my view on what really happened in the USSR in 1991, why it was pre-destined and how it is connected to today’s Earth Shift and the slow collapse of the US and EU, in the upcoming live webinars.


Due to the fact that I foresee many important changes happening in the West and worldwide in the next 3-5 years and beyond, in 2017 I am preparing some very important Lada Ray Webinars. During these live events I’ll spell out in detail what I foresee. I’ll also talk about how the USSR and Western collapses are different, and why so many gurus have been wrong about the timing, nature and details of the US and dollar collapse. Will Trump be able to prevent the collapse, and much more will be discussed.

Please stay tuned for official announcements about my webinars, to be posted in January 2017!


To mark this black calendar date, as they’d say in Russia, I’m posting excerpts from ESR2 and ESR3.

25th Anniversary of Destruction: USSR Breakup and its Fallout



1989 map of the USSR issued by CIA

EXCERPT 1 (ESR3) published in April, 2015  

For Russia, Ukraine isn’t a far away, god forsaken land that could be thrown out and forgotten after it has been used up. It is something that is very close and important indeed. US understood that, and that was the reason they latched on to Ukraine.

Certainly, US wanted revenge for Snowden and Syria, as well as for other fiascos, such as the Georgia war and failed Iran invasion, prevented by Russia in 2008. It is also a preemptive strike against Russia and China developing the BRICS and shifting away from the dollar. Most importantly, it is the strike against the new Eurasian Union, launched on January 1, 2015, now joined by Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia, with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan slanted to join soon. Despite the fact that all these countries, apart from Russia, have small economies, it is the Eurasian space that counts. Remember: “He who controls Eurasia, controls the world,” per Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Russians never made any secret of the fact that without Ukraine there can be no fully functioning Eurasian Union. Ukraine had a standing invitation to join. US had to do everything to prevent Ukraine from joining. This was the most important reason for the 2014 euro-maidan and subsequent violent Kiev coup.


Russians also never made any secret of their firm belief that the Russian people are the biggest divided ethnicity on our planet as a result of the 1991 split up of the USSR. The split-up is widely acknowledged to be an illegal handshake agreement between Yeltsin and the two ‘leaders’ of Belarus and Ukraine. Most others, except the Baltics, which seceded before that, just followed suit.

After the hand-shake split up of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in 1991, the initial idea was to re-create the Commonwealth of the Independent States where the republics would be able to interact and continue enjoying the same economic, cultural and political relationships as before, but voluntarily and without being obligated to do so. This was extremely naïve. In reality, once you destroy something – expect external interests and personal ambitions of local powers that be to move into the void left behind. Western interests were in immediately. Local politicians and the newly born class of oligarchs finally felt free from centralized oversight that kept them in check. Together these forces began the process of trying to separate from the “Mother Russia.” The reason for that is very easy to understand: for those who crave power at any cost, and who don’t care for the well-being of their people and country, it is better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond.

Myths were invented, as we are seeing now in Ukraine, that they were separate, and never even close to Russia in any shape or form. But that wasn’t enough, since the influence and pull of the Russian and Soviet culture continued being overwhelming.

For the many people living on the territory of these republics, and not just Russians, Belorussians and Ukrainians, but also members of other ethnicities who didn’t plan to break up, it became an utter shock and something they never made peace with. It became a gaping wound and severe confusion and abandonment issues, together with resentment against Russia, developed out of it. That gaping hole of confusion and resentment, plus severe money shortage as a result of the ‘90s crisis and oligarch privatization was quickly filled by the US/EU/Polish propaganda, Islamic fundamentalism, extreme nationalism, and fascism – depending on the area of the former USSR. This was in fact unavoidable.

Many have been blaming Russia for not taking care to stay in the former republics, at least informationally. But the truth is that Russia really never left the republics informationally. Russian presence remained in cultural form, primarily through TV, radio, movies and papers. Russian TV programming was, and continues being, offered in most former republics, except perhaps the Baltics, and as of 2014, also Ukraine. Even in the Baltics it hasn’t been absent entirely, since those interested could always catch some shows from nearby St. Petersburg.

And we can confidently say that the pull and influence of the Great Russian culture was, and continues being, very strong.

However, Russia, since the ‘90s was fighting demons of her own. And that generated even more confusion for the rest of the republics. All of a sudden the underpinning of their mutual relationship, that thing that united everyone: the common past and common achievements as part of the USSR, the common language  and culture – suddenly all that became a big question mark as Russians themselves questioned their own heritage.

This was the incredibly fertile ground for the blossoming of the extreme and sometimes violent nationalism in each of these territories. Depending on the region, such nationalism would often turn into a violent denial of anything to do with the USSR and Russia. The best known forms of such violent ultra-nationalism are: the ‘mild euro-fascism’ of the Baltics; the ukro-nazis together with the Kiev junta in Ukraine; Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism fed by al-Qaeda and financed by US/UK/Saudis in Chechnya and Northern Caucasus; roaming bands of drug traffickers in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, who seep through porous Afghani borders, covering up their activities with extreme Islam slogans.

Understanding all that, US targeted the vulnerabilities and vices. Confusion, resentment, greed, pride and deep-seated unresolved issues are the weapons the US uses all over the world. Ukraine proved to be an extremely easy target.

Why Ukraine?

After the breakup of the USSR, the majority of Ukrainians had identity confusion, some feeling abandoned by Russia, others angry and violent, yet others trying to find an alternative vision for their country. As the dark forces in the form of oligarchs and various criminals took over, the western Ukraine nazis started a slow crawling invasion. More and more of them were moving into the traditionally Russian speaking and Russian thinking areas, such as Kharkov, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk. Extremist Jewish organization called Chabad moved into Ukraine and started spreading its influence as well.

MSM, NGOs, school history books were changed to reflect the ‘Russia is the invader and enemy of Ukraine’ hoax. Before long, a new generation of Russia-hating Russians and Malorussians (often referred to as Ukrainians) emerged. But even that didn’t convert enough people as still in 2007 the Gallup poll indirectly confirmed that Russian was the native language and first language choice for over 80% of Ukrainians.

Still, the mass pre-programming was quietly sitting, waiting to be activated. This Manchurian Candidate programming was turned on like a switch when the signal was given. The signal was the Kiev euro-maidan and the February 22, 2014 coup. After that, the relatively reasonable Ukrainians quickly turned into Russian-speaking, Russian-culture Russophobes and Russia-bashers.

The shadow CIA chief, George Friedman (Stratfor CEO) has recently openly admitted that pitting different countries against each other with the idea of weakening other countries in order to advance US interests worldwide was the US weapon of choice. The good old divide and conquer.


Next, a new class appeared in these republics. They still cared about being a big fish in a small pond, but even more so, they cared for big, big money – and for something else.

Enter the US. According to Victoria Nuland, Assistant US State Secretary in charge of Eurasia (US State Dept) and well-known neocon, US spent $5bln so subvert Ukraine. She bragged about that during the Washington Press Club meeting in December 2013. The videos of her bragging were initially posted all over YouTube, but soon they disappeared. However, millions managed to see them and spread the word before they vanished.

Note, $5 bln is just the official number! How much was paid quietly, under the table, through slush funds? How much was funneled through NGOs? How much went through the Soros foundation? How much went through Chabad? Who did the US pay these astronomical amounts to? The names aren’t a big secret.


EXCERPT 2 (ESR2) first published in Febr. 2014; expanded and updated in Febr. 2016

Collapse: Post-Soviet Republics vs Russia

To understand the background of the Ukrainian situation and its artificial Russophobia, it’s useful to look at other post-Soviet republics.

During Soviet days, the neighboring Moldova was in mint condition due to constant infusions of resources by the Russian Federation – the same thing that happened in Ukraine and other Soviet republics. Brezhnev in particular had a soft spot for Moldova as he worked there at one point. Originally, Brezhnev was from Ukraine, and he heavily invested in Ukraine as well. Russia promoted local cultures and heavily invested into industrialization of ALL 14 Soviet republics, including in large part the Baltics: Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.  The same ones who love to talk about how “Russians oppressed them.”

After the USSR collapse, Russia withdrew from all former republics to deal with her own problems, and as a result most republics quickly became poor and destitute.

Moldova’s elections are coming up and the country is being torn between the EU and Eurasian Union. While the majority of the population wants to be a part of the Eurasian Union, the elites are dragging the country towards EU and towards absorption by Romania. The amount of anti-Russian propaganda in Moldova is mind-boggling as well. In 1990-1992 Moldova went through today’s Ukraine scenario, on a smaller scale. The result was that the richest, most industrialized and productive part of then Moldavian SSR, Pridnestrovie, seceded. Presently, other parts of Moldova are threatening to secede, especially Gagauzia and the north. (Find more on that in Lada Ray YT Channel videos).

Incidentally, neither Latvia nor Estonia ever existed as separate states. These were territories that passed from Germany and Sweden to Russia as a purchase or based on a peace treaty. I could go much deeper in history, but suffice it to say that it was Lenin, who for the first time gave Latvia and Estonia a status of independent ‘states.’ These ‘states’ only exist thanks to Lenin’s decree. Others, such as Ukraine, only existed as ‘Soviet Socialist Republics’ in the context of the Soviet Union. Lenin was the ‘founding father’ of their respective nations. It’s interesting that instead of adoring Lenin, all these ‘independent and democratic nations’ hate him pretty viciously and destroy his monuments. Just shows the level of reasons and lucidity of these people.

Out of 14 republics (excluding the Russian Federation), only Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan, and perhaps also Turkmenistan, managed to preserve their Soviet-built enterprises, making them pay in the new era. Belarus also managed to build and expand on its Soviet heritage, creating the so-called ‘Belorussian miracle.’ Belarus succeeded due to a cozy relationship with Russia, therefore getting gas at heavily discounted prices, making its exports very competitive. The latter three did well enough due to their own huge reserves of oil and gas, previously discovered and industrialized by Russia.

Another location that managed to preserve its Soviet inheritance is the break-away republic of Pridnestrovie (formerly part of Moldavia) – but without any oil or gas.

The rest squandered their Soviet inheritance to various degrees. However, like spoiled brats, some of them blamed Russia for their own mistakes and thievery. The spoiled brats in this case are Georgia, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine. These are all former republics that look to the West. When the USSR fell apart they lost Russia as that ‘parent’ that took care of them, oftentimes spoiling them by giving them more than leaving for herself. Now brats want to latch onto the next ‘surrogate parent’ – EU. The goal is to take, giving little in return. However, the West doesn’t work that way. They won’t give anything for free, in fact they like to take more than they give. Meanwhile, Russia also learned her lesson and doesn’t want to squander her resources for nothing any more.

Thus, the countries that are used to latching on to someone stronger are left in the cold. This breeds irrational hatred that can be maliciously manipulated.

Here is a crucial point to understand about Russia! Unlike the Western empires, such as UK, US, Spain and France, who looted and drained resources of those countries they conquered, Russia drained herself to give to her satellites. Such imbalance had to end badly: on Russia’s side, due to the resentment of the core Russian population; on the side of the republics, due to their sense of absolute entitlement.

As a result, in the 1990s – 2000s, a very strange situation developed, when Russia still supplied Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine and Moldova with gas, based on the heavily subsidized Soviet-entitlement-style prices, and in return, Russia got bashing, backstabbing and direct provocations from said republics. At the very same time, large parts, if not most populations of these republics spoke Russian and lived off Russian tourism and banking.

