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#Jumpstart2018 ~ Reader Q&A (Putin, Calibrations, Plans, The Lost History)

EDITED BRIGHT Lada Sau lge    Dear friends,

I hope you all have had a great New Year’s! It’s time to get back to reality and work. You know, in Russia the New Year statewide holiday lasts from January 1 through January 8, covering both New Year and Rozhdestvo (Russian Christmas). It used to be longer, but there were complaints from citizens regarding too much holiday! 😉

Here at FuturisTrendcast, we begin complaining even sooner and so, by January 4 we are ready to roll! This New Year 2018 I decided to begin with the #Jumpstart2018 series. It was nice to take a few days off to celebrate, but I think you all want me to re-engage as the world keeps spinning, stuff keeps happening and Earth Shift keeps developing.

This is the first post of the week-long #Jumpstart2018 series and you’ll just have to bear with me to see what surprises I decide to include in it.


You all know that one of the topics I always try to talk about whenever I can is #ForbiddenHistory, falsified timelines and the Russian Truth Code.

I get a lot of emails and questions much like this one from Norway, from yesterday ~

“Since I read Anastasia by Vladimir Megre, many years ago, I have felt the Russian connection and that the history is so manipulated, and still is. I would love to hear more of the lost 1000 yrs and the Scandinavian connection to the Motherland. It has bothered me a lot and I have not found the answers as yet.”

Interesting choice of words in this comment, don’t you think? ‘Scandinavian connection to the Motherland’ that is Russia. I think the author of this comment truly and profoundly feels the forbidden truths of our origins! Incidentally, such understanding only comes to those souls who are higher-dimensional and highly calibrated, which a lot of my readers and followers are.

I already have these two related and very popular articles under Forbidden HistoryForbidden Linguistics

I also talk about that in these 3 recent interviews

 The Plane Truth ~ with Lada Ray – PTS3160 TimeMonkRadioNetwork

But these are just the beginning. I am happy to tell you that I am preparing a new major series of Earth Shift Webinars, which will address the issues of forbidden, falsified and manipulated history, the truth about the lost 1000 years (or more?) and the New Chronology, the multidimensional mysteries of Hyperborea, Atlantis, Antarctica and EurAsia, as well as the forbidden linguistics that reveals much through delicate clues hidden in plain sight. As always, I won’t rehash anyone else’s material, although homage will always be paid to interesting sources I recommend. The story you will hear will be my own, told as always from my multidimensional perspective.

Please stay tuned, official announcements coming in the second half of January!



Posting link to Putin’s New Year Address to the Nation. I would be interested in Lada’s calibration of this speech. I found it full of love, unity & power. I stumbled across this link to English translation on official President of Russia site. If you’re interested you can scroll down and read about Putin’s phone conversations with Netanyahu on the first, India’s prime minister Modi on the 3rd or click around and check out his schedule. Or you can click on “documents” at the top & read gems like this one dated 12/29/17: Federal law on ratifying Agreement between Russia & Syria in extending Russian Navy’s inventory and logistics support centre area in port of Tartus. ..


Well said, Nancy — and a great question! I get a lot of questions about calibrations of various things, people and events. I know I am behind on some calibrations people have asked me to perform. Promise to do better in 2018 and post them more regularly. I might start a new Quantum Calibrations Series, actually. In what form and where — we’ll know soon.

Today, per Nancy’s New Year’s wish, I’ll calibrate Putin’s speech for you all.

I would usually post on FT Russian President’s traditional New Year’s Address, always delivered live at the stroke of midnight on Dec 31. Belatedly, here is Putin’s 2018 New Year Address.

Original Russian version

English translated version


QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS for Vladimir Putin’s live New Year’s Address 2018

QC = Quantum (cosmic energy) Calibration
CHI = Chi (earthly energy) Calibration





No surprise there, actually. Putin’s been busy presiding over Russia — the Great Balancer Earth-Shifting the world into the new reality, while doing it with care, humanity and compassion towards his citizens and compatriots, as well as making sure the humanity doesn’t plunge into a new global war. Such compassion and humanity have not always been displayed towards Russians in the past, and Russians often had to carry the load of the world on their shoulders in the past, sacrificing their well-being and needs to keep the world spinning. This is the first such successful and very careful experiment in recent history.

It is an extremely difficult endeavor indeed, as detractors, skeptics and enemies abound, but so do friends and supporters.

All about Putin, his secrets and role, and lots about Russia’s forbidden history, including fascinating mystical, multidimensional & geopolitical truths & revelations can be found in that famous

​Earth Shift Webinar 6 


Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

I found this question by a follower to be very interesting and decided to respond in detail.

Avimun 4h

“Thank you for the answer about impatience. I have another vital question, that you maybe prefer to write/explain about in a separate article. Are Russian culture associated with Scandinavian culture? All Scandinavians originate from Finland. Now I read that Scandinavians are Slavs on this link

#A small Slavic state was organized in 820 A.D. on the south shore of the Gulf of Finland where it flows into the Baltic Sea. This small state was organized by a small group of Varangians from the Scandinavian peninsula on the opposite shore of the Baltic Sea. The native population of this newly formed state consisted of nomad Slavs who had made their home in this area from earliest recorded history.# Has this relation effect in today situation?”

