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Pope Francis and World Religions – Karma and Consciousness

‘The above comments just show how confused people are about the catholic religion in general. The celebration of mass is a satanic ritual that celebrates the eating of the body of Christ and drinking of his blood!! The current pope is a Jesuit and they cannot be trusted fullstop. The Roman Catholic Church is full of criminals that raped and abused children without any legal charge for centuries…clergy are literally protected by the state in many countries. Any child who went to a catholic school can attest to the cruelty of the nuns and brothers that taught them a pack of lies and rubbish. The incredible catholic institutions that abused vulnerable children everywhere and the truth of which is only now emerging and again has been kept secret by governments. The whole institution is evil and disempowering of the individual. Now is the time to take back our power and undo the mind control imposed on little children that has stayed with most people for life unless they wake up and start using their brains. I escaped.. I woke up! Religion is the cause of wars literally and it is about time all just understood that we are each parts of the whole and that every little action affects the whole of humanity. Our illusion is a holographic matrix…one of many matrices. President Putin has shown great intelligence in the way he has handled many serious matters recently and I doubt that he will be fooled by a Jesuit pope as he will realise that much of what has persecuted Russia in the past was caused by the Catholic Chuch perpetrated by its Jesuits.’

Lada says:

One of my tweeps tweeted me this pic:

Putin and Pope cartoon

This reminds me of the opening scene of my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER. In it, the Pope drops to his knees in front of a simple Franciscan monk, who happens to be one of the nine Earth Keepers, asking for a blessing as the end of the world nears. Such act by the Holy See completely baffles a Swiss guard, who listens in on the conversation, missing its point entirely. Read this excerpt here, or go to EXCERPTS on top bar for full list.

The important thing to remember is that everything in our 3D world, as in any dimension, is subject to a PERSPECTIVE. The 9D, 10D and 11D beings still have their own perspective. This means that, depending on your point of view, you will see the same events differently from someone who has a different perspective.

Let’s just say, much of the language of global diplomacy and international relations isn’t on the surface. The meeting of the Pope and Putin of which I wrote in Putin’s New Ally: Pope Francis was one such meeting, when many could observe, yet miss its true meaning. Let’s talk about it.

Undeniably, the history of the Catholic Church has many dark pages, and there are plenty of dark pages in the Vatican’s present day reality, as well. When it comes to topics I often address, such as aggressive power grab, looting, rewriting/falsifying history, I could tell you lots of stories. The abuse of children is another such story.

That said, there are many people in the world who genuinely, from their heart, find solace and peace in believing. I think we should respect the feelings of those Catholics whose hearts and minds are pure. Christian mysticism, along with Hebrew (Kabbala) and Muslim (Sufi) mysticism, are manifestations of true religious wisdom, which rises above mundane and above the confines of any religious dogma.

I personally enjoy such wisdom, as well as religious art, architecture and music. All these are high manifestations of religions. Mother Theresa was also a devout Catholic. As anything our 3D human world produces, religions represent the entire spectrum of manifestations: from the highest in spirit to the lowest of the low.

It is a different story that those HUMANS who hold POWER in any religion may misuse this power to suppress truth and successfully cover up their evil HUMAN deeds. The fact that all the abuses of the Catholic Church are coming out now speaks volumes. We are entering the era of truth, discovery and transparency, when old power structures created by MAN for the benefit of the few will fall away, and new, more equitable global structures will be created. This will force – it already does – everyone, including Catholic Church, to abide by new rules and to respect a small person.


It probably helps that I grew up in the Soviet society and in a non-religious family. This provided me with the world of freedom and safeguarded me from any childhood brainwashing. We were free to think, instead of following a dogma, be it religious or any other. The depiction of the Soviet society is completely and maliciously distorted in the West. One of the many legacies of the Soviet Union was, and still is, the most educated and the most thinking people on the planet.

As such, when we all grew up, we could freely choose WHAT to believe in and what, or who, to follow – or not. My sister became a devout Russian Orthodox. But because no one ever made her go to church on Sunday, her devotion comes from her heart.