A great example of this is the Baltics: Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. The same three Baltic republics, plus Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia, while displaying animosity and openly threatening Russia with NATO expansion, happily continued exporting massive amounts of their products to Russia. This ended recently when Russia adopted a new import policy and embargo.

Subsidizing all these republics was all fine and good while USSR was doing well, but since it took away the resources from Russia proper and gave them disproportionately to the periphery, discontent grew in Russia just before and during the USSR collapse. This generated a desire to be separate from the former ethnic republics in Russia proper, which didn’t help with the general relationship with said republics. Russia eventually recovered and started doing on average better than during Soviet times, thus proving that Russian resources had been indeed drained by the periphery subsidies.

But at the same time that Russia withdrew from the republics, US advisors, Soros, NGOs and NWO neocon/neoliberal influences moved in. Presently, we are observing the disastrous results of Russia’s withdrawal from the geopolitically important territories.

However, eventually the pull of Russia, affinity with her culture and worldview, combined with the economic benefits of working in Russia, proved to be so enormous that before long, massive numbers of immigrants from former Soviet republics flooded Russian cities and countryside.

The ignorant president of the USA, Obama, in a speech designed to calm down the Baltics (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania), recently stated that Russia is so bad that no one wants to live there.

In reality, Russia is #2 country in the world for immigration after USA. At this rate, it will become #1 pretty soon. Massive numbers of residents of various post-Soviet republics work in Russia as guest workers. This especially concerns Ukraine (5.5mln Ukrainians out of arguably 39 million population: 45mln minus 2mln in Crimea and 4 mln in DNR and LNR) and Moldova (700,000+ out of 3.6 mln population). Kyrgyzstan and Armenia numbers are even higher as 1/2 of the population or more work in Russia. Large numbers immigrate from Georgia, Korea, and Central Asia. There are over 3 million Chinese immigrants in Russia. There is growing immigration from the West as well.

Meanwhile, up to 1/2 of the population of the Baltics immigrated to the West. Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are empty.

Western Propaganda in Ukraine; how Hatred Was Ignited and Maintained

The Western style propaganda war was unleashed in the oligarch and Western NGO-controlled Ukrainian media throughout the 1990s and 2000s. It has culminated between 2004 Orange Revolution and now. Soros-sponsored history books rewrote the entire history of Ukraine to prove that Ukrainians were completely separate from Russians. Western-trained journalists and Western-sponsored newspapers and TV have been promoting “western values’ and bashing anything Russian for over 20 years.

Most journalists from Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries were trained in Poland. Poland acted, and still does, as the massive training camp for anti-Russian media, opposition politicians and color revolutionary training (meaning how to throw Molotov cocktails more effectively and how to set buildings on fire). Trainers in these training seminars and camps are almost exclusively American, Canadian or British. Russian TV did some stories on these secret seminars held oftentimes in an inconspicuous Polish neighborhood. They obtained the lists of instructors with clearly English-sounding names. When they tried to film the inside through the window or glass door, the curtains would be drawn immediately or the door barricaded – all that caught on film.

As some of you may recall, just recently Poland was also implicated in the secret CIA prison and illegal torture scandal. CIA kidnapped people by thousands and shipped them to Polish secret prisons, where US torture laws didn’t apply, in violation, I might add, of the EU laws.

As a result of this massive subversion of Ukraine, the old spites have been brought out of the woodwork and spun in the media to suit agendas alien to simple Ukrainians. Most of these spites belonged to the western-Ukraine nazis, humiliated as a result of their defeat in WWII together with Hitler; others were the old spites of Poland or Lithuania whose past imperial ambitions were defeated more than once by Russia. These irrelevant spites were imposed on the rest of Ukraine.

It is clear that $5 billion Victoria Nuland was bragging about that US spent ‘to subvert Ukraine,’ wasn’t all they spent over the years. They had to pay off the sell-out journalists, fiction ‘history’ book creators, politicians, and let’s not forget the equipping, training and financing the ukro-nazis from western Ukraine.

The West also had to feed the greediest of them all: Ukraine oligarchs who have been controlling and strangling the poor Ukraine since 1991. Poroshenko – real name Valtsman – is one of them. Valtsman Sr., the father of the Ukraine president, was an underground millionaire and crook from Odessa, who served several years in jail for stealing goods by the trainload during Soviet times. Greed runs in the family.

Incidentally, Ukraine’s president Poroshenko is one of the oligarchs controlling the media. He famously said that he would never sell the Channel 5 he owns. Here is the fact he doesn’t even try to hide: through his Channel 5 he had been influencing the public opinion during the 2004 Orange Revolution, throughout the 2014 Maidan and subsequent presidential election. So do a handful of other oligarchs controlling the country.

The scale of the lies of the Ukraine media can only be compared to the German Nazi propaganda. Some believe they have gone much further. As much as the Western MSM propaganda is mind-boggling, Ukraine today takes the cake. Russians are constantly accused of invasion, despite the fact that to this day, not a shred of evidence, nor a single picture, footage, or any other conclusive document has been presented. Ukraine MSM routinely lies, showing the Donbass self-defense, consisting of local citizens and volunteers from other countries, including Serbia, France and Spain, and calling it Russian troops. Kiev MSM routinely lies that the Donbass self-defense has shot at local citizens (their own families, in other words) and blew up their own houses. With that, the footage shown would be that of the destruction caused by the Ukraine army shelling. According to the Kiev media, the mass graves found in Donbass occurred because those people killed themselves with their hands tied behind their backs, then neatly dug out graves and buried themselves. Why hasn’t Himmler thought of this! Yeah, I forgot, Himmler was a bit smarter than that.

Meanwhile, Ukraine army openly hired well-paid mercenaries, including those from Poland, Georgia, Romania, Sweden, and other Western countries. Some of these mercenaries bombed innocent civilians in Donbass. Per reports, various US advisors still work by thousands in Ukraine.

At the same time, Ukrainians started officially referring to Russians as ‘Moskali’ – derogatory ‘from Moscow.’ By that logic, citizens of Siberia are also from Moscow. This is a direct attempt to incite hatred. This is also done to diminish anyone who is Russian – after all, Moscow is rather small compared to the entire Russian territory.

Click for complete reports!

ESR3 published in April, 2015  


ESR2 first published in Febr. 2014; expanded and updated in Febr. 2016


More on collapse in






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“I never orchestrated color revolution in Russia” My Twitter exchange with US ex-ambassador McFaul

US ex-ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul (Michael McFaul – Wikipedia), has been complaining on Twitter that he was banned from entering Russia, lamenting that ‘Kremlin has put him on the return sanctions list as Obama’s friend.’ This happened in response to Obama expanding sanctions list against Russians AFTER US ELECTIONS. Basically, Obama, this lamest of the ducks, decided to leave a poison pill, or a time bomb, if you will, for Trump by making as many negative moves against Russia as possible, while he’s still in office. Call him and Democrats sore losers, or something worse… this speaks loudly of what kind of person Obama is.

You know I never respond to this kind of stuff and I never get into fights with anyone on social media. But one of McFaul’s tweets really annoyed me. Here it is:

Nov 12

У меня сотни друзей в России. мне очень жаль, что эти санкции усложнят мое общение с людьми.

Translation: I have hundreds of friends in Russia. It is such a shame that these sanctions will complicate my communication with the people.

To that I replied:

Really? Who needs enemies with such friends. Shouldn’t have tried so hard to orchestrate in .

Michael McFaul replied:

Nov 12   Michael McFaul Retweeted Lada Ray

I never tried to orchestrate color revolution in Russia. .

I replied:

Nov 13

Yes, and really work. You, and should know.

This little exchange generated a minor storm of both pro and con tweets. There was a tweet that implied that ‘Russian people wanted Kiev-style maidan and color revolution against the Kremlin regime.’ Riiight, and this is why Putin’s approval rating is anywhere between 84% and 90%. Another said something to the effect that ‘they are afraid of your very presence in Russia, Michael.’ Because, you know, his very presence can ignite a revolution against the bad Moscow regime, lol.

In other words, the drivel you expect to hear from the sold-out and brainwashed neo-liberal crowd. The funny part is that a lot of these replies came in Russian. Kiev junta shills and Hillary/Soros payroll at work? They don’t get it how pathetic they sound and that their time has passed. They intend to cling to their past privileges for dear life. Pathetic they may be – to me, anyway – but they are still very, very dangerous, and they can cause a lot of damage (we’ll talk more about that in future webinars and articles).

Another tweet said that it was a pity he failed to orchestrate color revolution in Russia – he should have. That specific tweet reply was also in Russian. In other words, such tweets clearly showed WHO are in fact those hundreds of friends McFaul supposedly has in Russia: those who wish Russia ill, who dream of a civil war and the destruction of Russia.

As you know, I don’t promote hate speech and various trolls, so I won’t post the aforementioned tweets. Authors of such tweets were blocked on Twitter.

Meanwhile, others posted the following perceptive tweets:

Krylov Sergey@McFaul @LadaTweets а если бы это было правдой вы бы признались Майкл?

Translation: and if it were the truth, would you have admitted it, Michael?

Zoya Bolgar@McFaul @GeoffPyatt  right

(Lada says: Geoffrey Pyatt is US ambassador to Ukraine, who, together with Nuland, orchestrated Kiev maidan and 2014 coup.)

Brunhilde Brunftig@LadaTweets @McFaul #Crimea a River, Micheal 😀

Виталий Геджашвили:  @McFaul  Не мычи! Это просто смешно, хотел,не хотел ,какая разница, ты людям не нужен живи в Америке @LadaTweets

Translation: Stop whining! This is pathetic: I did, I didn’t, who cares, no one wants you here (in Russia), stay in the US.

Иван Михайлович@McFaul u never tried, or didn’t succeed?)

Lada’s conclusion:

I don’t know Mr. McFaul personally. I can see how he could be a pleasant enough man in the everyday sense. He may even be a good companion. This is not about his, or anyone else’s, personality. Obviously, McFaul has enough charisma to elicit sympathy and fool the sheeple. Therein lies a major danger for us all: if those who possess that charisma choose to use it for evil, they tend to obtain more power than they should. Then they can steer the world in the wrong direction.

Individuals like McFaul and Obama, guided by their warped and harmful view of the world, nearly succeeded in bringing us all to the brink of WWIII. They are known to regularly start wars all over the globe. They have succeeded in pitting two intrinsic parts of the same people, Russians and Ukrainians, against each other. The worst thing: they are not getting what they have done (as Putin put it in his UN speech) – and they never will!

Oh yes, and Mr. McFaul, you may have ‘hundreds of friends in Russia’ who wish Russia’s destruction, but millions of Russians are awake and cannot be fooled. To them, you’ll never be a friend.

Meanwhile in Ukraine:

AKAIDA:  @LadaTweets Scandalous Poll: 84% of Ukrainians want Putin as their president.

Add to that recent presidential elections results in Bulgaria and Moldova, where pro-Russian, pro-their-countries sovereignty presidents just won.

You see, Mr. McFaul, this is what happens when your versions of EU and US begin withdrawing their tentacles and when the aggressive West’s grip on other countries diminishes: the true affinities of the people immediately come through.

