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Declaration of Cold War: What Chain of Events is US Provoking With New Hostile Move?

War drums are beating. The US is trying AGAIN to tip the world into the war mode.

The US House of Representatives voted almost unanimously (411 for, 10 against, 13 abstained) to condemn Russia for ‘aggression in Ukraine(?), Moldova(?) and Georgia(?).’ It also voted to create a more aggressive propaganda machine in Russian and Ukrainian, and to SEND AMERICAN WEAPONS TO UKRAINE. In addition, the resolution calls for the reinforcement of NATO and for the sale of US GAS TO EUROPE TO REPLACE RUSSIAN GAS. Link to RT video report.

I wonder who and when will finally vote to condemn the REAL aggressions of the USA against Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Serbia, present US aggression and financing of the illegal coup in Ukraine, and so many other aggressions all over the world? Who will condemn USA for spying on the entire world? What about the continued US and NATO aggression and intimidation campaign against Russia? What about color revolutions US sponsors all over the world?

Do you feel a sense of deja vu by any chance? I do. Remember how many times I warned of exactly these things. I said that these are the main purposes for the US ‘subversion of Ukraine’ (the fact that US invested only officially $5bln into ‘subverting Ukraine’ was publicly admitted by the US State Dept’s Victoria Nuland in December 2013).

I said this at various times:

1. Conflict in Ukraine is used to weaken Russia and EU at the same time.

2. Ukraine conflict is used to drive a wedge between Russia and EU, and at the same time, between Russia and Ukraine.

3. Ukraine to Anglo-American elites is loose change and cannon fodder to be thrown out as a used-up lemon. For Russia, Ukraine is their brothers and part of the Russian world to be respected and lived in peace with.

4. The continuing escalation of a conflict is necessary to paint Russia and Putin as aggressors, when the actual aggressor is US, with the kind help of Brussels, Germany, Poland and Lithuania. This is the same methodology used to perfection by the UK/US/France in the past to escalate Hitler’s aggression and to pit Germany and Russia (in the 20th Century, the two biggest rivals of the Anglo-American empire) in two past World Wars. Using proxies to fight their wars is the best Anglo-American achievement from hell.

5. US is itching to sell its own, more expensive gas to Europe, taking this market away from Russia.

For that purpose, McCain went to Bulgaria and other EU countries. THE VERY NEXT DAY after McCain’s and two other senators’ visit, Bulgaria announced that it was withdrawing from South Stream. Annual losses from such withdrawal for Bulgaria constitute $400-600 million + $150 million in losses from the switch of the Russian gas transit to Turkey to the new Black Sea pipeline. Altogether, up to $750 million per year in losses. What makes leaders of a country do something that is clearly bad for the country’s economy? Only arm-twisting can do that, and/or a bribe.

McCain’s arm-twisting worked well on the sold-out neocon-infested Bulgarian government. It didn’t work on Hungary (which because of that is now threatened with a color revolution), nor Austria. Austria’s President reportedly retorted that he didn’t tell US what to do, so he would appreciate it if US didn’t tell him who to conduct business with.

Still, subverting Bulgaria was enough – South Steam has ground to a screaching halt.

Notice that the US Congress cold war resurrection resolution (sounds like The Lord of the Rings – the dark powers on the rise)  appeared right after the noteworthy events I described in my previous article: German Vice Chancellor: No Ukraine in NATO; Russia, Let’s Make Up!

Below is a brief summary of the events I described in the above piece, plus analysis of the underlying geopolitical games and return moves by the US.

1. Europe has started looking for ways to make up with Russia and get EU-Russia relations back to normal. Additionally, Germany let it be known that they would not approve Ukraine in NATO, which is what US has been pushing for.

All the above is a big problem for the US hegemony. US needs to prevent this from happening. The only way of influencing the EU in these circumstances is to escalate the stand-off between Russia and the West, so Eu has no choice but to take anti-Russian position.

Last time they used the Malaysia Boeing downing in Ukraine to push reluctant EU towards a new round of anti-Russian sanctions. How about provoking Russia via arms supply to the Kiev junta this time, making Russia act to protect Donbass?

2. Russia announced the closure of the South Stream project.

No doubt US has rejoiced. US was the driving force behind the sabotage of the South Stream, projected to deliver gas directly to southern and central Europe. This route would bypass the unstable Ukraine, making the supply more secure and cheaper for many countries. The winners of this scenario would have been: Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Russia – and the entire EU economy. Losers from South Stream would have been: Ukraine and US. Now do your math: WHO BENEFITS AND WHO LOSES FROM THE CLOSURE OF SOUTH STREAM!