My cosmic soul is, shall we say, too cosmic for any Earth-bound religion. But I studied shamanism with a lot of pleasure, as it rings true to me (my book THE EARTH SHIFTER is in big part about a Siberian shaman). I also studied wicca and Earth-based religions. I delve deeply into Oriental traditions, and having become Feng Shui Master in Asia, I enjoy Tibetan Buddhism and its beautiful art, spiritual music, rituals and symbolism. My hubby, who has grown up in a non-religious Chinese household, has most affinity with Zen living. Presently, I am studying the ancient Russian Vedic wisdom, which includes the cosmic truth of our origins, forbidden history and linguistics, runas, and much more. Little by little, I will share this knowledge with all in various articles and Earth Shift Reports.

As always, God is within us, and it doesn’t matter if you go to church or not, or if you read the Bible or not. What matters is this: in the final analysis, it’s between you and God.’ Said another way: ‘it’s all between you and your higher self, or your higher conscience.’ In the final analysis we are all ONE.

The clarity of mind that lets one see the world in true light is a must in order to discern and weigh all sides of the issue. I am endlessly grateful to the USSR, the country where I grew up, for many things. One such thing is allowing me as a child to develop freely and grow unencumbered by religious dogma. Perhaps, there was a small amount of Communist brainwashing, as it were. However, it was very minor and incomparable to the damage a Sunday school may have inflicted on fragile children’s psyche. It didn’t affect me; moreover many of my contemporaries think of the old USSR with great nostalgia.

At the same time, I met a lot of people who were traumatized for life by their Sunday school experience, turning rebellious or turning to alternative religions as a desperate knee jerk reaction. I really do feel for them in my heart.

With this background, let me proceed to answering the questions in the comment above.

Much of what Noeline says are true facts and I do agree with her. No, Putin isn’t fooled by anything or anyone.

What has to be remembered is that history of all world’s organized religions is the history of power struggle. It was often a struggle between religions (and various sects inside each religion) for global religious, economic, and geopolitical dominance.

But it was also a very brutal struggle between newer organized religions and old pagan/Earth-based and Vedic lifestyle belief systems. The latter especially applies to Christianity, including both old branches: Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Catholicism brutally eliminated competition, witches and Celtic/Druid priests and priestesses, and Orthodoxy – their competition, Vedic followers. Untold damage was done to the Russian historic records as history was re-written over and over in order to delete mentions of real events and people, substituting them with lies. Same – and worse – was happening all over Europe, which fell under the dominion of Catholicism.

Throughout centuries, this power struggle was consistently violent and blood-thirsty. This applies to Catholicism more than to others, with Judaism and Islam very violent in their own way. If we look deep into history, we’ll find that Greek/Russian Orthodoxy was just as bad; however lately, Orthodoxy became a much more positive and non-destructive force.

If weighed on merit, arguably, Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, which is the older and original branch of Christianity, wasn’t as violent as Catholicism. For instance, there were no witch trials and burnings, although Vedic wise men and women did get prosecuted/eliminated, their ancient wisdom substituted for new religious dogma. Moreover, Vedic traditions and rituals still had a better recognition and co-existed more peacefully with Orthodoxy, while wicca (in part, a Western branch of Vedic wisdom) till recently was entirely denied in the West. Russian Orthodoxy isn’t so much into global dominance either, preferring peaceful cooperative and consultive methods of resolving problems. Overall today, Orthodoxy plays mostly a positive role in society.

Notice that I didn’t include Hinduism and Buddhism in the above list – two other major world religions. Out of these, Hinduism was somewhat repressive to its own people, but wasn’t aggressive or violent outwardly. Compared to the above list, Hinduism is a ‘sweetie.’


