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Why Trump Completely Flip-Flopped on Theresa May During State Visit to UK?

As this joint presser between Trump and UK PM Theresa May shows, Trump effortlessly flip-flopped on his previous words and stance on UK’s PM Theresa May and UK. The May-Trump press conference was lovey-dovey and full of smiles. Just idyllic, considering the insults he has thrown at her recently. The whole thing is designed to camouflage the Transatlantic cracks and to demonstrate the solidarity and united front of the West before Trump’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki on the 16th. Trump suddenly realized that he needs to come into negotiations ‘from a position of strength,’ as Trump likes to put it. But as I explained in my PATREON articles and predictions, Trump really has nothing to offer Russia.

Trump is also pushing very hard for the cancellation of Nord Stream-2, which Germany is already full in. Germans generally consider Trump’s mafia-like intrusiveness insulting. But Merkel caved in before. I also discussed this in detail in recent PATREON articles.

So far, Trump elicited bribes from the EU in the amount of $34 bln, which he was very proud of during this presser. These are nothing but bribes, promised in the hopes that US mafia boss would leave EU alone.

Listen to the Q&A – it’s self-explanatory. It begins around 16 min, but Trump & May intro speeches are also quite telling. Also see my previous FT posts, for more details.

It all would have been hilarious, if it wasn’t that sad.

Meanwhile, looks like UK citizens disagree – on the streets of London during Trump’s visit:

And these:

Trump UK visit: Massive protests and official program 

Rally against Trump’s visit to the UK (Livestream record)


To confirm my above words, May rushes to appease Trump and bribe the US and vows more NATO funding and more troops: ‘When NATO calls, UK is one of the first to step up’



World Beware! What is Really Behind Angela Merkel’s Subservience to the US?

I have repeatedly warned last year about the strange and incongruent position of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in regards to various issues, from NSA surveilance and the return of the German gold, to sanctions against Russia. In all situations, Merkel took position that was submissive to the US and directly contrary to the interests of her own country. In the old days, that would be called treason.

The German newspapers have been circulating rumors that the reason for Merkel’s position is the fact that she aims to become the new Secretary General of the UN. In 2016 Ban Ki Moon’s term expires and the next GenSec has to be a European. However, it is very well known that the only way a UN GenSec can be elected, let alone survive in this post, is when she is approved and in good graces with the USA.

As I wrote previously, there is more to the story than meets the eye and Merkel is also pathologically anti-Russian (something she has been hiding well throughout her life), as well as utterly compromised by NSA. However, the UN GenSec position for serving as a loyal US lapdog is a great reward. US puppets always tend to be rewarded lavishly as long as they toe the line.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a prime demonstration of the unprecedented corruption of the Western system, of utter lack of democracy and complete disregard for any laws and common decency – something both US and EU so love to point out in others.

Merkel has proven that she doesn’t want to retire and that she craves more power. As you will see below, she is being quietly, but insistently, exposed and pushed out of the German power structures. But that’s okay with her as the US is offering her a bigger prize in exchange for subservience and closing her eyes to blatant US abuses in the EU, Ukraine, Russia and Germany itself.

Related report in Russian: Эксперт: Ангела Меркель может идти на поводу у США, чтобы получить пост генсека ООН

As an afterthought: UN has become a completely corrupt and irrelevant organization. The sooner it is replaced, the better. However, this will only happen after the US empire is weakened sufficiently. And of course, the headquarters had better be moved from New York, somewhere far and away.

Related: US puppet, Ukrainian PM Arseny Yatsenyuk, a few days ago went to Germany where he gave an interview to Germany’s #1 TV channel ARD. In the interview Yatsenyuk said verbatim that: “Russia attacked and invaded both Ukraine and Germany.”

Merkel’s reaction? NO COMMENT! 

Эксперт: Из-за высказываний Яценюка о Второй мировой войне Меркель оказалась в неловком положенииby RT на русском52,083 views. Merkel has been put in a difficult position when Yatsenyuk announced that it was the USSR that attacked Nazi Germany. If Yatsenyuk is trying to gain support and sympathy in Germany this way, all this will achieve is the opposite effect as Germans know very well that the German Nazis attacked the USSR.

This is from The Voice of Germany I referenced previously: Germany must exit NATO and enter a union with Russia. 12/14 German author Peter Feist, interview to Quer-Denken.TV: “German government is acting contrary to German interests, including risking heat in our people’s homes during harsh winter, just to please the US. We have to regain our sovereignty, which we are losing fast. German government has made deals and is celebrating open nazis in Ukraine who are parading with swastikas around Kiev.”

Karen Hudes: U.S. Has to Come Around to the Rule of Law

USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter interviews former IMF legal advisor and whistleblower Karen Hudes, who discusses the following:

Why US is no longer superpower; financial coverup and fraud; BRICS trade away from the dollar; rigged US credit rating; recent scandalous statement by China about the US dollar, Germany not being able to get its gold from the US, and more.

And by the way, Karen Hudes predicts that the US will lose Germany as its ally due to the US corruption. This is in line with my own prediction about the new axis of power forming: Germany-Russia-China. See my prediction here:

Prediction: New Economic Axis of Power and The Grand Chessboard

Watch complete Karen Hudes interview:

Karen Hudes Predicts Lawlessness when US Dollar Loses International Currency Status

Karen Hudes has worked as Sr. Counsel with World Bank until she was dismissed for exposing fraud and double standards. In this interview, Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog and Karen discuss the breakdown of the rule of law in the US, the FED, permanent gold backwardation, precious metals as legal tender, future of the US dollar and fiat currency, consequences for the simple citizens of the loss of value of the US dollar, future of international trade, BRICS trade, Bitcoin, German gold issue, and more.