The US had been long pushing to sell their own shale gas to the EU, however expensive and inconvenient this may be.

Note, the US shale gas issue is a big problem in the US itself. It has been proven that this barbaric method of extraction causes untold damage to the environment, causing irreversible water damage, making potable water and soils unusable, and creating tremors and quakes. I have lived in Upstate NY, which is sitting on large shale gas deposits, and it is an ongoing struggle for the residents there to keep the shale gas vultures out of their state. Recently, the birthplace of shale gas in Texas has moved to ban this harmful practice.

Shale gas industry was touted in the US as a way out of the systemic crisis of the US economy. However, it’s not working so well. Due to low gas prices, most shale gas wells had to be capped as high cost of production made them unprofitable. To make shale gas worthwhile, US desperately needs a huge new market such as EU. To gain the EU market, US first needs to squeeze Russia out of it.

Now, isn’t it clear that US needs to do the following things:

1. Weaken EU, break EU’s will, subdue European countries – and make them buy more expensive gas contrary to EU’s interests.

2. Weaken Russian economy, vilify and discredit Putin, isolate and vilify Russia, so Russia can’t continue working with the EU, so consequently EU would be forced to buy expensive US gas, forsaking a much better deal it has with Russia presently.

3. Destabilize and destroy Ukraine, making it into a massive festering wound for both Russia and EU to deal with. Destabilization of Ukraine sabotages Russian gas supplies to the EU. In addition, the spinning of Ukraine as victim of the big, bad Russia also serves to create divisions and alienation on European continent.  This is a complete repeat of the Georgia 2008 scenario. See my predictions that came true: Striking geopolitical similarities: Sochi2014-Ukraine and #Beijing2008-Georgian war.

All the above US needs to do in order to make its grand plan of getting out of the crisis happen.

What is very important to understand is this: by making EU buy US shale gas, US not only solves its economic problems, but it also binds EU to itself irreversibly.

Once Russia has reoriented towards other markets, it will be hard to impossible to convince her to turn back. Russia is the historic and karmic global balancer. Hence, Russia’s re-orientations usually are precursors to big global changes to come. It is entirely in the interests of the EU to get closer to Russia, and that includes UK as well, although UK can serve as a bridge between US and new Europe. But it is entirely against the interests of the present-day US empire for any of that to happen. Living in peace and cooperation with the rest of the world is certainly in the best interests of the population of the USA.

Ideally, the US and those who still want to execute the US ‘full spectrum dominance’ global hegemony plans, want to convert the entire world into its vassals. I can tell you this will never happen, and perhaps those who formulate the insane US policies already get it on some level. At this time it appears the US is trying to inflict as much damage as possible on as many countries as possible as its plan B. And you know what, they are partially succeeding!

What we are observing is a war between the wounded, but very dangerous beast and the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, too many try to pretend this war doesn’t concern them. Some think they can remain on the beast’s side until tide changes and they can switch to the other side safely. It’s so much easier to have someone else fight your battles, incur hardship and losses, while you just arrive in the end and collect the trophies. This sounds like Romania, which first entered WWII on the side of the fascist Germany, occupying my city of Odessa, which was promised to Romania by Germany as one of the spoils of war. But when Germany started losing, Romania switched to the other side. And it sounds like US, who during the same WWII let the USSR bleed and fight until it became clear in 1944 that the USSR was winning, and that’s when US finally entered the war to collect their trophies.

rus bogatyr

Russian Vityaz’ – bogatyr’ (bogatyr’ means knight, protector; vityaz’ was a highly evolved master protector, whose powers were borderline mystical)

Yes, there are very few heroes. But Russia has no choice. Whether Russians want it or not, they are destined to always fight that dangerous beast that threatens to devour all. Russia’s is the hardest place to be. It is the hardest role to preserve balance in this crazy, unbalanced world. Allies are hard to come by, as usual. Few want to risk their lives and well-being to confront the beast; fewer still, have wisdom and foresight to do so successfully. Hiding out seems so much safer.

lord of the rings

I mentioned Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings for a reason. Tolkien, like Edgar Cayce before him, like other visionaries, such as Anastasia of Siberia (The Ringing Cedars) and Bulgarian Baba Vanga – and like yours truly – have been hinting at the same thing. The White City in The Lord of the Rings is written after Moscow (known historically as the White Stone City) and the ancient city of Great Novgorod. I write about that in Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? The Return of the King refers to the return of Russia. You can find some of my predictions about Russia and the historic and karmic role of various parts of the world in Predictions.