A glimpse of forbidden history:

Incidentally, here is a little glimpse of the ancient Vedic wisdom. Many know that there is a Hindi goddess Sarasvati. But did you know that the word ‘sweetie’ and ‘Sarasvati’ have the same root? It’s the Russian word (I also call it Slavyano-Arian): ‘svet.’ Svet means light. The English word ‘sweet’ and Hindi ‘Sara-svat-i’ both originate from svet = light.

Moreover, the Russian word ‘sviatoy’ and its Spanish counterpart ‘santo’, Italian ‘santi’ and English ‘saint’ all come from svet = ‘light.’

By the way, the dreaded nazi word ‘swastika’ comes from the same word ‘svet.’ As some may know, Hitler stole the symbol and word from the Vedic tradition, reversing the energetic plus and minus polarities of its meaning. Originally, ‘svastika,’ aka, ‘kolovrat’ in Russian, signified Sun, and in some other representations, our galaxy.

Speaking of svet. While svet signifies ‘light,’ another meaning is ‘world.’ As in ‘the world full of light,’ that is. There is a well-known Russian expression: beliy svet, which translates literally as the ‘white world,’ although it really means ‘white light,’ aka, the good, enlightened world; world full of love and light.

Much more Vedic linguistic wisdom coming to you in the future Earth Shift Reports. Stay tuned!


Of all world religions, Buddhism is by far the most peaceful, spiritual and positive. In fact, it’s the only organized world religion that NEVER had the acquisition of worldly power as its overriding goal.

As I said, this however was for centuries THE primary goal of the following religions (to various degrees and using different methods): Catholicism, Judaism and Islam.

At the same time, all organized religions also produced true mystics and people of svet = light. This should never be forgotten either! Therefore, it all ultimately boils down to people who are a part of that religion at any given time. It always goes back to individual humans, how they use their power and what their life’s mission is.

Today, religious leaders can often play a positive role, if they choose to. Or at least first do no harm, according to the medical Hippocratic oath.

The reason we cannot just blankly deny any organized religion, whether it’s Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, Orthodoxy, or any other, is very simple: there are billions of people on the planet who do believe and follow these religions. Simply saying to one billion Catholics: ‘well, you are following a satanic cult – get over it…’ I am afraid this won’t work. It’s much better to get in touch with the leader of that religion and tell him, ‘look we can work together on making the Earthly realm we live in, a better place.’ If this leader has conscience, then he can be a force for good to be reckoned with.

I think this is potentially possible with this Pope, who is Argentinian and a friend of the Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who in turn is Putin’s personal friend. I can guarantee that Kirchner had a hand in Putin and the Pope hitting it off. Now, such dialogue was entirely impossible with the previous Pope (sorry, forget his name), who was there for 25 years and who was Polish. By a strange coincidence (not), he also happened to be rabidly russophobic.

As we see, Holy See or not, Vatican or not, it still boils down to individual people and their personal PERSPECTIVE.

Can the Vatican be reformed? Can it change to play a positive and cooperative role in society? Can the Vatican become a force for good? Can Putin change the Catholic world? And should this Pope be given a chance?

Yes, absolutely. That is, if you, me and everyone else on this planet, want to continue this Earthly 3D human experiment. I, for one, am here to help guide humanity towards the continuation of this experiment – with a much better outcome than what we may be facing today.

This means finding common ground with those who are willing to work together to create a more positive, cooperative world.

Religions, like humans, do grow up. Recall yourself when you were a toddler. Were you capricious, causing trouble for your parents? Unless you were angel incarnate like me and never caused any trouble. 😉 Then you were a 5-10-year-old and you wanted to be liked by your parents and obediently did everything they told you to do. Then you became a rebellious teen and caused much more trouble, denying everything your parents taught you. Then, you gradually grew up, becoming more responsible as you aged, acquiring more wisdom (hopefully).

Is our world a holographic matrix? Yes, it is. But as long as we have incarnated in this 3D reality, it is fully real for us. It’s like saying: I won’t study for this test – it’s not real, it’s only on paper. I am sorry, but for as long as you are in school and for as long as you want to graduate, you have to. Unless, you want to repeat the same year over and over. In earth-wide terms this is called karma. Until you’ve fully learned your lesson, you will be repeating this life over and over. Ouch!

