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Quantum Calibrations of the Global Banking System & Bank of America (America’s most hated bank)

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Quantum Calibrations of the Global Banking System & Bank of America (America’s most hated bank)

Feb 2 at 9:01am


I hope you all have read my earlier post. In it I revealed to you my Three Secrets of Accurate Calibrations — DED for short — the first being DEFINITION.

According to the DED system, in our today’s example, Calibration of the Global Banking System, I will first define exactly what I mean by this term.

global banking

The current Global Banking System is:

The FED controlled, US dollar (with added UK pound and EU euro) based international banking system. This system includes debt-based economy, subordinate to the FED and international banking cartel national central banks; plus IMF, World Bank and other Western-based financial institutions.

Our ABBREVIATIONS, as usual:

QC = Quantum (cosmic energy) Calibration

CHI = Chi (earthly energy) Calibration

HC QC – Heart Chakra Calibration


QC — 180 (PRIDE)

CHI — 105 (FEAR)

HC QC — 85 (GRIEF)


QC: The energy available to this system at this time is below the minimum life-sustaining value of 200. Clearly, it is unsustainable. The level of Pride is a typical level of the politics and economy of the West. This level is that of the past. Unless humanity finds a way to substitute this outdated system with a new, more advanced, more inclusive and higher calibrated one, a global financial collapse will loom.

CHI: The manifestation energy is even lower, and it denotes how the people/customers, as well as bankers themselves feel about this global system — FEAR is self-explanatory.

HC QC: The heart chakra of the global banking system is on the level of Grief. This basically denotes the fact that NO ONE is happy with it, everyone’s sick and tired of it and wants something new and better. Yet everyone feels stuck in the matrix.

Meanwhile, the attempts to modify or replace this banking system with alternatives are intensifying, while the system fights back. Examples include crypto-currencies, gold/silver, country-to-country trade and currency swaps, Chinese Yuan, Russian Ruble, the BRICS bank, gas and energy exchanges, local peer-to-peer currencies, barter, etc. On other occasions we will calibrate these alternatives!


It is called ‘America’s most hated bank.’ See my recent posts:


QC — 180 (PRIDE)

CHI — 85 (GRIEF)

HC QC — 85 (GRIEF)


QC: Same calibration as the global system, which is logical since BOA is one of the typical representatives of said system. Or, per above-linked posts, ‘too crooked to fail.’

CHI: Even lower than the whole system! People feel even worse about it than about the system in general, hence the title of ‘the most hated bank in America.’

HC QC: No surprise — as the entire banking system, BOA is heartless, causing much Grief to those who have the misfortune of dealing with it!


Next post! GLOBAL BANKING & FINANCIAL SYSTEM SHIFT 2018-2020: Saturn in Capricorn Predictions


**Useful links to additional FREE Calibration resources

WATCH FREE on Lada Ray YouTube Channel:

Video – Quantum Calibrations 2/2: Life-Supporting + Life-Creating Calibrations

Video – Quantum Calibrations 1/2: Life-Threatening + Life-Diminishing Calibrations FREE resources:



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GLOBAL BANKING & FINANCIAL SYSTEM SHIFT 2018-2020: Saturn in Capricorn Predictions

saturn in capricorn


Bridging 4D Geopolitics, Finance and Global Economy with Astrology, 5D Earth Shift and Lada Ray Predictions

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LATEST INTEL! The Dollar Trap for Russia and Kazakhstan!



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Banking Industry Overhaul Timeline: Saturn in Capricorn (preview)

**This new Patreon post is also made free for FUTURISTRENDCAST subscribers! Read original!

saturn-in-capricorn 3

There is a major shakeup and overhaul coming to the global finance and banking industry, and I can tell you the exact timeline, so you are well prepared!

In my EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS we have already discussed the timelines and my revolutionary predictions for the next 5-6 years. These were featured in:




Among other things, we discussed why the US and the West collapse timelines were off, and I showed to you how and why so many gurus were so wrong with their timing and predictions.

Through EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS, I confirmed my timelines via my various proprietary multidimensional tools. If you have followed me on FuturisTrendcast and, you are familiar with my revolutionary ideas. These are The Great Earth Shift & Russia the Great Balancer theories, Quantum Calibrations, plus the ancient Chinese wisdom of 180-Year Cycles & Period 8 (See Webinars for details).

My predictions and timelines are now being confirmed by Western astrology!

The new major 3-year transit of Saturn in Capricorn has begun! 

Hang on to your seat! Sweeping changes and major overhauls are coming to the global finance and banking industry, as well as some developed economies of the West!

I plan to write a new feature, and here’s what I’ve decided: I am adding a new, intermediate goal to my Patreon Goals!


When I reach 25 Patreon subscribers, I will do a new FEATURE article:




To faster see new revolutionary articles and important features, which you can get exclusively from Lada Ray, support me on PATREON!








Poll: Russians Trust Most Russian Army, Putin and FSB, and distrust…

Can you imagine what this poll would look like in your country?

The latest comprehensive poll revealed very interesting findings as to who and what organizations Russians trust and distrust most.

Moscow 3 Cropped


1. The Russian Army (Russian: BKC) – approval rating 90%

It is clear why, especially in view of Russia’s brilliant operation and a sweeping victory in Syria.

For details listen to my latest interview discussing Russia’s Syria victory: URGENT NEW INTERVIEW! A New Tsar Arrived: How Putin is Squeezing US out of NEW Middle East

Since he first came to power in 2000, Putin, understanding that this is one of the two first priorities if Russia is to survive and rebuild as The Great Balancer, invested a lot of energy into rebuilding the Russian Army, Navy & Fleet, torn to pieces by Gorbachev & Yeltsin.

Credit also goes to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who turned it around, based on the foundation built by others. Shoigu is so effective that the going joke in Russia is that he should be cloned to replace other ministers.

‘Russian Army’ or the ‘Russian Armed Forces,’ are the old names. It is presently officially referred to as:

Russian: BKC — spelled out as Voenno-Kosmicheskie Sili; Eng: Army & Space Forces.

Russia as the Great Balancer & great power cannot exist without exceptionally strong BKC.

Listen to Lada Ray TimeMonkRadio Interview: The Putin Enigma and The Coming Western Perestroika


2. Vladimir Putin – approval rating 82%

Ever since he came to power in 2000, Putin never had a rating below 50% and for the last several years it was always above 80%, jumping to over 90% in 2014 and after Crimea reunified with Russia.

Despite constant character defamation and personal attacks, as well as insidious 4D hybrid wars and relentless attempts to compromise Putin’s support groups, the population’s support for Putin never dwindled. After it was understood that Russians could not be influenced through direct attacks on their leader and through trying to provoke him to react rashly and without considering consequences, a switch was made to trying to harm what Russians consider dear to their hearts, such as the Russian sport, Russian flag and anthem. MY QUESTIONNAIRE ~ share your opinion on Russia ban from 2018 S. Korea Winter Olympics! 

Putin’s 82% trust rating is very good news before March 2018 elections. Make no mistake, attacks will continue and intensify before elections — I’ll have my analysis article on the Olympics ban / Russian Elections / Putin some time next week. We’ll also have a big interview in time for the Russian Elections next year.

I have made extensive predictions about what Putin will do, and what his focus will be in the next 6 years, once elected. And if you think you know, you may be surprised!

For predictions and for the whole Putin story listen to EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA!

3. Russian MSM — approval rating 64%

This was a surprise for many. You all know how much the Western MSM is distrusted.