Unlike you, Mr. McFaul, I know THOUSANDS of fabulous people in the West, and they all want peace; they don’t want US and EU to interfere in other countries’ affairs; they want to live as friends and cooperative partners with Russia and other countries. They reject your version of the world. The good news, that warped and outdated world of yours is waning, and the new world, based on completely different principles, is emerging.

Dear friends and followers, stay tuned for more on these developments! New books, articles, videos and webinars by Lada Ray coming your way!

I really value your continued fabulous support!

Some closing intel:

Russian ex-economy minister Alexey Ulyukaev, arrested yesterday in Russia on major corruption charges, was, per inside analyst circles, a protege and creation of Michael McFaul, ambassador to Russia 2012-2014. Read my latest: Putin Makes His Move! Russian Economy Minister Alexey Ulyukaev Arrested for Corruption.

And another one: after Trump’s win, McFaul infamously said that the biggest loser of Trump election is Ukraine.

For once I agree, but not Ukraine, Michael. Rather your version of it: the Ukraine Nazi junta that all these Obamas, Nulands, McFauls and Pyatts supported. Ukrainian people will be HUGE winners.



2-Part ADDENDUM TO ESR16 Lada Ray’s final US Election Predictions




Your Personal Feng Shui Empowerment & Success Report by Lada Ray

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Lada Ray Analysis: Brazil senate impeaches Dilma Rousseff; Plus Eurasia Breaking News

dilma impeachment

It happened exactly as predicted in Brazil Color Revolution: Lada Ray Report & Predictions!

Once they’ve got her, they won’t let her go!

Brazil senate’s clear majority voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, removing her from power. The pro-US right-wing Michel Temer will serve the rest of her term as president till 2018. RT video link.

US analysts tout Brazil as ‘vibrant democracy.’ I see it just a tiny bit differently: Dilma Rousseff, president voted into power by 54 million Brazilians, has been removed from power by 81 senators. This is a slow and incidiously quiet state coup, which has nothing to do with democracy (read full analysis in the report linked above).

 There are many parallels with Ukraine and the 2014 coup. Albeit, Brazilian coup is so far a great deal more peaceful.

Meanwhile, who are the judges? 60% of Brazil senate members and lawmakers are under investigation for corruption.

Will Brazilian people wake up and protest? Is anti-color revolution possible?

They will probably protest, and perhaps even vigorously. Alas, it’s a little late. They’d missed their best chance, which they had when the whole thing began. Incidentally, the same way as Ukrainians missed their chance to nip the Kiev coup in the bud in 2014.

It’s too late to revert back to the past. At this point, the country will have to go through a full cycle of learning from its mistakes. Dilma may have another chance in 2018, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. US and pro-US forces had worked years on orchestrating this coup. Once they got power into their hands, they won’t let it go that easily. It’ll take years for Brazil to redefine itself and reshape its economy, finances, social relations. I can only hope that after vigorous soul-searching Brazil will come out of this crisis a winner.

However, for the next few years I expect Brazil to be one huge mess (this is for those clients who have asked me if it was a good idea to move to Brazil).

For full analysis I strongly recommend my original report: Brazil Color Revolution: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika, Rio Olympics and BRICS. Lada Ray Report & Predictions

Let’s review my June 30, 2015 article – just as timely today: New Best Friends? The Truth Behind Obama and Brazil President Dilma Rousseff Trying to Make Up



From Armenia

While all this is happening in Brazil, on the opposite side of the planet, in Armenia, a new color revolution is brewing. This has been in the making for years, especially intensified since Armenia joined Eurasian Union. I’d warned about it since 2014. The details and proof have emerged of a deep and hands-on involvement of the US State Dept and CIA in the destabilization of Armenia. The info has been released by the Association of Armenians Abroad. The organization warns Armenian government that it’s on collision course with repeating a Ukraine scenario.

I discuss in detail the 5 Armenia color revolution attempts in the past 2 years and who’s behind them in my recent:



(Color Revolutions in Central Asia & Caucasus)


Check it out if you haven’t yet!

The new multiple material proof of the close involvement of the US in the color revolution attempts in Armenia is pretty damning. I’ll make an effort to translate and release that material soon.

From Donetsk, DNR (DPR)

A similar disclosure regarding US activity in Donbass has been made by a different source. This disclosure is about an arm of USAID and UKAID (UK arm), an NGO called ‘People in Need.’ This organization recently asked for license to ‘help people of Donbass.’ Donetsk/DNR authorities authorised their permit. The independent investigators have discovered that ‘People in Need’ has been involved in subversive activity and anti-Russian propaganda in several countries, including Czechia, Ukraine and Russia. Under the guise of humanitarian help in Donetsk and vicinity, they recruit anti-Russian propagandists, internet trolls/shills and sleeper terrorist cells.

Stay tuned for the follow up on these breaking stories!



Many have asked me when I’ll release my next Earth Shift Report


The report is coming to you soon. I intend to take several days off writing for FT to finish it and release it. I’ll still be around to approve your FT comments.

I’ve also promised some articles in response to reader questions. I haven’t forgotten and I’ll try to release them throughout this month as a window of free time appears.

Please stay tuned as more’s coming your way! 


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Huge Breaking News! Russia Adopts Simplified New Citizenship Law!


I frequently get asked how to move to Russia and especially how to obtain Russian citizenship. As the Western World’s crisis intensifies, as the upcoming uncertainty becomes more obvious, this question is more and more on people’s mind.

Moving to Russia is not a problem if you have a skill or talent Russians value and if you can obtain gainful employment where employer would vouch for you; if you open a business, which provides jobs and pays taxes; if you have certain material assets.

As to the Russian citizenship, until recently, all I could say was that it was VERY hard to obtain. The requirements included residing in Russia for 6 years (1 year + 5 years with residency permit), holding a good job where an employer would vouch for you, plus passing the Russian language and history test. The most discouraging thing for millions of aspirants was that the old law applied to everyone equally, regardless of their circumstances. Of course there are always exceptions, such as a speedy citizenship for Gérard Depardieu, which I can certainly understand. 😉

After what happened in the late 1980s and 1990s, including a huge drainage of valuable talent and skill, when millions moved to the West where they were paid more (some have returned already), plus the fracturing of the Russian world, when the estimated 25 million Russians became stuck in often unfriendly regimes, a knee jerk reaction made Russia very reticent about accepting anyone back easily.

I’ve been expecting the new citizenship law for years. A few years ago I was in talks with the Russian embassy in the US, advising them that they really needed to do something about their tough citizenship laws. I told them that they would immediately get a lot of valuable specialists, should they finally liberalize the Russian citizenship requirements! Looks like my message got across to the right people.

The law isn’t as comprehensive and broad as many hoped, but it’s a giant leap forward. Many – yours truly included – thought Russians were way too slow in adopting the new citizenship law. However, there were legitimate reasons for this extreme caution.

And it’s better late than never! I anticipate that the surprise news with which the Russian government just came out will generate a stampede of those desirous to move to Russia and obtain Russian citizenship. I keep hearing from my international contacts that several hundred thousand Russian Germans residing in Germany are awaiting their permits to repatriate to Russia. The Russian Germans are German nationals whose ancestors used to lived in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

I hear from various Russians residing in the US, usually scientists, techies, art and sports professionals, that they can’t wait for an opportunity to return to Russia. Don’t even get me started on how many millions want to leave Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as various Eastern Europe countries!

This is mega-news, and while the newly adopted law isn’t as broad as was initially proposed and it doesn’t apply to all categories that are hoping for Russian citizenship, it opens the floodgates for millions to emigrate to Russia. The expected immediate impact is 2-3 million applicants.

Actually, at this point let me pause for a second and enjoy picturing George Soros squirming from the news. As you know, enjoying anyone, even that entity, suffering is not my style, but here I think it’s rather appropriate. After all, Soros – the pointman of the dark NWO agenda – throughout 1980s-2000s had made it his life’s mission to drain Russia of all resources, including the most valuable resource, her people, to feed then growing NWO machine.

The next step would have been the dismemberment and destruction of the World’s Great Balancer, Russia, followed by a wholesale re-writing of history to eliminate for the future generations the truth of Russia’s role and very existence. In the long bygone eras this had already happened more than once; the truth of our real origins and roots was deleted, while lies were inserted in our psyche. As it is, we presently live in the 90% falsified history, and only faint echos of truth still exist in our languages and lore, visible only to those who know where to look. For just a small hint of the truth read my piece Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

According to the master plan, the destruction of Russia would have been followed by the complete and final takeover of the world by what we came to call NWO: the New World Order.

As I predicted in ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?, it is now turning into the ‘old world order.’

It appeared in the ’90s and throughout 2000s Soros and his cronies have almost succeeded. It was only after Vladimir Putin came to power that the trend began reversing in earnest. Helped by all those of us who saw where the wind was blowing, he thwarted their careful plans and this is the real reason Putin is so universally feared and hated by the Western elites. This is also the reason he is so universally loved and supported in Russia and all over the world.

The way the new simplified Russian citizenship law has been worded, it primarily targets those who reside in the West, especially US, Canada, UK, Germany, France and EU in general. Therefore, this is the law that targets valuable professionals, people with assets and Western know-how.

It also targets some people residing in the post-Soviet space, especially the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – all members of the EU and NATO) and to a smaller degree, Ukraine, Caucasus, Belarus and Central Asia..

I’ll soon have a detailed report about the new Russian citizenship law & how it works.

It’ll come out in a different format than my usual FT articles and ESRs. 

Stay tuned for my big announcements in July and August!



Lots of major geopolitical and Earth Shifting events happening as we speak! These include the historic SCO summit, Putin’s China visit and Turkey/Erdogan’s apology to Russia. A new article and a new Earth Shift Report on these events coming your way this and next week!


To conclude: WOW! My ESR12 BREXIT aftermath predictions began materializing immediately after the UK referendum, including attempts to delay or reverse the results, fights inside the UK, revolts in the EU and Scotland independence referendum 2.0! My BREXIT aftermath analysis coming soon; it’ll become a written addendum to ESR12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU!


Read my FREE article: 

BREXIT Results and Massive New Global Trends


For a complete and clear picture, including BREXIT aftermath, EU, TTIP, TPP, US, Russia, China, Eurasia & much more, watch comprehensive

Special Predictions Video EARTH SHIFT REPORT 12


 1 predictions ESR12




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Dear readers & fans

A few days ago I’ve released my newest comprehensive video Earth Shift Report 9: 


In case you are new to FuturisTrendcast and to Earth Shift Report, or if you’d like a review,

please allow me to share a few important details and updates!

This is direct link to the main EARTH SHIFT REPORT page!

Here is how Earth Shift Report works:

Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Reports are supported exclusively by reader donations. Your donation will be used to continue delivering FREE content on and YT, on site/blog security, and to purchase recording equipment for Lada Ray YT channel.

Click on each report banner on the general Earth Shift Report page or on home page to donate and read or watch!

As of today, there are 9 published Earth Shift Reports. Most of the 9 reports are written, complete with maps and pics to fully illustrate the point. Sometimes throughout the report included also are additional supporting videos (oftentimes they are in Russian or in other language, with my translation). I know my readers love the written format. However, the video documentary format often offers more visual interest and flexibility.

Two of the reports are video-based:



I am presently preparing the next surprise ESR, which should be out next week!