You may ask whether there is a possibility of skipping grades and avoiding dealing with karma? Yes, there is. Some of us do skip grades. Only wisdom allows you to skip them. How that works is another topic. But karma is a self-regulating universal mechanism and it knows no exceptions.

Notice that my list of religions didn’t include any of the Vedic, pagan and/or ancient Earth-based belief systems. If we are discussing taking our individual power back, it could well be accomplished through the original Vedic system (vedat’ = ‘to know’ in Russian; ‘vedics’ means ‘wise people, people in tune with the ultimate truth;’ also, note the Hindi Vedas). People are awakening to that, albeit slowly. This, however, is a topic for an absolutely new, separate series, to which I will also get eventually.

Last point to wrap it up:

Noeline says: ‘The celebration of mass is a satanic ritual that celebrates the eating of the body of Christ and drinking of his blood.’

Actually, this ritual is a left-over pagan ritual, adopted by Christianity after it suppressed paganism. It symbolizes partaking of the energy of Christ, imbuing yourself with his spirit. Since Christ symbolizes love and selfless purity, it basically signifies a desire to be like him, hence ascend. However, in 3D, in other words, in our fully manifest PHYSICAL WORLD, humans often can’t simply think or be. they need to manifest everything into 3D; make it touchable, tangible. Evolved souls don’t need that, but most humans do. By the way, there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.

In the ancient days in CERTAIN (not all) pagan traditions humans ate the body of a specific animal to imbue themselves with that animal’s power. Humans were also sacrificed to gods. These rituals, which sound awful today, in old days were what the full 3D incarnation demanded. Humans, shall we say, were too literal. They needed to touch, feel and eat everything to partake of the energy they wanted. To this day, in the Middle East they sacrifice animals and often treat humans with outright cruelty.

In subtler and more evolved ancient societies, such as the original Vedic world, humans had representations of various pagan gods and universal forces, such as certain foods, flowers, tree bark, crystals that they ate, rubbed into their skin, created tattoos, with which they decorated their bodies and homes.

In other words, eating of the body of Christ and drinking his blood is a modified pagan ritual to suit Christianity’s agenda. Since we lost connection with the logic of ancient rituals, it may seem bizarre from today’s perspective.

I won’t go into the meaning of the word ‘mass.’ But again, this word comes from the same Vedic Slavyano-Arian source, something forgotten by most humans.

I will briefly say that ‘satan’ comes from the same root I discussed above: ‘svet’ – light. It becomes ‘sat’ here, basically signifying ‘fullness.’ Fullness as in: Mother Earth is full, bountiful. It also has a relation to the sacred feminine connected to Mother Earth.

It was a Vedic word. Recall what I said, Vedics were the biggest enemy and competitor of Christianity. Moreover, the sacred feminine had to be suppressed by the patriarchal Christian society. Therefore, any good Vedic words became bad words in the Christian reality as humans needed to be brainwashed into submission. The same process is happening today in Ukraine and many Western countries, as history yet again gets re-written and energetic polarities get reversed from plus to minus.

However, this time it won’t work.


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Lada Ray Interview with TimeMonkRadio: 3D, 4D, 5D, Raising Consciousness and Earth Karma

I am interviewed by Melodi Grundy, host of the Cat’s Eye on the Future, and guest host, Plane – The Plane Truth show (TimeMonkRadioNetwork). This interview includes a lot of ground-breaking, brand new material never discussed before.

In part 1 we discuss:

1. How the Yin and Yang world works, what it means to be in ‘balance’ or ‘imbalance’ (Ref: my prophetic mystical thriller The Earth Shifter).

2. What is the fully incarnated 3D world.

3. Polarity and sharp contrast on the rise. Earthly realm as Ground Zero of the expansion of the Universal Consciousness.