This is also interesting since the USSR’s government media was rather distrusted during the years I grew up – 1970s-80s – and many young people, such as myself, rebelled against it. Only later we all realized that it was propaganda, yes, but a lot more honest than what the West has always spewed. We realized that what the USSR news told us about the West was largely and usually true.

Central Russian MSM, such as VGTRK (holding company for Channel1 Russia), as well as RT, are rather well trusted. Many of you know RT, and now you know why there is trust — they report the truth.

Note, this trust is assigned specifically to the State-owned media outlets, and NOT to privately-owned media!

VGTRK, by far the biggest Russian media holding, has already announced that they will not broadcast 2018 Winter Olympics without Russian team’s participation. I will talk more about the implications next week.

4. Russians at large trust FSB (former KGB).

We must go back to the point I made above. Russians have learned their lesson since the breakup of the USSR. They now get it how important FSB is for Russia’s defenses. The personal reputation and trust of Putin, ex-KGB officer, also plays a role.

This may have been a surprise for many. Not for me. I’ve been following the progress of this organization for a long time. There had been some criticisms and even minor scandals. I’ve said this before: it almost seems that some of these criticisms and scandals are artificially blown out of proportion in order to make FSB seem less effective than it actually is.

Why? We are talking Russia’s ultimate defense against terrorism, spies and saboteurs. This activity was always relentless against Russia The Great Balancer, in any manifestation, even when Russia was totally dysfunctional in the ’90s. Back then such forces simply dictated their rules to the country.

Ever since 2014, terrorism and anti-Russian spying and sabotage activities intensified 10-fold. This happened in connection with the Kiev junta coup, Crimea, and of course, Russia’s Syrian success. Moreover, all this is multiplied by the fact that we are in the new era of an especially devious 4D hybrid war.

Hence, FSB has to be especially devious in return. One of the tactics that worked well was to make adversary underestimate you, which makes them relax and act bolder, thus making it easier to reveal the perpetrator.

In reality, FSB has been unbelievably efficient and effective in countering various threats. In the past 3-4 years I heard almost weekly, sometimes daily, of such and such terror group or spies apprehended in various parts of Russia. The majority of terror groups were temporary workers from post-Soviet Central Asia (and they were a part of Islamist jihad/ISIL). Many terror groups, especially in Crimea, as well as a great deal of spies, were from Ukraine.

Exact numbers are unknown, but in my estimates, FSB managed to prevent over 100 terror acts since 2014. Russia is more secure than it has been for a long time.

5. Russian government-made or -built objects and state projects 

In Russia, anything that is government-built and or state-owned is much more trusted than private-made or private-owned.

I’ve heard from a large number of people who moved to Russia from Kiev, Lvov, Dnepropetrovsk and elsewhere in Ukraine after 2014. Based on the old Soviet stereotypes, and based on propaganda, Ukrainians still think that in Russia there is as much mayhem, stealing and lawlessness as there is in Ukraine, just ‘better disguised by Putin.’ They think so until they cross the border… They are always extremely shocked as to how efficient and organized everything is in Russia compared to Ukraine (and I daresay compared to many other countries, as well).

It is interesting to note that in some ways Russia took the good example of Singapore, drawing on its experience on how to organize and manage the country in the 21 century. Singapore’s organization is much respected in Russia. There is still much work to be done, but progress is amazing, especially compared to the ’90s.

And that gives us a hint as to why Putin really is so popular and why Russians trust the government at large. Perhaps they have just been doing a good job?

Example: a young family from Kiev looking for a good apartment to settle down in Kazan’ with their 2 young children was shocked to find that all locals recommend state-built and operated apartment complexes, as opposed to those built by private companies. In Ukraine it’s just the opposite, they say. People trust private-built and distrust anything having to do with state, considering it low quality. State in Ukraine = thievery.

Ukrainians are so used to bribery and tax evasion that they are very shocked to find that in Russia you need to abide by law and do things by the book. Once you do, the state leaves you alone and you have much personal freedom.

When Crimea re-joined Russia it was a shock for many Crimeans used to tax avoidance in Ukraine, that in Russia you actually have to pay taxes to be in good standing. Incidentally, Russia’s income tax continues being one of the lowest in the world, at a flat rate of 13%, but those who avoid it get punished.

Certainly, the level of life-enjoyment and happiness in Russia is very high, and that’s despite sanctions and a hit Russians’ incomes took because of that, despite Olympics scandal and constant 4D hybrid attacks against Russia. I can tell you Russians are much happier and life there is much more agreeable than, say, in the US.

Meanwhile, Ukraine, which did very well during the USSR, was recently rated as the most unhappy country in Europe and one of the 3 most unhappy in the world. Ukraine is stuck in the worst version of the destructive ’90s, and plunging deeper to self-destruction due to choosing the wrong path.

At the same time Russia has made a huge leap forward since the near destruction of the ’90s. We discuss all that, why and who must be credited in EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.


1. Police. Despite much effort and no spared expense to re-invent its image and looks, the police is still not very trusted in Russian society, although overall the trust rating has improved compared to the absolute distrust there was several years ago. The all-out fight against corruption and some among police going to jail has helped.

2. Russia’s various political parties.

To find out more about Russian political system listen to Earth Shift Report 11: THE IMPORTANCE OF 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS.

3. Some of the Russian ministers, particularly those who are responsible for the economic policies — the so-called ‘economic block of the government.’ This applies also to Russia’s Central Bank, still dependent on the FED and Western banking system.

This is a universally important topic. We discussed the future of the Western and global monetary system, plus the FED, in ESW3: THE FUTURE OF MONEY.

We discussed Russian Central bank and the ruble situation, why universally disliked ministers are still working in Russia, and when this situation will change, in ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.

4. Private business, especially big private companies and ex-oligarchs.


Dear friends,

Just a reminder that the Webinar Scholarship Program is now over. We have awarded more Putin Enigma scholarships than originally planned. Thank you for your applications. Please do not send any more scholarship requests!

Those who have been loyal monthly contributors, long-time especially loyal FT supporters (you know who you are as we have contacted you with thanks & offers before) and those who have been very loyal and regular Lada Ray donors (you also know who you are as we also corresponded with you) can apply for a $20 off discount for ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA or 10% discount for the whole 6-WEBINAR SERIES. Please email us to request yours!




MP4 video and MP3 audio divided into convenient segments; essential visuals/ photos/ pics/ charts/ maps to help you see the whole picture; CC (closed captioned); written or video/audio bonuses; written outline & additional info; resources & links; PLUS Lada Ray’s sought after Predictions, Quantum Calibrations and Big Q&As – Lada answers your questions!​


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TRUMP vs CLINTON: How Will Electors Vote on Dec. 19? (LadaRayLive18)


Watch video:

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LadaRayLive 18. TRUMP vs CLINTON: How Will Electors Vote on Dec. 19?

Elector Rebellion on Dec. 19? Can Hillary Still Win Presidency?

Soros financed protests. NWO collapse and the fight of the US elites.

Trump already making a difference, before taking office? Trump’s pre-White House moves: appointment of Rex Tillerson of ExxonMobil to the post of the Secretary of State, Airforce 1 Boeing Tweet, IBM promises jobs and ‘made in America.’ Fed rate hike.

Who is trying to sabotage Trump’s presidency? Trump’s assassination?

Oil vs clean energy, and more…

Plus, Lada Ray predictions.

