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Why is Crimea Overwhelmingly Pro RE-Unification With Russia?

Wow, even I did not expect this kind of overwhelming result! Obviously, the stupidity, violence and corruption of Kiev and their Western handlers was not lost on the Crimean people. Looks like I didn’t give them enough credit! See my original prediction.

The Crimean Autonomous Republic voted overwhelmingly – 96.77% for re-joining Russia. The all-time record voter turn-out was 83.1%, 2 or 3 times as many as in previous Ukrainian presidential elections.

Why is Crimea so overwhemingly pro re-unification with Russia?

1. Crimeans are sick and tired of living in the artificial, dysfunctional state that is Ukraine. Read more about Ukraine’s four distinct parts (five, if you count Crimea), their divisions and my original prediction about what it means for Ukraine’s future.

2. Most people in Crimea are Russians. According to recent polls, 97% are Russian-speakers (even those who are formally of Ukrainian ethnicity). Most residents of Sevastopol, as a separate subject of Crimea, are retired or active officers and servicemen of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, as well as their families. They want to be protected against forced ukrainization and against the threat to their lives by Ukrainian nazis. Read the rest of this entry