4. Wisdom and Harmony in Feng Shui, Hindu Vedas, Rus/Slavic Vedic culture.

5. Wheel of Karma. Heavy Earth Karma. Releasing and lighteing up of Karma. Positive/negative Karma. Self-rebalancing.

6. Where did humans come from. Who are Slavyano-Arians. Lost and forbidden wisdom of the ages. How divisions between people occurred.

7. Why each and every one of us is responsible for the entire world. (Ref: my articles Hope for Humanity? #Illridewithyou hashtag takes social media by storm after #sydneysiege and Earth Karma, Human Consciousness and Dolphins).

8. Why and how we live simultaneously in 3D and 4D world. (Ref: My upcoming Earth Shift Report: Wars of the Future past of what is 4D Warfare.)

9. Intro to the 5D world and why humanity descended from 5D into 3D. Intro to lightworkers and Earth Angels.

10. Why humanity cannot make the leap in developement without clearing the heavy Karma.

11. Yin and Yang cultures and Russia’s global role (ref. Edgar Cayce and Predictions by Lada Ray)

And more…     Plus, scroll down for a bonus!

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Please also check out: Interview Follow-up: Speaking Style Improvement, or Don’t Throw the Baby Out with Bath Water. I think you’ll find it interesting!


This interview has a unique audience participation format. If you found the material presented interesting and thought-provoking, and if you have questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section, or leave a comment on YouTube. We will choose the best questions and create a show in which these questions will be answered. This show will be posted either on TimeMonkRadio, or on Lada Ray Channel (to be decided).

Part 2 of this interview will post on December 23 or 24. 

You’ll be able to find both parts, together with all other past and future Lada’s interviews, on the INTERVIEWS page.

You can also sub to the TimeMonkRadioNetwork to follow all of their offerings. We are planning more interviews with The Plane Truth and Cat’s Eye on the Future in the months to come!

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Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

I found this question by a follower to be very interesting and decided to respond in detail.

Avimun 4h

“Thank you for the answer about impatience. I have another vital question, that you maybe prefer to write/explain about in a separate article. Are Russian culture associated with Scandinavian culture? All Scandinavians originate from Finland. Now I read that Scandinavians are Slavs on this link

#A small Slavic state was organized in 820 A.D. on the south shore of the Gulf of Finland where it flows into the Baltic Sea. This small state was organized by a small group of Varangians from the Scandinavian peninsula on the opposite shore of the Baltic Sea. The native population of this newly formed state consisted of nomad Slavs who had made their home in this area from earliest recorded history.# Has this relation effect in today situation?”

Lada’s response:

Yes, Scandinavians are Slavs or Rus, if you prefer, and have a very ancient history together with the rest of the Slavs. Another technical term for this ancient culture is Slavyano-Arians, Russia being the most prominent and best-preserved representative of this massive culture.

The ‘Varangians’ are called Varyags in Russian. They are basically nomadic Baltic Slavs. Everyone in Russia knows this old song: “Vragu ne sdaetsia nash slavny Varyag”: “Our slavny (glorious) Varyag doesn’t surrender.”

The history of Slavs (and Scandinavians) is certainly much longer than a mere 1000 years. The official Russian calendar was westernized by Peter I (the Great) in 1700. While I believe that Peter did do some useful things during his reign, the calendar conversion was probably a huge mistake. The calendar change was supposed to create a better environment for easier trade and integration with Europe. In retrospect, I don’t know if this was such a good idea. Again, Russia had to play out her karmic role of the Global Balancer, and perhaps that was part of it (see Predictions for more). However in the final analysis, it created a massive identity confusion that perpetuated for over three centuries, stole at least 5,000 plus years of Russian, and generally Slavic, history, and created fertile ground for the massive re-write and falsification of the global history. Without that event, the history of the 20th century and today’s world may have looked very differently.

Before this happened, there was a very different Russian calendar, presently used only by the Starovery (old believers) and preserved on monuments and ancient churches in Russia and other Slavic countries, such as Serbia. According to this calendar, today would be the year 7,522 from the ‘creation of the peace treaty signed in the Star Temple with the Dragon,’ meaning with China. Obviously there was also plenty of history before that event.