Appointment of Rex Tillerson of Exxon Mobil to the post of the Secretary of State and the clash of the US elites:

Recall what I said in ESR16: the elites that get it and don’t want to be left behind during the Great Earth Shift are behind Trump. Now we are beginning to see what kind of elites are behind Trump. Tillerson is a prominent representative of such elites. Being pro-Russian or at least neutral to Russia, is a major pre-requisite. Tillerson spoke up against Russian sanctions, for which he and his company got in trouble. He continued working with Russian partner Rosneft, despite sanctions. Received Order of Friendship from Putin. Tillerson appointment is a strong message by Trump.

As I have discussed before, Russia – The Great Balancer is presently rebalancing the world into a new reality.

About Russia-The Great Balancer and the Earth Shift (on

For Lada Ray’s complete predictions listen to full (incl. addendum)


Free part 1 of this report is available on Lada Ray Channel!


PRE-Announcing 2017 LADA RAY WEBINARS!

Some of the topics that will be covered:

1. Why USA hasn’t collapsed yet and its future timeline. Comparisons of the collapse of the USSR vs USA & EU. Why various gurus got the timing and details wrong? How the collapse of the USA and West is similar, and how it’s completely unlike the USSR collapse?

2. Will Trump be able to change the outcome and save America from collapse? What to expect from Trump’s first term and how will his destiny shape up?

3. The future of America and the West. What do you need to do to prepare for what’s to come. Lada Ray’s Futurist Trendcast.

4. Global relocation to avoid the collapse, or taking a stand in your country? How Lada sees it.

4. Dollar collapse and the multi-currency world. Why the West pushes for cashless society? How dangerous is it for our freedoms and democracy? The multidimensional perspective: how Lada sees the future of money. Predictions regarding gold and silver, Bitcoin and digital currency. What if you keep your dollars or euros in the bank? Plus, what kind of investments may be favorable going forward?

All this and much more to come in 2017! Participants of live Lada Ray Webinars will have the opportunity to ask questions! Those who want to listen at their leisure, will be able to do so later. First Lada Ray Webinar will be announced in January 2017.


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My recommendations: Top Russian Geopolitical Analysts

I have received multiple requests to share those Russian analysts and sources that I listen to and recommend in the area of geopolitics and economy. One of the readers who has asked this question is our commenter extraordinaire, Paul. His comment and my initial reply with more info can be found here.

My recommendations are based on several factors: 1. How well any given analyst sees the big picture, without succumbing to small and negative emotions, which would taint and distort said big picture. 2. How profoundly this person knows and understands the global geopolitical/economic issues and hidden processes that move the global, Eurasian and Russian society. 3. How interesting it is to listen to this person. 4. How balanced he is (yes, unfortunately, all today’s recommendations are males – will that change soon?). 5. How well can he forecast and/or predict the future. As a geopolitical analyst who is also profoundly psychic and clairvoyant and boasting of a number of accurate global predictions, for me this is an important criteria. You’ll be surprised how many analysts cannot predict the future or gauge it accurately, despite their analysis being basically on target.

Keep in mind, all those listed below have their specialty and angle of view (as I do), so my recommendation doesn’t mean I 100% agree, nor that I necessarily endorse, what they say. If there is an interest in my thoughts on any specific statements by anyone mentioned, we can certainly discuss that in an audio interview.

Wherever possible I also provide relevant links.

Top 2 analysts I recommend highly:

YT link: Nikolay Starikov. Bestselling geopolitical author, head of the new Russian Party Velikoe Otechestvo. Excellent geopolitical knowledge, very accessible and easy to understand for an average listener and pro alike, great story-teller, does a lot of talks, many in book stores. I have a link to Starikov’s site on my Resources page. Here is also a very good talk by Starikov in Bratislava, Slovakia: Democracy and the Roots of Terrorism. Russian patriot, his views are those of a Russia-centric statesman. In that we differ somewhat, as I view all the processes in the world from the point of view of what is best for the Earth and mankind in general. However, as Russia and mankind’s interests largely coincide, I highly recommend Starikov as another angle and good addition to much of what I say. I usually listen to his talks.

Prof. Sergei Glazyev, advisor to President Putin. He is excellent when it comes mainly to economic and geo-economic analysis – very lucid, deep understanding of the big picture, as well as specific issues and practical ways of solving them. Here is a post on FuturisTrendcast which refers to his article: Putin’s Advisor Sergei Glazyev on Eurofascism. Did Russia and China Lose Propaganda War to the US?

Also recommended:

YT link: Anatoly Vasserman. Very highly recommended as analyst, always keeps sight of the big picture. Unlike most others, manages to predict accurately, which shows a great deal of visionary clairvoyance – thus earning a high mark from me. Intellectual, considered one of the smartest people alive, with deep and clear knowledge and wisdom. Interesting to listen to. Jewish from Odessa (the city of my childhood), he is also a futurist with some very interesting ideas of the society of the future, based on advanced forms of socialism.

News of the Slavs with Evgeny Novikov at кРАмола инфо. From Minsk, Belarus. Succinct, 10 minute weekly YT program with analytical overview/opinion on major Russian/global issues. Novikov is a very good political commentator. I always listen.

Prof. Andrey Fursov. Very good analyst, a bit dry. Here is his latest video: Андрей Фурсов – Правда и ложь СМИ. (The MSM truth and lies).

Prof. Valentin Kasatonov. He’s geopolitical economist, mostly academic. Explains well in a detached way. Here’s his latest video analysis about the Russian economy, ruble slide, Western finanical system, FED.

YT link: Mikhail Zadornov. He is actually a comedian turned thinker/analytical comedian, if you will. I like him; he is, when appropriate, wise or funny, gloomy or – mostly – upbeat. In other words, he is balanced; good for those who are interested in distortions of Russian history and holistic (Rus: vedicheskiy – ‘Vedic’) way of life. He isn’t an analyst per se, but a good barometer of the Russian society in general on a balanced, yet critical side. I usually watch his weekly show Neformat to keep on top of that side of things.

The above recommendations complement what I usually talk about. In this regard, those who like my style and things I discuss relative to Russia, Eurasia, the West, forbidden history and liguistics, geopolitics and predictions may also find these helpful.

Some may also like:

Vladimir Zhirinovsky – Head of the Liberal Democratic Party, Deputy Speaker of the Duma. He is a talented speaker with a gift of the gab. Some feel he is too angry and flamboyant (he calmed down a lot lately). Zhirinovsky has a good long-term perspective and vision. Sharp, knowledgeable, sometimes makes decent predictions. Respected because of that. I like to listen to him as a barometer of what is happening in the right-wing part of the Russian society.

Sergei Zheleznyak (Deputy Speaker of the Duma, The United Russia Party). He only does debates (see below) and interviews. Has one of the better perspectives, logical, can talk. He expresses the centrist positon of the United Russia and he’s close to the official position of the Russian Federation. Because of that, he is a very good political barometer. He is originally from Kiev, and therefore, very knowledgeable about internal processes taking place in both Russia and Ukraine, as well as between the two. I find I agree with a lot of what he says in this regard.

Just to note, not a recommendation:

Evgeny Fedorov – Duma deputy, Head of NOD (the National Liberation Movement). To my taste, he is too angry and fear-mongering. But he does have the right perspective as to where Russia should be going, and what the West is up to. Leans toward conspiracy theories. He is sometimes interesting to listen to, makes some valid points. I caught him several times making wrong predictions – he always errs significantly on the negative side. See: Prediction: Is Kiev-Style Maidan Possible in St. Petersburg? Lots about him in that article. We discuss just that issue: his recent prediction that, as we now know, didn’t materialize, and mine that did.