Click on title to watch the latest



(Color Revolutions in Central Asia & Caucasus)


New ESR9 format:

While new for Earth Shift Report, ESR9 format is much like the style of my free video reports on Lada Ray YT channel. It’s pretty straightforward and includes my narrated analytics, intel and predictions, plus, as usual, maps, pics and images, helping me illustrate my point in a dynamic, more interactive than reading, format. You have the flexibility of watching videos accompanied by images, or simply listening to audio.

These are ESR9 stats:

FULL VIDEO REPORT LENGTH: 3 hours 6 minutes. 
This one of a kind comprehensive video report includes narrated analysis and hot intel by Lada Ray, complete with supporting mini-documentaries, pics and maps.
For your viewing and bookmarking convenience and so you could easily return to it any time you wanted, Lada Ray’s narrated video report has been divided by topic into 6 self-containing segments, ranging in length between 16 and 46 minutes. Included also are 2 mini-documentaries (7 and 13 min in length). 

Earth Shift Reports are Copyright Lada Ray. The videos are hosted by Vimeo and password protected. 

NOTE: while the report length is substantial, it is rather easy to listen to. My style is informative and engaging. I guarantee this report will open your eyes to knowledge you’ve never known, and perhaps, you’ll even get entertained in the process. Besides, as mentioned above, the videos are divided into smaller segments for your convenience. You can always watch incrementally, by topic. Just bookmark the report page and return to it later. Should you forget how, you can always email us using private contact form and we will happily connect you with the right link!

I received a question as to how Vimeo works and why I use it for video hosting. In case any of you have the same question, here is what I replied:

‘Vimeo is an alternative to YouTube with customized, secure and private features for video hosting. I began using it for Earth Shift Reports due to the fact that ESR4 was stolen from YT and illegally distributed; I had to file copyright violation claims, etc.

Have you been able to watch ESR9 videos yet? It’s super-easy! Once you’ve donated, you’ll be directed to the report page, as usual (see details on how it works on ESR9 donation page). Once inside the report page, all you have to do is cut and paste password provided onto each video (where it says ‘password required’) and click on video (as you’d usually do on YT) to watch right there on the ESR9 report page! We have full screen option for your viewing pleasure!

As to my two mini-documentaries included with the report – just click on each screen – no password needed for those!


Let me know if you need further clarification and happy watching!:)

How payment / donation works

To read or watch your ESRs, please click on Donate button on top of that particular ESR payment page. You can donate any amount (suggested min. donation is between $5 and $25 US for most reports, but greater donations appreciated); all credit or debit cards and PayPal accepted. It’s easy, private and secure! Your info is never shared with anyone for any reason!

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What if you are unable to use PayPal or what if your country’s government is blocking payments?

I’ve received worrying emails from two Japanese fans who complain that they are unable to donate via PayPal. Then we discovered that Japanese government is creating obstacles for its citizens’ international transactions. A new article on that is coming! 

There are other countries that may do something similar.

We intend to keep PayPal because we find it so very convenient for most countries’ transactions (and remember, in many countries you usually don’t need a PayPal account!).

But for those who cannot do it through PayPal for whatever reason, we are currently looking into secure and reputable alternatives! I’ll admit, I’ve been asked by many fans and readers to set up Bitcoin button for my Earth Shift Reports and Consultations, but – sorry to say – was too lazy to get it done; and then there are these pesky little things we usually call ‘life.’

I solemnly promise that this time I’ll take it seriously. We are looking into setting up the Bitcoin payment alternative, as well as other potential alternatives (such as Qiwi, which is an international Russian service: Wikipedia) for all ESRs and Consultations.

To the above list, soon we also plan to add our new SHOP & Lada Ray online WORKSHOPS. All that will be posted on

I’ll have a separate announcement soon! Stay tuned for the news on the donation/payment options front!


It takes much time & effort to produce each Earth Shift Report!

Please donate and watch ESR9, and read other Earth Shift Reports!

This will tell me that you want me to continue creating them!


As always, my sincere gratitude for all those who support my work regularly, and who read & watch my Earth Shift Reports! This means a lot!


Here is the full list of topics discussed in VIDEO ESR9


(PLUS! Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Caucasus & Central Asia. Hot intel from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)

PART 1: Kazakhstan’s ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution

Analysis of the Foiled Kazakhstan ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution of May 21, 2016 (my term).
Explained: Kazakhstan’s Land Reform and proposed sale of agricultural lands to foreigners as the pretext to ignite tensions and set population on fire. (Recall Kiev Maidan slogan of ‘getting rid of oligarchs and corruption.’)
China’s supposed involvement
How I see it: the real situation with China vs. hyped-up fears

Who is really behind this color revolution: Soros, US NGOs (Endowment for Democracy, USAID, etc.), social media IP addresses traced to the US, etc.
Ukraine, Turkey and ISIS involvement
How it was done: no apparent leaders – most subversive ‘news’ and announcements made via YouTube, Twitter & Facebook. Molotov cocktails, subversive literature, money, weapons, vodka stashes

PART 2: Aktobe terror attacks. Why Kazakhstan was chosen for color revolution & attacks.
Hot Russia & Central Asia Intel

On the border with Russia: Why Kazakhstan’s fastest growing city of Aktobe (Aktyubinsk) was chosen for terrorist attacks on June 5, 2016. I put you in the middle of the action and explain in detail, with maps and specifics, why.

The attack on Pallada gun shop and killing of the Ukrainian-Russian salesman, plus, the mourning and funeral – with pics.

Attack on the military/national guard barracks, bus hijacking, etc.Why was specifically Kazakhstan, with its stronger military and central power, singled out for the color revolution and terror attacks? Why not a weaker Central Asian state such as Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan?

How Russia is key to everything that goes on in the region: all about Russia’s interests, involvement, role and more.

Hot Central Asia intel: the real situation in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Mini-documentary 1: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan

Footage includes security op by authorities, arrests and found weapons (cut metal rods, grenades, Molotov cocktails), subversive literature, vodka, money, etc. This is a part of the documentary aired on Kazakh central TV. It directly names the culprits of the color revolution attempt: Soros, Endowment for Democracy, USAID and other US NGO’s, as well as US government. Other connections named in the documentary are: Ukraine’s fascist ‘right sector’ Islamist fundamentalists and ISIS. Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that Kazakhstan ‘won’t allow ‘Ukraine Maidan’ scenario in the country,’ thus indicating he knew very well where the wind blew from and was prepared to deal with it.

My EXCLUSIVE eye-witness mini-documentary 2: AKTOBE ATTACKS 

Complete, packed with action, on-the-ground coverage of what went on on June 5 in Aktobe. Several terrorist groups were involved, some of which attacked 2 gun shops, others – the military installation, yet others hijacked a bus with hostages and a police vehicle.
Panic in the city: note that this amateur footage was shot from different vantage points from lay people’s windows, balconies and from ground level. The whole thing is especially troubling because everything is happening in densely populated areas, where civilians could have been easily hurt, which, thankfully, didn’t happen.
The footage shows the gunmen, attack on gun shop Pallada, the hijacking of the bus with hostages, etc. The opening footage was uploaded on YT by the terrorists themselves. It shows them in one of the hijacked vehicles, being chased by and shooting at police.

Part 3: Nazarbayev & Kazakh elites. Response to color revolution

President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s tough response: we won’t allow ‘Ukraine scenario.’
Authorities reaction to the color revolution and Aktobe attacks.
What was used as a pretext for riots.
Kazakhs aren’t fooled as to who’s really behind color revolution attempt.
Police, intelligence and national guard preparedness & actions during attacks and color revolution.
Russian advice?

Global downturn and why Kazakhstan’s Agricultural Land Reform was really planned.
Backtracking on the Agricultural Land Reform, firing/reprimand of ministers and placating of the population.

Nazarbayev and Kazakh elites.
The fight of Russian-speaking Kazakh elites vs. Kazakh-speaking elites.

The issue of the Russian-speaking, Christian population (Russians, Ukrainians and Russian-Germans). Past problems and what’s happening now.

Part 4: Complicated Game: War against Russia.
Russia as Global Balancer & why Kazakhstan is so important to Eurasia

This part contains my brand new EARTH SHIFT MATERIAL, never previously discussed in public! (Read about EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and Russia as the Great Balancer!)

How the global seesaw works.
Russia’s role as Global Balancer & Stabilizer – explained in pics & examples.
Why those who want to keep the world destabilized desperately need to do away with Russia.

Rocky relationship and falling out: US Empire vs. globalist elites (yes, you’ve heard me right!).
US – the globalist elites’ super-tool gone rogue.
War on several fronts and the breakup of the old world structures.
Would globalist elites actually prefer Russia to get stronger to curb US appetites?

Russia’s support system and the Eurasian armchair arrangement – explained in pics & examples.
Crucial importance of Kazakhstan and Belarus for Russia & Eurasia.

Russia/EAU-ASEAN Sochi Summit and how it’s related to the timing of Kazakh events.
Why did Putin go to Astana? Real reason EAU leaders gathered in Kazakhstan just after the foiled color revolution.

Eurasian Union, its development, goals & global role.
Who wants to prevent EAU from being built and why difficulties should be expected.

Part 5: Color Revolution Technology & 4 Armenia Destabilization Attempts.
Caucasus Intel: Armenia destabilization; Nagorno-Karabakh war; Azerbaijan conundrum; Georgia as US colony; (+ latest intel from Tajikistan)

Armenia’s many problems. One of the two newest EAU members and four attempts at Armenia destabilization.
Full analytics: Electric Maidan, anti-president Sargsyan protests and a change to ‘parliamentary republic.’
Karabakh war and Russia-Armenia relations.
4 day April, 2016 Nagorno-Karabakh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia – qui bono?
Russia’s role in quelling the conflict.
How Putin played peacemaker between Armenia and Azerbaijan and why Armenians are peeved at Russia.
LA connection – who influences Armenia?

Azerbaijan: which way now: Russia vs. Turkey/ US? Prospects for joining EAU.
Georgia: US patsy. Will there be changes?

PLUS: let’s return to Central Asia.
On the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan: Tajikistan’s precarious position.
Republic or monarchy? President Rakhmon wants to pass his power to his son.

Part 6: The Devilish Poker. Wrap-up & Conclusions

Copyright June 11, 2016 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.



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Innovative, unique and comprehensive

Earth Shift Report 9 is here!

Watch it now!





Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Central Asia – Caucasus. Hot intel from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan


PART 1: Kazakhstan’s ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution (my term).

PART 2: Aktobe terror attacks. Why Kazakhstan was chosen for color revolution & attacks.
Hot Russia & Central Asia Intel.

Part 3: Nazarbayev & Kazakh elites. Kazakh vs. Russian-speaking elites. Tough response to color revolution. Agricultural Land Reform. Chinese factor.

Part 4: Complicated Game: War against Russia. Russia as Global Balancer & why Kazakhstan is so important to Eurasia.

This part contains my brand new EARTH SHIFT MATERIAL, never previously discussed in public!
(Read about EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and Russia as the Great Balancer!)

Part 5: Caucasus Intel: Electric color revolution and four Armenia destabilization attempts; Nagorno-Karabakh war; Azerbaijan conundrum; Georgia as US colony; (+ latest intel from Tajikistan).