Lada’s response:

Yes, Scandinavians are Slavs or Rus, if you prefer, and have a very ancient history together with the rest of the Slavs. Another technical term for this ancient culture is Slavyano-Arians, Russia being the most prominent and best-preserved representative of this massive culture.

The ‘Varangians’ are called Varyags in Russian. They are basically nomadic Baltic Slavs. Everyone in Russia knows this old song: “Vragu ne sdaetsia nash slavny Varyag”: “Our slavny (glorious) Varyag doesn’t surrender.”

The history of Slavs (and Scandinavians) is certainly much longer than a mere 1000 years. The official Russian calendar was westernized by Peter I (the Great) in 1700. While I believe that Peter did do some useful things during his reign, the calendar conversion was probably a huge mistake. The calendar change was supposed to create a better environment for easier trade and integration with Europe. In retrospect, I don’t know if this was such a good idea. Again, Russia had to play out her karmic role of the Global Balancer, and perhaps that was part of it (see Predictions for more). However in the final analysis, it created a massive identity confusion that perpetuated for over three centuries, stole at least 5,000 plus years of Russian, and generally Slavic, history, and created fertile ground for the massive re-write and falsification of the global history. Without that event, the history of the 20th century and today’s world may have looked very differently.

Before this happened, there was a very different Russian calendar, presently used only by the Starovery (old believers) and preserved on monuments and ancient churches in Russia and other Slavic countries, such as Serbia. According to this calendar, today would be the year 7,522 from the ‘creation of the peace treaty signed in the Star Temple with the Dragon,’ meaning with China. Obviously there was also plenty of history before that event.

Therefore, world history was falsified to such a degree that white has been turned black and vice versa.

In fact, most of the population of Europe was Slavic/Rus. If you look at the Scandinavians and Russians, you’ll see how similar they usually look (light skin, hair and eyes, similar body type – oftentimes tall, broad-shouldered, muscular males, and tall females with pretty features).

But at one point, starting about 1000 years ago, and even more so as of the 17th century, Europe splintered into many small states. The reason was that local lords of those days wanted to assert their independence based on their own lust for power. The Vatican and religion played a very prominent role in this struggle for power as well. The further from the center was the location, the more likely it was to splinter off.

This same thing is happening in today’s Ukraine: denying their common origin with Russians and attempting to invent the ancient Ukrs from whom they supposedly descended, saying that Ukrainian language is unrelated to Russian, while actually speaking Russian. Some of the Ukrainian pearls: Adam and Eve were ancient Ukrs; Jesus was Ukrainian, etc.

To assert their local power Ukraine oligarchs and politicians needed to create a history that was very different from the common history with Russia. Something similar happened in Europe 1000-300 years ago, albeit on a much grander scale. This also concerns Italy and Germany, as well as many other countries.

Linguistics, archeology, mathematics, as well as genetics, are those sciences that can reveal the truth no matter how much it’s been hidden. Among many other things, I am a linguist as you may know; therefore, I use the wonderful science of linguistics to reveal the truth.

Since I was a child I put the 2 and 2 together such as: Scandinavian god of all (in other words, the One) is called Odin. I bet no Scandinavian knows the real origin of this word. The reason is simple – the moment it has to be admitted that it’s a Russian word, you have too many unpleasant questions to answer.

In fact: ‘odin’ means ‘one’ in Russian.

Another interesting bit. Everyone knows the word Azgard, thanks to the beautiful film “Thor.”


Chris Hemsworth as Thor

rus bogatyr

Russian Vityaz – Bogatyr (mystical strongman, warrior, protector).

rus bogatyr 2

The legendary medieval Russian Bogatyr & protector Ilya Murometz (a real historic figure, often depicted with his companion protectors: Dobrynia Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich)

The chosen Bogatyrs (the enlightened warrior-protectors) and their highest level, called Vityaz’s, were real warriors charged with protecting Rus (Russia) – their Motherland. They were said to possess immense mystical powers that terrified the enemy, allowing a few of them to successfully deflect the overwhelming attacks of many.

And this is a link to the old Russian fairytale film Sadko (with English subs). Check out what Sadko looks like at 2:50. (Film adaptation of the Russian Opera, “Sadko”, by Rimsky-Korsakov, based on Russian folklore. A beautiful recreation of the medieval city, the Holy Novgorod.)

Azgard is a Scandinavian word, right? If it is, can you dissect this word to show how it was created? If you know ANCIENT RUSSIAN, you can. Azgard means ‘I guard’ in ancient Russian. Another way of saying this is ‘The One Guard,’ (which later became ‘vanguard’) or ‘The One Community (city).’ ‘Az’ means ‘I’ in ancient Russian. It is also the first letter of the ancient Russian alphabet. Therefore, the god Odin – the One, is also Az – first letter. ‘Gard’ means ‘guard’ but it’s a later meaning. The original Slavyano-Arian mother language meaning of this word was much more all-encompassing and signified ‘living together, unified on Mother Earth.’