Therefore, world history was falsified to such a degree that white has been turned black and vice versa.

In fact, most of the population of Europe was Slavic/Rus. If you look at the Scandinavians and Russians, you’ll see how similar they usually look (light skin, hair and eyes, similar body type – oftentimes tall, broad-shouldered, muscular males, and tall females with pretty features).

But at one point, starting about 1000 years ago, and even more so as of the 17th century, Europe splintered into many small states. The reason was that local lords of those days wanted to assert their independence based on their own lust for power. The Vatican and religion played a very prominent role in this struggle for power as well. The further from the center was the location, the more likely it was to splinter off.

This same thing is happening in today’s Ukraine: denying their common origin with Russians and attempting to invent the ancient Ukrs from whom they supposedly descended, saying that Ukrainian language is unrelated to Russian, while actually speaking Russian. Some of the Ukrainian pearls: Adam and Eve were ancient Ukrs; Jesus was Ukrainian, etc.

To assert their local power Ukraine oligarchs and politicians needed to create a history that was very different from the common history with Russia. Something similar happened in Europe 1000-300 years ago, albeit on a much grander scale. This also concerns Italy and Germany, as well as many other countries.

Linguistics, archeology, mathematics, as well as genetics, are those sciences that can reveal the truth no matter how much it’s been hidden. Among many other things, I am a linguist as you may know; therefore, I use the wonderful science of linguistics to reveal the truth.

Since I was a child I put the 2 and 2 together such as: Scandinavian god of all (in other words, the One) is called Odin. I bet no Scandinavian knows the real origin of this word. The reason is simple – the moment it has to be admitted that it’s a Russian word, you have too many unpleasant questions to answer.

In fact: ‘odin’ means ‘one’ in Russian.

Another interesting bit. Everyone knows the word Azgard, thanks to the beautiful film “Thor.”


Chris Hemsworth as Thor

rus bogatyr

Russian Vityaz – Bogatyr (mystical strongman, warrior, protector).

rus bogatyr 2

The legendary medieval Russian Bogatyr & protector Ilya Murometz (a real historic figure, often depicted with his companion protectors: Dobrynia Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich)

The chosen Bogatyrs (the enlightened warrior-protectors) and their highest level, called Vityaz’s, were real warriors charged with protecting Rus (Russia) – their Motherland. They were said to possess immense mystical powers that terrified the enemy, allowing a few of them to successfully deflect the overwhelming attacks of many.

And this is a link to the old Russian fairytale film Sadko (with English subs). Check out what Sadko looks like at 2:50. (Film adaptation of the Russian Opera, “Sadko”, by Rimsky-Korsakov, based on Russian folklore. A beautiful recreation of the medieval city, the Holy Novgorod.)

Azgard is a Scandinavian word, right? If it is, can you dissect this word to show how it was created? If you know ANCIENT RUSSIAN, you can. Azgard means ‘I guard’ in ancient Russian. Another way of saying this is ‘The One Guard,’ (which later became ‘vanguard’) or ‘The One Community (city).’ ‘Az’ means ‘I’ in ancient Russian. It is also the first letter of the ancient Russian alphabet. Therefore, the god Odin – the One, is also Az – first letter. ‘Gard’ means ‘guard’ but it’s a later meaning. The original Slavyano-Arian mother language meaning of this word was much more all-encompassing and signified ‘living together, unified on Mother Earth.’

Another word known to some: ‘Midgard’ was the original name given by Slavs to their Mother Earth eons ago, when they first arrived to Earth. Midgard = Mother Earth.

Remember Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings? He talks about defending ‘the Middle Earth.’ This in fact is a direct translation of ‘Midgard.’ Tolkien was a linguist and very good at history. This information was hidden from the masses but apparently available to those who knew where to look. Remember ‘The White City’ from Lord of the Rings so beautifully depicted in the movie? The White City is written from Moscow and Novgorod. Take a look again at the beginning of the film Sadko above. The ancient Novgorod is on it – here is your ‘White City.’