Putin’s Move and Profitable Russia-Turkey Alliance

Instead of the cancelled South Stream, Russia and Turkey announced the construction of the new arm of the Blue Stream. Turkey is to become the Russian gas distribution hub for further sales to Europe, or to any other market. Russia is also to build a new energy system for Turkey. The new system will allow for a more flexible gas distribution by sea or pipeline, depending on demand.

It’s interesting how secret the Putin/Erdogan agreements were kept until the last moment.

It has to be noted that the new agreement between Putin and Erdogan was only possible after Putin created a new paradigm with the Caspian Sea powers, including Iran, and notably, Azerbaijan. This is also connected with SCO advancements and Eurasian Union (EAU). Turkey is very interested in being admitted into SCO and EAU. I can predict that at least the SCO announcement will come out soon. These events happened very quietly and went unnoticed in the West; and actually, Russia likes that. The quieter, the better. In reality, these events are very important. I spoke about them briefly before, and I will discuss them in more detail in one of my upcoming interviews next year.

Azerbaijan is an interesting factor here, as well as Syria, Iran and Gagauzia (autonomy within Moldova). All these are connected with Russia and each other via invisible but meaningful links.

Incidentally, I have some interesting interviews coming up next week and in January 2015. Stay tuned!

After everything that happened, it would be naive to think US wouldn’t make return moves. It is more difficult to understand why so many seemingly intelligent people in the EU and US allow themselves to be duped and manipulated time after time by thugs in the US Congress, Pentagon, White House, and by the shadow puppet masters.

The problem for Russia is this: the moment US starts making any threatening moves, all EU’s good intentions evaporate and they dutifully fall in line. They forget their own good and profit, their own reasoning as to how important the relations with Russia are, and start again playing a role of the US lap dog – or US vicious pit bull.

This is the chain of events the US is trying to provoke with this new hostile move:

US sends its weapons to the Ukraine junta. Kiev uses these more advanced and deadly weapons against civilians in Donbass. Russia has no choice but to match that to protect Donbass from complete annihilation. US and EU start yelling that Russia interferes in Ukraine.

Then US pressures EU into adopting a new round of sanctions, contrary to EU’s own interests. These sanctions will be equally damaging to both Russia and EU. The winner is US.

Next, relations between Russia and EU hit a new low as Russia has no choice but to reciprocate. US gets to twist the arm of the weakened EU even more efficiently. US can now sell its shale gas to the EU and no one makes a peep.

EU becomes fully dependent and therefore, subservient to the US. Will US continue escalating, while Russia has no choice but to adopt further protective measures? The trust between Russia and EU is gone. After EU business is forced to leave Russia having been squeezed out by the US/EU sanctions, there will be even less opposition to the US policy in the EU and fewer forces left to protest against it.

Repeat of WWI and WWII. The next step is, yet again, to pit Central and Western Europe against Russia.

Now, people, ask yourselves – how many of you want this kind of outcome? I can tell you that it would be the last war. This human civilization will not get another chance. I wrote about that in my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER.

I rest my case.

 Important announcement!

I wrote last time about the upcoming THE PUTIN ENIGMA Earth Shift Report. I am still working on it and it will come out in due time. There are so many ideas I need to reconcile/transfer into 3D language and reality for it to materialize. So, please be patient.

But I have great news! I will be releasing another Earth Shift Report soon, based on the hot and timely news that are hitting the wires! I am sure you will find this report extremely fascinating and eye-opening.

Are we in fact moving out of the physical and crude 3D warfare?

The new name of the game is…


Wars of the Future Past or What is 4D Warfare:

(Rocket Failures, MK Ultra, Cyber Spying, NSA, Stuxnet, Regin, more…)

This report will be available on It will be announced on this blog.

This report will be available to my readers for a donation – to be announced.

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Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

I found this question by a follower to be very interesting and decided to respond in detail.

Avimun 4h

“Thank you for the answer about impatience. I have another vital question, that you maybe prefer to write/explain about in a separate article. Are Russian culture associated with Scandinavian culture? All Scandinavians originate from Finland. Now I read that Scandinavians are Slavs on this link

#A small Slavic state was organized in 820 A.D. on the south shore of the Gulf of Finland where it flows into the Baltic Sea. This small state was organized by a small group of Varangians from the Scandinavian peninsula on the opposite shore of the Baltic Sea. The native population of this newly formed state consisted of nomad Slavs who had made their home in this area from earliest recorded history.# Has this relation effect in today situation?”

Lada’s response:

Yes, Scandinavians are Slavs or Rus, if you prefer, and have a very ancient history together with the rest of the Slavs. Another technical term for this ancient culture is Slavyano-Arians, Russia being the most prominent and best-preserved representative of this massive culture.