Mikhail Delyagin – political economist. I caught him several times being wrong about what Russia will or won’t do, while my predictions were right on, so… He once in while make certain sense in his analysis – but not in his conclusions. Similar to Khazin. Like Khazin – Anti-Putin, unduly and extremely sarchastic and negative. Not my cup of tea.

I will add this name: Prof. Viktor Yefimov. He is more of a futurist and visionary than analyst. A bit convoluted and dry, but interesting. For those who want to go into the very deep and controvercial things.

I am also adding the top Russian geopolitical shows. There are more analysts and politicians that can be found there. 

YT link: Sunday Night with Vladimir Solovyov on Russia 1 Channel. The best such talk show. Solovyov is an excellent host and moderator. Usually invites prominent Russian analysts, politicians, writers and foreign reps with varying points of view. I make it a point to watch. I find out a lot of news and keep my hand on the pulse of Russia through it, although I could easily do without the loud arguments when they really get going.

Politica with Peotr Tolstoy. Similar format to above. Link to recent show with Glazyev and Zhirinovsky.

Spetsialny Correspondent (Special Correspondent) show on Russia 1, with Evgeny Popov. Link to the latest show about Novorossia, with Zhirinovsky, Zheleznyak, Kurginyan, Shargunov (not bad), Latvian analyst Einar Graudinsh (he’s right on!), and American journalist Michael Baum, who’s very good at finding excuses for US, NATO and OSCE in Ukraine.

The Polish time-bomb?

(Nothing personal, just facts and translation)

Starting at 10:40, the above Spetsialny Correspondent show includes a documentary about the recent riots resembling the Kiev maidan in Warsaw, Poland. The masked, well-trained and organized young people threw at police the cobblestones dug out in advance, as well as Molotov cocktails. The Russian journalist’s investigation shows the close connection between the two events. It also shows the close connection between the Ukrainian and Polish secret police. Both have exchanged information and Ukrainian police trained in Polish secret training facilities. At 13:00 it is revealed that there is a ‘profound friendship’ between western Ukraine nazis and central Polish authorities. Two months before Kiev maidan a number of ukro-nazis received training in Poland. Officially referred to as ‘Ukrainian students,’ they looked like bald forty-year-old body builders with tattooed swastikas. On pictures one can see people in masks – these are Polish instructors. They forgot to remove the sign, which reads: “Police Legionovo.” This is the location of the secret special police training facility.

Russian journalist tried to get an interview from the Polish author of these revelations in one of the local papers. The author of the article published on the first page, with lots of telling pictures (see video), said that the whole thing was a joke, nothing more. He looked uncomfortable, his front tooth chipped. Looks like someone got to him. At the same time, the prosecutor’s office of Warsaw initiated a criminal case against the unauthorized presence of the ukro-nazis in Poland. Left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? Or was it done for show: ‘Polish authorities have nothing to do with ukro-nazis’? At 16:00 – interview with another revelation: the so-called ‘Union of Ukrainians in Poland’ receives huge support from the Polish government. It’s possible that the money goes to arm nazis in Ukraine.

It appears what I suspected all along is taking place in Poland: the radical, ultra-nationalistic minority that has usurped the country’s power structures, is doing everything to ignite a bigger conflict in Europe in order to take revenge on Russia (and Germany too) for old spites. Because of their shortsightedness, they are serving as the US Trojan Horse in the EU, trying to deepen a wedge between Russia and Europe. It is a mistake not to take what is happening in Poland seriously. For years, we have already made this mistake with Ukraine, thinking it couldn’t get any worse – and it did.

Both EU and Ukraine will do well to understand who is manipulating them and why. Any reasonable people still left in the US should also understand that it’s against their best interests to be in bed with the Poles. Poles will attempt to hide behind the US back when things go wrong – and they will; they’ll shift the blame onto the US for the catastrophe they are creating in Europe. This is a very dangerous game. The only result is that Poland will drag itself into the abyss, trying to take others with them.

Further in the same show at 21:30 Sergei Zheleznyak reads a quote: ‘Soviet Union has to be divided into separate tribes wherever possible. We must create for these tribes a separate national identity and idea that would be in direct opposition to the Russian idea. For Ukrainians we need to create their own alphabet and their own vocabulary as different as possible from Russian.’ One of the ideologues of German Nazism, Georg Schmidt-Rohr. This is exactly what is happening in today’s Ukraine, which means someone has activated the old Nazi playbook!

At 32:35 – documentary ‘Faces of Novorossia.’ At 34:33 they show burned packaging from an American military lunch left by the Ukrainian army in the completely destroyed Lugansk Airport. At 35:10 they show factories in ruins left after 23 years of Ukraine’s independence. Not from the artillery shelling, just from the country that gradually was falling apart. 35:55 – Kiev stopped paying pensions to Lugansk/Donetsk retirees, doctors and teachers haven’t been paid in 4 months.

They also show a 20-year-old man, young musician from Donetsk, who lost his leg while coming home from a music lesson when Ukraine army was bombing Donetsk. At the same time the American journalist Michael Baum remarks that what is happening in Ukraine is a game. You can imagine the reaction to such statement.

They later talk about the future Nuremberg-style tribunal for crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine and about the need for the international engagement for the de-militarization, de-nazification of the entire Ukraine.

All the above revelations confirm and reinforce what I have stressed in Earth Shift Report 2: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History. I have talked about the extensive secret role of Poland in financing and instigating the Kiev maidan, and of Polish training facilities for color revolutionaries. I have also talked about the old German idea of tearing the Russians in Ukraine from the Russians in Russia in order to conquer Russia. As I said in the same report, aggression against Russia always ends badly for the aggressor, as the cancer they had created starts eating themselves from the inside, which is what we are seeing now with riots in Poland, Hungary, France, UK and other countries. Much more is revealed in: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History!

P.S. There is additional discussion about Poland in the comment section.

Incidentally, many people mentioned above, such as Zhirinovsky, Zheleznyak, Zadornov, Solovyov, Fedorov have been blacklisted and sanctioned both in Ukraine and US/EU. They cannot travel to either.


All the above YouTube links are in Russian. The translation software is available online – please do a Google search. Also, YouTube usually has a button which asks if you would like to translate. Click on that and see if it would work for you. I understand some of my readers, including our commenter extraordinaire Paul, are successfully using the online translation software to translate when they want to keep personally on top of the events in that part of the world. Perhaps, if any readers have further questions about how to find or use translation software, they could ask Paul to reply in the comment section – we’ll gladly approve such comment thread.

Alternatively, using my info above, you can do a YT search to find videos with English translation.

Apologies for not being able to direct you better to any translation options. As I’m sure you can understand, I never had the need to look into that.

Hope all this information helps.

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Response to a reader: Is East/West conflict a farce camouflaging NWO takeover?

Response to a reader: Is East/West conflict a farce camouflaging NWO takeover?

nick8h says in the comment section to my post: Predictions: The Real Reasons for West’s Anti-Russian Sanctions
“This following article at the link explains quite a different story in many ways. It explains that any West versus East (including Russia) is just a superficial game to keep us distracted from the true orchestration of events. It explains that the West, the East and Russia are all working together. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to find this is what is really going on. I’d love if Vlad Putin, Russia, BRICS, etc. all turned out to be as Lada has described. But when I see articles like the one I’ve linked below, I get worried. I’d love to know Lada’s take on this article.”