Everyone in Russia knows another name for Moscow: ‘Belokamennaya’ (Rus transliteration), which means ‘The White Stone City.’ Any more questions?

What is ‘Prussia’? A part of Germany? In fact it’s ‘Po-Russia’ or ‘Pole-Russia.’ Meaning ‘flat Russia,’ ‘Russia in the fields.’

Scandinavian Runes: in Russian ‘rune’ is ‘runa.’ Compare these words: Ru-na – Ru-s. Runa is composed of Ru + una. Una means undivided, or again ‘one.’ The English word ‘one,’ Spanish/Latin ‘uno’ etc., etc.

Russian word for ‘she’ is ‘ona.’ Compare ‘ona’ and ‘una.’

In English ‘ona’ – she (for female) and ‘on’ – he (for male) becomes ‘one.’

People of many parts of Europe spoke the same language, or very similar dialects. Basically, they spoke ancient Russian. As differences, barriers, power lust and greed grew, language differences grew as well. It was necessary to divide people so they would forget their brotherly ties, so they would think they were different. Differences breed distrust and suspicion in un-evolved humans; and it’s so much easier to rule and manipulate those who are divided.


**1/14/23 Attention: this is what has been happening in Ukraine between 1991 and 2022, progressively getting worse!


It is a replay of the old divide and conquer of the 2nd dimension-low 3rd dimension consciousness! But this time is different! The new, higher-energy, higher-dimension forces are rising, to help usher in the new era for humanity through the 2000-year EARTH SHIFT! This time, the old will be purged and new truth will emerge!


Russian scientists believe that plague and scurvy that overtook Europe in medieval times, but didn’t touch Russia, caused languages to separate completely. People who had suffered from these illnesses lost teeth, had bleeding gums, swollen tongues, and all that affected greatly their ability to speak.

It has to be noted that Germanic languages spoken in parts of Scandinavia, Germany and most of the northern Europe are a part of what we call the Indo-European family of languages. English is also a Germanic language. Slavic languages are classified as one of the Indo-European groups as well. However, Finnish language spoken in Finland belongs to the different Finno-Ugric family of languages. This is the traditional classification. However, the time will come when old classifications will be thrown out as people re-discover their true history. At that point the old brotherly ties between those people who had been artificially separated, will re-emerge. It won’t happen tomorrow, but it will happen.

By the way, all the above explains best the un-dying animosity towards Russia by the West. The powers that be either know the true history and are afraid it will come out, or they feel it subconsciously. Certainly the Vatican has enough documents hidden – they were some of the main instigators of the massive re-writing of history in the 17th century.

The pathological fear of Russia is also well-explained by the above theory.

Generally, we are all sitting on false history. Going back to what I said before, until humans learn their true history, until we make peace with the past, we cannot move into the future. This is one of the main reasons we are stuck. But people in the West stubbornly refuse to open their minds, preferring to hold on to the old image of their enemy. The enemy meanwhile, is their own prejudices and fears, as well as all those who manipulate them.

Russian scientists have made some very profound discoveries that are pretty mind-boggling. I have lots more material about that. To be honest, I’ve been hesitant to talk as this is a very convoluted and controversial story. I can see certain people not taking it the right way. But if enough of my readers are truly interested, I will put together a report. I need to know if there is enough interest to warrant my work, so please leave comments if you want to hear more!




There seem to be a lot of guesses and interpretations floating around in regards to the etymology of the words Bogatyr and Vityaz, most of them entirely incorrect. I get regularly asked by my followers to explain the real origin and underlying meaning of these talking words, which happen to reflect directly the true nature of those who were awarded these honorable ancient designations.

Here’s where you can find the RIGHT info and unique forbidden history:


Recommended book: Bogatyrs, as Earth Protectors, are described in my magical reality mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER

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