The ‘Varangians’ are called Varyags in Russian. They are basically nomadic Baltic Slavs. Everyone in Russia knows this old song: “Vragu ne sdaetsia nash slavny Varyag”: “Our slavny (glorious) Varyag doesn’t surrender.”

The history of Slavs (and Scandinavians) is certainly much longer than a mere 1000 years. The official Russian calendar was westernized by Peter I (the Great) in 1700. While I believe that Peter did do some useful things during his reign, the calendar conversion was probably a huge mistake. The calendar change was supposed to create a better environment for easier trade and integration with Europe. In retrospect, I don’t know if this was such a good idea. Again, Russia had to play out her karmic role of the Global Balancer, and perhaps that was part of it (see Predictions for more). However in the final analysis, it created a massive identity confusion that perpetuated for over three centuries, stole at least 5,000 plus years of Russian, and generally Slavic, history, and created fertile ground for the massive re-write and falsification of the global history. Without that event, the history of the 20th century and today’s world may have looked very differently.

Before this happened, there was a very different Russian calendar, presently used only by the Starovery (old believers) and preserved on monuments and ancient churches in Russia and other Slavic countries, such as Serbia. According to this calendar, today would be the year 7,522 from the ‘creation of the peace treaty signed in the Star Temple with the Dragon,’ meaning with China. Obviously there was also plenty of history before that event.

Therefore, world history was falsified to such a degree that white has been turned black and vice versa.

In fact, most of the population of Europe was Slavic/Rus. If you look at the Scandinavians and Russians, you’ll see how similar they usually look (light skin, hair and eyes, similar body type – oftentimes tall, broad-shouldered, muscular males, and tall females with pretty features).

But at one point, starting about 1000 years ago, and even more so as of the 17th century, Europe splintered into many small states. The reason was that local lords of those days wanted to assert their independence based on their own lust for power. The Vatican and religion played a very prominent role in this struggle for power as well. The further from the center was the location, the more likely it was to splinter off.

This same thing is happening in today’s Ukraine: denying their common origin with Russians and attempting to invent the ancient Ukrs from whom they supposedly descended, saying that Ukrainian language is unrelated to Russian, while actually speaking Russian. Some of the Ukrainian pearls: Adam and Eve were ancient Ukrs; Jesus was Ukrainian, etc.

To assert their local power Ukraine oligarchs and politicians needed to create a history that was very different from the common history with Russia. Something similar happened in Europe 1000-300 years ago, albeit on a much grander scale. This also concerns Italy and Germany, as well as many other countries.

Linguistics, archeology, mathematics, as well as genetics, are those sciences that can reveal the truth no matter how much it’s been hidden. Among many other things, I am a linguist as you may know; therefore, I use the wonderful science of linguistics to reveal the truth.

Since I was a child I put the 2 and 2 together such as: Scandinavian god of all (in other words, the One) is called Odin. I bet no Scandinavian knows the real origin of this word. The reason is simple – the moment it has to be admitted that it’s a Russian word, you have too many unpleasant questions to answer.

In fact: ‘odin’ means ‘one’ in Russian.

Another interesting bit. Everyone knows the word Azgard, thanks to the beautiful film “Thor.”


Chris Hemsworth as Thor

rus bogatyr

Russian Vityaz – Bogatyr (mystical strongman, warrior, protector).

rus bogatyr 2

The legendary medieval Russian Bogatyr & protector Ilya Murometz (a real historic figure, often depicted with his companion protectors: Dobrynia Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich)

The chosen Bogatyrs (the enlightened warrior-protectors) and their highest level, called Vityaz’s, were real warriors charged with protecting Rus (Russia) – their Motherland. They were said to possess immense mystical powers that terrified the enemy, allowing a few of them to successfully deflect the overwhelming attacks of many.

And this is a link to the old Russian fairytale film Sadko (with English subs). Check out what Sadko looks like at 2:50. (Film adaptation of the Russian Opera, “Sadko”, by Rimsky-Korsakov, based on Russian folklore. A beautiful recreation of the medieval city, the Holy Novgorod.)

Azgard is a Scandinavian word, right? If it is, can you dissect this word to show how it was created? If you know ANCIENT RUSSIAN, you can. Azgard means ‘I guard’ in ancient Russian. Another way of saying this is ‘The One Guard,’ (which later became ‘vanguard’) or ‘The One Community (city).’ ‘Az’ means ‘I’ in ancient Russian. It is also the first letter of the ancient Russian alphabet. Therefore, the god Odin – the One, is also Az – first letter. ‘Gard’ means ‘guard’ but it’s a later meaning. The original Slavyano-Arian mother language meaning of this word was much more all-encompassing and signified ‘living together, unified on Mother Earth.’