Lada’s response:

I looked through the article and comments due to my readers’ requests for my opinion, and here is what I noticed: the article talks EXCLUSIVELY about China, Nazis, Swiss, US, and EU. No mention of Putin or Russia in the article! Meanwhile, take a look at the comments! Practically EVERY comment is about PUTIN and RUSSIA! Where is China in the comments? And why did it suddenly become all about Putin and Russia in the comments?

This means specifically what I warned about in ‘Is Putin part of NWO?’ (see link to article below): they succeeded in subtly vilifying Putin and Russia for the alternative crowd, who would naturally like him! How unclear is that THAT was actually the MEGA goal?

I am not even going to go into the crazy stretch made in the referenced article that because China uses BIS, it means China is part of NWO. We all live and brew inside of the same western-centric financial colonial system imposed on the whole world, which took hold globally specifically because of the collapse of the USSR that served as the counterweight. Read my other articles, especially: Predictions: The Real Reasons for West’s Anti-Russian Sanctions.

There is no other trade/financial system to use, people. Building another one takes a long time! Not to mention, the article from which the preposterously shaky stretch is made to the BIS/NWO, and what not, is written by a Westerner, not Chinese. How about some geopolitical, cultural and historic perspective, and common sense, people? I talked about all this at HUGE length in my article ‘Is Putin Part of NWO?’ And I mentioned this type of manipulative and sensationalist writing, along with the brilliant tactic to subtly discredit Putin through alternative media. Even when it’s not really about Putin, it’s still about Putin! Get my drift?

Conclusion: people have gone mad with the flood of conspiracy theories, and they are being deliberately confused and broadsided with the proliferation of disinfo, just as I explained and predicted. Perhaps, those who have some common sense and reason would like to read my article, Earth Shift Special Report: Is Putin Part of NWO?  where all this is laid out and explained.

People, and please stop this silliness with ‘Putin will come and save us all’ also. Putin is the President of Russia, and he will be working to defend the interests of HIS country. Westerners seem to have only two gears when it comes to Russia and Putin: either utter beastly hatred, or putting them on the unattainably high pedestal.

For much more, do read my articles mentioned above, and learn to read between the lines as well. The point of the Earth Shift we are presently living through is to become sovereign individuals, who can also live, grow and work productively and harmoniously together without prejudices and fighting. But it is also necessary to see with clear eyes who is HELPING and who is trying to prevent the good scenarios from materializing on planet Earth.

I look at the article/comments referenced in the reader question, and so far, the only thing I can do is shake my head. What I see saddens me tremendously.

By the way, while some refer to what happens in Ukraine as a “farce” and ‘distraction,” there are real people and animals dying and suffering there every day. See my post: E. Ukraine: Donetsk man feeds pets left behind by refugees fleeing the Kiev junta invasion.

Additionally, perhaps those who do want to know the truth and those who have reason should check out MY predictions, which have an interesting habit of regularly coming true. If my track record of accurate predictions can’t convince you that I actually know what I am talking about – nothing will!

Thank you,

Lada Ray


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Reloaded and expanded! Earth Shift Report 1 double feature: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?

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is available now on! Click to donate and read!

IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Astana KZ – New NWO Capital?

Bonus: Lukashenko’s Bluff


8/20/15 MESSAGE: This report has been mega-popular and it quickly got nearly 1000 reposts on Facebook last year. I have noticed that for a while these Facebook reposts, as marked on the social media bar below, have been vanishing. It is now only 13 or so. This means that someone has been deliberately deleting these FB reposts. Hmm… who might that be? Who is so very interested in lies overshadowng the truth?

A note from Lada:

Dear readers, I am pleased to announce my new website Eventually, Lada Ray Predictions will be moved from FuturisTrendcast to the new site. But for the time being you can still read all PREDICTIONS here. is designed to house my new signature EARTH SHIFT Report. Today, I am offering to you a free Earth Shift Special Report: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? 

Upcoming Earth Shift Report, THE PUTIN ENIGMA, will delve much deeper into the Putin phenomenon, as well as into the history, karmic role and destiny of Russia.

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Putin and Euro remnants



I’ll be honest; it has been difficult for me to write this piece. I started many times, added some notes here hand there, but had some reluctance to publish it. Despite my going pretty deep, it seemed to me that the issue was still deeper than that. Something still seemed unsaid that should have been said. There still seemed to be some forces, and some hidden, not very flattering features of the human psyche, that were so dark and unsavory that I was unwilling to delve in.

Being an empath and Intellect Shifter, I usually find that there are no mysteries in this world. Everything is usually laid out in front of me like an ever-changing tapestry, including events, their profound motivations, and the deepest human emotions, as well. It is a rather rare instance when I find myself in disbelief that even those I consider smart people can get so easily caught in the web of lies. What is it in human psyche that allows it to build walls so easily, and to believe lies so readily?

In short, I can tell you what it is: it is called fear, the built-in human emotion that is supposed to safeguard us from danger. It’s a very useful warning mechanism; yet, due to the misused human ego and mind games, fear most of the time becomes the reason for the humans’ self-fulfilling prophecy.

It’s just that it’s so unbelievably obvious! How can people not see the traps laid out for them by forces with the darkest of the dark ulterior motives?

But this is another topic, which is very important, and I plan to discuss it in my future articles.

For now, I’ll repeat the advice I have given before. To get out of the matrix of fear, raise your vibration to the level of reason, and subsequently, to love. Important clue: love without reason will still lead you astray; you need both to effectively function in the middle realm, also described as the earthly human realm.

In this piece I am offering you a unique opportunity to firmly raise your vibration to the level of reason. I will touch upon certain facets of what I call the Putin Phenomenon. The phenomenon of Putin is much larger, of course. This, very detailed and meticulous article is just the beginning. The PUTIN ENIGMA is to follow. As promised, in 2-3 weeks I will present to you a special report, which will give you a complete understanding. When the special report is ready, the announcements and links will be posted on this blog.

The title of this article is controversial at best. We will discuss a lot of juicy stuff, including: different facets of the NWO issue in connection with the Russian President Vladimir Putin; what is the West really after; the real story of the Belgian US Treasury purchase scandal; the related issue of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, as the alleged future capital of NWO.

 World’s most powerful man or NWO agent?

Putin 1

According to the mainstream media and politicians in the US, EU, and other Western countries, Putin is the biggest problem the world has today. Strangely enough, it appears it is Putin who is behind pretty much every problem the West itself has created.

Putin goes around personally shooting people, and he personally heads up the rebels in Donbass. Don’t you see him behind that mask?

In 2004, Putin personally went to Kiev under the cover of the night and poisoned the US stooge and ex-Ukraine president Victor Yushchenko (as if that one didn’t generate enough enemies in his own country for that to happen). Putin also personally poisoned the infamous Litvinenko in London (of course, by sneaking into London illegally). It seems only the lazy don’t know by now that 9/11 was the inside job, so sadly, they can’t blame that one on Putin. Similarly, the useful puppet Litvinenko’s so-called plutonium poisoning was in fact a false flag by UK’s MI6 gone bad.

Another example of a botched false flag was the 2013 hit on ex-Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky. When Berezovsky mysteriously, and totally out of character, hanged himself in his London mansion (for which, strangely, the investigation was never completed), Russia, and of course, personally Putin, were supposed to be blamed. Russians realized right away what was going to happen, and a brilliant move followed. Russians made public the secret letter Boris Berezovsky had sent to Putin, begging him for pardon and a return home. The UK couldn’t manufacture another anti-Russian hoax in view of the clear evidence to the contrary. This is how the hastily put together self-hanging version emerged, never mind the uncharacteristic bruises on Berezovsky’s neck. Berezovsky, the long-standing agent of MI6 and Rothschilds, who inflicted untold damage on Russia throughout the ’90s, knew too much. He could never be allowed to return to Russia and spill the beans. Isn’t it clear who benefitted from Berezovsky’s death, and who didn’t?