Part 6: The Devilish Poker. Wrap-up & Conclusions.


Mini-documentary 1: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan – video proof

My EXCLUSIVE eye-witness mini-documentary 2: AKTOBE ATTACKS


FULL VIDEO REPORT LENGTH: 3 hours 6 minutes
This one of a kind comprehensive video report includes narrated analysis and hot intel by Lada Ray, complete with supporting mini-documentaries, pics and maps.
For your viewing and bookmarking convenience and so you could easily return to it any time you wanted, Lada Ray’s narrated video report has been divided by topic into 6 self-containing segments, ranging in length between 16 and 46 minutes. Included also are 2 mini-documentaries (7 and 13 min in length).

Copyright June 11, 2016 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.

Read complete report description




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Hot Earth Shift Report on the way! ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN: Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union?

Due to the hot news from Kazakhstan and other EAEU/post-Soviet areas,

I am releasing a new surprise Earth Shift Report 9!

6/11/2016 update: IT’S HERE! CLICK LINK TO WATCH NOW!

ESR9 – Attack on Kazakhstan: Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union?

(PLUS! Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Caucasus & Central Asia: intel from Armenia, Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)


Everything you ever wanted to know about the color revolution attempt in Astana, Almaty and other Kazakh cities on May 21, 2016. I’ve dubbed this attempted Kazakh Maidan: ‘The Agricultural Color Revolution.’ Find out why and how China is involved, but most importantly, how Ukraine, Turkey, ISIS, Soros, NGOs and US are involved.

We will also talk about the latest Aktobe terror attacks on June 5, 2016 and why specifically Aktobe was targeted. Who and why is sending a chilling message? Who’s pulling the strings and who’s the REAL target? How all this affects Russia and EAEU?

Kazakhstan is still on high alert and many shops and other organizations remain closed after the shocking attacks of June 5 in this country, previously considered one of the world’s most stable.

As usual, we’ll look at both: on the ground, local Kazakh intel, and the all-Eurasian and global situation.

For the first time in this report I will reveal certain crucial things about Russia and Kazakhstan’s role in Eurasia. This is brand new material, which is part of my EARTH SHIFT Theory, and of which I’ve never talked previously!

All this will give you the complete picture of what’s really going on!

The report contains a number of eye-witness videos straight from the source, interactive maps and pics and lots of rare intel, complete with my analysis. Lots of goodies in this one!

This is the surprise part: the format of this report is new, different and quite fresh. I think you’ll enjoy it very much. But you’ll have to see for yourself!

Watch now on! 


Also read related

ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Is Astana KZ New NWO capital?



SPRING 2016 UKRAINE REPORT! Nuclear Disaster, Elenovka Tragedy, War Against Memory, What Russia Wants

May Holidays and the dangerous spring 2016

This is a cold and dangerous spring of 2016. At least in Ukraine it is. So much is going on that I’ve decided to publish this new UKRAINE report in two parts.

Part 1 addresses a number of crucial new events and important threats facing Ukraine. These are:

1 The shocking Elenovka tragedy – a clear proof of Kiev breaking Minsk-2 peace agreement.

2 Polish and Ukrainian war against Russian monuments and their own history.

3. Chernobyl-2 in the making: persistent dire warnings of possible new nuclear disaster in Ukraine!

Also in this report:

4. The whole truth about Hitler and Nazi Germany.

5. What does Russia really want in Ukraine?

6. How Putin and Lavrov, through peaceful means and reason, outplayed Merkel and Hollande and why Poroshenko won’t be able to attack DNR and LNR.

7. A concise Lada Ray guide to Ukraine’s parts (See additional maps and complete explanation in ESR6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE.)

In addition:

8. Why the pristine Kherson Oblast I once knew is being turned into a disaster zone, being invaded by ISIS militants and the ‘right sector.’ More in the future Earth Shift Report: CRIMEAN AGENDA.

9. Worrying news from Odessa! City’s bracing for possible civil war on May 2 and May 9. The world’s eyes are on Odessa! Part 2 of this report, SPRING 2016 ODESSA REPORT, will put in perspective the dangerous events expected there.

10. Plus, a pre-announcement: upcoming surprise Earth Shift Report re. big changes in EU!


We are approaching May Holidays (RUS: Maiskie prazdniki) 

What is that? Maiskie prazdniki is the cumulative name for two holidays: May Day on May 1, which is celebrated as both the day of spring and nature and as the international day of worker solidarity, and May 9, or Victory Day, marking the end of WWII and the Russian victory. Both are very widely celebrated in the entire Russian World / post-Soviet space.

During this period the provocations and clashes in Ukraine are widely expected. Also expected are provocations in other post-Soviet and Eastern Europe countries.

Poland’s war against monuments to Soviet soldiers, those who died liberating Poland from fascism

Polish government is descending more and more into fascism. It has announced the dismantling of something like 500 monuments to Russian soldiers, who liberated Poland during WWII. Hundreds of thousands of Russian and other Soviet soldiers who gave their lives for Poland, had been buried on Polish land. In the past several years vandals desecrated many Russian burial sites and Polish authorities dismantled many Russian monuments. In fact, those local mayors who resist dismantling monuments experience threats from the government and Polish nationalists.

It has to be noted that some simple Poles have been writing to the Russian Foreign Ministry with apologies for the actions of the Polish vandals destroying the Russian soldiers’ graves all over the country and the Polish government destroying monuments. Some try to restore and protect them. I’ll refrain from posting the graphic images here, but you can find them online, or search for videos on YT.

In this post I wasn’t planning on invoking the obvious word: karma. But there will be consequences for such actions. I’m not talking about any ‘Russian vengeance’ here. Not at all. I am talking about divine justice.

Incidentally, I warned about Poland’s descent into madness, isolation and hatred since 2014. Back then, a Polish woman indignantly wrote to me that I had no idea what I was talking about, that Poland would never, blah, blah… And, oh, look: just a couple of years later – as predicted!

Their biggest fear is the United Eurasia: the plan to keep Europe and Russia separate 

The campaign of dismantling Russian monuments and other anti-Russian hysteria in Poland is accompanied with the usual BS about ‘Russian occupation.’

This convenient mantra was slapped together by the Transatlantic handlers for their current Eastern Europe vassals back in the 1960s-1980s. At that time it was used to tear as many countries as possible away from the USSR. Today it serves the purpose of artificially keeping the people of Eastern Europe and Russia apart. By stoking a fire wall of animosity between Russia and EU’s Eastern Europe members, the puppet masters are able to keep the Iron Curtain between Western Europe and Russia alive and well.

This is all a part of the same global game of weakening and isolating Russia from the rest of Europe. The creators of this lie are the same as the creators of anti-Russian sanctions and the ‘subversion’ of Ukraine. They will do anything to keep Russia and Europe apart. The thing they fear most is the re-unification of Eurasia into one continuous cooperative and mutually beneficial space – as it historically was and as it’s supposed to be.

In ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT I talk at length about Stratfor Baltic-Black Sea Plan and how Poland is being used to erect a new Iron Curtain between EU and Russia.

Please read ESR8 for a full picture, tying together the worrying events in Poland, Odessa, Pridnestrovie, Moldova, the Balkans and Caucasus. Nothing that happens in those convoluted for the Westerners parts, happens by accident!

The whole truth about Hitler and Nazi Germany

The destruction of Ukraine on all levels continues. A big part of it is the destruction of human memory, re-writing of the genetic code and own history. As Ukraine descends into fascist madness, it is simultaneously ‘decommunizing.’

Hmm… we’ve seen this before in one nice European country, called Germany. The outcome of the German Nazis’ all-consuming thirst for denial and destruction of others is well-known: it caused the near destruction of Germany itself.

It’s amazing to me how short and selective human memory is! I hear everywhere – even heard it a couple of times from my own readers – that Hitler was a good guy and that it was UK and US that made him take the slippery road to destruction. Frankly, I have very little patience with people like that, so I’ll just say it this once.

One: these are the kind of people who think they are independent thinkers because they read this in some obscure book and because they think it’s unconventional to think this way. In reality, they simply regurgitate someone’s hidden agenda.

Two: Yes, it is true that Hitler and Germany were manipulated into starting World War II. Simultaneously, they were pumped up with credits and technology by UK and US. The ultimate goal of this scheme was to unleash Hitler on Russia/USSR in order to destroy the only country that always stood, and continues standing, in the way of Anglo-American globalist expansion and the complete takeover of the world. Along the way, they wanted to destroy another rival – Germany itself.

However, the whole point of being a national leader is to be smart enough to see the pitfalls and traps prepared for you and your country. I am leaving aside Hitler’s hideous national-fascist Nazi ideology, which is partially explainable by Germany’s defeat in WWI. But only just. Again, who was forcing Germany to BEGIN WWI? Yes, they were manipulated by the same forces. But where was the wisdom and common sense?

There, obviously, was none. Incidentally, a German philosopher said: ‘Every country deserves its government.’ Germans ELECTED Hitler and watched indifferently as he prosecuted those who had a different opinion inside the country. The people of Germany also watched and participated(!) as Hitler invaded and looted country after country. Incidentally, the same was true for Japan, which invaded and brutally killed millions of Chinese, Mongols and other Asians.

IF national leadership and the people of Germany allowed themselves to succumb to outside manipulation, if they knowingly benefited from the tragedy and suffering of millions of others, if they CHOSE to purposefully and willingly participate in inflicting terrible destruction on the peaceful people all over the globe – they are responsible and there is nothing that can change that! Hitler and all those who were a part of the German/Japanese/Romanian aggression against other countries are war criminals and their crimes can never be forgotten, unless humans want a repeat of 1914, 1939 and 1941.

Some may say there was no choice. There always is a choice! Some Germans went to concentration camps or were killed because they spoke up. Others became anti-fascists and resistance partisans, or surrendered to Russian troops because they refused to participate in the massacre of Russians, Soviets and Europeans.

Three: I just have one simple number for you – 27 million lives. This is what Hitler’s and Romanian aggression (in Odessa and Moldavia) cost Russia and the entire USSR. Primary losses were in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Two members of my family died and more were wounded during the Great War of 1941-1945.

36 million Chinese were massacred by the Japanese aggressors during WWII period.

Incidentally, I have absolutely no problem with German people. Two of my best friends in school were Germans; I love Germany and German culture. Same goes for American, Polish, Japanese, or any other people anywhere on the globe.

It’s not about anyone’s culture or nationality – it’s about world view and civilizational choice. It’s also about one’s conscience.

That said, on this site we have zero tolerance for anyone who promotes Hitler or Nazis/fascists of any sort. Permanent ban will be implemented against anyone who posts such comments. See BLOG RULES on top bar.

What Russia really wants in Ukraine

Ukraine won’t be able to repeat the German fate, no matter how much Kiev ukro-nazis try, because Russia won’t let that happen. If Russia weren’t doing everything to keep Ukraine from descending into ultimate madness and complete self-destruction, if Russia played by the same devious rules as the West, by now we would see the entire territory of Ukraine in the midst of civil war. The loss of life, coupled with the destruction of most infrastructure, would be much more widespread.

As it stands, Ukraine is doing an excellent job of imploding all by itself, even when others try hard to cushion the fall.