Another word known to some: ‘Midgard’ was the original name given by Slavs to their Mother Earth eons ago, when they first arrived to Earth. Midgard = Mother Earth.

Remember Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings? He talks about defending ‘the Middle Earth.’ This in fact is a direct translation of ‘Midgard.’ Tolkien was a linguist and very good at history. This information was hidden from the masses but apparently available to those who knew where to look. Remember ‘The White City’ from Lord of the Rings so beautifully depicted in the movie? The White City is written from Moscow and Novgorod. Take a look again at the beginning of the film Sadko above. The ancient Novgorod is on it – here is your ‘White City.’

Everyone in Russia knows another name for Moscow: ‘Belokamennaya’ (Rus transliteration), which means ‘The White Stone City.’ Any more questions?

What is ‘Prussia’? A part of Germany? In fact it’s ‘Po-Russia’ or ‘Pole-Russia.’ Meaning ‘flat Russia,’ ‘Russia in the fields.’

Scandinavian Runes: in Russian ‘rune’ is ‘runa.’ Compare these words: Ru-na – Ru-s. Runa is composed of Ru + una. Una means undivided, or again ‘one.’ The English word ‘one,’ Spanish/Latin ‘uno’ etc., etc.

Russian word for ‘she’ is ‘ona.’ Compare ‘ona’ and ‘una.’

In English ‘ona’ – she (for female) and ‘on’ – he (for male) becomes ‘one.’

People of many parts of Europe spoke the same language, or very similar dialects. Basically, they spoke ancient Russian. As differences, barriers, power lust and greed grew, language differences grew as well. It was necessary to divide people so they would forget their brotherly ties, so they would think they were different. Differences breed distrust and suspicion in un-evolved humans; and it’s so much easier to rule and manipulate those who are divided.


**1/14/23 Attention: this is what has been happening in Ukraine between 1991 and 2022, progressively getting worse!


It is a replay of the old divide and conquer of the 2nd dimension-low 3rd dimension consciousness! But this time is different! The new, higher-energy, higher-dimension forces are rising, to help usher in the new era for humanity through the 2000-year EARTH SHIFT! This time, the old will be purged and new truth will emerge!


Russian scientists believe that plague and scurvy that overtook Europe in medieval times, but didn’t touch Russia, caused languages to separate completely. People who had suffered from these illnesses lost teeth, had bleeding gums, swollen tongues, and all that affected greatly their ability to speak.

It has to be noted that Germanic languages spoken in parts of Scandinavia, Germany and most of the northern Europe are a part of what we call the Indo-European family of languages. English is also a Germanic language. Slavic languages are classified as one of the Indo-European groups as well. However, Finnish language spoken in Finland belongs to the different Finno-Ugric family of languages. This is the traditional classification. However, the time will come when old classifications will be thrown out as people re-discover their true history. At that point the old brotherly ties between those people who had been artificially separated, will re-emerge. It won’t happen tomorrow, but it will happen.

By the way, all the above explains best the un-dying animosity towards Russia by the West. The powers that be either know the true history and are afraid it will come out, or they feel it subconsciously. Certainly the Vatican has enough documents hidden – they were some of the main instigators of the massive re-writing of history in the 17th century.

The pathological fear of Russia is also well-explained by the above theory.

Generally, we are all sitting on false history. Going back to what I said before, until humans learn their true history, until we make peace with the past, we cannot move into the future. This is one of the main reasons we are stuck. But people in the West stubbornly refuse to open their minds, preferring to hold on to the old image of their enemy. The enemy meanwhile, is their own prejudices and fears, as well as all those who manipulate them.

Russian scientists have made some very profound discoveries that are pretty mind-boggling. I have lots more material about that. To be honest, I’ve been hesitant to talk as this is a very convoluted and controversial story. I can see certain people not taking it the right way. But if enough of my readers are truly interested, I will put together a report. I need to know if there is enough interest to warrant my work, so please leave comments if you want to hear more!




There seem to be a lot of guesses and interpretations floating around in regards to the etymology of the words Bogatyr and Vityaz, most of them entirely incorrect. I get regularly asked by my followers to explain the real origin and underlying meaning of these talking words, which happen to reflect directly the true nature of those who were awarded these honorable ancient designations.

Here’s where you can find the RIGHT info and unique forbidden history:


Recommended book: Bogatyrs, as Earth Protectors, are described in my magical reality mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER

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