But never mind that little hiccup… It’s still undoubtedly Putin who starts wars all over the world, unseats governments, creates areas of instability and arms/trains terrorists. To follow the Western logic of absurd to the end, it must have been Putin who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, trained/armed Al Qaeda, bombed Libya and Serbia. Putin was certainly the one who masterminded and created Wall Street and the world of virtually worthless Western money; he supported the banksters and their predatory practices around the world. Putin is behind the greedy global US and UK corporations, and he masterfully manipulates public opinion through the Western MSM he controls. Why not? If Putin can personally poison a US stooge in Kiev, why can’t he do all the above as well?

At night he personally sneaks into Ukraine, bombs innocent civilians in Donbass, and yes, he was the sniper who personally shot people on Kiev maidan. He is also to blame for the civil war in Ukraine. At least that’s what Ukro MSM would have you believe. Grotesque?

But wait, that’s not all! Of course, he personally shot down that unfortunate Malaysian MH17 Boeing 777 over Eastern Ukraine (at least this is what hysterical trolls on YT would have you believe), specifically so Russia could be blamed for it, all because he is the stupidest man in the world… Or he is devil incarnate.

The Western MSM, and it appears even parts of the so-called alternative media, have been very busy vilifying Putin and Russia since forever. I know all about it having lived in the West for most of my adult life. But even I am surprised at how vicious and senselessly crazy the defamation of Putin’s character has become lately.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, having predicted the super-volatile energy of this year in my Year of the Wood Horse Predictions in January 2014, and the senseless, gloves-off mass psychosis of this entire decade. But can I personally ever get used to how unreasonable and vicious humans can be sometimes? I don’t know…

Let me illustrate my point:

After the shooting of the MH17, the biggest and most respected publication of Germany, Der Spiegel, put Putin on the cover with these words: “We must stop Putin before it’s too late.” This info comes from a German journalist – see his video in German and Russian about that. Let me get this straight: The plane flew over Ukraine territory; the Ukraine air traffic control in Dnepropetrovsk made the plane deviate from its course and fly over the war zone, thus deliberately putting it in danger; it was shot down and crashed on Ukraine territory – but Russia, and personally Putin, are to blame nevertheless.

This is important to understand! Are they after vilifying Russia? Yes, they are. But we must be clear that the above headline, just like many others, are much more targeted. Did you notice they don’t say ‘Russia?’ THEY BLAME PERSONALLY PUTIN. If you look around the MSM output, you will see that Putin, not necessarily Russia, is in the headlines. Why? Because this is done specifically to unseat Putin. This is the strategy of convincing the world, and even certain Russians, that their leader is super-bad. Vilifying a leader who doesn’t bow to them is the long-standing strategy used by the West to soften up – to tenderize, like meat before frying – their own sheeple, as well as the population of the country to be destroyed, before the actual process of destruction of said country has begun.

Many examples of this are available when the defamation, character assassination, and massive multi-prong slander of the leader preceded the wholesale demolition of a country. Russian Emperor Nikolay II in 1917, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Kaddafi of Libya, Assad of Syria, Milosevic of Yugoslavia, and the most recent, Yanukovich of Ukraine. One example here stands out: neither Syrian people, nor the leader, ever betrayed their country, and they never bowed to the West. As a result, Assad is still there, and the US proxy Al Qaeda rebels can’t take over the country. Of course, it is also largely due to the Russian support and Putin’s derailment of their plans in Syria… In both of these regards Assad is similar to Fidel Castro of Cuba, possibly the most vilified leader of all time, who survived 600 assassination attempts, but who is still there.

This brings us to Vladimir Putin, who, in my opinion has already replaced Castro as the most vilified leader. The West can’t forgive Putin that he saved Russia from the abyss; that he rebuilt Russia; that he is conducting wise, peaceful and effective policies that are about to ruin the cushy predatory lifestyle they had created for themselves at the expense of the rest of the world.

Another bit from Germany: a German politician announced recently that Russia should be denied the right to host the 2018 football (soccer) World Cup as a result of flight MH17 Boeing 777 catastrophe in Ukraine, because… Russia cannot guarantee the safety of Russian airspace. I always thought Germans were smart and well-educated. But I must have been thinking of some other Germans. For the slow ones, one more time: Boeing 777 flew over Ukraine, was shot over Ukraine, etc., etc. Germans, please buy a map and read Wikipedia or something to figure out where Ukraine is, and where Russia is.

Conclusion 1: Germans either have become very stupid ever since I knew them (as a student I had a couple of very smart German friends, Anke and Michel, and I’d been to Germany a couple of times), or they are so thoroughly under the US thumb that all they can do is parrot what lies US dumps on them. Sad, sad, sad!

Conclusion 2: No matter what Russia or Putin says, or does, no matter what the evidence shows, Putin will still be culpable of all mortal sins, and Russia will still be blamed by the West, no matter how absurd.

Warning: Let me remind my readers that I warned from the very beginning of the Ukraine crisis that USA’s goal is to put a wedge, and if possible, to create a war, between Russia and EU – most importantly, Germany, as the most powerful country of the EU. Let me remind Europeans and Germans that in the course of the 20th century, Russia and Germany were successfully pitted twice against each other, which created two devastating world wars. The same forces that succeeded back than, are trying to play the old card. And judging by how Germans act, they ARE succeeding yet again. It won’t matter how low-key, reasonably and peacefully Russia acts, if Germany takes the bait again, and again, as it did in 1914 and 1941… Russian Emperor Nikolay II tried to convince parties to resolve the conflict peacefully in 1914; in 1930s Stalin tried for years to create anti-Hitler coalition with the West. None of this worked. UK (Great Britain), USA and of course, Germany, still led the world into two world wars!

The Euroclear Hoax, or how Belgium acquired over $200bln in US Treasuries overnight

I have received this question from a number of people at once. Unfortunately, I don’t have the link to the original article to which these readers are referring, nor do I have the name of the author. However, I will explain its essence so that if you see this conspiracy theory floating around, you’ll know.

One reader says: “Lada, have you taken a look at “Euroclear”? These folks serve as a clearinghouse for countries including Russia, to broker financial instruments like treasuries for others to buy. It is closely linked to the east and west, especially Russia and the IMF and BIS. It is possible that this east west paradigm is nothing more than a facade to allow all the elite to issue in a new worldwide currency like SDR’s that are tied to the IMF and the BIS thugs that were linked to Hitler, Bush, etc. A crisis like Ukraine etc. is all that would be needed to allow them to “slip in” a new currency after the dollar falls. What do you think?”

Another one writes: “Lada, help… is this stuff @ Putin and Euroclear true?”

First of all, here is how it works in the financial markets: From Russia using a certain company as a clearing agent (the one the author alleges is called #Euroclear) does not automatically follow that Russia is in bed with those who secretly own such company (allegedly, the past owner is JP Morgan). When any country or company issues government bonds, it has to go through a specialist to broker these bonds, and IF Euroclear is that specialist, it simply can’t be avoided dealing with them whether you want to, or not. Those who understand how financial world works will know that there are very few specialists in a certain narrow field. As we know, financial world has been monopolized by the US and UK, therefore, everyone has to go through the same agents.