I wrote in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT that the West has no idea how many means of secret influence, intel gathering and sabotage Russia does possess in Odessa. The same exact thing is true for all of Ukraine. The reason Russia isn’t using these means is one and only: Russia is trying to preserve the lives, infrastructure and psyche of Ukrainians.

Russia is doing everything humanly possible to gently neutralize the US plan: turning one part of the Russian people against another part of the Russian people.

The West is using Ukraine as a puppet and a disposable tool to manipulate and weaken Russia.

Meanwhile, Russia’s goal is to keep Ukraine as intact as possible in the midst of self-inflicted destructive psychosis, activated and supported by foreign entities. Feel the crucial difference!

As I predicted back in 2014: Russia continues carefully and patiently remolding the situation in Ukraine, which eventually will lead to Ukraine’s turnaround. To do that, Russia is absolutely correctly treating Ukraine with kid gloves, even when it doesn’t deserve them.

Russia is Ukraine’s only hope for survival. Russia treats Ukraine and Ukrainians with kindness and forgiveness of a mother or father, who, despite the cruelty and bad behavior of a prodigal child, knows that one day that child will learn its lesson and return home. No one else needs or wants Ukraine, with all its problems.

Despite all difficulties, this, only correct, strategy is starting to bear fruit. Look at how different some European countries’ position is today, compared to 2014! Remember my 2014 predictions? More and more people in Ukraine and West will be awakening to the understanding of what’s going on; slowly, gradually, Ukraine will be turning back towards Russia and away from the West.

But the task ahead is truly monumental. After 25+ years of Soros/US/ukro-nazi brainwashing, coupled with oligarchic infestation and socio-economic disaster, some younger Ukrainians had forgotten who they were, succumbing to anti-Russian propaganda. It will be very hard, but possible, to rehabilitate this lost generation.

As it is, Ukraine had lost its way 25 years ago and it must go through this cleansing process. When health has been neglected for so long, the cleansing never looks pretty. There is no way of going forward without getting rid of old problems first.

But on the surface, it seems the opposite to my hopeful forecast is taking place. Today’s situation in Ukraine resembles the expression ‘it’s darkest before the dawn.’

Chernobyl 2: New nuclear disaster in the making!

On the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy, the loud expert warnings sound that the remaining functioning Ukrainian nuclear stations are a disaster waiting to happen. They have begun replacing the compatible Russian nuclear fuel with American Westinghouse fuel, which proved to be incompatible. This fuel was previously rejected by other Russian-built nuclear stations, for example, in Slovakia and in Ukraine itself.

Kiev’s severing ties with Russia means that stations are not being properly maintained and Russian-made parts are not replaced on time. All four stations are getting old, approaching a point of no return. Using the incompatible Westinghouse parts may lead to a catastrophe.

The biggest worry is the reckless exploitation schedule. Due to power shortages after Ukraine refused to maintain the unified power grid with Russia, operators are forced to constantly speed up reactors to maximum capacity during peak hours. Such experiments led to Chernobyl catastrophe 30 years ago.

The Elenovka tragedy

Two days ago Kiev executed a targeted bombing against peaceful civilians. Six people were killed, including a pregnant woman, and scores wounded, in Elenovka village. These people were sitting in their cars near border control post between DNR and Ukraine, waiting in line to cross to the other side. Some of them were retirees forced to drive to Ukrainian side to get their pensions, others – on their way to visit families or tend to their fields stuck on the other side.

Because Kiev continues shutting down border crossings, more and more have to use the same crossing, resulting in long lines. People sometimes have to spend the night in their cars, waiting for their turn to cross. Just before the shelling, locals reported hearing a Ukrainian drone, and shortly after, the Minsk-agreement banned heavy Ukrainian artillery began shelling cars with sleeping people inside.

Link to video with the aftermath of the Elenovka tragedy. Warning! It’s very graphic!

In my recent post Poroshenko Prepares New War in Donbass? Why US, EU and OSCE are Blind and Deaf? I said:

“If Kiev can’t attack directly, what can Ukraine do? Instead, they are attempting to provoke DNR and LNR. To accomplish that they continuously shell peaceful citizens and villages near frontline. The idea is to anger the republics so much that they lose their cool and begin retaliating, thus breaking Minsk 2 agreement. After that Kiev, US and EU get to blame DNR/LNR and, of course, Russia in violating cease-fire. If that should happen, Kiev and US will immediately demand new sanctions against Russia and attempt to vilify Russia and Putin yet again.

This is why DNR/LNR can’t respond to obvious provocations. The especial cruelty of the situation is in the fact that innocent people and animals suffer under shellings, with no recourse.”

This new provocation falls in line with Kiev tactics of trying to provoke DNR/LNR into retaliating. Poroshenko is desperate. He is being pressured by EU, and now even by US due the election year, to start fulfilling Minsk agreement’s demands. He can’t do that because his own Rada will tear him apart. His only choice is to re-start armed conflict in Donbass to delay Minsk-2 fulfillment. This is why provocations, targeting peaceful civilians, will continue.

My prediction is that the Elenovka tragedy won’t go as planned by Kiev. The plan to provoke DNR into retaliating is needed to distract Ukraine’s public from internal problems, to re-ignite animosity against Russia, to delay the implementation of Minsk 2, to blame the republics for breaking the truce, and to instigate renewed sanctions against Russia in the wake of EU gearing up for their removal. However, all this will backfire.

Instead, the brutal killing of innocents will serve as yet another clear international proof of Kiev breaking the Minsk agreements. This event will put yet another nail in the coffin of the Kiev junta and its support by the West (many more nails still required, but it’s a start). If not, then EU, US, Canada, IMF and NATO will publicly demonstrate to all that they condone the slaughter of innocent civilians. Before some crucial referendums and elections, and in view of recent EU and US criticisms, this won’t look good.

The revolt in the EU has already begun: French parliament votes to lift anti-Russian sanctions imposed by EU. Recently, the people of the Netherlands have voted ‘NO’ in a referendum on Ukraine’s EU association. These are the first harbingers of spring, more to come soon!

Ukraine’s war on monuments – war on its history and genetic memory

Scores and scores of Lenin monuments have been destroyed all over Ukraine. Let’s recall that ‘Ukraine’ as a state-like entity was first created by Lenin as part of the USSR. Before that, there was no country called Ukraine, not even an autonomy.

The destruction of Lenin and other monuments all over Ukraine is accompanied with the wholesale looting and re-sale of parts of these monuments. The video below shows how many such monuments were destroyed and how the enterprising ukro-nazis posted ads all over the internet to sell parts of ‘Illich.’ A whole bust of Lenin, painted in blue-yellow Ukrainian colors, slightly dented: $35,000. Another internet ad about a sale of parts of what used to be a Lenin monument: ‘own a piece of history: made out of rare material, the same used to build the Red Square Mausoleum, price depends on body part.’ Disgusted yet? I am.

If Ukraine’s president, parliament, oligarchs and army can sell the entire country, why can’t these small ‘wheelers-and-dealers’ sell pieces of their history and heritage?

Video (The map of destroyed monuments reads: ’25 monuments to Lenin were destroyed, 5 – attempted to be destroyed.’ By now, I’d say there are many more):


This is the newest one, which happened yesterday: in Kiev, Ukraine, Ukrainian fascists from ‘the right sector and ‘azov’ tried to destroy Soviet monument to Chekisti – RUS: чекисты. The monument is to the first Extraordinary Commission’s servicemen circa Russian Civil War and first years of the USSR (1918-1925). The abbreviation ‘чк’ (pronounced as ‘chekah’) was used to designate the counter-intelligence investigative unit, establish by Lenin in 1918. Later it would be called NKVD and after that, KGB.

Again, let’s remember that without Lenin the entity we today call Ukraine would NOT exist. The territory was slapped together of a number of different areas of South Russia (Yuzhnaya Rossia, aka, Novorossia) and Malorossia (below see my guide to the parts of Ukraine).

VIDEO: ukro-nazis attempting to destroy the granite monument, with hardly a dent.

While not everyone agrees with the methods used by the Chekisti, it is still a part of Russian, Soviet, and therefore Ukrainian, history. Its role was often viewed as controversial, but also necessary, for as long as the country was in the deathly fight for its very survival.

The right thing to do is to accept what happened as part of the country’s history. Only by making peace with the past can one move forward. If you deny your past, your history, you deny yourself. In this regard, Russians are wisely accepting all facets of their past, good and bad. This is why Russia today is where it is, and Ukraine is where it is. 

The Chekisti monument was built to last. As you see from this short clip, despite many days of efforts to destroy it, the monument was hardly dented. As one person commented: ‘The Chekisti are just looking down with disdain on these morons.’

The destruction of monuments in Poland and Ukraine are manifestations of the same darkness-induced craze that we are observing in Syria, where ISIS destroys priceless, UNESCO World Heritage sites, such as ancient Palmyra.

Normal people build. The urge to destroy what others have built is a manifestation of an overwhelming darkness experienced by the confused, undereducated and zombified minds, with violent tendencies.

Ukraine is a large country. A small minority of these thugs keeps in fear the majority. But I have to emphasize yet again that none of this would have been possible if these dregs of society were not supported and encouraged by the West! The West, especially and specifically the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Brussels, as well as their stooges in Poland and Lithuania, actively supported and nudged these crazies.

During Kiev maidan, Victoria Nuland and US ambassador Payet personally blackmailed Ukraine president Yanukovich and PM Azarov, threatening them with forced removal from power and personal harm, if the government tried to resist maidan violence and restore order. Similar pressure was put by the EU governments and politicians.

Under any normal circumstances and in any normal society such people would have been in jail, which would deter others. Instead, they were touted as heroes. The all-permissiveness always breads more violence.

The biggest criminals are those from the West who came to Ukraine with the expressed goal to generate violence, hatred and death.

Due to severe imbalance, which the world has experienced in the past 25 years since the collapse of the USSR, the weakened Russia was unable to fulfill her global balancing and stabilizing role. Large numbers of the world’s young people have succumbed to propaganda. This propaganda could be Western, emphasizing Russophobia. But it could be extremist Islamist just as well. It could also be fascist propaganda, stressing the resurgence of the popularity of Hitler and Nazi ideology of hatred and destruction. All these may have a different wrapper and flavor, but their essence is always the same: aggression, hatred, destruction and harm to others, while enriching yourself.

Putin for president and Azarov for PM of Ukraine

Since 2014, most Ukrainians lived in shock and fear. Some were zombified and confused. But the change is coming, the awakening is happening, slowly but surely.

In BLACK SEA GAMBIT I said that if a referendum to join Russia took place in Odessa today, 90% would have voted ‘YES.’ Very similar numbers would be true for the entire South and East. Even Kiev and sane parts of western Ukraine may surprise us.

Kiev just swapped the inept PM Yatsenyuk, who presided over the 2014-2015 destruction of Ukraine’s economy, for the equally inept PM Groysman, who is Poroshenko’s puppet. A poll conducted in Kiev showed that only 29% approved of Groysman as PM, while 58% wanted back Nikolay Azarov, who was PM under Yanukovich. Some now say that ‘Azarov was the best thing that happened to Ukraine in 25 years.’

An earlier poll conducted in Ukraine showed that 82% of Ukrainians wanted Putin as their president.