Another word known to some: ‘Midgard’ was the original name given by Slavs to their Mother Earth eons ago, when they first arrived to Earth. Midgard = Mother Earth.

Remember Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings? He talks about defending ‘the Middle Earth.’ This in fact is a direct translation of ‘Midgard.’ Tolkien was a linguist and very good at history. This information was hidden from the masses but apparently available to those who knew where to look. Remember ‘The White City’ from Lord of the Rings so beautifully depicted in the movie? The White City is written from Moscow and Novgorod. Take a look again at the beginning of the film Sadko above. The ancient Novgorod is on it – here is your ‘White City.’

Everyone in Russia knows another name for Moscow: ‘Belokamennaya’ (Rus transliteration), which means ‘The White Stone City.’ Any more questions?

What is ‘Prussia’? A part of Germany? In fact it’s ‘Po-Russia’ or ‘Pole-Russia.’ Meaning ‘flat Russia,’ ‘Russia in the fields.’

Scandinavian Runes: in Russian ‘rune’ is ‘runa.’ Compare these words: Ru-na – Ru-s. Runa is composed of Ru + una. Una means undivided, or again ‘one.’ The English word ‘one,’ Spanish/Latin ‘uno’ etc., etc.

Russian word for ‘she’ is ‘ona.’ Compare ‘ona’ and ‘una.’

In English ‘ona’ – she (for female) and ‘on’ – he (for male) becomes ‘one.’

People of many parts of Europe spoke the same language, or very similar dialects. Basically, they spoke ancient Russian. As differences, barriers, power lust and greed grew, language differences grew as well. It was necessary to divide people so they would forget their brotherly ties, so they would think they were different. Differences breed distrust and suspicion in un-evolved humans; and it’s so much easier to rule and manipulate those who are divided.


**1/14/23 Attention: this is what has been happening in Ukraine between 1991 and 2022, progressively getting worse!


It is a replay of the old divide and conquer of the 2nd dimension-low 3rd dimension consciousness! But this time is different! The new, higher-energy, higher-dimension forces are rising, to help usher in the new era for humanity through the 2000-year EARTH SHIFT! This time, the old will be purged and new truth will emerge!


Russian scientists believe that plague and scurvy that overtook Europe in medieval times, but didn’t touch Russia, caused languages to separate completely. People who had suffered from these illnesses lost teeth, had bleeding gums, swollen tongues, and all that affected greatly their ability to speak.

It has to be noted that Germanic languages spoken in parts of Scandinavia, Germany and most of the northern Europe are a part of what we call the Indo-European family of languages. English is also a Germanic language. Slavic languages are classified as one of the Indo-European groups as well. However, Finnish language spoken in Finland belongs to the different Finno-Ugric family of languages. This is the traditional classification. However, the time will come when old classifications will be thrown out as people re-discover their true history. At that point the old brotherly ties between those people who had been artificially separated, will re-emerge. It won’t happen tomorrow, but it will happen.

By the way, all the above explains best the un-dying animosity towards Russia by the West. The powers that be either know the true history and are afraid it will come out, or they feel it subconsciously. Certainly the Vatican has enough documents hidden – they were some of the main instigators of the massive re-writing of history in the 17th century.

The pathological fear of Russia is also well-explained by the above theory.

Generally, we are all sitting on false history. Going back to what I said before, until humans learn their true history, until we make peace with the past, we cannot move into the future. This is one of the main reasons we are stuck. But people in the West stubbornly refuse to open their minds, preferring to hold on to the old image of their enemy. The enemy meanwhile, is their own prejudices and fears, as well as all those who manipulate them.

Russian scientists have made some very profound discoveries that are pretty mind-boggling. I have lots more material about that. To be honest, I’ve been hesitant to talk as this is a very convoluted and controversial story. I can see certain people not taking it the right way. But if enough of my readers are truly interested, I will put together a report. I need to know if there is enough interest to warrant my work, so please leave comments if you want to hear more!




There seem to be a lot of guesses and interpretations floating around in regards to the etymology of the words Bogatyr and Vityaz, most of them entirely incorrect. I get regularly asked by my followers to explain the real origin and underlying meaning of these talking words, which happen to reflect directly the true nature of those who were awarded these honorable ancient designations.

Here’s where you can find the RIGHT info and unique forbidden history:


Recommended book: Bogatyrs, as Earth Protectors, are described in my magical reality mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER

Read other related articles under

Classic Earth Shift Webinar Series 2 describes everything in great depth and detail, contains revelations well-beyond this 3D earthly existence and brings to light the gross falsifications of history throughout!

If you really want to understand our world, true history and much more – well beyond the obvious – this is for you!


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