In this comment, I heard the word ‘Hitler,’ as well as the dreaded NWO agent JP Morgan, who supposedly used to own Euroclear (but doesn’t any more). Based on that, the stretch is made that IF JP Morgan USED to own Euroclear, and JP is NWO, and if Russia used Euroclear for its bonds, then Russia is also part of NWO. Do you see how ridiculous this sounds?

In other words, if I used to have a bank account with JP Morgan (I had one over 10 years ago, when I worked on Wall Street and the most convenient bank was JP Morgan), then per this logic, I am a part of NWO conspiracy, Illuminati, and definitely secretly linked to Bush and Hitler. Wow…I am starting to get afraid of myself! But if the author of some obscure conspiracy theory that is floating around the web says so, it MUST be true?

Another example, if you ever wore a Hugo Boss suit and/or owned the Ford stock (being a woman, I never wore HB suits, but I owned the Ford stock at one point in the 1990s) both of whom were in bed with Hitler, then it obviously follows that you are a Hitler supporter!

I later received this additional message from a reader: “I completely forgot about the negative implications of the Euroclear allegation and I am certain that Russia has honourable motives…. Perhaps Lagarde maybe referring to the ‘Inclusive capitalism’ an initiative started by Lynn Forester de Rothschild!” (this is a reference to IMF SDRs – special drawing rights used presently by banks and countries internationally).

Note, all the above references by readers are based on article(s) in alternative press.

I’ll be direct. Unfortunately, not all “alternative” media is created equal. There are many alternative media sources that thrive on fear and unproven, poorly understood conspiracy theories. Discernment is advised in all cases. I don’t know this author, and perhaps he makes more sense in his other writings – perhaps not. I am not interested to find out after the above hoax. I can tell you with full confidence he doesn’t understand Russia and Putin at all, projecting Western values and mentality onto it, and substituting this false projection for real knowledge. I have read and met quite a few real deal alternative journalists and alternative analysts. Please choose to listen to the ones who know what they are talking about! Discard the rest.

In this case it doesn’t matter whether Russia’s intentions are “honorable” or selfish, or anything in between. Russia will do, like any other country, what’s in her best interests. Right now the country is governed by a very good team, the best any country has – and mind you, this wasn’t always the case. Of course, no one’s 100% infallible. But these people know what Russia needs, what she doesn’t need, and they work to steer the country in the right direction.

Consequently, who, in their right mind, would ever think Russia (or Kazakhstan for that matter with another smart leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev) for a moment would want to be a part of the CRUMBLING, DYING Western system? Russia and China are working on replacing this system – and US is NOT invited. EU may be invited, if they play nice – but NOT as the leading player.

Russia wants to free herself from the Western trap, not get deeper into it. IMF Head Christine Lagarde lives in the dream world, if she thinks they can trap Russia again via SDRs, IMF or any other way. The SDR idea is outdated and SDRs have been recognized as imperfect and unsuitable as reserve currency for years. This appears to be someone’s sensationalist attempt to push an old, irrelevant agenda.

But – this is important to understand: while Russia pursues her own core interests, these interests align fully with interests of the whole world, as the whole world desperately needs to restore balance and fairness, and get rid of the present, grossly distorted Anglo-Saxon economic model. Russia is the ultimate global balancer. If Russia is balanced, the rest of the world will be in balance as well. Read more about that in Predictions.

Russia – new secret buyer of US bonds?

This is especially hilarious! It appears some went as far as suggesting that Russia is the NEW SECRET BUYER OF US BONDS. The basis for the assumption that Russia is the secret new buyer of the US bonds, thus propping up the dollar, is apparently based on the sudden appearance of the large amount of US bonds worth $200bln in Belgium’s possession.

This suggestion appeared at the time that Putin stated that Russia will DECREASE its foreign bond holdings after the US/EU sanctions. As I have predicted from the start of the Ukraine crisis, Russia will be pivoting more and more to the East (Eurasian Union and Altyn as the new Eurasian currency; signing the Holy Grail gas deal, and other deals with China; ditching US dollar) and to the Global South (consider the mega-successful recent trip by Putin and Russian leading politicians/business people to Latin America).

Such redirection of Russia’s priorities will be happening regardless of whether the West continues insisting on slapping more sanctions, or not. This is the new reality, and they might as well get used to it.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Reagan’s Asst Treasury Secretary and Father of Reaganomics), who knows a thing or two about US economic policy, believes that these $200bln in US bonds are the hidden purchase by the US FED, camouflaged as another country’s independent acquisition. Of course it’s not fooling anyone as this amount constitutes 1/2 of the entire GDP of Belgium and therefore couldn’t have happened with the Belgian funds. Dr. Roberts further believes that ‘a COUNTRY with large US bond holdings’ has dumped a significant portion of its holdings in the market, and that the FED had no choice but to buy them up to avoid the run on the US bonds.

Meanwhile, Belgians believe that the $200bln in US bonds came to them via Russia. When I first heard this news, I initially thought that Russia had to park the US bonds in her possession in Belgium, where US wouldn’t get its hands on them if it decided to sanction Russia further. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw a completely different picture emerging:

The FED had to urgently purchase a large amount of the US bonds dumped by another country – and this country is Russia. After threats of financial sanctions, Russia dumped on the market about $104bln in US bonds and the FED had to pick them up, passing this amount, plus additional Treasury quantities, to Belgium to avoid crashing the US bond market if it became known Russia was dumping. Russia is SELLING US bonds – not buying!

Why did Russia agree to keep quiet about it? This would be in the realm of politics, is much as economics. In exchange for keeping quiet, Russia would obviously get something, like the US and EU paying for part of the Ukraine multi-billion gas debt to Gazprom, or a better deal on these bonds than expected, as a couple of examples.

The West in general, and USA in particular, have lost the high moral ground on just about everything. Putin and Russia meanwhile are acquiring more and more high moral ground, and respect, worldwide. This includes many in the West. Putin’s approval rating has recently hit a high of 83%.

Meanwhile, since US is now tainted with continuing allegations of spying, underhanded behavior and aggression, it has effectively lost what Americans love referring to as “the war for the hearts and minds.” US is seen all over the world as a force of evil and aggression. Americans are perceived as arrogant and untrustworthy.

There was a time throughout the 20th century, when America was a dream of freedom for simple people in some parts of the world. The reason I say ‘some parts of the world’ is because even after the slavery was abolished in the US, African-Americans didn’t have equal rights until after 1960s. At the same time, Native Americans were kept in reservations where they died a slow death. At the very same time, US dominated Latin America, sucking out resources and exploiting population. These parts of the world hardly considered USA a ‘land of the free.’

However, such was the opinion of many immigrants from Europe who ran from various world wars and conflicts, which were the trademark of the European continent. The reputation of the USA as the ultimate safe haven had only increased after WWII, when USA remained effectively the last man standing. Europe was in ruins both physically and in spirit. Russia was destroyed and lost 27 million people. While Russia and Europe were trying to recover, USA was free to claim the global reserve currency status, as well as the status of the undisputed leader of the Western world: ideological, political, cultural, financial, military and industrial. One of the perks of all this was the ability to produce less and less, while consuming more and more. Why not – it was all paid for by the hard-working nations that bought US Treasuries and sent their cheap goods. Another perk: all Western nations and many Third World nations started storing their gold reserves in the US as the “safest place on earth.”