Renaming of streets, factories and cities – another maniacal epidemics sweeping Ukraine

As part of ‘decommunization,’ streets, factories and major enterprises are being renamed. The citizens are resisting it as much as they can. There are instances when the new name sounds suspiciously similar to the old one. Example: under pressure, a factory in Donetsk oblast (the part located on Ukraine side), was renamed from the ‘Illich Kombinat’ to… the ‘Illich Kombinat.’ Illich is Lenin’s patronymic and he was often called by this alternative name. ‘We renamed it after a worker of this factory, whose patronymic was also Illich,’ explained the locals.

They made an attempt to rename Odessa and call it ‘Kotsyubiyivsk’ (try not to break your tongue). Of course, if they succeeded, that alone would have caused Odessa to secede.

Wholesale destruction of Russian monuments

Under the guise of decommunization, ukro-nazis are destroying monuments to Russian scientists, writers, artists and also generals, who liberated Ukraine during WWII. In 2014, under the cover of the night, they removed the Odessa monument to General Chernyakhovsky, who commanded the army liberating Odessa. I bet Chernyakhovsky’s bust has already been sold to the highest bidder. Just like the ancient monuments of Syria, Ukrainian monuments, or their pieces, end up on the black market, often being sold to Western ‘collectors.’


Odessa, monument to Pushkin on Primorsky Boulevard

This greedy and senseless destruction of everything in sight is happening all over Ukraine. Recently, the famous monument to the 19th century writer Pushkin was under threat in Odessa. Ukro-nazis are continuously threatening to destroy the gorgeous monument to Katherine the Great, founder of Odessa. Obviously, aristocrat Pushkin and the Empress of Russia were ‘damn communists’ and had to be purged. Both monuments are a part of the UNESCO World Heritage site and were saved due to the widespread international indignation.


Old map of Odessa

End of 19th century English map of South Russia and Malorossia (Little Russia)

Ukraine was slapped together out of several parts, of which the majority was, and continues being, completely Russian-speaking, despite all the brainwashing. This was done by Lenin in 1922 for several reasons: geopolitical, internal political, psychological and ideological. I explain in detail what those reasons were in ESR2: UKRAINE and ESR3: OLIGARCH WARS.

While we all were a part of one big Soviet Union, no one was bothered by it that much. People were prepared to tolerate being a part of Ukraine even after the breakup, as long as they were able to easily commute to Russia for better jobs, sell their stuff to Russia, and be a part of the Russian culture through TV, books and concerts. But now they are unable to do any of that: Russian TV, journalists, artists, writers, cultural icons and political figures have been banned in Ukraine.

I believe I’ve mentioned this in Black Sea Gambit: Kiev is so afraid of the truth that they have banned me and my blog, FuturisTrendcast! Ukrainians can’t read my blog directly, but of course, there are many methods to bypass the ban in a roundabout way.

As soon as these bans began happening, this is when everyone suddenly began remembering that in fact they were never supposed to be a part of Ukraine, that Kiev usurped power and that they really wanted to go back to their roots.

Parts of Russia that became parts of Ukraine in 1922 and later:

Donbass (spelled out as the Donets Basin –  RUS: Donetskiy Bassein) – presently Donetsk/DNR and Lugansk/LNR.

South Russia, basically consisting of the historic Tavria and Bessarabia. The Black Sea coast, including Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson. Pridnestrovie (breakaway Transnistria) and pars of Moldova are included. The famous Tavrian steppes stretch along Black Sea from Odessa to Kherson and into Crimea.

Crimea (aka, Tavrida) – now a part of Russia again.

True Russian territories, including the ancient Chernigov, Kharkov/ Slobozhanshina (the area which was part of the lands gifted by Empress to the South Russian Cossacks), Dnepropetrovsk and more – what is often referred to as  ‘Eastern Ukraine.’ Dnepropetrovsk, located next to Zaporozhie, is also a part of the traditionally Cossack territory.

Original Zaporozhie Cossacks territories – presently the industrial city of Zaporozhie and Zaporozhie Oblast. I talk at length and explain everything about the amazing, colorful culture of the South Russian Cossacks in ESR6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE. 

Everything I listed above is historically referred to as Novorossia (New Russia), although of course Russians (Russo-Arian Slavs) lived on these lands for millennia.

Present capital Kiev and poor, agricultural center and north of today’s Ukraine 1000+ years ago were called Kievan Rus, and 300-100 years ago – Malorossia.

Today’s Western Ukraine is correctly called Galitskaya Rus and Podkarpatskaya Rus. These are the lands of the Galician and Carpathian Rusins (RUS: Rusini; incorrect English: Ruthenians). During medieval times there was a pretty large Galitskaya Rus state there, which was invaded at different times by Poland, Lithuania and Austria-Hungary, who eventually destroyed it.

How Putin/Lavrov Outplayed Merkel, Hollande, Obama

& Why Poroshenko Cannot Restart Donbass War

In the midst of today’s gruesome Ukrainian landscape, there is something that has, perhaps, a more positive tone.

Donetsk warns of imminent Kiev attack on DNR and LNR

Donbass braces itself for the new offensive by Kiev. Eduard Basurin from DNR ministry of defence and the head of DNR, Alexander Zakharchenko, continue to warn that Kiev is amassing troops and hardware in order to attack both republics.

However, as I said previously, I simply do not see how they may be able to pull it off (read my analysis in Poroshenko Prepares New War in Donbass? Why US, EU and OSCE are Blind and Deaf?

Additional analysis and predictions

The thing is that Poroshenko has to make certain noises to appease the radicals and ukro-nazis. But as far as real actions go, he really is tied up pretty tight. Besides, as we have determined previously, Ukraine is being slowly but surely ‘flushed down’ by the US and EU (as I predicted since 2014).

The Dutch referendum on Ukraine’s EU association sent a clear message. So did Biden’s advice to Kiev Rada to begin federalization process ASAP. So did yesterday’s French parliament’s vote to lift anti-Russian sanctions (French parliament votes to lift anti-Russian sanctions imposed by EU). And this is just the beginning!

But there is more:

The more information comes out about the atrocities and lies of the Kiev junta, the more EU citizens question the position of their governments. Europeans question more and more the propaganda that told them that Russia was bad, Kiev maidan was good and that EU did the right thing backing Kiev together with USA. The longer anti-Russian sanctions last, the more EU farmers, shippers and industrialists get impatient. Meanwhile some notice that while EU trade with Russia shrunk dangerously, US trade with Russia INCREASED! And that’s in the midst of sanctions! Slowly, US companies are taking over EU business with Russia.

More and more Europeans are realizing they were simply duped and the revolt is brewing.

Merkel, Hollande and other former advocates of anti-Russian sanctions now have no choice but to support Minsk-2 peace agreement at all cost, since the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions has been tied to its fulfillment. In a way, EU as a whole has cornered itself by imposing sanctions on Russia and tying them to Minsk-2 fulfillment.

Neither DNR/LNR nor Kiev are really planning to fulfill Minsk 2 in full. It is actually impossible to do so while this Kiev junta is in power. Poroshenko and his government can PRETEND to implement only certain points. The entire Minsk-2 in principle cannot be implemented until after the ukro-nazi Kiev junta is gone.

This signifies that:

1. What I said from the beginning of 2014: EU elites are inept and don’t understand at all what they are doing, which European citizens are finally beginning to grasp.

2. Merkel, Hollande and others will have to support Donbass truce at all cost. They are being watched by opposition and electorate. The alternative means they and/or their parties will lose the next election for sure. Recall my 2012 prediction about Hollande betraying the hopes of his electorate! As to Merkel, the recent 11% drop in her ratings will continue accelerating. All in all, her political career is finished. It’ll take time, but she’s on her way down.

3. EU supporting Poroshenko’s new offensive on DNR/LNR will give additional ammunition to eurosceptics and accelerate the breakup of the EU.

4. As I predicted in 2014, Putin and Lavrov were absolutely right not to antagonize Europe, continuing to patiently work with them throughout Ukraine crisis and despite their openly provocative, anti-Russian attitudes. This patience and lack of antagonism looks a little toothless to some. I had said that it was the only correct approach.

We’ve already been through this in 2008 with Georgia and several times during 2000s, when Ukraine shut off Russian gas to EU. They yell and scream, and stomp their feet. Then they calm down and recognize that Russia isn’t a monster and that, may be, just may be, they jumped the gun.

I know, I know. Putin, Lavrov, and Russia in general, are the only adults in the room and their patience is truly angelic. While Obama and US destabilize everything they get their hands on, Russian foreign policy is the only thing that keeps the world from plunging into a new global war.



Odessa’s cold spring 2016: city and oblast are bracing for blood and violence on May 2 and May 9!

This spring is especially hard for Odessa. After Crimea and DNR/LNR, Odessa is the biggest symbol of resistance against the Kiev junta. May 2, 2016 is the 2nd anniversary of the terrible tragedy, when 48, or likely more, people were burned alive on Kulikovo Polie. Kiev and ukro-nazis, together with Saakashvili, are determined to make a bloodbath out of the May 2 and May 9 in Odessa. Thousands and thousands of trained ukro-nazis from ‘azov’ battalion and western Ukraine have descended on Odessa. Provocations are expected everywhere. Tensions are the highest since 2014. Basically, people are gearing up for civil war and fear the repeat of May 2 massacre.

What is happening can be big and is also a harbinger of important changes in Ukraine and around the Russian World.

On Monday, May 2,

I’ll publish part 2 of the UKRAINE report: The ODESSA Report!

Read it in conjunction with my timely ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT,

dedicated primarily to Odessa & Black Sea events and conspiracies!


Kherson Oblast is dying — and Crimean Agenda ESR

As I remember it growing up, Kherson once was a quiet sleepy hollow, complete with untouched, contemplative nature, robust agriculture and down to earth people.

Kherson is dying: it is experiencing a disastrous invasion of ukro-nazis and Islamists from ISIS, Turkey and Crimean Tatar Mejlis, which is recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia. The damage to the environment is terrible and the damage to the population is catastrophic.

Their ultimate goal is to squeeze out the native, Slavic population and replace it with Muslim transplants. It may sound crazy and bizarre, but it’s not so incredible if you look at the map and notice that Kherson Oblast borders Crimea to the south – the only land connection to the Crimean Peninsula.

Having lost Crimea, US, Turkey and Kiev have concocted a plan to destabilize it through Kherson. All this is a part of the bigger agenda to destabilize Russia by creating zones of instability all around Black and Caspian Seas. To those who plan all this, people’s lives don’t matter.

All this is the topic of the upcoming new Earth Shift Report

The Battle for Eurasia! CRIMEAN AGENDA

NEW Crimean agenda ESR10 6

It’s an explosive and eye-opening Earth Shift Report, crucial for understanding the Russian and global geopolitical situation. However, due to urgent May events surrounding Odessa, Russia and EU, I’ll be postponing it till further notice. Since Crimean – Kherson situation is still in development, CRIMEAN AGENDA will come a little later. Please stay tuned!


The present focus is on hot EU developments!

New, surprise Earth Shift Report coming your way!

I received a lot of questions from readers regarding TTIP, Brexit, the possibility of the breakup of the EU, the Dutch, German and French revolts, etc. Therefore, I am preparing a surprise Earth Shift Report in which I’ll address all that, and more!

Formal announcement coming! Stay tuned!


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#Wikileaks: ‘#PanamaPapers funded by US/Soros against #Putin and Russia’

Ah, and the penny drops!