The status of the world reserve currency, gold reserve center, and the political/military center of the Western world brought untold riches to the US. Let’s also recall that only WWII ended the American Great Depression. If not for the war, US may have never recovered, and the land of the free may have looked completely differently.

From this alone we can make a very important conclusion: US needs wars on European continent; it needs to pit against each other the most powerful competitors. These are, and have been previously, Russia and Germany. USA has a new power house rising: China. US has been trying to pit China and Russia against each other for years, with no result. US has to settle for trying to pit Japan and China against each other, with partial success.

From the above we can clearly see how much Chinese and Russians are smarter than Europeans, who take the bait every time. This is for the rational Europeans out there: you now know what they want – DON’T take the bait.

Let’s get back to our history lessons: The US riches and influence simply skyrocketed after the collapse of the USSR. There was no one left to challenge the US, and no one to keep its ambitions in check. From this, we can also make a conclusion how desirable the collapse of the Soviet Union was for the US. It is well documented that through a series of manipulations, lies, economic sabotage, and treason, US manufactured the collapse of the USSR and Russia in 1980s-1990s.

As a result, the world started tilting into a bigger and bigger imbalance as the US claimed the status of the only super-power in the world, “exceptional” in every way. This claim went unchallenged as everyone in the 1990s simply swallowed it, thinking the times of prosperity for all had come, courtesy of the infallible American Empire’s economic model. You can read more about this in Predictions.

The US seemed to not be able to go wrong. Russia was bashed and maligned, or simply put down. Russia was seen by many, even inside the country, as finished. At the same time, US was put on the pedestal. By whom? By all of us. WE ARE ALL COMPLICIT. WE WERE ALL SHORTSIGHTED!

The difference is, some of us came back to our senses and saw the truth, while others are still asleep and happily deluded. For the first time, I saw the truth during the 1990s bombings of Yugoslavia by US and NATO. I think, that was a cold shower for many Russians, no matter where they resided. I woke up completely in 2002 – after 9/11 and before the invasion of Iraq. I traveled to Asia, and was shocked to find how little Chinese, Malaysians and Indonesians trusted US in those days. Americans were openly called ‘imperialists.’

This brings us to the following conclusion: We still live in the ‘habitually West- centric world.’ I can assure you that the tide is changing, but due to the pervasiveness of Western penetration into every sphere of the planetary human existence, it will take a while to unravel all the dependencies. This is why we are in for a number of very tedious and unpleasant years. My point is, we are constantly talking about what the West thinks, says or does in relation to Russia and other countries. In many Asian cultures people always thought differently, same with Latin America and Africa. We need to stop validating the spoiled West by paying this much attention to their tantrums. It’s a good idea to finally start starving them for attention, giving much more prime time to other countries’ opinions. Yes, I know, they had taken over the entire world’s communication system, including MSM, the web, social media, and it seems partially even the alternative media. This is why we need more articles like this one – we need more of those who tell and spread the truth.

Let’s return to the US ‘success story:’ in the second half of the 20th century, USA succeeded in accumulating tremendous financial, political and psychological capital as a result of a certain sequence of events, its own clandestine efforts to topple the USSR, and the naiveté of the earth’s population. And what do they do with this unsurpassed capital? They squander it within 20 years, making USA the most hated and distrusted country in the world, even by the standards of the thoroughly brainwashed world’s population.

This brings us to the present moment. USA has lost its clout. It has lost trust. It has lost good will – completely. Perhaps a government/country that still had some honesty left would have admitted mistakes and would have done some soul searching? Perhaps it would strive to change its ways? What does US do? It plows on, insisting on its “exclusivity” and “special-ness.” It steamrolls across countries, leaving ruins and dead bodies in its wake, it spies on the whole world, it kidnaps, stages bloody coups and threatens everyone who is not entirely subservient. It spreads senseless chaos and destruction all over the world.

For those US cannot threaten or eliminate directly, it kills via its propaganda. Character assassination is one of the favorite weapons of the United States of America.

Since US cannot be seen as a positive force any more, the only thing that is left for its propaganda is to discredit the opponent. To do that, the US needs to twist the reality in such a way that the opponent is painted with the tainted brush.

In other words, US is not interested any more in proving that it’s a force for good in the world. Alas, it’s too late for that as everyone’s aware of the truth. USA isn’t trying to show it’s not the driving force behind NWO. It is abundantly clear that America has lost the fight for the hearts and minds.

Therefore, USA’s new strategy is to paint everyone else with a tainted brush, so everyone seems tainted as much as the USA, and this especially concerns Russia and Putin.

This is actually a brilliant tactic, which easily confuses people – even the smart ones. This is called “I am going down, but I am determined to drag down with me everyone I can.” Will it work? Short term – yes, as it confuses people and slows down the progress of transitioning to a better, more equitable society, not based on US hegemony and US dollar dominance. People start questioning if it’s even worth protesting, or getting to the bottom of the truth, if all global elites are corrupt equally.

However, it will not work for long. The US doesn’t really think long-term. All they are attempting to do is kick the can down the road.

Who sees through the tainted picture? 1. Those who have a very good inner lie detector, who can read people and the energetic imprint of their actions. 2. Also, those who know the reality on the ground – what is Russia and what her aspirations are, the psychology, history and mentality of the Russian people. 3. Of course, those who can see the world through clear eyes. 4. Those who live in the Russian space. Every time Russians see Putin criticized in the West, they just smile: this means that he is doing something right. (Note: This doesn’t mean that there are no Russians who think differently. There is a pervasive, but diminishing, Western presence in Russia as a result of the USSR collapse and the ’90s. There are NGOs, fifth column, Western-style neo-liberals, who are generally despised, and simply deluded people as well. Here I speak of the prevailaing energy and the growing healthy forces that are clearly visible.)

That said, blaming Putin for being a secret part of NWO is a very insidious tactic and it’s geared towards the smarter and more awake people. These would naturally support Putin because of his actions. But if they succeed in twisting the truth so he seems like a double agent of the West, than he is distrusted and branded the same as others by those who are predisposed to believe conspiracy theories, however outlandish – simply because such theories offer a seeming alternative to the existing official point of view.

When the tainted brush propaganda technology is turned on, distrust and confusion are the result. These lead to paralysis and inaction – and this is exactly what they want to achieve! They want the majority to be passive and subservient, and the smarter minority to be passive and distrustful of all. Mission accomplished!

Let’s dig deeper…

NWO primer; does NWO exist; Why ‘Putin is NWO’ hoax was needed; what went on in Russia in the ’90s and how the world’s grave imbalance happened; why Asatana, KZ was designated as the ‘new NWO capital; what kind of game Lukashenko and Belarus are playing; all about Russian oligarchs; who is really behind NWO; the real role of Vladimir Putin and Russia; plus, my extensive predictions.

All this and more in reloaded and expanded

EARTH SHIFT REPORT double feature+

IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Astana KZ – New NWO Capital?

Bonus: Lukashenko’s Bluff


Copyright 2014-15 Lada Ray


Read about Russia’s historic and karmic role as the ultimate balancer of the planet Earth in PREDICTIONS.


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Karen Hudes Predicts Lawlessness when US Dollar Loses International Currency Status

Karen Hudes has worked as Sr. Counsel with World Bank until she was dismissed for exposing fraud and double standards. In this interview, Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog and Karen discuss the breakdown of the rule of law in the US, the FED, permanent gold backwardation, precious metals as legal tender, future of the US dollar and fiat currency, consequences for the simple citizens of the loss of value of the US dollar, future of international trade, BRICS trade, Bitcoin, German gold issue, and more.