Quote from my April 4 article #Panamapapers Leak and MSM as Weapon of Mass Disinformation: Info War vs. #Putin, #Russia, #BRICS Escalates:

“Let me emphasize that this post isn’t about the veracity and merit of #Panamapapers leaks. In my view, we need as much as possible disclosure of truth on all levels. But it has to be unbiased and honest truth. While the actual leak may be absolutely beyond reproach, the problem is the attempt to turn it into anti-Putin, anti-Russia, anti-BRICS circus.

What US, UK and other MSM do is this: they take the truth and then bait and switch it with a lie convenient to them, parading it as truth.

We are in the period of the Great Earth Shift. Therefore, relentless attacks on Putin, Russia and anyone else attempting to shift to the new global set up, new global reality, will continue and intensify; such countries and leaders will continue being mercilessly attacked on all levels.

What did you expect? They are losing and they know time is short. They will use any means necessary. Obviously, they won’t dare attack Russia directly. They will use proxies and clandestine weapons. What is the West good at? MSM propaganda – definitely. They will continue using this weapon for as long as they can.”

New revelations from Wikileaks and other sources confirm what I said on April 4.

Wikileaks: ‘Panama Papers’ funded by US against Russian president:

(This post is a follow-up to: #Panamapapers Leak and MSM as Weapon of Mass Disinformation: Info War vs. #Putin, #Russia, #BRICS Escalates)

More predictions:

I had predicted since 2014 that whatever lies US/UK/West try to perpetuate against Russia will backfire, either right away or eventually. This is one of those ‘immediate backfires.’

Just wait! More of such backfires coming soon: some of them in regards to Ukraine and other post-Soviet space regions, and others related to the Middle East/ISIS/Turkey/Qatar/Saudis. US/West’s bluff in Syria has already been called. More is to come!

This is the Time of Russia, the Great Balancer of our planet. The grossly imbalanced world’s power and socio-political-economic structures are being rebalanced by the Great Planetary Balancer. West/US power is waning. New powers are rising. We are only in the beginning of this process. But the process has begun and it cannot be stopped.

Read about EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and RUSSIA – THE GREAT BALANCER on Also, stay tuned for new Earth Shift Reports about Russia and Putin, where more will be revealed.


I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for all those who want to know the real truth, to educated yourself re. your sources, whom you choose to trust and follow.

The topics of hoaxes, targeted info dumps and lies about Putin, Russia and the BRICS are discussed in-depth here:


FREE article: How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)

FREE report: Brazil Color Revolution Attempt: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika, 2016 Olympics and the BRICS. Lada Ray Report and Predictions)

Also read/watch:

Lots of FREE info here: read about 4D wars and more on

Watch Earth Shift Report to see how 4D warfare works: ESR4: ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS


Closely related to the above topic!

Stratfor/ George Friedman’s Baltic-Black Sea-Caspian Plan aimed at destroying Russia





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Russia – the Great Balancer    GUIDE TO MULTI-DIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE    Predictions


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#Panamapapers Leak and MSM as Weapon of Mass Disinformation: Info War vs. #Putin, #Russia, #BRICS Escalates

I was asked to comment on the Panama papers leak published in German media, as well as on new anti-Putin stuff in the Guardian and other UK papers. Frankly, I don’t even pay attention to that silly buzz. Don’t we know enough about how they operate? Who is still naive enough to read MSM and to believe anything they say?

Me, I merely shrug my shoulders. But since my readers demand I weigh in…

My response is very simple:

As far as I understand, the Panama papers leak is the most massive leak there ever was – bigger than Snowden leak.  It mentions money laundering, tax evasion and offshore accounts by various world leaders, dictators, oligarchs and public figures. Ukraine’s president Poroshenko, Saudi king, Pakistani officials and David Cameron (or is it his father – apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?) made the list.

Nowhere in 11.5 million documents is there anything about Vladimir Putin. Yet, every Western MSM and Qatar’s Al Jazeera (both the state and publication some of the biggest US stooges) printed big Putin’s pictures on top of every article dedicated to Panama leaks, although articles were about someone else.

Interestingly enough, various UK publications printed Putin’s pics in their articles, implying Putin is the biggest money launderer there is, while THEIR OWN PRIME MINISTER DAVID CAMERON is front and center on the list, along with his daddy!

This isn’t double standards and hypocrisy any more, of which US, UK and West in general get accused every day. This is lunacy and severe case of schizophrenia – a good mental institution very strongly recommended. Is it any wonder that their own readers rebel against such idiocy. I hear that after a public outcry, within several hours of publication, UK papers began removing Putin’s photos from their articles.

Let me emphasize that this post isn’t about the veracity and merit of #Panamapapers leaks. In my view, we need as much as possible disclosure of truth on all levels. But it has to be unbiased and honest truth. While the actual leak may be absolutely beyond reproach, the problem is the attempt to turn it into anti-Putin, anti-Russia, anti-BRICS circus.

What US, UK and other MSM do is this: they take the truth and then bait and switch it with a lie convenient to them, parading it as truth. 

Come think of it… this may be done deliberately so that to distract the gullible public from asking inconvenient questions as to where the Western leaders’ and oligarchs’ money is hidden.


This is global info war of unheard of proportions. This info war is part of the larger hybrid war. I call it 4D WAR, or, fourth-dimensional warfare. This is the kind of war that is conducted not in the realm of physical, but in the realm of the mind, as well as in cyberspace.

Lots of FREE info here: read about 4D wars and more on

Watch Earth Shift Report to see how 4D warfare works: ESR4: ALIEN TECHNOLOGY & NEW RUSSIAN WEAPONS

We are in the period of the Great Earth Shift. Therefore, relentless attacks on Putin, Russia and anyone else attempting to shift to the new global set up, new global reality, will continue and intensify; such countries and leaders will continue being mercilessly attacked on all levels. Ukraine 2014 coup and recent Brazilian color revolution attempt are in this category (read Brazil Color Revolution Attempt: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika, 2016 Olympics and the BRICS. Lada Ray Report and Predictions).

New escalation of Nagorny Karabakh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia is another manifestation of this global 4D hybrid war. Article coming up on that!

What did you expect? They are losing and they know time is short. They will use any means necessary. Obviously, they won’t dare attack Russia directly. They will use proxies and clandestine weapons. What is the West good at? MSM propaganda – definitely. They will continue using this weapon for as long as they can.

I predict that info wars with the usage of Western MSM, as well as certain alternative media, for the purposes of attacks against Russia, China and the BRICS will continue intensifying during this decade. So, be careful what sources you trust and who you listen to!

I also predict that the people everywhere, but in this case, specifically in the West, will continue awakening. They will trust their MSM less and less, resulting in said MSM becoming less and less effective in their propaganda.

Get ready for even more filthy lies, more gloves off fights, ugly sensationalist falsehoods, and more.

The danger for those who are past trusting MSM is more in the fact that certain ‘alternative media’ got infiltrated with a more shrewdly camouflaged propaganda. Some of it is deliberate infiltration and some is simple ignorance/ lack of true knowledge. I won’t name names – you know it’s not my style. I just advise my readers to use discretion.

The topics of hoaxes, targeted info dumps and lies about Putin and Russia are discussed in-depth here:


FREE article: How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)


Ask yourself, why is US completely excluded from the list? Video with world map of those implicated.

Here is a demo of how public called out the lie by UK papers and closely related to them Al Jazeera about Putin in regards to Panama leak. In the end of this piece notice the involvement of Soros and USAID!

Quoted from

‘Goebbels had less-biased articles’: Public slams MSM for Putin focus after Panama papers leak 

The world’s media has been pointing at one person following a massive documents leak from a Panama law firm. But that person, President Vladimir Putin, wasn’t even mentioned in the data leak. Sections of the public are not happy at the media coverage.

Pictures of President Putin could be found on the front pages of highly respected news publications around the globe. TheGuardian and the Mail Online were both at it, despite the fact that in the 11.5 million documents that were published; Putin’s name was not mentioned once.

READ MORE: Putinophobia hits boiling point: Kremlin says ‘insinuations’ in Panama leak don’t need response

Newspapers around the globe had plenty of world leaders to choose from: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko managed to find his way on to the list, as did King Salman of Saudi Arabia. The father of British Prime Minister David Cameron was also among those mentioned. Despite these high-profile figures, the majority of the international media decided to accuse Putin of corruption. And even if the article itself was not about Putin, the cover picture suggested otherwise.

After several hours, Putin’s pictures were removed from the front pages of a number of top internet publications, such as the Guardian and the Independent, which could have been down to the storm of criticism on social media, at the hypocrisy of publishing the photo of someone who was not even named in the report.

“You state that Putin isn’t listed yet you proceed to use his photo. Western anti-Putin propaganda machinery in full swing!”Mothibi Phosa II commeted on a Business Insider article.

A Facebook user accused the BBC of “anti-Russian propaganda” and complained that “Joseph Goebbels had less biased news articles,” in regards to the fact that the BBC published an article about Putin, despite the Russian leader not being named.

One user asked why the Independent was using a photograph of Syrian President Bashar Assad alongside President Putin, when neither man was mentioned in the trove of documents.

In response, another Twitter user stated: “Because they don’t want to blame ‘friends’ like King Salman or Poroshenko…”

One Twitter user said it was “tiresome” that Putin was being linked with everything, while mainstream media was ignoring that “Cameron has been linked.”

READ MORE: Cameron’s dad, senior Tories’ offshore asset dealings exposed & UK media still focus on Putin

Another Twitter user accused the BBC of being the “British Brainwashing Channel” for not mentioning David Cameron, while wondering whether this was “against national interest?”

The smear campaign against Putin comes a week after his press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Western media intended to launch a new slander attack against the Russian president, while he also expressed regret that reporters’ professionalism is often “sacrificed to political demands.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin; Dmitry Peskov © Sergey GuneevKremlin warns of planned ‘information attack’ against Putin

“Another piece of spin, which is claimed to be sensational and objective, will happen in the nearest days. We have received some excessively-rich requests that, however, in their form were more like questions at an interrogation,” Peskov said.

He explained that the letters contained some personal questions about Putin, as well as questions about the Russian president’s family, his childhood friends and some businessmen.

“They are repeating themselves. ‘Is it true that the amount of your personal accumulated wealth is about US$40 billion?’ ‘Is it true that you possess gigantic residences, mega-yachts and other assets?’

On Sunday, Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) released the biggest leak in journalistic history, posting 11.5 million documents from a Panama law firm online and providing “rare insights into a world that can only exist in the shadows.”

SZ said it received the law firm’s documents a year ago from an anonymous source who “wanted neither financial compensation nor anything else in return.” 

The German paper obtained further documents in an investigation that followed, involving “400 journalists from more than 100 media organizations in over 80 countries.” 

The Panama papers were also supported by USAID, the United States Government agency which is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid, and Open Society, which is backed by billionaire George Soros. 

In an opinion piece published in February, Soros tried to prove that Putin was working “to foster the EU’s disintegration” by flooding the continent with refugees, allegedly as a result of the Russian military’s foray into Syria where it has dealt a lethal blow to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) forces.


Closely related to the above topic!

Stratfor/ George Friedman’s Baltic-Black Sea-Caspian Plan aimed at destroying Russia





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